Ms. Bey-Ling Sha, Ph.D., APR Full Professor of Public Relations and Acting Associate Dean, College of Professional Studies & Fine Arts State University

Leadership Profile: Visionary and solutions- oriented thinker, power-sharing relationship- builder, transparent communicator, and professionally outgoing introvert.

Soft Skills: Adapting ⁎ Advocating ⁎ Articulating Values ⁎ Building Consensus ⁎ Delegating ⁎ Empathizing ⁎ Evolving ⁎ Learning ⁎ Listening ⁎ Mentoring ⁎ Motivating ⁎ Organizing ⁎ Reflecting ⁎ Respecting ⁎ Self-deprecating ⁎ Sharing ⁎ Speaking Truth ⁎ Strategizing

Key Work Experience: Key Metrics: D  School Director, I  $2.5 million raised in cash and estate-planned gifts, R San Diego State, 2013-2018 E Aug. 2015-Feb. 2018 C  Faculty, T  6 tenure-line faculty recruited (100% women/minority) O San Diego State, 2004-2018 R  2 strategic plans written; 1 diversity plan written  Visiting Faculty, P  20 refereed journal articles published University of Maryland, College R rd O  2 books co-authored; 3 book contracted Park, 2001-2004 F E S  120+ invited lectures presented (since earning Ph.D.)  Public Affairs Officer, S O  14 international/national organizations served U.S. Census Bureau, 1999-2004 R  Consultant in Public Relations  9 San Diego regional/local organizations served Research and Strategy, 2001-present  6 years committed to serving as editor-in-chief of premier scholarly research journal (CY 2016-2021)

International & National Awards:  2018 Pathfinder Award, Institute for Public Relations  2012 Outstanding Educator Award, Public Relations Society of America  2010 National Outstanding Advocacy Award, National PTA®

Campus-wide Awards:  2018 Distinguished Faculty Award, San Diego State University Alumni Association  2016 Residential Education Partnership Award, San Diego State University Office of Residential Education  2007 Outstanding Faculty Award, San Diego State University Associated Students  2004 Outstanding Faculty Award, University of Maryland Parents Association

Education: Ph.D. and M.A. B.A. Ms. Bey-Ling Sha, Ph.D., APR Curriculum Vita


Ph.D. in Mass Communication; University of Maryland, College Park Dissertation (passed with distinction by unanimous vote of dissertation committee): Cultural public relations: Identity, activism, globalization, and gender in the Democratic Progressive Party on Taiwan. (Advisor: Dr. Larissa A. Grunig)

M.A. in Journalism; University of Maryland, College Park Thesis: Intercultural public relations: Exploring cultural identity as a means of segmenting publics. Winner of 1994-1995 Outstanding Thesis Award from the International Communication Association, Public Relations Interest Group. (Advisor: Dr. James E. Grunig)

B.A. with highest distinction; double major in French and in Communication with concentration in public relations; minor in English; Purdue University, West Lafayette (IN), School of Liberal Arts, Honors Program

Accredited in Public Relations (APR) by the Universal Accreditation Board, Public Relations Society of America.


Institution Rank Date Major Area San Diego State University Acting Associate Dean August 22, 2018 College of Professional – Present Studies and Fine Arts San Diego State University Director 2015-2018 School of Journalism & Interim Director 2013-2015 Media Studies Full Professor 2013-Present Public Relations Associate Professor 2008-2013 Public Relations Assistant Professor 2004-2008 Public Relations University of Maryland, College Park Visiting Asst. Prof. 2001-2004 Public Relations University of Maryland University Adjunct Assoc. Prof. 2005-2006 Public Relations College Adjunct Asst. Prof. 2002-2003 Public Relations American University of Paris Visiting Asst. Prof. Summer 2001 Public Relations Summer 1999 Public Relations University of Maryland, College Park Instructor of Record 1998-1999 Public Relations (on GTAship) International Business School of Adjunct Faculty Fall 1998 Communication Sweden 1995-1996 Public Relations


College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts (This College comprises the schools of Art+Design; Communication; Hospitality and Tourism Management; Journalism and Media Studies; Music and Dance; Public Affairs; and Theatre, Television, and Film; as well as the Departments of Aerospace Studies, Military Science, and Naval Science.) Acting Associate Dean (August 22, 2018, to present)  Leadership Support: Supporting the interim dean in the administrative and fiscal oversight of 7 schools, 3 military detachments, and 15 interdisciplinary centers and institutes, with budget of $22 million and nearly 300 faculty (112 tenure/tenure-track and 178 full- and part-time lecturers) delivering curriculum to nearly 5,000 undergraduate students and 300+ graduate students. Offering input to the interim dean on range of academic, strategic, and operational issues. Participating in student success team led by assistant dean for student affairs.  Operational Management: Learning about the College’s budget, facilities, operations, and structure. Envisioning and discussing ways to enhance operational efficiency and effectiveness of the dean’s office. Listening to staff concerns and strategizing solutions. Meeting weekly with direct-report staff, with daily availability. Participating in hiring of new college staff (e.g., resource manager and director of development). Surveying all college facilities and tracking facilities concerns. Respecting traditional divide between dean’s office “west wing” of operations and “east wing” of development and communications. Reinstituted regular meetings for College’s Academic Policy and Planning Committee.  Leadership Mentoring and Counseling: Coaching three first-year school directors via weekly meetings. Mentoring all school directors on instructional budget, class scheduling, curriculum changes, personnel and student issues, and personal professional development. Consulting regularly with all school directors and military department heads about operational and fiscal issues. Offering mutual support to peer associate deans across the campus via standing meetings. Providing public relations and media relations counsel to University president, director of presidential communications, chief communications officer, and director of media relations.  Faculty Relations and Mentoring: Listening to faculty regarding a variety of personal and professional concerns. Advocating for faculty needs and interests. Recommending faculty for professional development opportunities, honors, and awards. Offering input on faculty evaluations when appropriate.  External Relations and Development: Stewarding alumni and donor relations for the School of Journalism and Media Studies. Engaging with prospective donors and other external stakeholders when invited to do so by the interim dean and/or senior director of development.  Position Description: “The position serves as a primary liaison between the college and campus administrative offices including Academic Affairs, Graduate and Research Division, Research Foundation, and Enrollment Services. The Associate Dean works closely with school directors on myriad issues including budget, FTES targets, curriculum, equipment, staffing, facilities and faculty concerns. The Associate Dean generally oversees the operation of PSFA committees including Curriculum, AP&P, International Studies, Student Success Fee, RTP, and Personnel and is called upon to assist in staffing university committees, including those associated with the Senate. Mentorship of new faculty and new school directors is expected. Additional responsibilities, as assigned by the dean, may include strategic planning, oversight of faculty evaluation processes, facilities modernization/improvement, and special projects. Finally, the PSFA Associate Dean works collaboratively with other campus associate deans in support of the university mission.”

CV for Bey-Ling Sha 2 School of Journalism & Media Studies (This School includes undergraduate programs in advertising, journalism, media studies, and public relations, as well as graduate programs in mass communication and media studies and in learning design and technology, formerly known as educational technology.) Director (July 2015 to August 21, 2018) Interim Director (August 2013 to June 2015)  Faculty Relations and Shared Governance: Worked collaboratively and consultatively with faculty and staff to share governance of the School, including with regard to curriculum, budget, facilities, strategic planning, and hiring of part-time lecturers. Mentored and funded professional development of 15-20 tenure-line faculty colleagues, 2 staff members, 1 full-time lecturer serving as academic advisor, and 1 full-time lecturer serving as internship coordinator. Hired each year approximately 20 part-time lecturers in accordance with stipulations set forth in the Collective Bargaining Agreement. o Faculty Recruitment: Advocated successfully for five tenure-track faculty searches, including one obtained as a result of the School’s partnership in a digital humanities initiative with the College of Arts and Letters, which became a campus-recognized “Area of Excellence” in Digital Humanities and Global Diversity. Scheduled and conducted with faculty recruitment teams nearly 170 informational interviews at four national conferences of the Association for Education in Journalism & Media Studies. Facilitated work of elected faculty search committees that yielded six new tenure-track hires (including a line granted as part of campus Building on Inclusive Excellence program) for five lines across all four undergraduate areas of the School. Chaired three tenure-line faculty search committees. o Faculty Promotion, Retention, and Transition: Shepherded the successful tenure and/or promotion of three faculty colleagues. Mentored faculty colleagues in the School and across campus in various academic units. Advocated without success for the retention of a faculty colleague in need of a spousal accommodation. Supported four senior colleagues in challenging transitions to faculty emeritus status. o Communication Toward Sharing Governance: Led monthly all-faculty/staff meetings, providing updates and explanations on all aspects of the unit’s operations, to include all budget expenditures and account balances, data on student enrollments and collective concerns, and available/appropriate campus- and college-level information to contextualize school-level planning and decision-making. Incorporated into monthly faculty-meeting agendas “updates for reading” to make more-efficient use of time together, as well as “updates for discussion” to reserve sufficient time for items needing more-thorough consideration. Disclosed in each faculty-meeting agenda all meetings/events attended and presentations made since the last faculty meeting, to enhance understanding of items on “the director’s plate” and to enable informed questioning of director activities and allocations of effort. Agendized monthly opportunities for School committee chairs and School representatives on college- and campus-level committees to report out, to increase all faculty and staff awareness of “what’s going on.” Shared via monthly “director’s updates” (emailed to all staff and teaching faculty) the success stories of School community members, tips for teaching and serving students, and director’s out-of-office timeframes (with contact information) for the coming month. Led faculty retreats each fall and spring semester for strategic planning and reflection. Provided annual disclosures of travel funds expended by each faculty member in the previous fiscal year, to include travel purpose and amounts spent. Participated in all School committee meetings as ex-officio member (except where prohibited by Collective Bargaining Agreement). Held open-house events for students twice a semester, to learn about their experiences, listen to their concerns, and engage these future alumni. Held annual “town halls” in coordination with a hosting student organization to update students on School initiatives and pulse-check student needs and desires. o Sharing in Campus Governance and Senate Service: Participated starting in August 2017 in grassroots faculty conversations that led to the creation of a campus-wide shared governance discussion group that currently includes faculty, staff, students, and administrators; continuing to participate in the bi-weekly discussion meetings of this group. Representing the College of

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Professional Studies and Fine Arts in the University Senate, as an elected senator (2016- 2019). Representing the faculty on the University Senate’s Executive Committee, as an elected senator-at-large (2016-2019). Elected by the University Senate to serve on two provost search committees, one dean’s search committee, and one dean’s review panel (please see SERVICE section of CV for details).  Community Relations: Articulated and continually promoted five marquee programs in the School: bilingual media writing, media entrepreneurship, Center for Science and Media, Glen M. Broom Center for Professional Development in Public Relations, and digital and social media initiatives. Spoke regularly as invited presenter to various external and internal groups. Quoted in news stories both locally and nationally. Meeting regularly with alumni in San Diego. Holding alumni meetings and networking events outside San Diego area. o Local and Regional: Serving on board of directors of the San Diego Pro Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists (2015-2019). Representing the School regularly at activities of affiliated professional groups, including the San Diego Ad Club/SDX, the Public Relations Society of America San Diego/Imperial Counties Chapter, the San Diego Press Club, the San Diego Chapter of the Asian American Journalists Association, the San Diego Association of Black Journalists, and the National Association of Hispanic Journalists San Diego/Tijuana Chapter. Reported annually or as requested to leadership and boards of affiliated professional groups on School initiatives and activities. Conducted in-person visits to meet with key personnel at every community college in San Diego and Imperial counties. Created and conducted annual symposia for community college partners to visit San Diego State campus to learn about latest School initiatives. o National and International: Engaging regularly and strategically with professional associations, including the Arthur W. Page Society, the Public Relations Society of America, the Society of Professional Journalists, the Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication, and the Accrediting Council for Education in Journalism and Mass Communications. Served nine calendar years (2008-2016) on the Universal Accreditation Board, which oversees the world’s largest professional certification program for public relations practitioners, including 2014 chairmanship during 50th anniversary of the credential.  Development: Obtained external and on-campus funding in support of School’s marquee and other programs: o Raised $2.5 million in cash and estate-planned gifts (August 2015-February 2018), with support of College dean and dean’s development staff. o Advocated successfully for nearly $275,000 across five years in competitive, one-time stateside funds available from Academic Affairs, in a college with resource-intensive programs in the fine and performing arts. o Won a $20,000 Innovation for Excellence grant from San Diego State University Office of the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, in recognition of effectiveness of bilingual media writing program in enhancing recruitment of diverse faculty and graduation rates of Hispanic students. o Won a $25,000 grant from the Public Relations Society of America Foundation to launch initiative in bilingual mass media writing as strategy for recruitment of Spanish-speaking students into media professions. o Tripled to $30,000 a key alumnus donation to launch media agency and incubator, an award- winning student-run media firm servicing real-world clients and teaching students media entrepreneurship. Returned $10,000 to the donor upon realization that sustained operations of the agency would require an endowed account to fund a full-time instructor as agency manager.  Visioning and Operational Management: Articulated School-wide core values, vision statement and mission statement. Led School efforts toward successful ACEJMC re-accreditation, including development of strategic plan, diversity plan and assessment plan. Managed all aspects of School operations, including class scheduling, personnel, budgets, facilities, curriculum, communications,

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and events. o Strategic Planning: Led development of unit’s 2014-2017 Strategic Plan, in alignment with University’s 2013-2018 Strategic Plan, articulating School goals, strategies and timelines in areas of student success, research and creative endeavors, and community and communication. Led development of unit’s successor 2017-2021 Strategic Plan. o Diversity Initiatives: Led development of unit’s 2014-2017 Diversity Plan, articulating goals, key performance indicators, strategies and timelines in areas of student diversity, faculty diversity, and supportive climate for working and learning. Leading delayed development of unit’s successor 2017-2021 Diversity Plan. Created bilingual media writing program as one means to enhance student and faculty diversity, to actionize the campus’s status as a federally designated Hispanic-serving Institution, and to contribute to the “diversity pipeline” for U.S. media professions. Committed self to accept every feasible opportunity to represent the School to internal and external stakeholders, in view of research showing that visible and positive minority leaders attract minority students and faculty. o Program Accreditation: Directed and wrote the School’s self-study for successful re- accreditation in 2015 by the Accrediting Council for Education in Journalism and Mass Communications (undergraduate programs accredited: advertising, journalism and public relations). Supported curricular revisions to fourth undergraduate major (in media studies) toward meeting accreditation requirements in next accrediting cycle (2020-2021). o Finances and Facilities: Managed stateside budget of approximately $1.83 million, of which $1.81 million was allocated to tenure-line faculty and staff salaries, with $21,000 allocated to supplies and services. Balanced each fiscal year approximately $270,000 in additional instructional budget, ensuring that expenses to hire lecturers and GTAs did not exceed available funding. Also managed each fiscal year approximately $50,000 to $100,000 in Continuing Education Revenue Funds (enrollment-generated stateside funds with flexible use) and $340,000+ across more than a dozen Foundation accounts’ active funds, without drawing on endowment principals. Oversaw renovation and technological equipping of two computer labs into state-of-the-art digital media labs, and incentivized faculty to train in using the technology.  Curriculum and Assessment: Demonstrated experience in curriculum development, review, collaboration, defense, and assessment. o Campus-level: Representing the College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts on the University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (since August 2012) and on the University General Education Curriculum and Assessment Committee (since August 2012). Chairing the University General Education Curriculum and Assessment Committee (since Spring 2018). Representing the University General Education Curriculum and Assessment Committee on the University Steering Committee for General Education Reform, as well as other task forces (starting August 2018). o School-level: Supported the creation and facilitated the curricular approval of approximately two dozen new courses in the School in five years. Led faculty review of the School’s Assessment Plan, revising assessment matrices to align the delivery of degree learning outcomes with course-specific student learning outcomes. Established School Assessment Committee and collaborating with committee chair to measure student achievement of undergraduate degree learning outcomes using direct and indirect measures. Led faculty discussions (still in progress) of degree learning outcomes for two M.A. programs.

