2017/2018 Parliamentary Year Tynwald ANNUAL REPORt Get in touch Engage with Tynwald on Twitter @tynwaldinfo Get live updates during Tynwald sittings from @tynwaldlive We hope you will find this report useful. If you would like to comment on any aspect of it, please contact: The Clerk of Tynwald Office of the Clerk of Tynwald Legislative Buildings Finch Road Douglas Isle of Man IM1 3PW Telephone: +44 (0)1624 685500 Email:
[email protected] An electronic copy of this report can be found at: http://www.tynwald.org.im/ business/pp/Reports/2018- PP-0139.pdf PP2018/0139 Tynwald Annual Report 2017/2018 Contents Page 3 Foreword 5 Tynwald and the Isle of Man 7 Changes in Political Membership 11 The Work of the Legislature 19 Tynwald Day 25 Inter-Parliamentary Engagement 33 Education and Outreach 39 The Office of the Clerk of Tynwald 43 Appendix 1 The 1979 Crown was issued to mark the 300th anniversary of Manx Coinage. An Act of Tynwald was passed in 1679 proclaiming John Murray’s Pence tokens of 1668 to be legal tender in the Isle of Man. Foreword Tynwald Annual Report 2017/2018 President of Tynwald Speaker of the House of Keys The Hon Stephen Charles Rodan BSc The Hon Juan Paul Watterson BA BFP FCA (Hons) MRPharmS MLC CMgr FCMI SHK The closing of the 2017/8 Session marks the end of the first two years of the electoral period between the 2016 General Election and the next one in September 2021; the coming Session will see the halfway point in the electoral cycle and now is a suitable moment to look back at achievements and to look forward to new challenges.