CHRONICLE OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN No.53, MAY 31, 1982 American Publication December 1, 1982


A Translation of the Complete Lithuanian Original LIETUVOS KATALIKŲ BAŽNYČIOS KRONIKA Nr. 53 Documenting the Struggle for Human Rights In Soviet-Occupied Lithuania Today

Translated by: Vita Matusaitis Translation Editor: Rev. Casimir Pugevičius Copy Editor: Marian Skabeikis Published by the Lithuanian R.C. Priests' League of America 351 Highland Blvd. Brooklyn, NY 11207

©Lithuanian Roman Catholic Priests' League of America 1982

ISSN 0197-0348

This issue was made possible, in part, by a grant from Father Jonas Maknys, S.T.D.

Franciscan Fathers Press 341 Highland Blvd. Brooklyn, NY 11207

COVER: Lithuanian pilgrims visit a shrine on Maiden Hill, in Žemaičių Kalvarija. The chapel and the shrines were demolished by atheists in April, 1982. CEF HRONICL O TH CATHOLI CHURCH IN,. LITHUANIA No 53

Introduction In,danety 1940 whe th Sovie Unio occupie Lithuani b force, en8%fs 5.5 o th country' mor tha 3 millio inhabitant wer Roman %x,Catholic 4.5 Protestant 7.3 Jewish 2.5 Orthodo and 0.2% rof othe persuasions. Ineos:8dr th tw archdiocese an fou diocese were 70 churches, 34,5e 1 chapels 7 monasteries 8 convents thre archbishops, nine ,0nb1fm8eishops 127 diocesa priests 58 monks o who 16 wer priests. e0.sdFr ou seminarie ha 47 students Ther wer 95 nuns. ,0rdsN5 un care fo 3 kindergartens 1 orphanages 2 home for te,ohdnh aged tw hospitals a yout center an a institut for the deaf-mute. One,;dyo Jun 15 1940 th Re Arm marche int Lithuania the ydtisndependen governmen wa replace b a puppe regime. ,y.nesOnd Jul 14-15 rigge election wer staged O Jul 21 with ye,gwtdh Re Arm surroundin th assembl house th ne People's "dtaDie "unanimously declare Lithuani a Sovie Socialis Republic. hs,demOn Jun 25 1940 th Churc wa declare separat fro the ,sdefytate an th representativ o th Hol Se wa expelled. Phsey,d aris land wer confiscated clerg salarie an pension were s.rd,cteu off an thei saving confiscated Churche wer deprived of se.gc,dupport Catholi printin plant wer confiscated an religious sbook destroyed. ndef,gOn Jun 28 1940 th teachin o religio an recitatio of nsp.erayer i school wa forbidden Th University' Department of ydTs,le heolog an Philosoph wa abolished an al privat schools were eids.tnationalized Th seminarie a Vilkaviški an Telšia wer closed, dosytenan th seminar a Kauna wa permitte t operat o a very ld.yenimite scale Th clerg wer spie upo constantly. nf0sedOn, Jun 15 1941 34,26 Lithuanian wer packe of i cattle- socdnte.r ar t undisclose point i th Sovie Union Afte Worl War I I , ldsteh mas deportation resume an continue unti 1953. ,Vpfsdn incenta Borisevičius Bisho o Telšiai wa arreste o Feb­ dhrot,.yuar 3 1946 an condemne t deat afte a secre trial Before sy,pear' end hi auxiliary Bisho Prana Ramanauskas wa also ar­ srdo.peste an deporte t Siberia Bisho Teofiliu Matulioni of Kai­ šsdpfeiadory an Archbisho Mečislova Reiny o Vilniu wer deported

a.3hecnCf hronicl o th Catholi Churc i Lithuani No 5 1 a Siberia labo camp Archbisho Reiny perishe i prison at ats.y,Vr ladimir Novembe 8 1953 B 1947 Lithuani wa lef with a se,.dnfingl bishop Kazimiera Paltarokas o Panevėžys H die i 1958. sd,etIn 1947 th las convent an monasterie wer closed their sc,dleommunitie dispersed an al monasti institution wer outlawed. Ast,erhn fte Stalin' deat i 1953 ther wa a sligh improvement sd.ine th religiou situation Bishop Matulioni an Ramanauskas were ort,nadllowe t retur t Lithuania bu no t ministe t their hedsory iocese o t communicat wit th clerg o laity. Bpdsn, isho Ramanauska die i 1959 an Archbisho Matulionis in 1963. Ino,ydews 1955 tw ne bishop wer appointe b Rom an con­ s:d. ecrated Julijona Steponavičiu an Petra Maželis Steponavičius rdoshna neve bee permitte t administe hi diocese. Bsp,dn isho Vincenta Sladkevičius consecrate i 1957 wa kept ul.tsn,re nde sever governmen restriction unti 1982 I 1965 Monsignor sondeJuoza Labukas-Matulaiti wa consecrate i Rom t head the edfsA. rchdioces o Kauna an th Dioces o Vilkaviškis Two new bsed:npishop wer consecrate i 1969 Bisho Romualda Krikščiū­ dcnsrfea wa appointe Apostoli Administrato o th Dioces o Pane­ dv,spėžys an Bisho Liudvika Poviloni wa appointe auxiliary to Bpd,mrshn isho Labukas an succeede hi afte hi deat i 1979. nodp,Ins 1982 Bisho Sladkevičiu wa permitte t retur t his cesdrf. ioces a Apostoli Administrato o Kaišiadorys Fathe Antanas Vdspcrfe aičiu wa name bisho an Apostoli Administrato o th Diocese offdei Telšia an th Prelatur o Klaipėda. nRfesd elaxatio o pressur o religiou believer soo reveale that snl.teyh Lithuania peopl wer stil deepl religious I wa decided in sfe.loth mid-fiftie t resum th attack Th principa mean o attack e,ldwr oul b unlimite mora pressure sinc physica terro seemed nodye nl t strengthe an unif th faithful. In,efn 1972 th Chronicle o the Catholic Church i Lithuania, ycdnt,ohelandestinel publishe i tha country bega t reac th fre world r.atysndop irregula intervals Primaril intende t kee Catholic i Lithu­ aefdn,hni informe o th situatio o th Churc there thes Lithuanian stoelamizdat als serv a a constan appea t th fre world n o t egttof f o r g e th pligh o a peopl strugglin agains overwhelm­ igsodrnn odd t defen thei religiou belief an t regai their bncasi huma rights. Rev. Casimir Pugevičius nTranslatio Editor

2 .aCefhnc hronicl o th Catholi Churc i Lithuani No 53 tsRd ea thi an pas i on! ,hgeAppearin sinc Marc 19 1972


sIn thi Issue:

s1.r Ou Thank 4 mt2. Sovie Vandalis 4 ey3.n I th Seminar 11 s"rl4.e Th Counci fo Religiou Affair "Brain-Washes 12 "5.ftm A Victi o Sovie "Freedo o Conscience 18 ėe6. Genovait Navickait Fre 21 s7.d Searche an Interrogation 24 r8.s Ou Prisoner 26 9.esdlfa Th Priest an Faithfu o Lithuani Writ 29 0 Th C a t h o l i C a 1 e n d a r - D i r e c t o r y 36 sme1. 1 New fro th Diocese 37 1.netl 2 I th Sovie Schoo 47 w1.s 3 Ne Publication 63

Lithuania My, a 31 1982

ef.Ccnah hronicl o th Catholi Churc i Lithuani No 53 3 OUR THANKS

On March 19, 1982, the Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania celebrated its 10th anniversary. On the occasion, many friends of the Chronicle prayed and congratulated the Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania, both in Lithuania and in the West. Many messages reached the editors of the Chronicle via Vatican Radio, Radio Liberty and Voice of America broadcasts.

Our thanks for the solidarity, for the kind words, for the Christian love! Our thanks to:The editors of Lithuanian broadcasts at Vatican Radio, Radio Liberty and Voice of America; Director Jonas Jurašas and emigrant Lithuanian youth for preparing the radio broadcasts; The International V. Petkus and N. Sadūnaitė Committee; Fatima Campaign 77; The Christian Solidarity International Committee and all, all of Lithuania's friends for their messages and prayers.

Our thanks for not abandoning us to fight alone for God and the homeland!


During the night of April 2 to 3, 1982, Maiden Hill, located within the boundaries of the Žemaičių Kalvarija Parish, was devastated: the chapel and two shrines were demolished, even their foundations were razed, concrete monuments and all crosses were overturned, the fence was removed . . . That same night, crosses were uprooted near the Varniai-Telšiai Highway, in the Villages of Kungiai and Jomantai as well as in the Village of Anulėnai near the Palanga- Šiauliai Highway. (This beautiful Eigirdžiai Parish cross had been cherished from of old and decorated by the faithful. People used to go there to make vows.) The faithful were highly incensed, and their complaints flooded

4 Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania No. 53 e,fnstlh Counci o Minister o th Lithuania SSR th Central Com­ me,yft itte o th Communis Part o Lithuania th Ministry of mfetnsC, ulture th editor o th atheis televisio progra Argumentai refc,(Arguments) th Catholi Committe fo th Defens o Believers' eysRdrfl. ight an th Militar Prosecuto o th USSR. Severa delegations sod.ofel th faithfu appeale t variou rayon agencies Learning about slne,fth desecratio o th Hill th faithfu bega a vigorou campaign of:yges, atonement the ar havin Mas offered receivin th sacraments, gronlys:t oin t Maide Hil b ca o o foot a time i a virtually e.r,ysunnbroke stream Fo example fort passenge car wer counted at .ny03:0 P.M o Ma 2nd. nerdmTs h crosse an statuette retrieve fro th wate hav bee tied hwd;osrk it blac ribbon an returne t thei places crosse made of stfeldtick an stone do th hil itsel a wel a th wood and the gesndr.woadside A ne cros ha b e e e r e c t e alon th road to sewdnp.Maide Hill Ne crosse hav sproute u i th Villages of ws,i.dAln nulėna an Vembutai O Apri 24 1982 a ne cros to the dns,eSamogitia martyr wa erecte i Rainiai th godles destroyed it onl Apri 26th. eų,stOnyd Ma 9 1982 service wer hel a th Žemaiči Kal­ netrvaf arij Shrin i atonemen fo th desecratio o th chapel donelst edicate t th innocen virgin o Maide Hil where some s2e0dyhn,00 girl wer martyre b Swedis soldier i 1626 (See Č.,. Kudaba Kalvotoji Žemaitija (Hilly Samogitia), p 72). Tel'ofdi h Priests Senat o th Dioces o Telšia appeale t al the eflmogy,clerg o Lithuania askin the t infor th faithfu o th incident, sheoyadn t refus t hav an dealing wit th Religiou Affairs Cf.psmei ommissar A grou o dean fro th Dioces o Telšia informed teyonrh diocesa administrato tha the wer to deepl offended to sehgdatten thi year' meetin wit th Religiou Affair Commissar. eBsdy ecaus th crosse an shrine wer demolishe b soldiers, epon:stg. eopl bega t talk " T h occupan i showin hi might This is ysnwe h th occupant' arm i necessar i Lithuania!" sdn,lhyOn Ma 4 1982 Maide Hil wa ravage a fourt time. Tenysdf h ver stone o th chapel' foundatio wer rolle into the modeslp. onds Al th stone use t for crosse wer scattered. The befsg,nas o th cros bearin th inscriptio "Lord Sav Lithuania fm,sdnelro Alcohol!" erecte o th hil countles times wa carted off ed.slnmomewhere Smal fir wer plante o th hil an fro May 14th, .edtyits wa guarde da an nigh b th militia Despit th guard, cslrneyrosse occasionall stil appea o th hill.

.anCefhc hronicl o th Catholi Churc i Lithuani No 5? 5 msdeoy,Undaunte b danger someon uproote th fir t for a cross- esd,pf.nyghape clearing O Ma 15th a grou o youn peopl cam to the lnedohy. il throug th woods Th yout barel ha tim t knee i prayer s,oeywdnr he fou militiamen tw soldier an thre securit agent jumped severa vehicle whic ha drive up The literall dragged tesmlyfrdh youth fro th hil b th scruff o thei neck an photo­ gsef.dlmraphe the fro al angles Crosse mad o stone along the rdeplsy.noa ar picke u severa time ever day Eve crosse drawn on tsldfhe.onree ar shave of wit al th bark Th roa t Maide Hill has hd.eflbnee close of an plante wit smal trees Th peopl detained byeya:tf th militi ar astounded " I onl on per-cen o your effort sdm"gowe er devote t catchin criminal an thieves! Far Director ,toVečspn alenti Matuševi doe no dar t slee a home quaking in fren,dsea sinc h receive a anonymou lette saying " T h Hill fallen, sol wil you!" Ins,etfn churche throughou Lithuania new o th devastatio of Mnslf,d aide Hil ha bee announced an service o atonement have ny:,bųee held O Ma 9 1982 i Plungė Žemaiči Kalvarija and L,nyh uokė o Ma 16t i Mažeikiai etc. sldOnnye,r Ma 14 1982 Maide Hil wa visite b th Pasto of Žrųs,;ne emaiči Kalvarija Fathe Alfonsa Lukoševičius th Dea of Ma­ žs,r;def eikiai Fathe Jona Gedvilą an th Pasto o Tirkšliai Father Vs.drey incenta Gauronskis The foun th forestr directo an a group ofsgner. worker plantin tree o th hill Fathe Alfonsa Lukoševičius lI:igsedrntroduce himself " wrot a lette regardin thi hil to the edfyMt. inistr o Cultur an receive a reply I mus therefore know grswte,d" ha i bein don here an why. Afte identifyin himself, a mrse:Ilo oto vehicle inspecto stated " wil hav t tak down your n.ey ames Thes ar m orders!"

Oes n Youth' Impressions dyWeneits ha alread reache Telšia whe w learne tha i wa im­ sdeohnyltpossibl t reac Maide Hil — i wa guarde b th militia. None­ pten0,r)heless ou grou (som 3 persons lef th trai 3 km. (1.8 twe.ėm) iles befor th Pasruoj Station W sa tha th woods were ghcdnoe. rawlin wit uniforme me an civilians W decide t proceed agstrole, lon ditches severa girl go thei fee we bu n on broke the .tedsilence Th guar di no notic us W fel lik book-smugglers gcsenrdyarryin book acros th Lithuania frontie guarde b secret police. lnsAdet n ther wa Maide Hil . . . no a singl sig tha shrine and

6 Cefchna. hronicl o th Catholi Churc i Lithuani No 53 crosses once stood here. Not a pebble left, only foundation stones sticking out of the water below. The entire hill is planted with small pines. Without realizing it, we all fell to our knees with great emotion. We had barely started the Lord's Prayer when three militia vans drove up. Telšiai Security Police Chief Laskutov, two more chekists, two soldiers and a group of militiamen jumped from the vans and ran up the hill; they were in such a hurry that they even grabbed at the ground for support; one of them shouted at us: "You're not allowed to trample the hill!" To inspire panic they began to photograph us from all sides, dragging some of us from the hill by the scruffs of our necks. Militiamen twisted my arms as well as those of another young man. Militiaman Razminas addressed one woman: "And you, a married woman, running around in the woods with teenagers. You and your bright ideas have called out half of the militia of Lithuania". Militiamen lead the two of us to their vehicles and threatened the others: "We'll see all of you later; we know who you are!" We were placed in militia vans. The girls began to cry and someone suddenly shouted: "Let's lie down in the road, let's not allow them to be taken away!" and they lay down. They tried to drag one or two by their feet, but then ordered everyone to take off. We returned on foot under escort all the way to TelSiai. For the first time, I had occasion to feel like I was some kind of freedom fighter.