Awards  2018, August. Distinguished Faculty Award. Awarded by the San Diego State University Alumni Association.  2016, May. Provost’s Innovation for Excellence Award. Awarded by the San Diego State University Office of the Provost.  2016, May. Residential Education Partnership Award.

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Awarded by the San Diego State University Office of Residential Education.

Trainings  Provost’s Faculty Leadership Institute (June 2017 by competitive selection), hosted by San Diego State University Division of Academic Affairs. (Institute was “rescheduled” before implementation date, by Office of the Provost.)  Course Design Institute (CDI) re: transforming principles of public relations course into fully online offering, grounded in principles of instructional design, with an emphasis on creating engaging online learning; technology fluency; instructional materials development; and creation and assessment of student learning outcomes (October 2016), San Diego State University. The CDI entailed weekly classes in Spring 2017.  Management Exchange (MIX) Human Resources Training re: Staff Evaluations (June 2016), San Diego State University.  Scripps Howard Academic Leadership Academy (June 2012 by competitive selection), funded by Scripps Howard Foundation, hosted at the Manship School of Mass Communication, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge.


Curriculum Development (as faculty member)  Created and taught freshman seminar course for Residential Learning Community (GEN S 100, University Seminar), for pre-majors in the School of Journalism & Media Studies  Recreated and taught undergraduate course, Senior Honors Thesis (HONOR 490A), for SDSU Honors Program  Developed (or recreated) and taught graduate-level courses in public relations research, theoretical approaches to public relations, principles of public relations applied to military public affairs, and crisis communication in public relations management.  Experienced instructor of required courses (regularly updated) in the public relations undergraduate curriculum: principles, media and messaging (writing), and mass communication research methods, as well as of elective course in public relations internships.

Textbook Contributions  Co-authored eleventh edition of internationally recognized public relations textbook, Cutlip & Center’s Effective Public Relations, with Glen Broom, published by Pearson Prentice Hall in 2013.  Co-authored instructors’ manual for the eleventh edition of internationally recognized public relations textbook, Cutlip & Center’s Effective Public Relations, with Glen Broom, published by Pearson Prentice Hall in 2013.  Co-authored instructors’ manual for the tenth edition of internationally recognized public relations textbook, Cutlip & Center’s Effective Public Relations, with Glen Broom, published by Prentice Hall in 2009.  Revised chapters 5, 9, and 10 in the tenth edition of internationally recognized public relations textbook, Cutlip & Center’s Effective Public Relations, by Glen Broom, published by Prentice Hall in 2009.  Revised chapters 11-14 in the ninth edition of Effective Public Relations, by Scott Cutlip, Allen Center, and Glen Broom, published by Prentice Hall in 2006.

National Educator Award  2012 Outstanding Educator Award, Public Relations Society of America. National award given annually. Nominated by PRSA San Diego-Imperial Counties chapter.

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Major University Teaching Awards  2007, May. Outstanding Faculty Award. Campus-wide award given annually by the Associated Students, San Diego State University. Nominated by Residential Education Office.  2004, October. Outstanding Faculty Award. Campus-wide award given annually by the University of Maryland Parents Association. Nominated by students Alicyn Butler and Sheri Oppenheimer.

Other Teaching Awards & Honors  2013, May. Inspirational Leader Award. Given annually to selected faculty and staff by the Student Council of the College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts. Nominated by students representing the Public Relations Student Society of America.  2010, December. Outstanding Faculty and Staff Award. Campus-wide award given annually by members of the Jane K. Smith Cap and Gown chapter of Mortar Board, San Diego State University. Nominated by student and Mortar Board member Jemalyn Chavez.  2010, May. Most Influential Faculty Member, School of Journalism and Media Studies. Named by Rachel Ferguson, 2010 Outstanding Graduate, School of Journalism and Media Studies.  2010, May. Inspiration Award. Given annually to selected faculty and staff by the Student Council of the College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts. Nominated by students representing the Public Relations Student Society of America.  2009, May. Favorite Faculty Award nominee. Campus-wide award given annually by the Residential Education Office, Division of Student Affairs. Nominated by Cuicacalli Residence Hall residents.  2007, May. Outstanding Faculty and Staff Certificate of Recognition. Campus-wide award given annually by members of the Cap and Gown chapter of Mortar Board, San Diego State University. Nominated by student and Mortar Board member Brittany Rawlings.  2007, May. Inspiration Award. Given annually to selected faculty and staff by the Student Council of the College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts. Nominated by students representing the Public Relations Student Society of America.  2007, May. Favorite Faculty Award nominee. Campus-wide award given annually by the Residential Education Office, Division of Student Affairs. Nominated by Cuicacalli Residence Hall residents.  1998-1999 Distinguished Teaching Assistant. Campus-wide award given annually by the Center for Teaching Excellence and the Graduate School, University of Maryland, College Park. Nominated by Office of the Associate Dean, College of Journalism.

Funded Grants for Teaching  Course Design Institute (CDI) course release grant ($4,500). Awarded in October 2016 by San Diego State University Division of Academic Affairs, for development of fully-online course (JMS 480, Principles of Public Relations) to be taught online and asynchronously in summers of 2017, 2018, and 2019.  Hispanic Recruitment via Bilingual Language Competence ($25,000). Awarded in October 2013 by the Public Relations Society of America Foundation, for curriculum enhancement to recruit Spanish/English-language bilingual students to media professions. Grant components were adding Spanish-language components to mass media writing class, recruiting eligible students via influencer networks, and introducing students to networks of professional mentors and internship sponsors.  Service-Learning Curriculum Development Grant ($3,000). Awarded in Spring 2006 by the Center for Community Based Service-Learning, San Diego State University, for service-based learning component to Comm 480: Principles of Public Relations for Fall 2006, titled "Strategic Planning in Public Relations."

Master’s Thesis Committees, 2004-2014  Chaired thesis committees for 4 M.A. students o Spring 2014: Chelsea Bosley, “Two-way symmetrical communication in a non-profit organization.” Unpublished master’s thesis, San Diego State University. o Spring 2014: Karen Love Kutkiewicz, “How employees perceive the organizational identity of the U.S. Coast Guard.” Unpublished

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master’s thesis, San Diego State University. o Fall 2012: Nicole Lee, “The role of new public relations practitioners as social media experts.” Unpublished master’s thesis, San Diego State University. o Spring 2006: Crosby Noricks, “From style to strategy: An exploratory investigation of public relations practice in the fashion industry.” Unpublished master’s thesis, San Diego State University.  Served on thesis committees for an additional 9 M.A. students o Spring 2014: Laura Lee Brooks, “Letters to an absent friend: A generative rhetorical analysis of Facebook memorial pages,” Department of Rhetoric and Writing Studies, College of Arts & Letters. o Spring 2014: Kristin Rosevear, “The effects of the use of eWOM on credibility, organization-public relationships and organizational reputation,” School of Journalism & Media Studies, College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts. o Spring 2013: Courtney Harmon (graphic design) o Fall 2008: Brandis DeZon (communication) o Spring 2008: Jennifer Scarduzio (communication); Laura Drangmeister (communication) o Fall 2006: Lisa Brown (communication); Sara Iovine (communication) o Fall 2004: Masako Okura (public relations)

Comprehensive Examination Committees, 2006-2014  Chaired examination committees for 18 M.A. students o Spring 2014 (4): Clark Carpenter; Catherine Cook; Jeanette Groeneveld; Clint Phillips o Spring 2012 (1): Patrick Evans o Spring 2010 (1): Kathryn Kelly o Spring 2009 (2): Steve Ruh; Herlinda Sweeney o Spring 2008 (3): Carrie Batson; Tamara Lawrence; Walter Matthews o Spring 2007 (2): Herb Josey; Jonathan Riley o Spring 2006 (5): Marc Boyd; Brook DeWalt; Matt Hasson; Kim Marks; Dave Waterman  Served on examination committees for an additional 41 M.A. students o Spring 2014 (1): David Carter o Spring 2012 (5): Stewart Coles; Joshua Diddams; Robyn Gerstenslager; Robert Lyon; William B. Tisdale. o Spring 2011 (10): Denver Applehans; Rick Chernitzer; Ron Flanders; Pat Foughty; Kelly Frushour; Chris Logan; Kenneth C. Marshall; Reanne Mommsen; Amy Punzel; Kyle Raines. o Spring 2010 (2): Richard Colby Drake; Sean Robertson o Spring 2009 (5): Matt Allen; Jereal Dorsey; Denise Garcia-Barham; Francisco Magallon; JingJing Bowen Wang o Spring 2008 (5): David Benham; Robert Jackson; William Mike Kafka; James Krohne; Steven McClelland o Spring 2007 (10): Jeffrey Bishop; Eric Dent; Amy Derrick-Frost; Heather Healy; Joseph Kloppel; Andre Kok; William Marks; Scott McIlney; Kathleen Sandoz; William Urban o Spring 2006 (3): Billy Ray Davis; Nathaniel Fahy; David Malakoff

Senior Honors Thesis Committees  Spring 2013: Larissa Kreta, “An interdisciplinary approach to the psychological well-being of adolescents with developmental disabilities: A case study of adolescents in Costa Rica,” Department of Psychology, College of Sciences.  Fall 2008: Golnoosh Behrouzian, “Do acculturation and language preference affect responsiveness to anti-smoking media messages? A study of Korean immigrants living in ,” School of Journalism & Media Studies, College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts.

Mentoring Students Toward Success (selected) Fall 2014-Spring 2015 – Courtney White & Elpin Keshishzadeh – At their request, I mentored these public relations seniors in their study of factors affecting career selection choices of public relations students, which we merged into my ongoing research program on gender and public relations. I applied for and was awarded two faculty mini-grants, which funded these students’ travel to present our research at an international professional conference. Our project ultimately yielded three refereed manuscripts presented at professional conferences. Fall 2012 – Tina Malott – Her research paper based on data collected for her master’s thesis was competitively selected for presentation to the Educators Academy, Public Relations Society of America, San Francisco, CA, in October. The manuscript won the Betsy Plank Award for Top Student Paper. Spring 2012 – Nicole Lee – A second-year M.A. student who was my thesis advisee, Nicole won the Grunig PRIME Research Fellowship presented by the Institute for Public Relations and sponsored by PRIME Research. Spring 2012 – Nicole Lee – Her thesis-based research paper was competitively selected for presentation at the International Public Relations Research Conference, Miami, FL, in March. Nicole subsequently earned her Ph.D. from the College of Media & Communication at Texas Tech University, and she was hired as a tenure-track assistant professor in Fall 2016 at North Carolina State University. Fall 2009 – Tamara Lawrence & Mike Kafka – These military public affairs officers graduated from the JMS master’s program in Spring 2008 and a presented competitively selected paper to the Educators Academy, Public Relations Society of America, San Diego, CA, in November. Their manuscript won the Betsy Plank Award for Top Student Paper. Spring 2009 – Golnoosh Behrouzian – Her senior honors thesis was presented to the SDSU Student Research Symposium on February 27. Her thesis- based paper won 1 of 10 President's Awards, and she was selected from among 400 SDSU student presenters to represent the campus at the CSU Student Research Competition, CSU Los Angeles, in May. Spring 2009 – Matt Allen, Frank Magallon, & Steve Ruh – These military public affairs officers in the JMS master’s program presented competitively selected papers at the International Public Relations Research Conference, Miami, FL, in March. Spring 2008 – Robert Jackson & Mike Kafka – These military public affairs officers in the JMS master’s program presented competitively selected papers at the International Public Relations Research Conference, Miami, FL, in March. Fall 2007 – Jonathan Riley – This military public affairs officer, who graduated from the JMS master’s program in May 2007, presented a competitively selected paper to the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Washington, DC, in August. Spring 2007 – Jeffrey Bishop, William Marks, Scott McIlney, & Jonathan Riley – These military public affairs officers in the JMS master’s program presented competitively selected papers at the International Public Relations Research Conference, Miami, FL, in March.

