Blaising Star
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ANNUAL CONVENTION, NIAGARA FALLS, CANADA - OCT. 31, NOV. 1-2 (Details In Enclosed Flier) Vl'!UIi1€: 8 1986 Number 4 Message From The President BLAISING STAR I J :ll hOllored to serv>:: ~JS Pr eSidenT o f !FJ\F,'; III.] ~) l t 1Sl)urg'l Pe nnsyivanliJ, 1$ one of til (~ rial Ion '·, r : -, 'y rll O S~ Sin ce re thanks to Tt10S{-~ VV i'j O :ldve l-:d !) pd ITlost dynamiC centers of ethniC activity, and the ItaliAn ?Jtltreli (,r otflervvlSC extended best IN;sl1l:~:.> . i '1(lPP l'la' ·.:U!1!lriu,lliV IS weli represented by an uul starldllig i()CiJ' I '.: 'In i· ve up to lour expressions u t co n fldenc'.: d an L E~ t rr)L. :J r0, I CiH'1pagnoll VVe owe d deot of gratitude to our· pas t prc~;ld (m1'-, Anl'Jn\-j 'lie perfor mers,' is tile BI31sIng Star who have laid 2 firm foundation from \r,hlch we be~;!1l Bla !se Pall lll!, ,I ve!·sdirie teac her, ci·wreographer and ,'lIS cJd'~llillstrdtl()n I tlilV'.o been with tile Federal lOt' p()rf ~) r ' ~ w r Bldlse studied profeSSional danCing al rlF: SIfl Clc Its inceptlOll and am most sinc(~rely and v',ry University:)! Plllsbu ryll and ilis training rncluc:Jed serlousi-y- dedicated to preservrng that part of till" ballet and folk danCing He minoreli :n italian Bialst: /.\meIICal) heritage which IS Italian I feel that IFAFA utilizes a perceptive If1tultion anci keen cr·eaTlve iIlslght h as arrived at a pOint where past experience perillits when researching and learnrng Italian !ulk dances. He us to move into a second level uf developl)~ent attributes Illany of illS aChleV( ~ J1lellts III tile fi eld of thinking and planning ahead for certaiii functions and Ital13n folk d()nce to the encouragrng support he utilizing the talent of more of our members, thereoy receives from Jane Ferro, dynamic directur of I giVing the Board of Directors an opportunity to forge Campagnoli, and Rose Grieco, a pioneer In the field of al)ead on new projects -- aillong which must be a Italian folk dance. searcil for funding Blaise has been associated with I Campagnoll and Much has been accomplished, but the burden Piccoli Campagnoll for the last ten years HIS becomes greater as responsibilities mUltiply. From choreography and performances with I Campagnoli nine charter groups (all from the East coast). our have been enthusiastically received by audiences at performing group memberships have expanded to Carnegie Music Hall, Heinz Hall, the Pittsburgh Folk more than 30, reaching to the far corners' of the Festival, as well as in Denver, Cleveland, Busch country. It has been and continues to be a most Gardens in Virginia, and Walt Disney's Epcot Center In exciting experience. There is much to be done in the Orlando, Florida. One of the most rewarding next several years to assure the Federation a long life experiences for him was teaching the "Italian Suite " and prominence in the scheme that is the American to the Internationally acclaimed Mandala group of heritage. Boston who toured the USA and world In 1985. I hope to see you at our annual convention Oct, 31, Blaise recently stated, "To me, Italy's music and Nov. 7 -2. /71 .-/ / . r/- dance are the expressions of the warmth of her ~ftL- 'X-C~ wonderful people. This is Italianism at Its finest. .and .1llta Ton litO, President thiS IS the Image of Italy I choose to prOject / 7 ' 86 From an Article by Carole Elaine Peticca ------.c='- .==c- -------~ -- - -- .. -0--= Far Yaur Callectian======= = A Portrait of the Italians in America VI' Towson State University She is an h,stoflan sung only as Mary Ferro can $8.50 for each Ii Vlflcenza Scarpacl, IS a complete ilnd author · and lecturer and IS the author of numerous album or cassette (,ncludes postage and Itat,ve plctoflal I"story of the Italian articles on ltlf! IlaJI<'Hl-Arnerlcan experience handling) Send to Grand Sound Recording q Ameflcan·s experience in the Unned States Available from your local bookstore, or order StudiO, Inc, 1000 Valora Stree;. Pittsburgh. II from the 1870's to the present dOlI' Every from the publisher Charles SCribners Sons. Pa 15220 I aspect of Ital,an·Amerlcan life and the Ita"an c. " Macmillan Publlsh,ng Company, Front & The Dream Book. an anthology of writings !nfluence on American agr'cuhure, ,nrlustry Brew n Streets, R,v"r Sl dp, N J 08()7b (6091 by Ital,an ·Anleflcan Women, e(j'ted iJy Jerre r ~ )lglon, sports. arcJlltecture, UriS (Inc 4616500 Mangione of trle Un,vers,ty of Pennsylvan,a ~.. }(J lltICS IS f f:vealed T :lIs book. will ilJJpea l to Da Maria Con Amore, F-r (,tl1 Mnry Wlt:l InCludes " The Sunday Papa Missed Mass' by CJ i ~ Ameru':;2ns (is <J colorful hl~; tory of one of Love . Founeen fav:.Jrlte songs sucil as VI!: Rnsp. CrlPr:n SpncJ $2095 to Schockt~:l t ' ,IS C OLJntry ' ~ lIlost ' nte(e s tin~ etiln ,c ~.Jfou~s ' f1d C r O lliJ , lanyo d tdle CdP i IIPI"-: and Ii-Ie Books, 200 Madison Avpnue, N&w YUI k. New Ms SC3r;:: a CI is an A SSOCldU: P r~ )if~SS(.r . ' t~VI:' I p(JlJu lar CIJIJl :n p. f-dc c ~tt e M a rn rn ~ q2 y " ,k H)()10 OFFICERS: Rita Tonitto, PreSident; Mary Briggs, Vice Presldeilt; Fi'ances Desmond, Treasurer; Dr. J. J. Bentivegna, Secretary, Elba F. Gurzau, Art Director; Atty. fJ.:chael Ralfnone, Advisor. MEMBERSHIP: Rita Tonitto and Greta Longo TRADIZIONI EDITOR: Dr. J.J. l3entlvegna Sicilian LIBERTY Tarantella- WEEKEND TV FAILS TO COVER Another Perspective ETHNIC CEREMONIES The Siciliarl tarantella IS not the dance ,~; The Italiar. community was well Naples On the mainland one can believe its represented during the festivities honoring supposed evolution from the paroxvsrr::: the 100th anniversary of the Statue of caused by the deadly spider 0 : more Liberty. The Balli d'itaiia were privileged ;0 accurateiy, its birth from the frenzied reilgious perform on the Amerigo Vespucci, the Italian " dances" In honor of San Giovann: th a~ sailing ship, when it docked in Baltimore swept over Italy in the fourteenth century. But In country SIcily It becomes changed ana Members of I Ballerini, Philadelphia, and tempereci with (] slower. m ore formal grace, the Italian Folk Ensemble - Ricordi d'ltaI18, even a dignity. ProfeSSionals III cafes and Fort Lee, N.J., dressed in a magnificent array hotels invariably pervert the tarantella by of Italian costumes, partiCipated In the accentuatlllg its tempo and abandon, bv ClOSing ceremonies at Giant Stadium, East Interposing all sorts of tricks and impossiblv Rutherford, NJ. Although not seen by the involved maneuvers; they fling their arms T.V. audience, the crowd at the stadium 1/\/3S and execute dervish spins and doubtless they treated to a procession of more than 500, win applause, but the contadino dances With dressed in native costumes of the various his arms on his hips except during certai n nations that make up the culturai heritage of flgurE:s wtlen he ralsesrtwrn W ith elbow,' .Amerlca. be r~t as though he ~le j c castanets, or the\!' ar~-~ /-\ thank you letter from Carole .L\ utorl, iowerecJ and his hands clapped beneath his Heritage Coordinator, perhaps best deSCribes lifted knee, yet his back IS straight and his t he feelings of the participants: "We cannot ileac] filg !-:. ami oni\, his \Naist !s suople ar'( begin 10 describe the overwhelming emotions :"s feet active. Tne women Dar~' -," ' " ~ s '/lil e)(perrer:ce::! Uurlrlg )'cur appeal'once at 'Ji'c rno ,'e tt)2!": )0 1:, 2 cen,pi Gb()~ ,.! '.(,Ii-I ,::I; ;' C UE:~t-P,TY \f\!EEKEf\iD Cios!r'Q CereniOf) !es. YOi..; alwalls rnO\fe~ H ('-; ,"1(I Va n C8 ::: t ~)\ I\! ? C; "I,:' \1/',;" a Je~'y' important pa rt of (nak ing H!(c' ': (: ,.; :~'r't2.(Y-' Tr ibute a roar ing success as weli a~ (,~ ' t. ' .. " ;' ;", n~ ~ -; ::-~ : n :~~ (1 rt. -to;j c:~ ! n f:i ;) ~-q -~ -:) ~ the en t i !' e i i:' :::; i ',.J ; -, 1'" , ~ ,I 'J I:; :! ! , \;" ,' .- : \/ , ~.~ . ,;i,' :; ' j : .-, ' I::: Y"., ,': ...),_"er ~ ~!{~ nr:: v',:;' 7c)n TI'f":G '-, ~~, .,' :~:./~ta~-bE~r!.r~~g 0 p. \,e nt~. hcn~ ::, ·'~ n;~' r )" r~: ') r', ,I , ,:~ ,., it:::'Y'\· :-'3LL: (;,ne: ,Sho Vv'-f~ IL Ji~,: ',' --' .~ ;'}i r~ ~ ;· , ~f the· :--, ete~ir-atlo~ ' ,~' ,~, ;/ ..:az-, 'r " _"-, '.j;·d (! '_ - ·_;>", ,~ ~ ' ~ ~ u" ttL..~~e S ~liJ Cr:'; ;:: ·::: - i ~ -' it, .:..., ,: )' ! i ; - , ; : '- -' , [ 4- _ . r : . ,_ ~ : " IFAFA CONFERENCE IN CANADA,NIAGARA FALLS The 9th Annual Natianal Can6e~en~e will take place in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, October 31, November 1 and 2, 1986, at the Club Ital~a; Lodge No.5, Order Sons of Italy of Ontario. Our hosts are Felix Pingue and the Club Italia Folk Dancers. The weekend begins Friday night with a get-together at 8:00 P.M., at the Club. Highlighting Saturday and Sunday's program will be Vance~ a6 Italian Speaking Sw~~~ and Native V~e6~: Wha~ It I~ and Wha~ It I6n't with Karen Gottier, well-known international folk dance researcher and teacher; a Sang Wo~k6hap with the dynamic Jane Ferro; S~aging Te~hn~que6 by Lynda Dumais; Ch-<-ld~en' 6 Varlce6 with Jeannette Sias; a ~aok.~ng cla6~ in the Club's Kitchen, a panel discussion on the Value 06 Au~hent-<-c~ty ~n the Folk A~t~; demonstrations of Boc~e and BOh~llo (two Italian clay-court games); tambala, inlay, and lots more! The traditional Fe~ta Falclo~i6t-<-~a follows Saturday's gala dinner.