V. May 15, 1982

The Priests' Senate of the Dioces of Telšiai April 22, 1982. No. 6

To: The Bishops and Diocesan Administrators of Lithuania; The Deans of Lithuania

In the Parish of Žemaičių Kalvarija, the Village of Pasruojė, the District of Gadunavą, the Rayon of Telšiai, the nationally significant archeological monument Alkakalnis, otherwise known as the Maiden Hill (No. 1195) was brutally devastated during the night of April 2 to 3, 1982. The chapel which stood on that hill and the metal fence surrounding it were demolished. Two other small shrines were also razed: 1. A shrine with a decorated cross from the end of the 19th Century, monument DV-3064 of local significance and, 2. A shrine with decorated crosses and sculptures of Mary and angels,

Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania No. 53 7 monument DV-4043 of local significance. These artistic monuments are listed as monuments protected by the Lithuanian SSR. A free­ standing shrine and several crosses and monuments to the dead also stood on the hill. Everything has been broken, smashed and over­ turned. Broken Corpuses and statues litter the ground. An ancient wooden cross standing along the Telšiai-Seda Highway was cut down and thrown out. Maiden Hill is in a forest in a remote place, for generations a memorial to the hard days of the Swedish occupation of 1626. On this spot, the Swedes killed 2,000 Lithuanian young women (See Č. Kudaba, Kalvotoji Žemaitija (Hilly Samogitia), p. 72) who had been hiding from the invaders in underground caves and praying. The Swedes buried many of the girls alive in the caves. Long ago a chapel, shrines and crosses were erected on this hill in memory of those martyrs. Down through the ages, people have visited and decorated this memorial place. The news of the hill's vandalism traveled throughout Samogitia with the speed of lightning and aroused the outrage of all decent people. This historical monument was not destroyed by ordinary hooligans. According to the testimony of local people, Valentin Matuševič, the Director of the Pasruojė Fisheries, is responsible for destroying the monument and desecrating a holy place. He committed the crime with the help of a military unit. At whose orders Matuševič carried out this crime, only he can say. The atheists thus demonstrated their resolve to continue their reign of terror against the Catholic Church in Lithuania, only a small part of which was described by the Priests' Senate of the Diocese of Telšiai in its November 30, 1980 complaint to the Prosecutor General of the USSR. We feel obligated to protest against the arbitrariness of militant atheists and condemn the crimes they commit. This time, we appeal not to government agencies, but to the numerous community of faithful in Lithuania, in order to inform everyone of the sacriligeous crimes committed here in Lithuania. We hold the hope that the strong­ ly condemnatory voice of society will restrain the rampaging atheists and will disrupt their plans to destroy every last archeo- logical religious monument. We ask the Very Reverend Deans of Lithuania to consider whether it is worthwhile to meet with the Religious Affairs Commissar while government officials employ similar methods to annihilate the Catholic Church in Lithuania. We kindly ask you to apprise the priests

8 Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania No. 53 and faithful of this letter. Priests' Senate of the Diocese of Telšiai:


Julius Budrikis Jonas Gedvila Jonas Kauneckas Alfonsas Lukoševičius Tadas Poška Adolfas Pudžemys Petras Puzaras Vincentas Senkus Antanas Šeškevičius Vincentas Vėlavičius

To: The Producers of the Television Program Argumentai,- The Catholic Committee for the Defense of Believers' Rights. People who love art, music and song are spiritually rich. We honor them, their works are displayed in exhibits, they are con- fered awards and prizes. It is very distressing that today, we who have grown up in the socialist system see how the barbaric hands of the atheists debase and destroy art structures: shrines and crosses. We, Lithua­ nians, shed bitter tears as we kneel at the remains of demolished and desecrated crosses. By their vile deeds, the atheists have already instilled hatred for godlessness and lying, not only in our hearts but also those of our children. Several years ago, a cross standing along the Telšiai-German- tas Road near a brick kiln was cut down by atheists. In March-April, 1982, along the Šiauliai - Palanga Road near Anulėnai, stood a cross erected thirty years earlier. This cross was revered and loved by children, young people and adults. Fresh flowers and wreaths continually adorned it. This cross also fell victim and caused a wound in the hearts of the faithful. Godless hands annihilated it. Three crosses on the Telšiai-Varniai Road were cut down. One near the Pergalė (Victory) Collective Farm, another near the gas line to Klaipėda, the third near the Pušinė Forest. In 1981, three majestic crosses stood in the Rainiai Forest. With the help of a military unit, the Telšiai Security Police blew up the crosses. They demonstrated the might of the military

Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania No. 53 9 unit against a wooden cross. Seven km. (4 miles) from Seda is Plinkšių Lake. Between the lake and the Strėvė River is Maiden Hill, or the historic Maidens' Tell (See P. Baranauskas and A. Vabalas, Vadovas po Lietuvą (Guide to Lithuania), 1938, p. 280). In antiquity this place was well fortified by the Samogitians. (A Lithuanian ethnic sub­ group — Trans. Note). An extensive system of underground caves was built. In 1626 the Samogitians were overcome by the Swedish army which despoiled the land of Lithuania and began to destroy the Lithuanian nation. The girls and young women of the whole area gathered on that hill and hid in the caves. The Swedes rampaging about the region, were surprised at not finding girls or women. The enraged Swedes, coming upon the hiding places, covered them over with earth. In memory of the martyred maidens, a wooden chapel, free-standing shrines and crosses were later erected on the spot. This place was revered, visited and tended by the dedicated hands of our Lithuanian faithful. This hill was especially loved by the youth. However, at the beginning of April, 1982, ruthless hands of atheists were raised against this architectural monument protected by the state (listed among monuments protected by the state), which had been erected in memory of the innocent girls. The godless brutally desecrated the Maiden Hill, broke and overturned crosses and demolished the chapel. The narrow road leading to Maiden Hill is strewn with fragments of the chapel. Road­ side trees are damaged. A beautiful cross stood along the path leading to Maiden Hill. It also was destroyed by atheists. Why is it that, under the socialist system, local atheists are allowed to have their way, breaking Soviet law by knocking down and destroying crosses, shrines and other works of art? Today, memorial structures stand in Ablinga, as do monuments in Pirčiupys to innocent victims of murder. But Alkakalnis is also soaked with the blood of innocent maidens. Such historical places must be preserved so that the younger generation might bow their hands before Lithuania's blood-soaked soil and consider how much sacrifice the nation has endured. The wounds the godless inflicted on our souls have produced a renewed resolve to have crosses once again adorn the crossroads and roadsides of the Samogitian soil, its historic tells and places. Please explain to us whether monuments protected by the state will henceforth be permitted to be destroyed? If not, what

10 Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania No. 53 ysouentmeasure d yo pla t emplo agains thos wh act arbit­ rlnd,esarily an whe wil th destroye shrine b restored?

Al, pri 20 1982

soe:dSigne by 9 person t th Argumentai producers; so17erc person t th Catholi Committe fo the f'eDefens o Believers Rights.


,eOncrf Jun 6 1982 th Apostoli Administrato o th Arch­ edfsp, ioces o Kauna an th Dioces o Vilkaviškis Bisho Liudvi­ ,dksegoa Povilonis ordaine th followin deacon t th priesthood at steh Kauna Cathedral:

As lbina Arnašius sKazy Meilius Vs ytauta Brilius Ld eoni Nestiuk sZenona Degutis Jsuoza Norkūnas sStasy Čiupala As loyza Orantas An nto Filipčik As lfonsa Petraitis Jsuoza Gražulis Rs oka Puzonas Kr azimi Gvazdovič Žs yginta Vaselka Es dmunda Kulvietis Ks ęstuti Vilutis

tecT,rf ha sam day th Apostoli Administrato o th Dioces of Ps,pyd anevėžys Bisho Romualda Krikščiūnas administere Hol Orders tosd Deacon Albina Paltanavičiu an Raimunda Saprigonis. sleyNt3 o sinc 196 ha th Kauna Theologica Seminar graduated snetyhi man priest i on year. edsF,trgwollowin thei ordination th ne priest wer greete a the yedfoseminar b a larg crow o believer wh ha com t th ordina­ o.gnstmio fro variou Lithuania localities Respondin t the best w,sdgf ishe o youn people Father Kazy Meiliu an Roka Puzonas esy.dtpok ver meaningfully Everyon rejoice tha despit difficult sehnckgfo,wonditions th ne priest ar settin of t wor wit a unbroken spirit. slywpfeThi larg grou o ne priest wil considerabl replenish .esonfgth thinnin rank o Lithuania priest abl t work Th Chronicle stewyndr xtend it wishe tha th ne priest fin thei wa i current hronicl o th Catholi Churc i Lithuani No 53 II ,lSsdyfe eminarian an facult o th Kauna Theologica Seminary assembled ltfneion th occasio o th visi o Cardina Leka o a papa mission to Lna ithuani i 1979. ts,cdheircumstance an wit courag an dedication witnes Chris their dsroentir live t th persecute nation' Catholic an thei errant brothers.


hParis Committees ohmFl,sfe ro Marc t Apri 1982 employee o th Counci for tad"sReligiou Affair conducte "seminars throughou Lithuani for eyhsfparis committee — committee o twent — whic wer also at­ sftdy.eende b member o atheis suppor groups Priest wer strictl for­ bnoidde t attend. ,snhS"d uc a "seminar wa hel i Vilkaviški o Marc 24 1982. nfeTh Vic Chairma o th Rayon Executiv Committe stated "ste,dha "unsuitable sermon ar preache a th Pajevonis Kybar­ s.teida an Didvyžia Parishes I happen tha th priest ar making .tep,lnir astora visits fo example i Vilkaviškis A th Kybarta Parish, the .hfeprns asto himsel i th chairma o th paris committee Not all skpneoarishe as rayon permissio t invit priest whe assistance is n.isrtyodeeded Kybarta ha a imposto pries wh di no stud anywhere,

12 a.nechCf hronicl o th Catholi Churc i Lithuani No 53 medA,s loyza Volskis expelle fro th Tlysrt heologica Seminar a a fourth-yea studen for ahsg.e"ssociatin wit "extremist priests H i presently nwlheg orkin wit th liturgica commissio i Lithuania hstnde a no bee ordaine an doe no hav a governmen permit (rs. Fathe Jona Matulioni — Ed Note). Rsrfnk eligiou Affair Commissa Anilioni himsel the too the rmdtf%esostru an state tha 8 9 o th parishe hav pastors, while 1%o,esyg"t 1 d not therefor hi agenc "i seein t it tha th seminary aes.rdt ccept mor candidates Th commissa explaine tha th Catho­ flsdaeic o Lithuani coul hav ha a religiou magazin but "ex­ t"nsdre.remist priest raise a uproa an prevente it H named te":,shre "impostor priests Petra Našlėnas Jona Matulionis and

Cfecnha. hronicl o th Catholi Churc i Lithuani No 53 13 Kęstutis Brilius and added that more exist but he does not know their names. According to the commissar, the Council for Reli­ gious Affairs is concerned lest the believers be deceived. The commissar was incensed that believers were signing petitions, and stated slanderously that signatures are forged. With reference to seminarian Aloyzas Volskis, the commissar explained that believers needlessly intercede on his behalf for he has personally admitted he erred, thus, such petitions should not be signed in the future. Pretending concern for Church matters, the commissar criticized young people for playing guitars in some of the churches, and women for having on occasion given the homily. The majority of parish committee members boycotted these "symposiums" for everyone knows from earlier experience that government officials have but one purpose: to slander and denigrate what they find unsuitable and to lead the faithful astray.

The Deans On May 27, 1982, all the Deans of the Archdiocese of Kaunas and the Diocese of Vilkaviškis were summoned to the Kaunas Arch- diocesan Chancery. For some unknown reason — whether because Bishop Povilonis insisted, or because Religious Affairs Commissar Anilionis feared a strike by the deans — the "brain-washing" was conducted this time not at the Executive Committee but at the Chancery. The Vicar General, Liudvikas Mažonavičius, quietly asked the deans not to cloud the meeting with unpleasant questions, i.e., not to point out instances of discrimination against the Church. We report the main ideas of Commissar Petras Anilionis. The lecturer was pleased that certain deans require priests to observe Soviet laws, that there are many priests who are not part of the extremist movement. (For the commissar, good deans are those who betray the interest of the Church, while the extremist movement consists of priests whose activities displease the Soviet government — Ed. Note). The commissar feels that Bishop Povilonis, Vicar General Mažonavičius and Chancellors Jonas Kavaliauskas and An­ tanas Bitvinskas are able to maintain good order. The commissar lamented that certain priests seek to eliminate Soviet laws on religious cults. In the speaker's opinion, such extremist priests want to run parishes without consulting the parish executive organ. They speak out against teachers, demand a reli­ gious magazine and speak in the name of all priests. The commissar assured his audience that a religious magazine is on the drawing

14 Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania No. 53 board, but it will not be like the Chronicle and will not serve foreign imperialists. Extremist priests, Anilionis continued, want to sustain conflicts with the government; they demand that only candidates chosen by them study at the seminary. This situation has existed since 1968 when the first letters regarding the seminary appeared in the Diocese of Vilkaviškis. Upon non-extremist seminarians (i.e., KGB collaborators — Ed. Note), a shadow of suspicion is cast. Extremists, the commissar stated, have raised a world-wide outcry regarding seminarian Aloyzas Volskis' expulsion, although he had twice been warned by the seminary authorities. (It is current practice at the seminary to issue warnings regarding infractions of "discipline" in order to appease the Religious Affairs Commissar's office when seminarians offend the Soviet government in some way, for instance, do not rise when the Soviet anthem is sung at the seminary or visit during their vacations a priest whom the Soviet authorities dislike, etc. — Ed. Note). Last year, seminarian Aloyzas Volskis came to see the Religious Affairs Commissar, and wrote a statement that, while at the seminary, he had committed political errors which he now regrets. (It is not surprising that people regret their errors in the Soviet Union; the Soviet system manages to intimidate even decent people — Ed. Note). The commissar emphasized that extremist priests maintain ties with overseas activists, and accent resistance to the Russians, even though, when they wished to greet Sakharov they became inter­ nationalists. He said that the extremists had placed great hopes in events in Poland, where there were even lists made up for the Communists to liquidate, (sic) The commissar mentioned that the extremists harshly attacked candidates chosen for bishoprics, and even though Rome had been presented with many candidates, no agreement had been reached on account of the extremists' libel. Bishop Vincentas Sladkevičius had even attempted in writing to convince candidates to refuse consecrations. "Surely it will not hurt the Soviet government to have fewer bishops in Lithuania", the commissar poured out the clever lie. "Or will it be better for the government if each diocese has its own bishop?" (Of course it would be better for Soviet govern­ ment if there are more bishops loyal to it — Ed. Note.) The commissar was outraged that extremist priests assail priests

Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania No. 53 15 ėNijol Sadūnaitė

oewdfr h defen peac an conside th defens o peac t b fraud. Esehkrf xtremist organiz yout meeting unde th cloa o religion but ,rn;st o fo religiou purposes fo instance o Decembe 5 1981, )faesint Kapsuka a th hom o (Miss Magdalen Kuncevičiūtė nad,rtsen o Novembe 14 1981 i Vilkaviški a th hom of the Ks.d elmeli family Father Ričarda Černiauska an Juoza Zdebs- osdhki organize yout excursion t lakes.

lo,eEtd xtremis priests th officia continue t elaborate organized ont,hfsm Augus 23 1981 a marc o believer fro Tytuvėnai to dsrfnaeŠiluv i hono o th convicte Vaičiūna an Jurevičius. The

16 hronicl o th Catholi Churc i Lithuani No 53 march was therefore disrupted. Such tactics could even destroy the Šiluva devotions. Extremists use churches for other than religious purposes. For instance, priests permitted Nijolė Sadūnaitė to give a homily at the Viduklė, Šilalė and Pajūralis churches on "How Good it is in Prison." "Everyone knows how terrible it is in prison," the com­ missar corrected (Miss) Sadūnaitė's "heretical" thought. ( (Miss) Sadūnaitė did not give a homily, but told the crowd of people of her experiences in a Soviet labor camp — Ed. Note). Anilionis was greatly incensed at U.S. resident professor Vardys for urging people in his book Katalikų Bažnyčia ir disidentiz- miis Sovietų Lietuvoje (The Catholic Church and the Dissident Movement in Soviet Lithuania) (The Catholic Church, Dissent and Nationality in Soviet Lithuania — Trans. Note) to write petitions for they are a highly effective method of fighting against the atheists. And priests write, the speaker continued. For example Father Jonas Matulionis from Kybartai wrote a petition to govern­ ment organs and quickly relayed it to the Chronicle. According to the commissar, the activities of extremists are very damaging to the Church. Among the extremists he included Fathers Zenonas Navickas, Antanas Šeškevičius, Kastytis Krikščiukaitis, Leonas Savickas and others. The commissar attempted to cheer the deans by promising that the government would permit Catholics to publish 80,000 prayer- books this year and the next, and somewhat later the price of electricity would no longer be 25 kopeks per kilowatt/hour, but the same as for all consumers. In conclusion, Anilionis reminded the deans to discipline young priests. At the end of the speech, Bishop Povilonis thanked the speaker. After the lecture, the Dean of Šakiai, Father Juozas Žemaitis, asked why atheists do not observe the rules of etiquette in their lectures and speak insultingly of believers and why tomb­ stones with religious symbols are forbidden in cemeteries. The Vice Dean of Šiauliai, Father Lionginas Vaičiulionis, objected that officials label as extremists those priests who point out the crimes of atheists and robberies of churches, that employees at the com­ missar's agency incite parish committees against priests, for example, they called Father Nyksta a thief. The Dean of Aleksotas, Msgr. Andriejus Gustaitis, raised the

Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania No. 53 17 sdqhfnaeuestio o th Klaiped churc whic ha trouble everyone for my an years. ,Tenfrs h Vic Dea o Kaunas Fathe Jona Fabijanskas asked sewodn.r her priest ar t obtai foo vouchers Th commissa replied tesrnyha h doe no receiv voucher eithe (becaus h ca bu every­ tgn.slhin i specia store — Ed Note).

Te h Seminarians fyredsAt, th en o Ma 1982 Religiou Affair Commissa Anilionis troes"als "brain-washed fifth-yea seminarian wh wer abou to make rson.eetreat prio t thei ordination Th commissa spok o the same :etm.fsdheme th extremis o priests H urge th futur priest to visit ynehsd,rf i agenc whe th nee arises fo example i the wis to travel abroad.