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Community-Based Service-Learning Clients Principles of Public Relations (JMS 480) – Team Projects (2004-2013): California Association for the Gifted San Diego County Mental Health Services (via Cook + Schmid) Center for Community Solutions San Diego Foundation for Change Combined Health Agencies SDSU Associated Students Green Love Initiative International Anti-Counterfeiting Coalition (IACC) SDSU Division of Undergraduate Studies NTC Foundation SDSU Office of University Relations and Development Padre Dam Municipal Water District SDSU School of Journalism & Media Studies Promoting Awareness, Victim Empowerment (PAVE) Seniors Computer Group of San Diego San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) Veterans Museum & Memorial Center San Diego Center for the Blind & Vision Impaired Water Conservation Garden San Diego CoastKeeper Young Audiences of San Diego

Public Relations Media & Methods (JMS 481) – Individual Projects (2009-2013): A Reason to Survive (ARTS) Kids' Turn San Diego SDSU Children's Center Adams Avenue Business Association La Jolla Braille Institute Second Chance Dog Rescue After-School All-Stars Lifesharing: A Donate Life Organization South Bay Family YMCA Allied Gardens Little League Lions, Tigers & Bears Southwest Council Federation of Fly Fishers Alternative Healing Network, Inc. Malashock Dance Special Olympics Southern California American Vaulting Association Mission Bay Aquatic Center Spirit of Liberty Foundation Animal Protection and Rescue League My Girlfriend's Closet Spirit of the Fourth Inc. Aztec Club Neighborhood House Association Adult Day StandUp for Kids Barrio Logan College Institute Health Care Center Sun SafeTee Program Big Sister League of San Diego Operation for HOPE Foundation Sun Strides Foundation Boys & Girls Club of San Dieguito Operation Homefront Sundt Memorial Foundation Chula Vista Nature Center Paws' itive Teams Surf City Squash CultureShock SD Positive Action Community Theatre Surfrider Foundation Encinitas Taxpayers Association Project Lead the Way California Susan G. Komen for the Cure, SD Affiliate Escondido History Center Project Turnaround Teen Challenge - SD Branch Excel Youth Zone Project Wildlife The AjA Project FACE Foundation (Foundation for Animal Care Pug Rescue San Diego County The Arc of San Diego and Education) Ramona Pregnancy Care Clinic The Housing & Economic Development Corp FalconRidge Equine Rescue Re Spectrum Community DBA San Diego Home Loan Counseling & Fallbrook International Film Festival San Diego Air & Space Museum Education Center Fashion Group International in San Diego San Diego Beach Improvement Group (BIG) The I AM Foundation Feeding America San Diego San Diego Council on Literacy The Rescue House Foundation for Women San Diego Exceptional Athletes (no The San Diego Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Freedom Ranch Therapeutic Riding & Rescue documentation) Transgender Community Center Gun Owners of California San Diego Habitat Conservancy The Sean O'Shea Foundation Hostelling International San Diego San Diego Hall of Champions Urban Corps of San Diego County House of Peru San Diego History Center Volunteer San Diego International Rescue Committee San Diego Humane Society & SPCA Women's Museum of California Jeans 4 Justice San Diego LGBT Pride YMCA of San Diego County, Downtown Junior Seau Foundation San Diego World Affairs Council Young Actors' Theatre Kalusugan Community Services Save Our Heritage Organisation Young Survival Coalition - SD Affiliate


Articles Published in Refereed Journals Dozier, D., Place, K., Vardeman, J., Fussell Sisco, H., & Sha, B.-L. (2019). A longitudinal analysis of the gender income gap in public relations in the U.S. 1979-2014. Media Report to Women, Winter, 12-18. Shen, H., Jiang, H., Jin, Y., & Sha, B.-L. (2015). Practitioners’ work-life conflict: A PRSA survey. Public Relations Review, 41(4), 415–421. (doi: doi:10.1016/j.pubrev.2015.07.011). Sweetser, K. D., & Sha, B.-L. (2015). Candidates for Accreditation in Public Relations: Role enactment and the social media synapse. Public Relations Journal, 9(2). Available online: Lee, N. M., Sha, B.-L., Dozier, D. M., & Sargent, P. (2015). The role of new public relations practitioners as social media experts. Public Relations Review, 41, 411-413. Published May 14 online before print. (doi:10.1016/j.pubrev.2015.05.002). Jin, Y., Shen, H., Jiang, H., & Sha, B.-L. (2014). Tuning in to the rhythm: The role of coping in strategic management of work-life conflicts in the public relations profession. Public Relations Review, 40(1), 69-78. (doi: 10.1016/j.pubrev.2013.11.007).

CV for Bey-Ling Sha 9 Dozier, D. M., Sha, B.-L., & Shen, H. (2013). Why women earn less than men: The cost of gender discrimination in U.S. public relations. Public Relations Journal, 7(1), 1-21. Hazleton, V., & Sha, B.-L. (2012). Generalizing from PRSA to public relations: How to accommodate sampling bias in public relations scholarship. Public Relations Review, 38(3), 438-445. Sha, B.-L. (2011). 2010 practice analysis: Professional competencies and work categories in public relations today. Public Relations Review, 37(3), 187-196. (doi:10.1016/j.pubrev.2011.04.005). Sha, B.-L. (2011). Accredited vs. non-accredited: The polarization of practitioners in the public relations profession. Public Relations Review, 37(2), 121-128. (doi: 10.1016/j.pubrev.2011.02.003). Sha, B.-L. (2011). Does accreditation really matter in public relations practice? How age & experience compare to accreditation. Public Relations Review, 37(1), 1-11. (doi:10.1016/j.pubrev.2010.11.004). Sha, B.-L. (2009). Exploring the connection between organizational identity and public relations behaviors: How symmetry trumps conservation in engendering organizational identification. Journal of Public Relations Research, 21(3), 295-317. Okura, M., Dozier, D. M., Sha, B.-L., & Hofstetter, C. R. (2009). Use of scanning research in decision making: An examination of the environmental imperative and power-control perspective. Journal of Public Relations Research, 21(1), 51-70. Winner of the 2009 Article of the Year Award from the Public Relations Division of the National Communication Association. Kim, J.-N., Ni, L., & Sha, B.-L. (2008). Breaking down the stakeholder environment: Explicating approaches to the segmentation of publics for public relations research. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 85(4), 751-768. Aldoory, L., Jiang, H., Toth, E. L., & Sha, B.-L. (2008). Is it still just a women’s issue? A study of work-life balance among men and women in public relations. Public Relations Journal, 2(4), 1-20. Dozier, D. M., Sha, B.-L., & Okura, M. (2007). How much does my baby cost? An analysis of gender differences in income, career interruption, and child bearing. Public Relations Journal, 1(1), 1-16. Desiere, S., & Sha, B.-L. (2007). Exploring the development of an organizational approach to media relations. Public Relations Review, 33(1), 96-98. Sha, B.-L. (2006). Cultural identity in the segmentation of publics: An emerging theory of intercultural public relations. Journal of Public Relations Research, 18(1), 45-65. Sha, B.-L., & Toth, E. L. (2005). Future professionals’ perceptions of work, life, and gender issues in public relations. Public Relations Review, 31(1), 93-99. Sha, B.-L. (2004). Noether’s theorem: The science of symmetry and the law of conservation. Journal of Public Relations Research, 16(4), 391-416. Sha, B.-L., & Meyer, K. C. (2002). Children and government propaganda: A review of Census in Schools. Journal of Promotion Management, 8(2), 63-87.

Book Published (Non-refereed) Ni, L., Wang, Q., & Sha, B.-L. (2019). Intercultural public relations: Theories for managing relationships and conflicts with strategic publics. New York: Routledge. Broom, G. M., & Sha, B.-L. (2013). Cutlip & Center’s effective public relations (11th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Book Chapters Published (Non-refereed) Sha, B.-L., Tindall, N. T. J., & Sha, T.-L. (2012). Identity & culture: Implications for public relations. In K. Sriramesh & D. Vercic (Eds), Culture and public relations: Links and implications (pp. 67-90). New York: Taylor & Francis/Routledge. Sha, B.-L. (2007). Dimensions of public relations: Moving beyond traditional public relations models. In S. Duhe (Ed.), New media and public relations (pp. 3-25). New York: Peter Lang. Aldoory, L., & Sha, B.-L. (2007). The situational theory of publics: Practical applications, methodological challenges, and theoretical horizons. In E. L. Toth (Ed.), The future of excellence in public relations and communication management: Challenges for the next generation (pp. 339-355). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. CV for Bey-Ling Sha 10 Sha, B.-L., & Ford, R. L. (2007). Redefining "requisite variety": The challenge of multiple diversities for the future of public relations excellence. In E. L. Toth (Ed.), The future of excellence in public relations and communication management: Challenges for the next generation (pp. 381-398). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Sha, B.-L., & Collins, L. V. (2005). Communicating the importance of civic participation in Census 2000: “How America Knows What America Needs”. In L. L. Kaid, D. G. Bystrom, M. S. McKinney, & D. B. Carlin (Eds.), Communicating politics: Engaging the public in democratic life (pp. 59-68). New York: Peter Lang Publishing. Sha, B.-L., & Huang, Y. H. (2004). Public relations on Taiwan: Evolving with the infrastructure. In K. Sriramesh (Ed.), Public relations in Asia (pp. 161-185). Singapore: Thomson Asia Pte Ltd. Sha, B.-L. (2003). Gender and party politics: Case study of the Democratic Progressive Party in Taiwan. In G. D. Rawnsley & M. Y. Rawnsley (Eds.), Political communications in greater China: The construction and reflection of identity (pp. 124-146). London: Routledge Curzon. Sha, B.-L. (2001). The feminization of public relations: Contributing to a more ethical practice. In E. L. Toth & L. Aldoory (Eds.), The gender challenge to media: Diverse voices from the field (pp. 153-182). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.

Articles Published in Refereed Proceedings Sha, B.-L., & Lundy, L. K. (2005, March). The power of theoretical integration: Merging the situational theory of publics with the Elaboration Likelihood Model. Paper presented to the Eighth Annual International, Interdisciplinary Public Relations Research Conference, Miami, FL, USA. 26 pp. published in conference proceedings. Desiere, S., & Sha, B.-L. (2005, March). Analyzing organization-media relationships: Exploring the development of an organizational approach to media relations. Paper presented to the Eighth Annual International, Interdisciplinary Public Relations Research Conference, Miami, FL, USA. 38 pp. published in conference proceedings. Sha, B.-L. (2001, August). Educating the public through highest elected officials: Evaluating “How America Knows What America Needs”. Paper presented to the American Statistical Association, Atlanta, GA, USA. 6 pp. published in conference proceedings.

Invited Research Manuscript Published Sha, B.-L. (2008). Baseline study of diversity segments: Multirace Americans. Published online by the Institute for Public Relations. Funded by a research grant from the Institute for Public Relations and ConAgra Foods, Inc.

Scholarly Manuscripts Published (Non-refereed) Sha, B.-L. (2018). Editor’s essay: From anxiety to action. Journal of Public Relations Research, 30(5-6), 179-183. Sha, B.-L. (2018). Editor’s essay: Identity and/in/of public relations. Journal of Public Relations Research, 30(4), 129-133. Sha, B.-L. (2018). Editor’s essay: Thoughts on theory. Journal of Public Relations Research, 30(1-2), 1-4. doi: Sha, B.-L. (2017). Editor’s essay: Language in research. Journal of Public Relations Research, 29(6), 255- 258. doi: Sha, B.-L. (2017). Editor’s essay: Political tolerance versus tolerant politics. Journal of Public Relations Research, 29(5), 195-199. Sha, B.-L. (2017). Editor’s essay: Relationship matters. Journal of Public Relations Research, 29(4), 137- 140. Sha, B.-L. (2017). Editor’s essay: Change and resistance. Journal of Public Relations Research, 29(2-3), 69- 72.

CV for Bey-Ling Sha 11

Sha, B.-L. (2016). Editor’s essay. Journal of Public Relations Research, 28(5-6), 213-216. Sha, B.-L. (2016). Editor’s essay. Journal of Public Relations Research, 28(3-4), 123-126. Sha, B.-L. (2016). Editor’s essay. Journal of Public Relations Research, 28(2), 69-71. Sha, B.-L. (2016). Editor’s essay. Journal of Public Relations Research, 28(1), 1-3.

Professional Manuscripts/Blogs Published (Non-refereed) Sha, B.-L. (2010-2011). People’s Post blogger: Education on Edge (bi-weekly blog post about education issues). Voice of San Diego. ( Sha, B.-L. (2011, April 15). From gendered pay inequities to paycheck fairness. PR Week. ( Sha, B.-L. (2011, March 8). PR women: New data show gender-based salary gap is widening. Ragan’s PR Daily. ( Sha, B.-L. (2010, October 29). Work-life integration. Public Relations Society of America, ComPRehension Blog. ( Sha, B.-L. (2010, July 26). Paycheck fairness: It’s time for gender equity in pay rates. Public Relations Society of America, ComPRehension Blog. ( Sha, B.-L. (2010, February 28). The three simple Cs of internships: Guest post. SoCal PR Blog. ( Sha, B.-L. (2010, March 1). Guest blogger: Schooling Sacramento. Voice of San Diego. ( 001cc4c002e0.html) Sha, B.-L. (2010, February 23). Guest blogger: Tuning in to Sacramento. Voice of San Diego. ( 001cc4c03286.html) Sha, B.-L. (2010, February 23). Guest blogger: Playing games in Sacramento. Voice of San Diego. ( 001cc4c03286.html) Sha, B.-L. (2010, February 22). Guest blogger: Tell me your school budget cut stories. Voice of San Diego. ( 001cc4c002e0.html) Sha, B.-L. (2009, March 19). Why San Diego needs transportation for dedicated magnet schools. Voice of San Diego. Sha, B.-L. (2008, June 19). Obama and the complexities of identity. The San Diego Union-Tribune.

