Tamara Holmes BSc., P. Geo. May 8, 2020 Conspiracy...Not Theory The Decade of Vaccines. A well-documented agenda by to vaccinate every person on the planet. And there's an end game.

What's the truth? What's fiction? What's real? What's not? What's allowed to be said? What's censored? Why?

What is happening in the world while you are fed minute by minute updates on COVID-19?

Have you heard the phrases COVID-19 and Conspiracy Theory interlinked since lockdown began due to the virus SARS-CoV-2?

Have you seen the backlash when doctors and scientists question what they see on the ground? Accused of being dangerous by sharing mistruths with the public, they are then censored for having a different interpretation of the same data that challenges the story we are told by the organizations we trust.

I decided to investigate for myself whether any of the claims I was hearing or seeing could be true. It was just too far-fetched for me to believe or want to consider. I needed to see the sources.

From my dining room table, while just another displaced person under lockdown, I discovered well documented and publicly accessible information that clearly defines a global vaccine agenda. The players comprise private, public and philanthropic organizations on a worldwide stage.

While each organization's agenda/action plan, on a stand-alone basis, appears straightforward, when they are viewed from a holistic conflated perspective, the overarching narrative begins to bend sinister.

The more I dig, the more I find. I'm confident I haven't even begun to scratch the surface.

In order to enable digital identity at scale, we will need to identify and leverage many entry points. Immunization service delivery presents a tremendous opportunity to provide children with a durable, portable and secure digital identity early in life. ID2020 Conspiracy...Not Theory 02 Bill Gates has founded and/or funded every organization including the research, development, technology and philanthropic organizations behind the campaign to vaccinate every child.

Johns World Hopkins Health University Organization World Bank Word Economic Forum

Event 201 NIAID Led by Dr. Anthony Oct. 2019 Fauci since 1984

CEPI Founded by Norway, India, B&M Gates Foundation, GAVI Wellcome, WEF Founded by Global 2017 Bill Gates Vaccine COVID-19 Vaccine 2000 Wellcome ID2020 Action Plan Development Candidates Trust appointed by CEPI 2010 ID2020 University Decade of Vaccines Moderna of Founded by Queensland Accenture, The Bill Gates Rockefeller Bill Gates Foundation, Gavi, , IDEO Bill & Melinda CureVac INOVIA 2017/18 Gates Foundation

Global Preparedness Monitoring Quantum Board dot Tattoo Co-convened by WHO and World UNICEF Bank Rice University/ May 2018 MIT Dec. 2019 Conspiracy...Not Theory 03 If you knew...

If you knew you would be digitally identified after getting a vaccine, and with that became a "new norm" of an "immunity certificate" identifying who you were and monitoring whether you've been vaccinated or not, would you advocate for it?

Would you subject your children to the idea they could never have a right to privacy, and that right would be taken at birth, would you do it to yourself, to your children?

What if you knew:

In 2017, the World Health Organization admitted the global explosion of polio was predominantly a vaccine strain(1) to the tune of 70%? WHO chemically sterilized millions of Kenyan women with a "tetanus" vaccine campaign (2) laced with an anti-fertility drug, with similar accusations from Tanzania, Nicaragua, Mexico and the Philippines. The Gates Foundation tested an HPV vaccine that killed seven girls in India and committed ethical violations (3) now in the country's Supreme Court? A 2017 study (4) by Mogensen et al. (2017) showed WHO's DTP vaccine is causing 10x the death rate of children who had not yet received the vaccine, yet WHO refuses to recall the lethal vaccine forced upon tens of millions of African children annually? In January 2020, a study was published by the US Department of Defense showing significantly higher odds (36%) of coronavirus and human metapneumovirus in individuals who had received the influenza vaccination during the 2017-2018 flu season (5).

What if you knew the second richest person in the world was directly tied to, and has invested billions of dollars into at least twenty organizations associated with creating a global vaccine agenda. These organizations include digital biotechnology research, vaccine companies, and is intertwined with national governments, multilateral organizations, civil society, the private sector and philanthropic organizations, and whose publicly documented objective is to dictate mandatory vaccines?

Would you be disturbed knowing it was already happening to children in the world's most vulnerable populations? That these populations are being used as the testing grounds for big pharma companies under the guise of philanthropy by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation?

1. Beuabien, Jason (2017). Mutant Strains of Polio Vaccine Now Cause More Paralysis Than Wild Polio. Retrieved May 5, 2020: https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2017/06/28/534403083/mutant-strains-of-polio-vaccine-now-cause-more- paralysis-than-wild-polio 2. US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health (1995).Tetanus vaccine may be laced with anti-fertility drug. International/developing countries. Retrieved May 5, 2020 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12346214 3.Parliament of India Rajya Sabha (2013). Seventy Second Report. Alleged Irregularities in Conduct of Studies using Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccine by Path in India (Department of Health, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare). 4. Mogensen et al. (2017). The Introduction of Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis and Oral Polio Vaccine Among Young infants in an Urban African Community: A Natural Experiment. EBioMedicine. Doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2017.01.041. 5. Wolff, Greg (2020). Influenza vaccination and respiratory virus interference among Department of Defense personnel during the 2017-2018 influenza season. Vaccine. 38(2): 350-354. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2019.10.005. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7126676/ Conspiracy...Not Theory 04

The Global Vaccine Action Plan

In December 2010 the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation announced a partnership with The World Health Organization (Bill and Melinda Gates have ‘donated’ USD $36 billion to WHO as of 2018), UNICEF, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to collaborate on increasing coordination across the international vaccine community and create a Global Vaccine Action Plan (6).

In the press release (7), they state "The Global Vaccine Action Plan will enable greater coordination across all stakeholder groups – national governments, multilateral organizations, civil society, the private sector and philanthropic organizations -- and will identify critical policy, resource, and other gaps that must be addressed to realize the life-saving potential of vaccines."

