COVID-19/SARS-CoV2: An Exploration

How we act now INTERACTIVE DOWNLOADABLE PDF will build the future for our children

An urgent invitation:

•  To question all that is happening before the chance is lost

•  To explore broader science, views and statistics

•  To research further

A compilation of links to resources that will:

•  Help you to navigate the current situation

•  Help you to make informed decisions

•  Promote open debate and explore different views

•  Offer a starting point for further research

•  Introduce just the tip of the iceberg of the wealth of knowledge we can explore

Photo by Monica Gozalo on • June 2021 COVID-19/SARS-CoV2: An Exploration

PLEASE NOTE: Any text you see coloured orange with an underline throughout this document, will be clickable live links to internal Sections or Pages within this document, or go to external reference websites.


In response to the remarkable times we are living in, we have created this shareable, downloadable, interactive PDF Exploration document ( also found on-lineHERE ), a gathering of our extensive research into the covid and its effects on us all. We hope that it will enable and inspire you to research further if you choose to.

We respect and appreciate that some of what you read and explore may challenge views you hold to be true at the moment, but we believe there are significant questions that need asking about the Covid19 narrative as it is. We all wish to make choices that will enable a full and healthy life for ourselves, our communities and our children, and that are right for now and for the future. THANK YOU.

An offering from three members of our wonderful, rich, intelligent, beautiful, precious Human tribe. Peace to us all, may we flourish into a future filled with truth, respect and light.



DISCLAIMER: The information we have gathered here is by no means all that is available. COVID-19 is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation. The information might have changed, some links may no longer be available, but it is all accurate, thoroughly researched information at the point of publication. Also, this information is not being presented as the only truth but rather as an attempt at a broad exploration of what is happening, inspired by a strong sense that the Government mainstream narrative is not providing us with the most accurate and honest picture it can. Date Compiled: February – May 2021.

• CV19 SARS-CoV2: An Exploration > CONTENTS < > INDEX < PAGE 2 Contents

INTRODUCTION 02 CONTENTS 03 01: UK GOVERNMENT INFORMATION 04 Selection of important and often surprising information on UK Government website. 02: MEDICAL, SCIENTIFIC AND LEGAL COMMUNITIES 06 Exploring Covid 19, the Government response and it’s effect on society. 03: FUNDAMENTAL PARADIGMS 08 Underlying our assumptions about viruses, health, the microbiome & role of natural immunity. 04: DATA 10 Statistics, predictions, PCR tests, Asymptomatic spread, Covid death numbers, NHS occupancy. 05: MEDIA INFORMATION CAMPAIGN 22 Psychological impact of Government communication style, information vs coercion, Government and media contracts. 06: MEASURES AND INTERVENTIONS 24 Covid Vaccines, Vaccine industry, Mandates, Passports, Mask wearing, Isolation, Lockdowns, , school and business closures, Mass testing. 07: POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS 49 Policy response, Preventions and treatments of Covid 19. 08: MAKING SENSE OF WHAT IS HAPPENING 51 Economical profits, conflicts of interest, Censorship, ‘Fact checking’, global politics & control. 09: VIEWS TO THE NEAR FUTURE 58 10: WHAT IS THE FUTURE I WANT? 64 The power of conscious awareness. 11: WHAT CAN I DO? 66 Links for further research, take action, share, unite. 12: LEGAL ACTIONS ACROSS THE GLOBE 75 13: FUNDAMENTAL PARADIGMS TABLE 77 Exploring fundamental paradigms that lead to particular global actions. SUMMARY 78 INDEX 79/80

• CV19 SARS-CoV2: An Exploration > CONTENTS < > INDEX < PAGE 3 01 UK Government information

01 FROM UK GOVERNMENT WEBSITE OR STATED BY GOVERNMENT Although we are being told clearly by the Government that Covid 19 is dangerous, that vaccines are necessary and safe and that social distancing must continue, a closer look at the Governments own website will reveal a different picture. It is essential that we all do our own research, not just accept the information we are being given without checking it: even a search of the Gov website will raise many questions as to the media message around Covid 19.

Status of COVID-19 - UK government website: This information alone invites a whole load of questions: “As of 19 March 2020 the public health bodies in the UK and the Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) no longer consider COVID-19 to be a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK.”

Office for National Statistics (ONS) website :*death rates per year in the UK 1990 to December 2020. A table showing that the Age Standardised Mortality rates (the true average) for 2020 were lower than in 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, and every year from 1990 – 2002: 1990to2020?fbclid=IwAR2vXhTctey2TpMfwTgQQvrYf7PXtuUMpb1gXro-jjqDdde5XEFG44XM_qs *complete ONS data on annual death and mortality rates date back to 1838 however age age-standardised mortality rates are available from 1942. Overall mortality based upon the age-standardised mortality (1942- 2020), 2020 would rank 68th out of these last 79 years. nualdeathsandmortalityrates1938to2020provisional

What to expect after your Covid19 vaccination - UK Government website: to-expect-after-your-covid-19-vaccination “...Like all medicines, no vaccine is completely effective.... Some people may still get COVID-19 despite having a vaccination .... We do not yet know whether it will stop you from catching and passing on the virus ... So, it is still important to follow the guidance: practice social distancing, wear a face mask...”

UK Government – Summary of further modelling of easing restrictions – Roadmap Step 2 roadmap-step-2-31-march-2021 page 10, paragraph 32: “...The resurgence in both hospitalisations and deaths is dominated by those that have received two doses of the vaccine, comprising around 60% and 70% of the wave respec- tively. This can be attributed to the high levels of uptake in the most at-risk age groups, such that immunisation failures account for more serious illness than unvaccinated individuals....” Page 18, paragraph 56: “Who becomes seriously ill in a resurgence? …. most deaths and admissions in a post-Roadmap resurgence are in people who have received two vaccine doses, even without vaccine protection waning or a variant emerging that escapes vaccines...”

UK Government public speeches related to vaccine certification and how they changed from February to March 2021 – 1min 30 video

UK Government public speeches related to mask wearing by the general public and how they changed from April to June 2020: – 2min video. Up until June 4, the government ministers and their advisers considered the evidence for the use of face masks by the general public to be too weak to recommend it. The latest science continues to support this view, however the Government advice is now to wear face masks.

• CV19 SARS-CoV2: An Exploration > CONTENTS < > INDEX < PAGE 4 01 UK Government information


Although the website is making the adverse reactions data public it is not easy to find or navigate.

For easy access to Yellow Card updates look here: UK Column Covid19 vaccine adverse drug reaction (ADR) reports – (data from MHRA), interactive, easy to follow:

Yellow Card Covid 19 Vaccine Adverse Reactions (ADR) reporting - run by the UK Government’s regulatory agency MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory agency). REPORT ADVERSE REACTIONS HERE

UK Government weekly report of Covid19 vaccine adverse reactions as reported on the Yellow card reporting website (Scroll down web page for links to detailed analysis documents for reactions per vaccine brand):HERE

Updated 10th June 2021 - MHRA Yellow Card Reporting - Pfizer (approx 25,4 million doses), AstraZeneca (approx 40,2 million doses), Moderna (approx 460,000 doses). This report covers period of 9th Dec 2020 to 2nd June 2021:

Total Reactions - 193,768 (Pfizer) +717,250 (AZ) + 9,243 (M) + 2,335 (Unknown) = 922,596 Total Reports - 67,998 (Pfizer) +195,641 (AZ) + 3,278 (M) + 754 (Unknown) = 267,671 Total Fatalities - 406 (Pfizer) +864 (AZ) + 4 (M) + 22 (Unknown) = 1,296 Nervous System disorders (eg; bell’s palsy) - 35,953 (Pfizer) + 151,901 (AZ) + 1,349 (M) + 461 (Unknwn) = 192,664 Cardiac disorders (eg: heart failures, palpitations) - 2,479 (Pfizer) + 7,494 (AZ) + 61 (M) + 19 (Unknwn) = 10,053 Immune System disorders (e.g Anaphylaxis) - 1,064 (Pfizer) + 2,441 (AZ) + 78 (M) + 10 (Unknwn) = 3,593 Blood disorders (eg: thrombotic disorders) - 6,715 (Pfizer) + 6,331 (AZ) + 174 (M) + 27 (Unknwn) = 13,227 Vascular disorders (eg: embolism, haemorrhages) - 2,901 (Pfizer) + 10,045 (AZ) + 117 (M) + 40 (Unknwn) = 13,103 Infections (eg: covid19, sepsis, lung infections) - 4,839 (Pfizer) + 15,278 (AZ) + 159 (M) + 64 (Unknwn) = 20,340 General disorders (eg: sudden death, pain) - 53,534 (Pfizer) + 227,588 (AZ) + 2,583 (M) + 705 (Unknwn) = 284,412 Respiratory, Breathing disorders - 8,314 (Pfizer) + 23,439 (AZ) + 241 (M) + 72 (Unknwn) = 32,066 Skin disorders - 14,351 (Pfizer) + 43,758 (AZ) + 1,870 (M) + 158 (Unknwn) = 60,137 Gastrointestinal disorders (eg: colitis, hernias)- 19,679 (Pfizer) + 70,843 (AZ) + 689 (M) + 222 (Unknwn) = 91,433 Muscle & tissue disorders (eg: arthritis, pain) - 25,054 (Pfizer) + 87,500 (AZ) + 998 (M) + 261 (Unknwn) = 113,813 Ear disorders (eg: tinnitus, hearing loss) - 2,589 (Pfizer) + 7,656 (AZ) + 72 (M) + 30 (Unknwn) = 10,400 Eye disorders (eg: impairment, blindness) - 3,244 (Pfizer) + 11,480 (AZ) + 98 (M) + 37 (Unknwn) = 14,859 Metabolic disorders (eg: diabetes mellitus) - 1,177 (Pfizer) + 7,854 (AZ) + 32 (M) + 43 (Unknwn) = 9,106 Reproductive disorders (eg: erection, menopausal) - 2,777 (Pfizer) + 6,454 (AZ) + 277 (M) + 27 (Unknwn) = 9,535 Pregnancy (Spont. abortion, still birth, foetal death) - 150 (Pfizer) + 184 (AZ) + 8 (M) + 2 (Unknwn) = 344 Injuries (e.g skin, delivery, lactation) - 1,964 (Pfizer) + 6,517 (AZ) + 119 (M) + 35 (Unknwn) = 8,635 Psychiatric disorders (e.g depression, anxiety) - 3,514 (Pfizer) + 14,510 (AZ) + 162 (M) + 56 (Unknwn) = 18,242

It is widely recognised that, on average, only 10% of serious adverse reactions are actually reported to the MHRA. The percentage is far less for non-serious reactions. This suggests that approximately 2 million people should be filing a Yellow Card. This equates to 1 AE Yellow Card injury or death for every 16 people. The vaccine therefore carries a 1 in 16 risk of life impacting/limiting injury or death. Covid19 carries 99.9% survival rate.

• CV19 SARS-CoV2: An Exploration > CONTENTS < > INDEX < PAGE 5 02 Medical and Scientific Communities

02 MEDICAL AND SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITIES These are just some of the communities that have formed in the UK and world wide to address their concerns and encourage an open debate on topics surrounding the governments’ responses to the respiratory virus SARS CoV-2 and the disease COVID19. These groups are non-profit, consist of members who work voluntarily, offer- ing their skill set to contribute to informed policymaking and decisioning. They are not aligned with any political entities and are often funded only by their members, speaking engagements and the public.

PANDA - ~ Data & Analytics This is a collective of leading scientists, actuaries, economists, data scientists, statisticians, medical profession- als, lawyers, engineers and businesspeople working together with the aim of promoting ‘open science, human agency and courageous societies, empowering the public with accurate information thereby enabling individuals to exercise freedom of choice and preserve human liberties and free societies’. See the link above for their very informative articles on various topics.

HART – Health Advisory and Recovery Team Is a group of highly qualified UK doctors, scientists, economists, psychologists and other academic experts. Their core aim is to find the common ground between the Government and groups that are concerned about COVID-19 restrictions. The ambition is to bring all sides together and to widen the debate in order to formulate an exit strategy that benefits everyone in society. Consultations from HART are founded on scientific, evidence-based principles in the interests of public health. HART wants to encourage clear, calm and compassionate discussions. See the link above for their hugely informative bulletin on various topics.

Front Line Covid19 Critical Care The FLCCC Alliance was organized in March, 2020 by a group of highly published, world renowned Critical Care physician/scholars – with the academic support of allied physicians from around the world – to research and develop lifesaving protocols for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 in all stages of illness.

UK Medical Freedom Alliance This is an alliance of UK medical professionals, scientists and lawyers who have found that the Government’s response to COVID-19 is misguided and not based upon the best available scientific evidence. Their goal is to preserve and protect Medical Freedom, Informed Consent and Bodily Autonomy. The UKMFA website contains many useful resources and links, including comprehensive vaccine information as well as very informative open letters on many topics such as vaccine passports, vaccine mandates, mass testing at schools, that UKMFA sends to Government and regulators or that you can download, sign and send to your MP, employer, school etc...

World Doctors Alliance WDA is an independent non-profit alliance of doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals and staff around the world who have united to share experiences and debate the most urgent and important issues surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic. Scroll down on their home page for their open letter, summarizing these issues in a clear way with references.

The Great Barrington Declaration A declaration, with over 850,000 signatures, where public health scientists and infectious disease epidemiolo- gists express their concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID 19 policies and recommend a different approach.

• CV19 SARS-CoV2: An Exploration > CONTENTS < > INDEX < PAGE 6 02 Medical & Scientific Communities

Primary Doctor Medical Journal: A peer-reviewed journal by physicians and scientists without commercial influence. Currently exploring methodology used in covid response and providing well researched papers.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr – The Defender The Defender is a unique platform for frank, civil, non-partisan discussions of evidence-based science and medicine. News and views on various topics related, amongst others, to vaccines, food safety, and here covid topics:

UK Lawyers for liberty – Democracy declaration UK lawyers, fighting against a permanent shift of power towards the executive. Such permanent changes in the balance of power present profound and long-term impacts on the rule of law and our rights. “No matter what your view is on lockdowns, the truth of the matter is that we are no longer in an emergency situation. Our government, however, are still operating falsely in emergency mode and relying on emergency powers to the exclusion and suspension of the ordinary functioning of the country.”

Swiss Policy Research – Clear, brief referenced facts about covid19. Includes graphs and statistics, available in many languages. Starting with: Lethality: According to the latest immunological studies, the overall infection fatality rate (IFR) of covid-19 in the general population is about 0.1% to 0.5% in most countries, which is most closely comparable to the medium influenza pandemics of 1957 and 1968.

Many more medical, scientific and legal communities (some of them listed below under sectionsWhat can I do and Legal Actions) have formed to challenge the science presented by SAGE – the Government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies, whose input is responsible for government policies:

SAGE meeting minutes and supporting papers: sponse-to-coronavirus-covid-19#meeting-minutes-and-supporting-papers

Dr Mike Yeadon on SAGE - in this article: “In spring 2020, membership of SAGE was initially treated like a state secret. Eventually, membership was revealed. I looked up the credentials of all the members. There were no clinical immunologists. No one who had a biology degree and a post-doctoral qualification in immunology. A few medics, sure. Several people from the humanities including so- ciologists, economists, psychologists and political theorists. No clinical immunologists. What there were in profusion – seven in total – were mathematicians. This comprised the modelling group. ... I cannot stress how important it is, when- ever you hear the word “model”, that you ask who has the expertise in the thing that’s purportedly being modelled...”

(Dr Mike Yeadon has a degree in biochemistry and toxicology and a research-based PhD in respiratory pharmacology. He has spent over 30 years leading new medicines research in some of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies, leaving Pfizer in 2011 as Vice President & Chief Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory. That was the most senior research position in this field in Pfizer. Since leaving Pfizer, Dr Yeadon has founded his own biotech company, Ziarco, which was sold to the worlds biggest drug company, Novartis, in 2017.)

• CV19 SARS-CoV2: An Exploration > CONTENTS < > INDEX < PAGE 7 03 Fundamental Paradigms


Views and paradigms that underline our view of, and response to, the current situation. This section explores some of the following questions, because how we choose to answer informs and directs our response to this and any pandemic and to our visions of the future: Who are we? What is our relationship to nature? What role do we play within nature and what consequences does that bring? What is our perception of viruses, science, death and life? How have we arrived where we are now? Where are we heading? (NOTE: We consider this content to be crucial to how we think and act in general, but especially now, in the current situation. We believe the time spent to open our minds and hearts to these thoughts is invaluable. However, in case you prefer to deal with other topics first, there’s a page at the end of this document that very briefly summarizes the main thoughts explored here.)

Zach Bush MD – Video interviews. A triple board-certified physician specializing in internal medicine, endocri- nology and hospice care, focused on the relationship between the microbiome, the virome, disease and food production systems (his informative website: ). He is a critical voice in the conversation we need to have in this unprecedented moment of global challenge. He shares his perspective on the current sit- uation in many interviews that look at the reasons and causes behind what is happening, how to best navigate it, and what this situation signifies for humanity and the future of planetary ecology. Out of the many inspirational interviews we recommend these, we truly believe it is worth the time: 20min video interview - on the innate immune system, vaccines and also on covid19 in the context of the vi- rome. Great video presenting a wider perspective and the big picture in context:

50min video interview - on corona viruses, pandemics, the importance of viruses, PCR tests, covid vaccines, flu vaccines, why experts are divided in their views, where we are now, sociological viewpoint..... Very interesting, summarizes it all, the macro as well as the micro view:

35min video interview - explaining genomics, the virome, where Covid stands from that perspective and why viruses are needed :

45min video interview - on the innate and adaptive immune system and vaccine interference and consequences:

30min video interview - on herd biological update vs , on antibodies vs immunity, PCR tests, where we are heading - rise in consciousness:

1h20min video interview – in the first 9min Zach Bush shares his story, then continues aboutcovid19 , how he sees it, presenting deep and wide consequences and reasons for the current situation being as it is and why our fear of death is important to consider and challenge:

1h50min video interview - “a pandemic of possibility”

3h video interview - What happened last year – deep and detailed thoughts and science. If nothing, watch the first 20min before he dives deeper into the science.

Macro implications of the Microbiome (Functional Forum) – by Sayer Ji: – 28min video + his article about viruses:

• CV19 SARS-CoV2: An Exploration > CONTENTS < > INDEX < PAGE 8 03 Fundamental Paradigms

The coronation essay – by Charles Eisenstein. One of the deepest integrative thinkers active today, focusing on themes of human cultural evolution, economics and consciousness. The coronation essay is one of the most insightful and well-considered long reads to date on how to think expansively about our current moment. Listen here: Read here: Interview, video 1h38min:

Pathogens in one lesson – courtesy of Sunetra Gupta. An article introducing a bookPandemics: Our Fears and the Facts written in 2013 by Sunetra Gupta, Oxford University theoretical epidemiologist, one of the signers of the Great Barrington Declaration. “With computer viruses, the way to deal with them is to block them. Our operating systems must remain perfectly clean and free of all pathogens. For the machine to work properly, its memory must be pure and unexposed. One exposure could mean data loss, identity theft, and even machine death. Despite what seems to believe, our bodies are not the same. Exposure to milder forms of germs works to protect us against more severe forms. The cell memory of our body is trained through experience, not by blocking all bugs but by incorporating the capacity to fight them off into our biology.”

Is The Germ/Virus Theory Valid? In recent years, and especially since the alleged pandemic started, doctors such as Dr Tom Cowan, Dr Andrew Kaufman and former virologist Stefan Lanka have been challenging the virus theory narrative and highlighting the lack of solid science behind this alleged virus, the alleged transmission, alleged contagiousness resulting in the alleged disease. Since Louis Pasteur’s theory was embraced there have been concerns and criticism but these have been dismissed, and mostly kept from the public domain over the years. Here are a few links bringing into question virology and germ/disease theory. Stefan Lanka Virologist - Control Experiment Refutes Virology - Statement on Virus Isolation (SOVI) - The Contagion Myth - Virus Mania - Do viruses cause disease? - The real science of germs, Andrew Kaufman. A discussion between Dr Andrew Kaufman, Dawn Lester and David Parker challenging the germ theory - Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory – Dr Sam Bailey - – 15mins video.

Photo by Kunal Shinde on

• CV19 SARS-CoV2: An Exploration > CONTENTS < > INDEX < PAGE 9 04 Data





“It is very important to avoid conflating the virus and the disease. SARS CoV-2 is a respiratory virus. If you contract that virus, you will likely have mild symptoms. In rarer cases, SARS CoV-2 can lead to a more severe collection of symptoms, characterising a disease we call COVID-19... By referring to the virus and the disease interchangeably, we end up with unnecessary panic.” ~ HART – Health Advisory and Recovery Team (week 5th March):


Zach Bush MD – minute 7 to 15: “.. We have identified around 120 corona viruses, cold like syndromes, that affect the upper respiratory system (cough, sore throat, congestion)... In the last 20 years these viruses present clinically differently, affecting lower respiratory sys- tem – deep lungs and vascular system – in 2001/2 there was SARS 1 (burnt itself out in 18-24 months), in 2012 there was MERS (gone within 2 years), now SARS-CoV2 would follow the same pattern, it burns itself out as the humanity and water, soil and air system comes into balance with it...” (+ More on vaccines, flu and PCR tests in those 9 minutes of the video (more on PCR tests later in the video)

Mortality data and Covid19 – Joel Smalley, Quantitative Data Analyst “Viruses tend to follow a predictable self-limiting path …. because (a) herd immunity increases over time and (b) there are fewer susceptible individuals available as the most vulnerable succumb early on in the outbreak. In addition, viruses are known to mutate to become less virulent over time, hence increasing their own chances of survival and replication by not killing their host.”

