Minutes of the Annual Conferences of the Methodist Episcopal
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MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL CONFERENCES OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, IN FOR THE YEARS 1773-1 828. VOLUME I. NEW-YORK: PUBLISHED BY T. MASON AND G. LANE, FOR THE METHODIST EPI8COPAL CHURCH, AT THE CONFERENCE OFFICE, 200 MULBERRY-STREEt. J. Collord, Printer. 1840. Minutes for 1821. 353 Lyons Creek, Daniel Shepherdson. Quest. 16. Where and when shall our Young-street, G. Peal, J. T. Demarest, next Conferences be held ? D. Youmans, sup. 1. Ohio Conference, at Chillicothe, Au Lower Canada. Dist. Henry Ryan, gust 8, 1820. P. Elder. 2. Missouri Conference, Shiloh Meet Montreal, Truman Dixon. ing-house, St. Clair county, September Attawaj 13, 1820. Cornwall, Elijah Boardman. 3. Tennessee Conference, Hopkinsville, Augusta, Timothy Goodwin, K. M'K. Kentucky, October 4, 1820. Smith. 4. Mississippi Conference, Mid way, Wil Rideau, Calvin N. Flint. kinson county, November 17, 1820. 5. South Carolina Bay Quintie, Robert Jeffers, D. C. Spore. Conference, Colum Hallowell, Jas. Wilson, Franklin Metcalf. bia, South Carolina, January 11, 1821. Bellville, Thomas Madden. 6. Virginia Conference, Raleigh city, Smith's Creek, Philander Smith. North Carolina, February 23, 1821. York, Fitch Reed. 7. Baltimore Conference, Baltimore, 'Northumberland, John Rhodes, Israel March 16, 1821. Cook. 8. Philadelphia Conference, Milford, *Shamokin, Marmaduke Pearce. state of Delaware, April 12, 1821. 9. New- *Lycoming,/oAn Thomas, Rob'l Menshall. York Conference, Troy, state of New- York, *Bald Eagle, Thomas M'Gce, Abram May 30, 1821. Dawson. 10. New-England Conference, Bane, Vermont, June 20, 1821. * The above are set off to the Baltimore Con 11. Genesee Conference, Paris, state ference. of New-York, July 19, 1821. MINUTES TAKEN AT THE SEVERAL ANNUAL CONFERENCES OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, FOB THE YEAR 1821. 1. Who Quest. are admitted on trial ? John Denham, Joseph B. Wyms, Joseph OHIO CONFERENCE. Williams, Elias Tidwell, Henry Gregg, Alfred Brunson, Wm. Crofford, Charles W- P- Kendrick, James Cumming, Thos. Thorn,horn, Jas. Collord, James Jones, Daniel Payne> Jonn Paulsaul, Wyley B. Peek, Limrick, Chas. Truscott, Nathan Walker, Benj. M. Drake, Aquilla Sampson, Alson Waters, A. Crawford, B. P. William I. Kent, Wm. Simmons, Henry J. I. Seawell, Wm. B. Knapp, Zarah Costio, Jas. Havins — 13. Carpenter, Jacob Sullivan, Sam'l Hyneman, Isaac Reynolds— 31. MISSOURI CONFERENCE. MISSISSIPPI CONFERENCE. Wm. L. Hawley, Elias Stone, Samuel P. Cook, Nicholas Bassett, Francis Moore, William Cravens, Henry T. Snead— 2. John M'Cord, W. W. Rodman, H. Vre- SOUTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE. denburgh, David Chamberlain, George V David Riley, Henry Seagrest, James Archi- Simms Isaac Br^nelV, bald Purify ^ho™ *&££ LevmHester^Green, Henry Stevenson, «B Gilbert Glenn, John Robertson, Daniel G. M'Da- uiaru— 15. nieli Elias Sinclair> r^-t T Wardj Elija|x TENNESSEE CONFERENCE. Sinclair, John I. Triggs, Noah Lancy, Milton Jameson, Wm. Young, Edward BodJ Eng)isn. M. M'Pherson, John Rey- Stevenson, John Evans, William Martin no,(,s, Livy Stancell— 16. Esau 5aJ**jw% Simmons, Allen B.' VIRGINIA