History of the War in South Africa, 1899-1902
INDEX TO VOLUME II. Aasvogel Kop and Farm, 214, 231, Alexandersfontein, 37, 54, 58, 64, 233-4- 66, 68, 92. Abandonment of convoy at Waterval Alexandra Berg, 224-5. Drift, 77-9. Aliwal North, 157, 213, 231, 246, 301, Abdy, Major A. J., 562-3, 565. 304, 312-14, 318 ; bridge at, 246, Abon's Dam and Farm, 33, 36-7, 64, 258. 73. 80. Alleman's Drift (Orange river), 255. Abraham's Kraal, 186, 189, 208, Allen, Major E., 312-13. 213-19, 227, 231 ; see also Driefon- Allen, Major-General R. E., 320. iein, Battle of ; Boers concentrate Allenby, Major E. H. H., 18, 234-5. at, 210. Aller Park, 540. Abraham's Kraal Drift (Modder river), Altham, Major E. A., 39-40. 213. : Acton Homes, H7. Ambuscades at 361 ; a Court, Lieut.-Colonel C, 379, 382. at Korn Spruit, 281-2, 288, 294. Acton Homes, 339, 347, 350-1, 360, Ammunition, 154, 163, 166, 168, 178, 362, 364-5, 372-3,AngloBoerWar.com573, 575. 224, 257, 375-6 ; expended at road, Acton Homes 368, 534. Kimberley, 43, 49-50, 59 ; at Spion Adye, Colonel J., 182, 212. Kop, 371 ; at the Tugela Heights, Aerial tramway, over the Tugela, 438, 466, 492 ; at Vaal Krantz, 418 ; 494. at Wepener, 318 ; in Ladysmith, Africander families, in Kimberley, 57. 539. 583- Ainsworth, Lieut. W. J., 289. Ammunition columns. See Regular Airlie, Lieut.-Colonel D. S. W., The Units. Earl of, 26. Amphlett, Major C. G., 259-60, 275-9, Albrecht, Major R., 101. 285, 287. Albrecht, Trooper H., 566, (awarded Anderton, Lieut.
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