APSCC Monthly e‐Newsletter March 2021 The Asia‐Pacific Satellite Communications Council (APSCC) e‐Newsletter is produced on a monthly basis as part of APSCC’s information services for members and professionals in the satellite industry. Subscribe to the APSCC monthly newsletter and be updated with the latest satellite industry news as well as APSCC activities! To renew your subscription, please visit www.apscc.or.kr. To unsubscribe, send an email to
[email protected] with a title “Unsubscribe.” News in this issue has been collected from February 1 to February 28. INSIDE APSCC APSCC 2021 Webinar Series: LIVE Every Tuesday 9AM HK l Singapore Time The most frequent and largest ongoing virtual conference in the Asia Pacific satellite community – the APSCC 2021 Webinar Series incorporates industry veterans, local players, as well as new market entrants in a single event to reach a wide-ranging audience. The APSCC 2021 Webinar Series continues to play a vital role in supporting the industry in the Asia Pacific region and beyond with a brand-new format, a lengthened timeline, and a potentially unlimited reach. Register now and get access to the complete APSCC 2021 Webinar Series with a single password. To register go to https://apsccsat.com. SATELLITE BUSINESS Financial Closing for the SATRIA Indonesian Telecommunication Broadband Satellite to Reduce the Digital Divide over Indonesia February 26, 2021 - Satelit Nusantara Tiga (SNT) and Thales Alenia Space announce today the financial closing to fully develop the SATRIA program dedicated to reduce the digital divide over Indonesia. This crucial milestone follows the September 2020 signature of a Preliminary Work Agreement allowing to start the activities.