Hard Rock Miners' Phthisis in 19 and Early 20 Century Britain: From
Hard Rock Miners’ Phthisis in 19 th and Early 20 th Century Britain: From Diagnosis to Compensation By Fredric Mintz A dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of the Requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy In History In the Graduate Division of the University of California, Berkeley Committee in charge: Professor Thomas Laqueur, Chair Professor James Vernon Professor Victoria Bonnell Fall 2009 Acknowledgments I thank the University of California at Berkeley for providing me with all of the opportunities for which a hopeful scholar could wish. I am especially grateful to Susanna Barrows, PhD., Thomas Laqueur, PhD. and James Vernon, PhD. for their guidance, encouragement and inspiration. i Abstract Introduction: Hard Rock Miners Phthisis in 19 th and Early 20th Century Britain: From Diagnosis to Compensation By Fredric Mintz Doctor of Philosophy in History Professor Thomas Laqueur, Chair The development of new technologies and new patterns of working were indispensable to the accelerated economic growth, which characterized most of nineteenth century Britain. For much of that period the demand for raw siliceous containing materials increased sharply. In this process, equipment, which was ever more sophisticated, generated increasingly fine and more harmful siliceous dust, increasing early disability and death in mines and quarries as well as in numerous other industries. The present study examines the elaboration of silicosis, the disease, and the development of social policy directed at its prevention and compensation from the 1830s until 1918. I concentrate mainly on the nineteenth century and the twentieth century until 1907. In 1907, the law recognized that an occupational disease was a notional injury and a few became compensable.
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