The Leadership of The Global Vaccine Action Plan Council is comprised of:

Dr. Margaret Chan, Director-General of WHO; Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, Director of NIAID, part of the National Institutes of Health; Mr. Anthony Lake, Executive Director for UNICEF; Ms. Joy Phumaphi, Chair of the International Advisory Committee and Executive Secretary, African Leaders Malaria Alliance Dr. Tachi Yamada, President of Global Health at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The collaboration followed a January 2010 call by Bill and Melinda Gates to earmark the next ten years as the Decade of Vaccines. The collaboration of organizations was expected to complete its work by mid- 2012 at which time the press release stated, "all vaccine stakeholder groups will be responsible for implementing the action plan".

6. World Health Organization (2013). Global Vaccine Action Plan 2011-2020. Retrieved May 5, 2020 from: https://www.who.int/immunization/global_vaccine_action_plan/GVAP_doc_2011_2020/en/ 7.Robert Magdalena (N.D). Global Health Leaders Launch Decade of Vaccines Collaboration. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Retrieved May 5, 2020 from: https://www.gatesfoundation.org/Media-Center/Press-Releases/2010/12/Global-Health- Leaders-Launch-Decade-of-Vaccines-Collaboration THE DECADE OF VACCINES A well-documented agenda by Bill Gates to profit through vaccinations and make a case for digital "immunity certificates" post COVID-19.

Global Vaccine Action Plan 2010 Bill and Melinda Gates Bill Gates has founded and/or funded every organization including Foundation announce a the research, development, technology and philanthropic partnership with WHO, organizations behind the campaign to vaccinate every child. UNICEF, NIAID.

Johns The goal is to increase World Hopkins Health coordination across the University World Bank global community and Organization Word declare this is the Economic Decade of Vaccines Forum

Event 201 NIAID Led by Dr. Anthony Oct. 2019 Fauci since 1984 CEPI Founded by Norway, India, B&M Gates Foundation, GAVI Wellcome, WEF Founded by Global 2017 Bill Gates Vaccine COVID-19 Vaccine 2000 Wellcome ID2020 Action Plan Development Candidate Trust appointed by CEPI 2010 Global Vaccine ID2020 University Decade of Vaccines Moderna of Founded by Queensland Action Plan 2012 Accenture, The Bill Gates Rockefeller Bill Gates Foundation, Gavi, Stakeholders complete Microsoft, IDEO Bill & Melinda CureVac INOVIA 2017/18 Gates collaboration work. Foundation "All vaccine stakeholder Global groups will be Preparedness responsible for Monitoring Quantum Board dot Tattoo implementing the action Co-convened by WHO and World UNICEF plan." Bank Rice University/ May 2018 MIT Dec. 2019 2015 M a r c h CureVac Funding Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation invests $52 million in equity in CureVac

Gates Presents Ted Talk Bill Gates Presents at Vancouver Ted Talk, "We aren't ready for the next epidemic."

S e p t UN adopts 2030 Sustainable Development Goals 16.9 Provide legal identity for all, including birth registration.

2016 80 Years of Vaccine Bill & Melinda M a r c h Recommendations Gates Foundation Bets Big on Moderna 20 The foundation grants Moderna USD$100 million to advance the development of mRNA 0 s s s s s s 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 5 0 9 drug platform and 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 0 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 9 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 *1 2 2 2 2 4 antibody treatment for 9 9 infectious disease 1

Number of Recommended Vaccines

Source: Children's Hospital of Philadelphia https://www.chop.edu/centers-programs/vaccine- GAVI education-center/vaccine-history/developments-by-year 2017 Founded by Bill Gates 2000

N o v 1 3 CEO Seth Berkley pens article for nature.com, "Immunization needs a technology boost."

GAVI works with Khushi Baby to create off-grid digital health records for infants in India, tracking 15000 vaccination events across 100 villages with a goal to vaccinate every child globally and a give them a digital presence.

ID2020 Alliance Founded in 2017 by Accenture (now Microsoft business group), The Rockefeller Foundation, Microsoft, IDEO and GAVI.

A public-private partnership committed to improving lives through digital identity. ID2020 coordinates funding for identity and channelling those funds toward high-impact projects enabling diverse stakeholders -- UN agencies, NGOs, governments, and enterprises -- to pursue a coordinated approach that creates a pathway for efficient and responsible implementation at scale. The goal of ID2020 is to provide a digital identity from birth, using immunization as the platform for portable, biometrically linked identification.

Coalition for Epidemic Prepardness (CEPI) Founded in 2017 by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome Trust, World Economic Forum. Goal to accelerate the development of vaccines against emerging infectious diseases. The lead entity for the novel coronavirus vaccine initiative.

2018 ID2020 Alliance M a r c h Publish an article on their website called "Immunization: an entry point for digital identity" "And because immunization is conducted in infancy, providing children with a And as children grow, their digital child digital child health card health card can be used to access secondary would give them a unique, portable digital identity early services, such as primary school, or ease the in life." process of obtaining alternative credentials. Effectively, the child health card becomes the first step to establishing a legal, broadly recognized identity. -ID2020 Alliance

M a y The Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB) Founded in 2018 by WHO and the World Bank. The Board includes four agencies associated with the Global Vaccine Action Plan, CEPI: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Wellcome Trust UNICEF


J a n CEPI partners with University of Queensland CEPI invests $10.6 million to develop transformative technology that enables targeted and rapid vaccine production against multiple pathogens

S e p t ID2020 Alliance Announces the Launch of a digital identity program with the Government of Bangladesh and GAVI. "Immunization poses a huge opportunity to scale digital identity."