AFMT V I C T I O S O V I E " F R E E D O O C O N S C I E N C E "

Telšiai efOnntl, Apri 12 1982 th Educatio Departmen o th Rayon of n,aid)Telšia dismisse (Miss Stefanij Juozumaitė a Germa teacher and aoemirt ls llth-grad homeroo teache a th Žarėna Middl School, for whro.s e religiou convictions Fo tw year no Teache Stefanija Jėsy.htrnduozumait ha publicl attende churc almos daily Fo a entire ydeslr) ea th teache wa persecute b schoo Principa (Mrs. Jankaus­ dt.yen,kienė th part organizatio an chekis Norkūnas A th beginning of,yefm April a representativ fro th Ministr o Education also trdhsy.hreatene he wit dismissal C h e k i s Norkūna continuall intimi­ odes:fr ate th teache an suggeste sh resign i sh agree t collaborate edohywn, it th securit police sh ca continu t teac an attend ynte,dchurch moreover h suggeste tha sh repor regularl o Father J's ona Kauneckas sermons. sreh,lOn Apri 12t (Easte Monday) th teache wa dismissed we.sntg ithou bein give two-week notic a th la requires Principal mrelg:()ėMrs. Jankauskien stated "You'r stil hun ove fro Easte and are fsd,wnkpurire a o today tomorro yo ca pic u you wor papers and yret"ndou pa a th educatio department. Sh di no eve allow the .nsorteache t retur writte assignment t he students "Some­ de!tol n wil d i withou you " explaine th principal. Teksd:rtg h wor paper carrie th notation " F o no fulfillin all snf"teh obligation o Communis upbringing. Tha i a absolute lie,

18 hronicl o th Catholi Churc i Lithuani No 53 fr)ėdeh;o Teache (Miss Juozumait traine th 11t grad well there were snot.emydh complaint agains her Sh simpl di no teac atheis which ryows a contrar t he convictions. rnowteSsdinc unde Sovie la eve a citize wh ha violate work dent isciplin canno b dismisse withou a writte notic and other nme,tlsf ean o socia persuasio (criticis i th press a meetings, etc. l,efsdist no considere a mean o socia persuasion se Moreinas, Darbo fg.,inčų nagrinėjimas (Investigation o Work Disputes), p 93 (Miss) ostJidėeuozumait appeale t th Telšia People' Cour t reinstate her asy unjustl dismissed. ely,tcnsTd h tria wa hel o Ma 12 1982 bu th basi condition fr, dismissal whethe notic wa given wa ignored A the trial, da,eybsur charges uncorroborate b an witness wer mad against nste:fh plaintif a i sh wer th defendant " I i know that she sd,or rganize student fo religiou programs transmitte new to the "Cdte.s hronicle, di no lik Sovie holidays, etc Sh wa alleged ter)ėnto hav bee responsibl fo studen (Miss Stas Molytė being efty.doorce t leav school Th studen supposedl wrot a letter to the nefs ditor o Valstiečių laikraštis (Farmers' Newspaper) o th subject. .t)ednTrs h lette wa submitte i evidenc a th trial Bu (Miss Molytė yrotedsl tate a th tria tha sh di no writ a lette t an editor. tėsd),Furthermore witnes (Miss Molyt maintaine tha wha i written e)rsin.ėd th lette i slander Teacher (Mrs. Radzevičien an (Mrs.) )ėtdBe alsien testifie tha (Miss Juozumait spok agains atheism at .nte,rd)h school Whe aske abou this Teache (Mrs. Tamašauskie­ de:"tnėgh stated "I'v hear nothin abou suc statements. "How could yur,tels" o no hav heard you schoo i no tha large, Prosecutor (Mrs.) ,dėt."N. Butnorien assaile her "No I haven' heard! Teacher (Mrs.) Tėd.r amašauskien repeate a secon time An othe witnesses r,hnbedecam entangle i thei testimony whic th spectators e.gdhst reete wit lou laughter Judg Augusti kep correctin them and e)dyupt: ersonall accuse (Miss Juozumaitė "Didn' yo invit students to wr'ioTelšia t vie Fathe Kauneckas movies?" n,etfsdNo on defende th plainfif s interest a th trial eve the lpdotre rosecuto faile t deman tha judicia orde an th law be od.enbserved A trad unio representativ shoul defen th employee's neit,nterests bu Educatio Trad Unio Representativ Andrijauskas dt.elns: pok lik a accuser " T h hal i full I'v hear tha (Miss) ėJdsneouozumait aske believer i th churchyar t com t th trial. She gdninstigate discor betwee believin an non-believin students. I torseum,ge flowers yo ar plannin t presen the t he a one who

a.ncheCf hronicl o th Catholi Churc i Lithuani No 53 19 has been wronged . . ." It was obvious to the spectators that this was a routine trial farce: not a single witness proved that the teacher had spoken to the students about the Faith. When the court's verdict was read, someone was heard to say in the courtroom: "Don't worry little Stefanija! We won't forget you!"

Verdict On behalf of the Lithuanian SSR, on May 12, 1982, Telšiai, The People's Court of the Rayon of Telšiai, composed of presiding People's Judge V. Augustis and People's Councilors (Mrs.) J. Badaugienė and A. Balvočius, Secretary(Mrs.) A. Rim­ kuvienė, with the participation of Prosecutor (Mrs.) N. Butnorienė, Plaintiff (Miss) S. Juozumaitė, Defendant's Representative (Mrs.) P. Jankauskienė, Educational Employees Trade Union Rayon Commit­ tee Representative A. Andrijauskas, examined in public trial proceed­ ings the civil case of Plaintiff (Miss) Juozumaitė, Stefanija, against the Rayon of Telšiai People's Education Department for rein­ statement to work. Having examined the case, the People's Court has found: The plaintiff worked as a teacher in the Rayon of Telšiai at the Žarėnai Middle School. On April 13, 1982, the Director of the Rayon of Telšiai People's Education Department dismissed her from work under par. 2 of art. 43 of the Work Law Code of the Criminal Code of the Lithuanian SSR, for not fulfilling all the obligations of Communist upbringing. She claimed to have fulfilled all the obliga­ tions of a German language teacher, her qualifications were suitable, therefore she should not have been dismissed from work. She asked to be reinstated. The defendant's representative asked that the suit be dismissed because the plaintiff cannot work in education. The suit is rejected on the following grounds: Under the People's Education Law of the Lithuanian SSR (articles 4 and 26), the process of teaching and upbringing is inseparable in a middle school. Teaching is conducted in a scientific framework without religious influence. The school's task is to form the young generation's Marxist-Leninist ideology. According to par. 39 of the General Education Statute for middle schools, the duty of the teacher is to impart solid educational information to students, form a Communist ideology and rear students in the spirit of Communist morals. Such pedagogical duties are also laid down in the outline of qualifica-

20 Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania No. 53 ndy0sltrion fo educationa employee confirme o Februar 2 1978 byh.enrf th Ministe o Educatio o th USSR Suc obligations and .,tnsedoutie ar als inheren i curricula However i ha bee established byehsf,dy th explanation o bot parties an th testimon o witnesses ,r).(ėdsMrs. Z Radzevičienė Teache (Mrs. A Balsien an other that the psotlekf laintif refuse t fulfil th tas o Communis upbringing, even gtsnfrainin student i a non-Communis spiri i violatio o the law. Uregf.wk3 nde th meanin o par 2 o art 4 o th wor La Code, an dtnsyreducator' suitabilit fo hi positio i determine no only by a toym,dhsl iploma bu als b hi actua abilit t perfor suc work to rear nset.ftudent i a Communis spirit Sinc th plaintif ha refused to nrwkesydb or othe tha i pedagog (sh wa offere a jo i a library in a,.rennothe tow — Ed Note) therefore th administratio reached the ctensr orrec conclusio tha sh i unsuitabl fo th position she erdthy el an correctl dismisse he an di no violat th law. Onesf2l th basi o article 214-22 o th Cod o Civi Procedure snofet,: th Lithuania SSR 15 th people' cour ha decided to reject tefr,)h sui o Plaintif (Miss Juozumaitė Stefanija daughte of Povi­,as t b reinstate t work Th verdic ma b appeale within tnseoRe day t th Lithuania SS Suprem Cour through this sPeople' Court. esydSigne b th People' Judg an Councilors.


Ar)ė,yg fte honorabl servin he sentence (Miss Genovait Na­ vnlėsrpdmeickait returne fro th Panevėžy Labo Cam o Apri 17, 1982. On4r,d)nė Octobe 2 an 25 1980 (Miss Navickait ha bee sentenced too'sfemdnl tw years los o freedo t b serve i a genera regime lpdrsneoabo cam an wa take t th Panevėžy Women' Priso where hr"sne "re-education wa soo undertaken. Atle,dfyn th en o Apri 1980 whe th securit divisio in­ rsdo)nėl pecto returne t (Miss Navickait severa letter i which she etdswlrh rot tha no al he letter reac thei addressee an tha th prison andotrye, dministratio refuse t gran he an privat visits sh began to frnseoxplai t th prisone th unwritte rule o correspondence a trp:ne,drisone mus follow Wha ca an canno b written strictly dseorforbad he t numbe th letter sh send an warne that if e,wtdroh prisone refuse t follo thes directions sh would be .epėotrd) unished Tha sam inspecto urge (Miss Navickait t associate

eCfhca.n hronicl o th Catholi Churc i Lithuani No 53 21 Gė enovait Navickaitė hl)mesnad or wit crimina prisoner an shu (Miss On Vitkauskaite, cgefdonvicte o duplicatin th Chronicle o the Catholic Church in rendLithuania an imprisone i th sam labo camp.

,odyIn)e Jun 1980 (Miss Navickaite wh ha alread violate the ae,nsdybov directions wa agai summone b th securit division ,yiensonspector onl thi tim t giv a explanatio becaus sh had writ­ tne:sode i on letter " . . .le u lov thos wh lov u an those who "odnerstattemp t tormen u . . . Whe th prisone refuse t write an dyre, xplanation th inspecto shoute uncontrolabl an accused renf,Gg enovait o slanderin th administratio and afte promising to

22 cahn.feChronicl o th Catholi Churc i Lithuani No 53 punish her, ordered her from her office. Several days later, Assistant Group Leader (Mrs.) Novikovą led (Miss) Navickaitė to see the Camp Warden Sireika. Upon reading the named sentence in the letter, he agreed with the security division inspector's charge that Genovaitė had slandered the prison administration in her letter and, after con­ sulting with (Mrs.) Novikovą, deprived (Miss) Navickaitė of the private visit which had been scheduled for June 30,1980. The prisoner asked permission to inform her brother by telegram not to come for the visit, but (Mrs.) Novikovą refused ... The brother made the trip in vain. In August 1980, Group Leader (Mrs.) Larionova attempted to convince (Miss) Navickaitė that complete freedom of belief ex­ ists in Lithuania. On December 24, 1981, (1980? — Trans, note) the security division inspector showed Genė the Christmas letters and greetings addressed to her. The inspector was very annoyed that most of the letters and cards were sent to the prisoner by Lithua­ nian youth. She did not give (Miss) Navickaitė the Christmas cards sent to her, forbade her to correspond with minors and threatened that otherwise she would be prosecuted. When Genovaitė stated that she is prepared to answer all the letters she receives, the in­ spector threatened to withhold the letters addressed to her. In January 1981, (Miss) Navickaitė was entitled to a private visit which the administration again denied her. When the prisoner asked the colony's Assistant Warden (Mrs.) Japertienė why the visit to which she was entitled was not granted, the latter replied: "Because one of your brothers is a priest!" On May 9, 1981, Genovaitė's sister (Miss) Lionginą Navic­ kaitė died in Zarasai. When Genovaitė requested permission to go to her sister's funeral, Assistant Group Head (Mrs.) Novikovą retorted: "We won't grant permission because you won't admit your guilt." Other labor camp administration employees repeated the same thing. The following day, the colony's warden informed the prisoner by way of a final decision that the City of Panevėžys Prosecutor refused to permit her to attend the funeral. On April lb, 1982, her last day of imprisonment, Assistant Group Head (Mrs.) Novikovą lectured (Miss) Navickaitė at length and suggested that she change her way of life: sacrifice herself less to God, think more about herself. . . The security division inspector warned Genovaitė against (Miss) Gemma Jadvyga Stanelytė and (Miss) Nijolė Sadūnaitė coming to meet her; she also informed her that a ticket had already been purchased on a scheduled bus to Kap-

Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania No. 53 23 eosryduka an the woul personall tak he t th station. At e.60,gds) :0 A.M th followin day hea seamstres (Mrs. Mickevičienė )dlcekoėam t th cel bloc an ordere (Miss Navickait t change nsery.qduickl an tak he things Shortl th prisone wa take to the stner,tatio wher sh me he brother Fathe Zenona Navickas, who ė)t,rehdoa com t tak he home bu (Mrs. Mickevičien prevented Gėhgemry. enovait fro goin wit he brother Onl afte leavin th City of Peosdp,tr anevėžys wa sh abl t sto th bu an ge int he brother's car. epyėsd),In freedom (Miss Navickait wa greete b a larg grou of efygdsb. eliever an youn people Durin th Hol Sacrific o th Mass, resdth assemble peopl thanke Go fo Genovaitė' sacrific and en­ oythsedreate th Almight t gran enoug person prepare t sacrifice frehdso th Churc an th nation' needs.


Alytus ,alOnydr Ma 6 1982 a militi officia detaine Fathe Kazimieroj Mshdrety indauga Žily nea th churc an state tha the wished to ,neųtimsnspec hi roo (a Panemunykėli 5 i Alytus) becaus citizen dysVo,g overis wh wa allegedl printin catechism ordere b Father dn,gŽ.e ilys ha bee detaine i Kaunas Durin th search a large nmerfdhs umbe o Lithuania an Polis catechis page wer confis­ ldc,rs.eated Afte th search Fathe Žily wa interrogate severa times. henHesot wa brough int a face-to-fac confrontatio wit Voveris. drTe.o h latte recognize th priest Th interrogato attempte t obtain ytedm,rh necessar testimon fro Fathe Žilys bu h refuse to talk. Ungre,os po releasin Fathe Žily t g home th interrogato placed him ure nde hous arrest.

Kaunas neAtfpg,y th beginnin o Ma 1982 a grou o militiame arrived ymratdef th seminar an searche th roo o third-yea seminarian t.Psoeg etra Linkevičius N incriminatin item wer found I appears that teshndoh searc wa conducte i a attemp t fin individuals who :sdeproduc religiou publications catechism an prayerbooks.

Lnfs eipalingi ( R a y o o Lazdijai) eso,dOnl Apri 2 1982 Roberta Griga wa summone t th central .reoyfhs eadquarter o th securit polic t se Interrogato R Sprindys.

24ef Chronicl o th Catholic Church in Lithuania No. 53 ynesBro,Wd he Griga aske th interrogato t identif himself KG Colonel Sydes:l prindy retorted "Rea th Chronicle, you'l fin m nam there!" ,Dgedct urin th interrogation th chekis displaye patrioti an religious sdntpoublication confiscate i searche an di hi utmos t denigrate fad;es n debas Lithuania' underground h accuse Griga o not liking tey:.h Sovie government Finall h shouted "Don' sa anything, jdtnor"us explai wh shape you beliefs! shoute chekis Sprindys. eud"yaT h Lithuani yo ar torturing, calml replie th youth. ensWdt he th chekist maintaine tha Lithuania' tru patriot are sf,oytdhe themselves Griga aske wh tw collection o magazines (dSovietskaya Litva — Soviet Lithuania an Pravda — Truth) meyngin th waitin roo ar onl i Russian. de;t"yW ar internationalists, explaine th chekists bu the did srnfet o answe th questio o whethe internationalist speak only Rn.osdef ussian Whe aske t explai th purpos o hi summons, lCBsgoned olone Sprindy gav Griga a officia KG warnin t rea regard­ igefno.n "possessio o literatur damagin t stat interests" Th warning edmwhlsn hic liste al th literatur confiscate fro Griga i a search ndctfsheonclude wit th threa tha i thi recur an a "instance of ,ed" issemination transpires h coul b prosecuted. sdoneRoberta Griga refuse t sig th warning.

Rokiškis s,drhInfl Marc 1982 Jona Margy an othe faithfu o the fphesdoaris o Rokiški wer summone t th Rayon o Rokiški security rnedps. olic fo interrogation Th chekist wer intereste i what people eskwnrt, no abou priests whethe priest organiz meeting i th rectory, nfetprin th Chronicle o the Catholic Church i Lithuania, etc. Ctdsmoe hekis Širvy ordere the t nam th adult an children who ehbgoelon t th churc choir. ed,snfAt th conclusio o th interrogation th chekist warne the epofl eopl t tel n on o th interrogation.

Vilnius tfdesx2Ony, Ma 6 198 si chekist searche th apartmen o (Miss) dto)ėMaryt Subačiūt (a Dzerzhinski 138-40 an confiscated the f:1e.ollowing issu No 5 o th LKB Kronika (Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania), Dievas ir Tėvynė (God and Country), Rūpintojėlis (Suffering Christ), etc. egls,rAn interestin detai i that afte invadin th apartment, etydrsh chekist immediatel heade fo th spo wher th publications

.ahnceCf hronicl o th Catholi Churc i Lithuani No 53 25 de,mtha intereste the wer located an searche littl elsewhere. )Wnedo,h he (Miss Subacut refuse t sig th searc report th chekists tygndcarte everythin awa withou leavin an documen o the con­ fdiscate items. ,)Fgesdė ollowin th search (Miss Subačiūt wa interrogate twic by c,ytredohekists the threatene t draf a cas agains he an suggested tesyhha sh collaborat wit th securit polic a th bes alternative.


nFmrfste ro a lette o Vytauta Skuodi writte a th begin­ ngfy in o Februar 1982: er" . . I wil soo b on yea tha I' her (Skuodi has 1,yepnbdr ee interne i th labo cam sinc Februar 9 198 — Ed. nNth.eys ote) I didn' eve watc th holida broadcast o television, not t,esbmr ecaus I' se agains them bu becaus ther i neve 'enough sd.,eotymime' I' a ver avi reader Moreover I'v alway yearne t be with eyodgt,my thoughts attemptin t pu ever minut t goo use and I've lgdfetnmon sinc wearie o tha passiv informatio an a disinterested finetsd th typ o cultur tha distract an afterward leave a kind of sml piritua vacuu behind. "odehs., N nee t wis th tim t pas mor quickly A is it t.fesod,pl asse to rapidly I lif i meaningfu an rich i mus b lived as ysdetneepl a possibl a leas i one' soul. ".e,dt . .Whil here I rea somewher tha beauty virtu an truth einsdymlh th worl i produce b th Eterna Trut who believers call God. "Imy a trul happy. "I.kyose sincerel than everyon wh write t me M heartfelt ,resdothank t everyone everyone everyon fo thei greeting an wishes. Peysoltr leas conve m bes wishe t al wh remembe me. May Gsgdlyeur od' blessin atten yo al an ma H fil al you heart with His deivin graces." deoys.r(P.S Fo thre month n on receive an letter from df,ewts.Vytauta Skuodis Finally a th en o May a fe shor postcards .sdyean letter slippe b th censors — Ed Note.)

sVtedyof iktora Petku write tha h receive onl tw o th nine ,snytl.etter sen him Hi ow letters writte o Januar 6th and eo,yFebruar 10th wer als confiscated.

26 .Caefchn hronicl o th Catholi Churc i Lithuani No 53 sVytauta Skuodi Anastaza Janulis

Ps ovila Pečeliūna Juliu Sasnauskas

efCchn.a hronicl o th Catholi Churc i Lithuani No 53 27 s,nymrfFro a lette o Anastaza Januli writte o Januar 17 1982: k."y,md . . Than God I a health an happy I a health be­ y.emdcaus I a happ an I a happ becaus I a healthy I've begun tefyds.,h secon hal o m sentence A a result ther ar certain slp.eyrivilege — conditiona ones Th onl officia privileg is one ,nre.)5-kg (11-lb packag pe year Th rumo that upo completing hdfeurtnoal you sentenc yo ar grante permissio t writ no just two sbter,.nu mor letter pe month i false Certai privileges called ryet,'incentives ar available bu the ar onl fo thos whom the aoesnddministratio consider t b o th roa t rehabilitation. You ntuy,eca b th mos exemplar prisoner yo ca commi no the least ',teloffens agains th regime bu stil b 'rehabilitated. Both sides nvwr.die so-calle rehabilitatio differently Rathe tha gai privileges, stnedrfyuo ca eve los wha everyon els i grante a a matte o course."

fmrsFl,n ro a lette o Povila Pečeliūna writte o Apri 9 1982: rhs:d."lynToda i Apri 9th Goo Friday I begi thi lette wit thi date, dtnys,rlhghinkin tha I wil finis i o Easter fo Goo Frida i only a sp.teghrelude I gain it tru meanin wit th Resurrection Only the tsenwdhjloyfu Alleluia whic resoun a th Resurrectio sho us the negs.dfmeanin o Goo Friday' sufferin i it tru light Wher there is gsRnd,ek esurrectio an Rebirth sufferin i th roc o which one cnt,srdf.ha buil hi house withou fea o storms Suc idea dominate my tdysnhought o Goo Frida ..."

