Ph.D University of Pittsburgh History 1987-1993

M.A. University of Pittsburgh Political Science 1986-1987

Abogado (J.D) Universidad Externado De Law 1978-1983


Florida International University Professor History – Law 2016- Present

Florida International University Chair History, 2013- Present

Florida International University Associate Professor History – Law 2002- 2016

Florida International University Chair History, 2004-2006

Florida International University Associate Professor History March, 2000 - 2016

Florida International University Assistant Professor History August, 1993 – March 2000

Universidad Nacional, Colombia Associate Professor History June-1997-June 1998

Universidad Nacional, Colombia Assistant Professor History June-1996-June 1997


Florida International University Chief of Party, Justice Reform and Modernization Project under contract with USAID June 2006-June 2009

CINEP. Bogotá. Director, Project of Legal Aid January 1984-July 1985

CINEP. Bogotá. Lawyer-Researcher, Project of Legal Aid January 1983- Dec. 1984

CINEP. Bogotá. Legal Assistant, Project of Legal Aid January 1982- Dec. 1982


Professor 2016-Present

Associate Professor of History and Law 2002- 2016


Associate Professor of History 2000-2016

Assistant Professor of History 1993-2000




1. Amor Fatal: Homicidios Conyugales, Derecho y Castigo a Finales del Período Colonial en el Atlántico Español. (Bogotá, Banco de la República de Colombia-Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2020). Spanish translation of Fatal Love (Stanford, 2016).

2. Fatal Love: Spousal Homicide, Law and Punishment in the late Colonial Spanish Atlantic (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2016), p. 409. A comparative history of spousal murder and battering in late colonial and early post-colonial , Colombia and , emphasizing law and punishment. Murdo J. Macleod Book Prize, LACS-SHA, Fall, 2016, for the best book in the fields of Latin America, Caribbean, American Borderlands and Frontier or Atlantic World history; Honorable Mention, Alfred B. Thomas Book Award, for the best book on a Latin American subject, SECOLAS, Spring, 2016; Honorable Mention, National Social Science and Humanities Prize, Alejandro Angel Escobar Foundation, Colombia, Fall, 2016, highest scientific recognition in Colombia extoling investigations that “make a creative and rigorous contribution to the field and respond to the realities of contemporary Colombian society.”

3. Vidas Honorables: Abogados, Familia, Sociedad y Política en Colombia, 1780-1850. (Bogotá: Banco de la República-EAFIT, 2008), p. 441. Translation and expanded edition of Honorable Lives.

4. State and Society in Spanish America during the Age of Revolution, author and editor. Anthology with essays by Samuel Amaral, John C. Chasteen, Richard Doringo, Elizabeth Kuznesof, Marti Lamar, Sonya Lipset-Rivera, Richard Salvucci, Mark Szuchman, Victor Uribe, and Eric Van Young (Wilmington: Scholarly Resources, 2001), p. 261.

5. Naciones, Gentes y Territorios. Ensayos de Historia e Historiografía Comparada de América Latina y el Caribe, author and co-editor with Luis Javier Ortíz, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín. Anthology with comparative essays by Charles Bergquist, Malcolm Deas, Herbert Klein, Allan Knight, Hans Konig, Robert Macaa, Mark Szuchman, Ann Twinam, Victor Uribe, and Eric Van Young (Medellín: Universidad de Antioquia, 2000), p. 449.

6. "Honorable Lives": Lawyers, Family, Society and Politics in Colombia, 1780-1850. A social history of the legal community of late colonial and early republican Colombia. (Pittsburgh: The University of Pittsburgh Press, 2000), p. 276.


1. “Presión de las Barras Sobre el Congreso en la Nueva Granada en el Siglo XIX: Una Esfera Pública Plebeya o Simplemente “Política Contenciosa” y expresión de un “Repertorio de Confrontacion.”? Jahrbuch fur Geschichte Lateinamerikas – Anuario de Historia de America Latina, 56 (2019): 122-147.

2. “Spanish American Royalism in the Age of Revolution.” Review Essay. Co-authored with Rene Silva, Latin American Research Review, 49, 1 (Spring, 2014): 270-281. 3

3. “From ‘Domestic Violence’ to Violence(s) Against Women in Modern Mexico and Latin America,” Hemisphere, 22 (Summer, 2013): 5-13.

4. “Insurgentes de provincia: Tunja, Nueva Granada, y el constitucionalismo en el mundo hispánico en la década de 1810,” Historia y Memoria, 5 (July-December, 2012): 17-48.

5. “Cádiz contra las Provincias. Constitución, Revolución y Reacción en Nueva Granada, 1811-1821,” Boletin de Historia y Antiguedades, 97, 849 (20 Julio, 2010): 295-319.

6. “‘Iglesia me llamo’: Church Asylum and the Law in Spain and Colonial Spanish America,” Comparative Studies in Society and History, 49, 1 (2007): 446-472.

7. “Innocent Infants or Abusive Patriarchs? Spousal Homicides, the Punishment of Indians and the Law in Colonial Mexico, 1740s–1820s,” Journal of Latin American Studies 38, 4 (2006): 793-828.

8. “Sociabilidad política popular, abogados, guerra y bandidismo en Nueva Granada, 1830s-1850s: respuestas subalternas y reacciones elitistas,” Historia y Sociedad, No. 9 (March, 2003): 89-116.

9. “Colonial Baracunatanas and their Nasty Men: Spousal Homicides and the Law in New Granada, 1750- 1810,” Journal of Social History, 35, 1 (Fall, 2001): 43-72.

10. “ ‘Maten a todos los abogados!' Los abogados y el movimiento de independencia en la Nueva Granada, 1809-1820,” traducido por Cecilia Inés Restrepo de M., Historia y Sociedad, No. 7, (December, 2000): 7-48 [translation of “ Kill all the Lawyers!...”].

11. “The Birth of a Public Sphere in Latin America During the Age of Revolution,” Comparative Studies in Society and History, 42, 2 (April, 2000): 425-457.

12. “Cartas inéditas sobre las memorias del General Tomás Cipriano de Mosquera,” Historia y Sociedad, 6 (December, 1999): 209-219.

13. “The Enigma of Latin American Independence. Analyses of the Last Ten Years,” Latin American Research Review 32, 1 (Spring, 1997): 237-255.

14. “Disputas entre estado y sociedad sobre la educación de los abogados a finales de la etapa colonial en la Nueva Granada”, Historia y Sociedad, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín, No. 3 (Diciembre, 1996): 33-57.

15. “World War II and Its Aftermath in Latin America,” Review Essay. Latin American Perspectives 23, 4 (Fall, 1996): 108-114.

16. “Preparando 'mandarines': Apuntes sobre la historia de la ciencia administrativa en Nueva Granada durante la colonia y comienzos de la república, 1590-1850,” Innovar, Revista de Ciencias Administrativas y Sociales. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, No. 7, (Enero-Junio, 1996): 87-97.

17. “The Lawyers and New Granada's Late Colonial State,” Journal of Latin American Studies 27, 3 (October 1995): 517-549.

18. “Kill all the Lawyers!: Lawyers and the Independence Movement in New Granada, 1809-1820,” The Americas 52, 2 (October, 1995): 175-210. Winner 1996 Antonine Tibesar Prize, Conference on Latin American History (CLAH), American Historical Association. Best article published in The Americas, 1996. 4


1. “La Construcción Social de la Criminalidad en América Latina y su Impacto Social y Político,” co-author with German Silva, in Gino Rios Patio coord-ed., Criminologia Comparada.Enfoque Cientifico de la desviacion y la reaccion Social en los paises ibeoroamericanos y España (Lima: USMP- Facultad de Derecho- Fondo Editorial, 2020), p. 100-122

2. “Obsesiones Constitucionales en Colombia, 1810s-1886,” in Pablo Rodriguez ed., La República (Bogotá: Universidad del Rosario, 2019): 59-68.

3. “Origins of Labor Rights and Justice in Colombia, 1890-1950,” co-authored with German Palacio, The Formation of Labor Justice Across the Americas. Edited by Juan Manuel Palacios and Leon Fink (Illinois University Press, 2017), p. 145-168.

4. “Colombia: Ungoverned Territory and the Proliferation of Non-state Actors,” Brian Fonseca and Eduardo Gamarra eds., Culture and National Security in the Americas (New York: Rowman and Littlefield, 2017), p. 33-60.

5. “Distintos tonos de gris: Los juristas y las independencias de Iberoamérica, 1808-1821,” in Santiago Muñóz Machado ed., Historia de la abogacia española (Cizur Menor, Navarra: Editorial Arazandi, 2015), vol. 1, p. 897-937.

6. “Physical Violence Against Wives and the Law in the Spanish American World, 1820s-2000s,” in Ricardo Salvatore, Pieter Spierenburg and Eric Johnson eds., Murder and Violence in Modern Latin America (London: Blackwell-Wiley, 2013), p. 49-80.

7. “El impacto de la Constitución de Cádiz en la Nueva Granada, 1812-1814,” in Andrés Botero Bernal Coord., Cádiz en la Nueva Granada. Ocho estudios sobre la constitución gaditana en el período de la independencia Neogranadina (Medellín: Universidad de Medellín, 2013), p. 243-278.

8. “Juristas, sociedad, independencia y estado en la Nueva Granada, 1790-1830,” in José María Pérez Collados y Samuel Rodríguez Barbosa eds., Juristas de la Independencia (Madrid: Editorial Marcial Pons, 2012), p. 159-204.

9. “La Constitución de Cádiz en la Nueva Granada, teoría y realidad, 1812-1821,” in Heraclio Bonilla ed., La Constitución de 1812 en Hispanoamérica y España (Bogotá: Editorial Universidad Nacional de Colombia-Alcaldía Mayor de Bogotá, 2012), p. 273-303.

10. “Las Varias Caras de la Opinión Pública,” in Francisco Ortega and Alexander Chaparro eds., Disfraz y pluma de todos. Opinión pública y cultura política, siglos XVIII y XIX (Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2012), p. 529-548.

11. “La vida privada de los hombres públicos,” in Historia de la Vida Privada en Colombia. Vol. 1. Las Fronteras difusas. Del Siglo XVI a 1880, in Jaime Humberto Borja y Pablo Rodríguez comps., (Bogotá: Taurus, 2011), p. 105-127.

12. “From Exception to Normalcy: Law, the Judiciary, Civil Rights and Terrorism in Colombia, 1984-2004,” with assistance from Harry Mora, in Mary Volcansek and John Stack eds., Courts and Terror: Democratic Governance and the Rule of Law (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011), p. 199- 223. 5

13. “Historia de la Cultura en la Nueva Granada, 1810-1830,” in Eduardo Posada-Carbó and Adolfo Meisel Roca eds., América Latina en la Historia Contemporánea, Volume I: Colombia. Crisis imperial e independencia, 1808-1830 (Madrid: Editorial Fundación MAPFRE-Taurus, 2010), p. 249-298.