S e p t GPMB Publishes First Annual Report The report lays out seven urgent actions that leaders must implement to for pressing threats. "The world is at risk...What we need is leadership and the willingness to act forcefully and effectively. The report identifies required actions with specific "progress indicator(s) by September 2020 some of those include: UN including WHO conducts at least two systemwide training and simulation exercises, including covering the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen International funding mechanisms expand their scope and envelopes to include health emergency preparedness, including the IDA19 replenishment, the Central Emergency Response Fund, Gavi, the Global Fund and others. WHO members states increase preparedness response financing and include the establishment of a replenishment scheme using funding from the revised World Bank Pandemic Emergency Facility. Fewer, but better-harmonized coordination mechanisms, global, regional and country networks, institutions and initiatives for preparedness and readiness for research and development (R&D)

O c t Event 201 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, World Economic Forum, Johns Hopkins University host A Global Pandemic Exercise, as mandated in GPMB annual report.

D e c Quantum Dot Tattoos Rice University and MIT (both funded by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) announce new biotechnology advancement where barcodes can be injected into the human body and be read by a smartphone.

The quantum dot tags fluoresce with information after injection as part of vaccination 2019 J a n Shanghai Public Health Clinical Centre 1 1 Published the genome sequence on open platforms

J a n Moderna Finalizes Sequence for 2019- nCoV-2 1 3 It takes 25 days to have a batch of a vaccine designed and ready to ship to NIAID. F e b US Food and Drug Administration Approves 2 4 Clinical Trial

M a r National Institute of Health (NIH) announces 1 6 it had begun clinical trial in Seattle.

A p r Moderna is granted USD$483 million Federal 1 7 Funding for it's Coronavirus Vaccine

A p r WHO launches global collaboration with 2 4 'health actors'. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation CEPI, GAVI, the Global Fund, UNITAID, the Wellcome Trust and the World Bank M a y Moderna announces plans to manufacture 1 1 billion doses starting in July 2020. Since January company net worth has grown by $USD9.5 billion. M a y UN announces Coronavirus Global Response 4 Fundraiser: Goal CAD$11.6 billion.

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious disease (NIAID) Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness (CEPI) Sources: 1. World Health Organization (2013). Global Vaccine Action Plan 2011-2000. Retrieved from: https://www.who.int/immunization/global_vaccine_action_plan/GVAP_doc_2011_2020/en/ 2Berkley, Seth (2017). Immunization needs a technology boost. Nature. Retrieved from: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-017-05923-8, Seth Berkley, 2017 3.ID2020 Alliance (2019). ID2020 Alliance launches digital ID program with Government of Bangladesh and Gavi, announces new partners at annual summit. Cision PR Newswire. Retrieved from: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/id2020-alliance-launches-digital-id-program-with-government-of-bangladesh-and--announces-new-partners-at-annual-summit- 300921926.html, ID2020 Alliance 4.ID2020 Alliance (2018). Immunization: an entry point for digital identity. Retrieved from: https://medium.com/id2020/immunization-an-entry-point-for-digital-identity-ea37d9c3b77e, ID2020 5.ID2020 Alliance (2020). Immunity Certificates: If we must have them, we must do it right-- ID2020 Alliance Releases White Paper. Cision PR Newswire. Retrieved from: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/immunity-certificates-if-we-must-have-them-we-must-do-it-right--id2020-alliance-releases-white-paper-301044459.html, ID2020 Alliance 6.Williams, Mike (2019). Quantum-dot tattoos hold vaccination record. Current News. Rice University News and Media Relations Office of Public Affairs. Retrieved from: https://news.rice.edu/2019/12/18/quantum-dot-tattoos-hold-vaccination-record/ 7.ND. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and CureVac Collaborate to Accelerate the Development of Transformative Vaccine Technology. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Press Room Press Releases and Statements. Retrieved from: https://www.gatesfoundation.org/media-center/press-releases/2015/03/curevac-collaboration 8.http://www.ddn-news.com/index.php?newsarticle=10450 9.CEPI (2020(. CEPI to fund three programmes to develop vaccines against the novel coronavirus, nCoV-2019. Retrieved from: https://cepi.net/news_cepi/cepi-to-fund-three-programmes-to-develop- vaccines-against-the-novel-coronavirus-ncov-2019/ 10.The World Bank (2020). Pandemic Preparedness and Health Systems Strengthening. Retrieved from: https://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/pandemics 11.CEPI (2020) Retrieved from: https://cepi.net/about/whoweare/ 12. The Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (2019). A World At Risk. Annual report on global preparedness for health emergencies. Retrieved May 5, 2020 from: https://apps.who.int/gpmb/annual_report.html 13. Modality with Three New Development Candidates. Businesswire. A Berkshire Hathaway Company. Retrieved May 5, 2020 from: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20200210005823/en 14.Grady, Denise (2020). Trial of Coronavirus Vaccine Made by Moderna Begins in Seattle. Healthy volunteers will test different doses of the first vaccine to find out if it is safe. The NYTimes. Retrieved May 5, 2020 from: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/16/health/coronavirus-vaccine.html 15. National Institute of Health (2020). NIH clinical trial of investigational vaccine for COVID-19 begins. Study enrolling Seattle-based healthy adult volunteers. New Releases. Retrieved May 5, 2020 from: https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/nih-clinical-trial-investigational-vaccine-covid-19-begins

17 N D Event 201 A Global Pandemic Exercise Retrieved May 5 2020 from: https://www centerforhealthsecurity org/event201/ Conspiracy...Not Theory 05