Refereed Papers Presented at Professional Conferences Dozier, D. M., Place, K., Vardeman-Winter, J., Fussell Sisco, H. K., & Sha, B.-L. (2016, August). A longitudinal analysis of the gender income gap in public relations from 1979 to 2014. Paper presented to the Commission on the Status of Women, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Minneapolis, MN. Shen, H., & Sha, B.-L. (2016, March). Community building with NGO engagement: Impact on donor and volunteer behaviors. Paper presented to the 19th Annual International Public Relations Research Conference, Miami, FL. White, C. N., Sha, B.-L., & Keshishzadeh, E. (2015, November). Career choices in public relations: Dreams vs. reality. Paper presented to the Educators Academy, Public Relations Society of America, Atlanta, GA. Sha, B.-L., White, C. N., Keshishzadeh, E., & Dozier, D. M. (2015, August). Biological sex vs. gender identity: Nature vs. nurture in explicating practitioner roles and salaries in public relations. Paper CV for Bey-Ling Sha 12

presented to the Public Relations Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Francisco, CA. Keshishzadeh, E., White, C. N., & Sha, B.-L. (2015, March). Gender identity: Another explanation for the gendered pay gap? Paper presented to the 18th Annual International Public Relations Research Conference, Miami, FL. Sha, B.-L., & Dozier, D. M. (2014, March 8). The rules of engagement: How donor identification relates to donor intention. Paper presented to the International Public Relations Research Conference, Miami, FL. Sweetser, K. D., & Sha, B.-L. (2013, November). Candidates for Accreditation in Public Relations: Role enactment and the social media synapse. Paper presented to the Public Relations Division, National Communication Association, Washington, D.C. Dozier, D. M., Sha, B.-L., & Shen, H. (2013, October). Why women earn less than men: The cost of gender discrimination in U.S. public relations. Manuscript presented as an invited encore to the Public Relations Society of America. Part of competitively selected professional development workshop The Best of Public Relations Journal, Philadelphia, PA. Shen, H., Jin, Y., Jiang, H., & Sha, B.-L. (2013, June). Work-life conflict and coping: Challenging the individual-centric norm. Paper presented to the Organizational Communication Division, International Communication Association, London. Shen, H., Dozier, D., & Sha, B.-L. (2013, June). From open systems and conservation to relationship- building: Leading public relations excellence into the digital age. Paper presented to the annual International Public Relations Symposium BledCom, Bled, Slovenia. Hazleton, V., Sha, B.-L., White, C., & Graham, M. (2013, March). Generalizing from public relations research to public relations 2012. Paper presented to the International Public Relations Research Conference, Miami, FL. Lee, N., Sha, B.-L., Dozier, D. M., & Sargent, P. (2013, March). New public relations pros as social media practitioners: Choice or challenge? Paper presented to the International Public Relations Research Conference, Miami, FL. Jin, Y., Sha, B.-L., Shen, H., & Jiang, H. (2012, October). Tuning in to the rhythm: The role of coping in strategic management of work-life conflicts in the public relations profession. Paper presented to the international conference of the Public Relations Society of America, San Francisco, CA. Forde, J. E., & Sha, B.-L. (2012, October). Nonprofit organizations and public relations practitioners: Room for growth and professional development. Paper presented to the international conference of the Public Relations Society of America, San Francisco, CA. Dozier, D. M., Sha, B.-L., & Shen, H. (2012, May). Why women earn less than men: The cost of gender discrimination in U.S. public relations. Paper presented to the Public Relations Division, International Communication Association, Phoenix, AZ, USA. Recognized as “Top Five” Faculty Research Paper. Sha, B.-L., & Dozier, D. M. (2012, March). “Activity” versus “enactment”: Social media usage and classic practitioner roles. Paper presented to the International Public Relations Research Conference, Miami, FL, USA. Sha, B.-L., & Tindall, N. T. J. (2011, October). The missing minorities: Problems for research and professionalism in public relations. Paper presented to the Educators Academy, Public Relations Society of America, Orlando, FL, USA. Tindall, N. T. J., Sha, B.-L., & Dozier, D. M. (2011, October). The inequity and injustice of work-life imbalance: Mentoring and teaching advice for public relations practitioners and educators. Paper presented to Educators Academy, Public Relations Society of America, Orlando, FL, USA. Sha, B.-L., & Dozier, D. M. (2011, August). Women as public relations managers: Show me the money. Paper presented to the Public Relations Division, Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication, St. Louis, MO, USA. Sha, B.-L., Forde, J. E., & Rayburn, J. (2011, August). College vs. credential: What do entry-level practitioners need in public relations? Paper presented to the Public Relations Division, Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication, St. Louis, MO, USA. CV for Bey-Ling Sha 13

Schmitz Weiss, A., & Sha, B.-L. (2011, May). U.S. journalism students and public relations students do ethics: Consequences for professional education and training. Paper presented to the Public Relations Division, International Communication Association, Boston, USA. Sha, B.-L., Rayburn, J., & Ward-Johnson, F. (2011, May). Gender in U.S. public relations practice: Men & women practitioners in 2010. Paper presented to the 9th International Symposium, Communication in the Millennium. Sponsored by the Association of Turkish and American Communication Scholars, San Diego, CA, USA. Sha, B.-L., Forde, J. E., & LaBorde, M. (2011, May). Communication technology and current public relations practice: How media tools relate to public relations work categories & professional competencies. Paper presented to the conference of Communication Technology and Future of Public Relations: Digitalization, Social Media, and Online Publics; Interdisciplinary Conference of Association of History, Literature, Science and Technology, Houston, TX, USA. Hazleton, V., & Sha, B.-L. (2011, March). Generalizing from PRSA to public relations: How to accommodate sampling bias in public relations scholarship. Paper presented to the International Public Relations Research Conference, Miami, FL, USA. Sha, B.-L., Forde, J., & LaBorde, M. (2011, March). Pushing the envelope on media tools: Identifying users, non-users, and media tribes in public relations practice. Paper presented to the International Public Relations Research Conference, Miami, FL, USA. Dozier, D. M., & Sha, B.-L. (2010, August). Delusions vs data: Longitudinal analysis of research on gendered income disparities in public relations. Paper presented to the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Denver, CO, USA. Sha, B.-L., & Schmitz Weiss, A. (2010, August). Pre-professional attitudes and identities: The socialization of journalism and public relations majors. Paper presented to the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Denver, CO, USA. Recognized as “Top Four” Teaching Paper. Sha, B.-L., Zhong, M., & Shen, H. (2010, March). Do we have yuan? Implications of a Chinese relationship concept for public relations scholarship on organization-public relationships. Paper presented to the International Public Relations Research Conference, Miami, FL, USA. Pritchard, R. S., Johnson, T. L., & Sha, B.-L. (2010, March). Face-off: How public relations and journalism have exchanged roles in the modern democracy. Paper presented to the International Public Relations Research Conference, Miami, FL, USA. Dozier, D. M., Sha, B.-L., & Okura, M. (2009, November). How much does my baby cost? An analysis of gender differences in income, career interruption, and child bearing, Public Relations Journal, 1(1), 1-16. Manuscript presented as an invited encore to the Public Relations Society of America. Part of competitively selected professional development workshop Showcasing the Best of Public Relations Journal, San Diego, CA, USA. Sha, B.-L., & Ahles, C. B. (2009, November). Identity vs. survival: Communicating with employees while adjusting to the changing business environment. Paper presented as an invited encore to the Public Relations Society of America. Part of competitively selected professional development workshop Showcasing the Best of Public Relations Research, San Diego, CA, USA. Sha, B.-L., & Schmitz Weiss, A. (2009, November). Learning to work together: Integrating public relations and journalism classroom assignments. Paper presented to the Educators Academy, Public Relations Society of America, San Diego, CA, USA. Dozier, D., Sha, B.-L., Wellhausen, S., & Ray, T. B. (2009, August). The age paradox: New media and public participation among Millennials, Generation X, Baby Boomers, and Matures. Paper presented to the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Boston, MA, USA. Sha, B.-L., & Ahles, C. B. (2009, March). Identity vs. survival: Communicating with employees while adjusting to the changing business environment. Paper presented to the International Public Relations Research Conference, Miami, FL, USA. Sha, B.-L., Dozier, D. M., & Pritchard, R. L. (2008, October). Strategic communication: Aligning the practice with the profession in military public affairs. Paper presented to the Educators Academy of the Public Relations Society of America, Detroit, MI, USA. CV for Bey-Ling Sha 14

Sha, B.-L., Jost, A., & Monzon, R. (2008, March). Measuring activism and resistance in the Millennials: Comparing traditional and hi-tech information-seeking behaviors. Paper presented to the International Public Relations Research Conference, Miami, FL, USA. Sha, B.-L. (2007, October). Exploring the effectiveness of public relations behaviors in enhancing organizational identification. Paper presented to the Educators Academy, Public Relations Society of America, Philadelphia, PA, USA. Aldoory, L., Jiang, H., Toth, E. L., & Sha, B.-L. (2007, August). Work-family discourse in public relations: Development of a work-personal continuum for gender theory. Paper presented to the Public Relations Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Washington, DC, USA. Sha, B.-L. (2007, August). The nature of activism and the complexities of identity: A phenomenological inquiry. Paper presented to the Public Relations Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Washington, DC, USA. Sha, B.-L., Dozier, D. M., Toth, E. L., & Aldoory, L. (2007, August). From Baby Boomers to Generation X: What has changed and what hasn’t for women in public relations. Paper presented to the Public Relations Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Washington, DC, USA. Recognized as Second Place Faculty Research Paper. Dozier, D. M., Pritchard, R. S., Waterman, D., & Sha, B.-L. (2007, March). Beyond turf issues: Encroachment on the public relations/public affairs function. Paper presented to the Tenth Annual International Public Relations Research Conference, Miami, FL, USA. Ni, L., Kim, J.-N., & Sha, B.-L. (2007, March). Breaking down the stakeholder environment: A review of approaches to the segmentation of publics. Paper presented to the Tenth Annual International Public Relations Research Conference, Miami, FL, USA. Sha, B.-L. (2006, November). Children as opinion leaders: An unrealized source of influence in social marketing campaigns. Paper presented to the Educators Academy, Public Relations Society of America, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. Dozier, D. M., Sha, B.-L., & Okura, M. (2006, March). How much does my baby cost? An analysis of gender differences in income, career interruption, and child bearing. Paper presented to the International, Interdisciplinary Public Relations Research Conference, Miami, FL, USA. Sha, B.-L., & Vardeman, J. (2005, November). Feminist scholarship in public relations: Preparing for the next wave. Paper presented to the Public Relations Division, National Communication Association, Boston, MA, USA. Recognized as a “Top Three” Research Paper. Sha, B.-L. (2005, August). The death of the models: A meta-analysis of modern dimensions in public relations. Paper presented to the Public Relations Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Antonio, TX, USA. Awarded first place in the poster session category for excellence in visual presentation, verbal presentation, and communication with interactants. Okura, M., Dozier, D. M., Sha, B.-L., & Hofstetter, R. (2005, May). Adoption and utilization of scanning research in public relations. Paper presented to the Public Relations Division, International Communication Association, New York, USA. Sha, B.-L., & Lundy, L. K. (2005, March). The power of theoretical integration: Merging the situational theory of publics with the Elaboration Likelihood Model. Paper presented to the Eighth Annual International, Interdisciplinary Public Relations Research Conference, Miami, FL, USA. Desiere, S., & Sha, B.-L. (2005, March). Analyzing organization-media relationships: Exploring the development of an organizational approach to media relations. Paper presented to the Eighth Annual International, Interdisciplinary Public Relations Research Conference, Miami, FL, USA. Sha, B.-L., & Pine, P. (2004, October). Using the situational theory of publics to develop an education campaign regarding child sexual abuse. Paper presented as an invited encore to the Public Relations Society of America. Part of competitively selected professional development workshop Showcasing the Best of Public Relations Research, New York, USA. Pine, P., & Sha, B.-L. (2004, September). The four-step public relations process as a foundation for an effective CSA [child sexual abuse] awareness campaign. Paper presented to the 9th International CV for Bey-Ling Sha 15

Conference on Family Violence, San Diego, CA, USA. Sha, B.-L., & Toth, E. L. (2004, May). Perceptions of work, life, and gender issues in public relations: An exploratory study of future professionals. Paper presented to the Public Relations Division, International Communication Association, New Orleans, LA, USA. Sha, B.-L., & Pine, P. (2004, March). Using the situational theory of publics to develop an education campaign regarding child sexual abuse. Paper presented to the Seventh Annual Interdisciplinary Public Relations Research Conference sponsored by the Institute for Public Relations Research, Miami, FL, USA. Recognized as a “Top Three” Paper. Sha, B.-L., with Haines, S. (2002, November). And a child shall lead them – maybe: Children as opinion leaders in social marketing campaigns. Paper presented to the Public Relations Division of the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA, USA. Huang, Y., & Sha, B.-L. (2001, May). Converging paradigms? Analysis of trends in theoretical approaches to public relations. Paper presented to the Public Relations Division of the International Communication Association, Washington, DC, USA.. Sha, B.-L., & Meyer, K. C. (2000, October). Children and government propaganda: A review of Census in Schools. Paper presented to the Educators Academy, Public Relations Society of America, Public Relations World Congress, Chicago, IL, USA. Recognized as a “Top Three” Faculty Research Paper. Collins, L. V., Sha, B.-L., & Nathan, Y. (2000, September). Can a public relations firm help a statistical agency? Working Paper No. 10. Work Session on Statistical Output for Dissemination to Information Media. Statistical Commission and Economic Commission for Europe. Conference of European Statisticians. Voorburg, NETHERLANDS. Sha, B.-L., & Collins, L. V. (2000, June). Communicating the importance of civic participation in Census 2000: “How America Knows What America Needs”. Paper presented to the Political Communication Division, National Communication Association Summer Conference, Communicating Politics: Engaging the Public in Campaign 2000 and Beyond. Washington, DC, USA. Sha, B.-L., & Huang, Y. H. (2000, June). Research in international public relations: More easily said than done. Paper presented to the Public Relations Division, International Communication Association, Acapulco, MEXICO. Recognized as a “Top Four” Faculty Research Paper. Sha, B.-L. (2000, April). Approaches to the study of collective action: Integrating political science theory and public relations research. Paper presented to the Third International, Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Educators Academy of the Public Relations Society of America, Miami, FL, USA. Data collected in Mandarin Chinese. Sha, B.-L. (1999, October). Democracy in decision-making: A case study of internal public relations behaviors. Paper presented to the Educators Academy, Public Relations Society of America, Anaheim, CA, USA. Recognized as a “Top Three” Faculty Research Paper. Data collected in Mandarin Chinese. Sha, B.-L. (1999, June). Symmetry and conservation: Applying Noether’s theorem to public relations. Paper presented to the Second International, Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Educators Academy of the Public Relations Society of America, College Park, MD, USA. Data collected in Mandarin Chinese. Sha, B.-L. (1999, April). Gender and party politics: Case study of the Democratic Progressive Party on Taiwan. Paper presented to the American Association for Chinese Studies, Washington, DC, USA. Data collected in Mandarin Chinese. Sha, B.-L. (1998, August). Intercultural public relations: Cultural identity and the segmentation of publics. Paper presented to the Public Relations Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Baltimore, MD, USA. Sha, B.-L. (1997, May). International internal communication in multinational organizations: A benchmark study of organizations in France. Paper presented to the Public Relations Interest Group of the International Communication Association, Montreal, Quebec, CANADA. Data collected in French. Sha, B.-L. (1996, November). Cultural contributions to the philosophy of public relations: Articulating a postmodern identity. Paper presented to the Public Relations Division of the Speech Communication CV for Bey-Ling Sha 16

Association, San Diego, CA, USA. Sha, B.-L. (1996, May). Does feminization of the field make public relations more ethical? Paper presented to the Public Relations Interest Group of the International Communication Association, Chicago, IL, USA. Sha, B.-L. (1995, November). Gender and societal culture: Merging feminization and globalization in public relations. Paper presented to the Communication and Development Division of the Association for the Advancement of Policy, Research, and Development in the Third World, Las Vegas, NV, USA. Sha, B.-L. (1995, October). White schools and Black student activists: Analyzing the power imbalance. Paper presented to the Educators’ Section of the Public Relations Society of America, Seattle, WA, USA. Recognized as a “Top Three” Graduate Student Paper. Sha, B.-L. (1994, November). Adjusting Excellent public relations theory to the practice in France. Paper presented to the Public Relations Division of the Speech Communication Association, New Orleans, LA, USA.