14. “Abogados, Independencia y Muerte en la Nueva Granada, 1813-1819,” in Pablo Rodríguez ed., Historia que no Cesa: La Independencia de Colombia, 1780-1830 (Bogotá: Universidad del Rosario, 2010), p. 133-148.

15. “Movimientos Indígenas, Constituciones, Justicia Plural y Democracia en América Latina,” Justicia, política y derechos en América Latina, edición a cargo de Juan Manuel Palacio y Magdalena Candioti - 1a ed. (Buenos Aires: Prometeo Libros, 2007), p. 83-104.

16. “Cooperación judicial, lucha contra la corrupción y defensa de la democracia: la OEA, y su contribución al derecho internacional público de la integración,” in Myriam Salcedo Castro ed., Constitution et Intégration (Bogotá: Editorial Universidad del Rosario, 2006), p. 115-139.

17. “El constitucionalismo provincial colombiano, vida pública y vida privada en el período postcolonial,” in Andrés Botero Bernal ed., Origen del Constitucionalismo colombiano. Colección memorias Jurídicas No. 1 (Medellín: Universidad de Medellín, 2006), p. 33-51.

18. “Derecho y cultura legal durante la ‘Era de la Revolución’ en México, Colombia y Brasil, 1750-1850,” in María Teresa Calderón and Clément Thibaud coords., Revoluciones en el Mundo Atlántico (Bogotá: Tauros, 2006), p. 251-297.

19. “The Great Transformation of Law and Legal Culture: “The Public” and “The Private” in the Transition from Empire to Nation in Mexico, Colombia, and Brazil, 1750-1850,” in Joseph W. Esherick, Hasan Kayali and Eric Van Young eds., Empire to Nation: Historical Perspectives on the Making of the Modern World (New York: Rowman @ Littlefield Publishers, 2005), p. 68-105.

20. “Introduction: Beating a Dead Horse,” in Victor M. Uribe-Urán, ed., State and Society in Spanish America During the Age of Revolution (Wilmington: Scholarly Resources, 2001), p. xi-xix.

21. “The Changing Meaning of Honor, Status and Class: The Letrados and Bureaucrats of New Granada in the Late Colonial and Early Postcolonial Period,” in Victor M. Uribe-Urán, ed., State and Society in Spanish America During the Age of Revolution (Wilmington: Scholarly Resources, 2001), p. 59-87.

22. “Introducción: Historia Comparada de América Latina y el Caribe,” in Victor M. Uribe-Urán and Luis J. Ortiz, eds., Ensayos de Historia e Historiografía Comparada de América Latina y el Caribe (Medellín: Univ. de Antioquia, 2000), p. xix-xxxiv

23. “La América Latina colonial y postcolonial: Tierra de abogados y leguleyos?,” in Victor M. Uribe-Urán and Luis J. Ortiz, eds., Ensayos de Historia e Historiografía Comparada de América Latina y el Caribe (Medellín: Univ. de Antioquia, 2000), p. 229-269.

24. “Colonial Lawyers, Republican Lawyers and the Administration of Justice in Spanish America,” in Eduardo Zimerman, ed., Judicial Institutions in Nineteenth-Century Latin America (London: Institute of Latin American Studies, University of London, 1999), p. 25-48.

25. “Educación legal y formación del Estado colombiano durante la transición de la colonia a la República, 6

1780-1850,” in Javier Guerrero Barón (comp.), Etnias, educación y archivos en la historia de Colombia (Tunja: Univ. Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, 1997), p. 179-203.


1. Liberalism as Utopia: The Rise and Fall of Legal Rule in Post-colonial Mexico, 1820-1900. By Timo Schaefer (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017), American Historical Review, 124, 1 (February, 2019): 302-303.

2. Alcohol in Latin America. A Social and Cultural History. Edited by Gretchen Pierce and Aurea Toxqui (Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 2014). The Americas, 75, 2 (2018): 411.

3. State of Ambiguity: Civic Life and Culture in Cuba’s First Republic. Edited by Steven Palmer, José Antonio Piqueras, and Amparo Sánchez Cobos (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2014), Hispanic American Historical Review, 96, 4 (2016): 751-753.

4. The Vanguard of the Atlantic World: Creating Modernity, Nation, and Democracy in Nineteenth- Century Latin America. By James Sanders (Durham: Duke University Press, 2014), Ethnohistory 63, 3 (2016): 587-588.

5. The Work of Recognition: Caribbean Colombia and the Postemancipation Struggle for Citizenship. By Jason McGraw (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2014), American Historical Review. 120, 5 (December, 2015): 1940-1941.

6. Ambitious Rebels. Remaking Honor, Law and Liberalism in , 1780-1850 by Ruben Zahler (Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 2013), The Americas. 72, 3 (July, 2015), 507-508.

7. Native Claims. Indigenous Law against Empire, 1500-1920. By Saliha Belmessous (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012), Itinerario. International Journal on the History of European Expansion and Global Interaction. 36, 3 (2012), 138-140.

8. Salt and the Colombian State: Local Society and Regional Monopoly in Boyacá, 1821-1900. By Joshua Rosenthal (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2012), The Latin Americanist, Southeastern Conference on Latin American Studies. 56, 3 (September, 2012), 125-126.

9. For Tranquility and Order. Family and Community on Mexico’s Northern Frontier, 1800-1850. By Laura M. Shelton (Tucson, AZ: The University of Arizona Press, 2010), Bulletin of Latin American Research, 31, 3 (July, 2012), 395-396.

10. Nation and State in Latin America: Political Language during Independence. By José Carlos Chiaramonte (Buenos Aires: Teseo, 2010); and, Fundamentos intelectuales y políticos de las independencias: Notas para una nueva historia intelectual de Iberoamérica. By José Carlos Chiaramonte (Buenos Aires: Teseo, 2010), Hispanic American Historical Review, 92, 2 (May, 2012), 366-368.

11. Justicia y tortura en los Andes: Recurso de Judas Tadeo Andrade ante la Audiencia de Charcas, 1791, coordinated by Marcela Inch Calvimonte and Marta Irurozqui Victoriano (Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2007). Hispanic American Historical Review, 90, 2 (2010), 327-328.

12. Empire of Law and Indian Justice in Colonial Mexico. By Brian P. Owensby (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2008), Journal of Latin American Studies 42, 1 (2010), 159. 7

13. Andean Cocaine: the Making of a Global Drug. By Paul Gootenberg (Chapel Hill, N.C.: University of North Carolina Press, 2008), The Americas, 66, 2 (October, 2009), 299-301.

14. Myths of Harmony. Race and Republicanism During the Age of Revolution, Colombia, 1795-1831. By Marixa Lasso (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2008), The American Historical Review 113, 4 (2008), 1207.

15. Hers, His and Theirs: Community Property Law in Spain and Early Texas. By Jean A. Stuntz (Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University Press, 2005), New Mexico Historical Review, 83, 2 (2008), 245-246.

16. Honor, Status, and Law in Modern Latin America. Edited by S. Caulfield, S. Chambers, and L. Putnam (Durham: Duke University Press, 2005), The Americas 64, 3 (January, 2008), 457-458.

17. El Motín de Esquilache. América y Europa. By José A. Gallego (Madrid: Fundación Mapfre-Tavera, 2003), American Historical Review, 110, 3 (June 2005), 875-876.

18. Resistencia Hip Hop in Colombia. New York: The Cinema Guild, Inc. 2002. 51 minutes. Directed and produced by Tom Feiling. Journal of Latin American Anthropology, 10, 1 (April 2005), 269-270

19. Francisco Miranda. A Transatlantic Life in the Age of Revolution. By Karen Racine (Wilmington, DE: Scholarly Resources, 2003), Bulletin of Latin American Research, 24, 3 (Spring, 2005), 401-403.

20. Revolution in Mexico’s Heartland. Politics, War and State Building in Puebla, 1913-1920. By David G. LaFrance (Wilmington: Scholarly Resources Inc., 2003), Journal of Latin American Anthropology, 9, 2 (Fall, 2004), 477-478.

21. The Political Power of the Word: Press and Oratory in Nineteenth-Century Latin America. By Ivan Jaksic (London: Institute of Latin American Studies, 2002), The Americas, 61, 1 (July, 2004), 115-116.

22. Classmates. Male Student Culture and the Making of a Political Class in Nineteenth-Century Brazil). By Andrew K. Kirkendall (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2000), Law and Politics in Latin America, 46, 3 (Summer, 2004), 143-144.

23. War Takes. 2002. A film by Adelaida Trujillo and Patricia Castaño. Journal of Latin American Anthropology, 9, 1 (Spring, 2004), 233-234.

24. Blood and Debt. War and the Nation State in Latin America. By Miguel Angel Centeno (University Park, Penn: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2002), The Americas, 60, 3 (January, 2004), 454- 455.

25. Blood and Fire. La Violencia in Antioquia, Colombia 1946-1953. By Mary Roldán (Durham: Duke University Press, 2000), The Historian, 65, 6 (Spring, 2004), 1430-1432.

26. Law and Colonial Cultures: Legal Regimes in World History, 1400-1900. Studies in Comparative World History. By Lauren A. Benton (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002), Hispanic American Historical Review, 83, 4 (November 2003), 775-776.

27. In Defense of Honor. Sexual Morality, Modernity, and Nation in Early-twentieth-Century Brazil. By Sueann Caulfield (Durham: Duke Univ. Press, 2000), American Journal of Legal History, XLIV, 4 (Fall, 2003), 451- 452.

28. Dinámicas de Antiguo Régimen y Orden Constitucional: Representación, Justicia y Administración en 8

Iberoamérica. Siglos XVIII-XIX . By Marco Bellingeri (Torino: OTTO Editore, 2000), The Americas, 59, 4 (April, 2003), 571-572.

29. Les hommes de –la Pampa: Une histoire agraire de la campagne de Buenos Aires, 1700-1830. By Juan Carlos Garavaglia (Paris: Éditions de l’École des Hautes Études en Sciences, 2000), The Americas, 59, 3 (January, 2003), 430-432.

30. Liberalism in the Bedroom. Quarreling Spouses in Nineteenth-Century Lima. By Christine Hunefeldt (University Park, Penn.: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2000), American Historical Review, 107, 4 (October, 2002), 1266.

31. Constitucionalismo y orden liberal. América Latina, 1850-1920. By Marcelo Carmagnani (Turin: Otto Editore, 2000), The Americas, 59, 1 (July, 2002), 127-128.

32. State Formation and Democracy in Latin America, 1810-1900. By Fernando López-Alves (Durham: Duke University Press, 2000), The Americas, 58, 4 (April, 2002) 646-647.

33. Republic of Capital: Buenos Aires and the Legal Transformation of the Atlantic World. By Jeremy Adelman (Stanford University Press, 1999), The Americas, 58, 3 (January, 2002), 501-502.