The Devil is in the details A Digital ID through Vaccinations

Bill Gates Presents at TED Gavi, The Global Vaccine

March 2015 Bill Gates attended a now-viral Alliance Vancouver TED conference, presenting a picture Gavi (10) was founded by Bill Gates in January much like what we are seeing today. He followed 2000. It is partnered with WHO, UNICEF, the World his presentation with a blog post on GatesNotes (8) Bank and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. referring to the 2014 Ebola Outbreak. In it he says, According to the website, the purpose of the "As awful as this epidemic has been, the next one organization is to "help vaccinate almost half the could be much worse. The world is simply not world's children against deadly and debilitating prepared to deal with a disease—an especially infectious diseases". virulent flu, for example—that infects large numbers of people very quickly. Of all the things 13 November 2017 an article was written for the that could kill 10 million people or more, by far the science research journal website, Nature, by Seth most likely is an epidemic." Thus, planting a seed Berkley, the CEO of Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance. The and building fear of what was orchestrated to article titled, "Immunization needs a technology come. boost"(11) begins with an opening quote, planting the next seed of vaccinations and digital ID. He then goes on to say, "It would apply the kind of "Tracking who receives vaccines is essential, but planning that goes into national defense—systems will be impossible without innovations in digital for recruiting, training, and equipping health technologies, says Seth Berkley." He continues in workers; investments in new tools; etc.—to the the article to state, "Putting the child at the centre effort to prevent and contain outbreaks.”. of tracking efforts is not as simple as it sounds. Tens of millions of children have no formal record of their existence — especially those living in remote, impoverished or vulnerable communities. 2030 Sustainable This global identity crisis is so important that it has its own indicator (number 16.9) under the United Development Goals Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) intended to ensure that everyone has a legal identity by 2030." September 2015, the United Nations adopted the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (9), which He then continues to describe a new approach to a stressed its commitment to “provide legal identity global health community moving to digital systems. Gavi spends nearly US$2 billion a year on for all, including birth registration” by 2030 vaccines in poor countries and "has also invested tens of millions of dollars in innovations to monitor immunization."

8. Gates, Bill (2015). We’re not ready for the next epidemic. We’re not ready for it. But we can get there. Retrieved May 5, 2020 from: https://www.gatesnotes.com/Health/We-Are-Not-Ready-for-the-Next-Epidemic 9. UN Sustainable Development Goals. (2012) Retrieved from: https://indicators.report/targets/16-9/ 10. Gavi (2020). Retrieved May 5, 2020 from: https://www.gavi.org/our-alliance/about 11. Berkley, Seth (2017). Immunization needs a technology boost. Nature. Retrieved on May 5, 2020 from: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-017-05923-8 Conspiracy...Not Theory 06

Together with a company in India called Khushi the program not just in Bangladesh, but as Baby, Gavi has created off-grid digital health something we can replicate across Gavi-eligible records, giving infants a unique ID worn on a countries, providing a viable route to closing the necklace that allows health workers to update a identity gap." digital record. In Rajasthan, India, they have tracked more than 15,000 vaccination events of thousands In September 2019, the ID2020 Alliance of children across 100 villages. announced (13) the launch of a digital identity program with the Government of Bangladesh and According to Berkley, Gavi and Google.org already Gavi. From ID2020's perspective, "Immunization work together to use cloud-based databases to poses a huge opportunity to scale digital identity track vaccines along the supply chain. "Digital — in many developing countries, immunization technology and social media offer an opportunity", coverage greatly exceeds birth registration rates." he says. "The technology sector is on a mission to equip everyone on the planet with a digital and March 28, 2018, ID2020 wrote an article for their online presence. And the innovations that will website called, "Immunization: an entry point for help to achieve that goal are exactly those that digital identity" (14). In the article, they state, "In could aid the global public-health community in order to enable digital identity at scale, we will vaccinating every child." need to identify and leverage many entry points. Immunization service delivery presents a tremendous opportunity to provide children with ID2020 Alliance a durable, portable and secure digital identity early in life, enabling access to a wider range of Founded in 2017 by Accenture [strategic ally of social services, while also improving access to the Microsoft, announced February 4, 2019, the health interventions all children need and deserve." Accenture Microsoft Business Group], The Rockefeller Foundation and Gavi. Microsoft and They continued by saying, "And because IDEO joined as founding partners in 2018. immunization is conducted in infancy, providing children with a digital child health card would The ID2020 Alliance (12) is "an innovative public- give them a unique, portable digital identity early private partnership committed to improving lives in life. And as children grow, their digital child through digital identity. ID2020 is coordinating health card can be used to access secondary funding for identity and channeling those funds services, such as primary school, or ease the toward high-impact projects, enabling diverse process of obtaining alternative credentials. stakeholders -- UN agencies, NGOs, Effectively the child health card becomes the first governments, and enterprises -- to pursue a step in establishing a legal, broadly recognized coordinated approach that creates a pathway for identity." efficient and responsible implementation at scale"

The goal of ID2020 is to provide a digital identity The organizations we are from birth, using immunization as the platform for working with see how portable, biometrically linked identification. digital identity is relevant Gavi's CEO Seth Berkley states, "Eighty-nine both for these very percent of children and adolescents without vulnerable populations identification live in countries supported by Gavi. and for you or I. We are enthusiastic about the potential impact of Dakota Gruener, Executive Director ID2020

12. N.D. An approach that is holistic, market-based and addresses the full scope and scale of the challenge. Retrieved May 5, 2020 from: https://id2020.org/alliance 13. ID2020 Alliance (2019). ID2020 Alliance launches digital ID program with Government of Bangladesh and Gavi, announces new partners at annual summit. Cision PR Newswire. Retrieved May 5, 2020 from: https://www.prnewswire.com/news- releases/id2020-alliance-launches-digital-id-program-with-government-of-bangladesh-and-gavi-announces-new- partners-at-annual-summit-300921926.html 14. ID2020 Alliance (2018). Immunization: an entry point for digital identity. Retrieved from: https://medium.com/id2020/immunization-an-entry-point-for-digital-identity-ea37d9c3b77e Conspiracy...Not Theory 07

In 2017 ID2020 Executive Director Dakota Gruener, who began her career with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and has worked with Gavi, spoke at the BSR Conference (15). During her panel, she commented on Accenture using the digital ID for their own business, "The organizations we are working with see how digital identity is relevant both for these very vulnerable populations and for you or I. One interesting example, Accenture looked at the model of what we were trying to create and said, "...when any one of our consultants is sent to a new financial sector institution we pay for yet another background check...If there is a verifiable way to ensure these people are who they say they are and they bring the credentials that they might, that could solve an enormous business problem for us. So Accenture is talking about how they can take exactly the same relevant technology and use that for something in their own business."

