27 January 1989

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27 January 1989 Reports that second tiers 'suspended' for elections but continue to be paid ---- STAFF REPORTERS ---­ REPORTS reaching this newspaper at the time of going to press indic:8ted that the ethnic or second tier governments, due to be either dissolved or disbanded from April! foUowing the proposed implementation of Resol ution 435 on that date, would continue to receive remuneration. According to tbese reports, during a Medin g between the South Afr ican Foreign Arrairs Minister, Mr Roelof Bolba, and represtntativts of the ethnic governments in Cape Town this week, it was agreed that the authorities in question would be 'suspended' as required by the stipulations orthe UN Plan, but would continue to receive pay while 'not in office'. AI the lime of going to press, the interim government Cabinet was doscted in a meeting with the South African-appointed Administrator General, Mr louis Pienaar. One of the items on the agcnda was the question of whether the interim government would 'resign' or bedisbanded by the South African State President; and whether they would do so long before the April J date set for the im plementation of 435 or at the 'eleventh hour', namely, March 3L Thcre was also strong speculation that a similar agreement (0 that reached with ethnic authorities, had been reached with the interim government, and th ai they 100, would continue to be paid even after they had 'resigned' or been disbanded. These reports follow strong rumours that members of the SWA Territory Force, also (0 be disbanded once 435 has gone into effect, would similarly be JOURNEY to the promised land? This you ng couple and their kids were spotted outside Windhoek paid. This included both pennanent force a.ml con.~ crip ts. The latter were liable attempting to hitch a lift to Cape Town this week. The man said be bad lost hisjob in Walvis Bay and to be told to 'go home' once 435 had begun, but even national servicemen was unable to find another. He did not express much interest in waiting around for the implementation would be paid in the sevcn months run-up to the election itself. or Resolution 435. One wonders if this signals the beginning or a 'white' exodus to South Arrica, Attempts toconfl1'ffi these reports wcre unsuccessful at the lime of going to particularly in the light of announcements that UNT AG forces will be arriving here in two weeks time? press. The Cabinet was in a lengthy meeting with the Administrator General and similarly, representatives of the ethnic governments were not available to the press. If the reports are true, then there ~s bound to be a massive public outcry al De Cuellar approves such abuse of public funds and taxpayer's money for such people, most of whom were nO! even clected by Namibians. It is also not known what is intended with both the ethnic governments and the interim government after the election has been held. Reports stated that once the interim government had either 'resigned' orbeen disbandt:d, that rule of this country would revert back UNTAG troop reduction to the South African-appointed Administrator GeneraL STAFF REPORTER UNITED Nations Secretary-General, Javier Perez de Cuellar has admitted that it is impossible to FIGHTING MARXISM IS NOT reconcile the opposing viewpoints regarding a reduction or the UN Transition Assistance Group (UNTAG) military component, and bas in effect given his approval to a r eduction in size from the POLITICS SAYS SWATF MAN original 7 500 troops to a force of 4 650_ This move has taken many by stage be presented to the General mately 2 300 logistic personnel. A BY CHRIS SHIPANGA surprise, as de Cuellar was intially Assembly on the basis of a military seventh battalion was to be held in shongly opposed to any reduction of component of 4 650, consisting of reserve in il5 home country. UNTAG as a cost-saving measure, as three enlarged infantry battalions, In his report. de Cuellar admits ANTI-Swapo propaganda leanets, distributed in the nor t h over proposed by Britain. France and the 300 military observers. about 1 700 that il remained the opinion of his the past rew weeks by the SWA Territory For ce's 101 Battalion Uni ted States in their capacity as logistic troops and headquaners staff military advisers that deployment at at Ondangwa, "clearly underlines what the SWA TF in gener al, permanent members of the UN Secu­ of about 100, all ranks". this level would be required if the and 101 Battalion particularly, is figbting ror andagainstwhom "_ rilY CounciL The original mililaf)' size 0( UNTAG military component of UNTAG was This was said by Commandant Fan~ Krige orthe SWATF liaison provided for six infantry battalions, department in reply to questions concerning the