Woven Into the Stuff of Other Men's Lives: The Treatment of the Dead in Iron Age Atlantic .

Item Type Thesis

Authors Tucker, Fiona C.

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Appendix 1: Gazetteer of Sites

This gazetteer of sites includes all sites included in the study. A brief description of each site, with NMRS number and national grid code, date of excavation and references, along with a description of the human remains found and the reason for considering these to be Iron Age is provided. The sites are presented according to the numbered system used throughout this study, starting in the north from and working south to Argyll, and in alphabetical order within each region. Those sites with locatable human remains that were examined by the author are marked with a star, and can be cross-referenced with Appendix 2, where the osteological data is presented site by site. Sites from which human remains were radiocarbon dated can also be cross referenced with Appendix 3, radiocarbon dates.


Shetland (sites 1-7)


NMRS number: HU30NE 1.0

National grid reference: HU 3981 0955

Excavated: Curle 1925-35, Childe 1937, Hamilton 1949-52

Principle references: Curle 1933, Hamilton 1956

Brief description: Multi-period settlement including Bronze Age, Early Iron Age, Middle

Iron Age, Late Iron Age, Norse and Medieval structures

Human remains: One parietal fragment recovered from the passageway of an Early

Iron Age structure, and one cranial fragment from medieval layers

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of bone (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh*


NMRS number: HU31SE 21.00

National grid reference: HU 3900 1060

Excavated: Bradford University 1996-2005

Principle references: Unpublished excavation records, University of Bradford, and

Dockrill et al. 2010

Brief description: Early Iron Age roundhouses, Middle Iron Age tower and surrounding settlement, occupied into the Late Iron Age/ Norse period

Human remains: Fragments of human remains found in multiple contexts: juvenile

391 skull and associated remains, adult femoral shaft and fragment of second femoral shaft found in post-occupation soil and midden layers, wheelhouse 6 (Late Iron Age), fragmented adult humerus shaft found in post-occupation midden, building 23 (Late

Iron Age), adult upper molar found in paving layer, building 23 and adult rib fragment found in rubble layer, roundhouse 12 (Middle Iron Age), plus human remains from post Iron Age layers

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of associated layers

Location of human remains: Bradford University*

3a. Sands of Breckon, Yell

NMRS number: HP50NW 1.01

National grid reference: HP 528 054

Excavated: Unknown 1923

Principle references: Unpublished records held by Marischal Museum, Aberdeen

Brief description: Cist burial

Human remains: Adult skeleton found in long cist along with animal bones, extra human vertebrae and ribs, the jaw of an elderly individual and part of a foetal occipital bone

Dating evidence: Similarity and proximity to 1983 skeleton (see 3b)

Location of human remains: Marischal Museum, Aberdeen*

3b. Sands of Breckon, Yell

NMRS number: HP50NW 1.01


National grid reference: HP 528 054

Excavated: Scottish Central Excavation Unit 1983

Principle references: Carter and Fraser 1996

Brief description: Cist and cairn burial

Human remains: Adult male skeleton missing skull, humeri and femora, remains disturbed and in pile at side of cist

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of skeleton (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: Lost

4a. Sandwick, Unst

NMRS number: HP60SW 33

National grid reference: HP 6195 0217

Excavated: Bigelow 1980

Principle references: Bigelow 1984

Brief description: Kerbed cairn burial

Human remains: Adult skeleton buried prone within kerbed cairn, head to north

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of skeleton (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: Shetland Museum*

4b. Sandwick, Unst

NMRS number: HP60SW 66

National grid reference: HP 6180 0250

Excavated: GUARD 2005


Principle references: Lelong and Shearer 2006

Brief description: Cellular building overlain by inhumation burial

Human remains: Adult skeleton found in grave cut through sand sealing occupation site. Supine, arms and legs flexed, head to west. Objects found in grave: steatite bead, object of tiny copper and bone rings under left shoulder and polished schist disc

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of skeleton (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: GUARD*

5. Scalloway

NMRS number: HU43NW 32

National grid reference: HU 406 399

Excavated: Historic Scotland 1989-90

Principle references: Sharples 1998

Brief description: Broch tower with external and internal later settlements

Human remains: Crushed skull, probably elderly female between basal and first course of wall of post-broch occupation within broch

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of skull (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: Reburied

6. St Ninian’s Isle

NMRS number: HU32SE 4

National grid reference: HU 3685 2090

Excavated: O’Dell 1958, Barrowman 1999-2000


Principle references: Small 1973, Barrowman 2003

Brief description: Pre-Christian and Christian cemetery, Iron Age occupation and early

Christian chapel

Human remains: Thirteen human skeletons found associated with or predating early

Christian chapel, three of which have been radiocarbon dated to the Iron Age. One of these (‘Rosemary’) was in a cist, prone and tightly flexed, one was extended in a long cist (‘Hubert’), and one juvenile (skeleton 7) was buried in a sandy midden layer, with a stone head box.

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of skeletons (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: Marischal Museum, Aberdeen* and Shetland Museum*

7. Uyea, Unst

NMRS number: HU69NW 6

National grid reference: HU 6004 9934

Excavated: Unknown 1821

Principle references: Sheridan 2003

Brief description: Hill top cairn covering a series of small steatite cremation urns, covered by flagstones and containing burnt bones

Human remains: Cremated remains

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of cremated bones (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh*


Orkney (sites 8-31)

8. Birsay, Brough Road

NMRS number: HY22NW 61

National grid reference: HY 2467 2806

Excavated: Morris 1978-9

Principle references: Hunter 1986, Morris 1989

Brief description: Double cist and cairn burial, cairn burial, disturbed graves

Human remains: One adult male and one young adult in a double cist burial, one above the other, partially eroded, with the heads originally to south west. One elderly male skeleton buried beneath a kerbed cairn, head to north. Also many fragmented remains interpreted as representing several other disturbed burials.