Planting a seed of the new normal?

ID2020 Alliance recently released a white paper on credential issued by a medical provider (or certified April 21, 2020 (16), declaring public health officials testing centre) and carried on a mobile phone. and policymakers are making a case towards Because the credential is stored on the phone, digital health credentials or "immunity rather than in a centralized database, it is vastly certificates," suggesting they could lead to an more secure and would enable the user to share it orderly return to society. when, and with whom, they choose."

Who is ID2020 Alliance? Bill Gates and his tech companies. Who are these policymakers? The organizations funded by Bill Gates and founded on The Quantum- the premise of coordinating across all stakeholder groups – national governments, multilateral dot Tattoo organizations, civil society, the private sector and philanthropic organizations to identify and December 2019 Rice University announced an implement critical policy. assistant professor in bioengineering, Kevin McHugh, and a team at his former institution, The apparent premise of the whitepaper is to make Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has sure personal privacy rights aren't compromised. designed a dissolving microneedle (17) that also The question we all should be asking is: Why is Bill embeds fluorescent medical information. The Gates and the organizations he funds and founded article states "keeping track of a child’s shots pushing on our right for privacy and our freedom of could be so much easier with technology." choice of what we put into our bodies? The way it works; tags are incorporated into sugar- In the press release, it states, "Immunity based microneedles on a patch which is then certificates would enable workplaces, schools, administered, leaving the needles to dissolve, and medical facilities, airlines, and other public or leaving a tattoo of tags just under the skin in a bar- private venues to identify those who have tested like code. The code consists of copper-based positive for the antibody (or who have recently quantum dots in micron-scale capsules capable of tested negative for the virus) through a verified being read by a smartphone.

15. Gruener, D. (2017). BSR Conference 2017: Dakota Gruener, Executive Director, ID2020. [YouTube] BSR Conference Panel. Retrieved May 5, 2020 from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szr8fvQZE7w 16. ID2020 Alliance (2020). Immunity Certificates: If We Must Have Them, We Must Do It Right -- ID2020 Alliance Releases White Paper. Cision PR Newswire. Retrieved May 5, 2020 https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/immunity-certificates- if-we-must-have-them-we-must-do-it-right--id2020-alliance-releases-white-paper-301044459.html 17. Williams, Mike. (2019). Quantum-dot tattoos hold vaccination record. Current News. Rice University News and Media Relations Office of Public Affairs. Retreived May 5, 2020 from: https://news.rice.edu/2019/12/18/quantum-dot-tattoos-hold- vaccination-record/ Conspiracy...Not Theory 08

It was reported in the press release, “The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation came to us and said, ‘Hey, we have a real problem — knowing who’s vaccinated,’” said McHugh, who was recruited to join Rice with funding from the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (also funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation). "The technology sector is McHugh reported that the quantum-dot tags fluoresce with information after injection as part of on a mission to equip a vaccination. everyone on the planet with a digital and online presence.

And the innovations that will help to achieve that goal are exactly those that could aid the global public- health community in vaccinating every child.” The Seth Berkley, CEO Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance Vaccine Industry

In August 2019 it was reported the global vaccine market revenues (18) from 2014 to 2020 were escalating and expected to reach nearly USD $60 billion by 2020. Double its size from 2014 with leading manufacturers and big pharma like GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi, Merk & Co. and Pfizer, representing 85% of the market.

March 2015 a press release by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (19) announced an equity investment of USD$52 million to support the construction of a new Good Manufacturing Practice production facility and separate grant funding for acceleration of the development of 'transformative vaccine technology' to CureVac out of Tubingen, Germany. CureVac is a pioneer in an mRNA therapeutic platform. In the statement Bill Gates says, “If we can teach the body to create its own natural defenses, we can revolutionize the way we treat and prevent diseases. Technologies like mRNA give us the confidence to place big bets for the future. We are pleased to partner with CureVac who has been pioneering this technology.”

The job of the body's immune system is our natural defence mechanism against pathogens and disease. We don't need to re-teach it how to do the job it's been doing for hudreds of thousands of years.

18. Li, Yun. (2020). Coronavirus highlights the $35 billion vaccine market. Here are the key players. CNBC Markets. Retrieved May 5, 2020 from: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/02/21/coronavirus-brings-light-to-the-35-billion-vaccine-market.html 19. ND. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and CureVac Collaborate to Accelerate the Development of Transformative Vaccine Technology. Bill and Melinda Gates foundation Press Room Press Releases and Statements. Retrieved May 5, 2020 from: https://www.gatesfoundation.org/media-center/press-releases/2015/03/curevac-collaboration Conspiracy...Not Theory 09

In March 2016 Moderna Therapeutics, a vaccine R & D company announced (20) The Bill & Gates Foundation "bets big" with a grant of USD $20 million to advance the development of mRNA drug platform to address widespread urgent health concerns with a potential phase 2 leading to USD$80 million for developing mRNA-based antibody treatments for other infectious diseases. This announcement came shortly after Moderna revealed a partnership where Merk would license a vaccine program from Moderna to be used against an undisclosed viral target.

In January 2019 the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation (CEPI) entered a partnering agreement (21) with the University of Queensland for up to US$10.6 million to develop a transformative technology that enables targeted and rapid vaccine production against multiple pathogens.