Onndl,s Apri 28 1982 Mečislova Jurevičiu (imprisone i the doer)sCk helyabins District wa summone t se th labo camp' political meo,rdffice wh showe hi a lette fro th U.S.A. gav hi th enclosed ed.mtc,hard bu kep th envelop wit th address H showe hi another d,srmelhette fro whic h remove thre religiou pictures an ordered hmosentadi t writ hi relative i Lithuani no t sen religious pictures.

srf1,emFro th Decembe 11 198 lette o Juliu Sasnauskas: soy".euwfn . . Toda mark tw year sinc yo sa m of o th distant yoadgn;hn lon journe t a unknow destination I wis t return t,n.egfsoday a leas i thought Th yearnin o th homeles nomad lays smdteyh roa hom an h feel war an comfortabl b th fire of shetydi dream . . . Therefor i i untru tha the deprive u of every­ :ekhtsdgnhing w too wit u somethin mor tha w coul hol in our hsdtrgenmand an whic canno b take fro u alon wit ou freedom.

28 Cefachn. hronicl o th Catholi Churc i Lithuani No 53 ntd,Lre ater I ofte recalle tha Decembe day th las spen among t.e,ryndou th las i ou ol home th last . . th last . . Bu strangely denf.its alway spok o return Lik a invisibl undergroun spring, the fenhgdop o returnin nourishe m eve whe everythin seemed sy,twie.dnrretrievabl lost An eve mor so i no fill m current life. tsyoeItr, i onl thank t i tha no fo a singl day no fo a singl hour will ,tys.nehi countr becom familiar Eve o thi wind night i blossoms whsnet.d it th brightes flower i th sno drifts An w will really dten!slreturn Go wil gathe Hi childre scattere abou th world and wlmdoke, il lea the bac t th promise land t Lithuania t reunite .enusysrhg wit ou families Ma thi hop lighte th waitin fo everyone. ty,ds." . . I i alread tha cherishe Christma time tha brigh ra in etunorysld. u dail task an cares I wil joi yo tha nigh a th Christmas Ees.lkytd v table Siberia' snowdrift wil no bloc m roa home and ,dhestgoh miraculou Christma star whic lon ag le th three Wise Mntoemd,l e fro th Eas t Bethlehem wil lea hom o tha night every­ soedrt. n wh dream an yearns S don' b sa fo a singl moment. eAdstyor n ma Christma com t you hom b th bes possible means!" Nearl al th letter addresse t Juliu Sasnauskas esaoasl wel a th letter h write t Lithuani ar currently con­ fdeyiscate b th chekists.)


Viduklė eftsT: o Th People' Cour o th Rayon o n:ft,A Complain from Citize Svarinskas Alfonsas so o Vaclovas, .o,trnes i Viduklė a Šaltini g No 1. fOnhsgd, Marc 20t o thi year I receive a rulin date March enf1,m6 1982 fro th Administrativ Commissio o th Rayon oflfies Raseinia Counci o People' Deputie Executiv Committee, stating: "t0fn.y,erA 9:0 P.M o Februar 20 1982 th Pasto o th Viduklė rydsgneeligiou communit hel a children' meetin i th rectory onsta.dye0ttende b som 3 children Abou fiftee parent als attended this m.edsyt eeting Th student performe a pla a th meeting Those who peydns articipate i th pla wor makeu an costume depicting the de6y,.characters The thereb violate th Ma 12 196 Decre of the

29 a.nhfecChronicl o th Catholi Churc i Lithuani No 53 ,ėefrsFathe Alfonsa Svarinskas Pasto o th Vidukl Church leading services of tdefnar tonemen fo th desecratio o th Blesse Sacramen ther in 1981. (See hronicle o the Catholic Church i Lithuania, No 49)

:netSmf uprem Sovie Presidiu o th Lithuania SSR 'Regarding ad­ senyrgministrativ responsibilit fo violatin th law o religiou cults.' ,.nIempos o citize Svarinskas Alfonsas V a 50-rubl administrative fine." dgTys hi rulin wa legall unfounde an unjust. y,gsnIt:re wa lik this Afte evenin service o Februar 20 1982, ryoendsparent an thei childre cam t th rector fo pre-Lenten p.tyerwancakes I don' kno ho man peopl wer ther fo I did not etdnsc. oun them Th number name i th repor wer invented from e!dnotshi air Th parishioner wante t spen a littl tim with their e,d.s:pastor hav som refreshment an fun Unfortunately th whole sr.yeatmospher wa brutall disrupted Whil dinne wa being pre­ repdsogare (fo th cook ha als attende th evenin services), the ped,.s eopl talked tol joke an a chil recite a poem Shortly, ehn,dthroug a ope door i walke Vidukl Distric Chairman E,sal. dmunda Kringelis Militi Officia 1st Lieut Butku and two wsod itnesse Jona Remeiki an Edvarda Lybiki (wh incidently ws,.tyde a drunk!) The drafte a repor agains th pastor alleging that

30 .efaCchn hronicl o th Catholi Churc i Lithuani No 53 thirty children were present and recited verse. When the pastor in­ quired how they knew thirty children were present, the district chairman replied, "I wrote about." The administrative commission's ruling expands this charge and indicates the decree the pastor violated. On what basis did the administrative commission make such an exhaustive review of the "offense"? Did it avail itself of security police information? I read the May 12, 1966 Decree in the LTSR Aukščiausios Tarybos ir Vyriausybės žinios (Bulletin of the Supreme Soviet and Government of the Lithuanian SSR) and pages 225 and 226 of the LTSR Baudžiamojo kodekso komentaras (Commentary on the Criminal Code of the Lithuanian SSR) and even with the help of a magnifying glass could find no paragraph which I could have deliberately or accidentaly violated. I think that even the court would search the decree for the necessary paragraph in vain. It is usual legal practice to determine the offense and then seek the appropriate paragraph of law. Now an attempt is being made to apply an "offense" to the letter of the law. Couldn't those who organized the raid on the rectory find more serious persons for this operation? E. Lybikis was expelled from the Party for drunkenness, as verified by the public. The Viduklė District Chairman can be aptly described by this last incident. One of those present in the rectory, (Mrs.) Vincenta Janušaus­ kienė, remarked: "Why don't you draft a report against yourself since you continually drink in the firehouse?" This was enough to have two militiamen come in a truck on March 11th of this year (why outside militiamen and not the local militia officer is unclear), forcibly place three women — (Miss) Monika Gavėnaitė, (Mrs.) Vincenta Janušauskienė and (Mrs.) Solomėja Kaplanienė — inside and take them to the Raseiniai Militia on the pretext that the militia chief wished to talk to them . . . It would seem that a written summons would have been suf­ ficient and they would have gone there on their own. If they hoped to make a greater impression on the women through force, they were mistaken. The detained women saw the militia chief pass in the hallway, but he apparently knew nothing and paid no attention to them. Once again the militia resorted to lies: the chief was not in! Then why were they brought in if the chief was not in? After the report was drafted, all three women were placed in a Volga and taken to the "People's Court of the Rayon of Rasei­ niai. And each was fined 35 rubles. The reason: They had as-

Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania No. 53 31 sailed Soviet officials with obscene language at the Viduklė rectory. Again they missed the mark: These women never swear. This can be corroborated by the fifteen parents present in the rectory and people with whom the women work and live. In its ruling, the administrative commission writes: "Impose on citizen Svarinskas, Alfonsas, V., a 50-ruble administrative fine." You therefore confirm that I am a citizen. If I am a citizen, why am I forbidden to invite guests to my home to take refreshments, sing, enjoy ourselves and play games? We only wished to spend time productively and enjoy ourselves. We did not speak against the government! We are guilty without any guilt. Article 32 of the Constitution of the Lithuanian SSR declares: "Citizens of the Lithuanian SSR are equal before the law . . . equali­ ty of rights is guaranteed a citizen of the Lithuanian SSR in all areas of economic, political, social and cultural life." Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states. "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act toward one another in a spirit of brotherhood." The above facts indicate that continual discrimination against Christians is assuming forms of terror. I ask the court to strike down this ruling of the administrative commission and convince the atheists and Soviet officials of the Rayon of Raseiniai by acting thus with the faithful and by neglecting their real work, they compromise the Soviet government.

Viduklė, March 26, 1982. Father Alfonsas Svarinskas

(P.S. The People's Court of the Rayon of Raseiniai found that Father Alfonsas Svarinskas was unjustly fined.)


To: First Secretary Petras Griškevičius of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Lithuania A Statement from Father Kęstutis Daknevičius, Assistant Pastor of St. George's Church in Kėdainiai.

Mr. Secretary, I wish to draw your attention to the difficult situation which

32 Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania No. 53 rsne,f. xist fo believer i th Rayon o Kėdainiai Lately believers reonadn thei childre hav n peac eithe summe o winter. en,Rayon Executiv Committe Vic Chairma Juškevičius with sg,ipfnteh hel o Kėdainia atheists i terrorizin childre i varied ways; fye,ltoortunately the hav ye t emplo physica tortur . . . gDhdoe,ns urin th summer atheist ofte cam t th churc an stop­ pdnt:eshe childre a th churc door wit variou questions What's s.t,?myr ou name Fro wha school Wha grade? etc Parent were not e.,gntfyive an peac either Finally the mad a lis o th children's trdosne. ame an turne i ove t th prosecutor Th childre were sum­ mdostr one t Assistan Prosecuto Gargasa an interrogated like c,ensot riminals whil i fact parent hav th righ t raise their nr.ecgohildre accordin t thei convictions Th questio arises: What etcdynrim agains th stat di th childre commi b preparing for Ft irs Communion? syI,ednr personall wa summone twic — o Novembe 25 1981, ad,o2eyt n Februar 12 198 — t se tha sam Assistan Prosecutor etGngf.s argasa regardin th instructio o children Wha crim did I gctyenmdommi b questionin th childre o th catechis an explaining wty ha the didn' understand? r,shFurthermore newspaper publis mendaciou articles fo ex­ ,aempl Tarybinis kelias (The Soviet Road), 1981 Nos. 37 and 5d;,s.t 6 an 1982 No 9 distor a priest' thought an word in an ytaoe"dmttemp t mak hi "anti-Soviet an se no onl non-believers btoel u als th faithfu agains him. Te,solnt h faithfu ofte com t me a a priest t recoun their trnes xperience . . . Parent complai tha thei childre ar intimidated in,epogh school som wh refus t sto attendin churc ar threatened sdenwhr it lowe grade i variou subject an som hav already had ydes.thi happen Parent ar continuall threatene an the therefore ?a:tsedsk "Wha shoul b done Newspaper writ abou th 'freedom ,stone.of belief Th Constitutio als guarantee tha freedom while the osdfretl fficial o ou rayon ignor i al an instigat discord by ir,heswmprope means althoug th la forbid it." n?yteD,s: eepl upset believer ask "Wha abou th future Whe will hsdlyetuc arbitrarines b rayon official agains th faithfu an priests c?yderswnease W continuall hea an rea i newspaper ho ou priests godst,laer slandered an w fee tha thi hatre i als spillin over on eus rank-and-fil believers." :sy,tDre eepl concerned believer ask " I i possibl tha ou children's ulgedynf pbringin wil b assume b th vic chairma o th rayon

Caef.hnc hronicl o th Catholi Churc i Lithuani No 53 33 executive committee and the prosecutor's office? Is it possible that we, the believers of the Rayon of Kėdainiai, have become second-class citizens?" As a priest, I ask you, Mr. Secretary, to see to it that rayon officials cease using illegal methods against believers and stop preventing them from enjoying their Constitutional freedom to profess their faith because this brings no honor on either the ray­ on or the state.

Kėdainiai, April 1, 1982 Father Kęstutis Daknevičius

Klaipėda To: Chairman Brezhnev of the Supreme Soviet Presidium of the USSR Copies to: The Council of Ministers of the Lithuanian SSR; Chairman Kuroyedov of the USSR Council for Religious Affairs. A Statement from: The believers of Klaipėda

This is the sixth time we appeal to you, Mr. Chairman of the Supreme Soviet Presidium of the USSR, with the request that the Catholic church in Klaipėda which we built in 1961 with our funds and work be returned to us. Construction on this church was begun in 1956, upon receipt of permits from the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the Council of Ministers of the USSR as well as from the Council of Ministers of the Lithuanian SSR. The church the faithful built was con­ fiscated in 1961 and converted into a philharmonic hall. In calling for the return of the Catholic church in Klaipėda, we sent the following petitions signed by Lithuanian faithful. 1. 1974-to the Religious Affairs Commissar of the USSR, Kuroye­ dov, bearing some 3,500 signatures; 2. March, 1979 — to the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet Presidium of the USSR with 10,241 signatures; 3. October, 1979 — to the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet Presidium of the USSR with 148,149 signatures; 4. 1980 — to the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet Presidium of the USSR bearing over 600 signatures; 5. June and September 1981 — delegations of Klaipėda believers composed of three and ten individuals respectively, were sent to the Central Committee of the USSR and the Council for Religious Af-

34 Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania No. 53 fairs. Petitions were left with the Supreme Soviet Presidium of the USSR and the Council for Religious Affairs. Klaipėda has about 190,000 believers. The Catholic churches in Nida and Juodkrantė were closed 20 years ago, therefore the city of Klaipėda and its surroundings comprise some 200,000 believers. The small 220 sq. m. (2,350 sq. ft.) church cannot accommodate the faithful: some faint due to poor ventilation and overcrowding while standing inside the church, others are forced to stand out­ side. On principal holy days, the faithful overflow into the side streets. Please rectify as soon as possible the injury done believers, and return the Klaipėda church to its rightful owners: the faithful. We, the faithful of Klaipėda, will never renounce our church and will make every effort to obtain its return. Furthermore, this incident between the Soviet authorities and believers casts a negative pall on the prestige of the USSR in this country and abroad.

April, 1982 21,033 signatures

Vilnius On December 15, 1981, Father Jonas Danyla S.J. sent the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Lithuania and the Vaga publishers a letter, requesting a reply to his September, 1980 protest against the lies and crude falsification of facts contained in the book published by Vaga, Be Iliuzijų (With No Illusions) by Bronius Jauniškis (See Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania, No. 52), because in their November 6, 1980 letter to Father Danyla, the Vaga publishers did not provide any serious answers and attempted to evade a direct response. On March 30, 1982, J. Linkevičius, Editor-in-Chief of Lithuanian literature for children and youth at the Vaga publishers, again sent an even more abstract reply to Father Danyla's December 15, 1981 letter: "Upon reviewing your third complaint regarding B. Jauniškis' book With No Illusions, the Vaga publishers have established that it merely contains a repetition of previous accusations, which were answered as unfounded on November 6, 1980, and there is no reason to return to them."

35 Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania No. 53 RTECH CATHOLI CALENDA — DIRECTORY

sf,eWhr it thi yea fou month gone th priest o Lithuania d,lreceive a liturgica calendar calle a Catholic Calendar-Directory. In,sdte fact Catholic di no receiv thi Catholic Calendar. Churches seyadn priest receive on cop each. Tesydtr, h Catholic Calendar di no gratif priests fo it purpos was dne,c.ylearl propaganda Moreover w fin i th Calendar not only dest,of mission o th truth bu blatan lie an pur propaganda ms aneuver a well. Teg.)sc h Calendar (p 72 omit mentionin th Apostoli Adminis­ dprtfserato o th Dioces o Kaišiadory (exile Bisho Vincentas Slad­ fe.,ndkevičius) (Reinstate i July 1982 Se Chronicle o the Catholic .)nyC4dhurch i Lithuania, No. 5 — Trans Note an onl names the sel;.rdiocese' Capitula Vicar p I l likewis omit th Apostolic Ad­ pf,esmr inistrato o th Archdioces o Vilnius Bisho Julijona Stepo­ navičius. tdne,Fr o som reason th Catholic Calendar di no includ i the .dsenCf onferenc o Lithuania Bishop th exile bishops Being the ,oylsfrteega administrator o thei dioceses d the no hav th right to nefogbelon t th Conferenc o Lithuania Bishops? Tens,t.r h Calendar eve contain blatan lies Fo example the fseCyti hancer o th Dioces o Telšia sen th editor o th Catholic tnefsCi alendar informatio tha th Dioces o Telšia ha fifty-one ys.)rhec,t hurche wit priests bu th calenda (p 119 show onl forty-three. nelachsIn it "Statistica Dat o th Catholi Churc i Lithuania" ,e(.dyhp 118) th Catholic Calendar introduce a grap purel for its peagonr ropagand valu showin th rati betwee th numbe of priests ads,ego. n churches Accordin t th Calendar's data priest outnumber ,srenocyl: hurche i nearl al th dioceses i othe words ther i n need to oes.fcart lamo tha Lithuani ha a shortag o priests I a rati i t b shown, ditenrfgs shoul b betwee th numbe o churche an workin priests, btsodenu thi rati woul b a indictmen agains th Sovie government whsnfepr hic i responsibl fo th shar declin o priest i Lithuania rine th postwa years. Tegys h Catholic Calendar completel omit mentionin th diocesan P',hyen riests Senates thoug the hav officiall bee confirmed in sdncertai diocese (Vilniu an Telšiai). s,lnTe h Directory contain poems Latvia hymns a wel a several hedst ocument whic Lithuania' priest ha receive a on time from tesodl.h Chancerie an rea severa time t th faithful I appears that

36 .Cefncha hronicl o th Catholi Churc i Lithuani No 53 someone saw to it that the Directory is of more use to Soviet propaganda than to priests. Priests of Lithuania hope they will receive the 1983 liturgical calendar in time. It should contain information which Lithuani priests find particularly in short supply: for instance, on liturgical, canonical and moral subjects.