Refereed Presentations Given at Professional Conferences Canary, H. E, Dannels, D., Darling, A., Hundley, H., Lemus, D., Sha, B.-L., & Anderson, J. (2018, November). Communication at play in higher education administration: Embracing risk and rising above trivial pursuits. Part of competitively selected panel presentation to the National Communication Association, Salt Lake City, UT. 75 min. Castaneda, L., Bland, D., Lambiase, J., Perry, E. L., & Sha, B.-L. (2018, August). How women and people of color can move into higher ed leadership positions. Part of competitively selected panel presentation to the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Washington, D.C. 75 min. Len-Ríos, M. E., Aldoory, L., Young, R., Weberling McKeever, B., Besley, J. C., & Sha, B.-L. (2018, August). Research at the intersection of public relations and health: Paths for publishing and research opportunities. Part of competitively selected panel presentation to the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Washington, D.C. 75 min. Bauer, K., Hazelton, J., Sha, B.-L., & Cosio, J. (2018, March 26). Enhancing the on-campus experience with a successful faculty-in-residence program: The SDSU approach. Part of competitively selected panel presentation to the Annual Conference and Exposition of the Western Association of College and University Housing Officers (WACUHO), San Diego, CA. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2017, August 9). Academic myths, demystified: The hero’s journey to becoming a good reviewer for journals and conferences. Part of competitively selected panel presentation with Andrew Billings, Louise Ha, Fuyuan Shen, and Christopher Wilson, moderated by Hilary Fussell Sisco. Research panel session co-sponsored by the Graduate Student Interest Group and the Mass Communication and Society Division at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Chicago, IL. 90 min. Sha, B.-L., Hill, D., Taylor, G., & Creedon, P. (2017, July 1). CSR for universities and educators in the age of Trump. Part of competitively selected plenary panel presentation at BledCom, International Public Relations Research Symposium, Bled, Slovenia. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2016, August). Work-life fit through the academic ranks. Part of competitively selected panel presentation with K. Place, D. Pompper, T. Jung, & H. Jiang on Work-home life balance among public relations practitioners: It’s more than a “woman’s issue” to the Public Relations Division and the Commission on the Status of Women of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Minneapolis, MN. 90 min. Maksl, A., Ashley, S., Auman, A., Fleming, J., & Sha, B.-L. (2016, August). Media literacy and context: Breaking through the noise. Part of competitively selected panel presentation to the Scholastic Journalism Division and the Participatory Journalism Interest Group of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Minneapolis, MN. 90 min. Curtin, P., Meyers, C., Russial, J. T., Tefertiller, A., & Sha, B.-L. (2016, August). Smart career move or shameless self-promotion? Publication ethics in a digital-first, social media environment. Part of competitively selected panel presentation sponsored by the Publications Committee of the Association CV for Bey-Ling Sha 17

for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Minneapolis, MN. 90 min. Sha, B.-L., Lubbers, C., Wakefield, R. I., Hiebert, R., Plowman, K., & Curtin, P. (2016, August). Demystifying the peer-review process: Everything you’ve wanted to ask an editor but were afraid to. Moderator and part of competitively selected panel presentation by editors of journals that publish research in public relations to the Public Relations Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Minneapolis, MN. 60 min. Bauer, K., Hazelton, J., Sha, B.-L., Minifee, P. (2015, October). Enhancing the on-campus experience with a successful faculty-in-residence program: The SDSU approach. Part of competitively selected panel presentation to the Living-Learning Programs Conference of the Association of College and University Housing Officers – International, St. Pete’s Beach, FL. 60 min. Bissell, K., Curtin, P., Reichert, T., Sha, B.-L., & Shyam Sundar, S. (2015, August). Teaching panel session: Overcoming the post-tenure slump: Re-energizing your research agenda. Part of competitively selected panel presentation to the Advertising Division and the Mass Communication and Society Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Francisco, CA. 90 min. Sha, B.-L., et alia. (2015, August). Panel session: Meet the journal editors. Part of competitively selected panel presentation to the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Francisco, CA. 90 min. Remund, D., Berger, B., Williams, J., Sha, B.-L., & Clarke, E. (2015, August). Teaching panel session: Developing global leaders: Best practices for helping students develop vital leadership skills. Part of competitively selected panel presentation to the Public Relations Division and the Internships and Careers Interest Group of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Francisco, CA. 90 min. Sha, B.-L., Giery, K., & McMillan, E. S. (2014, October). Demystifying the APR. Part of competitively selected panel presentation to the Public Relations Society of America, Washington, D.C. 60 min. Sha, B.-L., Shen, H., & Jiang, H. (2014, October). Work-life fit: Balancing expectations and reality. Part of competitively selected panel presentation to the Public Relations Society of America, Washington, D.C. 75 min. Plowman, K., Sundar, S., Russell, K. M., Swayze, E. P., Stewart, C., & Sha, B.-L. (2014, August). Open access: The future of publishing? Part of competitively selected panel presentation to the Communication Theory and Methodology Division and the Public Relations Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Montreal, Quebec, CANADA. 90 min. Hazleton, V., Sha, B.-L., Darnowski, C., & Marovitz, M. (2013, November). Connecting with the professional public relations community. Part of competitively selected panel presentation, Public Relations Division, National Communication Association, Washington, D.C. 75 min. Shen, H., Fussell Sisco, H., & Sha, B.-L. (2013, October). Balancing work and life: Tools and techniques to help manage it all. Part of competitively selected presentation presented to the Educators Academy, Public Relations Society of America, Philadelphia, PA. 75 min. Curtin, P. A., Sha, B.-L., Ekstrand, T., & Marron, M. (2013, August). Sticky wickets and research ethics: An interactive conversation. Part of competitively selected panel presentation to the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Washington, D.C. 75 min. Shen, H., Sha, B.-L., & Dozier, D. M. (2012, October). Follow the money: Why women still earn less than men in PR. Part of competitively selected panel presentation, Public Relations Society of America, San Francisco, CA. 75 minutes. Sha, B.-L. (2012, October). Strategic integration of research, teaching and service. Competitively selected solo presentation, Educators Academy, Public Relations Society of America, San Francisco, CA. 50 minutes. Rayburn, J., Forde, J. E., & Sha, B.-L. (2012, October). Principles for Accreditation in Public Relations: Update on proposed entry-level credential program. Part of competitively selected panel presentation, Educators Academy, Public Relations Society of America, San Francisco, CA. 50 minutes. CV for Bey-Ling Sha 18

Junger, R., Moore, N. Y., Sha, B.-L., & Strauss, J. (2012, August 9). Guns, gangsters, prostitution and porn: 100 years of vice and corporate social responsibility. Part of competitively selected panel presentation to the Public Relations Division and History Division, Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication, Chicago, IL, USA. 90 minutes. Sha, B.-L., Hess, D., and Sclafani, A. (2012, April 2). Assessment 101b: The How – How to identify and overcome obstacles to developing & maintaining your assessment efforts. Part of competitively selected panel presentation to the Western Association of College & University Housing Officers (WACUHO), Pomona, CA, USA. 75 minutes. Sha, B.-L., Hess, D., and Sclafani, A. (2012, April 2). Assessment 101a: The Why – Why research contributes to your goals and justifies your existence. Part of competitively selected panel presentation to the Western Association of College & University Housing Officers (WACUHO), Pomona, CA, USA. 75 minutes. Hutchins, A., McCorkindale, T., Sha, B.-L., & Tindall, N. T. J. (2011, November 18). A trending topic: How public relations professors engage their authentic and transparent “voice” on social networking sites. Part of competitively selected panel presentation to the Public Relations Division, National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA, USA. 75 minutes. Sha, B.-L., Dozier, D. M., & Tindall, N. T. J. (2011, October 18). Work, life & gender: Findings from the 2010 survey. Part of competitively selected panel presentation to the Public Relations Society of America, Orlando, FL, USA. 75 minutes. Sha, B.-L., & Forde, J. (2011, October 16). Accreditation in PR: Why and how. Part of competitively selected panel presentation to the Public Relations Society of America, Orlando, FL, USA. 75 minutes. Sha, B.-L. (2010, November). Legal, financial and ethical considerations in service-learning projects. Part of competitively selected panel presentation – Building bridges through collaboration in public relations: Configurations that inspire best practices in community collaborations – accepted for presentation to the Public Relations Division, National Communication Association, San Francisco, CA, USA. (But not presented due to illness.) Sha, B.-L. (2010, November). The case of the Work, Life & Gender Committee of the Public Relations Society of America. Part of competitively selected panel presentation – From interpretational to academic divisions: Examining and proposing necessary bridges to further the ideas, activism and contributions of feminisms, attractive enough even to the unidentified feminist – accepted for presentation to the Public Relations Division, National Communication Association, San Francisco, CA, USA. (But not presented due to illness.) Sha, B.-L. (2009, May 23). The decline of the all-issue public: Examining activism in the narrowcasting age. Part of competitively selected panel presentation – Keywords in communication: Conceptualizing publics in public relations – to the International Communication Association, Chicago, IL, USA. 15 min. Sha, B.-L. (2008, May 25). Intercultural and international public relations. Chair of panel of competitively selected faculty research papers presented to the Public Relations Division, International Communication Association, Montreal, Quebec, CANADA. 75 min. Sha, B.-L. (2007, August 10). Research poster session. Respondent to competitively selected faculty research papers presented to the Public Relations Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Washington, DC, USA. 15 min. Sha, B.-L. (2006, November 18). Connecting theory to action: Incorporating (inter)cultural theory into public relations praxis. Respondent to competitively selected panel presentation to the Public Relations Division, National Communication Association, San Antonio, TX, USA. 15 min. Sha, B.-L. (2006, November 13). 2006 PRSA work-life survey: Overview of key findings. Part of competitively selected professional development workshop for attendees of the International Conference of the Public Relations Society of America, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. 15 min. Sha, B.-L. (2006, November 12). Accreditation success story: Secrets from San Diego. Part of competitively selected professional development workshop for attendees of the International Conference of the Public Relations Society of America, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. 15 min. CV for Bey-Ling Sha 19

Sha, B.-L. (2006, August 2). Agenda-setting research in public relations. Respondent to competitively selected faculty research papers presented to the Public Relations Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Francisco, CA, USA. 15 min. Sha, B.-L. (2006, August 1). Diversity in public relations: Implications of and tensions in practice, teaching, and research. Part of competitively selected pre-conference panel presentation – Rethinking the role of public relations in the interest of social justice – to the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Francisco, CA, USA. 180 min. Sha, B.-L. (2006, June 21). Redefining "requisite variety": Advances in scholarship and directions for future research. Part of competitively selected panel presentation – Excellence in public relations and communication management: Challenges for the next generation – to the International Communication Association, Dresden, GERMANY. 10 min. Sha, B.-L. (2005, August 13). CPR for feminist scholarship. Part of competitively selected panel presentation to the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Antonio, TX, USA. 20 min. Sha, B.-L. (2002, November). Multicultural competence: How public relations practitioners must adapt to the changing world. Leader and part of competitively selected professional development workshop for attendees of the International Conference of the Public Relations Society of America, San Francisco, CA, USA. 75 min. Sha, B.-L. (2002, November). Motivating civic participation in the 2000 census: Findings from a decade- long program of research. Part of competitively selected panel presentation – Scholarship and activism intersecting: Research informing action – to members of the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA, USA. 20 min. Sha, B.-L. (2001, October). Using Census Bureau data in planning your public relations campaign. Leader and part of competitively selected professional development workshop for attendees of the International Conference of the Public Relations Society of America, Atlanta, GA, USA. 75 min. Sha, B.-L. (2000, August 9). Census 2000: Embracing integrated marketing communications and technology. Chair and part of competitively selected panel presentation to members of the Public Relations Division and the Minorities and Communication Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Phoenix, AZ, USA. 90 min.

International Research Award  2018 Pathfinder Award, from the Institute for Public Relations. “The Pathfinder Award is given in recognition of lifetime achievement to an individual who has made significant and sustained contributions to the body of knowledge and practice of public relations through published research.” (

Other Research Awards  Top Five Faculty Research Paper (2012). Public Relations Division, International Communication Association.  Top Four Teaching Paper (2010). Public Relations Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.  Article of the Year Award (2009). Public Relations Division, National Communication Association.  Second Place Faculty Research Paper (2007). Public Relations Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.  Top Three Faculty Research Paper (2005). Public Relations Division, National Communication Association.  Top Three Research Paper (2004). International, Interdisciplinary Public Relations Research Conference. Institute for Public Relations Research.  Top Three Faculty Research Paper (2000). Educators Academy, Public Relations Society of America.  Top Four Faculty Research Paper (2000). Public Relations Division, International Communication

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Association.  Top Three Faculty Research Paper (1999). Educators Academy, Public Relations Society of America.  Top Three Graduate Student Research Paper (1995). Educators Section, Public Relations Society of America.

Professional Achievement Awards  2010 National Outstanding Advocacy Award. Award given annually by the National PTA® for campaign conducted at the local level. Campaign conducted on behalf of Language Academy PTSA.  2007 Public Relations Professional of the Year. Award given in selected years by the San Diego chapter of the Public Relations Society of America.  2005 President’s Award. Award given in selected years by the International Listening Association. Awarded for supervision of service-learning projects conducted by students at the University of Maryland in Fall 2003 to generate public awareness of the importance of listening as a quality-of-life issue.