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of skeletons (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: Tankerness House Museum, Kirkwall*

9. Bu

NMRS number: HY20NE 11

National grid reference: HY 2697 0933

Excavated: Hedges 1978

Principle references: Hedges et al. 1987a

Brief description: Early Iron Age Atlantic roundhouse and souterrain

Human remains: Partial adult male skeleton and remains of several other individuals in rubble fill of souterrain, left upper limb from midden under outer skin of roundhouse,

396 partial child skeleton in rubble fill of roundhouse entrance

Dating evidence: Structure Early Iron Age, radiocarbon dating of layers

Location of human remains: Lost

10. Buckquoy

NMRS number: HY22NW 14

National grid reference: HY 2436 2823

Excavated: Ritchie 1970-1

Principle references: Ritchie 1978

Brief description: Late Iron Age and Viking settlement, long cist burials

Human remains: Adult male skeleton in long cist to north of settlement, head to south west, extended and supine, and later Viking burial

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of skeleton (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: Tankerness House Museum, Kirkwall*

11. Burrian, North Ronaldsay

NMRS number: HY75SE 3.00

National grid reference: HY 7627 5138

Excavated: Traill 1870-1

Principle references: Traill 1890

Brief description: Complex Atlantic roundhouse with outworks

Human remains: One broken mandible with worn teeth found in broch interior

Dating evidence: Structure Middle Iron Age


Location of human remains: Lost

12. Green Hill of Quoyness

NMRS number: HY20SW 7

National grid reference: HY 2500 0284

Excavated: Unknown 1887

Principle references: Cursiter 1923

Brief description: Broch tower

Human remains: ‘Two or three cists with bones of three bodies but only one skull were found at the top of the mound’ (Cursiter 1923: 51)

Dating evidence: Structure Middle Iron Age

Location of human remains: Lost

13. Gurness (Aikerness)

NMRS number: HY32NE 5.00

National grid reference: HY 3817 2685

Excavated: Craw and Richardson 1929-39

Principle references: Hedges et al. 1987b

Brief description: Broch tower, surrounding ‘village’ and outworks

Human remains: Many fragmentary human remains including some partially articulated, most unstratified. One mandible found in outbuilding passage, several remains found among structures to south west of broch, and vertebrae found in ditch

Dating evidence: Structure Middle Iron Age


Location of human remains: Lost

14. Hermisgarth, Sanday

NMRS number: HY64SE 55

National grid reference: HY 6627 4288

Excavated: GUARD 1993, ARCUS 1997

Principle references: Downes and Morris 1997

Brief description: Cist burials, cairns, pyre settings

Human remains: Partially cremated juvenile skeleton extended E-W in cist 002, unburnt adult female skeleton in cist 003, head to west, sharing cairn with partial adult skeleton in cist 004, plus cremated bone from multiple individuals over pyre settings.

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of skeleton (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: Tankerness House Museum, Kirkwall*

15. Howe of Howe

NMRS number: HY21SE 41

National grid reference: HY 2759 1092

Excavated: Historic Scotland 1978-82

Principle references: Ballin Smith 1994

Brief description: Neolithic tomb, Atlantic roundhouse, broch tower and surrounding village and outworks, Late Iron Age settlement

Human remains: Fragmentary remains from multiple contexts dating throughout the settlement history including: two partial skeletons in drain/ tank; fragmented remains

399 over ditch fills, in broch wall core, in floor layers and walls, in broch entrance, throughout exterior buildings; and four skeletons in rampart cell (one adult, one child, one infant, one foetus)

Dating evidence: Occupation Middle Iron Age – Late Iron Age, radiocarbon dating of bones (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: Tankerness House Museum, Kirkwall*

16. Ingshowe (Ingashowe)

NMRS number: HY31SE 5

National grid reference: HY 3903 1277

Excavated: Fraser late 19th century

Principle references: Fraser 1927

Brief description: Complex Atlantic roundhouse

Human remains: ‘Some fragments of skulls and other human bones were found in the rubbish inside the broch’ (Fraser 1927: 52)

Dating evidence: Structure Middle Iron Age

Location of human remains: Lost

17. Knowe of Skea (Berst Ness)

NMRS number: HY44SW 2

National grid reference: HY 4414 4181

Excavated: EASE 2000-2007

Principle references: Moore and Wilson 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006


Brief description: Large sub rectangular building A used for non-domestic activity throughout the Iron Age, contemporary roundhouse J, and later Iron Age surrounding buildings with evidence for occupation and metalworking, including structure H, used post-abandonment for deposition of large numbers of human remains

Human remains: Intact, mainly crouched skeletons, plus many partially articulated and disarticulated remains, of over 100 individuals, deposited around exterior of structure

A, under and within surrounding structures, and in huge numbers within the rubble of structure H, where the majority of remains are those of neonates

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of bones (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: University of Edinburgh

18. Lingro

NMRS number: HY40NW 1

National grid reference: HY 4345 0878

Excavated: Petrie 1870

Principle references: Hedges et al. 1987c

Brief description: Broch tower with surrounding ‘village’

Human remains: Cranium and other bones found in right guard cell

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of cranium (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: Hunterian Museum, Glasgow (cranium only)*

19. Midhowe, Rousay

NMRS number: HY33SE 2


National grid reference: HY 3716 3059

Excavated: Callander 1930-2

Principle references: Callander 1934

Brief description: Broch tower with enclosure ditch and later external buildings

Human remains: Adult frontal bone and lower jaw found in outer ditch

Dating evidence: Structure Middle Iron Age

Location of human remains: Lost

20. Mine Howe

NMRS number: HY50NW 38

National grid reference: HY 5101 0603

Excavated: Card and Downes 2000-2005

Principle references: Friends of the Archaeological Trust 2005

Brief description: Underground chamber dug into central mound, enclosure ditch, workshops and associated structures

Human remains: One fragmentary infant found in stone cist within enclosure ditch, one skeleton of a young woman found buried underneath the floor of a metal-working workshop, with toe rings and a perforated antler object, one male skeleton placed in a shallow pit in the midden outside the workshop, crouched on its left side, and disarticulated human bones from several contexts

Dating evidence: Stratigraphy, radiocarbon dating of layers

Location of human remains: Bradford University* / Orkney College, Kirkwall*


21. Netlater (Manse of Harray)

NMRS number: HY31NW 38

National grid reference: HY 3232 1741

Excavated: Traill late 19th century

Principle references: Petrie 1890

Brief description: Complex Atlantic roundhouse

Human remains: One adult skull found inside the roundhouse, behind a holed stone, and fragments of burnt bone found in two urns between the wall of the roundhouse and the enclosure, lids level with the floor