Also on p. 31 of the rigorously and widely researched document:


• CV19 SARS-CoV2: An Exploration > CONTENTS < > INDEX < PAGE 10 04 Data


UK Government Website – The R number in the UK. “The reproduction number (R) is the average number of secondary infections produced by a single infected person. An R value of 1 means that on average every person who is infected will infect 1 other person, meaning the total number of infections is stable. If R is 2, on average, each infected person infects 2 more people. If R is 0.5 then on average for each 2 infected people, there will be only 1 new infection. If R is greater than 1 the epidemic is growing, if R is less than 1 the epidemic is shrinking. The higher R is above 1, the more people 1 infected person infects and so the faster the epidemic grows.”

Despite the main government page on the R number ( shows it to be between 0.8 to 1.0 and the growth rate between -4% to 0%per day, the SAGE meeting minutes from the 11th may state these figures: uploads/attachment_data/file/975918/S1141_SAGE_83_minutes.pdf


(Which means that, on average, every 10 people infected will infect between 8 and 10 other people)

Latest growth rate range for England -7% to -4% per day (Which means that the number of new infections is broadly flat or shrinking by up to 4% every day) … Which means “the epidemic / pandemic is on its way out” as explains back in 2018 in his presen- tation on Epidemics, Pandemics and how to control them: 6 min video


HAS SARS-COV2 BEEN ISOLATED? You might have heard the (most probably discredited) argument, that the virus SARS-CoV2 has not been isolat- ed. Dr Sam Bailey in this video explains, that “none of the authors of the isolation papers claimed that they had a purified sample” … “if nobody had purified the virus, how do they get the genetic sequence? These new viral sequences are created by PCR” … “There is over 225.000 EUR up for grabs for anyone that can prove the actual isolation and its genetics substance.” (Isolate Truth Fund) At the time of recording this video, there were not takers. minute 3:30-6:15 of this video. Isolate Truth Fund:

The truth about virus isolation - Dr Sam Bailey - 14min video.

In an internet search: ‘Has the SARS-CoV2 virus been isolated’ , one of the first links provides an article from Full Fact – The Covid19 virus has been isolated many times:

But who is Full Fact and who are they funded by? More on Full Fact website under Censorship section further down. It’s not always obvious what’s is true and what is not. We all have to research thoroughly and decide for ourselves.

• CV19 SARS-CoV2: An Exploration > CONTENTS < > INDEX < PAGE 11 04 Data


Myths of surface transmission of a respiratory virus “Finally,” said Linsey Marr, an expert on airborne viruses at Virginia Tech. “We’ve known this for a long time and yet people are still focusing so much on surface cleaning.” She added, “There’s really no evidence that anyone has ever gotten Covid-19 by touching a contaminated surface.”

Swiss Policy research: Transmission: According to current knowledge, the main routes of transmission of the virus are indoor aerosols and droplets produced when speaking or coughing, while outdoor aerosols as well as most object surfaces appear to play a minor role. The coronavirus season in the northern hemisphere lasts from about November to April.

Zach Bush MD – on corona viruses, pandemics, the importance of viruses, PCR tests, covid vaccines, flu vaccines, why experts are divided in their views, where we are now, sociological viewpoint..... Very interesting, summarizes it all, the macro as well as the micro view: “There are more viruses on the Earth than there are stars in the known Universe – in the air we breath (only a few of them we have gained insight into, sequenced and named). Billions and billions respiratory viruses that we are in an innate relationship with and are not causing us any harm. There’s a tiny segment of these that are related to a clinical syndrome (e.g. common cold, flu or Covid19). If there is a syndrome that gets associated with one of these viruses, it means that this particular genetic information (the virus) is producing proteins that are extremely activating our immune system. Why is that important? Because the immune system is not there to fight off the world – that’s the old paradigm we are still in and we’re still encouraged to believe.”



*How the WHO definition of Heard immunity changed from June to November 2020:

Zach Bush MD – Herd biological update vs Herd immunity, antibodies vs immunity. How the concept of herd immunity is mistaken on many levels and more. 30min video:

• CV19 SARS-CoV2: An Exploration > CONTENTS < > INDEX < PAGE 12 04 Data


See section Views“ to the near future” further down.


Since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 global pandemic, many issues have arisen that run contrary to historical precedents and known and practiced public health principles of the last century. This article discusses some of these issues.

Context is extremely important. It provides a framework to put the figures into. It is important to consider and include the figures representing the collateral harm of the Government policy response in order to fully understand the cause and effect of harm and death related to the pandemic.

Summary of Covid-19 data and measures (The Ugly Truth of Covid-19 Lockdowns) - Nick Hudson, co-founder of PANDA, Pandemics – Data & Analytics. - 27min video Nick Hudson, speaking at the inaugural BizNews Investment Conference in March 2021 summarizing and looking into the data and measures and interventions, putting things into context

Interview with Nick Hudson, founder of PANDA (Pandemics – Data and Analytics), calm and gentle, full of facts, from all aspects of the pandemic and the global policy response: – 45min.

Making sense of mortality – 1h30min video well worth the time, full of ONS data analysed, modelled and explained to lay people by experienced Quantitative Analyst, MBA, Joel Smalley. Explaining clearly excess deaths, touching upon hospital bed occupancy, numbers of covid deaths in spring and autumn, distinguishing community and care homes and explaining current surge in deaths on clear models with official data. After some hesitancy to speak out, he says: “Context is very important and is often lost with the singular focus on covid. Data reveal the truth. As a citizen I feel obliged to share that truth, especially if I think the harm is being done or is not being undone as a result of trying to hide that truth”.

Mortality data and Covid19 – Joel Smalley, Quantitative Data Analyst. Also on p. 31 of the rigorously and widely researched document: HART Covid19 Response:

What does the data show? - Pandemic Podcast “We’ve been repeatedly told there is only one way out of the restrictions we’ve been living under since March last year and even though the goalposts are forever being shifted …. What does the data actually show us? In this video we will be taking a deep dive into official statistics from 10 of the countries where the steamroller first rocked up at the end of 2020 and on into this year...”

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HART – Health Advisory and Recovery Team Previously mentioned, HART aims for open debate and scientific and evidence-based explanations. From their weekly bulletin on current data in context: “...excess deaths, now shows that deaths are below normal levels for the time of year. As there is a 23 day window between contracting infection and death, this shows that trans- mission levels have been essentially zero for nearly a month now....” (dated 11th March 2021). “ … people coming to A&E with an acute respiratory infection is almost as low as the summer minimum and well below normal for the time of year. This would suggest that any pressure the NHS is experiencing is not related to community spread of SARS-CoV-2....” (dated 11th March 2021). “....99.9% of people under 70 years and with no underlying conditions survive the virus .” “ …The median age at death with Covid19 (around 82 years) exceeds normal life expectancy....” “ ...The majority of those who died with the virus also had two or more serious, chronic illnesses.,..” “ …In 2020, there were 388 Covid19 deaths in those aged 60 or and under with no prior illnesses...” (UK) (all of the above quotes are from HART weekly bulletin dated 19th February 2021) “...Perhaps the most useful measure available to us is all-cause mortality. When you look at the last 20 years, it certainly puts recent events in context...”: (dated 25th February 2021).

Office for National Statistics (ONS) website: *death rates per year in the U.K 1990 to December 2020 a table showing that the Age Standardised Mortality rates (the true average) for 2020 were lower than in 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, and every year from 1990 – 2002: transparencyandgovernance/freedo- mofinformationfoi/deathsintheukfrom- 1990to2020?fbclid=IwAR2vXhTctey2TpM- fwTgQQvrYf7PXtuUMpb1gXro-jjqDdde5X- EFG44XM_qs

*Complete ONS data on annual death and mortality rates date back to 1838 however age-standardised mortality rates are available from 1942.

Overall mortality based upon the age-standardised mortality (1942-2020), 2020 would rank 68th out of these last 79 years. hocs/12735annualdeathsandmortalityrates1938to2020provisional

Similar situation in Ireland – Irish death rates graphically explained using official statistics Ivor Cummins video:

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Summary by The World Doctors Alliance: “Leading medical journal the BMJ published a peer-reviewed article last week by John Appleby, Director of Research at the Nuffield Trust, that draws on ONS data to look at the 2020 England and Wales death toll in a historical context. In terms of absolute number of deaths, 2020 was the worst year since 1838 except for the Spanish Flu year of 1918 (note that overseas deaths including war casualties are not included). However, as a proportion of population, it was only the worst year since 2003. Furthermore, once you take into account the fact that the population is getting older and standardise the figures by age, 2020 was less deadly than 2008 and every year prior to it. Appleby for his part makes no attempt to downplay the pandemic death toll, pointing out that only in four previous years had there been a sharper increase in percentage terms on the previous year and they were all prior to 1941. It was definitely counter to the decreasing trend. A point he doesn’t make, however, is that the historically low levels of the previous 11 years would have left an unusually large amount of ‘dry tinder’ for any novel virus to burn through. Plus, 2019 had the lowest age-standardised mortality ever, to the extent that if you took an average of 2019 and 2020 then that average was lower than 2015, 2013, 2012 and every year prior to 2011. While it’s fair to note (as Appleby does) that the coronavirus epidemic continued into 2021, with high excess deaths in January and February, it is hard to regard this as an earth-shattering death toll. The graphs also make clear that previous similar pandemics, such as in 1957 and 1968, made only a modest impact on mortality and only for a year or two, notwithstanding the lack of vaccines or social interventions. There is nothing about this disease to think the long-term pattern should be any different that would justify some kind of radical, permanent change to the way we interact or organise our lives. It’s important to remember that our immune systems develop and maintain resistance to a host of pathogens through being frequently exposed to them and that social isolation, where it is not merely ineffective, can deprive us of the opportunity to keep our immunity topped up.”

An article showing the document released by the ONS: Coronavirus:‘ a year like no other’ in a different light when the small print within the data that ONS presents is taken into account. lated/

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C) DATA OUT OF CONTEXT WITH THE SINGULAR FOCUS ON COVID-19: Some of the data used to explain, justify and form the basis of all measures and the mainstream media narrative


Neil Ferguson’s Imperial College warned last year that, without an immediate lockdown, the coronavirus would cause 500,000 deaths. This figure, has been recognized as exaggerated (as have been N. Ferguson’s predictions for foot-and-mouth disease in 2001, mad cow disease in 2002, bird flu in 2005, and swine flu in 2007). N. Ferguson himself admitted his model was based on undocumented, 13-year-old computer code that had been intended for use in a feared influenza pandemic. Ferguson’s model has been roundly attacked as not based on science, but on projected death rates which were much higher than the present estimated 99.8% plus survival rate of COVID19. His predictions were never validated against the data that comes out empirically, week by week. If this had been done it would have been seen quickly that the model was ‘badly specified, ‘not on the side of caution but completely reckless considering the collateral damage of the policy response that was based on this prediction.’ Despite all this evidence, lockdowns and other measures remain official policy. Sources for these statements: Making sense of mortality – Quantitative Analyst, MBA, Joel Smalley mentioned above. Talking about Ferguson’s model from minute 32 of the video


Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test, explains here: “with the PCR if you do it well you can find almost anything in anybody ... It allows you to take a very minuscule amount of anything, make it measurable ... it’s about interpretation .... it doesn’t tell you that you are sick, it doesn’t tell you that the thing you ended up with is really going to hurt you...” 1:30min video:

Dr. Sam Bailey – clear short videos explaining how PCR test works. Clear, science based. Behind the PCR curtain: - 11min. The truth about PCR tests: - 17min. Who Fact-Checks the Fact-Checkers? - One of her videos on PCR tests has been “fact checked”. She follows the fact checkers, their arguments and explains her claims on scientific, referenced basis: 10min video. FAQs: re Lateral flow and PCR tests & more 14min.

HART – Health Advisory and Recovery Team. “.. To minimise inappropriate focus on just one of many respiratory viruses... an in-depth review of testing and revised testing strategy is needed, with focus on reliable identification of those who are both clinically infected and infectious.” (25th Feb)

talkRadio – 9min video with Dr Mike Yeadon, former scientific advisor with Pfizer, explaining why the PCR is unreliable and so are admission, cases and deaths numbers that all hang on this test.

Prof. Carl Heneghan: PCR Test Positives Up to 78 Days After Having Had the Virus – 2min video by Professor Carl Heneghan is the Director of the Centre for Evidence Based Medicine at Oxford University.

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Prof. Vincent Racaniello – 14min detailed explanation of how PCR test works, what is the Ct value & why there’s no need to worry about a positive test result:

PCR Claims: A wealth of evidence, resources – articles, videos, news and useful links related to PCR tests. PCRclaims: a campaign group that collates claims information relating to individual losses driven by PCR testing.

‘Every scary thing you are being told depends on the unreliable PCR test’ A video summarizing the pitfalls of the PCR Test and why it should not be treated as a legitimate medical diag- nostic tool, but rather only, as Mullis himself instructed, as an auxiliary ‘research aid’. This has been censored/ removed. However the valuable research links for this video and notes are still provided here:



Head of the WHO’s emerging diseases and zoonosis unit, Dr. , on June 7, 2020 told a press conference that from the known research, asymptomatic spread was “very rare.” : “From the data we have, it still seems to be rare that an asymptomatic person actually transmits onward to a secondary individual.... very rare... We should focus on detecting and isolating infected people with symptoms”. Here is the article about the context and implications of this speech (1:46min video included) ed/?fbclid=IwAR2BUpRdupamYZ-LsictUcAQt6-Jh8YQSul9YJUMm2xHmGpZwnRLhI54oAI

Covid19 – Asymptomatic transmission – Dr. Sam Bailey eo-:e?r=Hi235fbeSxXgEvHPARxCiew2F8RbaKHc 13min video

The BJM (British Medical Journal) – article: Response to Mass testing for Covid19 in the UK: “Evidence of asymptomatic spread is insufficient to justify mass testing for Covid-19”

Dr Jay Bhattacharya – on asymptomatic spread (min 4-11 of this 48min audio interview on The Tom Woods Show – + also discussed: censorship, lockdowns, US public health institutions, vaccines, vaccine passports. Dr Jay Bhattacharya – Professor of medicine at Standford University and one of the three drafters of The Great Barrington Declaration. “The risk of transmission of the virus within the members of one household is 18%” (high enough if there’s a really vulnerable person – then, it’s about protecting the vulnerable), but rest of the people should be free to live their lives! Compare this 18% chance of transmission within the household to other indoor and outdoor settings – supermarkets, restaurants... the risk of transmission there is much lower than that. “ People overestimate the risk of the disease spread. …. people living in fear … fear driving all these measures … why not just tell people, if you are sick stay at home and isolate yourself.”

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Smashing the “1 in 3 people with Covid-19 have no symptoms” claim – with Professor Norman Fenton – Queen Mary University of London – 6 minutes video “Over the period Dec 2020 - Feb 2021, the UK government, and its scientific advisers, made the persistent and widely publicised claim that “1 in 3 people with the SARS-Cov-2 virus have no symptoms”. We use a contemporaneous study of asymptomatics at Cambridge University to show that the claim is contradicted by the government’s own case num- bers over that same period.” Full paper is here: COVID-19_do_not_get_symptoms

Asymptomatic Spread – Who can really spread Covid19? - Dr John Lee, retired Professor of Pathology: “...Three situations when someone can be PCR positive, but asymptomatic: Pre-symptomatic – max 7% of the spread (according to the CDC, reference in the article), False positive – not infected, Immunity – people who have the virus on board (detectable), but never develop symptoms...Transmission risk is minimal” ...” A respiratory virus needs associated symptoms in order to be clinically relevant. One year ago, this belief would have been universally accepted by wider medical community....” Also on p. 11 of the rigorously and widely researched document: HART Covid19 Response:

+ Also in HART’s bulletin from week 25th February 2021: : Assessing asymptomatic transmission’s role in the pandemic: “...Prior to 2020 the default assumption was that only symptomatic individuals are at high risk of infecting others with a respiratory pathogen... The entire rationale for mask wearing and mass testing is based on the assumption of the importance of asymptomatic transmission being correct. However, when the source data was reviewed this assump- tion was called into question....Empirical data show that transmission risk is very variable and is much greater in those displaying symptoms...A high proportion of infections have been acquired in institutions....COVID-19 may be well on its way to becoming predominantly a disease of institutional spread, as was the case with prior novel coronaviruses. HART recommends urgently undertaking a detailed, multi-disciplinary review of the effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions in community and institutional settings....”



Government website: New UK-wide methodology to record Covid19 deaths, adopted in August 2020 Daily published COVID-19 deaths are “deaths in people with COVID-19 that occurred within 28 days of testing positive”. ...meaning death from any cause within 28 days of testing positive. When we factor in prevalence of false positives, we can imagine the scale of inaccuracy and what sort of image such a Covid-19 death number presented in the news can create.

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From this government source about the reasons for this methodology of recording covid19 deaths: Professor John Newton, Director of Health Improvement at , said: “The way we count deaths in people with COVID-19 in England was originally chosen to avoid underestimating deaths caused by the virus in the early stages of the pandemic.” Putting that into context:

EMERGENCY MEASURE IS STILL IN PLACE (relates to the statement above)

UK Government admitting in April 2021 - QUARTER OF VIRUS DEATHS NOT CAUSED BY COVID. Calls to speed up roadmap as 23% of recent deaths are “with” the disease rather than “from” it. - Front page of 14th April 2021 (note: BBC News front page on that day does not mention anything. What does that tell us?) “Almost a quarter of registered covid deaths are people who are not dying from the disease... new official figures show as the government was urged to move faster with the roadmap” … 23% of people who died. For this very information people were getting de-platformed not long ago – now officially confirmed. And the number might be much higher than that.

Scottish Government response to Freedom of Information request: COVID-19: Number of Scottish deaths with no underlying health condition.Information requested : The figure of deaths in Scotland for the period of 3/3/2020 till 1/2/2021 of citizens whom have died solely of COVID-19 with no whatsoever underlying con- ditions. Response: The answer to your question is 596 deaths involving COVID-19 has been registered where there was no pre-existing medical condition between March 2020 and January 2021 (including). Also covered by UK Column News: min 21:44 in

Official NHS data shows only 3,542 died with no known pre-existing conditions “Of the 86,308 deaths occurring in people who have tested positive for “Covid”, 82,766 died from pre-existing conditions. Only 3,542 died with no known pre-existing conditions.” What’s even more shocking about that is that this doesn’t mean the 3,542 who died with no known pre-existing conditions actually died of Covid-19. It just means they didn’t have any pre-existing conditions. This very small amount of people in the grand scheme of things could actually be even smaller, as it is entirely possible they still died of other causes, such as a bad car accident for instance. We cannot of course prove that but it is still entirely possible due to the fact they record Covid deaths as anyone who ha died within 28 days of receiving a positive test for SARS-CoV-2. But we can prove what some of the underlying pre-existing conditions were, as the NHS have told us.”


A deceptive construction: Why we must question the Covid-19 mortality statistics- UK Column News “According to the UK Government, as of 27 March 2021, 126,515 people have died as a result of contracting Covid-19, and an additional 21,610 people have died with COVID-19 on their death certificates. The government alleges, therefore, that a total of 148,125 people in the UK have died as a result of COVID-19’ Is this claim credible?”

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Covid-19: The data exposing the deception– UK Column News Research suggests that: “the average percentage chance of Covid-19 mortality for the working population is 0.0046%. This is three and half times lower than the official ONS ASMR (Age-Standardised Mortality Rate) implies. This strongly suggests that, of the 48,158 reported deaths “due” to Covid-19, the real number is closer to 13,759. A discrepancy of 34,399. Why the discrepancy?....”

How deadly is Covid19? - Dr. Malcolm Kendrick. Scottish medical doctor, who spent large chunks of his life trying to untangle medial data and research, explaining in this article how deadly covid19 is, looking at Infection Fatality Rate and Case Fatality Rate.

Mortality Realities - Professor Michael Levitt Explains Fully. Interview with Nobel Prize winner - Professor Michael Levitt of Stanford University on mortality data from CDC, and/or Euromomo databases.