A New Organization in 2017: The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness (CEPI)

The lead entity for the novel coronavirus vaccine initiative is CEPI. It was founded in Davos in 2017 (22) by the governments of Norway and India, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Wellcome Trust, and the World Economic Forum. CEPI has secured financial investment from the Governments of Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Ethiopia, Finland, Germany, Japan, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Netherlands, Norway, the UK and Switzerland, as well as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and Wellcome.

CEPI works to accelerate the development of vaccines against emerging infectious diseases. Organizations listed on the Joint Coordination Group, with an interest in seeing CEPI's vaccines successfully developed and deployed in an outbreak include WHO, UNICEF, GAVI and Wellcome, among others. These institutions are involved in various elements of the vaccine development lifecycle, from R&D to deployment during an outbreak.

20. Anchors, Zach (2016). Gates Foundation bets big on Moderna’s mRNA technology. DDNews. Pharma, BIotech & Life Science. Vol 16. No 4. Retrieved May 5, 2020 from: http://www.ddn-news.com/index.php?newsarticle=10450 21. CEPI (2020). CEPI to fund three programmes to develop vaccines against the novel coronavirus, nCoV-2019. Retrieved May 5, 2020 from: https://cepi.net/news_cepi/cepi-to-fund-three-programmes-to-develop-vaccines-against-the-novel- coronavirus-ncov-2019/ 22. CEPI (2020). Retrieved May 5, 2020 from: https://cepi.net/about/whoweare/ Conspiracy...Not Theory 10

A New Organization in 2018: The Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB)

According to the World Health Organization, "The Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB) (23) is an independent monitoring and accountability body co-convened by the World Bank and World Health Organization in May 2018, created in response to recommendations by the UN Secretary General's Global Health Crises Task Force in 2017. The first annual report was released in September 2019.

Four of the 15 Board members, comprised of political leaders, heads of agencies, and experts, are also associated with the Global Vaccine Action Plan and The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations. These four are:

Dr. Chris Elias, President, Global Development Program, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Dr. , Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, USA, Sir Jeremy Farrar, Director, Wellcome Trust, UK Ms. Henrietta Fore Executive Director, UNICEF

The report lays out seven urgent actions that leaders must implement to prepare for pressing threats. The GPMB states it will advocate at the highest levels for continued, sustained commitments -political, financial and social -remain high on the political agenda, and they will increase accountability for follow- through. "The world is at risk... What we need is leadership and the willingness to act forcefully and effectively."

"The chances of a global pandemic are growing. The world is not prepared for a fast- moving, virulent pathogen pandemic...Trust in institutions is eroding."

Listed in the report as to progress to date, included:

In 2017 Germany, India, Japan, Norway, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome Trust and the World Economic Forum founded the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) to facilitate focused support for vaccine development to combat major health epidemic/pandemic threats...As of June 2019, CEPI has raised US$750 million to develop vaccines to stop future epidemics.

Within the report (24), they identify required actions with specific Progress Indicator(s) by September 2020. Some of these include:

Fewer, but better, harmonized coordination mechanisms, global, regional and country networks, institutions and initiatives for preparedness and readiness for research and development (R&D). WHO member states agree to an increase in contributions for preparedness at the Seventy-third World Health Assembly in 2020 (May 17-21); and Member States, the World Bank and donors provide sustainable financing for the CFE to a level of US$100 million annually.

23. The World Bank.(2020). Pandemic Preparedness and Health Systems Strengthening. Retrieved May 5, 2020 from: https://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/pandemics 24. The Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (2019). A World At Risk. Annual report on global preparedness for health emergencies. Retrieved May 5, 2020 from: https://apps.who.int/gpmb/annual_report.html Conspiracy...Not Theory 11

Member States need to agree to an increase in WHO contributions for preparedness and response financing and must sustainably fund the WHO Contingency Fund for Emergencies, including the establishment of a replenishment scheme using funding from the revised World Bank Pandemic Emergency Facility The United Nations (including WHO) conducts at least two systemwide training and simulation exercises, including on covering the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen. Donors, countries and multilateral institutions develop a multi-year plan and approach for strengthening R&D research capacity, in advance of and during an epidemic. The international funding mechanisms expand their scope and envelopes to include health emergency preparedness, including the IDA19 replenishment, the Central Emergency Response Fund, Gavi, the Global Fund and others. WHO develops intermediate triggers to mobilize national, international and multilateral actions early in outbreaks, to complement the existing mechanisms for later and more advanced stages of an outbreak under the IHR(2005). The Secretary-General of the UN convenes high-level dialogue with health, security and foreign affairs officials to determine how the world can address the threat of a lethal respiratory pathogen pandemic, as well as managing preparedness for disease outbreaks in complex, insecure contexts. Gavi should include explicit commitments regarding preparedness. CEPI: A call for funding and funding support for COVID-19 R&D

CEPI was quick to issue a call for funding to Moderna and CureVac are trying to harness support global COVID-19 vaccine R&D efforts. The messenger RNA (mRNA) as a new class of drugs (26.). call was based on three main imperatives (25): CEPI already had a USD$56 million partnership with speed, manufacture and deployment at scale, and Inovio, which was founded in 2018. global access. They state they maintain a dynamic portfolio and urged the vaccine R&D community to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said in March 2020, in collectively mobilize financial support needed to one of his daily press conferences from his home, address the COVID-19 pandemic through the Canada is spending $192 million on developing and Global Vaccination Program. producing vaccines for the new coronavirus. He said being prepared to mass-produce a vaccine, no CEPI quickly granted funding for emergency matter who creates it, (27) will be essential for vaccine development efforts at Inovio suppressing COVID-19, the disease caused by the Pharmaceuticals, the University of Queensland, virus, in Canada in the long run. Moderna Therapeutics based in Cambridge, MA, and CureVac AG of Tübingen, Germany. CEPI has also received donations from the private