Dating evidence: Structure Middle Iron Age

Location of human remains: Lost

22. Newark Bay

NMRS number: HY50SE 3

National grid reference: HY 5746 0413

Excavated: Brothwell 1977

Principle references: Lowe 2000, Barrett et al. 2000b

Brief description: Pictish and Norse graves, overlain by Norse period church

Human remains: Five burials radiocarbon dated to the Late Iron Age

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of skeletons (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: Natural History Museum, London*


23. Oxtro (Okstrow)

NMRS number: HY22NE 4

National grid reference: HY 2537 2678

Excavated: Leask 1847

Principle references: Petrie 1890

Brief description: Complex Atlantic roundhouse, collapsed before insertion of short stone cists containing burnt bones and ashes, one cist covered by a stone bearing an incised eagle

Human remains: Cremated human remains from cists

Dating evidence: Structure Middle Iron Age, possible symbol stone Late Iron Age

Location of human remains: Lost

24. Rennibister

NMRS number: HY31SE 3

National grid reference: HY 3973 1260

Excavated: Marwick 1926

Principle references: Marwick 1927b

Brief description: Underground galleried structure (souterrain), hexagonal with corbelled roof, passage leading out and wall recesses

Human remains: Large quantities of human skulls and bones representing at least six adults, robust but short, with worn teeth, and twelve juveniles of 5-17 years. Most of the skulls were found around one pillar, one in a recess at south-east of chamber.

Some of the crania were placed upside-down, with mandibles placed underneath


Dating evidence: Structure Middle Iron Age / Late Iron Age

Location of human remains: Lost

25. Sebay

NMRS number: HY 50SW 4

National grid reference: HY 5179 0498

Excavated: Landowner 1963

Principle references: Sheridan 2006

Brief description: Steatite urn containing human remains and a piece of animal hair

Human remains found: Cremated human remains found within the urn

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of animal hair (cal. 80-220 AD)

Location of human remains: Lost

26. Skaill

NMRS number: HY21NW 30.02

National grid reference: HY 2294 1876

Excavated: GUARD 1996

Principle references: James 1999

Brief description: Long cist, partially eroded

Human remains: Extended skeleton of young adult male, lower half eroded, head to west, prone, in stone cist

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of skeleton (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: Tankerness House museum, Kirkwall*


27. Skara Brae

NMRS number: HY21NW 12.00

National grid reference: HY 2312 1874

Excavated: Childe 1927-1930, Clarke 1972-3

Principle references: Childe 1931

Brief description: Neolithic village with Bronze Age occupation and later cist burials

Human remains: Two skeletons in cists overlying Bronze Age occupation south of house 7, both supine, heads to north, unaccompanied.

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of skeleton (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh*

28. St Boniface, Papa Westray (Munkerhoose)

NMRS number: HY45SE 26

National grid reference: HY 4877 5271

Excavated: Historic Scotland 1990

Principle references: Lowe and Boardman 1998

Brief description: Bronze Age activity, Early to Late Iron Age settlement, Norse settlement, Medieval church

Human remains: Adult lower leg and feet bones recovered from basal deposits of

Middle Iron Age enclosure ditch

Dating evidence: Stratigraphy and radiocarbon dating of layers

Location of human remains: Lost


29. Stromness

NMRS number: None assigned

National grid reference: Exact find spot unknown

Excavated: de Cardonell late 18th century

Principle references: Sheridan et al. 2005

Brief description: Steatite urn containing cremated human remains found wrapped in animal hide in cist

Human remains: Cremated human bone

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of cremated bone (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: Museum of Antiquities, Newcastle

30. Westness, Rousay (Moa Ness)

NMRS number: HY32NE 7

National grid reference: HY 3759 2932

Excavated: Kaland 1968-84

Principle references: Kaland 1993

Brief description: Pictish and Viking cemetery

Human remains: 32 graves, 9-12 of which are Viking, and 20-23 are simple unaccompanied E-W graves. Twelve graves have been dated to the Late Iron Age

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of skeletons (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh*


31. Whitehall (Braes of Howar), Stronsay

NMRS number: HY62NE 1

National grid reference: HY 655 284

Excavated: Sinclair 1923

Principle references: Marwick 1927a

Brief description: Atlantic roundhouse

Human remains: ‘not far from the hearth was a single upright pillar beneath which a human jawbone was found’ (Marwick 1927b: 64)

Dating evidence: Structure Middle Iron Age

Location of human remains: Lost


Caithness (sites 32-54)

32. Achingale

NMRS number: ND25SW 14

National grid reference: ND 2434 5353

Excavated: Landowner 1841

Principle references: Anon. 1873

Brief description: Atlantic roundhouse, with long cist

Human remains: One adult skeleton in cist, further human remains in ‘broch’

Dating evidence: Structure Middle Iron Age, cist find Late Iron Age

Location of human remains: Lost

33. Ackergill

NMRS number: ND35SW 12

National grid reference: ND 3487 5497

Excavated: Edwards 1925-6, Hunter Blair 2003-4

Principle references: Edwards 1926, Hunter Blair 2004a

Brief description: Long cist cemetery, Pictish symbol stone

Human remains: Skeletons of ten individuals were found in cists in kerbed burial cairns, with layers of white quartzite pebbles. Skeleton B was extended and oriented with the head to north, and shared a cairn with two juvenile skeletons, A and C.

Skeleton D was extended with the head to the north west, sharing a cairn with skeleton E which was on its left side and face down, with the head to the south east.