HART – Health Advisory and Recovery Team (25th Feb): “.... Data on COVID-19 mortality is centred on all deaths within 28 days of a PCR positive. Regardless of the prevalence of false positives, the genuine presence of a respiratory virus does not necessarily implicate the virus in the patient’s death. It is being assumed that where PCR positives indicate the presence of SARS-CoV-2, the virus has contributed in some way to the death. We have never adopted this system for any other virus..” (HART bulletin week 25th February 2021)

“Perhaps the most useful measure available to us is all-cause mortality. When you look at the last 20 years, it certainly puts recent events in context... With every death comes personal tragedy, nevertheless it is important to remember:

• 99.9% of people under 70 years and with no underlying conditions survive the virus. • The majority of those who died with the virus also had two or more serious, chronic illnesses. • The median age at death with Covid19 (around 82 years) exceeds normal life expectancy. • In 2020, there were 388 Covid19 deaths in those aged 60 or and under with no prior illnesses. HART bulletin week 19th February 2021:


NHS hospitals have four times more empty beds than normal – article from April 2020 than-normal/7027392.article “Tens of thousands of NHS hospital beds remain unoccupied amid the coronavirus crisis — about four times the normal number — due to huge ongoing efforts to free up space, and a slowdown in admissions from other causes.” Nightingale largely empty as ICUs handle surge – article from April 2020. article

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Has the NHS been overwhelmed during the pandemic? - Investigation. Daily Expose - Referenced article with bed occupancy data

WHISTLE BLOWING ON THE ‘OVERRUN’ NHS WITH KIRSTY MILLER – Pandemic Podcast “Night after night a recurring media theme over the past year has been harrowing images of over-stretched staff in their PPE rushing from bed to bed in overflowing ICU wards. This unrelenting barrage of distress has underpinned the entire ‘protect the NHS’ messaging campaign but is what we’ve been seeing — and still see, even now — a complete picture of what’s actually been going on? More and more health staff are now speaking out, putting their livelihoods in peril and jeopardising professional and other relationships in the process. Among them is Kirsty Miller, an experienced nurse who worked for NHS Tayside and quit at the end of March after raising in vain a growing catalogue of concerns with her managers, her union, government health bodies, and the Nursing and Midwifery Council. The emotional video she made sitting in a hospital car park after working her last shift went viral, and now Kirsty wants as many people as possible to start questioning what’s happening in the NHS and care sector. Kirsty is sharing her story, touching on emp- ty wards, elderly patients being pushed to sign DNRs (Do Not Resuscitate), and how her whistle-blowing at a Dundee care home early last year also fell on deaf ears” (52min video)

Exercise Cygnus: UK Government Exercise Justifies Covid-19 Lockdown – UK Column News Article explores the steady decline in the number of ICU beds from 1997 up to now, it then explores the UK Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Strategy Paper published by the UK government in 2011, followed in 2016 by a government-organized event called , which involved all government departments, all local authorities, and the NHS across the UK and which report has not been published for “national security reasons” and so as not to “frighten the public”.... “To get a general feel, looking back to 2011, the government published the UK Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Strategy Paper, outlining what the official response to a hypothetical pandemic should be. Its precautionary approach stresses that actions following the emergence of a pandemic, which could occur suddenly at any time: • must be evidence based • be proportional to the level of threat • be flexible • be based on ethical principles. • emergency powers must last no longer than 30 days

Significantly, it states that during any pandemic, it should be “business as usual” and notes that its recommendations

are in line with an earlier, 2007, National Framework paper’s “defence in depth” approach to a pandemic.” He who controls the media controls “ “ the public mind. ~ Noam Chomsky

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The above data, out of context, with a singular focus on Covid19 has formed the basis for unprecedented measures and interventions. After an immediate and willing response amongst the vast majority of people to respond as advised to the initial sense of emergency, the continuing collective compliance with these measures, in the face of growing scientific questioning as to the actions of Governments, has been largely achieved by a relentless and aggressive media campaign.

Psychological impact of Government’s communication style – Dr Damian Wild, Chartered, Highly Specialist Clinical Psychologist. “The communication style used throughout this crisis has employed several covert psychological strategies (“nudges”) that act upon us subconsciously, below the level of awareness.” “The Government’s Behavioural Insight Team (BIT) recommended many psychological techniques in order to change people’s behaviour. The SAGE minutes of the 22nd March 2020 state: “The perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased … using hard-hitting emotional messaging.” “BIT has inflicted a prolonged scare campaign upon the British public, the primary aim of which has been to inflate levels of fear and thereby achieve compliance.” “The government has spent well over £100M on advertising Covid-19-related messaging. It has resulted in unprecedented levels of fear, loneliness and anxiety.” Also on p.25 of the rigorously and widely researched document: HART Covid-19 Response:

The government have just extended contract for Covid-19 advertising until 2023. (See further down this document).

NHS England and NHS Improvement – NHS internal document / script on strategies and key messages to use to persuade different age groups to say to say yes to the vaccine. – 9 min video.

Operation Fear: How are we being played? - Pandemic Podcast – interview with behaviour scientist Patrick Fagan – 1h video

How Governments Manipulate Human Behaviour – Pandemic Podcast, Dan Austin Gregory - 34min video – in the first 20min, Dan shows how the Chart/tools of coercion used in the 60s to break down will of the prisoners of war and make them comply is currently being used by the governments (based on Albert Biderman’s book The Manipulation of Human Behaviour from 1961): Isolation, Monopolisation of perception, Induced debility and exhaustion, threats and intimidation, humiliation and degradation, enforcing trivial demands, occasional indulgence, demonstrating omnipotence.

COVID Coercion UK: SAGE Documents Reveal Psychological Operations Against Public tack-on-the-uk-public/ Article introducing SAGE subgroup - Scientific Pandemic Influenza group on Behaviour (SPI-B) , tasked with providing advice on how to ‘help’ people to adhere to the interventions which government demands and quotes their advice to SAGE, e.g: “A substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently personally threatened...The perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased among those who are complacent, using hard-hitting emotional messaging.”

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SPI-B recommends that the media is used: • to increase sense of personal threat • to increase sense of responsibility to others • to promote positive messaging around actions “They make clear how they see the role of the media: not to hold government to account, but to act as a conduit for the ‘behavioural’ message (propaganda)”. “It was announced on 17 April 2020 this year that the Government and the newspaper industry have formed a three-month advertising partnership called All in, all together to help “keep the public safe and the nation united” throughout the Covid-19 ‘pandemic’.” “So news media have a commercial interest in providing a propaganda service to the UK government. Indeed, it has been noticed that the government is becoming the UK media’s most important client.”

SAGE document reveals “covert” propaganda to scare British into staying Home in lockdown to-staying-home/ The paper, written by Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviours, said: “A substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently personally threatened; it could be that they are reassured by the low death rate in their demographic group, although levels of concern may be rising.” “The perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased among those who are complacent, using hard-hitting emotional messaging. To be effective this must also empower people by making clear the actions they can take to reduce the threat.” The document, seen by the Telegraph, allegedly then gave 14 options for improving compliance including ‘use media to increase sense of personal threat’, which they said would be highly effective but runs the risk of ‘negative’ side effects.” The ‘covert tactics’ used to scare Britons into staying at home: How SAGE document called for increase in ‘perceived threat’ of Covid using ‘hard hitting emotional messages’ – Mail Online

The Telegraph: State of fear: how ministers ‘used covert tactics’ to keep scared public at home.

Daily Expose article on UK Government tactics to encourage/coerce/pressure people into getting the vaccine. to-having-experimental-covid-vaccine/


The Mirror Project: This is a new non-profit initiative with the mission to contribute to a growing body of unbiased & impartial information, to counter government and corporate media, and give the public a place to investigate issues in a trusted environment with verified sources. Who is behind the project: “We worked in the mainstream media (news & documentaries) for many years. We’ve been to conflict zones, covered wars, and seen things, slowly we started piecing the puzzle together. When the “Pandemic” started we’ve witnessed the mainstream media from the inside trying to push a certain narrative on everyone, including us. We could not participate knowingly, so we left. We left to organise and find legal ways to fight back. And it all starts with educating the public...”

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Based on the above data & the impacts of these measures in context.

Dr. Rodger Hodkinson – “The fight of our generation.” – A powerful and universal speech putting everything in context, summarizing the whole situation. – 14min video. Dr Hodkinson is the CEO of Western Medical Assessments, and has been the Company’s Medical Director for over 20 years. He received his general medical degrees from Cambridge University in the UK, and then became a Royal College certified pathologist in Canada (FRCPC) following a residency in Vancouver, BC.



2min video of public speeches from various politicians on mask wearing by the general public: Up until June 4, 2020, the government ministers and their advisers considered the evidence for the use of face masks by the general public to be too weak to recommend it. Has the science changed since?

3 reasons to wear a mask and 6 reasons not to – short informative article and video wAR2YeiuOCBwkDmUvwVyJBLOsfpfFzHTzo52mskhjdZljT-Mw6qFliXX2r5w

WHO Admits: No Evidence Masks Prevent Viral Infection

Masks, false safety and real dangers – studies published in Primary Doctor Medical Journal, a peer-reviewed journal by physicians and scientists without commercial influence.

Masks – The science and myths - Dr. Lee Merritt MD, surgeon. Great informative, evidence based23min video:

More on Science of Masks by America’s Frontline Doctors:

Are mask mandates slowing the spread of Covid? - In short: No.– 6min video Insight from Laura Ingraham’s Medicine Cabinet: Dr. Ramin Oskoui, cardiologist and CEO of Foxhall Cardiology, and Dr. Scott Jensen, physician and Minnesota state senator.

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Stanford Study Results: Facemasks are Ineffective to Block Transmission of COVID-19 and Actually Can Cause Health Deterioration and Premature Death. A recent Stanford study released by the NCBI, which is under the National Institutes of Health, showed that masks do absolutely nothing to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and their use is even harmful. sion-covid-19-actually-can-cause-health-deterioration-premature-death/

Summary of Covid-19 data and measures (The Ugly Truth of Covid-19 Lockdowns) Nick Hudson, co-founder of PANDA, Pandemics – Data & Analytics - 27min video, on masks from min 20 Nick Hudson, speaking at the inaugural BizNews Investment Conference in March 2021 summarizing and looking into the data and measures and interventions, putting things into context.

Masks - Do benefits outweigh the harms? - Dr Gary Sidley, Retired Clinical Psychologist. Also on p. 22 of the rigorously and widely researched document: HART Covid19 Response: “Masks don’t reduce community transmissions …. Contrary to the government message that it “follows the science”, the sudden change in advice by the WHO, was not based on any new, high-quality scientific studies. By summer 2020, there was substantial evidence that non-medical masks for the general public did not reduce the transmission of the respiratory viruses....”

Is mask wearing benign? (HART 24th March 2021 - Dr Mary Ramsay from Public Health England told the BBC that face coverings were a ‘lower level restriction’ that ‘people can live with’ and they should continue to be worn ‘for a few years’.

While there is no evidence that masks significantly reduce transmission when worn routinely in real-world set- tings, there is recognition that they may constitute an infection hazard … cause physical harms, while the social and psychological cost of concealing our faces from other people is considerable.

Face coverings impair all forms of communication and human connection, make lip-reading impossible for the deaf and constitute a gross impediment to children’s social development.

HART believes the Government should now lift the mandate and allow people to decide for themselves whether

to wear one. It is time to trust the public with their own personal risk-based decision making. AWARENESS IS THE GREATEST AGENT “ “ FOR CHANGE. ~ ECKHART TOLLE

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UK Medical Freedom Alliance – Very informative, to the point, detailed, evidence based open letter on mask mandates: UKMFA_Open_Letter_Face_Mask_Mandates.pdf From this website:

Swiss Policy Research – Are face masks effective? The evidence – clear article that includes graphs o f d e v e l o p m e n t o f t h e n u m b e r o f c a s e s , i n d i c a ti n g t h e p o i n t i n w h i c h m a s k s w e re m a n d a t e d .

Wearing a mask can increase infection: detailed CDC study: 85% of COVID-19 cases in July were people who often or always wear masks. More than 70% of those outpatient individuals who tested positive reported always wearing masks. Virus is too small it passes straight through the mask. Only 4% who tested positive never wear masks.

Facemasks in the COVID-19 era: A health hypothesis – PMC, US National Library of Medicine – National Institute of Health. “Many countries across the globe utilized medical and non-medical facemasks as non-pharmaceu- tical intervention for reducing the transmission and inefectivity of coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19). Although, scientific evidence supporting facemasks’ efficacy is lacking, adverse physiological, psychological and health effects are established. Is has been hypothesized that facemasks have compromised safety and efficacy profile and should be avoided from use. The current article comprehensively summarizes scientific evidences with respect to wearing face- masks in the COVID-19 era, providing prosper information for public health and decisions making.”

Ex school principal: Education and socialisation cannot happen behind a mask. The proposal that our children cover their noses and mouths for 6/7 hours per day whilst at school, including in the classroom is inhumane. not-happen-behind-a-mask-3194054

Making sense of mortality – by experienced Quantitative Analyst, MBA, Joel Smalley, shared at the beginning. Here, from minute 00:36, explaining well known situation in North and South Dakota, identical in every respect, one mandated masks, social distancing, business closures, the other didn’t. The data from month thereafter showed no difference. Joel says: “ would have thought that everybody in the world who is interested in public policy would be after these data, to prove or disprove the effectiveness of community mask wearing and social distancing.”

More detailed scientific paper about the effects of wearing masks – masks false safety and real dangers from a peer-reviewed journal by physicians and scientists without commercial influence.

Study Finds 68% of Children Report Side Effects from Wearing Masks (Germany) https://childrenshealthde-

Environmental cost of disposable masks Besides the above physical and psychological harms mask wearing rep- resents, it’s been recognized by the World Economic Forum, that “disposable masks have become a major environ- mental problem”. “We spent $166 billion on them worldwide in 2020”. “around 75% will end up in landfill or the ocean” In light of all the information above, is the Smart Mask being introduced by the World Economic Forum a solution or not?

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Dr Daniela Cavagnino - Fighting COVID-19? The Double Face of Ethylene Oxide (EO) Article looking into how PPE is sterilized and what effect it can have on human health.

Disposable blue face masks found to contain toxic, asbestos-like substance

UK Government Website on Exemptions from wearing masks: own/face-coverings-when-to-wear-one-and-how-to-make-your-own#exemptions “If you have an age, health or disability reason for not wearing a face covering: • you do not routinely need to show any written evidence of this • you do not need show an exemption card This means that you do not need to seek advice or request a letter from a medical professional about your reason for not wearing a face covering. However, some people may feel more comfortable showing something that says they do not have to wear a face covering. This could be in the form of an exemption card, badge or even a home-made sign. Carry- ing an exemption card or badge is a personal choice and is not required by law. If you wish to use an exemption card or badge, you can download exemption card templates. You can then print these yourself...: emption_from_face_covering_card_to_print.pdf …or show them on a mobile device.”: Exemption_from_face_covering_badge_for_mobile_phone.pdf

The product description of a non-medical face mask often states: “The use of face masks does not provide protection against coronavirus (COVID-19) but could help to minimise the risk of transmission to other people in some circumstances.” On some boxes with masks you can read: “This product is an ear loop mask. It is not a respirator and will not provide any protection against Covid-19 (Coronavirus) or other viruses or contaminants. Wearing an ear loop mask does not reduce the risk of contracting any disease or infection. User is solely responsible for the selection of appropriate personal protective equipment...”



Zach Bush MD (see more about him above) - 6min video on isolation, mask wearing and viruses – explaining here the Second law of thermodynamics – any system put into isolation will increase its chaos (chaos – entropy).

The data is in: lockdowns serve no useful purpose and cause catastrophic societal and economic harms. They must never be repeated in this country.

Lockdowns – do they work? - Marilyn James - Professor of Health Economics also on p. 28 of the rigorously and widely researched docu- ment: HART Covid19 Response:

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Economic impacts – true cost of lockdowns. David Paton Professor of Industrial Economics & Marilyn James - Professor of Health Economics. Also on p.14 of the rigorously and widely researched document: HART Covid19 Response:

Lockdowns and Collateral damage – Frequently asked questions – Great Barrington Declaration:

Collateral Global: collection of vetted, peer-reviewed studies covering the impact of the SARS-CoV-2 lockdown measures by category - physical health, mental health, social health, economy and education.

End Lockdowns: Evidence-based detailed analysis of the multiple damaging effects of lockdowns :

The Ugly Truth about the Covid-19 Lockdowns - Nick Hudson, co-founder of PANDA, Pandemics – Data & An- alytics. - 27min video, on lockdowns and their effects from minute 13. Nick Hudson, speaking at the inaugural BizNews Investment Conference in March 2021 summariz- ing and looking into the data and measures and interventions, putting things into context

Lockdowns don’t work, why? - PANDA - Pandemics ~ Data & Analytics (a collective of leading scientists, actuar- ies, economists, data scientists, statisticians, medical professionals, lawyers, engineers and businesspeople work- ing as a collective with the aim to promote open science)

Lockdowns contradict a century of pre-Covid science - PANDA - Pandemics ~ Data & Analytics:

Lockdowns don’t save lives and Sweden is all the proof you need - PANDA - Pandemics ~ Data & Analytics:

Lockdown legacy facing future generations - Rob Verkerk, Founder, Executive and Scientific Director of the Alliance for Natural Health International. – 1h interview “We’re all too aware of the short-term impact the year of fear has had on us and our families — physically, emotionally, psychologically. But could the harm go deeper and last way longer? Do lockdowns and the panoply of medical and non-medical interventions to which we’ve been subjected have other implications for our long-term health and that of generations to come? Since SARS-CoV2 emerged, Rob Verkerk has been investigating the wider

implications of the pandemic, including the epigenetic stress which could also touch unborn generations, and whether

the virus or vaccines (or both) could increase the prevalence and range of auto-immune diseases.” The power of community to create health is far greater “ “ than any physician, clinic or hospital. ~ Mark Hyman.

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Do lockdowns cause more harm than good? - Dr. Oliver Robinson - Pandemic Podcast (53min video) Dr Oliver Robinson is an Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Greenwich, London, UK. He specialises in a biopsychosocial approach to adult development and mental health and has published 40 peer-reviewed articles in this area. In this interview he is exploring the growing scientific evidence that indicate that lockdowns do not effectively reduce mortality from Covid-19 and weight up the costs and benefits of such policies. He also unpacks in this interview the biomedial and biopsy- chosocial models of illness to review what factors lead to people becoming more susceptible to Covid-19.

Can Lockdowns Ever Work? – Dr Mike Yeadon Pandemic Podcast – (1h video). Dr Mike Yeadon is an independent biotech consultant with 32 years of experience in research and develop- ment with big pharma — including Pfizer at senior management level — and within biotechnology as a company founder. This interview is exploring some of the pertinent issues around lockdowns, vaccine passports (from min 46) and the mass vaccination programme. It is also exploring whether the issue of ‘variants’ (from min 16) will become a likely cause of future lockdowns, and the implication this has for a potentially unending series of vaccine top-ups and boosters.

The truth about social distancing - Dr Sam Bailey – 9min video looking into social distancing, masks, quarantine k&

Covid and the lockdown effect: a look at the evidence – The Spectator – article

Covid Recovery: A scientific Approach: A group of Irish doctors and scientists have published a White Paper entitled “Covid Recovery: A Scientific Approach”: in which they address the latest evidence for lockdown efficacy and examine the enormous and disproportionate cost of cyclical lockdown in terms of health, economic, and societal damage. They also address the weakness of the test and trace system and propose an evidence-based path forward.

Evidence about (in)efficiency of lockdowns and their consequences - America’s Frontline Doctors:

Lockdowns Do Not Control the Coronavirus: The Evidence - American Institute of Economic Research (AIER)

Covid policies and harms to children - Professor Ellen Townsend & Dr Karen Neil. In all actions concerning children, the best interests of the child should be a primary consideration.

Kids and Covid: How big is the risk? - Article presenting results of a JAMA study that assessed COVID and other leading causes of death among various age groups found that between March and October 2020, the COVID mortality rate among children ages 5-14 was about one per million.

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Mortality data and Covid19 – Joel Smalley, Quantitative Data Analyst also on p. 31 of the rigorously and widely researched document: HART Covid19 Response: “Mortality data can help us unravel the 2020 Covid-19 outbreak and the effects of associated interventions. When we try a new experiment such as lockdowns on the entire nation, it is our duty as scientists to forensically assess its effec- tiveness. Do lockdowns work from a data point of view?” In response to this question, amongst other data based evi- dence: “When considering the effect of lockdowns and other interventions on mortality (social distancing, mask-wear- ing etc.), comparisons with similar places that did not lock down are also instructive. There are two main outliers that provide comparison (a) Sweden, (b) North and South Dakota in the US”. Both exam- ples are well explained in the article. Joe also talks about the example of North and South Dakota from minute 36 of this video, where he says “ would have thought that everybody in the world who is interested in public policy would be after these data, to prove or disprove the effectiveness of community mask wearing and social distancing.”

70,000 households in UK made homeless during pandemic



“Everyone is dangerous until proven healthy.”Summary of Covid-19 data and measures (The Ugly Truth of Covid-19 Lockdowns) - Nick Hudson, co-founder of PANDA, Pandemics – Data & Analytics. video/mfrMFDCoJJ4e/ - 27min video. Nick Hudson, speaking at the inaugural BizNews Investment Conference in March 2021 summarizing and exploring the data,measures and interventions, putting things into context

Covid19 Response, rigorously and widely researched document by HART – Health Advisory and Recovery Team (group of scientists, medics and public health experts introduced earlier) Executive Summary: COVID19 – An overview of the evidence on page 1-2 of this document, calls for, amongst other steps to: “Stop mass testing healthy people. Return to the principles of respiratory disease diagnosis (the require- ment of symptoms) that were well researched and accepted before 2020. Manufacturers’ guidelines state that these tests are designed to assist the diagnosis of symptomatic patients, not to “find” disease in otherwise healthy people.”

The government wants to test the entire healthy UK population for covid19 twice weekly... vid-twice-weekly-even-though-asymptomatic-spread-doesnt-exist/…even though there is no firm evidence for asymptomatic spread as this article explains.

Self testing: Currently every adult and school child in the UK is expected to test themselves for coronavirus at least twice a week to keep the roadmap out of lockdown on track: down-924158

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Apart from going against well researched, prior 2020 science when it comes to diagnosis of a respiratory illness ...are we aware of the potential dangers of such frequent testing? Home testing kits clearly state: “sterilized EO” or “sterilized using Ethylene Oxide” What is Ethylene Oxide? - “A highly reactive, toxic and flammable gas … with an intrinsic hazardous nature and a carcinogenic effect on human beings” “The ability of ethylene oxide to damage DNA makes it an effective sterilizing agent but also accounts for its cancer-causing activity.” - Quoted from National Cancer Institute:

Hugo talks – Ethylene Oxyde - video starts on cancer treatment, tests from min 4 JRtiQuly3.html – 12min video.

