Sanna King Dissertation May 2020 FINAL
THE INSTITUTIONAL MAZE: YOUTH, SCHOOLS, AND JAILS IN HAWAIʻI A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE DIVISION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF HAWAIʻI AT MĀNOA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN SOCIOLOGY MAY 2020 By SAnna King DissertAtion Committee: DAvid T. Johnson, Chairperson Meda Chesney-Lind NAnditA SharmA MArina KArides DAvid StAnnard Keywords: youth punishment, school-to-prison pipeline, juvenile justice, feminist criminology, coloniAl criminology, ethnography ©2020 By SAnna King All Rights Reserved 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My acAdemic journey would not have been possible without the love and support of so mAny people. First and foremost, I would like to thank my Mom, Rauni Prittinen King, and Dr. Mimi Guarneri for their wisdom, guidance, patience, and encouragement through this process. My educAtional journey and this study could not have happened without their continuous support And belief in me. I would also like to thank my DAd, MArk King, And his wife, Linda InskeeP, for their love and encouragement through this process. Thank you to my brother, Sulo King. Thank you to my SAn Diego family: Dr. Liz KAback, Ruth Kronenberg, Anna And Chris Moon, Becky And John LeBlAnc, Angie Polk, DejA Polk, Devonn Polk, The Miralles (LAuren, Donald, Luke, And Micah), And DAnny and AndreA InskeeP. Thank you to my sweet fluff ball Shorty, my dog, who brought me so much joy, comPAnionship, and emotional support during some of the more lonely times of dissertAtion writing. My deepest appreciAtion goes to my dissertAtion committee who assisted me on this reseArch journey with their guidance and encouragement: Dr.
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