Skeleton F was extended on its left side, face down, with the head to the east, and a bronze chain around the neck - the only grave good found. In the same cairn was skeleton G, flexed on its left side with the head to the south east, and skeletons H and

J. Human bones were also disturbed by mechanical digging on the site in 2003.

Dating evidence: Nature of graves, radiocarbon dating of bone (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: One skull and several maxillae in National Museum of

Scotland, Edinburgh*, other remains lost

34. Borrowston (Green Tullochs)

NMRS number: ND06NW 18

National grid reference: ND 0131 6964

Excavated: Unknown 1815

Principle references: Anderson 1890

Brief description: Atlantic roundhouse with encircling wall, bank and ditch

Human remains: One human skeleton ‘laid close to the wall of the tower, and covered by a flagstone, loosely set on edge in the ground, and leaning against the wall’

(Anderson 1890: 185)

Dating evidence: Structure Middle Iron Age

Location of human remains: Lost

35. Brimsade (Burn of Brimside)

NMRS number: ND06NW 22

National grid reference: ND 0495 6696


Excavated: Unknown 1873

Principle references: Anderson 1890

Brief description: Atlantic roundhouse

Human remains: Eight or ten skulls found in interior

Dating evidence: Structure Middle Iron Age

Location of human remains: Reburied

36. Brounaben (Brounaban)

NMRS number: ND34SW 33

National grid reference: ND 3231 4347

Excavated: Anderson late 19th century

Principle references: Anderson 1890

Brief description: Complex Atlantic roundhouse

Human remains: One skeleton in chamber at foot of stair, one in stone cist by side of door, and human bones found in excavation outside broch

Dating evidence: Structure Middle Iron Age

Location of human remains: Lost

37. Cnoc Stanger

NMRS number: NC96NE 9

National grid reference: NC 950 652

Excavated: Mercer 1980-2

Principle references: Mercer 1996


Brief description: Early Iron Age cultivation surfaces, middens and roundhouse

Human remains: Fragments of human bone from minimum of three individuals found in unspecified contexts

Dating evidence: Stratigraphy and radiocarbon dating of layers

Location of human remains: Lost

38. Crosskirk

NMRS number: ND07SW 4

National grid reference: ND 0248 7012

Excavated: Fairhurst 1966-72

Principle references: Fairhurst 1984

Brief description: Complex Atlantic roundhouse and external buildings

Human remains: Skeleton of elderly male found seated in a stone box dug into the floor of one of the roundhouse outbuildings, facing out to sea, and human femur head whorl found on platform to east of main roundhouse

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of bones – these remains were re-dated as the earlier date obtained for this skeleton was thought to be unreliable, and produced an unacceptably wide date range (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: Hunterian Museum, Glasgow*

39. Dunbeath (Dun Beath)

NMRS number: ND13SE 17

National grid reference: ND 1553 3044


Excavated: Sinclair late 19th century

Principle references: Anderson 1890

Brief description: Broch tower

Human remains: One skeleton in stone cist near top of mound, and adult vertebrae in broch interior

Dating evidence: Structure Middle Iron Age

Location of human remains: Lost

40. Freswick Links

NMRS number: ND36NE 4

National grid reference: ND 3760 6762

Excavated: Anderson 1901, Edwards 1925-7, Curle 1939, Childe 1943, cist excavated by amateur 1966

Principle references: Original descriptions of find (Marischal Museum), Batey 1987

Brief description: Broch tower with external settlement and long cist

Human remains: Adult skeleton found in long cist of sandstone slabs south of broch, no grave goods, head to west. Later descriptions claim prone but original description describe as supine and slightly contracted

Dating evidence: Nature of burial, nearby Middle Iron Age structures

Location of human remains: Marischal Museum, Aberdeen*

41. Hill of Works (Bridge of Lyth)

NMRS number: ND26SE 2


National grid reference: ND 2903 6255

Excavated: Tress Barry 1900

Principle references: Anon. 1904

Brief description: Atlantic roundhouse with concentric wall and ditch

Human remains: Two skeletons lying on the floor of the mural chamber

Dating evidence: Structure Middle Iron Age

Location of human remains: Lost

42. Hillhead (‘The Pap’)

NMRS number: ND35SE 5

National grid reference: ND 3762 5140

Excavated: Tress Barry 1900-1901

Principle references: Tress Barry 1902

Brief description: Complex Atlantic roundhouse

Human remains: Perforated cranial fragment found on the floor of the entrance passageway into the broch

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of bone (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh*

43. Keiss (Birkle Hills)

NMRS number: ND35NW 5

National grid reference: ND 3392 5847

Excavated: Laing mid 19th century


Principle references: Laing 1866

Brief description: Long cists, Pictish symbol stone

Human remains: Nine individuals found as complete skeletons in long stone cists under large burial mound; skeleton 7 (accompanied by stone hammer and limpet shells) and skeleton 8 (‘chiefs grave’) in largest and most central cists.

Dating evidence: Nature of graves, finds, symbol stone

Location of human remains: National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh (skulls of skeletons 1-7)*, Duckworth Laboratory, Cambridge (skulls of skeletons 8 and 9)*

44. Kettleburn (Gillock)

NMRS number: ND35SW 11

National grid reference: ND 3497 5191

Excavated: Rhind mid 19th century

Principle references: Rhind 1853

Brief description: Atlantic roundhouse with boundary wall

Human remains: Four pieces of cranium in heap of ashes in broch interior

Dating evidence: Structure and finds Middle Iron Age

Location of human remains: Lost

45. Lower Dounreay

NMRS number: NC96NE 3

National grid reference: NC 985 670

Excavated: Ministry of Works 1956-8


Principle references: The Ministry of Works 1956, Burns 1966

Brief description: Pre-Christian cemetery, hut floors

Human remains: Three extended and one crouched skeleton, some in stone cists and some in simple pits dug into the sand, all unaccompanied. One triple burial was present, and one disarticulated and perforated cranial fragment was found

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of bones (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: Skulls in National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh*

46. Old Stirkoke (Cairn Hill)

NMRS number: ND34NW 4

National grid reference: ND 3275 4928

Excavated: Landowner, mid 19th century

Principle references: Anderson 1890

Brief description: Complex Atlantic roundhouse

Human remains: Fragments of human skull in midden

Dating evidence: Structure and finds Middle Iron Age

Location of human remains: Lost

47. Ousdale Burn

NMRS number: ND01NE 1

National grid reference: ND 0713 1881

Excavated: Mackay 1891

Principle references: Mackay 1892


Brief description: Broch tower, with ramparts and (later?) outworks. Secondary occupation is shown by partition slabs set into the broch floor.