25. Thanh Le, Tung et al. (2020). The COVID-19 vaccine development landscape. From the Analysts’s Couch. Nature reviews drug discovery. Retrieved May 5, 202 from: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41573-020-00073-5 26. Shigh, Willy (2020). Could COVID-19 Spur A Revolution In Vaccine Development? Forbes. Retrieved May 5, 2020 from: https://www.forbes.com/sites/willyshih/2020/02/16/could-the-covid-19-spur-a-revolution-in-vaccine- development/#6b6e5cc57c8c 27. Abedi, Maham (2020). Canada to spend $192M on developing COVID-19 vaccine. Global News. Retrieved May 5, 2020 from: https://globalnews.ca/news/6717883/coronavirus-canada-vaccine-spending/ Conspiracy...Not Theory 12 sector and individuals through the UN Foundation’s becomes a childhood epidemic disease. COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund (28) to support the COVID-19 vaccine development efforts; Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of NIAID made it clear at accountable actions mandated in the September a Whitehouse press conference in early March 2020, 2019 GPMB annual report. the US is still at least 12 to 18 months (31) from developing a vaccine for the novel coronavirus. WHO Further to the September 2019 GPMB for Member did not declare COVID 19 a pandemic until March 11, states to establish replenishment scheme funding, 2020, after this statement had been made. a Coronavirus Global Response fundraiser began May 4, 2020, by the UN to raise CAD $11.6 million Bill Gates noted on his website GatesNotes (32), for diagnostics, treatments and vaccines as they "Although eighteen months might sound like a long launch the first day of 2020 World Immunization time, this would be the fastest scientists have week with the theme #vaccineswork (29) for all. created a new vaccine. Development usually takes around five years. Once you pick a disease to target, On April 24, WHO launched a global collaboration you have to create the vaccine and test it on animals. for accelerated development, production, and Then you begin testing for safety and efficacy in equitable global access, to new COVID-19 humans. essential health technologies. The group of global ‘health actors’ includes the Bill and Melinda Gates Despite the historical timeline for safe R&D, Bill Gates Foundation, CEPI, Gavi, the Global Fund, UNITAID, also says, the Wellcome Trust and the World Bank.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pledged $850 "Dr. Anthony Fauci has said he thinks it’ll take million to the global fund and said there would be around eighteen months to develop a no return to “full-normal” until there is a vaccine. coronavirus vaccine. I agree with him, though it could be as little as 9 months or as long as two years...Humankind has never had a more urgent Event 201 task than creating broad immunity for Also mandated in the GPMB annual report, John coronavirus. Realistically, if we’re going to Hopkins University, the World Economic Forum and return to normal, we need to develop a safe, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation hosted "Event effective vaccine. We need to make billions of 201, A global pandemic exercise (30)" October 18, doses, we need to get them out to every part 2019. of the world, and we need all of this to happen as quickly as possible.” Event 201 staged a simulation around a hypothetical nCOV (originally named nCOV-19) virus that is more Who benefits from billions of doses of transmissible in the community setting than SARS administered vaccines? People who have invested because it affects people with mild symptoms. hundreds of millions of dollars in vaccine companies, There is no vaccine, so after 18 months and 65 million especially companies chosen by CEPI. deaths, the pandemic slows but is simulated to continue if there is no effective vaccine or until 80*90% of the human population has been exposed, at which point it

28. CEPI (2020). Joint Coordination Group. Retrieved May 5, 2020 from: https://cepi.net/about/whoweare/ 29. (2020). The Coronavirus Global Response pledging marathon starts on Monday 4 May. EU Commission Press. Retrieved May 5, 2020 from: https://www.pubaffairsbruxelles.eu/the-coronavirus-global-response-pledging-marathon-starts-on-monday-4- may-eu-commission-press/ 30. N.D. Event 201. A Global Pandemic Exercise. Retrieved May 5, 2020 from: https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/event201/ 31. Haltiwanger, John (2020). The US’s top virus expert lowered expectations on a coronavirus vaccine after Trump’s health secretary boasted about its development. Business Insider. Retrieved May 5, 2020 from: https://www.businessinsider.com/us- top-virus-expert-coronavirus-vaccine-12-18-months-away-2020-3 32. Gates, Bill (2020). What you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccine. GatesNotes The Blog of Bill Gates. Retrieved May 5, 2020 from: https://www.gatesnotes.com/Health/What-you-need-to-know-about-the-COVID-19-vaccine Conspiracy...Not Theory 13

A race to save humanity or return on investment?

CEPI announced (33) the development of the 2019-nCoV vaccine at the Davos World Economic Forum (WEF) on January 23, 2020; one week prior to WHO declaring a Worldwide Public Health Emergency on January 30, 2020. At the time of the announcement in Davos, the number of 'confirmed cases' worldwide, outside of China, was 150.

"Under the terms of the agreement, Moderna will manufacture an mRNA vaccine against 2019-nCoV, which will be funded by CEPI. The Vaccine Research Center (VRC) of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of NIH, collaborated with Moderna to design the vaccine. NIAID will conduct IND- enabling studies and a Phase 1 clinical study in the U.S."

A professor from Harvard School of Business, Willy Shih wrote an article in Forbes (44) on revolutionizing vaccine development in the wake of COVID-19. In the article, he is quoted as saying, "While a cost/benefit analysis for the CEPI funded COVID-19 projects might have been prohibitive under normal circumstances, in an emergency such as the one the world is facing today, it’s easy to push through."