34. Containing the Poor. The Mexico City Poor House, 1774-1871). By Silvia M. Arrom (Durham: Duke Univ. Press, 2000), History: Reviews of New Books, 30, 2 (Winter, 2002), 58.

35. Spain and the Independence of Colombia, 1810-1825. By Rebecca A. Earle (Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 1999), The Americas, 57, 4 (April, 2001), 605-606.

36. Civilité et Politique: Aux Origines de Nation Argentine: Les Sociabilitiés au Buenos Aires, 1829-1862. By Pilar González Bernaldo de Quirós (Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 1999), The Americas, 57, 4 (April, 2001), 614-616.

37. Wealth and Power in Provincial Mexico. Michoacan from the Late Colony to the Revolution. By Margaret Chowning (Stanford: Stanford Univ. Press, 1999), History. Review of Books, 28, 2 (Winter, 2000), 58-59.

38. Republicanismo y reforma constitucional, 1891-1910. By Fernando Correa Uribe (Medellín: Universidad de Antioquia, 1996), Hispanic American Historical Review, 79, 3 (August, 1999), 571-572.

39. Workers' Control in Latin America, 1930-1979. By Jonathan C. Brown (Chapel Hill: The Univ. of North Carolina Press, 1997), Florida Historical Quarterly (Summer,1999), 556-559.

40. Based on a True Story. Latin American History and the Movies. Donald F. Stevens (ed.), (Wilmington: Scholarly Resources, 1997), Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs 40, 3 (1998), 139-142.

41. Learning to Heal: The Medical Profession in Colonial Mexico, 1767-1831. By Luz María Hernández Sáenz (New York: Peter Lang, 1997), History. Review of Books 26, 4 (Summer, 1998), 181-182.

42. The Americas in the Age of Revolution, 1750-1850. By Lester D. Langley (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1996), The Americas (1998), 605-607.

43. El "48" chileno: igualitarios, reformistas radicales, masones y bomberos. By Cristian Gazmuri (Santiago de : Editorial Universitaria, 1992), Hispanic American Historical Review 78, 1 (February, 1998), 161-162.

44. Colombia's Military and Brazil's Monarchy. Undermining the Republican Foundations of South American Independence. By Thomas Millington (Westport: Greenwood Press, 1996), Journal of Interamerican 9

Studies and World Affairs 40, 1 (Spring, 1998), 113-115.

45. The Wages of Conquest. The Mexican Aristocracy in the Context of Western Aristocracies. By Hugo Nutini (Ann Abor: The University of Michigan Press, 1995), Hispanic American Historical Review 77, 3 (August, 1997), 520-521.

46. The Legal Culture of Northern New Spain, 1700-1810. By Charles Cutter (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1996), H-LAW (electronic bulletin), Spring, 1997.

47. Los escribanos de Venezuela, by Nieves Avellán de Tamayo (Barquisimeto: Armitano Editores, C.A., 1994), Hispanic American Historical Review 77, 2 (May, 1997), 317-318.

48. Agrarian Structure and Political Power. Landlord and Peasant in the Making of Latin America, edited by Evelyne Huber y Frank Safford (eds.) (Pittsburgh: Univ. of Pittsburgh Press, 1995), Historia y Sociedad 3, (Diciembre, 1996), 183-189.

49. The Heart that Bleeds. Latin America Now, by Alma Guillermoprieto (New York, Vintage Books, 1994), Innovar. Revista de Ciencias Administrativas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, No. 8 (July-December, 1996), 166-168.

50. The Kingdom of Quito, 1690-1830. The State and Regional Development. By Kenneth J. Andrien (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1995), The Americas 52, 3 (October, 1996), 310-311.

51. Andres Molina Enriquez. Mexican Land Reformer of the Revolutionary. By Stanley F. Shadle (Tucson, AR: The University of Arizona Press, 1994), History. Review of Books, 25, 1 (Fall, 1996), 17.

52. Latin America in the 1940s: War and Postwar Transitions, edited by David Rock, (Berkeley, University of California Press, 1994), Latin American Perspectives 23, 4 (Fall, 1996), 108-114.

53. Broken Promises. Agrarian Reform and the Latin American Campesino. By William C. Thiesenhusen (Boulder: Westview Press, 1995), Journal of Latin American Affairs 4, 1 (Spring-Summer, 1996), 75-76.

54. Transition to Democracy in Latin America: The Role of the Judiciary, edited by Irwin P. Stotzky, (Boulder: Westview Press, 1993), Hispanic American Historical Review 74, 4 (November, 1996), 834-835.

55. Criminalidad, ley penal, y estructura social en la provincia de Antioquia, by Beatríz Patiño; Pecado y delito en la colonia: la bestialidad como una forma de contravención sexual (1740-1808). By Leonardo A. Vega; Labradores, tejedores y ladrones: Hurtos y homicidios en la provincia de Tunja, 1745-1810. By Guillermo Sosa Abella, Hispanic American Historical Review (May, 1996), 355-358.

56. Historical Dictionary of Colombia. By Robert H. Davis (New York: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 1993), Hispanic American Historical Review, (February, 1995), 87-88.

57. Americas: New Interpretive Essays, edited by Alfred Stepan (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992), Hispanic American Historical Review, (May, 1994), 324-325.


1. “Time Line of Progress Against Gender Violence through International Agreements and Policy Commitments,” Hemisphere, 22, (Summer, 2013), 41-45.

2. “An Academic’s Search for Answers to Violence Against Women: An Interview with Professor Rita 10

Laura Segato,” Hemisphere, 22 (Summer, 2013), 14-19.

3. “Constitucionalismo y Guerra” and “Una Carta de larga Vida,” in Carlos Alberto Patiño ed., Hechos y Relatos de Nación (Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2011), p. 63-74. Accompanied by two one-hour-long DVD talks.

4. “Los virajes Europeos,” in Diálogos de la Independencia, Germán Mejia Pavony ed., (Bogotá: Ministerio de la Cultura, 2010), DVD no. 8. One-hour-long DVD talk on the European context of Latin American Independence.

5. “Constitución,” in Diccionario Político y Social del Mundo Iberoamericano. La era de las revoluciones, 1750-1850. Iberconceptos-I, Javier Fernández Sebastian ed., (Madrid: Fundación Carolina-Sociedad Estatal de Conmemoraciones Culturales-Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, 2009), 364-373.

6. “Colombian Legal History,” in Encyclopedia of Legal History, Stanley N. Katz editor in Chief (Oxford University Press, 2009), Vol. 2: 62-63.



1. “Quiénes pensaron la república?” in Juan Carlos Torres comp. y ed., El Gran Libro del Bicentenario (Bogotá: Editorial Planeta, 2010), p. 215-223.

2. “Las tendencias globales y los estudios legales en el Siglo XXI,” Memorias, Congreso Internacional de Derecho Público, Filosofía y Sociologías Jurídicas: Perspectivas para el próximo milenio (Bogotá: Universidad Externado de Colombia, 1996), p. 830-844.


1. “Colombian Strategic Culture.” FIU, Applied Research Center-LACC, 2009. Findings Report, FIU- SOUTHCOM Academic Partnership on Strategic Cultures Assessment, p. 31.



1. “Las Independencias de la América Hispana y el Atlántico durante la Era de las Revoluciones Democráticas. Historiografía Anglosajona de la última década.” Congreso Internacional Bicentenario de la Batalla de Boyacá, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Agosto 5-6, 2019.

2. “Antioquia y la independencia de la Nueva Granada,” Academia Antioqueña de Historia, Medellín, Agosto 5, 2019. 11

3. “Interpersonal Violence and the Civilizing Process in Colombia, 1600s-2000s,” Oxford University, Brasenose College, Workshop “The Civilizing Process in Colombia”, May 3-4, 2019, Oxford.

4. “A Microhistory of Spousal Murder in Cuba and the End of Death by Hanging, 1830s-1970s.” Center for Latin American Studies, University of Florida, Gainesville, April 18, 2019.

5. “Gender, Race and the Humanization of the Death Penalty in Cuba and the Spanish Domains, 1600s- 1900s:” Latin American and Caribbean Center, FIU, November 15, 2018.

6. “What are the Humanities and Why Should We Care,” The Humanities Edge., Mellon Foundation- Florida International University-Miami Dade College, Miami, August 6, 2018.

7. “Popular pressure, repertoires of contention, and the de facto public sphere of civil society in New Granada’s 19th century congressional politics”, Latin American Studies Association, XXXVI International Congress, Barcelona, Spain, May 23-26, 2018.

8. “Mujeres, Violencia Interpersonal, y la Pena de Muerte en el Atlántico Español. Reflexiones después de Fatal Love”, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Abril 12, 2018.

9. “Women, Interpersonal Violence and the Death Penalty in the Spanish Atlantic, 1600s-1800s,” University of Miami, Women’s and Gender Studies Colloquia, March 23, 2018.

10. “New Leadership for the Humanities.” College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Arizona State University, October 30, 2017.

11. “El congreso neogranadino y la esfera pública de la sociedad civil en el siglo XIX,” Panel “Sites of Power II: Congress’s Rule and Democracy in Latin America, I” Latin American Studies Association, XXXV International Congress, Lima, , April 29-May 1, 2017.

12. Discussant, Panel “Parliaments and the Public Sphere in Latin America, 1830-1945, II” Latin American Studies Association, XXXV International Congress, Lima, Peru, April 29-May 1, 2017.

13. Discussant, Panel “Legislation and legal culture in Modern Latin America”, 64th Annual Conference Southeastern Council on Latin American Studies (SECOLAS), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, March 23-26, 2017.

14. “Humanities, Sustainability, and Strategic Thinking.” School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies, Arizona State University, November 14, 2016.

15. “Love, Murder, and Civilized Punishment in the Spanish Atlantic during the Age of Revolution,” School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies, Arizona State University, November 15, 2016.

16. “Social Upheaval, Emergency Measures, Constitutions and Criminal Law in Colombia and Mexico, 1790s-1830s,” International Workshop “Political conflicts and legal responses in an Atlantic perspective (eighteenth to early nineteenth centuries).” Frankfurt, Germany, Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, Oct. 21 and 23, 2015.

17. “Access to Justice and the Civilization of Punishment in the Spanish Atlantic,” University of Pittsburgh, September 17, 2015.

18. “Historians and the non-academic world: the World of Contracts and Public History,” University of Pittsburgh, September 18, 2015. 12

19. Discussant, Panel “Sites of Power II: Congress’s Rule and Democracy in Latin America,” Latin American Studies Association, XXXII International Congress, San Juan., Puerto Rico, May 29-June 1, 2015.

20. “Penal Science and State-Building in New Granada and Mexico, 1760s-1830s,” International Conference ‘Knowledges, Sciences, Techniques and State building in Iberia and America, 1790- 1870,’ Paris, University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, January 29-31, 2015.