Human remains: One partial human skeleton found lying head downwards in an aperture above the entrance to the stair, covered with small stones

Dating evidence: Structure Middle Iron Age

Location of human remains: Lost

48. Scottag

NMRS number: ND25NE 5

National grid reference: ND 2566 5699

Excavated: Landowner 1870

Principle references: Anon. 1894

Brief description: Mound containing remains of roundhouse or cairn, with small square stone cist

Human remains: Stone cist full of decayed bones

Dating evidence: Structure Middle Iron Age

Location of human remains: Lost

49. Skitten

NMRS number: ND35NW 3

National grid reference: ND 3234 5655

Excavated: Calder 1940

Principle references: Calder 1947


Brief description: Broch tower with defensive rampart and ditch

Human remains: Left arm and hand bones, left metatarsals, right cuboid and part of right femur from small adult, found ‘throughout the debris’ (Calder 1947: 145)

Dating evidence: Structure Middle Iron Age

Location of human remains: Lost

50. Thrumster Mains

NMRS number: ND34NW 1

National grid reference: ND 3319 4505

Excavated: Unknown early 20th century

Principle references: RCAHMS 1911

Brief description: Atlantic roundhouse

Human remains: ‘A skeleton was found buried in a cist of slabs in the mould heaped against the outside of the fabric’ (RCAHMS 1911)

Dating evidence: Structure Middle Iron Age

Location of human remains: Lost

51. Wag of Forse

NMRS number: ND23NW 1

National grid reference: ND 2048 3520

Excavated: Curle 1940

Principle references: Curle 1948, Baines 1999

Brief description: Complex Atlantic roundhouse with later cellular settlement


Human remains: Two human limb bones, one showing use wear, buried a few inches below entrance to roundhouse

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of bones (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh*

52. Wester Broch (Castle Linglas)

NMRS number: ND35NW 4

National grid reference: ND 3385 5831

Excavated: Tress Barry late 19th century

Principle references: Anderson 1901

Brief description: Atlantic roundhouse with enclosing wall and external buildings

Human remains: Four skeletons in cists over the wall of the broch, post-dating broch collapse, and ‘the bones of a child’ in one outbuilding

Dating evidence: Structure Middle Iron Age

Location of human remains: One skull fragment in National Museum of Scotland,


53. Whitegate (White Broch)

NMRS number: ND36SE 3.00

National grid reference: ND 3541 6120

Excavated: Tress Barry 1892-3, Heald 2005-7

Principle references: Anderson 1901, Heald et al. 2006, Heald and Thoms 2009

Brief description: Simple Atlantic roundhouse with later re-occupation, alteration and

419 external buildings

Human remains: 1892-3 excavation: fragments of human crania from broch interior,

2005-7 excavation: human remains mixed with animal remains in side chamber, with cranium placed on top, and human bones on steps of well

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of bones (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: Cranial fragments from older excavation in National

Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh*, Newer remains with AOC

54. Yarhouse (Yarrows)

NMRS number: ND34SW 1

National grid reference: ND 3083 4349

Excavated: Anderson 1866-7

Principle references: Anderson 1890

Brief description: Broch tower, with irregular external structures

Human remains: One partial skeleton and one lone skull near top of mound, one skeleton between two upright stones at base of mound, human bones in upper fill of one of the external structures, one skeleton in ash layer on floor of external cell

Dating evidence: Structure and finds Middle Iron Age

Location of human remains: Lost


Sutherland (sites 55-61)


NMRS number: NC80SE 4.00

National grid reference: NC 8704 0137

Excavated: Joass and the Duke of Sutherland late 19th century

Principle references: Joass 1890

Brief description: Broch tower

Human remains: Partial skeleton on scarcement ledge at corner of inner doorway

Dating evidence: Structure Middle Iron Age

Location of human remains: Dunrobin Castle Museum (cranial fragment only)*

56. Carrol (Craig-Carril)

NMRS number: NC80NW 1

National grid reference: NC 8462 0646

Excavated: Joass and the Duke of Sutherland late 19th century

Principle references: Joass 1890

Brief description: Broch tower with surrounding wall and ditch

Human remains: Fragmented cranium found at foot of stair, and intact cranium, no context recorded

Dating evidence: Structure Middle Iron Age

Location of human remains: Lost


57. Dairy Park

NMRS number: NC80SW 16

National grid reference: NC 8470 0039

Excavated: Close-Brooks 1977

Principle references: Close-Brooks 1980

Brief description: Pictish symbol stone, cairn and long cist

Human remains: Adult female skeleton found extended in cist

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of skeleton (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh*

58. Dunrobin Castle

NMRS number: NC80SW 24

National grid reference: NC 8494 0057

Excavated: Duke of Sutherland mid 19th century

Principal references: Ross 1854

Brief description: Two cist graves

Human remains: Three adult skeletons found in two stone cists, one covered by a Pictish symbol stone

Dating evidence: Symbol stone Late Iron Age

Location of human remains: National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh (one skull only)*


59. Kintradwell (Cinn Trolla)

NMRS number: NC90NW 5

National grid reference: NC 9293 0807

Excavated: Joass and the Duke of Sutherland late 19th century

Principle references: Joass 1890

Brief description: Broch tower

Human remains: Multiple skeletons and partial skeletons found throughout excavated layers: skull 1 found near top of broch mound along with humeri and mixed animal bones, skeleton 2 found near top of broch mound by east wall, skeleton flexed on left side and packed round with stones, skull 3 found at the inner end of the broch entrance passageway, laid upon a flat stone which covered the skull of a horse, possibly associated with headless skeleton found by the south wall of the broch. Skull and partial skeleton 4 found near surface at outer end of entrance, skull 5 and limb bones found near roof of stair foot chamber, skeletons 6 and 7 found on stair, child’s skull 8 found in entrance passage chamber, and fragmentary remains of skeleton 9 found on floor by entrance to passage. Skeleton 10 was found in a cist on the neighbouring links. Skeleton 1.2 was found in a small chamber outside the broch doorway, near an iron spearhead and lead ring, skulls 3.2 and 4.2 were found in the circular enclosure south-west of the tower, skeleton 4.2 was found in the shallow oval enclosure north west of the tower, close to an iron dagger blade, and fragmentary remains 5.2 were found at the foot of the tower wall on the south east side.

