DP/525 Engli Sh

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DP/525 Engli Sh ~ ~ C fD Z:~ rn 0 < -- 0 m --~ 3~ 0 t~ m ~ m ~ t..~o o --t m Z -- -~0 Z C-4 0 0 tZ~ 0 b--t H r~ 0 CO ~H °° M~ "0 t--3 0 I--t u1 ~J 0 ~Cl I--3 DP/525 Engli sh (i) CONTENTS Table i : UNDP: Cost of Subcontracts awarded by sector of projects and by headquarters of contractor, 1980 .............. Table 2 : UNDP: Subcontracts awarded, by contractors’ headquarters and name, cost of contract and project, 1980 ............... 2 - 20 Table 3: UNDP: Major equipment orders for projects by name of supplier, cost of orders, and description of equipment, 1980 ..... 21 - 36 See also DP/511 - Basic Programme Data and DP/512 - Supplementary Programme Data. ~ILE1 UNDP: Cost of subcontracts awarded~ b~ sector of ~roJe~ts and b~ Head~u~ers of Contractor~ 1~-~ ( thousand dollars) Headquarters of Contractors---b/ Sector United Fed. Rep. of IGeitzer- ! New Rep. of ~ppines r~ce ~ore~Canada land Colombia Korea Der~ark Australia 0~h~ A~iculture~ Forest~ and Fis~eri~s __i" __% ._.i _..i .__i" ---i A6ricultu~el Sevelopmentsupport services . 252 21o 7~ 7~ 6e~ 1,89~ Crops 7,759 600 1,1~7 9,61~ Livestock 2 ’ ~o~ ~2 3~6 ~shories 2~ 1,087 1,821 Forestr7 . 89 ~. neral Develo~ent Issues, Policy and Planni~ __i" _..% --i Developmentstrategles, policies and planning 1,728 ~0~ 2].l 439 3~ 591 218 lO,993 Generalstatistics 576¸ 1 . 68) P~bllc administration ~8 ~9 ],1.1 37 591 1,~91 Natural Resources __i --i" ...i" _.% 210 Carto~r~ 6o~ Land and water 1,115 ~75 767 4, 3~i Mineral resources i, 025 63 220 1,984 Energy 186 47~ 2 ~7 lo9~ 1,6o5 210 6~ Transport and COmmmlcatlone ~o __i __l" __% _.i" ___i Policy and planning 1,005 Air transport ~5 N3 . 48 Land tre~rt ~i0 2,852 41 ~o . 4,199 Water transport a~d Shi~pi~ ~6 100 ~7 6 Telecommunications 9~ 2O . 9 122 Human Settlements --i" ~9 __% 452 __l" __i __i" __.i 81_2 Settlements planui~ 5,187 ° Housingand infra~tructare 990 6o 8:1.o -..i ~79 i_5 26 ...% __% __% ~rial development ~pport serv~es 28~ 6 ~o ~79 1,248 . Manufacturin 6 in~Ustries 628 285 1,096 ~6 Other service industries 99 ° 125 Health --2." --.i _.z ---i ---i _.i" --% __% 1o co~prehenslveheelth serglces o Environmenthealth 1,80~ 15 ~,991 s~e and ~e~ ~o ---i __.i 6 .._l" _..i _..i __.i" __i __i" Promotionof science )48 Developmentand transfer of ~echnolo~y 88 ~74 ~77 Meteorolos~ 95 6 828 Social Coat, ticks and Equity ...i" 330 --i __i __i __i" __i Social sciences 5~9 ~59 Advancement of women 187 187 Rreventionof crime and drug abuse 3~o 5~o Other 154 4) 10 -----i" Total 10,834 2,~7 2,208 1,992 I,)15 1,182 1,~7 990 922 13J78 6~,2)7 ~/ Includes new ~bcontracts awarded in i~80 only. b~ Ranked in descending order of cost of subcontracts. DP/525 English Page 2 Table 2 UNDP: Subcontractsawarded by contractors’headquarters and~/ name, cost of contract,and project,1980 Cost of Headquarters Contract Location,name and name of contractor (US dollars) and agency of project Dr. M.H. Burgos,Instituto de Histolog~ay I0,000 Regional(Latin America): RegionalProgramme in Post- Embrlolog~a GraduateTraining in BiologicalScience (UNESCO) Dr. O. Grau, Universidadde la Plata 16,000 Regional(Latin America):Regional Programmein Post- GraduateTraining in BiologicalScience (UNESCO) E. Isuani 3,000 Regional (Latin America):Inetituto Latino Americano de Planificaci6nEcon6mica y Social(ECLA) EstudioGradowczyk 44,880 Brazil: Planningof a HydrologicalNetwork for the AmazonRiver Basin (WMO) Ing. VithalapurNagraJa 2,634 Argentina: Estudiode la Navegabilidaddel R~o Paraguayal sur de Asunci6n(UN) UniversidadCat61ica de Argentina 4,500 Regional (Latin America):Instituto Latino Americano de Planificaci6nEcon6mica y Social (ECLA) Australia AmalgamatedWireless 32,959 Regional (Asia and the Pacific):Development of the Civil AviationTraining Centre, Bangkok, to Meet RegionalAdvanced/Specialized Training Needs (ICAO) Ian Salwayand Associates 220,125 Bolivia: Asistencia alas Subgerenciasde Planifica- ci6n y proyectosde la CorporaciSnMinera de Bolivia(UNDP) Snown MountainsEngineering 375,000 Malawi: FeasibilityStudy for Mpira Water Storage Dam (UNDP) Valentine,Laurie and Davis 279,123 Thailand: Assistanceto the Board of Investment (IBRD Vallentine,Laurie and Davis 15,265 Burma: Road Researchand Development(UN) Austria Held AG 45,933 Poland:Intensification of Plant Breeding and Seed Production(FAO) Aliff InternationalLtd. 20,000 Bangladesh:Village Forest Inventory(FAO) Asian Instituteof Technology lh,968 Bangladesh:Assistance to Urban Housing Policy and ProgrammeDevelopment (UNCHS) BangladeshInstitute of Law 35,000 Bangladesh:Studies on the Legal Aspects of a New InternationalEconomic Order (UNDP) BritishCouncil 95,400 Bangladesh:Educational Planning Reform and Develop- ment (UNESCO) Centrefor SocialStudies 78,607 Bangladesh:Barisal/Patuakhali Agricultural Develop- ment Project- Socio-EconomicSurvey (FAO) Centrefor Urban Studies 8,647 Bangladesh:National Physical Planning(UNCHS) Khan Ataur Rahman 17,687 Bangladesh:Assistance to InvestmentPromotion in Industries(UNIDO) Sarm AssociatedLimited, Babasthapana Sangsad 24,891 Bangladesh:Rural DevelopmentStudies of the Thanas Limited (GVT) Barbados IBM ~,746 Multi-IslandCountry Projects: Developmentof StatisticalServices in East Caribbean(UN) IBM 288 Saint Lucia: Assistancein Regional Planningand Plan Implementation(UN) SystemsSincos Consultants 39,650 Multi-IslandCountry Projects:Assistance to Small Scale AgriculturalMarketing Enterprises in the EasternCaribbean (FAO) Universityof the West Indies 10,980 Interregional:Implementation of the Decisionsof the 1980 High-LevelMeeting and the 27th Session of the UNDP GoverningCouncil (UNDP) a/ Includesnew subcontractsawarded in 1980 only. DP/525 English Page 3 Table 2 (continued) UNDP: Subcontracts awarded by contractors’ headquarters and~/ name, cost of contract, and project, 1980 Cost of Headquarters Contract Location, name and name of contractor (US dollars) and agency of project Bureau Courtoy 6,530 Egypt: Asswan Regional Development Planning (UNDP) CEPOC 19,000 Senegal: Assistance a l’Amenagement du Territoire (UNCHS) Maurice Delens 603,910 Niger: Cartographie des Sols (PAO) Werner International Management 169,557 Pakistan: Development of Textile Training Systems in Pakistan (UNIDO) Benin Departement de la Recherche Agr. Min. 14,779 Benin: Renforcement de la Soniah et Developpement des Resources Hydroagricoles du Benin (FAO) Ministere des Enseignements Techniques et 8,573 Benin: Renforcement de la Soniah et Developpement Superieurs des Resources Hydroagricoles du Benin (FAO) Bolivia Dr. L.F. Hartmann, National Committee for lO,000 Regional (Latin America): Regional Programme in Post- RLA/78/024 Graduate Training in Biological Science (UNESCO) GEOBOL 60,570 Bolivia: Investlgaci6n de Aguas Subterraneas en el Valle Central de Tarija (UN) Provincia Aroma Departmento de Lalazi Bolivia 29,923 Bolivia: Apoyo al Programa Nacional de Desarrollo Rural Integral (UN) Brazil Brascep Engharia Limitada 12,850 Nicaragua: Apoyo al Programa de Reconstrucci6n (UNDP) D.H. Chaimovich, Instituto de Quimica, 5,000 Regional (Latin America): Regional Programme in Post- Universidad de Sao Paulo Graduate Training in Biological Sciences (UNESCO) Dr. C. Ribeiro Diniz, Instituto de Ciencias 5,000 Regional (Latin America): Regional Programme in Post- Biologicas, Universidad Federal de Minas Graduate Training in Biological Sciences (UNESCO) Gerais Dra. S. Dietrich, Instituto de Botanica, 14,000 Regional (Latin America): Regional Programme in Post- Sao Paulo Graduate Training in Biological Sciences (UNESCO) Fundaci6n Cabo Frio 22,909 Brazil: Programme Support (UNDP) Getulio Vargas Foundation 60,000 Brazil: TCDC/Brazll (UNDP) Canada ABBDL 11,812 Zaire: Assistance a L’Office de Gestion de la Dette Publique (OGEDEP) (UNDP) Bell Company 20,000 Brazil: Human Resources - Training in Telecommunica- tions (ITU) Bobrow Fieldman and Associates 15,193 Guinea: Appui Aux Projects du Fonds de Equipment de N.Y. (UNDP) Canadian Pacific Consulting Service, Canada 263,43h Regional (Latin America): Servicios de Navegaci6n Aerea en Centro-america (ICAO) Crippen International Ltd. 760,000 Lao People’s Democratic Republic: Casier Sud Pioneer Agricultural Project (ASDB) Dalhousie University 356,000 Indonesia: Training and Education in Environment and Resources (IBRD) Econosult 15,000 Guinea-Bissau: Creation de Structure d’approvisionne- ment et de Difusion de Moyems de Produccion et Equipment Villagois (UNDP) Educansult of Ontario 150,000 Regional (Africa): African Institute for Higher Technical Training and Research (ECA) George A. Veres Marine Consultants 19,900 Colombia: Relocalizaci6n y Ampliaci6n del Astillero Naval "CONASTIL" Cartagena (UNDP) Guy Beaudet and Associates 99,000 Mauritius: Storage Location Study (UNDP) a/ Includes new subcontracts awarded in 1980 only. DP/525 English Page h Table 2 (continued) UNDP: Subcontracts awarded by contractors’ headquarters and~/ name, cost of contraet~ and ~ro~ect~ 1980 Cost of Headquarters Contract Location, name and name of contractor (US dollars) and agency of project Canada (cont ’d) Hillis Consulting Services Limited 8,900 Bolivia: Administraci6n para el Desarrollo (UNDP) Hydrogeo Canada 8,600 Central African Republic: Mission de Faisapilite pour les Projects par le FENU (UNDP) Hydrogeo Canada 14,900 Mozambique: Project Identification within the Inter- national Water Decade (UNDP) International Training for Third World 3h,800 Interregional: Training and Education Programme on Countries TCDC (UNDP) Ireq Hydro Varenne 54,095 Mexico: Sistema de Laboratorios de Pruebas para la Ind~stria El@ctrica (UNIDO) Lanmer Consultants
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