21. “Concesiones de Guerra y respuestas a la Crisis: Orígenes de la Justicia Laboral en Colombia, 1890- 1950,” International Workshop: The Formation of Labor Justice Accross the Americas, UCLA, November 17-18, 2014.

22. “El Congreso de Colombia y la esfera pública, 1840-1860,” Conferencia Internacional ‘Historia del Congreso en Colombia, 1810-1958,’ Universidad Externado de Colombia- Escuela de Alto Gobierno, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, October 1-3, 2014.

23. Discussant, Panel “Legal Cultures and Judicial Practices in Latin America: Actors, State Formation, and Frontiers,” Latin American Studies Association, XXXI International Congress, Chicago, May 29-June 1, 2014

24. “Domestic Violence and the Law in the Atlantic from the Fifteenth to the Twenty-First Century,” Latin American Studies Association, XXX International Congress, Washington. D.C., May 29-June 1, 2013.

25. “Modern Constitutionalism, the Constitution of Cadiz and Its Legacies,” Reflections on the 200th Anniversary of Florida’s First Constitution: Spain’s Constitution of Cadiz, Florida Coastal School of Law, Jacksonville, FL, October 19, 2012.

26. “Violencia doméstica, género, etnia, cultura y derecho, ayer y hoy: del Atlántico colonial al siglo XXI hispanoamericano”, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín. Simposio de grupos de investigación Etnohistoria y estudios de las Américas Negras y Prácticas, saberes y representaciones en Iberoamérica, May 12, 2012.

27. "La Constitución de Cádiz en la Nueva Granada, teoría y realidad, 1812-1821." Simposio Internacional El Impacto de la Constitución de 1812 en la América Hispana, Heraclio Bonilla coordinator, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, May 9-11, 2012.

28. “La Constitución de Tunja (1811) y el Constitucionalismo Atlántico Durante la era de las revoluciones democráticas,” International Symposium “200 años de la Constitución de Tunja y la Invención de las Repúblicas Latinoamericanas,” Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, Tunja, Colombia, December, 2011.

29. “La Eclosión Constitucional en la Nueva Granada y el Constitucionalismo Atlántico en la Década de 1810,” Coloquio Internacional Independencias y Constituciones. Otra Mirada al Bicentenario, Corte Constitucional de Colombia- Centro de Estudios Históricos, Universidad Externado de Colombia, Cartagena, Noviembre 8-10, 2010.

30. “Justicia, Constitución y Terrorismo en la Historia de Colombia,” Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medelllin, March 17, 2010.

31. “Constitucionalismo Provincial Colombiano de la Década de 1810: Concepciones de Ciudadanía e Igualdad,” Bogotá, Archivo General de la Nación, Octubre 28, 2008.


32. “La justicia y las fisuras de la democracia en Colombia,” Cátedra Antonio J. Restrepo, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Medellín, Marzo 28, 2008.

33. “Constitución: evolución del concepto en Nueva Granada, 1750-1850.” Primeras Jornadas Internacionales de Historia Conceptual Comparada del Mundo Iberoamericano.Bases metodológicas y experiencias de investigación, Iberconcepta: Escuela Iberoamericana de Historia de los Conceptos, (España), September 18-22.

34. “Tendencias historiográficas. Otros diez años de estudios sobre el proceso de la independencia hispanoamericana, 1997-2007.” XV Congreso de Colombianistas, Bogotá, August 2-5, 2007.

35. “Cooperación judicial, lucha contra la corrupción, y defensa de la democracia: la OEA, el sistema jurídico interamericano y la integración. Evolución histórica y limitaciones,” II Congreso Internacional “Constituciones e Integración.” Association Andrés Bello de Juristes Franco-Latino-Américains, Paris, Junio 2-4, 2005.

36. “Historia Comparada: Métodos y Agendas de Investigación Acerca de América Latina,” Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín, Octubre 17, 2005.

37. “Las constituciones provinciales de Antioquia, lo público y lo privado,” Universidad de Medellín, Noviembre, 2005.

38. “Historiography on Law and Society in Latin America: Authors, Themes and Perspectives,” Universidad del Magdalena, Santa Marta, Colombia, October 25, 2004.

39. “Indigenous Movements, Legal Pluralism and Alternative Justice in Latin America, 1940s-1990s.” Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia, October 26, 2004.

40. “Movimientos Indígenas, Pluralismo y Justicia Indígena en Colombia, Guatemala, Bolivia y .” Seminario sobre Justicia y Sociedad en América Latina. Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos. Universidad Nacional de San Martin, Buenos Aires, Noviembre 22-26, 2004.

41. “The Legal Revolution in Early Republican Spanish America.” Una Perspectiva Comparada de las Revoluciones en el Mundo Atlántico, International Conference, Universidad Externado de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia, October 27-29, 2004.

42. “Empire to Nation in Northern South America, 1780s-1840s. Where to Begin?,” From Empire to Nation. Workshop, University of California, San Diego, December 6-8, 2002.


43. “Memory, Truth, and Armed Conflict in Contemporary Latin America,” International Workshop “The Role of Media in Conflict and Peace,” FIU-MDC-Universidad del Norte (Colombia), June 18, 2020.

44. “Las modulaciones de lo público,” Seminario Internacional Imaginando repúblicas en tiempos de independencia, Universidad Nacional-Banco de la República-Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá, Noviembre 18-19, 2019. Presenter.

45. “Soberanía y representación,” Seminario Internacional Imaginando repúblicas en tiempos de 14

independencia, Universidad Nacional-Banco de la República-Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá, Noviembre 18-19, 2019. Discussant.

46. “Justice and Power: Judicial and Social Struggles for Rights in Latin America,” Latin American Studies Association, XXXV International Congress, Boston, May 23-27, 2019. Chair and discussant.

47. Workshop on the “Civilizing Process in Latin America.” Latin American Studies Association, XXXV International Congress, Boston, May 23-27, 2019. Presenter.

48. “Interpersonal Violence and the Civilizing Process in Colombia, 1600s-2000s,” Center for Latin American Studies, Oxford University, May 3-34, 2019.

49. “'Violence Against Women: Cultural Contexts and Courtroom Contests”, American Society for Legal History, annual conference. Houston, TX, November 8-10, 2018, Chair and discussant

50. Roundtable “Author Meets readers” on Michelle A. McKinley, Fractional Freedoms: Slavery, Intimacy and Legal Mobilization in Lima, 1600-1700 (Cambridge University Press, 2016). American Society for Legal History, Annual meeting, Las Vegas, October 26-29, 2017, Chair and discussant.

51. “Parliaments and Congresses in the History of Latin America: A New Research Agenda,” Latin American Studies Association, XXXV International Congress, New York, May 27-30, 2016.

52. “Legal Cultures, Administrative Reforms and State Formation in Latin America’s Long Nineteenth- Century,” Latin American Studies Association, XXXIV International Congress, New York, May 27-30, 2016. Discussant.

53. “Long Life of Corporal Punishment and the Death Penalty in the Spanish Atlantic, 1500s-1970s,” 63rd Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Council of Latin American Studies, SECOLAS, March 9-13, 2016, Cartagena, Colombia.

54. “Politics, Pedagogies and Mediation: Evolving Ecologies of Latin American Print Culture during the Long Nineteenth Century,” panel “Race and Punishment in Latin American Legal Systems,” 63rd Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Council of Latin American Studies, SECOLAS, March 9-13, 2016, Cartagena, Colombia. Chair and discussant

55. “Perspectives on Land, Conflict and History,” International Workshop “Land, Memory, and Justice: Challenges to Peace in Colombia,” University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, October 2-3, 2015. Chair and discussant.

56. “Sites of Power II: Congresses Rule in Latin America after Independence,” Latin American Studies Association, XXXIII International Congress, San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 27-30, 2015. Discussant.

57. “Purifying the Body Politics: Exile and Execution in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Latin America,” CLAH - American Historical Association, Annual Congress, New York City, January 2-5, 2015. Chair and discussant.

58. “Legal Cultures and Judicial Practices in Latin America: Actors, State Formation and Frontiers,” Latin American Studies Association, XXXI International Congress, Chicago, May 21-23, 2014. Discussant.

59. “Domestic Violence and the Law in the Atlantic from the Fifteenth to the Twenty-First Century,” Latin American Studies Association, XXX International Congress, Washington. D.C., May29-June 1, 2013.

60. “Violence(s): Theorizing Gender and Violence through the Historical Prism,” Annual Comparative 15

Conference “Gender, Violence and Memory”, Florida International University, November 30th, 2012. Panel discussant.

61. “El Impacto de la Cortes y la Constitución de Cádiz en la Nueva Granada, 1809-1815,” Universidad Pedagogía y Tecnológica de Colombia, Tunja, Simposio Ruta del Bicentenario, May 8, 2012.

62. “Domestic Violence and the Law in Latin America’s Long History,” Florida International University, Department of History’s Graduate Students Colloquium, November, 2011.

63. “Carlos Horacio Uran’s Work on Legal Philosophy: George Gurvitch, the Normative Fact, and the Challenges of Justice Administration,” Bogota, Universidad Javeriana, Instituto Pensar, October, 2011.

64. “Enforcing Human Rights,” Hemispheric Human Rights Initiative Conference, San Salvador, El Salvador, May 17-19, 2011.

65. Participant in International Liberty Fund Colloquium “Liberty, Democracy and Independence in Gran Colombia,” Cartagena de Indias, February 3-6, 2011.

66. Chair and discussant, “Law and Rebellion in Gran Colombia,” CLAH - American Historical Association, Annual Congress, Boston, January 6-9, 2011.

67. “Teaching Abroad is not Easy! The Challenges of Teaching Latin American History to Colombian Students at a Large Public University,” CLAH - American Historical Association, Annual Congress, Boston, January 6-9, 2011.

68. Doing Justice? Description of a USAID-funded Justice Reform and Modernization Program Implemented in Colombia by FIU from 2006 to 2010,” Florida International University, College of Law Colloquium, October 19, 2010.

69. Discussant panel “Families Inside and Outside the Law in the Americas, 1910-2010,” American Society for Legal History, Philadelphia, PA, November, 2010.

70. Organizer panel “Law and History in Latin America and the Caribbean. A Historiographical Balance,” American Society for Legal History, Philadelphia, PA, November, 2010.

71. “From Private to Globalized Patriarchy: Domestic Violence in Latin American History from Colonial Times to the Present,” Latin American Studies Association, XXIX International Congress, Toronto, October 6-9, 2010.

72. Discussant. Jack Snyder, “The Concept of Strategic Culture: A User’s Guide,” ARC-FIU, April 6, 2010.

73. “Fatal Love: Spousal Murder, Ethnicity, Gender, and Honor in the Atlantic, 1750-1820.” University of Texas at Dallas, November, 2009.

74. Chair panel “Philippines Transnational Historical Legal Exchanges,”American Society for Legal History, Dallas, Texas, November, 2009.