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of bones (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: Dunrobin Castle Museum (skulls and skeleton 10 limbs)*


60. Loch Borralie

NMRS number: NC36NE 88

National grid reference: NC 3790 6761

Excavated: GUARD 2000

Principle references: MacGregor et al. 2003

Brief description: Cairn containing two inhumations

Human remains: Partial skeletons of one adult and one juvenile, the former extended on low primary cairn of stone and earth, with a large stone to the east of the head, and a ring-headed pin nearby, and the latter within an irregular grave in the cairn, with a small stone to the north-east of the head.

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of skeleton (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: GUARD*

61. Sangobeg (Sangobeag)

NMRS number: None allocated

National grid reference: NC 4270 6609

Excavated: GUARD 2004

Principle references: Batey 2005

Brief description: Cairn inhumation

Human remains: Juvenile skeleton buried flexed under cairn

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of skeleton (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: GUARD*


Western Isles (sites 62-86)

62. A’Ceardach Ruadh, Baleshare

NMRS number: NF76SE 9

National grid reference: NF 7763 6157

Excavated: Robberstad 1964, James 1984, Armit 1993, MacLeod 2000

Principle references: Crawford 1964, Armit 1993, MacLeod 2001, James and Duffy


Brief description: Possible wheelhouse and extensive midden, near to which several inhumations have been recovered

Human remains: 1964 - lower part of skeleton excavated by tourist after discovery eroding out of dune, supine, head to west

1984 - supine skeleton in simple grave pit excavated from midden section, head to west, radiocarbon date obtained from shell in grave

1993 - supine inhumation found in long cist cut into midden, head to north, with two cattle teeth, and juvenile bone found in surrounding layers

2001 - prone inhumation buried in midden deposits, head to north, covered by layer of quartz pebbles

Dating evidence: Settlement Middle Iron Age, possibly unreliable radiocarbon date obtained from shell in 1984 grave (cal. 330-130 BC)

Location of human remains: Museum nan Eileen, Stornoway (1993 and 2001 skeletons only)*


63. An Corran, Boreray

NMRS number: NF88SE 1

National grid reference: NF 856 806

Excavated: ARCUS 1997

Principle references: Badcock and Downes 2000

Brief description: Cist burials and corbelled structure

Human remains: Two extended adult skeletons within cists, flexed on right side, heads to west, with pottery fragments

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of skeleton (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: Lost

64. An Dunan (Traigh Nan Sruban), Lewis

NMRS number: NB03SW 20

National grid reference: NB 0453 3460

Excavated: Edinburgh University 1996-7

Principle references: Gilmour 2002

Brief description: Orthostatic structure, hearth and redeposited mound

Human remains: Human teeth amongst material in mound

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of layers

Location of human remains: Edinburgh University


65. Ardvichar,

NMRS number: NF74NW 4

National grid reference: NF 7391 4564

Excavated: Sharples 2005

Principle references: Sharples et al. 2005a

Brief description: Burial in sand

Human remains: One partial adult skeleton, eroding from sand

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of skeleton (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: Cardiff University*

66. Barvas (Barabhais), Lewis

NMRS number: None allocated

National grid reference: NB 330 560 - NB 354 525

Excavated: Macleod 2000

Principle references: Macleod 2000

Brief description: Eroding cemetery with cremations and one inhumation burial

Human remains: A number of cremations in stone-lined ditches, and one prone, extended female inhumation, head to west, in long cist under cairn, with iron and copper bracelet found behind head

Dating evidence: Finds Middle Iron Age – Late Iron Age

Location of human remains: Museum nan Eileen, Stornoway (inhumation only)*


67. Bruach A’ Tuath (Bruthach Mor, Bruach Ban)

NMRS number: NF75NE 1

National grid reference: NF 7870 5661

Excavated: Ministry of Works 1956

Principle references: Goldberg pers. comm.

Brief description: Wheelhouse and associated structures

Human remains: Tibial shaft found in one of the wheelhouse cells

Dating evidence: Structure Middle Iron Age

Location of human remains: Kelvingrove Museum, Glasgow

68. Cill Donnain, South Uist

NMRS number: NF72NW 26

National grid reference: NF 728 285

Excavated: SEARCH 1991

Principle references: Zvelebil 1991, Parker Pearson et al. 2004

Brief description: Roundhouse, midden

Human remains: Cranial fragment

Dating evidence: Structure Middle Iron Age

Location of human remains: Sheffield University

69. Cille Pheadair (Kilpheder), South Uist

NMRS number: NF71NW 19

National grid reference: NF 7292 1972


Excavated: SEARCH 1998

Principle references: Mulville et al. 2003

Brief description: Long cist under cairn

Human remains: Skeleton of adult female laid supine within cist, head to south, later disturbed and sternum removed

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of skeleton (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: Museum nan Eilean, Stornoway*

70. , South Uist

NMRS number: NF72SW 17

National grid reference: NF 7305 2203

Excavated: Sheffield University 1995-2002

Principle references: Mulville et al. 2003, Parker Pearson et al. 2005

Brief description: Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age settlement

Human remains: Few disarticulated human bones found in Iron Age layers

Dating evidence: Stratigraphy, radiocarbon dating of bones (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: Sheffield University

71. Cnip (Kneep), Lewis

NMRS number: NB03NE 17

National grid reference: NB 0980 3659

Excavated: Edinburgh University 1988

Principle references: Armit 2006b


Brief description: Pair of wheelhouses and secondary structures

Human remains: Skull fragment placed in hollow scooped into rubble layer of wheelhouse 2, modified skull fragment within wall-backing deposit, perforated skull fragment in fill of entranceway, and tibia fragment in midden layer

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of bones (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh*

72. Druimsdale Machair, South Uist

NMRS number: None allocated

National grid reference: NF 753 375

Excavated: AOC 2008

Principle references: Rhodes 2008

Brief description: Cist burial and surrounding features eroding from machair

Human remains: Crouched adult skeleton in stone cist

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of skeleton (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: AOC, Edinburgh*