CONFERENCE. B^"M-MAR^n0lJdsVJ-,W-M-Rey- Samuel Harre". J^n W. M. Kifby, nolds,m!it Blatchley C. Wood, Luke C. Allen, Thomas Crowder, Wm. Leigh, Archibald 23 354 Minutes for 1821. Brownley, Mann Dutton, Henry Peyton, SOUTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE. T. B. Humphries, Swain Swift—9. Thomas Samford, Barnett Smith, Ro Rhodes, BALTIMORE CONFERENCE. bert Adams, Nathaniel Aquilla Norman, Thomas Gardner, Benjamin L. Samuel Clark, Samuel Bryson, Charles Hoskins. John H. Tradewell, Thomas A. Davis, Samuel Ellis, Charles Young, Mabry, George Hill, John Mullinix — 11. French S. Evans, Norval Wilson, Wil VIRGINIA CONFERENCE. liam H. Chapman, Thomas M. Hudson, George Harper, Shadrach Chaney, Jacob Moses Brock, Thomas R. Brame, John R. Sheppard— 12. Thompson, George A. Bane, John F. An — PHILADELPHIA CONFERENCE. drew, Robert Wilkinson 6. Samuel S. Kennard, Daniel Parrish, BALTIMORE CONFERENCE. Eliphalet Reed, John Davis, Solomon Charles B. Tippett, Mordecai Barry, Higgins, John Bayne—6. Charles Cook, William C. Pool, Dennis B. David Steel, William Hanck, NEW-YORK CONFERENCE. Dorsey, John Haile, Wm. Brandeberry, Barton Prindle, Covel, Cyrus Samuel William Deforest, George Wells— 11. S. Pease, John Nixon, Eli Denison, Lu cius Baldwin, Geo. Smith, John Luckey, PHILADELPHIA CONFERENCE. Friend W. Smith, Roswell Kelly, Julius None. Field, John B. Tyler— 12. NEW-YORK CONFERENCE. NEW-ENGLAND CONFERENCE. Robert Seney, John Moriarty, John Summerfield,* no .Clark. Nathan Rice— 5. Heman Perry, Benj. Brown, Wallace J Lark, H. Nickerson, Gorham Greely, NEW-ENGLAND CONFERENCE. Frederick Upham, Benjamin R. Lewis, Jotham Horton, James P. Harvey, Stephen Lovel, Aaron Fuller— 9. William M'Coy, Phinehas Crandel, Chas. GENESEE CONFERENCE. Baker, David Culver, Ella Dunham, Jo Kellam, Ezra Kellogg, Ezra S. Jos. Williams, Sam'l Bebins, Denison seph Goodwin, Gilman Moody, Samuel Plum- Smith, Asa Abel, Benjamin Dighton, Ezra mer, Abr'm Holway, True Page, Samuel Healy, Orin Foot, John Gaylord Sayre, Baker— 15. Judd, James Hodge, Benj. Landon, Asa Orcott, John Ryerson, George Farr— 14. GENESEE CONFERENCE. Ira Brownson, Josiah Kies, Hiram. Quest. 2. Who remain on trial ? Moore, Caleb Kendall, jr., David C. Spoor, OHIO CONFERENCE. K. M'K. Smith, Manly Tooker, Richard Isaac C. Hunter, Abner Goff, James Wright, W. H. Williams, Philander Smith, Gilrath, Thos. R. Ruckle, Josiah Foster, Jasper Bennett, Robert Parker, Philetus Peter Warner, Jas. Murray, John Kinny, Parkus, John B. Gilbert, Thomas Demo- Andrew Caneer, Abdiel Coleman, Benj. rest, Franklin Metcalf— 16. Crouch, Moses Hinkle, Thomas S. Hitt, Quest. 3. Who are admitted into William H. Raper, Robert Delap, Isaac full connection ? Collord, Horace Brown, David Dyke, John R. Keach, John P. Durbiti, Francis OHIO CONFERENCE. Wilson, Nathaniel Harris, W. M. P. Samuel Adams, James Smith, Samuel Quinn—23. Brockunier, Edward Taylor, Dennis God- Elliott, MISSOURI CONFERENCE. dard, Charles Thomas M'Clary, Zechariah Connel, G. R. Jones, Leroy Isaac N. — Piggott, James Scott 2. Swormstedt, Arthur W. Elliott, Andrew TENNESSEE CONFERENCE. M'Lean, Burwell Spin-lock, Hezekiah William Peter, Elijah Kirkman, John Holland, James T. Wells— 15. Breadfield, Meredith Renneau, Richard MISSOURI CONFERENCE. W. Morris, Ellesson Taylor, Moses