Moderna: A timeline to get a vaccine to market

On January 11, 2020, Shanghai Public Health had already studied related coronaviruses (38) that Clinical Centre published the genome sequence on cause severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) open platforms. Moderna had finalized the and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). sequence (35) for 2019-nCoV vaccine in just 3 days (January 13) and had a batch of the vaccine Monday, March 16, National Institute of Health (NIH) designed and ready to ship to the National Institute announced it had begun a clinical trial in Seattle- of Health for trial in just 25 days (36). Nine days later, based healthy adult volunteers, apparently skipping On February 24, 2020, the Food and Drug the first phase of testing in animals. Dr. Anthony Administration gave permission for clinical testing to Fauci, NIAID director, noted the trial had been begin (37). launched in 'record speed' and stated,

It was reported, scientists at NIAID and Moderna were able to develop the sequence because they

33. CEPI (2020). CEPI to fund three programmes to develop vaccines against the novel coronavirus, nCoV-2019. Retrieved May 5, 2020 from: https://cepi.net/news_cepi/cepi-to-fund-three-programmes-to-develop-vaccines-against-the-novel-coronavirus- ncov-2019/ 34. Shih, Willy (2020). Could COVID-19 Spur A Revolution in Vaccine Development? Forbes. Retrieved May 5, 2020 from: :https://www.forbes.com/sites/willyshih/2020/02/16/could-the-covid-19-spur-a-revolution-in-vaccine 35.Press Release (2020). Moderna Announces Progress in Prophylactic Vaccines Modality with CMV Vaccine Phase 2 Study Data Now Expected in Third Quarter 2020 and Expands Investment in This Core 36.Modality with Three New Development Candidates. Businesswire. A Berkshire Hathaway Company. Retrieved May 5, 2020 from: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20200210005823/en 37. Grady, Denise (2020). Trial of Coronavirus Vaccine Made by Moderna Begins in Seattle. Healthy volunteers will test different doses of the first vaccine to find out if it is safe. The NYTimes. Retrieved May 5, 2020 from: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/16/health/coronavirus-vaccine.html 38. National Institute of Health (2020). NIH clinical trial of investigational vaccine for COVID-19 begins. Study enrolling Seattle- based healthy adult volunteers. New Releases. Retrieved May 5, 2020 from: https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news- releases/nih-clinical-trial-investigational-vaccine-covid-19-begins Conspiracy...Not Theory 14

“Finding a safe and effective vaccine to censored from social media channels like YouTube, prevent infection with SARS-CoV-2 is an Facebook, and Twitter? urgent public health priority. This Phase 1 study, launched in record speed, is an Bill Gates is not a doctor, healthcare professional, or important first step toward achieving that scientist. Yet, his wealth has allowed him to push goal." his vaccine agenda, infiltrating the 'independent' organizations and boards driving the decisions of Dr. Barney Graham, the deputy director of the national and local governments under the guise of institute’s Vaccine Research Center (NIH) was philanthropy. reported in NYTImes as saying, Siloed, each organization appears like its working "As bad as this epidemic is, in one way it is toward the good for humankind. When you see lucky that a coronavirus caused it because the holistic picture around these coordinated the researchers were at least partly ready for agencies, NGOs, and private enterprises, a very it." different masterpiece is painted.

Moderna bet big, buying new equipment to Bill Gates has personally coordinated all of these produce millions of doses. It was also reported in organizations, pushing a vaccine agenda. NYTimes Moderna CEO, Stephane Bancel acknowledged that the company was taking a risk While confined to our homes, making butter tarts because neither safety nor efficacy had been and bread, these agencies, at all levels down to our proved yet. local government, have been driving fear into society. Repeatedly, they have been planting the On April 17, 2020, Moderna was granted USD$483 seed and desensitizing us to the idea that the only million Federal Funding for its Coronavirus Vaccine. way to return to normalcy is through a vaccine designed by the very companies they've invested It was announced May 1, 2020, Moderna plans to in. Taxpayers around the world are paying for it manufacture 1 billion doses starting in July 2020. through the solidarity response fund. Since January, the company's net worth has grown by USD$9.5 billion, USD$6.05 billion in the month Bill Gates is using COVID-19 to force his dictatorship of April alone. towards his goal to vaccinate every man, woman and child on this planet.

The real agenda? To integrate technology into the The End Game human body, using mandatory vaccinations as the entry point, so being connected to big data analytics is no longer a choice, and integrating Why are people who present facts, that are and manipulating the human mind becomes publicly available to anyone willing to do the increasingly more accessible. That's the end game. research and connect the dots, being banned and

33. CEPI (2020). CEPI to fund three programmes to develop vaccines against the novel coronavirus, nCoV-2019. Retrieved May 5, 2020 from: https://cepi.net/news_cepi/cepi-to-fund-three-programmes-to-develop-vaccines-against-the-novel-coronavirus- ncov-2019/ 34. Shih, Willy (2020). Could COVID-19 Spur A Revolution in Vaccine Development? Forbes. Retrieved May 5, 2020 from: :https://www.forbes.com/sites/willyshih/2020/02/16/could-the-covid-19-spur-a-revolution-in-vaccine 35.Press Release (2020). Moderna Announces Progress in Prophylactic Vaccines Modality with CMV Vaccine Phase 2 Study Data Now Expected in Third Quarter 2020 and Expands Investment in This Core 36.Modality with Three New Development Candidates. Businesswire. A Berkshire Hathaway Company. Retrieved May 5, 2020 from: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20200210005823/en 37. Grady, Denise (2020). Trial of Coronavirus Vaccine Made by Moderna Begins in Seattle. Healthy volunteers will test different doses of the first vaccine to find out if it is safe. The NYTimes. Retrieved May 5, 2020 from: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/16/health/coronavirus-vaccine.html 38. National Institute of Health (2020). NIH clinical trial of investigational vaccine for COVID-19 begins. Study enrolling Seattle- based healthy adult volunteers. New Releases. Retrieved May 5, 2020 from: https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news- releases/nih-clinical-trial-investigational-vaccine-covid-19-begins TAMARA HOLMES B. Sc., Professional Geoscientist

Passionate about changing the world by helping individuals see their unlimited potential and to raise the collective consciousness of humanity, bringing a higher concentration of light and love to the planet.

Agent of Change

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