Dr Daniela Cavagnino - Fighting COVID-19? The Double Face of Ethylene Oxide (EO)

UK Medical Freedom Alliance – Open letter to Education Minister onMass-testing in Schools. Very informative open letter outlining concerns the medical and scientific experts from the UK Medical Freedom Alliance have with mass-testing. Concerns relate to informed consent, the validity of the tests and the lack of evidence for asymptomatic spread of SARS-CoV-2. (Can also be used to be sent to your MP, school/headteachers...) schools-Education_Ministers_Open_Letter.pdf


Many of us reading this will already have received at least one Covid 19 vaccine. We will have based our decision to have it, or them, on all the information we have been given. For a very large majority of us this information will have come from mainstream media – the news, tv programmes, radio, website. As you will see reading this section, that information represents only a narrow view and is, on its own, dangerously misleading. This section offers a wider and more balanced view of all the science that is accumulating on the subject of the Covid19 vaccine and will help us to make a more informed decision in the event that further vaccines will be offered. As explored further down the document, the current Covid 19 vaccines do not meet the definition of a vaccine for a number of significant reasons and therefore can not strictly be called a vaccine. It is crucial for us to understand the profound differences between this Covid 19 experimental genetic modifying injection and a vaccine as medically defined. This will be clarified in the information below. However for ease of reading we will continue to refer to it as a vaccine.


With a mass vaccination programme currently under way, it is essential that we have access to as much thoroughly researched information as possible in order to be able to make a truly informed decision. Many of the scientists and Doctors speaking out expressing their concerns about the vaccine are being censored and vilified as ‘anti vaxers’. Much of what they publish is being deplatformed and debunked by ‘fact checkers’ (see section about who funds the fact checkers). The information below is just a small selection of the many voices of concern from the medical and scientific communities as well as from members of the public who have experienced adverse affects. This information specific to the vaccines, together with the wider context from theData section above and the concept of innate immunity from Fundamental Paradigms section, can help you and your loved ones to research further in order to be able to make truly informed decisions.

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Assessing individual risk from SARS-CoV2 / Covid 19 ● 99.9% of people under 70 years with no underlying conditions survive the virus ● if fatal, the majority of people who die have two or more serious, chronic illnesses and their median age at death with the virus (around 82 years) exceeds normal life expectancy. (Source: HART – Health Advisory and Recovery Team (19th Feb 21). Having assessed our individual risk from the virus and whether we need a vaccine, it is also important to note that the current Covid19 vaccines use a new mRNA technology, which has never been successfully tested on humans,in any long term or short term trials, and that these vaccines have been authorized for emergency use for one year only whilst the data are still being collected. Clinical trials will end in 2023, so there are no long-term safety data. A vaccine can only be granted emergency use authorisation if there are no effective treatments for COVID-19, which there are – see sectionPossible Solutions. Once the emergency is over or an alternate treatment is deemed effective, there is no place for Covid19 vaccines. These and more concerns about necessity, safety and efficacy of the Covid19 vaccines are detailed below. Despite the pressures we might feel to accept the vaccine, it is crucial for us to understand the true risks we are undertaking if and when we decide to accept it. Due to the current censorship of many experts in the field of vaccines who are voicing concerns about the Covid19 emergency use vaccine, we can only find out about true risks the vaccine can pose to our health by researching beyond the Government vaccine information.

Dr. Ryan Cole – evaluates current risks of getting sick with Covid-19, explains available treatment and prevention and from min 20 in clearly explainsrisks from taking the vaccine. 28 min video. “...if there’s a treatment for a disease, the Federal Government cannot approve a vaccine, by law..”


UK Government website: What to expect after your Covid19 vaccination to-expect-after-your-covid-19-vaccination “... Like all medicines, no vaccine is completely effective.... Some people may still get COVID-19 despite having a vaccination .... We do not yet know whether it will stop you from catching and passing on the virus ... So, it is still important to follow the guidance: practice social distancing, wear a face mask ... “

WHO (World Health Organization) on Covid19 Vaccines: “Being vaccinated does not mean that we can throw caution to the wind and put ourselves and others at risk, particularly because research is still ongoing into how much vaccines protect not only against disease but also against infection and transmission.” “For the foreseeable future we must continue wearing masks, cleaning our hands, ensuring good ventilation indoors, physically distancing and avoid- ing crowds.”

UK Government website: Summary of product characteristics for Covid19 Vaccine Moderna tion-for-healthcare-professionals-on-covid-19-vaccine-moderna “... Anaphylaxis has been reported. Appropriate medical treatment and supervision should always be readily available in case of an anaphylactic reaction following administration of the vaccine...” “... The efficacy, safety and immunogenicity of the vaccine has not been assessed in immunocompromised individuals ... The efficacy of COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna may be lower in immunosuppressed individuals...” “... The duration of protection afforded by the vaccine is unknown as it is still being determined by ongoing clinical trials...”* “Limitations of vaccine effectiveness: Individuals may not be fully protected until 14 days after their second dose. As with all vaccines, vaccination with COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna may not protect all vaccine recipients...”

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Very similar information for Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine information-for-uk-recipients-on-pfizerbiontech-covid-19-vaccine COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 is not recommended for children under 16 years. ...and AstraZeneca vaccine: al-of-covid-19-vaccine-astrazeneca/information-for-uk-recipients-on-covid-19-vaccine-astrazeneca


Pfizer – BioNTech - April 2023: AstraZeneca – February 2023: Moderna – December 2023. Study to Describe the Safety, Tolerability, Immunogenicity, and Efficacy of RNA Vaccine Candidates Against COVID-19 in Healthy Individuals. The dates above are dates of the study/clinical trial completion = “The date on which the last participant in a clinical study was examined or received an intervention/treatment to collect final data for the primary outcome measures, secondary outcome measures, and adverse events (that is, the last participant’s last visit). The “estimated” study completion date is the date that the researchers think will be the study completion date.”


How do they differ from other vaccines? Traditional vaccines contain products (eg weakened strains of a virus, bacteria) against which the immune system directly generates antibodies. In contrast mRNA vaccines operate by influencing the protein-producing machinery of human cells: Scientists have replicated the genetic instruction – the messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) strand. This mRNA fragment is injected into the body (wrapped in a fatty parcel that dissolves after

vaccination) where it releases its information and enters any cells it meets. It will instruct the cells to produce the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The immune system then raises antibodies against these proteins,

thus providing protection against the real virus – the immune system is triggered to attack the modified human cells, because it no longer recognises them – as if they were the Sars-CoV-2 virus. (from the sources below). The immune network is preeminent for its collaboration between the “ physical cellular universe and our more etheric consciousness. It serves “ to define the physical cellular self while being influenced by our invisible beliefs, attitudes, and psychological perceptions of self. ~ Sondra Barrett

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What are Coronavirus mRNA vaccines and how do they work? Short article explaining clearly what the vaccines are, how they work and what makes the mRNA vaccine different from others. na-vaccines-and-how-do-they-work

How these vaccines work & what the concerns are - Dr. Lawrence Palevsky Easy to understand 9 min long video where Dr Palevsky clearly explains how these vaccines work and what some of the concerns there are.

Moderna Chief Medical officer Tal Zaks: mRNA vaccines are ‘rewriting the genetic code...’ – 10min video – 2017 TED Talk In the first minute of the video, Zaks says, “We’ve had this phenomenal digital scientific revolution, and I’m here today to tell you that we’re actually hacking the software of life, and it’s changing the way we think about prevention and treatment of disease.” He reiterates that they (Moderna) are looking at it like an operating system, which is referred to as “Our Operating System” on the Moderna website: When one changes or introduces (in terms of DNA) a line of code, the code or DNA is changed, which means that the individual or subject has now changed his genome as the scientists have coded it. According to Tal Zaks of Moderna, the artificial insertion of mRNA can alter the human genome. He calls this “information therapy”.

Could mRNA Vaccines Permanently Alter DNA? Recent Science Suggests They Might. mailBlastContent&eId=99d3026d-9cc6-4792-bdac-f6178e5c32db


The lack of long-term health data for the mRNA vaccines against Covid-19 has prompted ongoing debate and concern amongst the scientific and medical community with regard to potential unknown effects. The information provided here will help you weigh potential risks from the virus against potential benefits of the vaccine and against the risks of the vaccine.

Covid 19 vaccine concerns facts. Dr. Mumper carefully provides detailed answers to two questions often asked by the public: “What does a safe and effective vaccine look like?” and “How will we know that a COVID-19 vaccine is safe?”

Concerns briefly summed up (from sources presented here): • none of the COVID-19 vaccines have fully completed their Phase 3 trials so are still essentially experimental. • The vaccines were rolled out in record time, safety testing has not yet been completed. Data from the vaccine manufacturers confirms safety testing is still ongoing, and will not be complete until 2023 • COVID-19 vaccines have not been officially approved for use, they have been licensed for emergency use only. • In September 2020, the UK Government published new legislation in the document “Changes to Human Medicine Regulations to support the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines” which means: The UK vaccine regulator (MHRA) can authorise the roll-out of unlicensed Covid-19 vaccines.

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In October 2020 UK Government changed the legislation - Human Medicines Regulations 2012 to allow the MHRA to grant temporary authorisation of covid-19 vaccines without needing to wait for the EMA (European Medicines Agency). A temporary use authorisation isvalid for one year only and requires the pharmaceutical companies to complete specific obligations, such as ongoing or new studies. Once comprehensive data on the product have been obtained, standard marketing authorisation can be granted.

Vaccinating the UK: how the covid vaccine was approved, and other questions answered - The BMJ (British Medical Journal):

UK Government – Changes to Human Medicines Regulations to support the roll-out of Covid19 vaccines consultation-document-changes-to-human-medicine-regulations-to-support-the-rollout-of-covid-19-vaccines


• COVID-19 vaccine contains polyethylene glycol (PEG). PEG has never been used before in an approved vaccine. PEG may be triggering the anaphylactic reaction reported in some recipients. • COVID-19 vaccines are the first vaccine to use modified (synthetic) mRNA technology. • It is unknown how long the mRNA remains in the body to continue being translated into the viral spike protein – nobody knows if this function will ever be turned off and if not, it seems to be a formula for autoimmune diseases. • Known potential, late-onset effects from vaccines that have not yet been ruled out include adverse immune response to infection, neurological disorders, autoimmune disease, pregnancy related problems, which may take months or years to become apparent. • The vaccine alters the immune system • “mRNA is made using DNA” (from Moderna Website above) - We are giving the body information based on genetics, “information therapy”, that can alter our “genome”. • Growing list of reported adverse reactions including deaths

Covid-19 vaccine considerations – Colleen Huber, NMD. The most important, short, clear, comprehensive and easy to read article that will help with truly informed decision making:

Covid vaccines – Necessity, Efficacy and Safety – Doctors for Covid Ethic. The available evidence and science indicate that COVID-19 vaccines are unnecessary, ineffective and unsafe. Here is a report supporting these arguments.

18 reasons why we might choose to opt out of the covid vaccine, easy read with links to necessary evidence.

UK Medical Freedom Alliance – comprehensive information on Covid-19 Vaccines, including vaccine related open letters that can be used as templates to be sent to your MP / employer / school...

Some of the important concerns summed up clearly in this short Patient information leaflet with clear facts about the current vaccines. Issued by UK medical freedom alliance to enable informed consent. COVID-19_Vaccine_Patient_Information.pdf

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Informed consent disclosure to vaccine trial subjects of risk of COVID-19 vaccines worsening clinical disease NIH: National Library of Medicine, National Centre for Biotechnology Information - Results of the study: COVID-19 vaccines designed to elicit neutralising antibodies may sensitise vaccine recipients to more severe disease than if they were not vaccinated.

Dr Sherry Tenpenny – about the covid19 vaccine. Medical doctor, board certified in three specialties who invested nearly 20 years documenting and exposing the problems associated with Covid-19 vaccines. 3min summary video (2nd video on this page) then more detailed 30min video (1st video on this page)

Dr. Ryan Cole – clear, briefly explained concerns about “vaccines” (from minimum 20mins of this 28min long video). “...if there’s a treatment for a disease, the Federal Government cannot approve a vaccine, by law..”

Dr Simone Gold -The truth about the CV 19 vaccine including more insight into the bigger picture and wider aspects of the pandemic, the virus, misinformation, readily available, cheap and tested treatment, that’s being banned. 56min video by the founder of the America’s Frontline Doctors:

How spike proteins work – Dr Sherry Tenpenny - – 25min video.

Prof. Dr Dolores Cahill – Why she would not take the Covid19 vaccine even for a million Euros. 15min video by Dr Cahill, molecular biologist and immunologist, explaining the danger of these vaccines - Anaphylactic Reaction. sor-dolores-cahill_R6pSWwZyvLRjOSc.html

Anaphylactic reactions and what can be causing them – UK Medical Freedom Alliance short referenced paper. Anaphylactic reactions are being reported by the vaccine recipients and the vaccine manufacturers are aware as confirmed on UK Government website (see on p.31). anapylaxis_in_recipients_of_the_Covid-19_mRNA_vaccines_V4.pdf

Covid vaccine shedding – Pfizer document confirms “Covid vaccine shedding” leading to “menstrual cycle dis- ruption” and “miscarriage” is possible via “skin-to-skin” contact and “breathing the same air” cle-disruption-is-possible/ - article that includes link to the original Pfizer document.

Erectile problems in men, bleeding, fertility and miscarriages in women – possible results of Covid vaccine shedding– Dr. Christiane Northrup MD. - 8 min video

No Jab For Me – comprehensive summary of concerns on one page, a scroll down text is full of links to references -

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What you need to know about the Covid19 vaccine – a comprehensive, informative article that goes over the details provided by the manufacturer (specifically Pfizer, with sources for information on the Moderna vaccine at the end as well). Based on the vaccine package insert, published phase 3 clinical trial, and FDA Briefing document. The article covers ingredients, effectiveness and how it was evaluated, and safety, including reports of adverse events since administration of the vaccine began in December 2020, and ingredients of concern.


None of the COVID vaccines approved for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) have been tested for safety or efficacy in pregnant women. Yet health officials are urging pregnant women to get the vaccine:

UK Government: COVID-19 vaccination: a guide for all women of childbearing age, pregnant or breastfeeding: ly-pregnant-planning-a-pregnancy-or-breastfeeding/covid-19-vaccination-a-guide-for-women-of-childbearing- age-pregnant-planning-a-pregnancy-or-breastfeeding “...The vaccines have not yet been tested in pregnancy, so until more information is available, those who are pregnant should not routinely have this vaccine...” - This is from the Government link above a few weeks ago, before it was updated in May 2021 to say the following: “COVID-19 vaccines offer pregnant women the best protection against COVID-19.” However, the fact remains that none of the Covid19 vaccine trials will be completed until 2023.

Latest from UK Government: 16th April - New advice on COVID-19 vaccination for pregnant women “The JCVI has advised that pregnant women should be offered the COVID-19 vaccine at the same time as the rest of the population, based on their age and clinical risk group.” “There have been no specific safety concerns identified with any brand of coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines in relation to pregnancy...”

UK Government website: Summary of product characteristics for Covid19 Vaccine Moderna tion-for-healthcare-professionals-on-covid-19-vaccine-moderna “... There is limited experience with use of COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna in pregnant women. ... Administration of COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna in pregnancy should only be considered when the potential benefits outweigh any poten- tial risks for the mother and foetus.“ “...It is unknown whether COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna is excreted in human milk. “ “...Fertility: Animal studies do not indicate direct or indirect harmful effects with respect to reproductive toxicity...”

Very similar information from Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine … information-for-uk-recipients-on-pfizerbiontech-covid-19-vaccine ... and AstraZeneca vaccine: al-of-covid-19-vaccine-astrazeneca/information-for-uk-recipients-on-covid-19-vaccine-astrazeneca

Can pregnant and breastfeeding women get the Covid-19 vaccine? - Article: “Despite significant advocacy efforts, no pregnant women were included in COVID-19 trials—including those from Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, Janssen, AstraZeneca and Novavax.”

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UK Government website: Summary of product characteristics for Covid19 Vaccine Pfizer / BioNTech information-for-uk-recipients-on-pfizerbiontech-covid-19-vaccine “...COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 is not recommended for children under 16 years...” - This is from the Government link above a few weeks ago, before it was updated in June 2021 to say the following: “COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 is not recommended for children under 12 years.” However, the fact remains that none of the Covid19 vaccine trials will be completed until 2023.

Covid-19 vaccination in children, major ethical concerns, Dr Ros Jones, retired Consultant Paediatrician “Covid-19 vaccines are not licensed for use in children. ... all vaccines trials have specifically excluded children. Effect of the vaccine on children are completely unknown....Children are at extremely low risk from Covid-19 and no previously healthy child under 15 has died...”

Urgent open letter from the UK Medical Freedom Alliance to the MHRA (Medicine and Healthcare Regulatory Agency) detailing and explaining grave concerns about Covid-19 vaccination in children, their emergency use authorisation and rollout in schools. to-the-mhra-re-emergency-authorisation-of-the-pfizer-covid-19-vaccine-for-children

Kids and Covid? How big is the risk? - article that helps you start your research if facing a decision as a parents whether or not to vaccinate your child. A few points from the well referenced article: “A study assessed COVID and other leading causes of death among various age groups found that between March and October 2020, the COVID mortality rate among children ages 5-14 was about one per million. By contrast, transport accidents accounted for 15 times that mortality rate, and children in the same age range were roughly 10 times more likely to die by suicide, 12 times more likely to die from cancer and two times more likely to die from heart disease than from COVID, according to the data.”...... “vaccine efficacy is based on the vaccines’ ability to prevent moderate-to-se- vere COVID symptoms, which the vast majority of children do not experience.”...... “Science and society are failing children in the COVID era, reported Scientific American. The science magazine concluded that CDC guidance is abundantly clear, evidence to date points to COVID posing a low risk to children, with the risk of spread also low...”

‘Vaccine Secrets’: What Parents Should Know Before They Vaccinate Their Kids – article/video that fact checks the many statements used to convince parents that vaccines are safe and effective.


UK Government – Summary of further modelling of easing restrictions – Roadmap Step 2 oadmap-step-2-31-march-2021 page 10, paragraph 32: “...The resurgence in both hospitalisations and deaths is dominated by those that have received two doses of the vaccine, comprising around 60% and 70% of the wave respec- tively. This can be attributed to the high levels of uptake in the most at-risk age groups, such that immunisation failures account for more serious illness than unvaccinated individuals....” Page 18, paragraph 56: “Who becomes seriously ill in a resurgence? …. most deaths and admissions in a post-Roadmap resurgence are in people who have received two vaccine doses, even without vaccine protection waning or a variant emerging that escapes vaccines...” – 5min video about this document.

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UK Government predicts ‘third wave’ of COVID deaths ‘dominated’ by those who are vaccinated. ‘This is not the result of vaccines being ineffective, merely uptake being so high,’ the government agency argued. are-vaccinated data/file/975909/S1182_SPI-M-O_Summary_of_modelling_of_easing_roadmap_step_2_restrictions.pdf

UK Government model states the fully Vaccinated will dominate Deaths in 3rd wave and they will blame Children and Unvaccinated for it. ly-vaccinated-will-dominate-deaths-in-3rd-wave-and-they-will-blame-children-and-unvaccinated-for-it/

Testimony of an NHS England nurse wistle-blower, directly involved with vaccination programme on senior level, exposing vaccine policy, speaking about what is really happening with the mass vaccination programme. – first 16min Note: Questions about genuineness of such a strong and serious testament might arise in the current climate amongst many readers/listeners. From all our research into the UK Column News so far, we feel that their work can be trusted without doubt.

UK Column News special 8th Feb 2021: Experienced Care Home Manager Whistle-blower – warning of vaccine dangers - corona virus in care homes after the Covid19 vaccination roll out: Note: This UK Column News report has been “debunked” by the organization called Full Fact that set itself up as “an independent organization to check on facts and truthful reporting” (more on Full Fact and their independence further down, under Censorship section of this document). See for yourself how truthful their fact-checking is – jump to min 00:17 to min 00:25 of the below link to the UK Column News from 15th Feb:

Making sense of mortality – jump to min 00:59 of this video shared above for explanation of the current surge in death, using official data and validated models, showing how these figures link to vaccine roll out. Interview with Quantitative Analyst, MBA, Joel Smalley. After some hesitancy to speak out, he says: “Context is very import- ant and is often lost with the singular focus on covid. Data reveal the truth. As a citizen I feel obliged to share that truth, especially if I think the harm is being done or is not being undone as a result of trying to hide that truth.”

Mortality data and Covid19 – Joel Smalley, Quantitative Data Analyst also on p. 31 of the rigorously and widely researched doc- ument: HART Covid19 Response: This article shows and explains breakdown of the data, concluding that: “... peak in deaths coincided with the mass roll-out of novel mRNA vaccines, on an extremely vulnerable population… This relationship is not limited to England …. … Whilst we cannot infer causation from correlation, the mRNA vaccines had not been tested on this cohort, who have many co-morbidities, multiple drug interactions and fragilities compared to trial participants and were likely particular- ly fragile after a year of social isolation away from loved ones. It would be extremely unscientific and even negligent not to investigate whether the rise in deaths during this period is linked in some way to the vaccine roll-out....”

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Urgent warning re Covid-19 vaccine-related deaths in the elderly and Care Homes – UK Medical Freedom Alliance from_the_UKMFA_Vaccine_Deaths_Care%20Homes.pdf


Although not stated in the mainstream media, significant numbers of people are refusing the vaccine. One of the main reasons for this refusal is the knowledge that the vaccine has not undergone any completed human trials. There are, therefore, huge unknowns as to how it will behave in the human body in the short and long term. Many of us feel immense pressure from the media and perhaps from loved ones to accept the vaccine. The relentless message of risk and fear leaves little room for individual thought or critical consideration regarding this hugely important decision. It is essential that we are as fully informed as possible before making our choice, as once we have had the vaccine we cannot take it out of our bodies. We must not loose sight of the fact that we are in the middle of a medical experimental trial.