Smith, Thomas Tenant, Washington Orr, Wm. Martin Flint, Samuel Patton, Wm. Gunn, Medford, John Wallace— 4. Josiah Browder, Cheslea Cole, Robert * John Summerfield, baring laboured three Hoopper — 13. -years as an itinerant preacher in Ireland, and as, MISSISSIPPI CONFERENCE. according to the regulation of the Irish Confer ence, he had but one year more to serve as a Thomas Clinton, Meredith Renau, Dan'l probationer, wa» received by the New-York Con- De Vinne—3. tei:erence a» remaining on trial. S3* Minutes for 1821. 355 TENNESSEE CONFERENCE. Slocomb, T. Tenant, elect, W. Orr, elect, J. Butcher, jr., John Brooks, Samuel W. Medford, elect, J. Wallace, elect —10. Harwell, George Brown, John Kesterson, TENNESSEE CONFERENCE. Ancil Richardson, Robert Payne, H. H. J. Butcher, elect, Brown, Starling C. Brown, George Lock, John Brooks, elect, S. Harwell, elect, David Adams, Elisha Simmons, Abraham G. %own, elect, J. Kesterson, Still, Lewis S. Marshall, Thomas elect, A. Richardson, elect, Madden, R. Joseph D. Farrow, Hezekiah Holland, Payne, elect, H. H. Brown, elect, S. C. Brown,* Lock, Josiah Whitaker, Zechariah Connell, Oba- George elect, David Adams, diah Freeman— 20. elect, Abraham Still, elect, L. S. Marshall, elect, T. Madden, elect, J. D. MISSISSIPPI CONFERENCE. Farrow, elect, H. Holland, elect, J. Whit — Wiley Ledbetter, John Booth 2. aker, elect, Z. Connell, elect, O. Freeman, elect, James SOUTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE. Witton, Jesse Green, John Davis, George Taylor, Win. Martin— 24. James Danelly, Barnabas Pipkin, Mat thew Raiford, John B. Chappel, Christian MISSISSIPPI CONFERENCE. G. Hill. John Howard, Thomas Craven, Wiley Ledbetter, elect, John Booth, Jesse Sinclair —8. elect— 2. VIRGINIA CONFERENCE. SOUTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE. James Francis A. Ward, Williams Harris, Dannellv,* Barnabas Pipkin,* Matthew Raiford,* Enoch Johnson, Henry Alley, Miles Nash, John B. Chappel,* Clrristian G. Hill,* John Howard,* Thomas Howard, George C. Chesley — 7. Thos. Craven,* Jesse Sinclair,* James Dunwody, BALTIMORE CONFERENCE. Elisha Callaway, Robert Flournoy, Thos. Edward Oram, Dennis H. Battee, Thos. L. Winn, William Hankins, John Mulli- J. Dorsey, Richard Armstrong, Jacob nix, Hugh Hammill, Nicholas Ware, As- Larkin, James Sansom, John Miller, Ben- bury Morgan, Benjamin Rhodes, John L. — net JJowler 8. Greaves, Thomas A. Smith, John L. Jerry. Charles Berts, PHILADELPHIA CONFERENCE. Josiah Evans, Thos. A. Rosamond —24. Henry G. King, John Tally, Edward Stevenson, Joseph Cary, Benjamin Col VIRGINIA CONFERENCE. lins, William Allen — 6. Francis A. Ward,* Williams Harris,* Enoch Johnson,* NEW-YORK CONFERENCE. Henry Alley,* Miles Nash,* Thomas Howard,* Geo. C. Ches John Bangs, George Coles, Orin Pier, ley,* Charles L. Cooley, Peter Doub, Samuel D. Ferguson— 4. Thompson Garrard, Geo. M. Anderson, NEW-ENGLAND CONFERENCE. Hezekiah G. Leigh, William Eastwood, Exum Edward T. Taylor, Isaac Stoddard, Chapman, Ira Parker, George W. Charleton, Joakim Elijah Spear, James L. Bishop, Samuel Lane, Curtis Hooks, Amos C. Norris— ft. Treadway--19. GENESEE CONFERENCE. BALTIMORE CONFERENCE. Edward Oram,* Horace Agard, Henry Peck, James Dennis H. Battee,* Thomas Brown, Chester V. Adgate, Elijah Board- J. Dorsey,* Richard Armstrong,*