Tax Revision to Receive Attention
/ otjntn IbMfc Vol. 26 EAST JORDAN, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1922. No. 52 MICHIGAN SEED SPUDS MRS. MARY E. HESTON sylvania. Make Changes in CALIPH ABDUL MEDJI0 It may be remembered that a few OUTYIELD ALL RIVALS PASSED AWAY AT JfSSOTL years ago a carload of potatoes went DETROIT, DEC. 16TH. O from Michigan into Pennsylvania for Dry Law Force Outyielding native varieties by wide demonstrational purposes. This car margins, certified seed potatoes from Mrs. Mary E. Heston passed away5 at load of seed out yielded all other com Michigan have made a name For them the home of her grandson, Clark C. peting) seed by an average of 67.7 Prohibition Director Sayr Eight selves in many neighboring states dur Coulter, at Detroit, Saturday, Dec. 16, B.' O. HAGERMAN bushels to the acre. Consequently, ac ing the past season, according to re States to Have New Chiefs. the direct cause of her death being Co. Agricultural Agent., Boyne City. cording to Dr. Nixon of Pennsylvania, ports just given out by_H. C. Moore, paralysis, having suffered several the farmers of that state are clamoring secretary of the Michigan Potato Pro strokes during the past few years. for Michigan grown seed. Washington—Heorganization ot me ducers Association and extension spe USE POTATOES FOR It is with this idea in view that the prohibition unit will begin on New Deceased was born at Homer, N. Y., cialist at the Michigan Agricultural FEEDING LIVE STOCK certified seed producers of Charlevoix Year's day with appointments, dis College. July 22nd, 1846, her maiden name be missals and transfers in the official ing Mary E.
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