Kaunas In May, 1982, a conference on peace was held in Moscow foi representatives of the world's religions. The Religious Affairs Com missar sent Bishop Liudvikas Povilonis, Vicar General Msgr Liudvikas Mazonavicius and Dr. Viktoras Butkus, rector of the seminary, to this conference. Lithuania's believers and priests disap prove of the clergy attending such conferences because Moscow organized "conferences for the defense of peace" are a shan. beginning to end. Clergy, forced to attend should at least not speal n behalf of the laithful and priests, but only in their own name. Those who attend Soviet meetings "for the defense of peace" should remember the words of Pope John Paul II:"To have peace, it is essential to respect human freedoms and rights!" Believing people would be indebted to their shepherds, if at conferences "for the defense of peace", they would publicize the lack of rights and the wrongs experienced by the Catholic Church in Lithuania. When German bishops came to Lithuania in 1981, they stated: "None of us attend the Berlin peace conference, while you serve propaganda which proclaims freedom while oppressing you." Lithuania's Catholics are completely baffled at Western cler­ gymen who permit Moscow to lead them by the nose. One can under stand that clergymen travel to the public display of "defense of peace" when forced to do so, but how can one justify their free participation if they neither defend the rights of believers nor serve true peace.

Vilnius On the evening of March 11, 1982, services for the intention of temperance were held in St. Michael's Church in Vilnius. Manx- priests from the provinces attended and the church overflowed with

Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania No. 53 37 the faithful. Holy Mass was concelebrated by a group of priests and meaningful homilies were preached by the Pastor of Valkininkai, Father Algimantas Keina, and the Pastor of Šeduva, Msgr. Bronislovas Antanaitis. Soon afterward, the Pastor of St. Michael's Church, Father Juozas Tunaitis, was summoned to the Executive Committee of Vilnius and was compeled to explain in writing why such a "program" was held in his church without permission.

Kybartai When Father Jonas Kastytis Matulionis began his public ministry as a priest at the Kybartai church, the security police began to recruit people to follow him to learn where he lives, and how often he is gone from his apartment in Vilnius, while Rayon of Vilkaviškis officials wrote warnings. In the spring of 1982, the Prosecutor of the City of Vilnius received an anonymous complaint (probably the work of the security police!) that citizen Jonas Matulionis, res. in Vilnius, at Gorkio 17-6, is unemployed, is a parasite-vagrant, does not reside permanently at his apartment, returns there only occasionally, causes disturb­ ances, etc. The prosecutor forwarded the libelous, anony­ mous complaint to the City of Vilnius Militia which began to summon Father Jonas Matulionis for explanations. In response to all the summonses, Father Jonas Matulionis went to the militia twice. On March 25, 1982, Interrogator Žerebeckis informed Father Matulionis that, on the basis of the anonymous complaint that he does not live in his apartment in Vilnius, his apartment could be confiscated. When asked to produce the anonymous complaint, Interrogator Žarebeckis (sic) refused. The interrogator was interested in where Father Matulionis worked, where he now works, what seminary he attended, where the correspondence seminary is located, when he was ordained, etc. When Father Matulionis ex­ plained that the anonymous complaint is slanderous, that he lived and still lives in Vilnius and assists Kybartai Pastor Father Sigitas Tamkevičius only on weekends, Interrogator Žerebeckis (Žare- beckas?) promised that the priest would be visiting their office more than once. On February 28, 1982, Father Matulionis sent a petition to First Secretary Petras Griškevičius of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Lithuania demanding that responsible Rayon of

38 Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania No. 53 Vilkaviškis and City of Vilnius employees be enjoined from persecut­ ing and slandering his person and issue a priest's certificate. (See Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania, No. 52). On May 6, 1982, Father Matulionis was summoned by Religious Affairs Commissar Anilionis in reference to the letter he wrote to the Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Lithuania. Father Matulionis went to the office of the Religious Affairs Commissar on the appointed day. He was interviewed by As­ sistant Religious Affairs Commissar Juozėnas. At the start of the talk, Juozėnas stated that no written reply to the statement would be forthcoming and everything would be explained verbally. The As­ sistant Religious Affairs Commissar declared that he does not recognize the correspondence seminary, does not recognize the peti­ tion and signatures of the Kybartai parish believers as well, and therefore will not issue him a priest's certificate; he recalled that Father Matulionis had been tried in the past and the petition ad­ dressed to Griškevičius had been printed in the Chronicle.

When Father Matulionis explained that he has the deposition of Kybartai Pastor Father Sigitas Tamkevičius attesting that he is truly a priest, Juozėnas became annoyed: "We do not recognize credentials from Tamkevičius or Sva­ rinskas!" "Aren't they priests?" asked Father Matulionis, "the majority of Lithuania's priests can vouch that I am a priest. If you do not need a certificate, so much the better. End this campaign against me, order rayon employees to stop slandering me," demanded Father Matulionis. "Rayon employees fulfill their duties well and we won't tell them anything. We will not issue you any certificate and do not recognize your priesthood," Juozėnas reiterated at the end of the interview. On May 10, 1982, Father Matulionis was again summoned to see Interrogator Krikštoponis. This time, Father Matulionis showed the deposition from Kybartai Pastor Father Sigitas Tamkevičius attesting that he is really a priest and assists the Kybartai pastor. Inter­ rogator Krikštoponis kept a copy of the deposition, copied from Father Matulionis' work papers the last places where he had been employed, and noted from his record what sentence he had been imposed (three years suspended sentence). The interrogator asked

Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania No. 53 39 rwsdnoe hethe Fathe Matulioni ha bee summone t th security police. doWnyrts he Fathe Matulioni inquire wha the intende t d with tegdhm,s i next Krikštoponi replie tha a sever warnin coul be is­ o.eldnrhsue i on mont an a tria hel i fou months T th question edr,lstgiethe a pries coul b trie fo fulfillin hi duties th inter­ rdtogato di no respond.

nŽif alpia ( R a y o o Kelmė) fne,rOn Novembe 30 1981 th Administrativ Commissio o the edėfRayon o Kelm Executiv Committe impose a 50-rubl fin on the ,rfeisPasto o th Žalpia parish Fathe Juozapa Razmantas because e,donrl'f th ev o Al Souls Day h praye fo th dea in the csyhemeter wit hi parishioners. On,ysrd Februar 2 1982 Fathe Juozapa Razmanta appeale the uterfonjus fin t th prosecuto o th Rayon o Kelmė. dt,yrOn.s Februar 15 1982 Prosecuto P Simana responde tha the iefnrd:in ha bee impose justly th Pasto o th Žalpia Parish, ,desrFol athe Juozapa Razmantas an th faithfu ha gon t th cemetery flyone',d th ev o Al Souls Da an praye there thereb violating 5 o th Regulation fo Religiou Association confirmed by etmfnh Suprem Sovie Presidiu o th Lithuania SSR on Jy, ul 28 1976. ,)arfyOn Februar 11 1982 (Mrs. Iren Sakalauskienė Executo o the do,efPst eople' Cour o th Rayon o Kelmė faile t fin anything else ofde'r valu an confiscate Fathe Razmantas radio.

Vilnius drėsNe ijol Sadūnait an he brothe Jona Sadūna ar prevented fgmdtrshro maintainin contac wit thei relative an friend livin abroad. ėoLds etter an gift addresse t Nijol Sadūnait an Jona Sadūnas m,enocontinu t b confiscated eve thos fro clos relatives, onseh. uc a a uncl wh live i Chicago Betwee December 10 stėd),an 14 1981 (Miss Sadūnait an Sadūna sen twenty-six ,gsrodnegistere letter t eightee foreig countries extendin Christmas dwas.or n Ne Year' greeting t thei relative an friends Only five srdletter reache thei addressees.

Asnf dakava ( R a y o o Tauragė) seg,fInl th fal o 1981 believin parent o Adakava wrot a fetyscoomplain t Firs Secretar Griškevičiu o th Communis party of

40 .aCnefch hronicl o th Catholi Churc i Lithuani No 53 tLe.sdn) ithuania I th complain i wa indicate tha (Mrs. Aldona Žą rs,lfeytienė Principa o th Adakava Gramma School vilifies in all sonfort o way childre wh g t church. Wnef. he th Chronicle o the Catholic Church i Lithuania, No 50 pedlfs,oėgrinte thi new item al th chekist o Taurag swun int action. ,hoOnsedn Marc 16 1982 tw chekist cam t Adakava an bega to intei resod:ogat th parent wh ha signe th complaint Jona Griškus, ()aėdMrs. Jadvyg Giedraitien an (Mrs. Marijon Lauraitienė. "wedtu?Ho di th Chronicle fin ou yo wrot a complaint Who wemr?onuds rot it T who othe tha Griškevičiu di yo send it? Yuytenoswo ca writ no onl t Griškevičiu bu t Mosco also, just tsasgeof lon a i doesn' ge int th Chronicle o the Catholic Chun li in Lithuania." ,eyodnWst he aske t identif themselves th chekist woul no give deymėtrshei name bu explaine the wer fro th Taurag Security Police. dhteTos h parent wh signe wer threatene wit imprisonmen for tedmsng. akin fals complaints Whe th parent replie tha th complaint syė)tw, a accurate tha (Mrs. Žąsytien actuall doe terrorize their ,ecs hildren th chekist shouted: !s"ent B silent Thi doe no concer you!" trTey,g h chekis lef onl tha evening afte intimidatin th parent, t"l We'l mee again!"

Rokiškis s,htOn Marc 18 1982 Rokiški organis Vytauta Grigaliūna was fesdoummone t th Executiv Committe o th Rayon o Rokiškis o"gns.t Teachin childre t sin hymn i forbidden Secre Soviet laws fed"nsorbi it, Executiv Committe Vic Chairma Fira assailed the organist. hksgIy, mmediatel followin hi tal wit Grigaliūnas Fira tele­ pd,esnmhone th pastor Dea Povila Ciucki an ordere hi to forbid ncgo;edhildre t sin i church otherwis h woul b severely punished.

nfPi anoteria ( R a y o o ) em,ygOn Februar 2 1982 som fift people amon the th Panote­ r,hteiia Paris Committe excep fo th Pastor Fathe Vytautas Pes- nliedo,iakas wer summone t th Panoteria Tow Cultura Center. enaJonav Rayon Executiv Committe Vic Chairwoma (Mrs.) r.deNė eimantien addresse th assemble people Afte a brief intro-

ac.henfChxonicl o th Catholi Churc i Lithuani No 53 41 duction, she began to explain the Regulations for Religious Associa­ tions promulgated on July 28, 1976: Who owns community property... how community money should be managed . . ., the priest does not have the right to teach children the truths of the faith . . ., complaints about the priest's "offenses" are to be addressed to her or the district. . . Finally, she stated that the Panoteriai Church Committee does not have enough members, and that they must be elected right there and then, and also that a new contract be signed and a list of church inventory be drawn up. Forms for a new contract, a list of committee members and the Regulations for Religious Associations lay on the head table. A murmur rose through the hall. The people were incensed at the speech of Rayon executive Committee Vice Chairwoman (Mrs.) Neimantienė. They explained, argued, replied: "We give money, these are our donations, we're the ones who purchased the articles! . . What do you want from the Church? When people attended church there was order, but now the drunks have destroyed all order, people are afraid to cross the street!...What committee members do we lack: a sacristan, an organist or who else?! A real farce!" etc. "Who gave you the right to remove me from the list of com­ mittee members?" asked Father Vytautas Pesliakas. "Your presence on the committee is undesirable," replied Vice Chairwoman '(Mrs.) Neimantienė, "you cannot be a member of the committee." "Why can't I be a member of the committee? Has my Lithua­ nian citizenship been revoked? Or perhaps my documents are not Soviet?" the pastor inquired further. Father Pesliakas stated that the Regulations for Religious As­ sociations are unconstitutional, that nearly all Lithuanian priests and two bishops have spoken out against these regulations. With reference to the question of the church inventory, the priest pointed out that the pastor alone is responsible for the church's material porperty; when he assumes the parish, he makes a vow to God accepting this responsibility . . . He pointed out that all district churches have been burglarized, while the Jonava church was robbed twice in 1979 and 1981: the thieves were apprehended both times, but have yet to be prosecuted. Father Pesliakas pointed out the rayon government's crude lies and blatant interference in internal church affairs. Several years ago in the Panoteriai parish, it was announced at the request of the faithful that services would be held during daytime hours for two days during

42 Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania No. 53 oteln.' h Al Souls Octave Th rayon distric chairma cam t protest: e"Istmu mus infor yo tha th rayon doe no permi daytim services!" hWntgdsey he th pries aske wh thi meetin wa calle i suc a deceptive gtsdmre anne (th invitation indicate tha i wa a meetin of local ),rdontėesidents) (Mrs. Neimantien attempte t explai tha a "meeting of brsglfedeliever o a meetin o loca resident i on an the same thing." ",esgoyThen accordin t you ther ar a man believer a ther are rsnet"esident i th Sovie Union, Fathe Pesliaka defined. nde"t"A contrac mus b signed, th vic chairwoma tol th priest. "yedflo,sThe ar unilatera an o n us t believers beside ther is te"8h 194 contract, th pries disagreed. yeostd" T h individual wh signe tha contrac hav probabl all reo"sd,t) ied, state (Mrs. Neimantienė "i i therefor n longe valid, a snwe e on i necessary." "f,nsogd; I so Stali to i lon dea an hi deed condemned but dsetlwoe anyon deman tha communa farmer writ ne agreements dso,rtgeurnin ove thei land tool an animal t th collectiv farms? And "esnmyt e the becam collectiv far worker i hi time, th pastor insisted. Ins,dhrt hi speech Fathe Pesliaka indicate wit wha duplicity sd,enthes contract wer produce i Deltuva Pabaiska an Vepriai. ydt:Tefa h peopl o Deltuv wer aske b distric officials " D i d you sdoucer ontribut t th church' repai an d yo inten t contribute ,egn"stagai whe i i repaired? Upo receivin a positiv reply they told oneth peopl t sig . . . ou"thseD yo wan churc taxe t b reduced? th Pabaiskas fu,nsebeliever wer asked " i yo do sig here." In,"yoes Vepriai drunk wh cam t th stor t bu "ink were ad.otsrwske t sign Late i wa learne tha thi i ho a ne contract ws a obtained. ehCsgr, hurc committe member ar nothin new Fathe Peslia­ dyret.ksf, a explained The hav existe fo hundred o years bu must only ,.nrytaoec t assis th pastor The canno ac o thei own without the prt,yehasto o agains him els the incu churc excommunication. T,felto herefore i th faithfu wer t elec m committe chairman I would dnehrbe bot pasto an committe chairma an Leoni Brezhnev is ldneta perfec exampl tha on individua ca hol severa positions. dgsteTh peopl wer outrage a thi meetin an dispersed swtg ithou awaitin it end. )enRayon Executiv Committe Vic Chairwoma (Mrs. Neiman-

.achCefn hronicl o th Catholi Churc i Lithuani No 53 43 ėdihtrsien promise Panoteria paris Pasto Fathe Vytauta Pesliakas doertha h woul b summone t th rayon fo a separat talk. nfKs apčiamiesti ( R a y o o Lazdijai) rfe,yOn Februar 15 1982 th Pasto o Kapčiamiestis Fathe Ignas ioedsf,Plioraitis wa summone t se Rayon o Lazdija Executive tedon.,Committe Vic Chairma L Vanagas wh chide tha th parish csohnt,eommitte refuse t sig a contrac wit th government th parish's "hefst,l Committe o twenty i no a ful strength a churc inventory d.rstneha no bee liste o appraised Vanaga accuse th pasto of inter­ srehfgderin an rea som article unde whic h coul b prosecuted fnegro blockin th conclusio o contracts. Hedntero the warne th pasto tha childre ar no t serv a Holy ,neMsrt ass participat i procession o th lik becaus tha amounts to tigs.e,hnstructin children whic i forbidden Th governmen permits ynegteachin religio onl i th seminary. Fted,s urthermore h demande tha th rayon authoritie b provided sdftwhn it informatio o whe an wha kin o religiou festival would sd.ebeh hel an whic priest woul b invited H ordere th pastor esdltotan submi dat o th parish' financia an religiou stat at the .,etdf n o th year H warne tha rosaries crosses etc ar not to be snedy.hol i th churchyard Suc item ma b sol onl i th sacristy. dtseh,Further Vanaga explaine tha th Kapčiamiesti Paris i kept ntesfyope onl ou o compassio becaus contract hav no bee signed ysetn.fadn a committe o twent ha no bee formed Th parish hdtecnommitte ca b remove an th churc close a a moment's notice. ,Tegdhos h talk durin whic Vanaga ha mor t say laste one hour. y,sOneo Februar 16 1982 Vanaga cam t th Kapčiamiesti District seHh eadquarter wher paris committe member wer repeatedly dsm,f.erummoned Fo on an a hal hours Vanaga lecture the as he, a th pastor Followin tha talk th rayon governmen demanded frnseto som day i successio o th Kapčiamiesti Distric Leaders: uy"enhtdHav yo alread reache a agreemen wit th paris com­ mentyhd itte o wha da churc propert ca b inventorie and ap­ p?smt raised Infor u withou delay!" Bteson u th rayon governmen ha ye t obtai a reply.

Žinf alioj ( R a y o o Vilkaviškis) fes,nrOn Octobe 6 1981 Chairma Albina Pečiuli o th Juodupėnai

44 hronicl o th Catholi Churc i Lithuani No 53 sgdy.Er aste Mas bein celebrate b Fr Antana Lukošaiti in the Žalioji C.ehsdo emetery Th churc wa converte t a mill. tDlesnd istric Counci cu dow a roadsid cros erecte i th Žalioji ienfs.,Forest Adoma Gudynas Chairma o th Klausučia District eydC,slr ouncil an severa othe individual stoo b whil th cross was removed. ,ednflrNea th vertica sectio o th multilate cross th people debtsouil th cros fragment int a pyrami an adorne i with an fescahld. rtisti meta sunburst Decorate wit th flower o th faithful tesldh cros stoo thu unti spring. srtPoef rio t th visi o Religiou Affair Commissa Anilioni at s.etdhfh en o Marc 1982 th cros wa dismantled.