75. “Quienes debatieron la idea de la república: abogados y clase política,” Encuentro con Nuestra Historia, Comisión del Bicentenario de la Independencia, Cartagena, October 22, 2009.

76. “Constitución y derechos de ciudadanía en la Nueva Granada, 1810-1820.” Universidad de Los Andes, Simposio sobre Constitución y Ciudadanía en la Historia de América Latina, Bogotá, October 19, 2009. 16

77. “Cádiz contra las provincias: Constitución, revolución y reacción en la Nueva Granada, 1810-1820.” Catedra Luis Antonio Restrepo. Los Procesos de Independencia: Ideas, Actores y Conflictos, Medellín, Agosto-Noviembre, 2009. October 16, 2009.

78. “Reflecting on the South-Com´s Human Rights Initiative Twelve Years Later,” Human Rights Regional Conference, Guatemala, July 21-25, 2009.

79. “From Exception to Normalcy: Law, the Judiciary, Civil Rights and Terrorism in Colombia, 1984-2004.” Bogotá, Universidad de los Andes Facultad de Derecho, Febrero 20, 2009.

80. “10 años de Historiografía sobre la Independencia Hispanoamericana,” V Congreso Internacional, Los Procesos de Independencia en la América Española; Crisis, Guerra y Disolución de la Monarquía Española, Veracrúz, México, November 26-29, 2008.

81. “La Historiografía Comparada sobre América Latina Durante la Ultima Década,” Universidad de Michoacán, Morelia, México, Noviembre 25, 2008.

82. “Implications of judicial Decision Making in Latin America in the Twentieth Century”, American Society for Legal History, Annual meeting, Ottawa, Canada, November 13-November 15. Panel discussant.

83. “Republicanismo y Ciudadanía en la Independencia de Colombia: Observaciones Comparativas” XIV Congreso de Historia de Colombia, Tunja, Agosto 11-Agosto 16. Panel Republicanismo y ciudadanía en los procesos de independencia hispanoamericanos.

84. Comentarios a la ponencia “Construyendo la Nación en Colombia: Herencias Coloniales, Metas Modernas y Formación republicana,” Historia de la Formación de lo Público-Político en Colombia Siglo XIX (1810-1885), Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Febrero 6-7, 2008

85. "Debates historiográficos sobre la Participación de los Afrocolombianos en el proceso de construcción de la nación durante la post-independencia,” Pensando la Nación en Colombia, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Febrero 7, 2008.

86. “Comparative History in Latin America: Recent Trends,” Latin American Studies Association, XXVII International Congress, Montreal, Canada, September 5-9.

87. “Veedurías ciudadanas de la Justicia en Colombia: experiencias históricas análogas y comparativas,” Foro Nacional Sobre Control Social a la Gestión Judicial, Bogotá, Mayo, 2007.

88. “La educación legal, el liberalismo Europeo y el mundo antiguo en la Colombia de comienzos del XIX,” París, París, Coloquio Internacional sobre La Ruta de Nápoles, December 7-10, 2006.

89. “Local and Informal Justices I: Case Studies and Theoretical Debates on Lynching and Vigilantism.” Latin American Studies Association, XXVI International Congress, San Juan Puerto Rico, March, 2006. Organizer.

90. “Local and Informal Justices II: Case Studies and Theoretical Debates on Grassroots Justice and Injustice.” Latin American Studies Association, XXVI International Congress, San Juan Puerto Rico, March, 2006. Organizer and discussant.

91. “Local and Informal Justices III: Justicia Local en América Latina - Siglos XIX y XX.” Latin American Studies Association, XXVI International Congress, San Juan Puerto Rico, March, 2006. Organizer. 17

92. “‘Iglesia Me Llamo’: Church Asylum and the Law in Spanish America, 1600s-1800s,” American Society for Legal History, Austin Texas, October 26-29, 2004.

93. “Lawyers and Lawyering in the Making of Colonial Spanish America,” Latin American Studies Association, Las Vegas, October 7-10, 2004. Discussant.

94. “Measuring Progress in Respect for Human Rights,” International Human Rights Seminar, U.S. Southern Command and Organization of American States, Costa Rica, March 17-19, 2004. Meeting of Group Leaders.

95. “Colombian 21st. Century Diaspora: From Migrants to Global Vallenato,” Florida International University, Miami, March 12, 2004. Organizer and facilitator.

96. “Race, Ritual and Crime,” Allen Morris conference on Florida and the Atlantic World, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, February, 2004. Discussant.

97. “The Great Transformation of “the Public” and “the Private” in the Transition from Empire to Nation in Ibero-America: Law and Legal Culture in Mexico, Colombia, and Brazil, 1750-1850. University of California, San Diego, December 5-7, 2003.

98. “Innocent Infants or Abusive Patriarchs: Spousal Homicides, Indians and the Law in Colonial Mexico, 1747-1821.” International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Dallas, Texas, March 27-29, 2003.

99. Discussant panel “Los operadores del derecho en la historia de América Latina,” International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Dallas, Texas, March 27-29, 2003.

100. “Measuring Progress in Respect for Human Rights,” International Human Rights Seminar, U.S. Department of Defense, Southern Command. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, March 20-22, 2003. Discussant and facilitator.

101. “Violencia doméstica en Nueva Granada y Nueva España: Tensiones de género y etnia (1750-1810).” Escuela de Estudios Hispoanoamericanos, Sevilla, February 25, 2003.

102. “Measuring Progress in Respect for Human Rights,” International Human Rights Seminar, U.S. Southern Command and Organization of American States, Miami, May, 2002. Group Leader.

103. “Measuring Progress in Respect for Human Rights,” International Human Rights Seminar, U.S. Southern Command and Organization of American States, Montevideo, Uruguay, October 22-25, 2001, Measures of Internal Control’s Group Leader.

104. “The Production of Victimization: Narco-trafficking, Human Rights, and Plan Colombia,” Invited Session of the American Anthropological Association, Annual Congress, Washington, DC., November 29, 2001.

105. “Killing One's Spouse in Late Colonial Mexico: 'Love,' Culture and the Law.” Popular Culture Association, International Conference, Puebla, Mexico, October, 17-21, 2001.

106. “Human Rights and Humanitarian Law: Implications of the Pinochet and the Argentine Cases,” Latin American Studies Association, XXIII International Congress, Washington, September 6-8, 2001, Chair and organizer.

107. “José Raimundo Russi a Bogotá Bandit: Anti-Heroes and Nation in Colombia, 1830s-1850s.” Latin 18

American Studies Association, XXIII International Congress, Washington, September 6-8, 2001.

108. “Un abanico de temáticas y aproximaciones,” Primer Seminario Internacional de Historia Ambiental, Agosto 15-17, 2001, Bogotá, Colombia. 5-paper Panel Discussant.

109. “El futuro de la historia ambiental en América Latina,” Primer Seminario Internacional de Historia Ambiental, Agosto 15-17, 2001, Bogotá, Colombia. Roundtable Moderator.

110. “Is Colombia’s Peace Possible,” Journalists and Editors Workshop, Florida Consortium on Latin American Studies-The Miami Herald-Harvard University, David Rockefeller Center, Miami, May 3-5, 2001. Panel moderator.

111. “Critical Issues in Peruvian History.” Fulbright Hayes Group Study Abroad Program, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, April 27-20, 2001.

112. “New Approaches to the Study of Social Conflict in Colombia,” University of Wisconsin, Madison, March 23, 2001. Respondent.

113. “Killing One’s Spouse in Colonial Latin America,” Jack D. Gordon Institute for Public Policy, Florida International University, March 15, 2001.

114. "Domestic Violence and the Law in Mexico, 1750-1810," Southeastern Conference on Latin American Studies, Veracrúz, Mexico, March 1-5, 2001.

115. "Artisans, Bandits, and the Law in Colombia: The Execution of Jose Raimundo Russi and his Gang in 1851," LASA, International Congress, Miami, Spring, 2000.

116. "Some Uses of the History of Latin America's Legal Professions," Latin American Legal Scholarship Conference, Harvard University, Boston, March 11, 2000.

117. "The Social History of Family Law in Late Colonial New Granada," American Society for Legal History, Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, October 21-23, 1999.

118. "Economy, Society and Politics in Contemporary Latin America," Institute for Educators Workshop, Re- Aligning Vision, Miami Art Museum, March 27, 1999.

119. "The U.S. State Department Perspectives on Colombia's Peace Process," discussant. Conference on Negotiation Politics and Prospects for Peace in Colombia, United States Southern Command, Miami, March 4-5, 1999.

120. "Lawyers, Society and Culture in Latin America, 1780-1850," Latin American and Caribbean Center, Florida International University, October 22, 1997.

121. "La América Latina colonial y postcolonial: Tierra de abogados y leguleyos?", X Congreso de Historia de Colombia, Medellín, Agosto 26-29, 1997.

122. "Abogados, Estado y Política en el Período Colonial y Postcolonial en Colombia," Unidad de Investigaciones Jurídico-Sociales Gerardo Molina, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Junio 10, 1997.

123. "La Historia Social de la Política en Colombia, 1750-1850," Doctorado en Historia, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Junio 6, 1997.


124. "Clase, Poder, Estatus Social y Honor: Elites Legales, Política y Estado en Nueva Granada, 1780-1850," Instituto de Estudios Sobre Historia Colonial, Instituto Colombiano de Cultura Hispánica, Bogotá, Junio 5, 1997.

125. "Lawyers and the Administration of Justice in Latin America During the Transition from the Colonial to the National Period," Conference The Contested Terrains of Law, Justice and Repression in Latin American History, Yale University, New Haven, April 24-26, 1997.

126. "Las tendencias globales y los estudios legales en el Siglo XXI." Congreso Internacional "Derecho público, Filosofía y Sociologías Jurídicas: Perspectivas para el próximo milenio", Universidad Externado de Colombia, Bogotá, August, 1996.

127. "Colonial Lawyers, Republican Lawyers and the Administration of Justice in Latin America," Institute of Latin American Studies, University of London, London, May, 1996.

128. "Continuity and Change in Latin American Political History, 1780-1850", annual meeting of the American Historical Association, Atlanta, GA , January, 1996.

129. "To be continued? The Status of Historical Research on Latin American Legal History," annual meeting of the American Society of Legal History (AHA), Houston, TX., October, 1995.

130. "Latin American History: Patterns and Lessons for the Near Future", Prudential Intercultural Services, Miami, October, 1995.

131. "Status, Class and Power: The letrados of Late Colonial and Early Post-Colonial New Granada," Latin American Studies Association (LASA) XIX International Congress, Washington, DC., September, 1995.

132. "Judges, Tutela Actions and Environmental Movements in Colombia", Latin American Studies Association (LASA) XIX International Congress, September, 1995, Washington, DC.

133. "Educación legal y proyectos de formación del estado en la Nueva Granada," Congreso Nacional de Historia de Colombia, Tunja, Colombia, May, 1995.

