Brazilian Journal of Biology ISSN 1519-6984 (Print) Original Article ISSN 1678-4375 (Online) Traditional knowledge and uses of medicinal plants by the inhabitants of the islands of the São Francisco river, Brazil and preliminary analysis of Rhaphiodon echinus (Lamiaceae) I. D. S. L. Pioa*, A. L. Lavorb, C. M. D. Damascenoa, P. M. N. Menezesc, F. S. Silvac and G. L. A. Maiaa aPrograma de Pós-graduação em Ciências da Saúde e Biológicas, Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco – UNIVASF, Av. José de Sá Maniçoba, s/n, Centro, CEP 56304-917, Petrolina, PE, Brasil bColegiado de Ciências Farmacêuticas, Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco – UNIVASF, Av. José de Sá Maniçoba, s/n, Centro, CEP 56304-917, Petrolina, PE, Brasil cPrograma de Pós-graduação em Recurso Naturais do Semiárido, Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco – UNIVASF, Av. José de Sá Maniçoba, s/n, Centro, CEP 56304-917, Petrolina, PE, Brasil *e-mail:
[email protected] Received: March 22, 2017 – Accepted: August 10, 2017 – Distributed: February 28, 2019 (With 2 figures) Abstract This study aimed to carry out an ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants used by inhabitants of the Rodeadouro Island, Jatoba Island and Massangano Island, located in The Submedium São Francisco River Valley. Also phytochemicals and preliminary pharmacological tests were performed to species most cited by the community. Ethnobotanical data were collected through observation visits and semi-structured interviews with 12 key informants. We calculated the relative importance (RI), the percentage of agreement related to the main uses (cAMU) and use value (UV).