Žinf alioj ( R a y o o Vilkaviškis) ehilf,In February 1982 th faithfu o th Žalioj Paris wrot a peti­ ne,fslotio t th Counci o Minister o th Lithuania SSR demanding dnsfhterh retur o thei churc whic ha bee converte into an irlfd.e,unuse mill Fo fiv years th faithfu o Žalioj an thei priests hengs. av bee prayin i th cemetery Th petitio wa signed by 105 believers.

Cfechna. hronicl o th Catholi Churc i Lithuani No 53 45 Sslef evera day befor th arriva o Religiou Affair Commis­ nserda Anilioni i Vilkaviški (Anilioni visite th rayon o April 24, ,1setfd982) th apartmen o Broniu Mickevičiu wa invade by Vice Csfne hairma Juoza Urbona o th Vilkaviški Rayon Executive sefniCd ommitte an Chairma Adoma Gudyna o th Klausučia District Council. Tesnydog h official spare n measure i harassin th famil i an otna.des ttemp t lear wh ha drafte th petition Whe Broniu Mickevi­ sed,tčiu admitte tha h had Urbona opene a fil an showed the dtesryepl sen b Commissa Anilioni an adde tha th Žalioji chdteg, hurc woul no b returne an furthermore prayin in the yscemeter i forbidden.

infKabelia ( R a y o o Varėna) st,dOn Augus 26 1981 Antana Lukšys a 46-year-ol fisheries d.ent mploye watchma a a dam—drowne i Kabeliai H drowned at e.ngtsf igh whil fishin a th order o hi superiors H fished at enmothwg igh t preven anyon seein ho fis swi o th "masters" rt,sy.eable Th decedan wa a Part membe bu a believer received dhesChurc sacrament an wa therefor burie wit religious rites. Tsey hi i wher hi posthumou stor begins. In,nsyl Kabeliai a beautifu traditio ha alread bee established: snger.folem leave-takin fo th deceased Representative o the farm nad,el dministratio woul participate th funera processio would pause esfrt,mo a momen o silenc a th far office sometime ther would odarteben a orchestr an a th gravesid a heartfel wor o tw would be.sdeof spoken Thi use t b don regardles o whether the rydnecease ha bee a Part membe o not. es.rlfT, h funera o Lukšy wa mor modest Fo som reason the fmndtehar administratio di no atten althoug th decedan had given dneomsal l hi productiv year t th far — h ha bee a mechanic, adreny skille worke an ha becom a watchma onl late when his hnoealt bega t fail. Tesfdnl h co-worker o th decease soo erecte a beautifu metal csekngdmf ros o th ban o th da wher hi life' son ha ended. ,lsydorOn Novembe 1 1981 a civi ceremon wa hel t hono the dtr)e.msoead Far worker wh die (tha yea an before wer named, snbt.edyu Lukšy wa no mentioned Coul the hav forgotte him? rf,ewsA fe day later th wido o th deceased th mothe o four c,dnrmei hildren receive a writte orde fro th Marcinkonia District tdyes,oCn hairma t remov th cross a arbitraril erecte withou authoriza-

46 Cefcnha. hronicl o th Catholi Churc i Lithuani No 53 nmt,e.dio o da property otherwis i woul b tor down (Mrs.) ėeydtLukšien di no obe th order. Onegfdhs, th evenin o Marc 12 1982 th cros disappeare . . . osde"rTh "brav souls wh execute thi "heroic dee unde the cover mrs,t:of darknes were Far Directo Algi Antulis Distric Chairman sJ,yuoza Mortūnas Part Secretar Vlada Mickevičiu and Shop sDr irecto Sigita Vasiliauskas.



sefl:Tyt o Firs Secretar Petra Griškevičiu o th Centra Committee tofeyfn th Communis Part o th Lithuania SSR. .,nf:tA Statemen from Grigas Antanas so o Antanas res i the .ni,tfRayon o Lazdijai i Leipalingis a Naujoj g 13. lnsdyIn, 1978 m so Roberta Griga di ver wel o al entrance esdnrf xam an wa accepte a a Germa majo o th languages seat.dl th Vilniu Stat Pedagogica Institute H passe th first and ,sdohrl econ yea fina exam als wit honors an a a result, was adrpt. warde a highe scholarshi an a top-studen pin However Ro­ bstd,yerta wa no onl a gifte an goo studen but a described to us rdėby) curato Hea Instructo (Mrs. Mikalauskien an othe instruc­ t,dymlors di no smoke totall refraine fro alcoho an swearing. And, sody,egtnwha wa "ver bad" h wa a youn ma wh di hi own .tsdhehinking I appear tha suc student ar considere undesirable esyf.rat ou school o highe learning Ver obviou effort wer manifested totfd ge ri o him. r8,Onsd Novembe 2 an Decembe 27 1979 Roberta was t.Bsey"educated a th dean' offic b Vilniu KG 1s Lieut Antanas eBg.stf imbyris H spok abou forgettin th lesson o th past, the hp;nedst anger inheren i friendshi wit "nationalists" h feared that egdm"trh latte ar leavin behin the "ba offshoots amon th youth. Tetdnhf h chekis demande tha th conten o bot "educatio sessions" mders,bet kep secret offere hi telephon numbe an invite hi to meet tow fo "friendl talks" M so categoricall refused to stedmhid fro th student th fac tha th dean' offic i use a a branch ysde.B,of th KG an rejecte th securit agent' offers When as was estnr,raditional third-yea Germa languag student wen to the creGnlh erma Democrati Republi fo on mont i th fal of 1980, Rysd,n oberta wa openl discriminate against an forbidde to ac-

hncefa.Chronicl o th Catholi Churc i Lithuani No 53 4 7 company the group on the pretext that he had not yet joined the Communist Youth League. On September 12, 1980, after summoning Robertas to the Vilnius City Prosecutor's Office and calling him a son of exploiters, an American and a social outcast, Assistant Prosecutor J. Vilutis warned him agains attending so-called "open" political trials and threatened him with prosecution. On December 2nd of that same year, my son was questioned by Interrogator Sergei Viktorovich Molodkin of the Lenin Rayon Prosecutor's Office, and about one week later, by the Interrogator of the criminal Investigation Divison of the Lenin Rayon. When Robertas refused to answer any of the questions about his beliefs and friends, the interrogator shouted crudely and threatened to place him behind bars, commit him to a psychiatric clinic and bemoaned that the Stalin era no longer exists today. Without at­ taining anything, he promised to find a way to take care of "one such as he". And so, at midnight on January 14, 1981, at the order of Klipčius whom students consider to be an informant at the Pedagogical Institute, Gediminas Muliuolis, the head of the second dormitory building, beat Robert so severely that he had to be treated at the Druskininkai Hospital for two weeks, and then recuperated for a long time at home. His studies interrupted, my son took an academic leave of absence but the repression did not stop. On June 10 and 11, 1981, Robertas was summoned by KGB Major Mieželis to the Laz­ dijai Security Police; the first day my son was interrogated for six hours, the second day, for three hours. When my son refused to participate in the interrogation, on the basis that it is a crime to per­ secute anyone for awailing himself of the freedom of press, speech and belief, the major became incensed at the Marxist philo- sopjy instructors at the Vilnius State Pedagogical Institute who had rashly given Robertas A's in their courses; he was baffled that the student could believe in God. My son explained that his religious ideology was in fact strengthened by his Marxist-Leninist studies, which revealed the shallowness of this teaching. During the in­ terrogation, the interrogator threatened him with imprisonment. On December 11, 1981, our home in Leipalingis at Naujosios 13 was searched under the direction of Militia Captain Petrulėnas and typewritten religious literature, our son's diary and. . . atheist books with handwritten comments in the margins were confiscated, The illegally confiscated items have not yet been returned.

Upon returning to the institute from his academic leave of

48 Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania No. 53 .sfkdrny,absence m so wa expelle fo "lac o progress" Thu were ful­ ynesfdille th word spoke b th representativ o th Lithuanian Com­ lehmt unis Yout Leagu Committe a th Pedagogica Institute, slewrt hil Roberta wa stil a first-yea studen afte attempt failed to oethl:nmav hi joi th Communis Yout League "We'l se t it that ershuc a h leav th Institut befor thei time!" 'edksoAl l th student wh too th exam notice th examiners lack oedy.tsgof objectivit an wer outrage b it I i interestin t note that ,dftysRoberta wa firs informe o hi expulsion no b representatives yt,ofefs th institute bu b representative o th securit police and ma,nyt0d iliti who o Februar 11 1982 searche roo 21 a Vilnius State g.,ydlPedagogica Institute dormitor buildin No II an confiscated ,rhseftoug draft o hi poems a manuscrip o th translation of denSs olzhenitsyn' Speeches Made i America an th book Romas .K9fe alanta. Art 1 o th Universal Declaration o Human Rights efg,s uarantyin th fre exchang o information say nothing about sefg,h.norbiddin suc things O th contrary th crim her i th search sdRlnfi,tself i violatio o U S S internationa commitment an violation of fmteh freedo o belief.

tendrWeo n longe hol th naiv illusio tha th super-stat which ehsgflya mad th teachin o mora relativit it ideologica foundation wnlesdto il begi t observ th agreement i ha signe i the area ofln.esd internationa pact o huma rights W ar intereste i drawing dloerfnth attentio o al peopl o goo wil t th othe sid o th matter. etnrWel, ar wel awar tha i ou country i th struggl with yespoerson whos view ar unacceptabl t th regim the are not s,dhlneatisfie wit so-calle "educationa work" libe i th press and mensfrgxpulsio fro institution o highe learnin o a scal legitimized byel th crimina code. rTefs., h mysteriou murde o Prof Kazlauskas th unexplained detshf, eat o poe Mindauga Tamonis frequen strang death in the ,esfgadrmy an finally th horrifyin serie o murder o priests, whose smltnirpates victi wa Lithuania Helsink Grou membe Father Bro­ ,ytpeslniu Laurinavičius testif tha officia justic i bu th ti of the ys.ermigceber protrudin fro th water . . Ou anxiet a parents sregnegardin th threat official hav mad again ou so i therefore cy,senompletel justified threat whos realit i prove b hi subse­ menqtdyguen beatin i th dormitor an expulsio fro th institute. ,M.esr r Secretary w fea fo ou son' life.

s2L,h eipalingis Marc 31 198 Antana Grigas

efcCaohn hronicl o th Catholi Churc i Lithuani N 53 49 nfTi vera ( R a y o o Plungė) ,rhfsOn Marc 23 1982 Fathe Kosta Velioniškis Pasto o the Ti,sefodn vera Parish wa summone t atten a sessio o th administrative e.ėtncommissio a th Plung Rayon Executiv Committee The priest dwstn a informe tha a complain ha bee receive against him efmsilro th teacher o th Tvera Schoo . . . Th administrative com­ dnmos issio berate Velioniški an ordere hi t explai why he psgeond, ermit youn peopl t sin i church ador th Blesse Sacra­ etd,yoms en an serv a th altar an wh h invite the t participate in processions. ,hlOnea) Marc 9 1982 Vic Principa (Mrs. Aldon Sudžiu- re)ėdvhaien an Frenc languag Teache (Mrs. Regin Rubavičienė at the dTilta)e vera Schoo interrogate sixth-grad studen (Miss Vilm Jurku­ el.odsrhtėg regardin he churc attendance Th gir wa force t tell to the odstlenas detai wha sh know abou childre wh atten church. "You ndmte)r" us b hel dow an beate repeatedly, Teache (Mrs. Regina Rėrdya ubavičien ha alread earlie threatene Vilm Jurkutė. ėra,hOn) Marc 12 1982 Teache (Mrs. Regin Rubavičien beat so)upt studen Alfreda Sniauka (Sniukas? wh i a religiou believer, gfroentdo refusin t participat i a even schedule fo Sunday. Tidrla)ė vera Schoo Teache (Mrs. Regin Čeplinskien ordere third- eg)ėsa, rad girl (Miss Birut Skiparyt (Miss Gražin Šniaukaitė (Miss) ),Raėd as Juciutė (Miss Audr Žemgulyt an (Miss Alm Zalepūgaitė tonohsmredy lear poem fo a progra t b hel o Sunda (Marc 14, 1982) adotmnykf" n threatene t pu the o a "blac list i the wen t church dlto.eyha da an no t th schoo program Sh promise t sen the list sg.efnto th rayon Educatio Department Som o th girl sin in the .o,r)chtėhurc choir T taun them Teache (Mrs. Čeplinskien ordered all gd,setoh girl t stan befor th clas an sin hymns an promised sogdtm.nehe A' i music Whe th girl refuse t sin hymn a a joke, rnogt)ėseache (Mrs. Čeplinskien bega t sin hymn i derision. o,"futlsnre I yo don' g t church I'l giv yo A' i al you subjects )enfut"rwve i yo don' kno anything, Teache (Mrs. Regina Čep­ lėd)ae.tyinskien promise (Miss Sonat Tonaitytė Th nex da th teacher andgai aske Sonata: o"?utrsWell D yo wan t ge A' o g t church?" "dronyslhI' rathe g t churc an wil ear m A' i a different aėe)dow" ay, (Miss Sonat Tonaityt explaine t th teacher.

ie,hlOn Marc 12 1982 Tvera Middl Schoo second-Grad Teacher leot)(gėMiss Bron Katkut mad th followin repor t th schoo admin-

50ef Chronicl o th Catholic Church in Lithuania No. 53 eh:ktirnstratio o he atheis wor wit th class " T h class has tnh.rdwenty-seve students Fou childre atten churc force by their sr,ygdnorandparent o parents the woul neve g o thei ow volition. Insyeod clas I conducte tw program "Wh Peopl Believe" and esyf"nd. Ma an Religion" I teste th religiousit o student in the las togethe wit it causes I acquainte the wit th concept r,enofsd religion th reaso fo it emergence an variou miracles. shtnlOn a individua basi I conduc discussion wit student who go to ,dchey. hurch an collectivel wit th whol class Ever Monda I hold drnyta, discussion I lear whethe the di o di no atten church, and wt.nygsre hy I conve a atheis upbringin a fa a i i possibl during sodh.etlessons I attemp t forc student wh atten churc t attend spdyn.hrogram hel o Sunda afternoons Thi Sunda (Marc 14, 1982) mtlohsdtudent wh atten churc wil presen a shor progra . . ." e,fOnlit Apri 5 1982 th faithfu o th Tvera Distric wrot the flietogrollowin lette o protes t Tvera Middl Schoo Principa (Mrs.) A. Petrošienė: e,d"gsfi We th undersigne believin parent o th Tvera District, nhrdmgt avin learne fro ou childre abou thei persecutio an intimi­ hnrgosled, atio fo goin t church whic goe o i th schoo you head, dfteswho is t expres th stronges kin o protest. r,Fegn o som tim now ou believin childre ar deliberately gsdnhmprevente fro attendin service hel i churc o Sunday and holy rdeoh, ays an thos wh dar t t churc ar scolde fo singing in rng,cet hurch servin a th altar participatin i adoratio o processions, n.rogfseo respondin t th priest durin services I orde t prevent dhnsmogchildre fro goin t churc o Sunday an fulfilling their rs,l eligiou obligation you school o you cultura center arranges ased)nthctivitie (dance an th like i conflic wit churc services (from 10.oesdn0:0 A.M t 2:0 P.M.) Thes program use t b hel o week­ rdnl;oheays ou childre wh atten churc ar give specia orders to enparticipat i thes programs. Frngde, o attendin church ou believin childre ar place on "kyerh: blac lists fo whic the ar late harassed interrogated, in­ dtė,s.)aimidated ridiculed Teacher (Mrs. Regin Rubavičien an (Mrs.) aeRėysr egin Čeplinskien ar especiall notoriou fo this. tske"orIn orde t produc thes "blac lists, teacher recrui children towr,ndys follo thei friends an the i clas publicl tell a they say, etdoyls ver las detai s a t intimidat an taun th "church­ ser.g, oers" Fo thi purpos th teacher us lazy poo students. They yothnaedswr give goo grade eve thoug the d no kno th subject

.anehCfc hronicl o th Catholi Churc i Lithuani No 53 51 matter. (Mrs.) Regina Čeplinskienė empoys such methods to recruit children. They intimidate other students, promising to place their names on "special lists" and send them to the rayon Education Depart­ ment. Teachers (Mrs.) Regina Rubavičienė, (Mrs.) Greivienė, (Miss) Tilvikaitė and (Mrs.) Prajerienė intimidate children by threatening to beat them. Teachers (Mrs.) Regina Rubavičienė, (Mrs.) Greivienė and Ši manskas beat children for attending church and other reasons. They threaten to expel, and at times do expel, students from school clubs and groups which the children like (Teacher (Mrs.) R Čeplinskienė). Lower deportment grades are given (or attending church and good children are thus equated with hooligans (Teacher (Mrs.) R. Ruba vičienė). Children who call their friends religious fanatics are praised and the deportment grades of children who defend themselves against the name-calling are lowered to D (this is how Teacher (Mrs.) R. Rubavičienė treated student (Miss) Šniukaitė). Every Monday, they interrogate the class about who was in church on Sunday (Teachers (Mrs.) R. Rubavičienė and (Miss) Bronė K"t kute). Children are threatened with further lectures, being taken to the principal and other metods (Teachers (Mrs.) R. Rubavičienė and (Mrs.) Aldona Sudžiuvienė). Students are ordered to bung their parents if the teachers see they will be able to intimidate the children with their help, and if some parents come on their own to talk, they hide to avoid a confrontation (Teacher (Mrs.) Rubavičienė refused to see the father of pupil (Miss) Vilma Jurkutė). For attending church, children are threatened with bad letters of reference and rejection by schools of higher learning (Teacher (Mrs.) Rubavičienė). Children are forced to lie and then are publicly taunted and called liars (Teachers (Mrs.) Rubavičienė and (Mrs.) Sudžiuvienė). Children are pulled by the hair and ears, are hit over the head while held with one hand or pushed against a wall. Teacher (Mrs.) Rubavičienė is especially notorious for this as is Teacher Šimanaus- kas, in charge of discipline, who takes children to his office for a beating and even asks which ear he should buffet.