Funded Grants for Research  Faculty Mini-Grants (2 x $1,000). Awarded in October 2014 by the San Diego State University Division of Undergraduate Studies to support undergraduate students Elpin Keshishzadeh and Courtney White in working with me on study titled “Gender, Public Relations, and Career Selection Factors.”  Summer Research Grant ($1,675). Awarded in March 2007 by the Institute for Public Relations, with partial funding from ConAgra Foods, Inc., for study titled “Benchmarking What We Know About Multirace Americans: Implications for Public Relations Practice.”  Faculty Research/Travel Grant ($3,500). Awarded in Fall 2005 by the Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER), San Diego State University, for study titled “Managing & Communicating Diversity: Impact on Organizational Effectiveness and Competitiveness (pilot study).”  Summer Stipend for Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity ($4,916). Awarded in Fall 2005 by San Diego State University, for study titled “Developing a Culture-General Measure of Identity Strength (CGMIS).”  Faculty Development Program Mini-Grant ($2,363). Awarded in Fall 2005 by San Diego State University, for study titled “Developing a Culture-General Measure of Identity Strength (CGMIS).”  Research Grant ($10,000). Awarded in April 2005 by the Research Foundation of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), for 2005-2006 Study of PRSA Members' Perceptions of Work, Life, and Gender Issues. Co-PIs are Elizabeth Toth and Linda Aldoory, University of Maryland.  Summer Stipend for Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity ($9,500). Awarded in Fall 2004 by San Diego State University, for study titled “The Conservation of Organizational Identities: How Organizations Survive in a Complex World.”  Faculty Development Program Mini-Grant ($2,492.24). Awarded in Fall 2004 by San Diego State University, for study titled “The Conservation of Organizational Identities: How Organizations Survive in a Complex World.”  Faculty Research Grant ($1,750). Awarded in Fall 2004 by the Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER), San Diego State University, for study titled “The Conservation of Organizational Identities: How Multinational Organizations Survive in a Competitive World.”  Research Grant ($2,000). Awarded in Fall 2001 by the Public Relations Society of America to conduct a national study of public relations students’ perceptions of the field, with the input of the National Committee on Work, Life, and Gender Issues.  Fellowship for International Graduate Study ($20,000). Awarded in Spring 1996 by the National Security Education Program, for language study in Taipei, TAIWAN, during the 1997-1998 academic year. (NOTE: Now called Boren Fellowship)

CV for Bey-Ling Sha 21 VI. SERVICE for the UNIVERSITY and the COMMUNITY (AY=academic year; CY=calendar year)

Service for the University (since appointment at San Diego State University) Campus-Level Service University Senate, Elected Senator Representing College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts (AY 2016-2019) Senator-at-Large, Senate Executive Committee (AY 2016-2019) Interim Senator Representing College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts (Fall 2007, substituting for colleague on sabbatical) Deans’ Administrative Review Panels: Dean of the Library, as Chair and Provost’s Appointee (CY 2016) Dean of the Imperial Valley Campus, as Member and Outside Faculty Representative Elected by the University Senate (Spring 2015) Search Committees: Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, as Faculty Representative Elected by the University Senate (AY 2018-2019) Director, School of Art+Design, as designated representative from the Office of the Dean, College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts (AY 2018-2019) Director, School of Theatre, Television & Film, as Outside Director Elected by the Faculty of the School of Theatre, Television & Film (AY 2017-2018) Dean, College of Business Administration, as Outside Faculty Representative Elected by the University Senate (AY 2016-2017) Director, School of Communication, as Outside Director Appointed by the Dean of the College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts (AY 2016-2017) Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, as Faculty Representative Elected by the University Senate (AY 2013-2014) Presidential Speechwriter/Presidential Communications Director, Member of Interview Committee Appointed by Interim President Sally Roush (Spring 2018) Ad Hoc Committee on the Student Success Fee, Office of the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs (Spring 2014) Faculty-in-Residence, Residential Education Office, Division of Student Affairs (Jan. 2006-July 2009) Search Committee for Residence Hall Coordinators (Spring 2006) Faculty Fellow, Residential Education Office, Division of Student Affairs (AY 2004-2005) Shared Governance Discussion Group (CY 2018) University-Level Committees Undergraduate Curriculum Committee of the University Senate, Representative, College of Professional Studies & Fine Arts (AY 2012-2021) General Education Curriculum and Assessment Committee of the University Senate, Representative, College of Professional Studies & Fine Arts (AY 2012-2021); Chair (Spring 2018; AY 2018-2019) General Education Reform Steering Committee, Appointed Member (AY 2018-2019) Academic Planning and Policy Committee of the University Senate, Substitute Representative, College of Professional Studies & Fine Arts (AY 2013- 2014)

CV for Bey-Ling Sha 22

Accessible Technology Initiative, Instructional Materials Accessibility Task Force (Spring 2009) Faculty Hearing Panel (elected Fall 2007; re-elected Spring 2013) Committee on Faculty Engagement in University Development (AY 2006-2008) Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Society, Nu of California Chapter Member-at-Large, Executive Board (Spring 2018-present) Selection and Scholarship Committee (Spring 2007) College-Level Committees (Professional Studies and Fine Arts) Curriculum Committee (AY 2008-2012, except Spring 2011) Chair (Fall 2010, AY 2011-2012) Vice Chair (AY 2009-2010) Representative for School of Journalism & Media Studies (AY 2008-2012, except Spring 2011) International Programs Committee (AY 2006-2007) Department-Level Committees (NOTE: Public relations program was in the School of Communication until fall 2007, at which point it became part of the School of Journalism & Media Studies) School of Journalism & Media Studies/Communication Standing Committees: Peer Review Committee (AY 2011-2013) Personnel Committee (AY 2012-2013) Undergraduate Committee (since Fall 2004) Student Affairs and Scholarships Sub-Committee (AY 2004-2011) Graduate Committee (since Fall 2004) Interim Graduate Advisor (Fall 2017, substituting for colleague on sabbatical) Graduate Advisor (AY 2013-2014) Chair & Graduate Advisor (AY 2011-2013) Graduate Admissions Sub-Committee (since Fall 2004) School of Journalism & Media Studies Ad Hoc & Special Committees: Community Outreach Committee (AY 2012-2013) Military Public Affairs Officers accelerated master’s program (on-going) Search Committee for New Faculty in Public Relations (Fall 2007-Fall 2008) Honoring Professor Glen Broom upon his retirement from SDSU (Fall 2005-Spring 2008) School of Communication Ad Hoc Committees: Transition committee for restructuring (Spring 2006) Search committee for new director (Fall 2005 & Fall 2006) Doctoral program working group (2004-2007) Health Communication Consortium Working Group (Fall 2004-Spring 2006) Media studies new curriculum development (Fall 2004-Spring 2005)

Service for International- and National-Level Organizations Accrediting Council for Education in Journalism and Mass Communications (AY 2018-2021) Member and Elected Representative of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) American Association of University Women Educational Foundation American Fellowships Panel, Reviewer for communication area (CY 2004 and 2005) Arthur W. Page Center for Integrity in Public Communication at Bellisario College of Communications, Penn State University Member, Page Center Research Council (by invitation, CY 2019-2021) Arthur W. Page Society Member (by selective invitation and election) (CY 2015 to present) CV for Bey-Ling Sha 23

Member, Development Committee (2017) Member, Membership Committee (2016) Member, Academic Subcommittee (2016) Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Host Schools Committee for 2015 AEJMC Convention (AY 2014-2015) Public Relations Division Ad Hoc Working Group on Public Relations Journals (Fall 2013) Research Paper Competition Co-Chair (AY 2011-2013) Elected Legislative Assembly Delegate (AY 2005-2008) Competitive Paper Reviewer (for conferences in 1999, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2014, 2016) Graduate Student Liaison (AY 1998-1999) National Committee on Gender, Race, Ethnicity & Diversity Assessment (AY 2007-2008) Commission on the Status of Women Competitive Paper Reviewer (for conferences in 2002 and 2003) Southeast Colloquium, Open Research Paper Competition Reviewer (2017) Commission on Public Relations Education Member-at-Large (CY 2016) Member representing the Universal Accreditation Board (CY 2013-2015) Chair, Nominating Committee (CY 2013) Institute for Public Relations International Advisory Panel on Diversity Research (appointed January 2006) International Communication Association Public Relations Division Selection Panel, Robert Heath Award (for conference in 2019) Competitive Paper Reviewer (for conferences in 2007-2011) Chair, Grunig & Grunig Thesis and Dissertation Awards (AY 2004-2016) International Public Relations Research Conference Advisory Committee (AY 2017-2020) National Communication Association Public Relations Division, Nominating Committee Member (AY 2004-2005) Public Relations Society of America National Committee on Work, Life, and Gender Committee Member (CY 2012-2016) Committee Chair (CY 2010 and 2011) Committee Co-Chair (CY 2008) Committee Vice-Chair (CY 2004-2006) Advisory Board Member (CY 2000-2006) National Committee on Research, Advisory Board Member (CY 2007) Historical Archives Project National Taskforce (CY 2005 and 2006) International Conference Committee, Member (CY 2009) Educators Academy Executive Board Member (CY 2007-2012) Liaison to the Universal Accreditation Board (CY 2011-2012) Multicultural Communications Section, Executive Board Member (CY 2000-2003) Public Relations Society of America Foundation Selection Committee, Ofield Dukes Multicultural Student Award (CY 2013) Public Relations Student Society of America Co-Faculty Advisor to the 2009 National Conference Committee (AY 2008-2009) Faculty Advisor for San Diego State University chapter (CY 2005-2010) CV for Bey-Ling Sha 24

Faculty Advisor for University of Maryland chapter (AY 2001-2004) Bateman Competition Faculty Advisor, University of Maryland chapter (AY 2001-2004) Universal Accreditation Board Director and PRSA Representative (CY 2008-2016) Immediate Past Chair (CY 2015) Chair (CY 2014) Vice Chair (CY 2013) Co-Vice Chair (CY 2011) Chair, Research Work Group (CY 2010-2012; 2016) Member, Entry-Level Credential Work Group (CY 2010-2013) Member, Military Credential Work Group (CY 2008-2009) Member, Research Work Group (CY 2008-2009)

Service for National and International Refereed Journals Journal of Public Relations Research Editor-in-Chief (2016-2021) Editor-elect (2015) Reviewer and Editorial Board Member (CY 2003-2014) Public Relations Review, Reviewer and Editorial Board Member (August 2008-February 2018) Public Relations Journal, Member, Editorial Review Board (August 2007-September 2018) Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, Guest Reviewer (2017) Journal of Communication, Adjunct Reviewer (December 2009 to present) Journal of Communication Management, Guest Reviewer (2016) Communication Research, Guest Reviewer (2012) Communication Theory, Guest Reviewer (2012 and 2013) Journal of Business Communication, Guest Reviewer (2012) PRism: Online refereed journal of public relations & communication, Guest Reviewer (2011) Korea Observer, The Institute of Korean Studies, Guest Reviewer (2016) Journalism & Communication Monographs, Proposal Reviewer (2009)

Service for Regional Refereed Journal (service in calendar years) Western Journal of Communication Editorial Board Member (2012, 2014) Guest Reviewer (2011, 2013)

Service for State-Level Organizations (service in calendar years) California State PTA – Steering Committee on Proposition 38: Local School and Early Education Investment and Bond Debt Reduction Act (2012)

Service for County-Level Organizations Ninth District Parent Teacher Association (oversees 300+ PTA units and councils in San Diego and Imperial counties) Chairman, Proposition 38 Regional Outreach (Fall 2012) Member, Legislation Committee (AY 2010-2012) Chairman, Sacramento Safari (AY 2009-2012) Union of Pan Asian Communities Chair (CY 2013, 2014) Secretary/Treasurer (CY 2012) Member, Gala Committee (CY 2011) Member, Board of Directors (CY 2011-2016)

CV for Bey-Ling Sha 25

Service for Local-Level Organizations San Diego Unified Council of Parent Teacher Associations (oversees 80+ PTA units in the San Diego Unified School District) Representative to San Diego Education Research Alliance (SanDERA) Board of Advisors (AY 2013-2015) Secretary (AY 2013-2014) Executive Vice President (AY 2011-2013) Member, Executive Board (AY 2010-2015) Chair, Candidates Forums (AY 2010-2013) Chair, Founders Day Committee (AY 2012-2013) Member, Founders Day Committee (AY 2010-2012) Parent Teacher Student Association, The Language Academy (Kindergarten-8th grade public school), Member (AY 2005-2014) Vice-President for Membership (AY 2012-2013) Parliamentarian/Historian (AY 2011-2012) Secretary (AY 2010-2011) President (AY 2008-2010) Newsletter Editor (AY 2006-2011) Chairman, Audit Committee (AY 2012-2013) Member, Executive Board (AY 2008-2013) Member, Budget Committee (AY 2007-2012) Member, Nominating Committee (AY 2010-2011) Member, By-Laws Committee (AY 2007-2008) Parent Teacher Student Association, Roosevelt International Baccalaureate Middle School (public), Member (AY 2011-2016) Parent Teacher Student Association, San Diego High School (public), Member (AY 2014-2016) Children’s Center, San Diego State University A is for Art Fundraising Exhibition and Gala Publicity Chair (AY 2006-2007) Founder and Chair, Steering Committee (AY 2004-2006) Member, Steering Committee (AY 2013-2014) Member, Board of Directors (AY 2004-2007) Board Vice Chair and Director of Fund-Raising (AY 2004-2005) Public Relations Society of America San Diego/Imperial Counties Chapter, Member (CY 2005-2016) Assembly Delegate (CY 2008-2010) Co-Chair, Accreditation in Public Relations (CY 2005-2007) Member, Ethics Committee (CY 2010-2011) Member, Host Committee for 2009 International Conference (CY 2008-2009) Member, Special Awards Committee (CY 2008-2013) Member, Bernays Awards Committee (CY 2010) National Capital Chapter, Member (CY 2000-2003) Society of Professional Journalists San Diego Chapter, Member (AY 2015-2019) Board Member (AY 2015-2019) Alpha Delta Pi sorority, Beta Phi chapter, University of Maryland, College Park Social and Risk Management Advisor (CY 2000-2001) Membership Education Advisor (AY 1995-1997) Scholarship and Activities Advisor (AY 1993-1995)

CV for Bey-Ling Sha 26 Service to Other Universities External reviewer for promotion and/or tenure: University X (Summer 2018) University Y (Summer 2018) Florida State University (Summer 2017) University of Alabama (Summer 2016) University of Oklahoma (Spring 2016) University of Tennessee at Knoxville (Fall 2014) University of San Francisco (Fall 2013) Colorado State University (Fall 2011) Program reviewer: National University, Department of Arts and Humanities, College of Letters and Sciences, Strategic Communications B.A. Program (Spring 2017) University of Houston, Jack J. Valenti School of Communication, Graduate Program (Fall 2014) Letter writer for visa support for foreign public relations faculty: Texas Christian University (Fall 2018) Montclair State University (Summer 2014) Southern Methodist University (Spring 2013) University of Oregon (Fall 2011) University of Houston (Fall 2006)

Service Honors National Honors Top Reviewer of Open Competition Papers, Public Relations Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (Awarded for 2016) Certificate of Appreciation in Recognition of Volunteer Leadership from the Public Relations Society of America (Awarded for 2012) Chair & CEO’s Citation for Meritorious Service from the Public Relations Society of America (Awarded for 2008, 2010, and 2011) President & CEO’s Citation for Meritorious Service from the Public Relations Society of America (Awarded for 2005 and 2006) Faculty/Staff of the Month, Campus Winner, October 2007, from the National Association of College and University Residence Halls and National Residence Hall Honorary Faculty/Staff of the Month, Campus Winner, February 2007, from the National Association of College and University Residence Halls and National Residence Hall Honorary Social Program of the Month (Faculty-in-Residence Oscar Night), Campus Winner, February 2007, from the National Association of College and University Residence Halls and National Residence Hall Honorary Local Honors 2013 Honorary Service Award, Language Academy PTSA (San Diego) (for continuing service to PTA) 2012 Very Special Person Award, San Diego Unified Council of PTAs (for outstanding service to PTA)

Invited Presentations to Professional Associations, Community Groups, and Universities (Selected) Sha, B.-L. (2019, April 10 scheduled). Identity and public relations: The secret to strategic planning, employee communications, and change management. Invited workshop presented to the statewide conference of the Community College Public Relations Organization of the Community College League of California, San Diego, CA. 90 min.

