Woman's Presbyterian Board of Missions of the Northwest Jsclxr
TH Il/j'V-JvlGH TH AN-S HAI. R E P O R T ' ° ” ' / . ^ íüfcign Klssieiis 1 ' 156 JF - i Y£j u | Y o r f e Woman’s Presbyterian Board of Missions of the Northwest ORGANIZED IN 1868 IN CO-OPERATION WITH THE “ w o m a n ’ s b o a r d o f m i s s i o n s o f t h e i n t e r i o r .” REORGANIZED IN 1870 AS THE “ WOMAN’ S PRESBY TERIAN BOARD OF MISSIONS OF THE NORTHWEST.” GIVEN AT MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN jSclxr APRIL, 1909 t e r r i t o r y : c o l o r a d o ,I l l i n o i s , i n d i a n a , "S3 IOWA, MICHIGAN, MINNESOTA, MONTANA, NEBRASKA, NORTH DAKOTA, SOUTH DAKOTA, WISCONSIN AND WYOMING ROOM 48, 328 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO, ILLINOIS T elephone Harrison 2437 A copy of this report is sent to the Secretary of each Auxiliary Society FOR THE USE OF THE SOCIETY, and she is re quested to put it promptly into the hands of the President. Addi tional copies of this report sent on receipt of 4 cents each for postage. THIRTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT F DAY MISSIONS. Woman’s Presbyta^p& Boai^T/ of Missions of me Northwest ORGANIZED IK 1868 IN CO-OPERATION WITH THE “ WOMAN’S BOARD OF MISSIONS OF THE INTERIOR.” REORGANIZED IN 1870 AS THE “ WOMAN’S PRESBY TERIAN BOARD OF MISSIONS OF THE NORTHWEST.” GIVEN AT MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN APRIL, 1909 t e r r i t o r y : Co l o r a d o , I l l i n o i s , I n d i a n a , IOWA, MICHIGAN, MINNESOTA, MONTANA, NEBRASKA, NORTH DAKOTA, SOUTH DAKOTA, WISCONSIN AND WYOMING PRESBYTERIAN OFFICES ROOM 48, 328 WABASH AVENUE TELEPHONE HARRISON 2437 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION OF THE WOMAN’S PRESBYTERIAN BOARD OF MISSIONS OF THE NORTHWEST State of Illinois, Department of State.
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