134. "New Constitutional Order, tutela Actions and Environmental Struggles in Colombia, 1991-1993." Meeting of the Research Committee on Comparative Judicial Studies of the International Political Science Association. Florence, Italy, Summer, 1994.

135. "Training 'Mandarins': Legal Education and State-Building in New San Francisco, Granada, 1780-1850." American Historical Association (AHA), Annual Meeting, Sam Francisco, CA.

136. "Legal history and legal studies in the twenty-first century." International congress on "La Universidad, Las Transformaciones del Derecho y los Nuevos Ordenes Constitucionales en América Latina," Bogotá, October, 1993.

137. "State and society in Colombia: lawyers, artisans and industrial workers, 1780-1920s." Mid-Atlantic Council on Latin American Studies (MACLAS), annual meeting, Pennsylvania State University. Panel organizer.

138. "Lawyers and post-colonial politics in Colombia: a critique of the 'normal' periodization of Latin American political history." Florida International University (FIU), Miami.

139. "Kinship and politics in late colonial and early post-colonial New Granada." University of Michigan-Flint, Flint. 20

140. "The Vergara Santamaría clan: priests, lawyers, and status-conflict in New Granada, 1780-1850." University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

141. "Reinterpreting the role of the elites in Latin American political history: lawyers, state-formation and status-conflicts in nineteenth century New Granada." Southwestern University, Georgetown, Texas.

142. "The decline of the colonial state and the emerging status-conflicts: lawyers in New Granadan bureaucracy and politics, 1780-1850." University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.

143. "Contributions of the study of the legal elites to the historiography of Colombian and Latin American politics." University of South Florida, Tampa, 1993.

144. "Lawyers, political parties and social classes in post-colonial New Granada." Conference on Latin American History (CLAH), Gran Colombian Committee, Washington, DC. AHA, annual meeting.

145. "Impact of the Conquest on the Old and New Worlds." Allegheny College, Meadville, PA.

146. "Lawyers and state-building in early post-colonial New Granada." Latin American Studies Association (LASA), XVII International Congress, Los Angeles, CA.

147. "Lawyers and the Independence Movement in New Granada," Duquesne History Forum, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh.

148. "Lawyers and the State at the Time of New Granada's Independence," Mid-Atlantic Council on Latin American Studies, MACLAS, Shippensburg, PA.

149. "Nuevas dimensiones de la crítica jurídica y el uso alternativo del derecho." Conferencia Internacional de Grupos de Servicios Legales Innovativos. Centro de Investigación y Educación Popular, CINEP, Bogotá.



Companion to the Legal History of Latin America, co-editor with Matthew Mirow, collective anthology under contract with Brill. Expected completion, Fall, 2020.

Insurgent Legal Discourses in the Spanish Atlantic. Early Constitutionalism New Granada and Cadiz, 1811-1821. A legal and cultural history of constitutional discourses involving both New Granada’s early constitutionalism and the Constitution of Cádiz. Have drafted two-thirds of the text. Shall be able to finish it within one academic year upon completing additional fieldwork (for a month) in Colombian archives.

Gender, Ethnicity and the Death Penalty in Early 19th Century Cuba. A micro-history of law and domestic violence in Camaguey, Cuba, with intriguing connections to the end of the death penalty by hanging for women. I have already gathered abundant evidence in Seville’s AGI. Must still conduct field work in Camaguey, Cuba, during Summer, 2020.

The Merchant, his Wife and the Count. Law, Romance, Betrayal, Poisoning, and Daily Life in Eighteenth-Century Mexico. A case study concerning the life of a family in Zacatecas, Mexico, during the 1720s. Except for some notarial and ecclesiastical information I will be gathering in Fall 2019, 21

research for the entire book has been completed. I will be writing the book’s first draft during the 2020-2021 academic year.

The Long Global History of Domestic Violence and the Law. A synthesis of historiographical knowledge on battering and spousal murder from Greco-Roman Antiquity until the present. Book design in progress. Preliminary bibliographical research has been completed. Intend to present a book proposal to Cambridge University Press in Spring, 2021. Completion of the manuscript expected 2022-2023 academic year.


“Introducción: una obra todavía relevante,” en Carlos Horacio Uran, Rojas y la Manipulación del Poder (Bogotá: Valencia Editores, 2019). In press.

“Fernando Vélez Barrientos (1847-1935): an Utopian and Exegetical Colombian Compiler,” Law and the Christian Tradition in Latin America: Biographies, edited by Matthew Mirow and Rafael Domingo (London, Routledge), forthcoming, 2020

“Abogados y leguleyos en América colonial, una forma de praxis judicial.” Book chapter for volume Usos y agentes de la Justicia en las sociedades ibéricas del Antiguo Régimen (Universidad Nacional de La Plata y la Universidad de ). Edited by professors Tomás A. Mantecón and Darío G. Barriera. To be completed by Fall, 2020.

“Juan de Solorzano y Pereira’s Unknown Work on Domestic Murders.” Introduction to first Spanish translation of Solorzano y Pereira’s Doctoral thesis Diligens & accurate de parricidii crimini disputatio. This work has been partially translated from the Latin with support from a grant from the FIU College of Arts and Sciences. A proposal for the text’s entire translation is under evaluation by Colombia’s Externado de Colombia which is also expected to publish the final annotated translation. Expected date, Spring, 2020.


“Penal Science and State-Building in New Granada and Mexico, 1760s-1830s.” Journal TBD.


Digitalization City of Miami Beach Historical Archives, 2015-2018, Co-PI $ 210,800

Miami Consortium Interdisciplinary Research Group Initiative, Fall 2012. PI $ 5,000

FIU’s Department of History Online Award for International Conference “Gender, Violence and Memory”, Fall 2012. PI $ 10,000

USAID, Justice Reform and Modernization, Colombia, 2006-2010, Co-PI $ 20.5 million.

Ministry of Foreign Relations-Colombia, Colombian Migrants in the USA, 2005, PI $ 100,000 22

Research Award, FIU College of Arts and Sciences, Office of the Dean, Summer 2003

NEH (National Endowment for the Humanities) Research Award, Fall 2002, PI $ 44,000

Florida International University, Provost Grant, Summer 2001.

Faculty Development Grant FIU College of Arts and Sciences, Office of the Dean, Spring 2001

Title VI Grant. Latin American and Caribbean Center, FIU, Spring, 2001.

Faculty Development Grant FIU College of Arts and Sciences, Office of the Dean, Fall 2000.

Title VI Grant. Latin American and Caribbean Center, FIU, Spring, 2000.

Title VI Grant. Latin American and Caribbean Center, FIU, Spring, 1999.

Faculty Development Grant FIU College of Arts and Sciences, Office of the Dean, 1999.

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Library Fellowship for Southern U.S. Scholars, Tulane University, New Orleans, 1998.

Florida International University's Foundation, Summer Grant, 1998.

Title VI Grant. Latin American and Caribbean Center, FIU, Spring, 1998.

Title VI Grant. Latin American and Caribbean Center, FIU, Fall, 1997.

Grant from ICFES, Instituto Colombiano para el Fomento de la Educación Superior. Programa de Co- financiación de Proyectos de Fomento para la Educación Superior, Spring, 1997.

Research Grant Centro de Investigaciones y Desarrollo Científico (CINDEC), Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín, 1996-97.

Faculty Development Grant FIU College of Arts and Sciences, Office of the Dean, Fall, 1995.

Summer Research Grant, Center for Latin American Studies, University of Florida, Gainesville, 1995.

Title VI Grant. Latin American and Caribbean Center, FIU, Spring, 1995.

Faculty Development Grant FIU College of Arts and Sciences, Office of the Dean, Fall, 1994.

Research Grant Fundación para la Promoción de la Investigación la Ciencia y la Tecnología, Banco de la Republica de Colombia. Academic year 1990-1991.

Summer Research Grant, Tinker Foundation, 1988.


Top Scholar Award, Prize Winning Books Category, FIU, Spring, 2017.

Murdo J. Macleod Book Prize, Latin American and Caribbean Section, Southern Historical Association, Fall, 2016. Best book in the fields of Latin America, Caribbean, American Borderlands and Frontier or Atlantic 23

World history. Fatal Love.

Honorable Mention, National Social Science and Humanities Prize, Alejandro Angel Escobar Foundation, Colombia, Fall, 2016. This Prize is the highest scientific recognition in Colombia. Fatal Love.

Honorable Mention, Alfred B. Thomas Book Award, for the best book on a Latin American subject, SECOLAS, 2016. Fatal Love.

Faculty Award for Excellence in Service, Faculty Senate, Florida International University, Fall, 2015.

Sabbatical leave (competitive), FIU, 2013.

Member (Miembro Correspondiente), Colombian Academy of History (Academia Colombiana de Historia), 2010-onward.

NEH (National Endowment for the Humanities) Research Award, Fall, 2002.

Sabbatical leave (competitive), FIU, 2002.

Faculty Award for Excellence in Research, Faculty Senate, Florida International University, Fall, 2001.

Matriculation Merit Award, Florida International University, Award to recognize more productive members of Faculty from 1997 to 2000, Spring, 2001.

Winner of Teaching Incentive Program Award (TIP), Florida International University, Miami. Award to recognize best professors in the 1993-1996 academic period, 1997.

Antonine Tibesar Prize, Conference on Latin American History (CLAH), American Historical Association. Best article published during 1996 in The Americas, 1997.

Winner of Concurso Internacional de Méritos "Generación 125 Años", Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Recruitment of distinguished international scholars, 1996.

Teaching Fellowship, University of Pittsburgh, 1992-93.

Summer Research Fellowship in Latin American Studies at Cornell University, 1992. Declined.

Andrew Mellon Fellowship, University of Pittsburgh, 1991-92.

Teaching Fellowship, University of Pittsburgh, 1989-90.

Andrew Mellon Fellowship, University of Pittsburgh, 1989-90.

Passed Ph.D. comprehensive examinations with distinction, 1989.

Teaching Fellowship, University of Pittsburgh, 1987-89.

Fulbright Scholarship for graduate studies in the United States, 1986-87.

Thesis approved with distinction, Universidad Externado de Colombia, 1983.

Exemption from comprehensive exams in law school, awarded to student with highest GPA, 1982. 24

Four annual scholarships, Universidad Externado de Colombia, awarded to student with highest GPA, 1978- 81.

Julio Cesar García Fellowship to attend Universidad La Gran Colombia (Bogotá), awarded to student with highest GPA, 1976.


Editorial Boards and Committees

Member Editorial Board, Revista de Estudios Colombianos, Asociación de Colombianistas, 2019-2021.

Member Editorial Board “Law in Latin American History” book series, publishing house Tirant lo Blanch, Spain, 2017-present.

Member Editorial Board, Ius Fugit. Revista de Cultura Juridica. Universidad de Girona, Spain, 2015-2020.

Member Editorial Board, Revista de Estudios Sociales, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia. 2013- onward.