origin and 200 military observers and approxi- cont. on page 3 intentions of such pamphlets_ In his reply, the officer pointed out that "it should o nce again be emphasised that the SADF/SWA TF is not a political or ganisation Youngsters mutilated as The Namibian is insinuating". Commandant Krige said rurther: "Clear distinction should be drawn between invohtement in politics and the fight against in live ammo incidents Marxist and Russian expansionism and enslavemen t, w hich is a BY JOHN WALENGA real thr eat against this country and inhabitants in t he form of T W O young boys fr om different r egions ornorthern Nam ibia both SWAPO's revolutiona r y onslaught." had their legs blown ofT in separate incidents involving live explosives Command a n t Krige added t hat SWAPO still had to sign a ror mal a llegedly lert lying in the veld by m em bers or the secur!ly forces. agr eem ent on "ending its terror activities against this country and in habitants". The horrific incidenl5 lefl both below his knees. Ashikuru, ..... ho1>egan "Tbererore the SADF/SWATF is st ill respons ib le for combating youngsters badly mutilated. weeping while recounting the Story, Ashikutu Venondwnbo and Filli- said he woke up in hospital to fmd he this danger as it has been doing over t he past 22 year s with gr eat pus Kweyo, both II-years-old, were had "no legs"_ His face was badly success." In a report released in New York crippled for life on December 7 and scarred by red-hot shrapnel , and he is He concl uded: "This pamphlet is clearly underlining what t he on Monday. which containes his May 31 last year respectively. now pcnnanenuy blind in his right SWATF in general and 101 Battalion par ticula rly is fighting for recommendations to the Security The two kids are slill being treated eye. Hospital staff have provided him and against whom_" Council, de Cuellar said that the in the Oshakati hospitaL with a trollcy on wheels so that he authorised upper limit for the mili­ Ashikutu. from Omatunda near canmove around.andsaidonenurse, • The Namibian received lengthy replies from tbe SWATF tary component of UNTAG would Kaokoland, said he had been looking he even occasionally faUs asleep on concerning queries submitted last week, but as these replies only remain at 7 500. as originally estab­ afterhisfa!her'scallleduringtheday the trolley. Staff said Ashikutu's arrived after our deadline yesterday, we w ill carry the replies in lished in Resolution 435 more than of Deccmber 7_ While following the parents had Q(lly visited him once. full in our following edition. iO years ago. catue around, he accidentally stepped and had not come again. He is appar- However. his report said that on a live explosive device. Thc de- " budgetary provisions would at this vice detonated. shatlering both legs cont. on page 3 2 Friday January 27 1989 THE NAMIBIAN THE implementation of voting during the coming elections. Resolution 435 starting April I Approached for comment, Swapo's could see another hitch with the New legislation to interfere with 'free Legal Aff!li TS Secretary Dr announcement by the NgarikulUke Tjiriange said from Administrator General Mr Lusaka that it was defmite that the and fair' elections? way the South Africans understand Louis Pienaat that new violence was different from the way legislation was being prepared BY RAJAH MUNAMAVA Swapodid. which among others will seek to He also confirmed that the new being contemplated is aimed at curb­ 18 years. The independence slJUggle as waged exclude political parties that legislation would determine the vot­ ing intimidation and violence during Young people in the 18 - 21 age by Swapo could not be qualified as "advocate violence" from the ing age. the run-up to the elections. range usually are considered radical lhe type of violence lhat would dis­ independence process. BUlon further enquiry from this The move is being seen asaimed al hence they are likely to be suscep­ qualify the organisation from par­ And when asked to provide de­ reporter, lhe spokesman said "the Swapo which has been waging a tible to radical politics. ticipating in elections he said. tails, a spokesman for the AG's of­ best is !.hat yOll wait for the next few guenilla warforthe independence of In this case, the South Africans DrTjiriange stated thatlhc struggle fi ce told The Namibian thaI such weeks until the whole bunth of Jaws the territory the past 22 years against calculate that by putting the voting as waged by Swapo is legitimate in panies would not be allowed [0 reg­ and proclamations are passed, other­ South Afrkan forces here. age at 21. they could deprive the the framework of intemationallaw ister for the elections in terms of the wise this is just speculation".
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