This short video presents NHS internal document/script (NHS England and NHS Improvement) on strategies and key messages to use to persuade different age groups to say to say yes to the vaccine. – 9 min video

The top four reasons why many people, doctors and scientists refuse to take the covid vaccine. The article also includes thoughts on censorship and freedom of information.https://www.collective-evolution. com/2021/04/01/the-top-four-reasons-why-many-people-doctors-scientists refuse-to-take-the-covid-vaccine/


Many GP’s are choosing not to have the vaccine now – article, sharing a letter a GP has written to their MP in response to the pressures of getting vaccinated.

Nearly a quarter of NHS staff in London are refusing Covid Vaccines – The Telegraph

Almost 40% Of US Marines Have REFUSED Coronavirus Jab


Vaccine adverse reactions may seem rare in relative terms, but the sheer volume of adverse reactions being reported is beyond any previously acceptable threshold for continuing with a vaccination programme. This is astonishing and concerning. The figures below represent a fraction of the actual adverse events experienced. (VAERS states report rate is 1%. MHRA states report rate is 10% of actual adverse reactions experienced). This needs to be considered in terms of the significant human suffering being caused and the considerable level of healthcare needed for management of these many, varied and unpredictable reactions. Back to normal is now impossible for thousands of people who have experienced life changing reactions or who have died. Consider these figures as a fraction of the actual level of adverse effects - consider in context of human suffering, level of healthcare burden needed for management of adverse reactions and the injuries that humanity is prepared to ignore and deny in order to get back to ‘normal’.

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Although the website is making the adverse reactions data public it is not easy to find or navigate.

For easy access to Yellow Card updates look here: UK Column Covid19 vaccine adverse drug reaction (ADR) reports – (data from MHRA), interactive, easy to follow:

Yellow Card Covid 19 Vaccine Adverse Reactions (ADR) reporting - run by the UK Government’s regulatory agency MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory agency). REPORT ADVERSE REACTIONS HERE

UK Government weekly report of Covid19 vaccine adverse reactions as reported on the Yellow card reporting website (Scroll down web page for links to detailed analysis documents for reactions per vaccine brand):HERE

Updated 10th June 2021 - MHRA Yellow Card Reporting - Pfizer (approx 25,4 million doses), AstraZeneca (approx 40,2 million doses), Moderna (approx 460,000 doses). This report covers period of 9th Dec 2020 to 2nd June 2021:

Total Reactions - 193,768 (Pfizer) +717,250 (AZ) + 9,243 (M) + 2,335 (Unknown) = 922,596 Total Reports - 67,998 (Pfizer) +195,641 (AZ) + 3,278 (M) + 754 (Unknown) = 267,671 Total Fatalities - 406 (Pfizer) +864 (AZ) + 4 (M) + 22 (Unknown) = 1,296 Nervous System disorders (eg; bell’s palsy) - 35,953 (Pfizer) + 151,901 (AZ) + 1,349 (M) + 461 (Unknwn) = 192,664 Cardiac disorders (eg: heart failures, palpitations) - 2,479 (Pfizer) + 7,494 (AZ) + 61 (M) + 19 (Unknwn) = 10,053 Immune System disorders (e.g Anaphylaxis) - 1,064 (Pfizer) + 2,441 (AZ) + 78 (M) + 10 (Unknwn) = 3,593 Blood disorders (eg: thrombotic disorders) - 6,715 (Pfizer) + 6,331 (AZ) + 174 (M) + 27 (Unknwn) = 13,227 Vascular disorders (eg: embolism, haemorrhages) - 2,901 (Pfizer) + 10,045 (AZ) + 117 (M) + 40 (Unknwn) = 13,103 Infections (eg: covid19, sepsis, lung infections) - 4,839 (Pfizer) + 15,278 (AZ) + 159 (M) + 64 (Unknwn) = 20,340 General disorders (eg: sudden death, pain) - 53,534 (Pfizer) + 227,588 (AZ) + 2,583 (M) + 705 (Unknwn) = 284,412 Respiratory, Breathing disorders - 8,314 (Pfizer) + 23,439 (AZ) + 241 (M) + 72 (Unknwn) = 32,066 Skin disorders - 14,351 (Pfizer) + 43,758 (AZ) + 1,870 (M) + 158 (Unknwn) = 60,137 Gastrointestinal disorders (eg: colitis, hernias)- 19,679 (Pfizer) + 70,843 (AZ) + 689 (M) + 222 (Unknwn) = 91,433 Muscle & tissue disorders (eg: arthritis, pain) - 25,054 (Pfizer) + 87,500 (AZ) + 998 (M) + 261 (Unknwn) = 113,813 Ear disorders (eg: tinnitus, hearing loss) - 2,589 (Pfizer) + 7,656 (AZ) + 72 (M) + 30 (Unknwn) = 10,400 Eye disorders (eg: impairment, blindness) - 3,244 (Pfizer) + 11,480 (AZ) + 98 (M) + 37 (Unknwn) = 14,859 Metabolic disorders (eg: diabetes mellitus) - 1,177 (Pfizer) + 7,854 (AZ) + 32 (M) + 43 (Unknwn) = 9,106 Reproductive disorders (eg: erection, menopausal) - 2,777 (Pfizer) + 6,454 (AZ) + 277 (M) + 27 (Unknwn) = 9,535 Pregnancy (Spont. abortion, still birth, foetal death) - 150 (Pfizer) + 184 (AZ) + 8 (M) + 2 (Unknwn) = 344 Injuries (e.g skin, delivery, lactation) - 1,964 (Pfizer) + 6,517 (AZ) + 119 (M) + 35 (Unknwn) = 8,635 Psychiatric disorders (e.g depression, anxiety) - 3,514 (Pfizer) + 14,510 (AZ) + 162 (M) + 56 (Unknwn) = 18,242

It is widely recognised that, on average, only 10% of serious adverse reactions are actually reported to the MHRA. The percentage is far less for non-serious reactions. This suggests that approximately 2 million people should be filing a Yellow Card. This equates to 1 AE Yellow Card injury or death for every 16 people. The vaccine therefore carries a 1 in 16 risk of life impacting/limiting injury or death. Covid19 carries 99.9% survival rate.

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From the above UK Government website - weekly report: (updated 5th May ): “Events with fatal outcome: Part of our continuous analysis includes an evaluation of natural death rates over time, to determine if any specific trends or patterns are occurring that might indicate a vaccine safety concern.... The MHRA has received 370 UK reports of sus- pected ADRs to the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine in which the patient died shortly after vaccination, 756 reports for the- Ox ford University/AstraZeneca vaccine, 2 for covid vaccine Moderna and 12 where the brand of vaccine was unspecified.”

“The majority of these reports were in elderly people or people with underlying illness.... Usage of the AstraZeneca has increased rapidly and as such, so has reporting of fatal events with a temporal association with vaccination however, this does not indicate a link between vaccination and the fatalities reported....”

Is the AstraZeneca Vaccine Killing people? - Sebastian Rushworth MD:

20+ countries suspend use of AstraZeneca vaccine, but regulators insist benefits outweigh risks:

EMA AstraZeneca Announcement – Pandemic Podcast - 7th April 2021 – 45min video At least 18 countries recently suspended use of the AstraZeneca vaccines due to fears over blood clots. Today the European Medicines Agency declared that the ‘benefits outweigh the risks of the side effects’. Tune in to this episode for the full report on todays announcements.

Introducing ‘Vaxzevria’: AstraZeneca renames Covid vaccine as firm fights off controversy over drug

EU Commission to end AstraZeneca and J&J vaccine contracts at expiry - paper

An article dated 13th May 2021, looking in detail into the Government’s release 15th update on Adverse Reactions to Covid Vaccines vaccines/ DailyExpose releases a weekly article going through each Government’s release on Adverse reactions to Covid Vaccines (type Adverse reactions into the search on their page to get the most up to date article)

London doctor describes ‘unprecedented’ level of sickness after COVID injection The doctor and consultant wrote that she was ‘struggling’ to understand ‘the failure to report the reality of the morbidity caused by our current vaccination program within the health service and staff population.’ jection

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Many questions have been raised about the efficiency and transparency of this reporting system:

Matt Hancock’s response when MP asks “How many die after Vaccination?” – 2min video Two Conservative Party backbenchers shocked Health Secretary recently, when they demanded to know the statistics on how many people have died after having received the Covid-19 vaccine, asking why it is that such data is not being collated?

Is MHRA’s Yellow Card reporting system fit for purpose? article describing really clearly the problems with the covid19 vaccines as such as well as looking at adverse effects and its reporting.

Due to the vaccine industry being granted total protection from legal action, there is a Government vaccine damage payment scheme:

UK GOVERNMENT VACCINE DAMAGE PAYMENT SCHEME “If you’re severely disabled as a result of a vaccination against certain diseases, you could get a one-off tax-free payment of £120,000. You need to be at least 60% disabled. This could be a mental or physical disablement, based on medical evidence from the doctors or hospitals involved in your treatment. You can only claim for a child once they are 2 year old” (this is important to be aware of as a significant number of vaccinations occur within the first 2 years of life)

At the time of compiling this document the response to Freedom Of Information (FOI) request as to how much has the UK government paid out on vaccine damages was still pending.


VAERS = Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System Since 1990, VAERS is an early warning system to detect possible safety problems in U.S.-licensed vaccines. VAERS is co-managed by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Anyone can report an adverse event to VAERS.

As vaccine manufacturers worldwide are exempt from liability (see further down), it is governments that are paying for vaccine injuries: As of September 2020, the US government has paid over $4 billion to families whose members were injured by vaccines as per data from National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program Data Report (link to which is in this article). And that is considering VAERS is missing 99% of all vaccine injuries* to-families-whose-children-were-injured-by-vaccines-getting-paid-is-difficult-the-government-is-both-the-d- efendant-and-the-judge/

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*A three year study indicates only 1% of vaccine injuries are reported: (see page 6 of the report):

Going through VAERS data is not easy. Very few doctors actually know VAERS exists and if they do only thought it was for a “rare” anaphylactic reaction. Most people do not know about it either. Open VAERS Data project can help to work with VAERS Data. Good website to share with your doctor.

COVID-19 related VAERS reports Released on 4th June 2021 the VAERS data showed 294,801 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines, including 5,165 deaths and 25,359 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and May 28, 2021. (Compare that to numbers released on April 9, 2021 – less than two months ago: Then the 56,869 reports of adverse events included 2,342 deaths and 7,971 serious injuries, as reported between Dec 14, 2020 and April 1, 2021: )

Children’s Health Defense website provides a weekly article going through each new release on Adverse reactions to Covid Vaccines (type Vaccine Injury into the search on their page to get the most up to date article).

VAERS – 1h 20min long video - list of deaths within a day after receiving Covid19 vaccine – short personal stories as reported – seen on the screen & read from VAERS covid vax report: (1h20min video).

Vaccine vs Virus: Fatalities Skyrocket as COVID Vaccines Increase

The most powerful force to maintaining a good immune “ system is the power of positive thinking and not allowing “ yourself to be unnecessarily drained emotionally by worries and fears. ~ Frederick Lenz

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European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions: REPORT A SIDE EFFECT HERE: 7,766 deaths, 330,218 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines” - dated 17th April 2021. Vaccine Impact website publishes and comments on the latest releases of adverse reactions from the European Database as well as from CDC.



“For every $1 spent on “basic research” pharmaceutic companies spend $19 on promotion and advertising.” The Vaccine Industry is the only industry in the world that bears no liability for injuries or deaths resulting from their products.

Interview with Dr. Andrew Wakefield: Vaccine industry – no lawsuits for vaccine products. The consequences of such a situation when a product (vaccines) is removed from a free market by being granted total protection from legal action and on top of that being mandated: 23min video. Watch his film The Act here:


(Also more further down in Views to the near future) ARE THE VACCINES EFFECTIVE? Vaccine Certification – An ethical minefield YES NO – Dr Malcolm Kendrick, GP NHS. “...The UK has a strong record of public THEN VACCINE health measures by consent and vaccination has never been mandatory...” PASSPORTS … “The proposal of vaccine certification is highly coercive, threatening the ARE POINTLESS loss of livelihood and the loss of freedom of movement. That is in no sense free consent....” also on p. 9 of rigorously and widely researched document: HART Covid19 Response:

Covid Status Certificates would be a paradigm shift for British society – 3min video Jake Hurfurt – a digital investigator and a journalist with extensive experience in national newspapers, Head of Research & Investigations at civil liberties campaign group, Big Brother Watch and a freelance reporter.

Vaccine Passports Serious concern for humanity’s freedom and social interaction Sky News Australia - Roco Loiacono, Curtin Law School senior lecturer 6 min video

This is why we should never accept the use of vaccine passports - 4 minute video Vaccine Passports - sound the alarm. Dr Scott Jensen - 2min video.

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UK Government public statements related to vaccine certification and how they changed from February to March 2021 – 1min30 video

Dec 2020: No plan for Covid ‘vaccine passports’ in UK, says Michael Gove Cabinet Office minister dismisses reports customers may need to have the jab to go to pubs or sports events

Covid Certificates on the cards for use in England since December in-england-since-december There has been considerable speculation about the use of such certificates, but as recently as February the vaccines minister, , said the government was “not looking at a vaccine passport for our domestic economy”.

FORTY rebel Tories including six ex-Cabinet ministers join forces with opposition MPs in bid to block ‘divisive and discriminatory’ vaccine passports. Article in Mail Online: –

David Davis MP talking on TalkRADIO about Vaccine Passports – April 2021 - 11min video

Lee Anderson MP talking on TalkRAdio about Vaccine Passports amongst other topics – April 2021 – 13min video – Vaccine Passport first 4min

UK retailers join pubs and clubs in rejecting Covid-status certificates Opposition from the British Retail Consortium comes as 41 Tory MPs vow to oppose plans tus-certificates

Covid passports proving vaccine status will be available for summer holidays mer-holidays/

UK Government public statements changing from month to month whilst plans for vaccine passports have been in place since before this virus appeared:


European Plans for ‘Vaccine Passports’ Were in Place 20 Months Prior to the Pandemic. Coincidence? demic-coincidence

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2018: European Commission: Proposal for a COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION on Strengthened Cooperation against Vaccine Preventable Diseases. 244-F1-EN-MAIN-PART-1.PDF “HEREBY WELCOMES THE COMMISSION’S INTENTION TO: 17. Examine issues of insufficient vaccine coverage caused by cross-border movement of people within the EU and look into options to address them, including developing a common EU citizens’ vaccination card/passport, compatible with electronic immunisation information systems and recognised for use across borders...”

2018, 19: European Commission – Roadmap on Vaccination set out specific plans for implementing the European Commission’s proposal. “2019-2022: Examine the feasibility of developing a common vaccination card/ passport for EU citizens (that takes into account potentially different national vaccination schedules), that is compati- ble with electronic immunisation information systems and recognised for use across borders, without duplicating work at national level.”

Sept 2019: European Commission – Global Vaccination Summit. The overall objective was to give high level visibility and political endorsement to the topic of vaccination, to engage political leaders and leaders from sci- entific, medical, industry, philanthropic and civil society in global action against the spread of vaccine misinfor- mation, to discuss strategies to increase vaccine confidence and improve the uptake of vaccines and vaccination coverage (one of which was ‘nudging’ and behaviourally-informed strategies that trigger vaccine confidence - re documents from this website).

Oct 2019: Event 201 – A Global Pandemic Exercise – (introduced more further down)

There is very clear intention within global health and media organizations to push vaccination as the number one public health policy, to get political endorsement, to raise visibility, to improve uptake and coverage and to take global action against the spread of vaccine misinformation. One of the reasons this huge effort is required is because the many adverse reactions millions of people experience from vaccines raises important questions about their safety and efficacy. There are many other more natural approaches to health and immunity which have been used safely and effectively the world over which are important to consider before deciding whether to accept a vaccine.


The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe – the international body of which the European Court of Human Rights is a part (not to be confused with the EU, and of which Britain remains a member) – has passed a resolution (one page doc: ) that vaccines must not be mandatory and no one should suffer discrimination on account of not having been vaccinated. Its articles 7.3.1. and 7.3.2. read: “....ensure that citizens are informed that the vaccination is NOT mandatory and that no one is politically, socially, or otherwise pressured to get themselves vaccinated, if they do not wish to do so themselves;...” and “... ensure that no one is discriminated against for not having been vaccinated, due to possible health risks or not wanting to be vaccinated” vaccinated-must-not-be-discriminated-against/

According to Article 6 of UNESCO’s Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights (2005), 70 of which the UK is a signatory: ‘Any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention is only to be carried out with prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information. The consent should, where appropriate, be express and may be withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any reason without disadvantage or prejudice.’

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Are Covid 19 vaccination passports lawful? A legal explainer 22min video reviewing the issues surrounding the introduction of Covid-19 vaccination passports within the UK. (min: 0:00 – Intro, 1:32 - Defining Coronavirus passports, 2:29 - For and against passports, 6:36 - Discrimination issues, 14:52 - Human rights objections, 17:10 - Data protection issues, 18:39 - Freedom of movement and association, 19:54 – Conclusion).

Covid-status certificate scheme could be unlawful discrimination, says EHRC Equalities watchdog tells government documents could create ‘two-tier society.’ covid-status-certificates-may-cause-unlawful-discrimination-warns-ehrc

The Vaccine Trials - Documentary Film 2021 | The Mirror Project. The vaccine is not technically licensed as the clinical trials will not be completed until 2023, yet the vaccine promotion campaign is rampant ever – download for free and watch this documentary from The Mirror Project website:

Fully vaccinated individuals are testing positive for the Coronavirus: more examples emerge – referenced article from May 2021: als-are-testing-positive-for-the-coronavirus-more-examples-emerge/

Dozens in Central Florida contract Covid19 after being fully vaccinated 3min video on so called “breakthrough cases, which is when a fully vaccinated person contracts covid more than 4days after their 2nd dose.”

Letter template to use for people who are feeling pressurised by doctors’ surgeries to receive Covid-19 vaccinations:

… Further wider and long-lasting implications of Vaccine Passports follow further down in this document in Views to the Near Future

Photo by louis magnotti on

• CV19 SARS-CoV2: An Exploration > CONTENTS < > INDEX < PAGE 48 07 Possible solutions

07 POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS POLICY RESPONSE A Critical Analysis of the covid response – PANDA, Pandemics, Data & Analytics clear, referenced article from March 2021, by Dr R. Iván Iriarte, MD, MS. “Since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 global pandemic, many issues have arisen that run contrary to historical precedents and known and practiced public health principles of the last century. This article discusses some of these issues: assumptions made without evidence, the incorrect case definition, PCR diagnostic test problems, the impact of these two factors on morbidity and mortality estimates, school closures, facemasks, lock- downs and their effects on children. “... A course-correction in the management of this epidemic is urgently needed. The response to the COVID-19 epidemic should be based on reliable data and sound public health principles. The following measures should be adopted immediately: 1. Provide the public with accurate information about COVID-19 risk in order to reduce the fear. 2. Cease the mass administration of diagnostic tests on asymptomatic individuals. 3. Define cases according to clinical criteria – confirmed by laboratory tests. The determination of a case should be the decision of a duly licensed medical doctor. 4. Use the case definition listed above to determine indicators such as new cases (incidence), hospitalizations and mortality. 5. Establish measures to protect vulnerable individuals. 6. Encourage the population to take hygiene measures such as hand washing, covering the mouth when coughing and staying at home when sick. 7. Open schools, businesses and travel. These measures are described in a published document by Pandemics Data & Analytics titled: “Protocol for reopening society” – PANDA - Pandemics, Data & Analytics

It’s time for us to put our children first – Pandemic Podcast interview with Abir Ballan – 50min video Abir is a member of PANDA’s executive committee and the author of its Declaration for the Protection of Chil- dren and Young People-sign here:

Way forward suggested by HART – Health Advisory and Recovery Team (group of scientists, medics and public health experts introduced earlier).

Ethical considerations of the COVID-19 response – Professor David Seedhouse

Article summarizing how the policy response was developing from the start. Were these the right decisions? Article dated 15th March 2021 responds to the coronavirus inquiry Boris Johnson is now facing. KZ_46s3hZWM3PCR1RKukWFBRbd28wAIpbyQOF6cxdFfX3lSb2BnM

Dr Mike Yeadon – What SAGE has got wrong - article putting government policy and assumptions on which it is based in context.

Covid19 Alternative strategy by Covid Recovery, A Scientific Approach ( )

Protect Everyone Bill which prioritises public health, human rights and protection for everyone:

• CV19 SARS-CoV2: An Exploration > CONTENTS < > INDEX < PAGE 49 07 Possible solutions

PREVENTIONS AND TREATMENTS OF COVID 19 Widely accepted and evidenced preventions and treatments for Covid 19, as referenced below, are: • Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc, Hydroxychloroquine • Ivermectin • Healthy diet, exercise for the body and mind, meaningful social connections, being in a healthy environment with close connection to nature

Dr. Ryan Cole – 28 min video – What is should the public health message be? (about Covid, as well as every year) – Vitamin D, Remdesivir, Ivermectin, reducing obesity, concerns about “vaccines” (min 20 in), conflict of in- terests. “...if there’s a treatment for a disease, the Federal Government cannot approve a vaccine, by law..” … conflict of interests … the reasons for suppressing the existing medication. “what really matters, is the immune system, if you have a healthy immune system, you have a healthy population, and we are not emphasising that … it’s all masks, distancing, there’s nothing we can do....There is something we can do! Give the right message! And the right message is: You can take control of your immune health. Do something about it. What goes into your body does matter. Public health offi- cials have ignored this critical message.... Normal vitamin D levels lower the risk for covid hospitalization by 90%!!! - it is scientific fact! Not just another vitamin stuff....”