Contributing Editor, Hemisphere. A Magazine of the Americas, LACC, Fall, 1994-present.

Member Editorial Board, Humanidades, Journal of Colombia's Universidad Industrial de Santander, UIS, 1997- present.

Member Editorial Board, The Americas (Spring 2005- Fall 2010).

Member Editorial Board, Law and History Review (Spring, 1996-Fall 2000).

Member Editorial Board, Historia y Sociedad, Revista del Departamento de Historia, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín (1996-1999).

Book Review Editor, Hispanic American Historical Review (Fall 1993-Spring 96).

Professional Boards and Committees

Program Committee, American Society for Legal History, Annual Meeting, Chicago, 2020..

Co-Chair, Program Committee, American Society for Legal History, Annual Meeting, Toronto, 2016.

Member Local Arrangements Committee, American Society for Legal History, Annual Meeting, Miami, November 7-9, 2013.

Member Program Committee, American Society for Legal History, Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, November 18-21, 2010.

Adviser to Universidad de Medellín’s Law School for the definition of research fields, 2008. 25

Miembro Comité Científico, CEIS (Centro de Estudios Históricos), Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2004-2008

Chair, “Law, Jurisprudence and Society” Section, International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, LASA, 2004.

Chair, Robertson Prize committee, Conference on Latin American History, American Historical Association, 2001-2002.

Member of Local Arrangements Committee, Latin American Studies Association, XXII International Congress, Miami, FL, March 16-18, 2000.

Advisory Committee, Especialización en Ciencia Política, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín, 1997.

Co-coordinator Symposium on "Historia Comparada de América Latina," X Congreso de Historia de Colombia, Medellín, Agosto 26-29 de 1997.

Evaluation Committee, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas. Proyecto de Especialización Sobre Administración Documental Aplicada a los Archivo Históricos. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín, 1996.

Advisory Committee, Centro de Gestión Tecnológica, GESTEC Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín, 1996-97.

Advisory Committee, Especialización en Ciencia Política, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín, 1997.



Evaluation of article and book manuscripts

Law and History Review, 2016-2017, 2018-2019, 2019-2020; Revista de Estudios Colombianos, 2019-2020; Journal of World History, 2018; Anuario de Estudios Americanos, Seville, Spain, 2018; University of Notre Dame Press, 2017-2018; Latin American Research Review, 1998-2001, 2016; University of Los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia, Department of History, 2016; Journal of Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Excellence, Colorado State University, 2016; Mundo Agrario, Universidad de la Plata, , 2014; Revista Criminalidad, Colombia, Spring 2014; Historia y Memoria, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (UPTC), 2013-2014; University of Los Andes Press, Bogotá, Colombia, School of Law, 2013; Journal of Social History, 2013; Comparative Studies in Society and History, 2000, 2008, 2012, 2013; Anuario Colombiano de Historia Social y de la Cultura, Bogotá, 2010-2013; Historia y Sociedad, Revista del Departamento de Historia, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín, 1999-2014; Memoria y Sociedad, Universidad Javeriana, 2012; Historia Crítica, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, 2009-2012; Hispanic American Historical Review, 2009-2013; University of Texas Press, Spring 2001; The Americas, 1995-2000.


Evaluation of grants, prizes and tenure files

Chair, Murdo McLeod Book Prize Committee, Southern Historical Association’s Committee on Latin American History, 2020.

Evaluation of tenure and promotion file, Dr. Lina Britto, Northwestern University, 2019-2020

Evaluation tenure and promotion file, Dr. Herbert Brown, University of Virginia, 2018-2019.

Chair, Murdo McLeod Book Prize Committee, Southern Historical Association’s Committee on Latin American History, 2017.

Evaluation of tenure and promotion file, Dr. Molly A. Warsh, University of Pittsburgh, 2017-2018

Member Lewis Hanke Post-Doctoral Award Committee, CLAH, American Historical Association, 2016.

Member of Selection Committee Tinker Field Research Grants, Latin American and Caribbean Center, Spring, 2016

Member of Award Committee for CLAHs Lewis Hanke Post-Doctoral Award, 2016.

Member of the jury, National History Prize, Republic of Colombia, 2013, declined.

Evaluation of Ford Foundation Pre-doctoral, Dissertation, and Postdoctoral Fellowships for Minorities Program. Spring, 2004.

Evaluation of research projects for the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, 1998, 2003.

Evaluation of Ph.D. research grants, Social Science Research Council, Fall, 2001; Spring, 2003

Evaluation of Grants, National Endowment for the Humanities, FIU campus, 2000.

Evaluation of tenure and promotion file, Dr. Michael Jimenez, University of Pittsburgh, 1999-2000.

Coordinator of Book Review Workshops, Asociación Colombiana de Historiadores, Capítulo de Antioquia, Septiembre 14-28, 1996

External evaluator graduate programs, research projects and theses

International evaluator, pre-dissertation committee “Práctica comercial, cultura legal y libre comercio: los préstamos y la financiación de la actividad mercantil en la transición de la Colonia tardía a la República en la Nueva Granada (1778- 1853)”, Marcela Castro Ruiz, Universidad de los Andes, Fall, 2019.

International evaluator, dissertation committee, “La modernidad reflejada en la tradición. La formación de abogados y su inserción en los grupos de poder en dos ciudades: Zacatecas y Mérida-Yucatán 1812-1848,” Christian M. Rosas Iñiguez, CIESAS-Peninsular, Yucatán, México. Ongoing. 27

International evaluator, dissertation committee “Las Instituciones Republicanas de la Constitución de Tunja de 1811 y su Impacto en la Vida Ciudadana de la Provincia.” Jorge Enrique Patiño Rojas, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, Fall, 2018.

International evaluator, pre-dissertation committee “Delito, Justicia y propiedad. Abigeatos y hurtos en los Andres centrales y orientales colombianos, 1750-1840,” Carlos Alberto Toro, Universidad de los Andes, Fall, 2015.

International evaluator, pre-dissertation committee “Historia de la Soberanía del Pueblo en los Orígenes de Colombia, 1808-1821. El caso de la Provincia de Tunja, Lucha de Ideas e Imaginarios.” Carlos Barrera Martinez, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (UPTC), 2015.

PAR Académico (External Reviewer), M.A Program in History, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Spring, 2015, Colombia’s Comité Nacional de Acreditación.

PAR Académico (External Reviewer), Ph.D Program in History, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín, Fall, 2014, Colombia’s Comité Nacional de Acreditación.

International evaluator, pre-dissertation committee “Las Instituciones Republicanas de la Constitución de Tunja de 1811 y su Impacto en la Vida Ciudadana de la Provincia.” Jorge Enrique Patiño Rojas, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, Summer, 2013.

Evaluator Research Project on the History of the Book, College of Law, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Fall, 2011.

International evaluator, pre-dissertation committee “Historia de la Soberanía del Pueblo en los Orígenes de Colombia, 1808-1821. El caso de la Provincia de Tunja, Lucha de Ideas e Imaginarios.” Carlos Helver Barrera Martínez, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, Fall, 2011.

International evaluator, dissertation committee “Que cada quien se las arregle: hacia una sociedad individualista. Artesanos y comerciantes, Medellín, Rionegro, la Ciudad de Antioquia y Bogotá, 1777-1854,” Luis Fernando Rodríguez Acosta, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Spring, 2010.


Expert witness in immigration courts, Spring 2001-present. Pro-bono work.

Regular guest CNN, CBS, NBC, Telemundo, Univision, TV Marti, Voice of America, BBC radio, National Public Radio, local TV and radio broadcasting stations. Interviews about Latin American politics, society and history. Emphasis on the case of Colombia.

Facilitator and Measures of Internal Control’s Group Leader, “Measuring Progress in Respect for Human Rights,” International Human Rights Seminar, U.S. Southern Command and Organization of American States, Miami, May, 2001; Montevideo, Uruguay, October 22-25, 2001; Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, March 20-22, 2003; Costa Rica, March 17-19, 2004; Guatemala, July 21-25, 2009; El Salvador, May 19-21, 2011; Washington, D.C. December 11-13, 2017.

Faculty Advisor, Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity, FIU, 2012-present 28

Moderator panel "Perspectives from Civil Society," conference Armed Conflict, Peace Prospects and Democracy in Colombia, FIU, March 14-15, 2000.

Host Radio Series ‘Panorama Andino,’ Voice of America, Miami, Fall 2001-Fall 2003. 11 programs to date.

Faculty Advisor, Colombian Students Association, COLSA, 2000-2001, 2003-2005.

Facilitator. International Conference "United Counterdrug." US. Southern Command-Organization of American States, 1998.


DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY Department Chair, 2013-2017, 2017-2021

Interim Graduate Program Director, Spring, 2013

Member, Search Committee on History of Modern Latin America, 2012-2013

Chair, Search Committee on History of Afro-Brazil, 2011-2012

Chair, Search Committee on Modern Afro-Brazil, 2010-2011

Member of the Graduate Committee, 2010-2011

Department Chair, 2004-2006

Member of Personnel Committee, 2003-2004

Search and Screen Committee for African-American Diaspora tenure track position, FIU, Department of History, Fall 2004.

Director of Graduate Studies, Department of History, 1999-2001

Chairperson Department of History Undergraduate Committee, FIU, 1997-99

Search and Screen Committee for Caribbean History tenure-track position, FIU, Department of History, Fall 1998

Search and Screen Committee for African-American Diaspora tenure track position, FIU, Department of History-Africa/New World Studies Program, Spring 1996

Latin American area representative within Graduate Studies Committee, Department of History, Fall 1995-96, Fall 2001

Department of History's Library representative, Fall 1995-1996

Search and Screen Committee for African History tenure track position, FIU, Department of History, Fall 1994 29

Department of History steward, United Faculty of Florida, Fall 1994-1996


College of Arts and Sciences, Tenure and Promotion Committee, 2010-2012, 2014-2016; declined 2012- 2014.