CV for Bey-Ling Sha 27 Sha, B.-L. (2019, March 13 scheduled). Strategic public relations: Knowing who we are, determining where we’re going, and managing the change to get there. Invited workshop presented to staff at NASSCO/General Dynamics, San Diego, CA. 120 min. Sha, B.-L. (2019, January 28). Questions on the U.S. Census: Why interrogating and constructing a national identity matters to public relations. Invited lecture to the School of Communication, Art & Design of Seneca College, Toronto, CANADA. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2018, November 28). Identity and/in/of public relations: A research path. Invited lecture to the Institute for Public Relations Research Symposium, as winner of the 2018 IPR Pathfinder Award, New York City. 20 min. Zibluk, J., Moretti, A., Sha, B.-L., & Utt, S. (2018, August 5). A roundtable conversation with the editors. Invited panel in preconference session Getting Published: The Fallacies and the Realities, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Washington, D.C. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2018, August 5). The waiting game: I’ve submitted my manuscript. Now what? Moderator of invited panel presentation featuring Dane Classen, Jami A. Fullerton, and Justin Walden in preconference session Getting Published: The Fallacies and the Realities, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Washington, D.C. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2018, June 21). Journalism in the United States: From the First Amendment to the Twitter presidency. Invited presentation to community leaders being trained by Leadership North County, Carlsbad, CA. 45 min. Sha, B.-L. (2018, June 19). Accreditation in Public Relations (APR) JumpStart, Part 1: The four-step strategic planning process in public relations. Invited advanced training workshop offered prior to the Communications School of the National Association of Government Communicators, Ft. Myers, FL. 3 hours. Sha, B.-L. (2018, June 9). The identity of public relations as a management discipline. Invited keynote presentation to the biennial conference of the International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management, Shanghai, CHINA. 30 min. Sha, B.-L. (2018, May 15). What curriculum proposal reviewers want. Invited presentation to the General Education Course Design Academy, Center for Teaching & Learning, San Diego State University. 20 min. Kinsky, E., & Sha, B.-L. (2018, May 7). Turning conference submissions into journal articles. Invited webinar to the Public Relations Division, Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication, as part of the spring 2018 AEJMC PRD Virtual Conference series. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2018, April 13). Trends in research. Moderator by invitation of competitively selected research papers presented to The Bridge, the inaugural conference for public relations scholars and practitioners, presented by the Institute for Public Relations, Washington, D.C. 45 min. Sha, B.-L. (2018, April 11). Research and measurement: Setting up goalposts to play public relations. Opening keynote speaker for the annual conference of the Public Relations Association of Mississippi, Starkville, MS. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2018, April 6). Her voice, our voice: A women’s empowerment conference. Speaker and panelist at multi-school event organized by high school women representing feminist student groups in San Diego county schools. Poway, CA. 30 min. Sha, B.-L. (2018, March 20). Women in the media. Organizer and moderator of community panel as part of the San Diego City Libraries’ “Breaking News” series, hosted at La Jolla/Riford Library. Panelists included filmmaker Senain Kheshgi; chair of the SDSU Women’s Studies Department, Dr. Doreen Mattingly; editor of the LaJolla Light newspaper, Susan DeMaggio; and professor of communications at San Diego City College, Laura Castanada, San Diego, CA. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2018, February 19). Identity and public relations: Implications for the profession, the organization & the world. Invited presentation to the Middle East Public Relations Research Symposium sponsored by the Institute for Public Relations and hosted by Zayed University, Dubai, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES. 60 min.

CV for Bey-Ling Sha 28 Sha, B.-L. (2018, February 19). Submitting and publishing in the Journal of Public Relations Research: Tips from the Editor-in-Chief. Invited presentation to the Middle East Public Relations Research Symposium sponsored by the Institute for Public Relations and hosted by Zayed University, Dubai, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2018, January 22). Don’t get mad, get organized: Seven steps to successful advocacy. Invited training presentation to presidents and other leaders of school-level units of the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA), San Diego Unified Council of PTAs, San Diego, CA. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2017, December 2). Three challenges facing U.S. public relations. Invited presentation to graduate students in international public relations course, MBA program, School of Business and Management, Shanghai International Studies University, CHINA. 30 min. Sha, B.-L. (2017, November 28). U.S. graduate education in public relations. Invited presentation to undergraduate students, Department of Public Relations, School of Business and Management, Shanghai International Studies University, CHINA. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2017, November 26). Professionalism in U.S. public relations: Status of the field and its practitioners. Invited presentation to faculty and MBA students, School of Business and Management, Shanghai International Studies University, CHINA. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2017, October 14). Public relations bootcamp. Invited workshop presentation to registrants, organized by the Public Relations Society of America, San Diego/Imperial counties chapter, San Diego, CA. 6 hours. Sha, B.-L. (2017, October 8). Encore roundtable presentation of published article by invitation of organizers of international conference of the Public Relations Society of America, Boston, Mass.: Sweetser, K. D., & Sha, B.-L. (2015). Candidates for Accreditation in Public Relations: Role enactment and the social media synapse. Public Relations Journal, 9(2). Available online: Sha, B.-L. (2017, September 16). Gender identity in public relations. Invited presentation to meeting of the board of directors of the Institute for Public Relations, Coronado, CA. 45 minutes. Sha, B.-L. (2017, August 25). Libel and other legal issues: Student media refresher. Invited workshop presented to student editors and writers for and KCR (college radio), San Diego, CA. 90 minutes. Sha, B.-L. (2017, August 8). Women faculty moving forward: Breaking the barriers. Part of invited panel with Jean Folkerts, Meghan Sanders, and Maria Len-Rios. Pre-conference workshop co-sponsored by the Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver Center for the Advancement of Women in Communication at Florida International University, the Commission on the Status of Women and the Council of Affiliates at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Chicago, IL. 90 min. Sha, B.-L. (2017, July 6). Submitting a manuscript to the Journal of Public Relations Research: What you need to know. International History of Public Relations Conference, Bournemouth, UNITED KINGDOM. 20 min. Sha, B.-L. (2017, June 15). First Amendment, media relations, and the state of journalism today. Invited presentation to community leaders being trained by Leadership North County, Carlsbad, CA. 45 min. Sha, B.-L. (2017, May 6). Public relations bootcamp. Invited workshop presentation to registrants, organized by the Public Relations Society of America, San Diego/Imperial counties chapter, San Diego, CA. 6 hours. Sha, B.-L. (2017, April 19). Avowing your leadership identity. Keynote presentation at the honor roll program of the Professional Studies and Fine Arts College Council, San Diego State University. 20 min. Sha, B.-L. (2017, March 4). First Amendment, “fake” news and the future of journalism and other media careers. Invited presentation to students participating in the San Diego Journalism Education Association Regional Write Off Competition. (Participating schools: Orange Glen HS, Carlsbad HS, Sage Creek HS, Mission Hills HS, San Pasqual HS, Torrey Pines HS, San Dieguito Academy and Julian Charter.) Carlsbad, CA. 50 min. Sha, B.-L. (2017, February 24). The science of science communication. Invited member for Grants and Research Enterprise Writing (GREW) Fellowship panel on the importance of scientists CV for Bey-Ling Sha 29 communicating with the media, San Diego State University, CA. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2017, February 17). Careers in professional media: What they are & how to qualify for them (by going to college). Invited presentation to AVID students in Grade 9 at Rancho Verde High School, Moreno Valley, CA. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2017, January 28). Invited moderator for competitively selected research papers grouped onto panel themed Subjecting the self to scrutiny. Conference on Nietzsche and Critical Social Theory: Affirmation, Animosity, Ambiguity. Hosted at San Diego State University, CA. 75 min. Sha, B.-L. (2016, December 6). Identity matters in public relations: The past, present and future of a program of research. Workshop presented to public relations scholars and practitioners from the Greater China region at the 1st Annual Conference of the Public Relations Society of China, the 9th International Forum on Public Relations & Advertising, and the 3rd Strategic Communication and Public Relations Workshop, Hong Kong SAR, CHINA. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2016, December 2). Identity/culture research in strategic communication. Invited presentation to graduate students at the Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong SAR, CHINA. 40 min. Fussell Sisco, H., Paluszek, J. L., & Sha, B.-L. (2016, October 25). Bridging the gap: Transitioning practical experience into the classroom. Invited panel presentation to the international conference of the Public Relations Society of America, Indianapolis, IN. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2016, October 15). Public relations bootcamp. Invited workshop presentation to registrants, organized by the Public Relations Society of America, San Diego/Imperial counties chapter, San Diego, CA. 6 hours. Sha, B.-L. (2016, October 7). Identity and public relations: Implications for KPBS. Invited presentation to development and outreach staff at KPBS, San Diego, CA. 45 min. Sha, B.-L., Alter, J., Baljon, A., Hoffman, R., & Wawrytko, S. (2016, September 24). Developing consciousness in politics and the self. Invited panel presentation with other faculty members in campus working group on contemplative practices and pedagogies, at Politifest, hosted by Voice of San Diego in partnership with the School of Journalism & Media Studies, San Diego State University, CA. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2016, August 19). Chairs’ panel. Invited panel presentation with other experienced department chairs (English & Comparative Literature; Management Information Systems; Mathematics & Statistics) to new and returning department chairs and school directors, hosted by the Office of Faculty Advancement, San Diego State University, CA. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2016, July 1). Meet the editors. Invited presentation with Jesper Falkeimer, editor for Journal of Communication Management, to the 23rd International Public Relations Research Symposium (BledCom), Bled, SLOVENIA. 45 min. Sha, B.-L. (2016, May 26). Identity and/in the United States: A nation in crisis. Invited presentation to participants in U.S. Department of State’s International Visitor Leadership Program, America’s Multiethnic Society, A Regional Project for Europe, hosted by San Diego Diplomacy Council, San Diego, CA. 75 min. Sha, B.-L. (2016, March 17). Identity and political public relations: Implications of/for gender, race and nation. Invited keynote presentation to International Conference on Emerging Trends and Challenges of Public Relations and Strategic Communication in the Digital Era, Chinese University of Hong Kong, CHINA. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2016, March 11). Identity and public relations: A tripartite research agenda. Invited presentation to faculty and graduate students at Chinese University of Hong Kong, CHINA. 75 min. Sha, B.-L. (2016, March 9). Identity and public relations: The profession and its professionals. Invited presentation to faculty and graduate students at Chinese University of Hong Kong, CHINA. 75 min. Sha, B.-L. (2015, September 22). Research and measurement for clarity and success. Invited keynote presentation to annual conference of the Southern Public Relations Federation, Point Clear, AL. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2015, September 12). Public relations bootcamp. Invited presentation to registered attendees, sponsored by the San Diego/Imperial Counties chapter of the Public Relations Society of America, CV for Bey-Ling Sha 30

San Diego, CA. 6 hours. Sha, B.-L., (2015, August 5). Driving without a map: Observations from a new administrator. Invited presentation to past fellows of the Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver Center for the Advancement of Women in Communication, session on Continuing on Down the Road: A Workshop for Faculty Success, hosted at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Francisco, CA. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2014, November 18). Understanding cultural identity and its impact on the future of public relations. Invited presentation to the Hawaii chapter of the Public Relations Society of America, Oahu, HI. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2014, November 17). Understanding cultural identity as a weapon of influence in public relations. Invited presentation to the Maui Affinity Group of the Hawaii chapter of the Public Relations Society of America, Maui, HI. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2014, August 29). Certificate in Principles of Public Relations: What professors should know. Teleseminar hosted by the Educators Academy of the Public Relations Society of America. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2014, June 14). Public relations bootcamp. Invited presentation to registered attendees, sponsored by the San Diego/Imperial Counties chapter of the Public Relations Society of America, San Diego, CA. 6 hours. Sha, B.-L. (2014, April 19). Remarks on behalf of the School of Journalism & Media Studies. Invited presentation to The Daily Aztec Centennial Celebration: Celebrating 100 Years of Student Journalism, San Diego State University, CA. 10 min. Sha, B.-L. (2014, April 19). The history of “A” is for Art. Invited presentation to the 10th annual “A” is for Art Exhibition and Gala, Mingei International Museum, San Diego, CA. 10 min. Sha, B.-L. (2014, April 19). Marketing and public relations: Creating a powerful personal brand. Invited moderator for panel at LIT [Leadership, Innovation, Transformation] College Tour, San Diego, CA. 45 min. Sha, B.-L. (2014, April 15). Identity, humanity, and divinity: Through the eyes of others. The Donald R. Ramage Keynote Address, Belmont [University] Undergraduate Research Symposium, Nashville, TN. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2014, April 15). The role of ethics in the professionalization of public relations. Invited presentation to students and faculty at Belmont University, Nashville, TN. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2014, March 28). Introduction to the School of Journalism & Media Studies at San Diego State University. Invited presentation to visiting delegation of media relations officers from U.S. embassies and consulates in 23 countries, hosted by the San Diego Diplomacy Council’s Information and Media Program, San Diego, CA. 60 min. Broom, G. M., & Sha, B.-L. (2014, March 21). State of the PR industry: What’s happening now and what’s coming. Invited presentation to the conference of the Public Relations Society of America Western District, San Diego, CA. 90 min. Sha, B.-L. (2014, March 6). Finding your leadership voice. Invited webinar presented onsite to the Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver Center for the Advancement of Women in Communication, Florida International University, Miami, FL. 60 min. (Available at Sha, B.-L. (2014, February 17). An overview of media professions and professionals. Invited presentation to the Aaron Price Fellows, high school students selected for a behind-the-scenes look at local government, cultural, non-profit and business institutions, San Diego, CA. 30 min. Shen, H., & Sha, B.-L. (2013, November 25). Census promotions and media relations. Invited presentation to visiting delegation from the Chinese National Bureau of Statistics, San Diego, CA. 90 min. Aeschelmann, M., Ballard, D. W., & Sha, B.-L. (2013, October 27). Striving for work-life fit. Invited panel presentation to the Public Relations Student Society of America, Philadelphia, PA. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2013, October 11). Tips for managing your scholarly research agenda. Invited teleconference co- presentation to the Educators Academy, Public Relations Society of America. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2013, September 26). AAPIA Women leaders in academia panel. Invited panel presentation to the National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum San Diego and to the Women’s International