Promising treatment options - article on p. 41 of Covid19 Response, rigorously and widely researched document by HART – Health Advisory and Recovery Team

Treatments of Covid19 available and treatment protocols – America’s Frontline Doctors. https://www.ameri-

Swiss Policy Research – on the treatment of Covid19

Prof. Dr Dolores Cahill – science, prevention and treatment of COVID19 1h long interview full of scientific facts and simple preventative measures and treatments of COVID19.

UK Medical Freedom Alliance This page presents further links to documents and websites that give evidence-based approaches to improve natural immunity to viruses and potential pharmacological treatments.

Front Line Covid19 Critical Care The FLCCC is a group of highly published, world renowned medical and scientific experts – with the academic support of allied physicians from around the world. Their aim is to research and develop lifesaving protocols for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 in all stages of illness. Their Press conference on March 18, 2021: rJhSg5xU (1h video). Press conference that called for action to put an end to the COVID-19 pandemic by immediately adopting policies that allow for the use of ivermectin in the treatment of symptoms of Covid 19.

Pandemic Podcast with Dr Tess Lawrie – Why aren’t we using Ivermectin?

Dr Sam Bailey on Ivermectin – why is she not promoting or talking about Ivermectin “Treatment needs to be on case by case basis.... Are we treating a test result? - there needs to be a connection to the person” minute 11:10-13:30 of this video

Tips to improve our immunity and overall health. Short videos on different topics related to boosting immunity and overall health by Nicki Edgell DIP. CPNI, DNN, FNTP, a qualified clinical Psycho-neuro-immunologist, Metabolic Balance Coach and Natural Nutritionist. ( ) videos:

Dr Zach Bush MD – Coronavirus statement & lifestyle cornerstones for health during our respiratory risk seasons. Succinct, informed and considered summary from Dr Zach Bush MD (Introduced in the Fundamental Paradigms section)

• CV19 SARS-CoV2: An Exploration > CONTENTS < > INDEX < PAGE 50 08 Making sense of what is happening


The discrepancies between much of the clear science and the current Government response raises some inevitable questions about the motives behind the actions of the Government policy makers. This section explores some of the other narratives being expressed. Whatever we choose to believe, this is certainly an opportunity for humanity to question, challenge, check and explore the many informed voices expressing their understanding and perception of this Covid pandemic and the unfolding future of humanity.

We have the chance to raise our awareness of that which is going on around us and of what we wish to be a part. We each have the responsibility to consider what sort of world are we building together and whether it is one resting firmly on freedom and truth. Data interpretation, fundamental paradigms and scientific evidence we base our views on will decide to what extent or if at all we perceive this current situation to be a medical crisis. Here below are just some of the voices and views outside the mainstream narrative that are worth listening to:


Who controls the British Government response to Covid19? - Part 1 The intention of this article has been to raise questions over who is driving the British Government response to Covid–19. Those who have influenced the lockdown policy have very clear conflict of interest question marks over their agenda: This article describes in short Neil Ferguson’s history and links the facts he is acting director of the Vaccine Impact Modelling Consortium (VIMC), which is based at Imperial College in London, which is heavily sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

The Gates Foundation is a primary sponsor of GAVI, the vaccine alliance, but is topped by the British Government, which was instrumental in creating GAVI and is its largest donor. Apart from being heavily invested in immunisation campaigns, GAVI is also closely connected to the Gates, and Rockefeller Foundation seed-funded ID2020 project (Digital Identity Alliance), which is promoting the concept that there is a need for universal biometric verification, because “to prove who you are is a fundamental and universal human right,” as asserted on the ID2020 website: “Since 2016, ID2020 has advocated for ethical, privacy-protecting approaches to digital ID...... Doing digital ID right means protecting civil liberties and putting control over personal data back where it belongs... in the hands of the individual...... new forms of digital ID allow us to travel, conduct business, access financial and health records, stay connected, and much more...... We are businesses, nonprofits, governments and individuals... working in collaboration to ensure that the future of digital identity is, indeed, #goodID.”

Excellent four-part Bill Gates investigation by Karen Harradine at The Conservative Woman

01: Bill Gates and the world health juggernaut - Article 01 HERE

02: Revealed, how Bill Gates’s influence spreads virally into UK public health policy - Article 02HERE

03: Friends and allies: The Gates Foundation and British scientists - Article 03HERE

04: Bill Gates’s money and his influence on British universities - Article 04HERE

• CV19 SARS-CoV2: An Exploration > CONTENTS < > INDEX < PAGE 51 08 Making sense of what is happening

Who controls the British Government response to Covid19? - Part 2 The aim of part 2 is to put the spotlight on other members of the UK Government advisory committee and to reveal their connections to Big Pharma and the for-profit sector linked to the Covid–19 response.

2011: Take a look at the Swine Flu 10 years ago: “same script, same tactics, same players”:

One of the leading financial supporters of the Covid19 ‘vaccine’ is Bill Gates. He is both chief financial backer and the person who is making the most profit from the roll out of this experimental injection. As such it is important to investigate his involvement.

2015!! TED Talk by Bill Gates on corona virus – 8 min video quotes from Bill Gates talk: “ the greatest risk of a global catastrophe ...if anything kills over next few decades it’s most likely to be a highly infectious virus.... Next time (after the Ebola) we might not be so lucky, you can have a virus where people feel well enough while they are infectious to get on a plane or to a market … it could be a natural virus like Ebola or it could be via terrorism... We can build a really good response system. We have the benefits of all the science and technology, we’ve got cellphones, we have got satellite maps where you can see where people are and where they are moving, we have advances in biology that should that should dramatically change the turn-around time to look at the pathogen and to be able to make drugs and vaccines.... So we have got tools, but these tools need to be put into the overall health system. We need preparedness...” ...indeed, pandemic preparedness was simulated in an exercise called Event201 in October 2019, see below.

Bill Gates – Vaccines are “phenomenal” profit makers

Bill Gates’s connections to public health, medical research and vaccine development – WHO, GAVI etc. as well as media partnerships. Gates funds the Our World in Data, that is tracking the latest statistics and research on coronavirus pandemic, BBC coverage of global health and development issues, ABC news, , npr … (23min video)

Gates funds The Tony Blair institute for Global Change – UK Column News 15th Feb 2021: (jump to min 12) Tony Blair says that vaccine passports “are inevitable” and is in discussion with the UK government: plained-by-tony-blair/

Bill Gates funds Imperial College London - Professor Neil Ferguson, whose predictions were used for the government response, works for Imperial College London etc... more in the article: Every time we follow the money it leads us to one man Mr Bill Gates.

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Bill Gates funds Wellcome Sanger Institute: from where the latest advice on mutant variants is coming: (more on Variants further down) 16th April Article: Entire streets ‘could be locked down to stop outbreaks of new Covid variants ants-14419100/?ito=cbshare “Dr Jeffrey Barrett, director of the Covid-19 Genomics Initiative at the Wellcome Sanger Institute has warned there is “a chance” some variants will be “less well neutralised” by coronavirus vaccines. He said the UK’s current lockdown restrictions have kept the number of new variants “very small”, but as those restrictions are lifted over the coming months Governments must be prepared to impose “the most effective measures possible” to keep any outbreaks under control.” Hugo talks 3min video summary:

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation – Committed Grants – anyone can search for institutions that received fund- ing, how much, when and what the purpose of the grant was:

Every major Covid19 vaccine manufacturers is an official partner of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset economics-thegreatreset/ The World Economic Forum’s partners page:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr: Before COVID, Gates Planned Social Media Censorship of Vaccine Safety Advocates With Pharma, CDC, Media, China and CIA (Event 201) October 2019 – Event 201 – pandemic exercise - the simulation of a high-level pandemic of a new and emerg- ing coronavirus - by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, World Economic Forum and Johns Hopkins Centre for Health Security, supported by funding from the Open Philanthropy Project. – 11min video “... The next severe pandemic will not only cause great illness and loss of life but could also trigger major cascading economic and societal consequences that could contribute greatly to global impact and suffering. The Event 201 pan- demic exercise, conducted on October 18, 2019, vividly demonstrated a number of these important gaps in pandemic preparedness as well as some of the elements of the solutions between the public and private sectors that will be need- ed to fill them.” Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, World Economic Forum and The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security jointly propose these recommendations. quoting from which: “....Contingency planning for a potential operational partnership between government and business ...” “.... A particularly fast-moving and lethal pandemic could therefore result in political decisions to slow or stop movement of people and goods, potentially harming economies already vulnerable in the face of an outbreak. ...” “... Governments will need to partner with traditional and social media companies to research and develop nimble approaches to countering misinformation. This will require developing the ability to flood media with fast, accurate, and consistent information....Media companies should commit to ensuring that authoritative messages are prioritized and that false messages are suppressed...”

It is clear that the media has fulfilled the last recommendation very well. However, who decides what is a false message and what is not, and how do they decide? Should there be a place for anyone to pre-decide what is true and what is false in a free, democratic society who’s laws uphold freedom of speech and right to informed consent and where science is a process rather than a dogma?

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“Who will fact check the fact checkers?” - The Corbett Report “We’ve all come across online fact checkers that purport to warn us away from independent media sites under the guise of protecting us from fake news. But who is behind these fact check sites? How do they operate? And “Who will fact check the fact checkers?” 54min video.

Who Funds Facebook Fact Checkers? - Referenced article - “Fact checkers for Facebook are funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which has given more than $250 million in grants to steer media outlets”

Is Full Fact really “independent”? ary-2021 (On Impartiality of Full Fact min 25:30 to min 29:30). Often seen in internet searches, organization Full Fact (, that “fights bad information”, that claims to be “a team of independent fact-checkers and campaigners who find, expose and counter the harm it does”. How “independent” this organization is can be seen in the above link to UK Column news from 15th February 2021. Full Fact’s own website, on their Impartiality, says: “We have rigorous safeguards in ensure our neutrality. These have been carefully constructed based on advice from … BBC” (amongst others). Looking into who funds Full Fact, first place is Facebook. On “Funding from Face- book” it says: “Since January 2019, Full Fact has checked images, videos and articles on Facebook as part of the social network’s third-party fact checking initiative. This work is funded by Facebook....The amount of money that Full Fact is entitled to depends on the amount of fact checking done under the programme.”

Full Fact claims on their website: “Full Fact fights bad information. Bad information ruins lives. It promotes hate, damages people’s health, and hurts democracy. You deserve better.” Is there a place in a democratic society to “fight bad information”? Would on the other hand an open discussion and trust in people’s own judgement be a better solution worthy a democratic society?



UK Government website: Regulation for the fourth industrial revolution – policy paper, 11th June 2020. tion-for-the-fourth-industrial-revolution “... The Fourth Industrial Revolution is of a scale, speed and complexity that is unprecedented. It is characterised by a fusion of technologies – such as artificial intelligence, gene editing and advanced robotics – that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital and biological worlds...”

UK Government website: Human Augmentation – The Dawn of a New Paradigm. A think-piece designed to set the foundation for more detailed research and development on human augmentation.

Hugo Talks: Look What’s On UK Govt Website: whats-on-uk-govt-website-microchip-transhumanism-hugo-talks-lockdown/

The activities of the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM are being shaped by the analysis of Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum, which he summarized in his book from 2016 called FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION:

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Here are a few quotes from Klaus Schwab’s book: “... Much of the information and my own analysis in this book are based on ongoing projects and initiatives of the World Economic Forum and has been developed, discussed and challenged at recent Forum gatherings. Thus, this book also provides a framework for shaping the future activities of the World Economic Forum....” “Of the many diverse and fascinating challenges we face today, the most intense and important is how to understand and shape the new technology revolution, which entails nothing less than a transformation of humankind. We are at the beginning of a revolution that is fundamentally changing the way we live, work, and relate to one another. In its scale, scope and complexity, what I consider to be the fourth industrial revolution is unlike anything humankind has experienced before.” “... Consider the unlimited possibilities of having billions of people connected by mobile devices, giving rise to unprec- edented processing power, storage capabilities and knowledge access. Or think about the staggering confluence of emerging technology breakthroughs, covering wide-ranging fields such as artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, the inter- net of things (IoT), autonomous vehicles, 3D printing, nanotechnology, biotechnology, materials science, energy storage and quantum computing, to name a few. Many of these innovations are in their infancy, but they are already reaching an inflection point in their development as they build on and amplify each other in fusiona of technologies across the physical, digital and biological worlds....” “….On the societal front, a paradigm shift is underway in how we work and communicate, as well as how we express, inform and entertain ourselves. Equally, governments and institutions are being reshaped, as are systems of education, healthcare and transportation, among many others. New ways of using technology to change behaviour and our systems of production and consumption....”

Apart from its speed due to interconnected world, he mentions as it’s main characteristics: “Breadth and depth: It builds on the digital revolution and combines multiple technologies that are leading to unprec- edented paradigm shifts in the economy, business, society and individually.It is not only changing the “what” and the “how” of doing things but also “who” we are.” “System Impacts: It involves the transformation of entire systems, across (and within) countries, companies, industries and society as a whole.” “The changes are historic in terms of their size, speed and scope.” “The tools of the fourth industrial revolution enable new forms of surveillance and other means of control that run counter to healthy, open society.” “ …Public crime is likely do decrease due to the convergence of sensors, cameras, AI and facial recognition software ...” these technologies “can intrude into the hitherto private space of our minds, reading our thoughts and influencing our behaviour.” “As capabilities in this area improve, the temptation for law enforcement agencies and courts to use techniques to determine the likelihood of criminal activity,access guilt or even possibly retrieve memories directly from people’s brains will increase. Even crossing a national border might one day involve a detailed brains scan to assess an individual’s security risk.” “The future will challenge our understanding of what it means to be human, from both a biological and a social standpoint.”

In July 2020 came out another book by Klaus Schwab: Covid19: The Great Reset – by Klaus Schwab

“The return of “big” government”... “ the intervening decades (in the Western world) the role of the state has shrunk considerably. This is a situation that is set to change because it is hard to imagine how an exogenous shock of such magnitude as the one inflicted by COVID-19 could be addressed with purely market-based solutions....It (coronavirus) has revealed that offloading an ever-greater deal of responsibilities (like health and education) to individuals and the markets may not be in the best interest of society... … For the first time since Margaret Thatcher captured the zeitgeist of an era when declaring that “there is no such thing as society”, governments have the upper hand. Everything that comes in the post-pandemic era will lead us to rethink governments’ role... … Looking to the future, governments will most likely, but with different degrees of intensity,decide that it’s in the best interest of society to rewrite some of the rules of the game and permanently increase their role...”

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….Some analysts ventured that the pandemic would provoke the obsolescence of activism, but the exact opposite may well prove to be true....“Emergencies often prove to be the forge in which new ideas and opportunities are hammered out.... social activism, repressed by necessity during the lockdowns and their various measures of physical and social distancing, may re-emerge with renewed vigour once the periods of confinement are over...” ….As the coronavirus crisis recedes and people start returning to the workplace, the corporate move will be towards greater surveillance; for better or for worse, companies will be watching and sometimes recording what their work- force does. The trend could take many different forms, frommeasuring body temperatures with thermal cameras to monitoring via an app how employees comply with social distancing....the surveillance tools are likely to remain in place after the crisis … This is what happened after the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001. All around the world, new security measures like employing widespread cameras, requiring electronic ID cards and logging employees or visitors in and out became the norm. At that time, these measures were deemed extreme, but today they are used everywhere and considered “normal”. An increasing number of analysts, policy-makers and security specialists fear the same will now happen with the tech solutions put into place to contain the pandemic...... the corona crisis may compel us to act faster by replacing failed ideas, institutions, processes and rules with new ones better suited to current and future needs. This is the essence of the Great Reset. ...Some leaders and decision-makers who were already at the forefront of the fight against climate change may want to take advantage of the shock inflicted by the pandemic to implement long-lasting and wider environmental changes. They will, in effect make “good use” of the pandemic by not letting the crisis go to waste”.

World Economic Forum – Transformation maps: – introduction to transformation maps – transformation map for Covid 19. Select Covid19 as Key Topic to see what aspects of life it will affect.

Your guide to the Great Reset – The Corbett Report. What exactly is The Great Reset and what does it mean for the future of humanity? In-depth exploration of the latest rebranding of the New World Order agenda and its vision of a post-human Fourth Industrial Revolution: feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+CorbettReportRSS+%28The+Corbett+Report%29 1h11min video.

The Great Reset debunked – by Douglas Kruger. Douglas Kruger is the author of bestselling books like, ‘Poverty Proof,’ ‘Own Your Industry,’ and the global new release, ‘Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good,’ In this video he points out 11 fatal flaws with just one of The Great Reset’s primary tenets: ‘You will own nothing, and you will be happy.’ 20min video

The Great Reset explained in 5 min -

More about Klaus Schwab – the Great Reset – WEF (World Economic Forum): - more articles and printables on the topic of the Great Reset. G30 reviving and restructuring the corporate sector post covid. G30 = 30 largest economies in the world. In this document, under the section of Attitudes towards failure and employment, they suggest “creative destruction” as one of the attitudes, in which firms fail and make way for other companies, that “are better suited for the new economy.” On that topic Mark Carney, currently advisor of Boris Johnson, former governor of Bank of England earlier mentioned we need “whole economy transition... companies that don’t adapt will go bankrupt without question...there will be companies that will do well, be- cause they will be part of the solution, but there will be companies that lag behind and they will be punished.” – from min 2:30 of this video. structuring_the_Corporate_Sector_Post_Covid.pdf

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Slowing down the population growths (openly discussed by the WEF among other forums as the biggest threat to humanity), controlling the global population, creating biometric digital economy – digital payment grid tied to biometric identity.

Corbett Report – Bill Gates and the population control grid - 36min video. “The takeover of public health that we have documented in How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health and the remarkably brazen push to vaccinate everyone on the planet that we have documented in Bill Gates’ Plan to Vaccinate the World was not, at base, about money. The unimaginable wealth that Gates has accrued is now being used to purchase something much more useful: control. Control not just of the global health bodies that can coordinate a worldwide vaccination program or of the governments that will mandate such an unprecedented campaign, but control over the global population itself.”

Bill Gates at TED talk – June 2020 Bill Gates reveals his prediction that we will all soon need digital vaccine passports. This statement was however edited from the original video at minute 34:35 and the secured originals linked to the above article removed by censors. – 50min video.

Photo by David Marcu on

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Exploring the different views of experts and key figures about the end of the pandemic and what the future will look like:

“We are no longer in emergency.” “COVID-19 cases are low and all-cause deaths are now back to normal pre-pandem- ic rates and falling....The virus is now endemic and will circulate at very low levels this summer and is then likely to join the range of respiratory viruses circulating each winter.... There are no longer any justifiable or ethical reasons for pro- longing Covid-related statutory ‘emergency powers’. Talk of continuing social distancing and masks for several years is therefore unnecessary and unhelpful. We urgently need to reduce fear and increase hope as we recover from this crisis.” (HART Bulletin 24th March 2021 )

Back to ‘normal’ by Autumn? - Dr Michael Tildesley, SPI-M (SAGE) – Pandemic podcast – 1h video. As the milestones out of lockdown keep being pushed further and further into the summer and the Prime Minister warns of a third wave ‘washing up on our shores’, do we have any chance of returning to ‘normal’ this year? Dr Mike Tildesley, a mem- ber of the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Modelling (SPI-M) advising SAGE which in turn advises the Government, believes we do.

Despite the fact, that we are no longer in emergency and the SAGE advisor believes we can be back to “nor- mal” by Autumn, the rhetoric and the actions of the Government, regulators and global players are concerning:

Bill & Melinda Gates interview w/US Chamber of Commerce: This won’t be the last pandemic we face min 5: “Interviewer: … ‘You predicted the future before, do it again’ … Bill Gates: ‘This won’t be the last pandemic that we face. Pandemics can come from natural causes … we have to invest in making sure we ...that we have platforms to make diagnostics, therapeutics, vaccines, very quickly.... People trust governments to think through these potential bad things ….We have to for the next one, that will get attention this time!...”

UK - extended for another six months, until October 2021. Extraordinary powers of the government in the time of a crisis ought to be temporary and proportional, but one year on, they are nei- ther temporary, nor proportional in measure. – Pandemic podcast – 40 min video, summary of the parliament debate and what it means. ukpga/2020/7/contents/enacted – Coronavirus Act 2020.

UK Covid Public Information Campaign extended until April 2023 “News that a £2m Government contract has just been awarded for a COVID Public Information Campaign over the next two years is concerning.” (HART Bulletin 24th March 2021

UK Government, in March 2021 created The UK Health Security Agency health-the-uk-health-security-agency/securing-our-health-the-uk-health-security-agency UK HSA aims to “take action to mitigate infectious diseases and other hazards to health before they materialise” which seems to suggest, together with the latest development of the situation, that going back to normal, when a healthy person was healthy without having to “prove it”, is not very likely.

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The World Bank – Covid-19 Strategic Preparedness and Response Project (SPRP): “expected program closing date: 31 March 2025” from p.6 on this document: paredness-and-Response-Project.pdf

talkRadio: Oliver Dowden MP on Vaccine Passports/Certificates (2min) Asked if the vaccine passport will be a temporary measure, Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden hesitantly says it is “not going to be permanent permanent.”

Boris Johnson, visiting a school, holding a test kit: “these will be in use a lot over the next few years” – 2min video

Boris Johnson, mid April 2021: “The reduction in hospitalisations, deaths and infections has NOT been achieved by the vaccination programme. “It’s the lockdown that has been overwhelmingly important in delivering this improvement in the pandemic.”

