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中國中鐵股份有限公司 RAILWAY GROUP LIMITED (A joint stock limited company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China with limited liability) (Stock Code: 390)

This overseas regulatory announcement is made pursuant to Rule 13.10B of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.

Please refer to the attached “Announcement of Group Limited on Winning of Bids for Material Projects” published by China Railway Group Limited on the Shanghai Stock Exchange website on 24 October 2019 for your information.

By Order of the Board China Railway Group Limited Zhang Zongyan Chairman

24 October 2019

As at the date of this announcement, the executive directors of the Company are ZHANG Zongyan (Chairman) and ZHANG Xian; the independent non-executive directors are GUO Peizhang, WEN Baoman, ZHENG Qingzhi and CHUNG Shui Ming Timpson; and the non-executive director is MA Zonglin. A Shares Stock Code: 601390 A Shares Stock Name: China Railway Announcement No.: H Shares Stock Code: 00390 H Shares Stock Name: China Railway Lin 2019-072

Announcement of China Railway Group Limited on Winning of Bids for Material Projects

The board of directors of China Railway Group Limited (the “Company”) and all the directors hereby

undertake that this announcement does not have any false or misleading statements or any material

omissions, and assume the joint and several liabilities for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness

of the contents.

Recently, the Company has won the bids for the following material projects:

I. Domestic Material Projects Currency: RMB

Contractual Serial Company Winning the Bid Amount Bidding Projects Project No. Bid (RMB10,000) Duration

Railway Projects

China Railway No.5 Engineering Group Co., Sections CZZQ-2, CZZQ-4 and CZZQ-6 Ltd., China Railway No.6 of the EPC contract of the before-station 1 Engineering Group Co., construction project of the New Chengdu- 645,501 1,461 days Ltd., China Railway No.8 Zigong High Speed Railway (excluding Engineering Group Co., DK24+055-DK39+406) Ltd., Section CJHZQJX-2 of the before-station construction project of the Jiangxi China Railway No.3 Segment of the new Nanchang- 1,323 2 Engineering Group Co., 249,509 Jingdezhen-Huangshan Railway calendar days Ltd. (excluding the preliminary construction section) China Railway Beijing Section BYZQ-1 of the - 3 Engineering Group Co., Huinong Section of the new - 235,406 48 months Ltd. Yinchuan Railway Section JYZQSG-6 of the before-station China Railway No.1 construction and overall supervision 4 Engineering Group Co., 170,806 1,461 days project of the new Jinhua-Ningbo Railway Ltd. (excluding the before-station construction and supervision of the preliminary construction section) Civil work for Taizhou Central Station of China Railway No.4 Taizhou Railway Line S1 Phase 1 PPP 600-730 5 Engineering Group Co., Project; integrated services auxiliary 74,342 calendar days Ltd. project for Taizhou Central Station of Taizhou Railway Section DFZQGC-SJSG of EPC contract China Railway No.4 of design and construction of Yantong 450 calendar 6 Engineering Group Co., Railway Dafeng Integrated Hub Project II 71,457 days Ltd. and other entities (Dafeng High-speed Rail Integrated Hub Station Square)

Highway Projects

China Railway No.6 Construction of class I highway around 731 calendar 7 Engineering Group Co., Xinyang downtown under G312 158,653 days Ltd. (G312RX-SG-2) Section ZT1 of main sections construction of the new line connecting China Railway No.5 the Beijing-Taibei Expressway to the 8 Engineering Group Co., 98,241 19 months Beijing-Hong Kong-Macau Expressway Ltd. under the Rongcheng- Expressway

Municipal and Other Projects

China Railway No.4 Section SGJC-2 of civil construction of 655 calendar 9 Engineering Group Co., Hangzhou Airport Express Line 232,197 days Ltd. Phase 1 of rapid transformation of South Canal Road and North Canal Road of Yangzhou (Qilihe Road to Wanfu Road), China Railway No.10 construction of phase 1 of rapid Engineering Group Co., transformation of South Canal Road and 730 calendar 10 Ltd., China Railway No.4 North Canal Road (South of Erliqiao 153,748 days Engineering Group Co., Road to West Wanfu Road), construction Ltd. of phase 2 of rapid transformation of South Canal Road and North Canal Road (West Wanfu Road to north of Wugang Road) China Railway Eryuan EPC contract of design and construction Engineering Group Co. of the adjustment plan of phase 1 of 11 Ltd., China Railway No.3 Qingdao Metro (Ferry Station- 135,335 -- Engineering Group Co., Taishan Road Station Segment) Ltd., China Railway No.4 Engineering Group Co., Ltd. and other entities

China Railway Heda Residential Building Construction 1,064 12 Construction Engineering Project and underground garage on 100,982 calendar days Group Co., Ltd. Longrun Road, Qingdao China Railway No.7 Main works of Hua County-Weihui 913 calendar 13 Engineering Group Co., Section of the Puyang-Weihui Highway 95,990 days Ltd. (Class A Section HWSG-3) China Railway EPC contract of design, procurement and Guangzhou Engineering construction of Guoxin·Yiyuan 14 70,525 22 months Group Co., Ltd. and other Healthcare Project (Phase I) in entities Jingdezhen EPC contract of new housing, relocation China Railway No.4 housing and supporting facilities located 15 Engineering Group Co., 65,568 -- in the flood diversion and storage area Ltd. along Huaihe River in Huoqiu County China Railway EPC contract of Air Compressor and Guangzhou Engineering Electronic Information Industry Standard 16 45,600 420 days Group Co., Ltd. and other Workshop Project (Phase I) in Lianhua entities County, Pingxiang City Qingdao Information and Financial China Railway Industry Demonstration Zone I (Building 877 calendar 17 Construction Engineering 3 located on the land Lot 9-2-2 of Dongli 56,703 days Group Co., Ltd. Business Circle Renovation Project (Phase II)) China Railway No.5 Reconstruction of urban village located at 18 Engineering Group Co., North Second Ring Road, Xiangtan 53,348 4 years Ltd. and other entities China Railway No.9 Flood Control Project of Xiyang- 19 Engineering Group Co., Maxiangtun Segment of Shenyang-Jilin 52,934 18 months Ltd. Railway EPC contract of procurement and China Railway No.7 construction of the heat supply station in 540 calendar 20 Engineering Group Co., 51,470 Ningxia Jinhai Fengshenfg Chaoyang days Ltd. Chemical Co., Ltd.

II. Overseas Material Project

Equivalent Contractual Serial Company Amount in Bidding Project Bid Amount Project No. Winning the Bid RMB Duration (RMB10,000) China Railway Construction of Dhaka-Ashulia Major Bridge USD239.18 1 Elevated Expressway, Bangladesh 169,350 1,470 days Engineering million (Section 1) Group Co., Ltd.

The above bids amounted to approximately RMB29,876.65 million in aggregate, representing approximately 4.05% of the operating revenue of the Company in 2018 prepared under the China Accounting Standards.

Notice is hereby given.

The Board of Directors of China Railway Group Limited 25 October 2019