CV for Bey-Ling Sha 31

Center, San Diego, CA, USA. 120 min. Sha, B.-L. (2013, September 16). PTA minutes: Your legal records. Invited training presentation to San Diego Unified Council of PTAs, San Diego, CA, USA. 90 min. Sha, B.-L. (2013, September 13). Communicating your work-life wellness program. Invited presentation to the Work & Well-Being Conference, presented by the American Psychological Association’s Psychologically Healthy Workplace Program, San Francisco, CA, USA. 90 min. Curtin, P. A., Sha, B.-L., Ekstrand, T., & Marron, M. (2013, August 10). Sticky wickets and research ethics: An interactive conversation. Invited panel presentation to the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Washington, D.C., USA 75 min. Sha, B.-L. (2013, June 8). Legislation & advocacy 101. Invited presentation to Ninth District PTA Summer Leadership Conference, San Diego, CA, USA. 75 min. Sha, B.-L. (2012, September 28 and October 5). Graduate recruitment tips. Invited presentation to department graduate advisors as part of workshops on best practices in graduate student recruitment, San Diego State University, CA, USA. 20 min. Sha, B.-L., & Curry, J. T. (2012, September 23). Strategic public relations: Your secret weapon to making a difference. American Bankers Association Marketing Conference, San Diego, CA, USA. 75 min. Sha, B.-L. (2012, August 17). PTA 101 for principals. Invited presentation to school principals and PTA units presidents of the San Diego Unified School District, San Diego, CA, USA. 15 min. Sha, B.-L. (2012, August 8). Professional balance & boundaries: Living work-life integration. Invited presenter to workshop titled “Getting Started in Teaching Journalism: Tips From the Vets,” sponsored by the Elected Standing Committee on Teaching of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Chicago, IL, USA. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2012, June 28). Leveraging organizational identity to drive employee engagement. Invited presentation to the Work & Well-Being Conference, presented by the American Psychological Association’s Psychologically Healthy Workplace Program, Chicago, IL, USA. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2011, November 28). The PTA nominating committee: Who, what, when, why & how. Invited presentation to the general association meeting of the San Diego Unified Council of PTAs, San Diego, CA, USA. 15 min. Sha, B.-L. (2011, November 16). PTA 101: What teachers should know. Invited presented to the Representative Council of the San Diego Education Association, San Diego, CA, USA. 10 min. Sha, B.-L. (2011, November 4). PTA 101: What school leaders should know. Invited presented to area superintendents of the San Diego Unified School District, San Diego, CA, USA. 45 min. Sha, B.-L. (2011, September 26). PTAs vs PTOs: Understanding the difference. Invited presentation to the general association meeting of the San Diego Unified Council of PTAs, San Diego, CA, USA. 15 min. Sha, B.-L. (2011, September 13). The role of the public affairs leader. Invited presenter to the U.S. Marine Corps Public Affairs Leadership Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA. 75 min., presented twice. Sha, B.-L. (2011, August 12). The balancing act: Addressing questions of balance or lack thereof. Invited panelist on session sponsored by the Elected Standing Committee on Teaching of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, St. Louis, MO, USA. 90 min. Sha, B.-L. (2011, August 9). Teaching Millennials: Tough love, social media, and selective self-disclosure. Invited presenter to workshop titled “Effective Strategies for Teaching in the Digital Age,” sponsored by the Elected Standing Committee on Teaching of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, St. Louis, MO, USA. 15 min. Sha, B.-L., Dean, T., & Pecsi, E. A. (2011, June 29). Constructing a public relations framework for Father Joe’s Villages and partner agencies. Research presentation to the organization’s Charitable Giving Team and Father Joe, San Diego, CA, USA. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2011, June 25). How to activate parents. Invited presenter to the Parent Empowerment Summit: Kids First in Education, sponsored by Voice for Our Kids & Parents for Quality Education, San Diego, CA, USA. 15 min. Sha, B.-L. (2011, June 4). Seven steps to successful advocacy. Invited presenter to Ninth District PTA CV for Bey-Ling Sha 32

Summer Leadership Conference, San Diego, CA, USA. 75 min. Sha, B.-L. (2011, April 28). Seven steps to successful advocacy. Invited presenter to California State PTA State Convention, Long Beach, CA, USA. 20 min. Sha, B.-L. (2011, April 11). Gendered pay inequities in public relations. Invited speaker on Congressional lunch panel titled New Voices for Pay Equity, sponsored by the American Association of University Women, Washington, D.C., USA 90 min. Sha, B.-L. (2011, March 29). Cultural identity and the segmentation of publics. Invited guest lecture to graduate public relations class at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA. 90 min. Sha, B.-L. (2011, March 29). Integrated communication: Census 2000 promotional campaign. Invited guest lecture to senior public relations capstone class at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA. 50 min. Sha, B.-L. (2011, March 14). Identity in public relations: A tri-partite research program. Invited colloquium speaker to faculty and graduate students at Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2011, March 14). The role of research in strategic planning: Examples from Census 2000. Invited guest lecture to senior public relations capstone class at Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA. 50 min. Sha, B.-L. (2011, January 27). Work-life integration. Invited panel presentation to the Public Relations Society of America, San Diego & Imperial Counties Chapter, San Diego, CA, USA. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2011, January 19). Preparing for your Readiness Review. Invited teleseminar to the Public Relations Society of America, Minnesota Chapter, USA. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2010, July 29). Professional identities & reputation management. Invited presentation to residence hall coordinators, Residential Education Office, San Diego State University, CA, USA. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2010, April 18). 2010 Practice Analysis: Preliminary report to the Universal Accreditation Board. Invited presentation to the Universal Accreditation Board, New York, NY, USA. 40 min. Sha, B.-L. (2010, April 18). Post-CBE survey: Results for 2010 Q1. Invited presentation to the Universal Accreditation Board, New York, NY, USA. 20 min. Sha, B.-L. (2010, March 31). The census race and ethnicity questions. Invited guest to These Days with Maureen Cavanaugh, KPBS (radio), San Diego, CA, USA. 20 min. Sha, B.-L. (2010, March 26). Race & ethnic identity in the U.S. census. Invited presentation to the Union of Pan Asian Communities (UPAC), Asian and Pacific Islander Census 2010 Network, San Diego, CA, USA. 60 min. Sha, B.-L., & Gaschen, D. (2009, November 9). Backpacks to briefcases: Accreditation, graduate work, internships & volunteering. Invited panel presentation to undergraduate students attending the National Conference of the Public Relations Student Society of America, San Diego, CA, USA. 75 min. Sha, B.-L. (2008, July 8). Graduate studies in public relations: Thinking about it, applying for it, and surviving it. Invited teleseminar sponsored by the National New Pros Interest Group, Public Relations Society of America, USA. 75 min. Sha, B.-L. (2008, March). Strategic planning in public relations. Invited presentation to two undergraduate classes in public relations principles, University of Houston, TX, USA. 60 min. each. Sha, B.-L. (2007, November 17). Living for (and communicating with) each other. Invited presentation to members of Zeta Pi chapter, Alpha Delta Pi sorority, University of San Diego, CA, USA. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2007, February 22). New PR agency business models are emerging: How is your agency impacted? Moderator of invited panel of public relations experts sponsored by the Public Relations Society of America, San Diego Chapter, CA, USA. 75 min. Sha, B.-L. (2006, November 12). Diversity on the job and in your communities. Leader and part of invited professional development workshop for attendees of the International Conference of the Public Relations Student Society of America, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2006, April 27). Theories of mass communication. Invited presentation to eighth-graders from AVID program at local middle school, San Diego, CA, USA. 60 min. CV for Bey-Ling Sha 33 Sha, B.-L. (2006, April 19). Industry experts share benefits of higher education. Part of invited panel sponsored by the Public Relations Society of America, San Diego Chapter, CA, USA. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2006, April 11). Cultural identity and communication. Invited presentation to fifth-graders from Adelante Preparatory Academy's Knowledge is Power Program (KIPP), San Diego, CA, USA. 45 min. Sha, B.-L. (2006, April 8). Top ten reasons to study public relations at SDSU. Invited presentation to high school seniors and parents as part of campus-wide Explore SDSU Day, San Diego, CA, USA. 45 min. Sha, B.-L. (2005, September 20). Katrina and crisis communications. Part of invited panel of public relations and media experts sponsored by the Public Relations Society of America, San Diego Chapter, CA, USA. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2005, August 22). Work-life integration: Reflections on the first year. Part of invited panel of second-year faculty members to new faculty at orientation, San Diego State University, CA, USA. 20 min. Sha, B.-L., & Lockwood, L. (2005, July 7). Getting your message to the media. Project Clean Water, Clean Water Summit, San Diego, CA, USA. 20 min. Sha, B.-L. (2005, May 3). Making news in Iraq: How military public affairs officers and embedded journalists brought war news home to America. Chair of professional panel sponsored by the Public Relations Student Society of America, San Diego State University, CA, USA. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2005, April 9). Top ten reasons to study public relations at San Diego State University. Explore SDSU Day, CA, USA. 30 min. Sha, B.-L. (2005, April 9). Graduate education in communication: Why it can be for you. California Forum for Diversity in Graduate Education, San Diego, CA, USA. 15 min. Sha, B.-L. (2004, November 30). Resume and portfolio workshop. Part of invited panel presentation to the New Professionals Group, Public Relations Society of America, San Diego chapter, CA, USA. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2004, October 23). Designing papers that get accepted . . . and noticed. Part of invited panel presentation to the Educators Academy of the Public Relations Society of America, New York, USA. 75 min. Sha, B.-L. (2004, October 23). Graduate studies in public relations: Thinking about it and applying for it. Roundtable lecture presented to attendees at the Public Relations Student Society of America, New York, USA. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2004, January 30). Children as opinion leaders in social marketing campaigns. Colloquium presented to the Center for Communication Programs, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA. 45 min. Sha, B.-L. (2003, May 9). Introduction to intercultural public relations. Lecture presented to management and staff of The Caraway Group, Washington, DC, USA. 120 min. Sha, B.-L. (2002, February 6). The integrated communications strategy for Census 2000. Keynote lecture presented to members of the Public Relations Society of America, Norfolk Chapter, Hampton Roads, VA, USA. 45 min. Sha, B.-L. (2002, January 15). The integrated communications strategy for Census 2000. Keynote lecture presented to faculty, students, and professionals as part of the Hearst Distinguished Lecture Series, Florida International University, Miami, USA. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2001, April 9). Research methods at the Census Bureau. Lecture presented to undergraduate class in communication research methods, College of Journalism, University of Maryland, College Park, USA. 75 min. Sha, B.-L. (2001, February 8). The integrated communications strategy for Census 2000. Chair and part of official panel presentation by the U.S. Census Bureau to faculty and students at Millersville University, Millersville, PA, USA. 75 min. Sha, B.-L. (2000, December 2). The implications of multi-racial categorizing for media professionals. Part of invited panel presentation Diversity in the Media: Important Issues for the 21st Century, sponsored by the Society of Professional Journalists and the Minorities and Communications Division of the

CV for Bey-Ling Sha 34 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Little Rock, AR, USA. 20 min. Sha, B.-L. (2000, October 17). The six Ps of thesis/dissertation survival. Lecture presented to graduate seminar in public relations research and design, Department of Communication, University of Maryland, College Park, USA. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (2000, August 10). Teaching diversity in the 21st century: From mission impossible to reality inevitable. Part of invited blue-ribbon panel presentation by leading educators in journalism and mass communication to the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Phoenix, AZ, USA. 15 min. Sha, B.-L. (2000, February 29). The implications of Census 2000 for public relations practitioners. Chair and part of official, teleconference panel presentation by the U.S. Census Bureau to members of the Public Relations Society of America, Suitland, MD, USA. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (1999, November 15). Cultural public relations: Identity and activism. Lecture presented to graduate seminar in global public relations, Department of Communication, University of Maryland, College Park, USA. 60 min. Sha, B.-L. (1999, October 15). Cultural communication and Census 2000. Lecture presented to faculty and graduate students as part of the Colloquium Series sponsored by the Department of Communication, University of Maryland, College Park, USA. 45 min. Sha, B.-L. (1999, September 18). Census 2000: A reporter’s tool. Chair and part of official panel presentation by the U.S. Census Bureau to journalists at the annual conference of the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association, Atlanta, GA, USA. 25 min. Sha, B.-L. (1999, April 1). Career counseling and mentoring students from diverse backgrounds. Part of invited panel presentation to journalism and communication educators, Conference on Inclusivity, Howard University, Washington, DC, USA. 15 min. Sha, B.-L. (1998, October 1). Research in public relations: Methodological and ethical concerns. Speech presented to students in public relations senior seminar, Millersville University, Millersville, PA, USA. 75 min. Sha, B.-L. (1998, May 6). Graduate studies in mass communication in the United States. Speech presented to the Department of Mass Communication, Chang Jung Christian University, Kway Jen, Tainan County, TAIWAN. Speech presented in Mandarin Chinese. 105 min. Sha, B.-L., & Aeschelmann, G. P. (1998, March 14). Cross-cultural relationships. Discussion aired on the Love Training Program, Gala TV (cable), TAIWAN. 30 min. Sha, B.-L. (1994, October 4). Loyalty and involvement. Part of invited panel presentation to members of Alpha Delta Pi sorority chapter at University of Maryland, College Park, USA. 20 min. Sha, B.-L. (1993, October). The minority student experience in western Europe. Part of invited panel presentation to study abroad advisors and program coordinators, Regional Conference of NAFSA: Association of International Educators, Washington, DC, USA. 20 min.

rev. February 24, 2019

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