Dishforth Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 8th September 2015

Present: Mr J Brown (Chair) Mr R Williams

In Attendance: Mrs R Dyble (Clerk) Borough Councillor Bateman County Councillor Atkinson Lindsay Pallister - Resident

Apologies: Mr L Young Mr V Hanna

Declarations of Interest: There were no declarations of interest

Item Action

1.0 Minutes of Last Meeting The minutes of the meeting of the 14 th July 2015 were read and approved. No points of accuracy were recorded. Matters Arising: Planning Meeting re Grange Close took place 7 th Sept. Transparency Code documents on the web site. Some further work required. 2.0 Finance: The monthly accounts were read and approved.

3.0 Planning 3.1 Grange Close: Following the meeting on the 7 th the Chairman gave a verbal update on the current position: The land has to be sold for best value and the residents need to agree to the Parish Council (PC) taking this on. If the land could be sold to the PC then it would allow residents to have access to their properties and create off street parking where required and create more central parking and a turning space. Cllr Atkinson said she would help in any way she could. All resident to be consulted on the initial proposal RD before the next meeting.

3.2 South Lodge: The appeal against this planning refusal has been allowed. 3.3 Topcliffe Rd Update: Initial consultations with Borough Council (HBC) indicate that the planners will be looking for more 1 bedroom properties. The PC wish to see family housing but will wait until the formal planning permission comments are requested. 4.0 Cemetery: Permission was given for a flat memorial for Williams as long as it did not hamper the maintenance of the cemetery. 5.0 Playing Fields & Sports Association: 5.1 No update on lease 5.2 The grass cutting funding issues will be deferred to next months meeting. 6.0 Play Area; Nothing to report 7.0 Village Hall The quarterly meeting of the Trustees had take place prior to this meeting. 8.0 Any Other Business: 8.1 PC Vacancy: Formal letter of resignation from Mr Bucktrout was received and acknowledged. There had been no applications for the vacancy. 8.2 Old Village Hall Site: Further to the letter from the PC to Mr Pallister a reply had been received which was read to the meeting. Mr Pallister to be asked to erect the rest of the fencing RD mentioned in his letter. The PC had also been informed that a group of residents had complained to Environmental Health regarding the state of the site. 8.3 Transparency Code: Most documents were now on the web site. A dedicated PC e-mail address still required VH 8.4 Passenger Transport Consultation: Consultations were taking pace on bus routes around . As these didn’t directly affect Dishforth no comments would be put forward. 8.5 NYCC Local Transport Plan Consultation: Comments required on previous responses. PC agreed with proposed actions. 8.6 Defibrillator Update: Nothing to Report 8.7 Good Neighbour Scheme: The PC was informed of a Good Neighbour Scheme

being promoted by Rural Action . 8.8 Volunteering Oscars: No Nominations 8.9 Fire & Rescue Consultation: The PC was invited to participate in the current consultation over Fire & Rescue services 8.10 Borough & County Council Update: Cllr Bateman that Ripon Library will be classified as a Category 2 library and will face a 40% reduction in paid staff. Cllr Atkinson stated that HBC would be making provision to take some refugees . 9.0 Moor Lane: Lyndsay Pallister (LD) attended the meeting and raised the issue of access on Moor Lane. LD was concerned that the shrubbery on some of the gardens meant that the road was not wide enough for emergency vehicles to get through if required. County Council Highways to be contacted to check the RD situation. LD also raised the issue of the letter to Mr M Pallister over the Old Village Hall Site and the letter of complaint to Environmental Health. The Chairman stated that Mr Pallisters reply had been received at todays meeting. Whilst the PC had been made aware of the complaint to EH, a complaint had not been made directly to them so they had no further information on that. 10.0 Meeting Dates: Area Committee Meeting Thursday 10 th September 2015 Parish Consultation Meeting: 16 th November 2015 – Ripon Town Hall

There being no further business the meeting ended at 8pm

Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday 13 th October 2015, 7pm, Village Hall