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Appendix D: Remedies 1 Appendix D: Remedies * More than 500,000 Interesting Articles waiting for you . * The Ebook starts from the next page : Enjoy ! Introduction 1 Introduction The Sunfood Diet is the promise that we can become something more – that there is a better way to live. You can be totally rejuvenated. You can walk the Earth barefoot again as you did as a child, feeling the blades of grass beneath your feet, touching the flower petals, chasing the butterflies, watching the ants, thinking clearly and calmly. Within you is the power which will astonish you. Within you are the seeds of greatness, of beauty, of discipline, of excellence, of destiny. This is the last moment of the way you used to be. It is time to give yourself permission to reach the absolutely highest possible state of health. What good are all the possessions in the world if you do not have your health? What good are material experiences if you do not have the intense vibrancy to enjoy them? The Sunfood Diet is the product of a new will-to-health, a new will-to-life, arising from ashen foods like a phoenix all over the world. The Sunfood Diet identifies those foods that allow the body to work to its maximum potential. The Sunfood lifestyle teaches that robust health is the natural state; inspired energy is our natural birthright. It demonstrates how to purify your physical body and unlock the key to your maximum potential. Sunfoods beautify the body, mind, and spirit. They carry with them the vitality of health and life – the vibrant Sun energy that nourishes all life on Earth. By taking in the energy of vibrant Sunfood you can overcome any health challenge. The Sun is a transformer. By eating Sunfoods you can improve your life in every way. When your health improves, every other aspect of your life improves simultaneously. To strive for health, wealth, happiness, and success is as natural to your creative urges as it is natural for a tree to strive for its maximum fulfillment. In Nature, there is no limits to what you can have, be, or do. You deserve to reach the highest goal possible: vibrant happiness. This book, The Sunfood Diet Success System, is first and foremost a philosophy. It is as study of secret fundamental things that are not part of everyday conversation. This message is about getting close to Nature and natural laws. It is the idea that people living close to Nature tend to be noble. Living close to Nature is the greatest wonder you can experience for your spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical health. The more natural you are, the healthier and happier you are (and there is no limit as to how healthy and happy you can become!). Many books are filled with words about words, they are filled with researched research; the authors themselves have not experienced what they are writing about. What I teach is based on real- life experience. I have discovered powerful distinctions we can use immediately to dramatically improve our health today. If you are tired of the crumbs and ashes of life, if a mediocre existence has become a burden upon you, then take this book to heart and read it deeply. For within these pages is a distillation of many wonderful principles of life transformation. These pages invite you to open your spirit to the full abundance life has to offer. This as an abundance universe. Grasp your birthright. Success is a massive abundance of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. The divine power within you is the healing and creative power in your life. As long as you have a single spark of vitality within you, there is great hope. You are a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual being capable of achieving incredible prosperity at all levels. You are priceless. Treat your Selected Chapters from “The Sunfood Diet Success System” © David Wolfe. Support Nature’s First Law: visit for amazing health resources Introduction 2 body better than a Rolls Royce. No technology will ever surpass the magnificence of your own biological design. The real lesson here is that you are in control of your destiny. The apple never falls far from the tree. If you do not like the health you are experiencing, you can change it! If you do not like the video being played across your mind, you can change it! If you do not enjoy the food you are eating, you can change it! You feel positive about yourself to the degree you feel you are in control of your life. You feel negative about yourself to the degree you feel you are not in control of your life. When you feel out of control, you experience stress, fear, and psychosomatic illness. Overcome negativity by understanding that you are always in control. No one outside of you controls how you feel; you are responsible, I congratulate you, because by reading this book, you have made the decision to take control; you have already begun to achieve vibrant health. All books are not created equal. Of what account is a book that does not carry us away beyond all books? We learn for distinctions: little clues which improve the value of our lives. Each distinction becomes a fresh new opportunity. Tune into the information which contains the most distinctions. The best books contain a maximum amount of distinctions we can use immediately to produce incredible results now. The most successful people in life have the best information. Through my organization Nature’s First Law, I have been privy to some of the best personal-development information available. In our company library, we have some of the best, rarest, and most exclusive self-help information resources, gathered from around the world. Information drawn from these resources is contained herein. In fact, all the greatest transformative lessons I have ever encountered are planted here within these pages. The distinctions provided in this book have been proven by real-life testing. My own experience has made me a science project for these facts. My intense research has unlocked health secrets which can only be called “magical.” Nothing succeeds like success, and there is no better proof of something’s worthiness than good results. The success, joy, and exuberance for life I enjoy each moment is proof-positive of the incredible power of the concepts in this book. Stop listening to anyone, in any field, who is not getting the results that you desire. Stop. Read that sentence three times in a row. Would you go to a beggar for financial advice? Only listen to those who are getting the results you desire in any given area of life. I have achieved an extraordinary aliveness, and I will show you how you can achieve it too by the lessons provided within these pages. The information within this book is meant for you to not only read, but to study and act upon. Expect the maximum possible value from each page. As you read, see, listen, and feel this message. Highlight your favorite passages. Take notes. Specifically: first read the book through entirely; second, read each chapter twice (before moving on to the next chapter) and highlight your favorite passages; third, immediately act upon the information by using the action steps provided at the end of each lesson; fourth, purchase and use a journal with which to record your progress. The content of this book is revolutionary in scope. Any given person can begin to function at extraordinary levels once they have realized in which way lies their true line of progress. That line of progress is internal purification through the application of The Sunfood Diet Success System. Internal purification allows one to begin remembering how the mind works and how to use that knowledge to achieve superior health. A wise adage states, “All this struggling to learn, when all we have to do is remember.” All the wisdom we require is already within us. To direct this planet into a new era of massive prosperity, we are going to require a new level of physical health. A healthy body allows us to access the dormant areas of the brain. We access Selected Chapters from “The Sunfood Diet Success System” © David Wolfe. Support Nature’s First Law: visit for amazing health resources Introduction 3 those areas as the pineal gland (the “spiritual” gland, located in the mid-brain), is purified through positive thoughts and food choices. When our brain (mind) is clear of toxicity, we can receive clear information, and then take action. This is powerful information. The Sunfood Diet creates a whole new paradigm of success. Many, many people I have met have searched throughout the personal development, self-help genre of literature for a book on living foods and success. Many of the success philosophers of the newest age have missed this vital link. Only a few books hint of the connection, Anthony Robbins’ Unlimited Power (Chapter X) is the foremost example of which comes to mind. In his book, Robbins describes that a successful individual must be fueled by a healthy diet. The connection between success and diet is absolutely critical. The time has come to bring this diet information to the personal-development audience. I have tapped a magic power and I will show you how you can too. And so, I present you the dietary approach to self-mastery and massive abundance: THE SUNFOOD DIET SUCCESS SYSTEM or LIVING FOODS AND LIFE TRANSFORMATION or HOW TO UNLOCK YOUR MAGICAL POWERS This book can show you how to achieve perfect health and perfect digestion as I have done.
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