CAS, Faculty Assembly’s Steering Committee, 2014-2015

Member of CAS’s Steering Committee, 2014-2016

Vice-Chair College Assembly, 2012-2013

President, Council of Chairs and Directors, 2005-2006

Member, College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Committee on Restructuring of CAS, 2005

Director, Colombian Studies Institute, Latin American and Caribbean Center, FIU, 2003-2005

Member, Task Force on creation of a School of International Studies, 2004-2005

Search and Screen Committee, Director, Modern Dance, Spring 2001

Search and Screen Committee, Department of Political Science, Judicial Politics, fall 2000-spring 2001

Member Admission Committee, MALACS (Master in Latin American and Caribbean Studies), Latin American Caribbean Center, FIU, 1998-2001

Member of Interdisciplinary Faculty Task Force for project Dance across Disciplines, 1998-2000

Selection Committee, FLAS fellowship, Latin American and Caribbean Center, 1999-2001

Latin American and Caribbean Center's Advisory Committee (Executive Council), 1998-2005

College of Arts and Sciences representative within Faculty Senate's Library Committee, 1995-96

Search and Screen Committee for Assistant Director of the FIU Latin American and Caribbean Center, LACC, Fall, 1995


Member Academic Enrichment Committee, 2009-2011

Member of Library Committee, Fall 2003-2005

Search and Screen Committee, Professor of Criminal Law, Fall, 2001

Search and Screen Committee, Professor of Torts, Fall, 2001 30

Search and Screen Committee, Professor of Constitutional Law, Fall, 2001

Search and Screen Committee, Professor of Law of Contracts, Fall, 2001

Search and Screen Committee, Professor of Law of Property, Fall, 2001

Search and Screen Committee, Acquisitions/Serials Librarian, Law School, Fall, 2001

Search and Screen Committee, Technical Services/Cataloguing Librarian, Law School, Fall, 2001

Search and Screen Committee, Director of Admissions, Law School, Spring, 2001

Search and Screen Committee, Director of the Law Library, Spring 2001

Search and Screen Committee, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs/Professor of Law, Spring, 2001

Search and Screen Committee, Associate Dean for Admissions and Student Services, Spring 2001


President of the Council of Chairs and Directors, 2016-2017.


Chair, Chairs Advisory Council, 2020-2021

Andrew Mellon Foundation-FIU, Humanities Edge [“Making Diversity Meaningful in the Humanities: An MDC-FIU Pathways Partnership”], Member Faculty Leads (Advisory Committee), 2017-2020

Deputy Director, Wolfsonian Public Humanities Laboratory, 2019-ongoing

Core group member, Evaluating and Rewarding Teaching Committee, 2019-2020.

Steering Committee, Evaluating and Rewarding Teaching Committee, 2019-2020

Vice-Chair, Chairs Advisory Council, 2018-2020

Search and Screen Committee, FIU Coordinator Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Grant “Making Diversity Meaningful in the Humanities: An MDC-FIU Pathways Partnership”, Fall, 2017-Spring, 2018.

Steering Committee, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Grant “Making Diversity Meaningful in the Humanities: An MDC-FIU Pathways Partnership”, 2017-2018.

Andrew Mellon Foundation-FIU, HIS-Pathways to the Professoriate, Faculty Mentor, 2016-2018

Member of the Honorary Degrees and Awards Committee, 2016-2019 31

Member of DASEC (Dissertation Advisor Status Committee), 2015-2018

Member of Faculty Senate, FIU, 1997-1999, 2000-2002, 2003-2005, 2010, 2011-2013, 2013-2015, 2016-2018, 2018-2020, 2020-2022.

Member of Search Committee, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Fall, 2014-Spring 2015

Member and Chair DASEC, 2012-2013

Member and Chair Elect of DASEC (Dissertation Advisor Status Evaluation Committee), 2011-2012

Member of FIU´s Social and Behavioral - IRB (Internal Review Board), 2010-2013.

Member of Search Committee, Dean of the School of Journalism and Mass Communications, Spring, 2011

Member of Search Committee for a Dean of the Graduate College, Fall, 2010

Member of the FIU Senate’s Program Review Committee, 2010-2011

Chief of Party (COP), Justice Reform and Modernization Program, FIU-USAID, 2006-2009.

Faculty Advisory Board, new College of Law, FIU, 2000-2004.

Selection Committee, TIRES award, Center for Transnational Studies and Comparative Research, 2000 Search and Screen Committee for an Architectural Historian, FIU, School of Architecture, Spring 2000 Member of FIU's Technology Committee, 1999

Member FIU Foundation's Screening Committee for Summer Grants, Spring, 1999.


DOCTORAL DISSERTATION CHAIR OR CO-CHAIR 1. Sandra Londoño, History (co-chair, ongoing, 2018) Towards the liberation of La Patria Grande: Progressive Catholicism, the student youth, and political culture in Latin America, 1960-1978.

2. Gloria Lopera, (chair, ongoing, 2018) “We Have the Land Titles! Indigenous Litigants and the Privatization of Communal Lands in Colombia, 1873- 1943. 3. Adrian Alzate (chair, Graduated, Spring, 2019). Title: Traitors and Rogues: Rebellions, Political Crimes and the Law in Mexico and Colombia (1860-1910) 4. Doyle Perdue (chair, Graduated, Spring, 2019). Defense scheduled. March 21, 2019. Title: Copper Mining and the Formation of the Mexican State in the Twentieth Century 5. Ricardo Pelegrin (chair, Graduated, Fall, 2018) Title: For Liberty and Fatherland: Cuban Lawyers, Society and Political Culture (1800-1902) 6. Grace Solis (co-chair, Graduated, Spring, 2017) Title: Female Journalists, Popular Didacticism and Nation Building in the Andes, 1870-1900 7. Micah Oelze (co-chair, Graduated, Summer, 2016) Title: The Sounds that Silence: Ethnomusicology and the Symphony of State in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1922-1938 8. Adam J. Silvia (co-chair, Graduated, Summer, 2016) 32

Title: Making Haiti Modern: Nation Building and the American Civilizing Mission in the Cold War Era 9. Roberto Pacheco (chair, Graduated, 2015) Title: ‘Pobres Negros’: The Official Representation and Commemoration of Blacks in the River Plate, 1830s- 1950s. 10. Magda Gómez (chair, Graduated, 2008) Title: Smallpox Vaccination: The Establishment of Vaccination Boards, and State Formation in Venezuela and Cuba in the Nineteenth Century 11. German Palacio (chair, Graduated, 2003) Title: Civilizing the Hot Lands: The Symbolic Transformation of the Colombian Landscape, 1850-1930 12. Col. John G. Lent (chair, passed away during last stages of completion, 2002) Title: The Mosquitia in the Twentieth Century Nicaragua: Stories of a Fragmented Nation


13. Marcela Castro Ruiz (ongoing, 2020). Title: Práctica comercial, cultura legal y libre comercio: los préstamos y la financiación de la actividad mercantil en la transición de la Colonia tardía a la República en la Nueva Granada (1778- 1853). Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia. 14. Cristian Morales (ongoing, 2019) Tirle: La Modernidad Reflejada en la Tradicion.La fromacion de los abogados y su insercion en los circulos de poder en dos ciudades, Zcatecas, y Merida-Yucatan. CIESAS – Cenro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropologia Social. Unidad Peninsular. Yucatan, Mexico. 15. Pablo Durán Socha (ongoing, 2019) Title: The use of social media by political subjects and its impact on voting choices and political behavior. Department of Political Science. 16. Génesis Portillo (Graduated, Summer, 2020) Title: Relatos, memoria y contrahistorias de la Guerra Civil Peruana (1894-1895) a través de la prensa político-satírica en Lima (1892-1895), Department of Modern Languages. 17. Andreina Fernández (ongoing, 2015) Title: Manual transmissions: Individual and Collective in Nineteenth-Century Colombia and Venezuela. 18. Gee Yawson, Global and Sociocultural Studies (Graduated, Fall, 2019). Title: “Reggaeira@ Sou Eu” Race, Space and the Politics of Identity in Roots Reggae Culture in São Luis do Maranhão in Brazil 19. Mabel López ((Graduated, Summer 2018). Title: Trayectoria de civilizacion de la violencia doméstica en la Nueva Granada en Tiempos de la Ilustración, Historia, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá. 20. Jorge Enrique Patiño Rojas, History, UPTC-Colombia, international reader (Graduated, Summer 2018). Title: Las Instituciones Republicanas de la Constitución de Tunja de 1811 y su Impacto en la Vida Ciudadana de la Provincia. 21. Rene Silva, History (Graduated, Spring, 2017) Title: The Enemy Within: Loyalist Reintegration in Pennsylvania, 1778-1800 22. John Babb, History (Graduated, Summer 2016). Title: The Viceroyalty of Miami: Colonial Nostalgia in the Making of an Imperial City 23. Cesar Vasquez, History (Graduated, Spring, 2016). Title: Caribbean Defense Command: Analyzing the U.S. attempts to build a regional network in the Isthmus of Panama during World War II 24. Judith Mansilla, History (Graduated, Spring, 2016). Title: Firm Foundations, Fractured Façades: Colonial State-Formation in the wake of Lima's 1687 Earthquake 25. Gregory Weimer, History (Graduated, 2015) Title: Slavery and Transition: Salvador, Bahia and New Orleans, Louisiana (1800-1837) 26. Patricia Micolta, Political Science (Graduated, 2012) Title: Illicit Interest Groups: The Political Impact of the Medellin Drug Trafficking Organizations in Colombia 33

27. Kindon J. Meek, History (Graduated, 2011) Title: Disease and Hygiene in the Construction of a Nation: The Public Sphere, Public Space, and the Private Domain in Buenos Aires, 1871-1910 28. Luis Fernando Rodríguez Acosta, History, international reader, Universidad Nacional de Colombia-Medellín (Graduated, 2010) Title: Que cada quien se las arregle: hacia una sociedad individualista. Artesanos y comerciantes, Medellín, Rionegro, la Ciudad de Antioquia y Bogotá, 1777-1854. 29. Renzo Honores, History (Graduated, 2007) Title: Lawyers, Procurators, and the Making of a Colonial Legal Culture in Lima and Potosi, 1540-1660 30. Ruiz, Adelia, Modern Languages (Graduated, 2007) Title: El discurso colombiano costumbrista del siglo XIX: Instrumento iudeológico idealizado. 31. Miguel Costa, History (Graduated, 2005) Title: Patronage and Corruption in Sixteenth-Century Peru: The Government of Viceroy Conde del Villar and the Vista of Licenciado Alonso Fernandez de Bonilla 32. Luis Javier Orjuela, Political Science (Graduated, 2003) Title: Colombian society in the 1990s: Fragmentation, legitimacy, and efficiency 33. Jesse Hingson, History (Graduated, 2003) Title: Savages into Citizens: Families, Political Purge, and Reconciliation in Cordoba, Argentina, 1829-1862

MASTERS THESIS/REPORT SUPERVISOR 1. Angelo Santa Lucia, History, Report Supervisor, Graduated, 2013 2. Carolina Zumaglini, LACC, Thesis Director, Graduate, 2007 3. Angela Bonilla, LACC, Thesis Director, Graduated, 2006 4. Carlene Thiessen, History, Thesis Director, Graduated, 2005 5. Abigail Garcés, LACC, Thesis Director, Graduated, 2001


1. Margarita Diaz-Cáceres, Religious Studies, defended in Spring, 2018 2. Emilia Soliman, LACC, defended, summer, 2015. 3. Mark Pacho, LACC, defended, spring, 2015. 4. Adriana Montoya-Daza, internship paper and report, defended in Spring, 2015 5. Alecia Chapin, public history report, defended in Spring, 2015 6. Sigifredo Romero, Religious Studies, Thesis Graduated, 2014