52 Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania No. 53 When children admit they are believers and will continue to attend church, they are accused of and punished for "rebellion against teachers and insolance" (Teachers (Mrs.) Rubavičienė and (Mrs.)Čeplinskienė), Aware that the majority of mothers work (milk cows, feed pigs) and often cannot attend church themselves, the teachers allow the children to attend church only with their parents. The children are strictly forbidden to participate in processions, serve at the altar and especially, sing in church or respond during services. Children are ordered to disobey their believing parents who are called ignorant and backward people. Children are told it is better to go to the movies or dances at night rather than attend church. The teachers thus force our children to become hooligans. The teachers not only force children to spy, but themselves become spies and come to church. We know that you, Principal (Mrs.) Petrošienė became, in the children's words, a gypsy during Easter, 1981: wearing makeup and gypsy clothes to avoid recognition, you spied on children in church. On February 7, 1982, Teacher (Mrs.) Rubavičienė also became such a sneak-spy: she followed and harassed children on their way to church. This is but a fraction of the things that occur in the school you administer. We, the parents of students, demand the following: Abolish Sunday programs that are held at the abovenamed times and prevent our children from attending church. If such pro­ grams are necessary for the schoool, you can hold them with children who are non-believers. Neither we believing parents nor our children need them. Sundays belong to us and our children, the school has no right to deprive us of them with its programs. We consider that a deliberate means of warfare against our beliefs and those of our children. Cease ridiculing our believing children for attending church. The school is an educational institution and not a place for anti-religious propaganda and coercing our children. Stop beating our children, pulling their ears, pushing them around or otherwise corporally punishing them. Abolish spying in school in connection with religious beliefs. This damages children and we will strongly combat it. Stop lowering the deportment and subject grades of our believing children for attending church.

Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania No. 53 53 Stop expelling believing children from various clubs and groups merely because they attend church and cannot participate in group activities deliberately held on Sundays. Cease forcing our children in school to provide information about our families and themselves on anti-religious questionnaires. Strike our believing children from "black lists" which traumatize and degrade them. We strictly protest against our children being forced to be atheists. We oppose all programs that are held outside the school, take our children away from us, keep the children themselves from attend­ ing church, prevent us from preparing them for the sacraments . . . We want total freedom of religion for ourselves and our believing children . . . We do not want our believing children to be forced to participate in anti-religious programs and thus mocking themselves. We consider it an insult when teachers turn into spies and follow our children in church or outside of church . . . We unequi­ vocally condemn and will fight this by all possible means. We oppose all methods used to entice our children (higher grades which help them become lazy students) or intimidate them (lower deportment grades for attending church). We protest most strongly against any attempt to obtain promises or statements from children contrary to their beliefs, such as: "I no longer believe in God," "I won't go to church," "I won't sing in church", "I won't participate in processions" and the like. Ob­ taining such promises from children is the most brutal, vile thing possible, totally inconsistent with humanitarianism. We protest against children being forced to lie and be hypocrites, so that later they can be called liars, hypocrites and their parents blamed for making their children that way by demand­ ing that they fulfill their obligations as believers. In conclusion, we wish to mention the latest news about the "deeds" teachers perform during our parish retreat. (April 1-3, 1982) as well as on Palm Sunday. A retreat is a parish renewal. It must be attended by all believers, while Palm Sunday is one of the major feasts. Children came to the retreat with their parents and without them. The news soon reached us that teachers had begun interrogations while the retreat was still in progress. On Palm Sunday, a program "Na, mergaitės" ("Well, Girls") was specially organized and the boys were to participate as judges. Children were thus forcibly prevented from fulfilling obligations important to

54 Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania No. 53 believers. Onl,r)t Apri 2 1982 Teache (Miss Vaicekauskaitė Assistan Prin­ eėd,s.lcipa (Mr ) A Sudžiuvien an you Madam Principal, inter­ drs,ogate student Budrys Stonkus Alfreda Sniaukas an others who esdwtohg.u en t churc durin th retreat Yo ordere th boy to give te,rs)wn ritte explanation . . . Tha sam day Teache (Mrs. Sudžiuvienė ).hedaun yo interrogate th entir 6t grade (Mrs. Sudžiuvienė called deornys u childre on b on int th method offic an interrogated ytudmo,.ehem Yo tol the the mus no g t church whil th assistant .unedlsprincipa aske th childre variou questions Yo attempted to osrtnur studen Stonku int you spy. dTset.whi wa no enough No teacher hav launche a "campaign" .asoyt gains Easter The emplo variou mean t preven children from rgnue.dparticipatin i Easte services Yo an thos unde you authority aesgotrydr thu attemptin t disrup ou grea hol da an deprive our efncdoyr. hildre o th opportunit t atten th Easte ceremonies We know tye,)dorha onl on teacher (Mrs. Greivienė use t bea o otherwise rt.ednoerroriz childre wh atten church Unde you leadership, the yrnfst umbe o terroris teacher ha markedl increased. W,segfl hil remindin you a th school' head o al thes facts we rsaoldmels wishe t infor othe agencie relate t th schoo and the setFfn.or aith W hav sen copie o thi lette t Chairma Prajerius s'fltieof th Tvera Distric Counci o Workers Deputie Executive C,oenrtsf ommittee t Vic Chairma fo Cul Affair H.Buivyda o the Rayon eofsėlf' Plung Counci o Workers Deputie Executiv Committee, to o,dfriFs athe Kosta Velioniškis Pasto o Tvera Parish an t Father ,efsrAntana Vaičius Administrato o th Dioces o Telšiai. fsy1dTet h protes wa signe b 2 parent o students. fOnlre,t Apri 15 1982 th Assistan Edito o th Rayon o Plungė rfeonewspape Kibirkštis (Spark) cam t se th Pasto o th Tverai rs,Po arish Fathe Kosta Velioniškis t discus relation between the dtrs.el choo an th church Sh di no giv he name. dfgtserTh visito explaine tha everythin i don "fo th goo o the "cner,. hildren i school Fo som tim now extracurricula programs dnsitefro student hav bee planne o Sunday i Tvera a a time wnedsgy he service ar hel an believin childre ar forcibl compelled e.dftos atten thes programs Goo letter o referenc ar required rgdeosfnwhe applyin t school o highe learnin an ca b obtained only .rnbyyg activel participatin i extracurricula activities I think you ed.u,hs nderstan th situation Th Churc want on thing while the lse.rodychoo want another Ou goal ar different T avoi an opposition,

ch.nCefa hronicl o th Catholi Churc i Lithuani No 53 55 there should be no interference, concluded the assistant editor. On April 25, 1982, a Sunday program was held for school­ children at the Tverai Cultural Center: the usual plays in which believing students are compelled to participate. Eugenijus Rapalius, a believer, was given the role of prompter. The teachers badgered Rapalius that as a major participant, he was obligated to come to the program on Sunday, for the other students had not had time to learn their roles which they were given only on Friday, and every­ thing could fail without a prompter. To prevent believing students who are forced to participate in programs from getting to services on time, plays are often inter­ rupted with dances.

On April 26, 1982, Tverai Parish Committee members Mažeika, Šimkus and Vičys were summoned to see Vice Chairman H. Buivy­ das of the Rayon executive committee. The committee members were questioned about the letter of protest written by Tverai District believing parents to Middle School Principal (Mrs.) A. Petrošienė in which the believing parents voiced their outrage at the terroriza- tion of believing students in the Tverai Middle School. During the talk, Vice Chairman Buivydas asked about the parish organist and anxiously repeated that students are not permitted to sing in the church choir. . . When Mažeika asked whether the Constitution indicates that singing in church is forbidden, Bui­ vydas explained that the Constitution contains "certain amend­ ments. It's not my fault. If you don't like it, write to Moscow. Make your suggestions, request permission . . . But for now it is forbid­ den." The vice chairman attempted to prove that the letter of protest was libelous . . . "Children are poor witnesses . . . They can make incorrect statements. We are going after the parents. They'll have to see the prosecutor. We know who wrote the letter: Father Jonas Paliukas," raged Vice Chairman Buivydas. Ending his lecture, Buivydas added: "You must keep a firm hand on priests. You Mažeika are the chairman, you Šimkus are a member, so establish your own order. You must handle everything. Set pay­ ments for services rendered, provide for expenses . . . The pastor has nothing to do with it. He is just a hired minister of cult. . ." Mažeika retorted that, according to Church law, the parish com­ mittee only assists the pastor but is not in charge. On April 27-30, 1982, the facts detailed in the letter of Protest

56 Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania No. 53 nywtsed ritte b distric believer wer investigate a th Tverai Mdse"f. iddl School "Investigations o th fact proceede a follows: ,sldteh teacher beforehan use al mean (threats promises etc.) soetmto forc student t li tha n on kep the fro attending chnsdteohurc o Sunday an tha thos wh attende churc are not soedr.acolde o persecuted Teache Jušk ordere th student t say that htesu:ogh questionnair containin suc question as D yo believe in dnruoG? od D yo atten church O you ow o force by your ?pouesydtnarents D yo lik church wa fille ou whe the wer in the fhedtosourt grad an no tw month earlier. dnesTh student wer questione i th principal' offic i the )ėrltfepresenc o Principa (Mrs. Petrošien o Assistan Principal (Mrs.) aAldon Sudžiūvienė. Ssoden. tudent wer chose deliberately Th student wh ha suf­ geftrhd,ere th mos fo attendin churc wer no called while non- esbeliever wer questioned.

Vilnius t,gsInefn th sprin o 1981 whe Petra Brokevičius a studen a the osfCylen. it o Vilniu Professiona Trad Schoo No 2 bega t serve at Hys.tnr, ol Mas a St Michael' Church maste craftswoma (Mrs.) dreoėhaJanin Kazėnien summone th yout t he hom an began to oetuhd:syaras him "Wh d yo g t churc an serv a Mass? . . . If se,ytfuoomeon ask you sa i isn' you i yo promis t stop I'll ytpeoduersonall sa tha thos wh followe yo wer mistaken and egl,dfut verythin wil en there bu i yo don't ther wil b trauble for bdehut ot yo an m an th pries coul b transferre elsewhere," s.)odexplaine th woman Petra Brokevičiu responde t (Mrs. Janina Ks:Itdnleo azėnienė' intimidatio with " wen an wil continu t go."

rdkysSnoo Petra Brokevičiu wa summone fo anothe tal b the tdsr.el chool' vic principa fo curriculum H wa aske wha church he yste,rattends whethe h actuall serve a Hol Mass whethe he would seocontinu t behav thi way. sdey,In May 1981 Petra Brokevičiu wa interrogate b th school's ethCommunis Yout Leagu secretary. p"lunrsedThey'l tra yo i thei net an wil us yo a a tool," det.hreatene th secretary Sh suggeste h rea atheis books and pdotnse ledge t prov tha Go doe no exis an ma evolved nfmro a ape. sdoWnh he Petra Brokevičiu continue t atten churc an serve-

.chafeCn hronicl o th Catholi Churc i Lithuani No 53 57 lphesaty, Hol Mass hi relationshi wit th schoo administration d.par)ė eteriorate further Grou Maste (Mrs. Janin Kazėnien began pyoksrw. ersistentl t see reason fo a ne confrontation Because of eryd,tnhiever an hooliga threats i becam intolerabl fo th student to nsge.continu livin i th dormitory Whe Petra Brokevičiu moved in whs.e, it Petra Cidzikas ne attack wer launched "Wher do you sprteu?dlive Wher di yo meet Wha i you relationshi with him? sWe?d her doe h work Doe Petra Cidzika atten church? How hou"yrem) uc d yo pa fo th room? Histor Teache (Mrs. Misiū­ eydnė. ien assaile him Th interrogatio laste nearl on hour. On,epr)a Jun 20 1981 Grou Maste (Mrs. Janin Kazėnienė ksrdonmagai summone Petra an ordere hi t thin thing ove serious­ sdel,y otherwis thing woul b ba an h woul hav more problems. rAedw,s fte th summe vacation ne interrogation wer hel on Ors.eth ctobe 12th.. Th school' Communis Yout Leagu Secretary ybtdgehr ese th yout askin whethe h ha finall reache a decision. tdeWns he Petra Brokevičiu replie tha h ha an di no intend to ondymes,chang hi beliefs th secretar ordere hi t tur i his Com­ mthe unis Yout Leagu card. r,Ons Novembe 16 1981 Petra Brokevičiu wa interrogated :ou?lbye th schoo principal " D yo g t church Wil yo continue g"detnhoing? Whe th yout explaine tha h woul continu attending no:lemc, hurch th principa bega t intimidat him "I' expelling you fmd"etsro school. H suggeste tha Petra writ a statemen " o his own std."will tha hi age parent nee hi help . . Onr,ths Novembe 25 1981 Communis Yout member Akstinas, Vsdo,k isoska an others force Petra Brokevičiu int a dar corner and, n,ek.omygpdushin hi t th floor bega t kic him The kicke hi in the ndps,yetomach chest side an whe h curle u i pai the kicked .yhmne,gdi i th face The dragge th battered bleedin Petras to ot:.e,a()Mrs. Janin Kazėnienė Sh laughed saying "Wha d you look lr?wsg.ike . . . thi i fo everythin Ho i you nose? . . anyone woseldy h disobey m wil b discipline thi wa b th 'group's ae"ėod) ctiv members', (Mrs. Janin Kazėnien continue t taunt. Math­ oest,nr matic Teache Dovydavičius wh wa presen i th office, at­ tdon)ėhasempte t war (Mrs. Janin Kazėnien tha suc conduc i forbid­ ted,s.nen bu sh replie tha sh fear nothing . . Whe Petras tBsdremrokevičiu informe he h woul b absen fro school the fgoe,ysollowin da becaus h wa goin t th polyclinic (Mrs.) aJė:fuoy, anin Kazėnien protested " I yo go g toda (the poly-

58ef Chronicl o th Catholic Church in Lithuania No. 53 esnrcdt, lini wa close a th time) an you' bette b i clas tomorrow. Ife,sl you'r not thing wil b worse." ,)aOnrėd Decembe 11 1981 (Mrs. Janin Kazėnien summone the ut.yspf arent o Petra Brokevičiu b urgen telegram "Yo see, he s.eohna begu t associat wit suc peopl . . h goe t church heetfnsolr wrot a statemen o hi ow wil fo permissio t retur home . . . eys,dHt i frind ar bad h mus b save . . . W alread have his omtlrds,yetatement w onl nee you consen an we'l le hi g home, ")oatedtherwis h coul b sen t a colony, (Mrs. Janin Kazėnienė edoxplaine t th parents. ,re'thAg fte obtainin th parents consen throug coercion the nt.el:rprincipa lied "You so canno remai i Vilnius We'v already rdnmeaoeceive a orde fro th militi t tak hi away."

Vilnius Onl,er Apri 14 1982 th newspape Komjaunimo tiesa (Truth of stndeyhe Communist Youth) printe a articl b Vytauta Valikonis dternntitle "Ne matyta, nei girdėta" ("Neve Befor See o Heard"). efgTh beginnin o th articl states: "tesnyloFirs ther wa a announcemen b th Chicag clerica news­ d.eėprs ape Draugas (Friend). Let' rea it 'Taurag Middl School deėso)treache (Miss Eidikyt ordere th third-grader wh believ in God est, rais thei hands Subsequently ther wer threat tha believers dwet,.r oul b imprisone lik criminals Afte a shor recess she again og.nedr rdere th believin childre t rais thei hands Whe a forest tn,erlofsd hand agai sho up th teache state tha al believer would be stoedgln' en t th retarde children' boardin schoo i Skaudvilė. " e,fytgAsn a argumen refutin th veracit o th facts Vytau­ esdntga Valikoni seize upo th mistak mad i printin th teacher's n."r: ame "Eidikytė rathe tha "Eidukytė" I correspondent Va­ etol'rs,dikonis opinion th sai erro i sufficien t conclud tha the over­ ,sdreea newspape print fabrications lie an inaccurat news although urnestdnde othe circumstance i woul hav bee considered an oy.ngsr,erdinar proofreadin error I hi article th reporte used the nhfstiywnvention o childre whic clearl sho tha i "investigating" sdte,nh facts Valikoni use childre selecte beforehan (and non- ydms)believers a witnesse an aske the speciall prepared sqhedouestion whic th third-grader coul hav answere n other way.

Vfin arsėdžia ( R a y o o Šilalė) iIn,rl December 1981 Varsėdžia Gramma Schoo Principal

.Cefachn hronicl o th Catholi Churc i Lithuani No 53 59 ė)(rsdngMrs. Maryt Pintverien scolde childre durin clas fo attending ytdghchurc an servin a Hol Mass. Ntryes,d o intimidate b th principal' anger fifth-grade Remigi­ sjIt:deolu Lapinska stated " wen an wil continu t go." dėl),gDurin recess Principa (Mrs. Pintverien grabbe Remigijus oe'dmLsry apinska b th ea an dragge hi t th teachers room. She terao,.s ls brough ther anothe fifth-grader Arvyda Petravičius A. "kan­ teld."gnaroo cour began Th principa screame a th childre hysterical­ l,dm"ruy calle the "bourgeois an late aske "Wil yo continue gooin t church?" Wned,st he Remigiju confirme tha h would th enrage principal sgdmoelappe th student' fac an ordere hi t brin hi parents. s"tgdyeIt i interestin tha thi "trial wa witnesse b som twelve mfedrVsil arsėdžia Gramma Schoo teacher an non o the had the ceodpourag t sto th enrage principal.

Gnfi irdžia ( R a y o o Jurbarkas) ,etngDhfs urin th Lent 1982 retrea i th paris o Girdžiai i wa no ,cdtseoincidenc tha inspector visite rayon schools urging more igorou atheis activitiees Th tow middl schoo proclaimed an tatheis week. twedosLr owe grad student wer force t dra atheis picture . . ., nhseydr)ė int grader wer assigne b Teache (Mrs. Šimanskien to write gteldna compositio "Wha I woul tel a frien kneelin a th altar . . ." sTedt h student di no writ th composition. Geilr)a irdžia Middl Schoo fourth-grade (Miss Nair Ročaitytė's dtoseyg eportmen grad wa lowere t satisfactor durin th second tri­ .mdtr)ė ester Homeroo Teache (Mrs. Genien explaine tha the grade swde a decrease becaus sh attend church.

