Cities, Information, and Economic Growth
Cities, Information, and Economic Growth Cities, Information, and Economic Growth Edward L. Glaeser Harvard University Great are the advantages which people following the same skilled trade get from near neighborhood to one another. The mysteries of the trade become no mysteries; but are, as it were, in the air. A. Marshall Principles of Economics For centuries economists have fervently sought to understand the forces behind economic progress. Smith (1776), Marx (1909), Marshall (1890), Young (1928), and Keynes (1936) all hotly pursued this topic. In the post-World War II period, economic theorists, develop- ment economists, macroeconomists, econometricians, economic historians, and growth economists have devoted considerable energy to thinking about the forces behind long- run growth rates. It would be impossible to claim that these economists have reached a consensus on the causes of growth, but it seems clear that the growth of economies does not involve the simple accumulation of capital and labor. Theoretical models of capital accumulation (based on Solow, 1956, for example) ultimately leave the growth rate as an unexplained outside parameter. Empirically the stunning range of cross-national experiences makes it clear that the forces driving growth are rich and varied. Instead of continuing to use simple capital accumulation models, economists (following Romer, 1986) have moved toward models in which the stock of knowledge, in the Nation and the world, plays a critical role in facilitating progress. The nature of intellectual capi- tal—mostly the presence of strong external effects—solves certain technical problems when explaining why global increasing returns, which are necessary to explain growth, can coexist with competition.
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