73. Dun Vulan, South Uist

NMRS number: NF72NW 1

National grid reference: NF 7140 2981

Excavated: Sheffield University 1991-1996

Principle references: Parker Pearson and Sharples 1999

Brief description: Broch tower and outbuildings


Human remains: Many fragmented and disarticulated bones, predominantly skull fragments, found in multiple contexts throughout site sequence. Several bones appear much older than the contexts in which they were deposited

Dating evidence: Stratigraphy, radiocarbon dating of bones (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: Sheffield University

74. Galson, Lewis

NMRS number: NB45NW 2.02

National grid reference: NB 4367 5944

Excavated: Stevenson 1948-9, Ponting 1984-5, Neighbour 1993 and 1996

Principle references: Stevenson 1952, Ponting 1990, Neighbour et al. 2000

Brief description: Long cists and Iron Age to Medieval settlement

Human remains: At least eleven skeletons buried in stone-lined cists:

1940’s finds: Galson I (adult female) buried prone with hands around neck, Galson II

(adult female) on right side, Galson III (adult male?) and IV (adult female) amongst midden, Galson V (adult female) disturbed but supine, Galson VI and VII partial adult skeletons, most oriented with heads to west

1980’s finds: two adult skeletons, supine with heads to west

1993 finds: adult male skeleton flexed on right side, head to west, in shallow pit, with bone pin, pennanular brooch and decorated pot

1996 finds: adult male skeleton, supine, head to west, in cist, overlain by midden, plus one infant cist burial, unrecorded

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of skeletons (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh (1940’s finds)*,


Museum nan Eilean, Stornoway (1990’s finds)*, reburied (1980’s finds)

75. Griminish, North Uist

NMRS number: NF77NW 23

National grid reference: NF 7484 7640

Excavated: AOC 2007

Principle references: Dunbar and Thoms 2008a

Brief description: Eroding short cist cut into Bronze Age midden layers

Human remains: Crouched adult inhumation in short cist

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of skeleton (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: AOC, Edinburgh*

76. Habost, Lewis

NMRS number: NB56SW 70

National grid reference: NB 5095 6420

Excavated: GUARD 2001

Principle references: MacGregor 2001a

Brief description: Human remains eroding out of sand, stone setting nearby

Human remains: Disarticulated remains eroding out of sand

Dating evidence: Proximity and similarity to site 84 (Swainbost)

Location of human remains: GUARD, Glasgow*


77. Hornish Point, South Uist

NMRS number: NF74NE 18

National grid reference: NF 758 470

Excavated: Barber 1984

Principle references: Barber et al. 1989, James and McCullagh 2003

Brief description: Roundhouse, pits and midden

Human remains: Partial juvenile skeleton divided between four pit contexts beneath wheelhouse pier: right leg and part of pelvis in 138, part of sacrum, vertebral fragments, arm and hand bones, manubrium and rib fragment in 174, clavicle, rib fragments, cut lumbar vertebrae, partial pelvis and sacrum and left distal femur in 178 and left foot bones and rib fragment in 481

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of skeleton (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh*

78. Loch Paible, North Uist

NMRS number: None allocated

National grid reference: NF 7170 6818

Excavated: AOC 2005

Principle references: Toolis 2006

Brief description: Two cremation burials in cists near site of lost cist and dry-stone structure, possibly wheelhouse

Human remains: Two distinct spreads of cremated human bone

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of cremated bones (see Appendix 3)


Location of human remains: AOC, Edinburgh*

79. Northton (Rubh An Teampull), Harris

NMRS number: NF99SE 2.00

National grid reference: NF 976 943

Excavated: McEwen 1963-4, Simpson 1962-6, Murphy 2001

Principle references: Murphy et al. 2004, Simpson et al. 2006

Brief description: Mesolithic-Medieval settlement, Bronze and Iron Age burials

Human remains: Bronze Age skeletons in cists plus skeleton 2 – flexed inhumation, no grave goods, and skeleton 3a – disturbed inhumation burial, mixed with partial remains of three other burials (3b, c and d).

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of bones (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: Duckworth, Cambridge*

80. Pollochar, South Uist

NMRS number: None allocated

National grid reference: NF 7504 1842

Excavated: Sharples 2005

Principle references: Sharples et al. 2005b

Brief description: Burial in sand to east of small building.

Human remains: Partial adult skeleton eroding from sand

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of skeleton (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: University of Cardiff*


81. Scarista (Scarastabeg), Harris

NMRS number: NG09SW 11

National grid reference: NG 0073 9302

Excavated: Unknown 1992, AOC 2004

Principle references: Cunnigham and Hothersall 1992, Hunter Blair 2004b, 2005

Brief description: Burials in sand dune

Human remains: 1992 - unaccompanied crouched skeleton

2004 - partial inhumation burial

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of skeleton (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: Museum nan Eilean, Stornoway*

82. Sloc Sabhaidh, Baleshare

NMRS number: NF76SE 19

National grid reference: NF 7823 6085

Excavated: SCARP 2008-9

Principle reference: Rennell and McHardy 2008

Brief description: Wheelhouse settlement

Human remains: Adult mandible placed at top of pit inside wheelhouse containing articulated animal remains and cremated animal remains

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of bones (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: Becky Rennell, South Uist *


83. Stornoway Airport (Melbost)

NMRS number: None allocated

National grid reference: Unknown

Excavated: Langhorne 1991

Principle references: Armit 1990

Brief description: Inhumation with pottery

Human remains: Juvenile skeleton extended in grave

Dating evidence: Pottery Middle Iron Age

Location of human remains: Museum nan Eilean, Stornoway*

84. Swainbost, Lewis

NMRS number: NB56SW 71

National grid reference: NB 5039 6368

Excavated: GUARD 2001

Principle references: MacGregor 2001b, Duffy and MacGregor 2007

Brief description: Inhumation in sand

Human remains: Partial skeleton found eroding out of sand face, supine, head to north east, stone slabs suggesting possible cist, with iron artefact

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of skeleton (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: GUARD, Glasgow*