Vaccines alone will not stop Covid spreading - here’s why (interactive BBC article) The Swiss cheese model – the result of which is “... no single slice of our Swiss cheese will guarantee 100% pro- tection. We need to continue using multiple measures to stop the Swiss cheese’s holes aligning and letting the virus through.”


Vaccine minister Nadhim Zahawi. 1min20 video where he says that we know vaccination will induce escape mutations and is plannning to roll out new variant vaccines to deal with it.

Pandemic Podcast – Dr Mike Yeadon. Mike Yeadon explains how human immunity is not fooled by the 20% change between the original SARS (2011-12) virus and SARS-CoV2. So we shouldn’t believe that the 0.3% (that any of the variants of SARS-Cov2 differs from each other) would allow variants to escape immunity. There’s no need to top up vaccine. There’s no need to close borders. There’s no need to fear. From 16min in: exploring whether the issue of ‘variants’ will become a likely cause of future lockdowns, and the implication this has for a potentially unending series of vaccine top-ups and boosters. 1 hour long video exploring other topics such as lockdowns, vaccine passports and the mass vaccination programme. Dr Mike Yeadon is an independent biotech consultant with 32 years of experience in research and development with big pharma — including Pfizer at senior management level — and within biotechnology as a company founder.

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Mutant variants and the futility of border closures Dr Gerry Quinn, Post-doctoral Researcher in Microbiology and Immunology “All variants are 99.8% similar to the original Wuhan viral sequence... It is highly unlikely that a variant with minor changes in the sequence will evade the acquired immune response. Prior immunity gained from the original SARS-CoV2 should work perfectly well against any new “mutant variant”, given high levels of sequence similarity. It is important to note that in the highly unlikely event that a variant did manage to escape a person’s acquired immune response, this would represent a threat to an individual rather than a community.... There has, to date been no robust scientific evidence provided that any variant so far identified is more transmissible or deadly than the original. By definition, variants are clinically identical. Closing international borders to keep out “for- eign mutants” of an already endemic virus is neither useful nor possible. Once a virus is established in a population, as is the case in the UK, it will mutate slowly over time, irrespective of borders. International borders have nothing to do with the emergence of viral mutations....” Also on p. 16 of the rigorously and widely researched document: HART Covid19 Response:

The “Indian Variant” - What’s the agenda? - Pandemic Podcast. – 40min video.

The so-called ‘Indian’ SARS-CoV-2 variants are apparently on the rampage, threatening to bring to a grinding halt the Government’s plans to lift lockdown entirely next month. It’s more transmissible, we’re told. But how much more transmissible?

What’s really happening in India? - Pandemic Podcast. – 49min video.

India Situation: What does the Current Data Say? - Ivor Cummins – 9min video.

16th April Article:Entire streets ‘could be locked down to stop outbreaks of new Covid variants variants-14419100/?ito=cbshare “Dr Jeffrey Barrett, director of the Covid-19 Genomics Initiative at the Wellcome Sanger Institute has warned there is “a chance” some variants will be “less well neutralised” by coronavirus vaccines. He said the UK’s current lockdown restrictions have kept the number of new variants “very small”, but as those restrictions are lifted over the coming months Governments must be prepared to impose “the most effective measures possible” to keep any outbreaks under control.” It is worth noting that Wellcome Sanger Institute is financed by Bill and Melinda Gates foundation: Hugo talks 3min video summary:

Red light on travel freedom? - Pandemic Podcast. - 1h video • Introducing the much-vaunted ‘traffic light’ system with countries graded according to their perceived risk • Streamlining current working with global organisations such as G7, G20 and Five Eyes (that’s an intelligence alliance comprising the UK, US, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand) • Stepping up efforts to ensure third party apps can be integrated with a national digital certification system, and… • Ensuring we can all prove our Covid-19 status through tests and vaccines for outbound travel.

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The boiling frog syndrome We must consider what permanent measures are really needed in response to this current situation – recovering from the Covid 19 pandemic. Do we believe increased surveillance and tracking measures and enforced vaccina- tion is necessary? In China and Israel the plans of The Great Reset are further advanced. Here is a look at what is happening there:

Outcry to the world from Israel – 25min interview with Ilana Rachel Daniel, health advisor and politician “Civil rights are put aside and people can only participate in society again after vaccination” Ilana talks about the Green Pass, the Freedom Bracelet, the mRNA vaccine and human rights violations.

Israel – Freedom tracking bracelets, explained – 3min video.

Dr Naomi Wolf, CEO of a tech company discussing the grave concerns she and many others have regarding vaccine passports: – 15 mins video.

Irish Data challenged and explained from Ivor Cummins - 7min video.

Is 99% of Covid deaths incorrect? - Hugo Talks. Ireland has passed a new Regulation, dividing the Vaccinated against the Unvaccinated from being able to mix in each others households via the Health Act 1947 (Section 31A - Temporary Restrictions) (Covid-19) Regulations 2021Regulation 6(4), Restrictions on events in dwellings. WScXvu.html - 18min video.

Vaccine Passports – The truth about vaccine passports. – 12min video by Paul Joseph Watson from He talks here about where this is leading, includes footage of a Chinese showing how their credit scoring system works and what the implications are, includes footage of Boris Johnson stating ID is a “recipe for tyranny and oppression” and covers many other important points surrounding the Vaccine Passports. (note: rather strong presentation). Full statement by Boris Johnson on IDs from 15years ago:

Vaccine Passports – This is where it leads – 15min video by Russel Brant. Vaccination passports are creating public and political dispute across the world. Is this debate a matter of civil liberties, and can the state compel you to take a vaccine with the reward of everyday freedoms?

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Vaccine Passports - sound the alarm Dr Scott Jensen - 2min video :

Vaccine passports – the end of human liberty in the west mailBlastContent&eId=157d4ea0-6bcc-44fb-a69f-b4cc54ef0217 “... This is literally the end of human liberty in the west if this plan unfolds as planned. Vaccine passports sound like a fine thing if you don’t understand what these platforms can do … It’s not about the vaccine. It’s not about the virus. It’s about your data. And once this rolls out you don’t have a choice about being part of the system. What people have to understand is that any other functionality can be loaded onto that platform with no problem at all.”

Our Bodies, Our Selves – Lynne McTaggart - short article “...What a vaccine passport requires us to do is nothing less than give up bodily autonomy.... But even greater is a giant shift in the government’s perception of its role. As Fraser Nelson wrote in The Telegraph, it used to be the case that the government would have to demonstrate, beyond a reasonable doubt, that a threat was great enough to justify depriv- ing people of basic liberties. ‘Now, the burden of proof has flipped’. … If we don’t have agency over our own bodies, if we don’t have the right to debate, to disagree, to protest or to demand the government justify its actions, if our media has abandoned its role of holding government to account and is actu- ally protecting it against any sort of criticism, then we don’t have a democracy anymore. And if we ourselves are voting for all of this in opinion polls, then we are in big trouble...”

Naomi Klein, World Economic Forum – The Great Reset – benefits of technologies – 20min video presented by Russel Brant – featuring the work of Naomi Klein and speeches of former Google CEO Eric Schmidt at the World Economic Forum, pushing the benefits of big tech. Will a world increasingly dominated by technology really be beneficial to everyone?

The SPARS Pandemic 2025 – 2028. Pandemic exercise narrative published by The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. It comprises a futuris- tic scenario, that illustrates communication dilemmas concerning medical countermeasures that could plausibly emerge in the not-so-distant future. It is a self-guided exercise scenario for public health communicators and risk communication researchers. It covers a raft of themes and associated dilemmas in risk communications, rumor control, inter-agency message coordination and consistency, issue management, proactive and reactive media relations, cultural competency, and ethical concerns. nario.html – full document in PDF. Here is a take on on this document by Alex Jones and his colleagues who studied the document inside out (note: strong messages in this video) – 1h30min.

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‘Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development’ - a study published by Rockefeller Foundation in 2010. extracts from the document put in context: – 11min video The below summary from here:

In 2010, the Rockefeller Foundation published a study titled ‘Scenarios for the Future of Technology and Inter- national Development’. It has a chapter called LockStep in which a global pandemic is reported as if it happened in the past, but which is clearly intended as a rehearsal for the future. The scenario continues by comparing two different responses to their predicted pandemic: the USA only ‘strongly discouraged’ people from flying, while China enforced mandatory quarantine for all citizens. The first response is accused of spreading the virus even more, while the imposing of a suffocating lockdown is praised. Then it goes on to describe the implementation of totalitarian control: ‘During the pandemic, national leaders around the world flexed their authority and imposed airtight rules and restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets.’ Clearly the flexing of authority is the desired response.

But it gets worse, according to this scenario ‘Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified. In developed countries, this heightened oversight took many forms: biometric IDs for all citizens, for example, and tighter regulation of key industries whose stability was deemed vital to national interests.’ “Lock-Step - a world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innova- tion and growing citizen pushback” (from p.18).

Pentagon unveils microchip that senses Covid in the body – The Independent 13th April: “You put it underneath your skin and what that tells you is that there are chemical reactions going on inside the body, and that signal means you are going to have symptoms tomorrow,” explained Col Hepburn.

World Economic Forum: Introducing a smart mask: that “tells you when to take a few breaths of fresh air” … “if you forget to put it on, it will alert you with a smart sensor linked to your phone” ...“it includes biodegradable and recyclable components”

Here’s how life could change in my city by the year 2030: World Economic Forum - article.

8 predictions for the world in 2030: World Economic Forum ”You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy” etc... - article.

It is difficult to imagine a future where our fundamental freedoms are gone. Here’s one take on it:

A short film about Utopia – exploring a possible future: – 15min video.

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In this time of profound change it is vital that we all pause, look up and out at the wider landscape and view and think for ourselves: What future are we aiming towards? What will the world be like for the children of the future? What sort of world am I participating in creating? Where are we headed? Am I being pulled along in the river without really knowing where it is going? Do I just go with the flow of society? Do I feel pressure to conform so that I fit in? Who is informing/influencing what I think and feel? Each and every one of us has power, because we are alive, because we can think and consider and can speak our minds and act from our own free will. We must consciously choose where to direct that power.

Asch Conformity Experiment – explaining in 4min how easy it is to go with the crowd, despite knowing for ourselves what the right option is...

“… do not “click and continue” - “You have power. You can make a difference.” Edward Snowden 2021 - The Most Viciously Honest 10 Minutes of your LIFE. watch?v=RFHCyyfNslE - 10 min eye opening video – Edward Snowden - an American whistle-blower, former CIA employee and subcontractor. He has been defending his leaks as an effort “to inform the public as to that which is done in their name and that which is done against them.”

....It’s OK to say no, I do not consent ... – 6min video. Dr Anne McCloskey - Freedom Alliance.

Pandemic Podcast, Dan Austin Gregory – Together we can make a difference. – from min 20 of this video. Dan’s thoughts on where we are heading, exploring our role as individuals in this so needed shift in leadership and shift in consciousness. “Some people may believe it will be over in June when the lockdown is lifted, but the reality we will face, unless this is challenged, is very different from what we were used to under normal times of liberty....Together we can make a difference.” …as even the smallest person makes a big difference as shown in this 2min domino experiment:

Zach Bush: Why we shouldn’t aim for a new normal: - 1hr video. The most powerful force to maintaining a good immune “ system is the power of positive thinking and not allowing “ yourself to be unnecessarily drained emotionally by worries and fears. ~ Frederick Lenz.

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Zach Bush MD – deep thoughts on where we are heading as a collective, planet and hope for the future.– last about 10 min of a video interview shared above. – 10min video - end of a longer interview shared above. “the planet itself has developed this intense intelligence for life, has been resilient through massive extinctions. Every time life comes back, it comes back with more biodiversity, more abundancy, with higher state of intelligence. How does that happen? The answer is the virome...”

Bruce H. Lipton, PhD - Imaginal Nation - The Future of Cells, Humans & Civilization - 8min amazing video showing what the humanity is going through right now and offering hope and reassurance, that however uncomfortable the reality feels, it is OK. “OMG, I can’t believe the craziness we are experiencing” – says the citizen. “Everything is right on schedule” – says the scientist. Science says we are facing a mass extinction, human civilization has to recreate itself. The craziness that’s going on is an important aspect of that. Metamorphosis of a caterpillar to a butterfly – story that replicates everything we are doing. Caterpillars are voracious organism, when put on the planet they will eat every leaf of that planet and when it ends destroying it’s environment it then goes into a cocoon in which a metamorphosis process ultimately cre- ates a butterfly. Butterfly has the lightest touch on nature. Between the caterpillar and the butterfly, there’s something going on in that cocoon – the voracious destructive civilization is breaking down as the individuals start to assemble into new thriveable civilization of the future.” Photo by Erik Karits on Karits Erik by Photo

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Share this information and/or any suitable links in particular further to your family, friends and community to enable us to all to make true informed decisions.

The Truth Community: Ideas for action anyone can take: List of local groups: Information flyers to share:


Scientific and medical communities. You can sign up to the newsletters of the previously mentioned and other groups of scientists, medical and other professionals or follow their articles/bulletins or join channels on various on-line platforms. There’s a wealth of good up to date information that is not generally found in mainstream me- dia. Below is a list of some of the freedom focused groups and organisations (inclusion here is not an endorse- ment) from The Truth Community website:

PANDA - Pandemics ~ Data & Analytics

HART – Health Advisory and Recovery Team

HART - Covid19 Response, rigorously and widely researched document

The BMJ (British Medical Journal):

Primary Doctor Medical Journal: A peer-reviewed journal by physicians and scientists without commercial influence.

UK Medical Freedom Alliance:

World Doctors Alliance: – up to date info on their Telegram group.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr – The Defender - Children’s Health Defense, news and views The Defender is a unique platform for frank, civil, non-partisan discussions of evidence-based science and medicine. News and views on various topics related to amongst others to vaccines, food safety, and here covid topics:

Stand for Health Freedom: news and resources:

• CV19 SARS-CoV2: An Exploration > CONTENTS < > INDEX < PAGE 66 11 What can I do?

World Freedom Alliance: - for their news aims to facilitate an open platform to promote Freedom in all its forms Worldwide and to unite people around the world, and to provide information and share best practice between countries.

Medic Debate: where you can find all kinds of legal documentation, medical information, schedule, discussion forums, proposals, info about participating organizations and blogs. All publi- cations on Medic Debate can be rated and discussed so that everyone can have the possibility to be presented to both sides of an argument in order to be able to make their own, independent standpoint.

Government UK – Freedom of Information Request (FOI) Ask the Government anything you want to know or search information requests already made.

Book: Virus mania – Covid19, Swine flu, SARS etc - How the medical industry continually, making Billion-Dollar Profit at our expense - investigative journalist Torsten Engelbrecht, Dr. Claus Köhnlein, MD, Dr. Samantha Bailey, MD, and Dr. Stefano Scoglio, BSc PhD.

Book: Covid: Why most of what you know is wrong by Sebastian Rushworth MD Recommended on Dr Malcolm Kendrick’ s (HART) blog. know-wrong/dp/9188729834/ref=sr_1_1?crid=39YWLO5T0790W&dchild=1&keywords=covid+why+- most+of+what+you+know+is+wrong&qid=1618870474&sprefix=covid+why+%2Caps%2C203&sr=8-1

Book: Corona, False Alarm?: Facts and Figures by Dr. Karina Reiss and Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi 2148741-6681358?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=1645020576&pd_rd_r=0af1c120-6872-4b3c-81de-cb- f2860a7d75&pd_rd_w=unvVs&pd_rd_wg=UmNQY&pf_rd_p=e5130b5a-1765-4699-bcba-dfad57398256&pf_ rd_r=JBQMG6183F8CB6RFFXVA&psc=1&refRID=JBQMG6183F8CB6RFFXVA


Here below are places where you can find and follow up to date reporting on Covid19, lockdowns and measures and the Governments actions:

TalkRADIO is the UK fastest growing speech station and the home of common sense.

UK Column News: – articles – archive of live stream news Small group of volunteers advocating for free speech through their live weekday news programmes, internet video presentations, public talks across UK and overseas, running research groups and forums, producing hard copy papers and e-books. In their news media news channel they show popular sources from the daily news, whilst providing discernment and knowledge to educate the public against the applied psychology techniques used by the Government and mainstream media. - archive of live stream news also available here.

• CV19 SARS-CoV2: An Exploration > CONTENTS < > INDEX < PAGE 67 11 What can I do?

Not On The BEEB - ‘News the BBC Forgot’. Founded to counter the lack of real news from the worlds freedom movement and to feature medical information lacking in the mainstream media.

PANDA - Pandemics ~ Data & Analytics here PANDA shares what they read and watch – people across the world who speak their language

Pandemic podcast with Dan Astin Gregory:

Hugo Talks: - daily short evidence – based videos on current unfoldings

Be Informed - This website is intended to give you the tools to create an informed and balanced understanding essential to a healthy democracy.

The Corbett Report - The Corbett Report is an independent, listener-supported alternative news source. It operates on the principle of open source intelligence and provides podcasts, interviews, articles and videos about breaking news and important issues

Lockdown Sceptics - A hub for articles, academic papers and interviews that have appeared elsewhere that take a considered and sceptical look at the current situation. It provides an opportunity for experts and non-experts to air views that are not currently accepted or allowed on more mainstream platforms, with the aim of having a more widely informed public debate. There are topics in the right-hand menu. Selecting one will open a page where the issue is summarized and then linked to the best articles, papers and interviews on that topic. There is also a sub-menu under many of the topics , to which new pieces are being added all the time.

The Mirror Project: This is a new non-profit initiative with the mission to contribute to a growing body of unbiased & impartial information, to counter government and corporate media, and give the public a place to investigate issues in a trusted environment with verified sources.

The Daily Expose – latest UK and World news, investigative articles.

Rosemary Frei – Molecular biologists, investigative journalist MSc in molecular biology from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Calgary in 1988, full-time freelance medical writer and investigative journalist.

Class Action Covid UK – blog, articles : The Light: The Light is an independently distributed truthpaper, exposing corruption and crimes by governments, corporations and individuals.

• CV19 SARS-CoV2: An Exploration > CONTENTS < > INDEX < PAGE 68 11 What can I do?

The Informed Parent - The Informed Parent was originally set up in September 1992 to counter frustration and isolation experienced by parents in their efforts to seek information about immunisation, following uncertainty about its safety and effectiveness.


Sign a petition: Do not roll out Covid19 vaccine passports with over 350,000 signatures.

Related: Parliament’s debate about vaccine passports on 15th March triggered by this online petition:

Send a letter to your MP re Vaccine / Immunity Passports print out, sign and send to your MP from UK Medical Freedom Alliance website: UK Medical Freedom alliance:

Sign a new petition: Do not vaccinate children against Covid-19 until Phase 3 trials are complete (note: 2023): over 15,800 signatures. HIq6tOnESX2o-3y0AjvhC_sv7RlTfUbX1UunbF3MM72OwTglKtk

Sign a declaration by PANDA (Pandemics – Data & Analytics): Protect Children & Young People from the Covid-19 response.

Sign a petition: Do not restrict our rights to peaceful protest - over 251,000 signatures.

UK Government, by passing a new police bill, would seriously erode the right to protest. The bill is designed to give police more power: explained in this 35min video:

Related: Pandemic Podcast - UK Government Assault on Right to Protest 35min video. The government’s new Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill is an unprecedented attack on the freedom to protest.

Related: Ex-policeman speaks about your rights: 30 min video.

Sign a petition: Repeal Coronavirus Act and end all Covid19 restrictions over 52,000 signatures.

UK Government consultation – send your views by 21st May 2021. We are seeking your views on a proposal to make COVID-19 vaccination a condition of deployment in older adult care homes. care-homes

• CV19 SARS-CoV2: An Exploration > CONTENTS < > INDEX < PAGE 69 11 What can I do?

Take action (petitions, letters to MP, etc) with Liberty Human Rights, ordinary people standing up for power, challenging injustice and defending freedom, fairness and equality. Fill in the details and they will email your MP for you on nu- merous topics according to your choice. Email your MP to vote against the Coronavirus Act and replace it with the Protect Everyone Bill which prioritises public health, human rights and protection for everyone:

Sign The Great Barrington Declaration A declaration, with over 800,000 signatures, where public, health scientists and infectious disease epidemiolo- gists express their concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID 19 policies and recommend a different approach.

Sign Democracy Declaration – UK Lawyers for liberty – sign Democracy Declaration. UK lawyers, fighting against a permanent shift of power towards the executive. Such permanent changes in the balance of power present profound and long-term impacts on the rule of law and our rights. No matter what your view is on lockdowns, the truth of the matter is that we are no longer in an emergency situation. Our government, however, are still operating falsely in emergency mode and relying on emergency powers to the exclusion and suspension of the ordinary function- ing of the country.

UK Medical Freedom Alliance: Campaigns and Open letters to government and regulators, as well as schools and employers – to be viewed, downloaded and used.

UK Medical Freedom Bill campaign letter: read and if called, leave your details and Save Our Rights will send the letter on your behalf.

Recovery - It’s time for the UK to return to its senses. Recovery is a campaign to lead the UK out of the Covid19 crisis into a positive future. They aim to put an end to the panic-driven policies that are doing so much damage to our lives and the nation’s hopes for tomorrow. Share, do- nate, campaign in your community, on social media, write to your MP – template letter, share your story.

Doctors for covid ethics – accusing medical regulator (EMA) of down-playing COVID19 Vaccine Dangers : “As plans are being made for vaccine passports around the world, doctors and scientists from 25 countries have contested claims by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) that COVID-19 vaccines are safe, and that clotting and bleeding post-vaccination is ‘rare’.”

Save our rights UK: is a grassroots movement that seeks to unite people and enact change and aims to bring forth solutions to problems, positive change, transparency and accountability.

