State Budgeting and Lessons Learned from the Economic Downturn
NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF STATE BUDGET OFFICERS I SUMMER 2013 STATE BUDGETING AND LESSONS LEARNED FROM THE ECONOMIC DOWNTURN ANALYSIS AND COMMENTARY FROM STATE BUDGET OFFICERS This report is based on research funded by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. We thank them for their support and note that the findings and conclusions contained within are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect positions or policies of the MacArthur Foundation. THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF STATE BUDGET OFFICERS, founded in 1945, is the instrument through which the states collectively advance state budget practices. The major functions of the organization consist of research, policy development, education, training, and technical assistance. These are achieved primarily through NASBO’s publications, membership meetings, and training sessions. Association membership is composed of the heads of state finance departments, the states’ chief budget officers, and their deputies. All other state budget office staff are associate members. 2011–2012 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 2012–2013 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE John Hicks, Kentucky, President Jason Dilges, South Dakota, President Jason Dilges, South Dakota, President-Elect George Naughton, Oregon, President-Elect and Chair, Critical John Nixon, Michigan, Past President Issue Committee on Lessons Learned from the Downturn John Hicks, Linda Luebbering, Missouri, Member-at-Large Kentucky, Past President Linda Luebbering, David Treasure, Maryland, Member-at-Large Missouri, Member-at-Large Gerry Oligmueller, Thomas
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