85. The Udal (Coileagan An Udal), North Uist

NMRS number: NF87NW 2


National grid reference: NF 825 783

Excavated: Iain Crawford 1964-83

Principle references: Crawford 1965-1984, Denston 2008

Brief description: Neolithic - Post-Medieval settlement

Human remains: Human remains from multiple periods. Iron Age remains - calcified human bone mixed with slag, ash and MIA pottery on fire-damaged stone platforms, human remains from disturbed graves in cells over rubble of wheelhouse, pit inhumation capped by tiny stone cairn below stone platforms, wheelhouse period pit inhumation of crouched adult burial with head to north, bone pin, lamb chop, antler and iron objects, and human bone scatters in Late Iron Age layers

Dating evidence: Stratigraphy, radiocarbon dating of bones (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: Duckworth Laboratory, Cambridge*

86. Vallay, North Uist

NMRS number: NF77NE 10

National grid reference: NF 7681 7615

Excavated: AOC 2007

Principle references: Dunbar and Thoms 2008b

Brief description: Possible eroding cist with inhumation burial

Human remains: Extended but disturbed adult inhumation

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of bones (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: AOC, Edinburgh*


Argyll and Inner Isles (sites 87-96)

87. Ardnadam

NMRS number: NS17NE 7

National grid reference: NS 1633 7917

Excavated: Cowal Archaeological Society 1964-82

Principle references: Rennie 1984 and 1999

Brief description: Neolithic settlement, Iron Age roundhouses, early Christian chapels, cross-marked stones and oval pits representing infant graves

Human remains: Only fragments of bone found

Dating evidence: Early Christian buildings and cross-marked stones

Location of human remains: None surviving

88. Cleigh

NMRS number: NM82NE 21

National grid reference: NM 8785 2570

Excavated: Gilmour and Henderson 1996

Principle references: Gilmour and Henderson 1997

Brief description: Neolithic structure re-used for a cremation during the Iron Age

Human remains: Cremated partial remains of one adult individual placed in pit along with oak charcoal, some cremated bone in surrounding contexts

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of associated charcoal (cal. 560-755 AD)

Location of human remains: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh*


89. , Tiree

NMRS number: NM04NW 3

National grid reference: NM 0423 4927

Excavated: Beveridge 1880, Mackie 1962-4

Principle references: Mackie 1974

Brief description: Broch tower and outworks

Human remains: Disarticulated skeleton of an adult male buried in broch interior, and partial skeleton (torso and mandible) placed in the mural gallery.

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of skeleton – these remains were re-dated as the previous date obtained for this skeleton was thought to be unreliable, and produced an unacceptably wide date range (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: Hunterian Museum, Glasgow (disarticulated only)*

90. Fiskavaig (Uamh An Eich Bhric), Skye

NMRS number: NG36SW 2

National grid reference: NG 3028 6364

Excavated: Birch and Wildgoose 2008-present

Principle references: Birch 2006, 2009

Brief description: Rock-shelter with evidence of Iron Age occupation

Human remains: Perforated fragment of adult cranium found by the side of a hearth, along with butchered animal bone

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of bone (see Appendix 3)


Location of human remains: Skye, with excavator*

91. High Pasture Cave (Uamh An Ard Achadh), Skye

NMRS number: NG51NE 83

National grid reference: NG 5943 1971

Excavated: Birch and Wildgoose 2003-2008

Principle references: Sinfield pers. comm., Birch 2006 and 2009

Brief description: Bronze Age - Iron Age ritual use of cave

Human remains: Adult skeleton found at top of stairwell behind sealed cave entrance, disturbed but articulated upon deposition, supine, with large boulder placed on chest.

Foetal and neonate bones found in three separate contexts: accompanying adult skeleton, in two small hollows dug into the ground below adult skeleton, and lower down stairwell, along with foetal animal bones.

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of bones (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: Laura Sinfield, Edinburgh*

92. MacArthur Cave, Oban

NMRS number: NM83SE 9

National grid reference: NM 8592 3043

Excavated: Anderson late 19th century

Principle references: Saville and Hallen 1994

Brief description: Cave with Mesolithic-Bronze Age activity and human remains

Human remains: Many disarticulated/ disturbed human bones found in the upper


‘black earth’ layer of the cave, some in the upper shell bed below, and a few smaller bones in the lower shell bed

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of bones (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh*

93. Morvern, Acharn

NMRS number: NM65SE 5

National grid reference: NM 697 505

Excavated: Ritchie and Thornber 1977-1985

Principle references: Ritchie and Thornber 1989

Brief description: Platform cairns

Human remains: Cremated remains of young adult found in small pit in central cist within cairn, with sherds of pottery

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of charcoal (cal. 45-205 AD)

Location of human remains: Lost

94. Sanaigmhor Warren, Islay

NMRS number: NR27SW 27

National grid reference: NR 2405 7085

Excavated: AOC 1996

Principle references: Cook 1999

Brief description: Two urned cremations, one under cairn, one under cist

Human remains: Cist burial - 1186g of small fragments of cremated bone, probably

441 single young adult individual. Cairn burial - 680g of very small fragments of cremated bone, probably single individual.

Dating evidence: Radiocarbon dating of cremated bone (see Appendix 3)

Location of human remains: Lost

95. St Ninian’s Chapel, Bute

NMRS number: NS06SW 4

National grid reference: NS 0349 6126

Excavated: Bute Natural History Society 1952-4

Principle references: Aitken 1955

Brief description: Early Christian chapel and burials

Human remains: Nine adult burials in total: one in front of the altar with the head to east and feet against the altar stone, one female, plus finger bones and mandible from disturbed burial to north east of chapel, one adult immediately outside chapel entrance, and one outside enclosure wall. All in unlined shallow graves, most with heads to east but three oriented in other directions. One burial with jet armlet.

Dating evidence: Structure Early Christian, stratigraphy, nature of burials

Location of human remains: National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh (disarticulated bones only)*

96. St Ronan’s, Iona

NMRS number: NM22SE 51

National grid reference: NM 2849 2412


Excavated: AOC 1992

Principle references: O’Sullivan 1994

Brief description: Church and Early Christian cemetery

Human remains: Nine graves decayed fragmentary decayed bones

Dating evidence: Structure Early Christian, nature of burials

Location of human remains: None surviving

Note: Although sites from the western coast of Ross and Cromarty and Inverness would have fallen within this study, no Iron Age sites from these areas are known to have produced human remains.