The Freedom Network: : find your local hub, share info, take action This is a non-political, inclusive movement taking action to reclaim our freedom.

• CV19 SARS-CoV2: An Exploration > CONTENTS < > INDEX < PAGE 70 11 What can I do?


Stand in the Park “We Stand for Personal Truth and Freedom in Unity. Stand with us in your parks. Every Sunday. 52 weeks a year. Rain, hail or shine. 10-11am. We have approx. 300 locations (last count) throughout the world. This is a UK specific Stand in the Park group created for the Stands in the Park created by citizens of the UK, who stand for for our freedom and con- stitutional rights. These events are not a ‘protest’. We are simply making a Stand, together, in yellow. We are peaceful.”

Oracle Films – The Push Back cle-Films-2021-World-Wide-Rally-WWD-Global-protest-UK:7?r=EPrs4aBK5AuJKJCNxG9kGHS96ytPAvbb – 1h20min. An important documentary exploring the remarkable, united response from the concerned public to the increasing restrictions being imposed upon us. It includes footage from worldwide demonstrations that took place on March 20th and interviews with some of those scientists, medical experts, politicians and activists that have been brave enough to speak out also feature.

Sat 24th April – Central London – 1pm - Unite for freedom. March to make a stand for rights and freedoms, in particular our medical freedom and right to protest. – 6min video: Sat 24th April – Humanity on its feet.

Sat 15th May - World Wide Demonstration (first one was on 20th March) People from all over the world marched side by side for freedom and human rights.

Sat 29th May – Central London – 1pm - Unite for freedom. Million+ March to support Informed Consent, protection of our rights, medical freedoms and right to protest.

Follow Save Our Rights UK: for future event details.

Flash mob song: “Danser Encore” - Join an existing local group or set up your own to play an English version of this powerful, originally French song: Videos of people performing, singing and dancing to this song in various countries. The website also includes lyrics, chords, notes for different instruments and dancing tutorials:


If you are a business and want to share your story fill in Judicial Review Request for Witness Statement – UK Lawyers for Liberty – UK Businesses impacted by Government Response to Covid. Lawyers for Liberty, are helping Tilbrook Solicitors with their court case against the Government. This case will determine whether the Government has acted unconstitutionally (without proper power) to lockdown the entire country. We want to give this case the maximum opportunity for success and we want to give you a voice. They aim is to collate as many legitimate witness statements as possible from UK-based businesses (big or small) that have been forced to close their premises as a result of arbitrary lockdowns. They want our personal stories to be heard – our crushed livelihoods, loss of family income and our crippling personal debt as a result of government’s failures. It takes no more than 1 minute to fill it in and will cost you no money.

• CV19 SARS-CoV2: An Exploration > CONTENTS < > INDEX < PAGE 71 11 What can I do?

Covid Assembly – Covid Deaths Audit “If you or anyone you know has lost someone whose death has been officially recorded as Covid-19, please come forward and let us know. Similarly, if you are a medical professional or work in any field which has given you insight into this situation (eg. undertaking or death registration) and have information that you think is relevant or are able to provide testimonial evidence, we very much need to hear from you as well. If this contravenes the terms of your em- ployment, we are able to offer legal assistance and anonymity.”

Class Action - Rational thinking in an Irrational World Group litigation – in collaboration with Dr Reiner Fuellmich and the Corona Committee on the evidence behind our respective cases. On the website also a video of Dr Reiner Fuellmich describing parallel cases, which are being brought in Germany and the USA. If you feel you’ve been harmed in any way, whether psychologically, emotionally, medically, financially or otherwise, because of coronavirus restrictions, policies or protocols, you may have a claim against UK Government for causing these harms. We are a group of individuals intent on bringing a Group Litigation (“Class Action”) against the UK Government, and other key individuals and organisations, who have acted together and created a humanitarian and economic crisis on both a national and global level.

Class Action Covid UK: If you’ve been harmed because of lockdown or other covid measures, you may have a claim against the UK government and others for causing these harms. • We believe the UK government, together with certain individuals and organisations, have created a humanitarian and economic crisis on a national and global level.

PCR Claims: Were you, your children, or your business adversely affected by lockdowns, quarantines or forced self-isolation based on PCR testing? Please provide a short statement of evidence outlining the harms you suffered using our simple questionnaire. You will then be contacted regarding next steps in this process. PCRclaims is a campaign group that collates claims information relating to individual losses driven by pillar 2 testing. Joanna Rogers of NaviStar Legal is a solicitor and is our in-house legal counsel. As a campaign group, we are supported by a network of regulated independent law firms, freelance lawyers, solicitors and barristers who take your claim from start to finish. Website includes evidence and resources.

Law or Fiction Lawyers separating Law (binding) from Fiction (non-binding guidance presented as law) and standing up for individual rights of people and business.

Stop Coerced Vaccination – join our fight in Court Fiction: Private sector employers can force workers to have a Covid vaccine. Law: They cannot do so unless the Courts accept that the interference with your right right to bodily autonomy – a fundamental right maintained through the Human Rights Act 1998 – is justified. And the law is that the Courts can only accept justification based on evidence, not government messaging. We do not believe the evidence for justification exists. With your help through a crowd funded legal action, we are going to Court urgently to stop No jab, no pay. Crowd funding:

• CV19 SARS-CoV2: An Exploration > CONTENTS < > INDEX < PAGE 72 11 What can I do?

Stop Vaccine Passports – consider donation to bring a legal challenge We are crowdfunding to grow the greatest possible fight against domestic COVID passes - including a legal challenge as soon as necessary. Your donations will build the biggest possible campaign to prevent domestic COVID passes. We have recruited an expert team of human rights lawyers. If COVID passes do go ahead, we will seek to use these funds to bring a legal challenge to stop COVID passes in Britain.

Legal help – reference for UK Solicitors who are extremely symphatetic to those wishing to challenge the current restrictions, including testing and vaccination mandates, and pressures to wear masks. reference from this page to: Jonathan Lea Network:

Power to the People - At Power To The People, we are a group of individuals who are promoting initiatives to serve the people who are being affected by Government, Media and Pharmaceutical corruption. • Overturning fines, taking an employer to court, cease and dismiss of harassment from GP. • Pre-drafted letters - Pre-drafted letters to use for many occasions. • Vaccine advice - Reinforcing your knowledge to give you true, informed consent.

Letter templates to use on various topics: : UK Medical Freedom Alliance : Power to the People : Covid Truths : Miri AF ployees-or-potential-employees/ - Workers of England Union – open letter re vaccination mandates by employers for employees or potential employees.

There’s a Telegram channel for Covid Vaccine Victims and their stories anyone can join should they be interest- ed or in need to share their stories and find help. – 3minutes video with real stories.

The Great Re-opening is a grassroots movement which aims to connect with and support

small and medium enterprise in reopening their doors in the face of anti-scientific, unconstitutional and discriminatory lockdowns. The present convergence of crises – in money, energy, education, health, “ water, soil, climate, politics, the environment and more - is a birth crisis, “ expelling us from an old world in to the new. ~ Charles Eisenstein.

• CV19 SARS-CoV2: An Exploration > CONTENTS < > INDEX < PAGE 73 11 What can I do?


Open for all – independent charter – sign or/and share. “This Charter is for Operators, Owners, Promoters, Licensees, Artists and Event Managers. This is not currently for Members of the Public, but we are grateful for your support so please share widely.” “... we do not believe it is right that we, as premises and promoters, should demand to see proof of medical records or health status.... There are many practical and logistical issues for us alongside civil liberty and discrimination considerations more broadly for society if venues or events insist on seeing any kind of health related documents...”

Against Vaccine Passports Business Directory - a way for the public to connect with businesses opposed to measures being considered by the UK government -

Be free B&B: Hi, we’re Jill and Andy, a Woman and a Man living in the UK, we’ve become increasingly frustrated with restrictions being put on Men and Women who are just trying to get on with their lives without someone else telling them what they can and can’t do. We have a couple of small Rentals comprising of a Caravan in a beautiful spot on the West Wales Coast and a Wild Camping area in the same location, we used to advertise these accommodations on a well known holiday rentals website, then they started expecting us sign up to specific agreements on restrictions regarding our rentals, not being happy with this we decided to set up our own holiday rentals directory for free minded Men and Women, so here we are.

Awakened Choice - The place for awakened souls to come together – Freedom to choose Join our private forum / advertise your holiday venue / find holiday venues / promote your business. – private facebook group.

Awakened Business – Freedom to trade, freedom to choose, freedom to thrive – private facebook group.

Photo by Dim Hou on

• CV19 SARS-CoV2: An Exploration > CONTENTS < > INDEX < PAGE 74 12 Legal actions across the globe


Apart from the voices presented above working to maintain open and honest debate, there are many actions and events happening worldwide, not covered by the mainstream media, expressing disagreement and dissatisfaction with the current policy response of the government, health and economic institutions and with the mainstream media narrative.

Reiner Fuellmich – prominent German lawyer and his colleagues across the world has filed aglobal legal case, the largest class action lawsuit in history. - 10 min description of the legal case. - 47 min interview. - article from the UK Column News. – 40min video. This video from Dr Reiner Fuellmich, a bar- rister admitted in Germany and California, explains cases, that seek to establish the truth about the PCR tests which the “pandemic” declaration rested on, and which continues to drive national and local lockdowns and tiers. - 1h video/audio. Interview with Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and FDDLP: Topics: Explanations of the crisis and legal remedies taken. New collaboration with the Foundation for the defense of people’s rights and freedoms (FDDLP).

Belgium must lift ‘all Covid-19 measures’ within 30 days, Brussels court rules on Wed 31st March, as the legal basis for them is insufficient. withing-30-days-brussels-court-rules-verlinden-human-rights-league-ministerial-decree-penalty-civil-safet- y-act-pandemic-law-coronavirus/

UK lawyers for liberty Lawyers for Liberty, are helping Tilbrook Solicitors with their court case against the Government. This case will determine whether the Government has acted unconstitutionally (without proper power) to lockdown the entire country.

Private Criminal Prosecution (PCP) against Matt Hancock, Chris Whitty, and Neil Ferguson for pandemic fraud. Michael O’Bernicia (The Bernician) and a team of half a dozen committed independent data analysts and legal scholars have come together to bring this most serious of prosecutions to the criminal court. They have compiled and analysed evidence. This 1,200 page bundle of evidence, including expert witness statements, has now been received by the court. - 1h audio https://www. Followed by these platforms: The Freedom Cycle - Highly Likely News -

• CV19 SARS-CoV2: An Exploration > CONTENTS < > INDEX < PAGE 75 12 Legal actions across the globe

Sensational verdict from Weimar (Germany): no masks, no distance, no more tests for students On April 8, 2021, the Weimar Family Court ruled that, effective immediately, two Weimar schools are pro- hibited from requiring students to wear mouth-to-nose coverings of any kind (especially qualified masks such as N95 masks), impose minimum distances on them, and/or participate in SARS-CoV-2 rapid testing. Source: er/ Translation: - M_E/edit?usp=sharing Resolution:

Bill Gates, British epidemiologist Neil Ferguson and the Belgian government are being taken to court by a group of 240 Belgians called Viruswaanzin led by Belgian lawyer Michael Verstraeten for crimes against humanity. In particular, it concerns the investments of the “Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation” in research by the KU Leuven and the Institute of Tropical Medicine, into a vaccine against the coronavirus. The same scientists are also the civil servants who advise the government on the approach. law-suits-against-bill-gates-prof-neil-ferguson/ - short article. In the comments Viruswaazin says on 17th Janu- ary 2021: “Our appeals verdict was very promising. Some judges still have integrity. We shal see. Check and translate our website for updates.” – short article. gium-over-coronavirus-restrictions/ - short article. gates-neil-ferguson-and-the-belgian-state-over-coronavirus-restrictions/ - short article.

A court hearing taking the US Government to court, seeking an end to vaccine mandates across the entire country February update: “Last week the court dismissed our case on the grounds of standing (i.e., saying we can’t sue the President for the constitutional violations alleged, but rather should sue someone else).We are appealing immediately to the 9th Circuit.”

Children’s Health Defence Legal Team Led by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Sues Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, and Three of Facebook’s So-Called “Fact-Checkers” against-facebook-mark-zuckerberg-and-three-of-facebooks-so-called-fact-checkers/

New Mexico - First Court Case Against Mandatory Vaccination Interview with Attorney Ana Garner of New Mexico. Garner represents her client Isaac Legaretta, an officer at the Doña Ana County Detention Center and a military veteran, who is suing the county over its new policy for first responders to receive the COVID-19 vaccinations or face termination. Garner is prepared to take this case to the Supreme Court if necessary. Attorney Garner explains the significance of this case and what is at stake, as it is the first of its kind and may set a new standard for legal precedent regarding mandatory vaccination. A case that challenges not only the Governor of New Mexico, but the emergency itself. https://www.activistpost. com/2021/03/its-here-first-court-case-against-mandatory-vaccination-attorney-interview.html (26min video).

New Mexico Stands Up: Legal case against the UK Government to protect Freedom of Information: to-protect-freedom-of-information/ Thousands of people across the globe in the streets to protest against the policy response (20th March 2021).

• CV19 SARS-CoV2: An Exploration > CONTENTS < > INDEX < PAGE 76 13 Fundamental paradigms


The paradigms that have been shaping our society and that show Invitation to consider a shift of paradigm that would benefit our how we have come up with the collective narrative and the public planet, humanity and us as individuals. health responses, that we have seen in the last year and many previous years.

WHO ARE WE? We perceive ourselves as superior to nature, separate from the Invitation to consider a shift of paradigm that would benefit our nature, centre of life on Earth. As the Oxford Dictionary definition planet, humanity and us as individuals. of nature suggests, nature is everything except humans – we have We came from nature as a result of its biodiversity and written ourselves out of the definition of nature: “Nature = the intelligence. We are not against nature, we are the result of nature. phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, animals, the landscape and other features and products of the earth, as opposed to humans or human creations.”

Our fear-based behaviour as a society is driven by the ancestral We are co-operative forces with nature. paradigm of fight or flight, that’s been in us for centuries: If we don’t beat nature, it will beat us.


Science is being presented as a body of knowledge. Scientific Science is an activity, ever changing process, an exercise of intelect dogma, and other political and financial interests, is what drives and methodology applied to advancing understanding the world. big regulatory bodies (CDC, NHS etc...) to censor, ostracize or We should expect the science and us to change, our purpose is to criminalize scientists whose view is not matching the popular stay curious. narrative. There’s more emphasis in current education on clinical A quote by Carl Sagan: “At the heart of science is an essential research and clinical management, on data analysis as opposed to balance between two seemingly contradictory attitudes – an open- data production, with little time spent on basic science research. ness to new ideas, no matter how bizarre or counterintuitive they may So decisions are being made on the assumption that due diligence be, and the most ruthless sceptical scrutiny of all ideas, old and new. has been done. This is how deep truths are winnowed from deep nonsense.”

As we continue perceiving humans as superior to and separate The shift of paradigm is due to view humans as co-creative forces from nature and staying in fight or flight relationship with her, the with nature, to build on terrain theory and reflect last decades of science keeps holding the germ theory as the basic paradigm and genomics to view the microbiome and virome as the centre of the considering the human cell as the centre of human health. human health, our existence and our origin.

WHAT ARE VIRUSES? Coming from the above viewpoint, viruses are enemies, coming There are more viruses on the earth than stars in the known Uni- to attack us. We need to beat the virus, or it will beat us. We verse. They are part of nature. Part of us. Viruses are vital for us, are at war with the virus, we want to eliminate it, eradicate it. they increase adaptability and biodiversity on the planet. Viruses Fighting these enemies often means using substances and ways make it possible for us to adapt in response to our environment - that are putting our innate immune systems at risk and make our the more change in the environment, the more adaptations will be environment ever more toxic, but coming from fight or flight, fear needed, the more viruses will appear and elicit symptoms, as our based perspective, where the main goal is to beat the virus, wider physical and mental health as species is also deteriorating, so we implications of these “cures” are overlooked. are more vulnerable.

WHAT IS DEATH? Emphasis on safety, security and risk reduction, seeing death as In the world of the interdependent self, death is part of life and a disaster, as the ultimate failure of the medical system led us to life is to be lived fully. How about “dying well”? Consider this create systems that embody fear. Death is the ultimate perspective from Dr Lissa Rankin: “Not all of us would want to be in catastrophe. Staying safe and prolong life is over-ridingly an ICU, isolated from loved ones with a machine breathing for us, at important. risk of dying alone-even if it means they might increase their chance of survival. Some of us might rather be held in the arms of loved ones at home, even if that means our time has come...Remember, death is no ending. Death is going home.”

WHERE ARE WE HEADING? In the world of the separate self, we search for an enemy and In the world of relational, interdependent self one no longer target the enemy in order to destroy it. We often adopt very searches for an enemy as the key to understanding every problem, narrow view when targeting the enemy. By missing the bigger but looks instead for imbalances in relationships. We are at the picture, we often make more harm in the long run than the point where we can see our extinction as a real possibility. We “enemy” itself. need to change our mindset and our understanding of who we are, why are we here, where we are going. If we learn anything from this pandemic, it is that humanity can actually act as one, we can change our behaviour in the micro and macro level instantly, when we all start to live the future that we want to create.

• CV19 SARS-CoV2: An Exploration > CONTENTS < > INDEX < PAGE 77 Summary


Whatever our beliefs, views, expertise and perspectives are, we must all participate in this unfolding situation with the best clarity and open heartedness that we can bring. This journey of research and questioning has led us to discover that although it began with exploring the science behind the vaccine and lockdown measures it ended up revealing to us that this is about more than the vaccine, it is about who is in charge in the world, who it is deciding the way we can and should live. And it revealed to us that these people are not acting in our best interests. They are not openly and lovingly exploring the science together with the remarkable global community of brilliant minds; they are in fact choosing to ignore much of it, and what is worse, hiding it from the people of the world.

So how do we remain free of agenda they are pushing on us all? What is the cost if we ignore what is happening? We urge you, for the sake of your own lives and especially for the generations to come, to look again at what you believe is happening and to acknowledge that both action and inaction build the future: One builds our own future, one participates unconsciously in someone else’s.Let us build a world rich and nourishing and beautiful and free for us ALL.

THANK YOU An offering to you from three members of our wonderful, rich, intelligent, beautiful, precious Human tribe. Peace to us all, may we flourish into a future filled with truth, respect and light.

Sometimes the wisdom we need to hear has been among us for a very long time. We just need a reason to listen to it again and allow it to stir our soul into new and creative action, bringing about life in all it’s wonderful fullness for us all: The Greatest Speech Ever Made - Charlie Chaplin – Final Speech from the Great Dictator Photo by Evgeni Tcherkasski on Tcherkasski Evgeni by Photo

• CV19 SARS-CoV2: An Exploration > CONTENTS < > INDEX < PAGE 78 INDEX

INTRODUCTION 02 CONTENTS 03 01 FROM UK GOVERNMENT (AND ONS) WEBSITES 04 02 MEDICAL, SCIENTIFIC AND LEGAL COMMUNITIES 06 03 FUNDAMENTAL PARADIGMS 08 04 DATA – Covid19 10 Terminology 10 SARS-CoV2 vs Covid-19 10 Pandemics 10 R-number 11 Has SARS-CoV2 been isolated? 11 Data in Context 13 Data with singular focus on Covid-19 16 Predictions 16 PCR Test Results 16 Asymptomatic Spread 17 Covid Death Numbers 18 NHS Bed Occupancy 20 05 MEDIA INFORMATION CAMPAIGN (presentation of the data with singular focus on Covid-19) 22 06 MEASURES AND INTERVENTIONS (based on the data with singular focus on Covid-19) 24 Community mask wearing 25 Isolation (lockdowns, social distancing, school and business closures) 27 Mass testing 30 Covid-19 Vaccines 31 Assessing individual risk from SARS-CoV2/Covid-19 32 Is the vaccine safe and effective / Will it bring us “back to normal”? 32 What are Covid-19 vaccines? How do they work and how do they differ from other vaccines? 33 Concerns about Covid-19 vaccines 34 Considerations for pregnant and breastfeeding women and women of childbearing age 37 Considerations for children 38 Death numbers rising after vaccine roll-out 38 Feeling pressured to have the vaccine? 40 Vaccine adverse reactions 40 UK covid-19 vaccine adverse events reporting 41 US/International general vaccine adverse effects reporting 43 European vaccine adverse effects reporting 45 Vaccine industry 45 Vaccine passports - concerns / UK Government / global plans / legal implications 45

• CV19 SARS-CoV2: An Exploration > CONTENTS < > INDEX < PAGE 79 INDEX

07 POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS 49 Policy response 49 Preventions and treatments of Covid-19 50 08 MAKING SENSE OF WHAT IS HAPPENING 51 Exploring economical profit and conflicts of interests, Censorship / “fact checking” 54 Exploring global politics / power / technology 54 Exploring population control 57 09 VIEWS TO THE NEAR FUTURE 58 10 WHAT IS THE FUTURE I WANT? The power of conscious awareness 64 11 WHAT CAN I DO? 66 Share information 66 Research further (links to scientific communities – news and information platforms) 66 Take action (links to various campaigns) 69 Unite for Freedom Locally - Globally 71 12 LEGAL ACTIONS ACROSS THE GLOBE 75 13 FUNDAMENTAL PARADIGMS: Table 77 SUMMARY 78 INDEX 79/80

Photo by Muhamad Reza Junianto on

The media’s the most powerful entity on

“ earth. They have

the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the “ guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses. Malcolm X ~ African American Muslim minister, human rights activist.

• CV19 SARS-CoV2: An Exploration > CONTENTS < > INDEX < PAGE 80