Vinf eisieja ( R a y o o Lazdijai) eliCy,On Februar 16 1982 Veisieja Middl Schoo grad 8 Home­ sfdermoo Teache Boleslova Vyšniauska accuse on o hi students, a()gsf, Miss Aurelij Poteliūnaitė o collectin signature "against drng"oteeachers an ordere he t explai i writin wha sh does in odrel, Whe th gir refuse t obey Teache Boleslovas seV,d yšniauska visite th Poteliūna family wher h di hi utmost ertosthn convinc th parent tha suc conduc o thei daughter's part d"coul en badly." Onėsyh)a Februar 17t (Miss Aurelij Poteliūnait wa summoned toesyt th principal' offic wher Securit Agen Gyly wa waiting for

60ef Chronicl o th Catholic Church in Lithuania No. 53 tug"seh. er "Wha signature ar yo collectin agains teachers? assailed dte.anh chekist Whe Aurelij explaine tha sh di no collect any st,eydonignature agains teachers th securit agen bega t scol the girl attendin th birthda part o Mindauga Judeikis "Yo didn't heytdr,s av a birthda part there bu talke wit Fathe Juoza Zdebskis. Woes"d.n) h els wa there? interrogate Gylys Whe (Miss Aurelija doėP,et oteliūnait refuse t talk th chekis attempte t "influence" hred:ue amiably Yo coul achiev muc . . .

Rokiškis )aOnre,h Marc 6 1982 Teache (Mrs. Mild Dilienė th moder­ seafbtr to o th atheis clu a th Edvarda Tičku Middl School t)in,eCad Rokiškis interrogate grad 7 studen (Miss Jolant Sadaus­ oėkr)d. aitė Teache (Mrs. Dilien coerce (Miss Sadauskait t name nsdgohr e friend wh atten an sin i church. te"douyn, Yo use t b i m homeroom yo mus therefor repor to thm.o,un e G t churc whe yo want yo ca eve sing bu report to me yte,hnwsg hic student sin i th churc choir serv a Hol Mass . . . "hWetoedly wan t fin ou wh the al ar an punis them, teacher edoė()Mrs. Dilien explaine t th girl.

r)ė,On0dh Marc 1 an 17 1982 Teache (Mrs. Dilien interrogated .t)eCagdl rad 5 studen (Miss Git Tervydytė Sh scolde th gir for not es.gyfw) earin th scar (o th Pioneer — Trans Note forcibl imposed onrds.goe he an fo belongin t th children' choir Teache (Mrs.) drtDėlosy ilien threatene t leve monetar fine agains he parents ebsnecaus sh participate i th church' children' choir. aė)rs,eoTeache (Mrs. Mild Dilien come t th church write down ytleopdsfh name o student wh kee vigi an serv a Hol Mass and slrate terrorize them. sefėr)Teache (Mrs. Gasparavičien o th Edvarda Tičku Middle osSlng choo i Rokiški als humiliate believin students. nTfė ūbin ( R a y o o Šilalė) es,Onryėf Novembe 18 1981 th Katauski famil o Tūbin was verdymisite b a reporte fro th republic-wid newspape Tiesa (Truth) adrl) n Gramma Schoo Principa (Mrs. Valerij Lidienė. )dėlSa choo Principa (Mrs. Valerij Lidien attacke (Miss Reda K,gopest atauskytė shoutin tha sh organize girl t kee vigil. The ėgdesyfpl rincipa accuse th Katauski famil o tellin Šilal Assistant Psrwėl asto Vytauta Skipari ho Tūbin Gramma Schoo Teachers

hCea.fcn hronicl o th Catholi Churc i Lithuani No 53

* ()dėesoMrs. Jakien an (Mrs. Jonelien ridicul student wh attend edc,tsnhurch an th pries informe th peopl i hi homily. serdnWhe th Tiesa reporte aske whethe th teacher actually )reg,aėidicul believin children (Miss Red Katauskyt confirmed that tydosl)he d an tha i i primaril schoo Principa (Mrs. Lidienė wos h doe it.

Prienai ,yOneCmr Februar 12 1982 grad 7 Homeroo Teache Arvydas Ni.sdtel arvyda a Priena Middl Schoo No 1 interrogate on of his rs)a.,tudents (Miss Jolant Urbšaitė Teache Narvyda wa interested esinodan wh wa dresse a Sant Clau i th churchyar o Christmas, ,ondhewt ha h sai t th childre an yout gathere there wh of her tsh,negacquaintance wer i churc tha day doe Jolant sin i th church cynerdhst hoi an wh doe sh no joi th Communis Yout League? n)Wadoėre he (Miss Jolant Urbšait refuse t answe th questions, Trtsdo eache Narvyda threatene t lowe he deportmen grade sgradtmn thu preven he fro continuin he studie anywhere after seh graduates.

Birštonas Onlre),ė Apri 7 1982 Middl Schoo Teache (Miss Kudžmait took sdeAgrad 4 student Roma Bunevičiu an Vaižganta Žičkus to ėdyt)alePrincipa (Mrs. Sofij Žiukien an reporte tha the serv at Holy sydlM.e ass Th principa strictl ordere Roma Bunevičiu and Vaiž­ spgoanta Žičku t sto attendin church. On),rlėtAe Apri 12th Teache (Miss Kudžmait kep grad 4 students ),(asMiss Inet Jarusevičiūtė (Miss Lin Pokaitė Roma Bunevičius sradeyl n Vaižganta Žičku afte schoo becaus the ha attended resur­ nershectio service i th Birštona churc o Easte morning.

Ganf arliav ( R a y o o Kaunas) terAa, rtu Slepkov a ninth-grade a th Garliav Middl School, nsyterve a Hol Mas i church. Ty,d)mr eachers an especiall Homeroo Teache (Mrs. Petruševi­ eč,ymfgs ienė continuall accus hi o bein a hypocrite and a a member heof,ftgo th Communis Yout League o havin n righ t serv a Mass. Ontvoel, Apri 5 1982 Slepko wen t th rayon Communis Youth eLeagu Committee. t"Ieod,g" don' wan t b a hypocrite! explaine th boy handin in

62 .anchCef hronicl o th Catholi Churc i Lithuani No 53 his Communist Youth League card. Principal Nausėda took Slepkov's Communist Youth League card back to school, and Homeroom Teacher (Mrs.) Petruševičienė shoved it into the student's pocket. The boy went to see the principal and returned the card: "You brought it back and you can have it. I was told at the Communist Youth League Committee that a believer can­ not carry a Communist Youth League card." Pressure was mounted. Homeroom Teacher (Mrs.) Petruševi­ čienė and Military Training Teacher Neimontas threatened to com­ mit Artur Slepkov to the Žiegždriai Psychoneurological Hospital, predicted that in the army he would be sent to a place from which soldiers do not return alive, and suggested he think things over. Artur Slepkov replied that he would not renounce his faith, would always whenever he had the opportunity, serve at Holy Mass and would never take back the Communist Youth League card.


Lietuvos ateitis (Lithuania's Future), No. 1. This is a new under­ ground publication especially aimed at believing youth. The first issue of Lithuania's Future which drew considerable attention, ap­ peared in January, 1982. "Many critical comments, good suggestions have been received . . . This clearly indicates that it is not only useful, but also necessary for youth to have a publication in which they can freely express their ideas and beliefs and discuss current problems." (Lithuania's Future, No. 2) Lithuania's Future, No. 2 devotes considerable space to the second anniversary of the death of Father Virgilijus Jaugelis: it provides more extensive information on Father Jaugelis and prints statements from young people who know him closely. The publication examines current problems and debates '"How Should Believing Youth Be Today?" (offers concrete ways and means whereby every believing young person can serve God and homeland in his daily life). We wish Lithuania's Future a long life in illuminating and pointing the road to the future for Lithuania's youth!

Aušra (The Dawn), No. 30 (70). The publication appeared in March and consists of 50 pages. It commemorates the tenth an­ niversary of the Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithua-

Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania No. 53 63 nia, writes about the Servant of God, Archbishop Jurgis Matule­ vičius, presents historical information on The Dawn's 100th an­ niversary, etc.

Fellow Lithuanian, Don't Forget!

Balys Gajauskas Anastazas Janulis Gintautas Iešmantas Mečislovas Jurevičius Sergei Kovalev Petras Paulaitis Viktoras Petkus Vytautas Skuodis Algis Statkevičius Antanas Terleckas Vytautas Vaičiūnas Julius Sasnauskas Povilas Pečeliūnas

and others bear the shackles of prison so that you might freely live and believe.

Correction: Issue No. 51 of the Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania erroneously printed that Juozas Gražys was sentenced to three years of general regime. It should have been strict regime.

64 Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania No. 53 INDEX OF PERSONS

Akstinas, 58 Fabijanskas, Father Jonas, 18 Andrijauskas, A., 19, 20 Filipčik, Father Anton, 11 Anilionis, Petras, 13, 14, 15, 17 Firas, 41 18, 39, 45, 46 Gajauskas, Balys, 64 Arnašius, Father Albinas, 11 Gargasas, 33 Augustis, V., 19, 20 Gasparavičienė, (Mrs.), 61 Antanaitis, Msgr. Bronislovas, 38 Gauronskis, Father Vincentas, 6 Antulis, Algis, 47 Gavėnaitė, (Miss) Monika, 31 Badaugienė, (Mrs.) J., ?0 Gedvilą, Father Jonas, 6, 9 Balsienė, (Mrs.), 19, 20 Genienė, (Mrs.), 60 Balvočius, A., 20 Giedraitienė, (Mrs.) Jadvyga, 41 Baranauskas, P., 10 Gražulis, Father Juozas, 11 Bimbyris, Antanas, 47 Gražys, Juozas 64 Bitvinskas, Father Antanas, 14 Greivienė, (Mrs.), 52, 55 Borisevičius, Bishop Vincentas, 1 Grigaliūnas, Vytautas, 41 Brezhnev, Leonid, 34, 43 Grigas, Antanas, 47, 49 Brilius, Father Kęstutis, 14 Grigas, Robertas, 24, 25, 47-49 Brilius, Father Vytautas, 11 Griškevičius, Petras, 32, 38, 39 Brokevičius, Petras, 57, 58, 59 40, 41, 47 Budrikis, Father Julius, 9 Griškus, Jonas, 41 Budrys, 55 Gudynas, Adomas, 45, 46 Buivydas, H., 55, 56 Gustaitis, Msgr. Andriejus, 17 Bunevičius, Romas, 62 Gvadovič, Father Kazimir, 11 Butkus, 30 Gylys, 60 Butkus, Father Viktoras, 37 Iešmantas, Gintautas, 64 Butnorienė, (Mrs.) N., 19, 20 Jakienė, (Mrs.), 62 Čeplinskienė, (Mrs.) Regina, Jankauskienė, (Mrs.) P., 18, 20 50-53 Janulis, Anastazas, 27, 28, 64 Černiauskas, Father Ričardas, 16 Janušauskienė, (Mrs.) Vincenta,31 Cidzikas, Petras, 58 Japertienė, (Mrs.), 23 Ciuckis, 41 Jarusevičiūtė, (Miss) Ineta, 62 Čiupai a. Father Stasys, 11 Jaugelis, Father Virgilijus, 63 Daknevičius, Father Kęstutis, Jauniškis, Bronius, 35 32-34 Jonelienė, (Mrs.), 62 Danyla, Father Jonas, S.J., 35 Juciutė, (Miss) Rasa, 50 Degutis, Father Zenonas, 11 Judeikis, Mindaugas, 61 Dilienė, Milda, 61 Juozėnas, 39 Dovydavičius, 58 Juozumaitė, (Miss) Stefanija, Eidikytė (Eidukytė), (Miss), 59 18-21

Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania No. 53 65 Jurašas, Jonas, 4 Lidienė, (Mrs.) Valerija, 61, 62 Jurevičius, Mečislovas, 16, 28, 64 Linkevičius, J. 35 Jurkutė, (Miss) Vilma, 50, 52 Linkevičius, Petras, 24 Juška, 57 Lukoševičius, Father Juškevičius, 33 Alfonsas, 6, 9 Kalanta, Romas, 49 Lukšienė, (Mrs.), 47 Kaplanienė, (Mrs.) Solomėja, 31 Lukšys, Antanas, 46 Kauneckas, Father Jonas, Lybikis, Edvardas, 30, 31 9, 18, 19 Margys, Jonas, 25 Kavaliauskas, Father Jonas, 14 Martūnas, Juozas, 47 Katauskis, 61 Matulevičius, Katauskytė, (Miss) Reda, 61, 62 Archbishop Jurgis, 64 Kazėnienė, (Mrs.) Janina, Matulionis, Father 57, 58, 59 Jonas Kastytis, 13, 17, 38-40 Kazlauskas, 49 Matulionis, Bishop Teofilius 1, 2 Keina, Father Algimantas, 38 Matuševič, Valentin, 6, 8 Kelmelis, 16 Mažeika, 56 Klipčius, 48 Maželis, Bishop Petras, 2 Kovalev, Sergei, 64 Mažonavičius, Father Krikščiukaitis, Ludvikas, 14, 37 Father Kastytis, 17 Meilius, Father Kazys, 11 Krikščiūnas, Mickevičienė, (Mrs.), 24 Bishop Romualdas, 2, 11 Mickevičius, Bronius, 46 Krikštoponis, 39, 40 Mickevičius, Vladas, 47 Kringelis, Edmundas, 30 Mieželis, 48 Kudaba, Č., 5, 8 Mikalauskienė, (Mrs.), 47 Kudžmaitė, (Miss), 62 Misiūnienė, (Mrs.) Janina, 58 Kulvietis, Molodkin, Sergei Viktorovich, 48 Father Edmundas, 11 Molytė, (Miss) Stasė, 19 Kuncevičiūtė, Moreinas, 19 (Miss) Magdalena, 16 Muliuolis, Gediminas, 48 Kuroyedov, 34 Narvydas, Arvydas, 62 Kutkutė, (Miss) Bronė, 50, 52 Našlėnas, Father Petras, 13 Labukas-Matulaitis, Nausėda, 63 Bishop Juozas, 2 Navickaitė, (Miss) Genovaitė Lapinskas, Remigijus, 60 (Genė) 21-24 Larionova, (Mrs.), 23 Navickaitė, (Miss) Lionginą, 23 Laskutov, 7 Navickas, Father Zenonas, 17, 24 Lauraitienė, (Mrs.) Marijona, 41 Neimantienė, (Mrs.) 41, 42, 43, Laurinavičius, Father Bronius, 49 44 Lekai, Cardinal, 12 Nestiuk, Father Leonid, 11

66 Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania No. 53 Norkūnas, 18 Reinys, Archbishop Norkūnas, Father Juozas, 11 Mečislovas, 1, 2 Novikovą, (Mrs.), 23 Remeikis, Jonas, 30 Nyksta, Father, 17 Rimkuvienė, (Mrs.) A., 20 Orantas, Father Aloyzas, 11 Ročaitytė, (Miss) Naria 60 Paliukas, Father Jonas, 56 Rubavičienė, (Mrs.) Paltanavičius, Regina, 50, 51, 52, 53 Father Albinas, 11 Sadauskaitė, (Miss) Jolanta, 61 Paltarokas, Bishop Kazimieras, 2 Sadūnaitė, Nijolė, 4, 16, 17, Paulaitis, Petras, 64 23, 40 Pečeliūnas, Povilas, 27, 28, 64 Sadūnas, Jonas, 40 Pečiulis, Albinas, 44 Sakalauskienė, (Mrs.) Irena, 40 Pesliakas, Sakharov, 15 Father Vytautas, Saprigonis, Father 41, 42, 43, 44 Raimundas, 11 Petkus, Viktoras, 4, 26, 64 Sasnauskas, Julius, 27, 28, 29, 64 Petraitis, Father Alfonsas, 11 Savickas, Father Leonas, 17 Petravičius, Arvydas, 60 Senkus, Father Vincentas, 9 Petrošienė, (Mrs.) A., Šeškevičius, Father 51, 53, 56, 57 Antanas, 9, 17 Petrulėnas, 48 Simanas, P., 40 Petruševičienė, (Mrs.), 62, 63 Šimanauskas, 52 Pintverienė, (Mrs.) Marytė, 60 Šimanskas, 52 Plioraitis, Father Ignas, 44 Šimanskienė, (Mrs.), 60 Poška, Father Tadas, 9 Šimkus, 56 Poteliūnaitė, (Miss) Aurelija, Sireika, 23 60, 61 Širvys, 25 Poteliūnas, 60 Skiparis, Father Vytautas, 61 Povilonis, Bishop Liudvikas, 2. Skiparytė, (Miss) Birutė, 50 11, 14, 17, 37 Skuodis, Vytautas, 26, 27, 64 Prajerienė, (Mrs.), 52 Sladkevičius, Bishop Prajerius, 55 Vincentas, 2, 15, 36 Pudžemys, Father Adolfas, 9 Slepkov, Artur, 62, 63 Pūkaitė, (Miss) Lina, 62 Šniauskaitė, (Miss) Gražina, Puzaras, Father Petras, 9 (Šniukaitė), 50, 52 Puzonas, Father Rokas, 11 Sniaukas, Alfredas Radzevičienė, (Mrs.), 19, 21 (Sniukas), 50, 55 Ramanauskas, Bishop Pranas, 1,2 Sprindys, R. 24, 25 Rapalius, Eugenija, 56 Stalin, 2, 43, 48 Razmantas, Father Juozapas, 40 Stanelytė, (Miss) Gemma Razminas, 7 Jadvyga, 23

67 Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania No. 5T ,Statkevičius Algis 64 p,Vaičius Bisho Antanas 2 55 ,Steponavičius Bishop ,Valikonis Vytautas 59 ,Julijonas 2 36 V, anagas 44 S, tonkus 55 ,Vardys 17 ,Subačiūtė Marytė 25 26 r,Via aselka Fathe Z y g n t s 11 ,Sudžiuvienė (Mrs.) ,Vasiliauskas Sigitas 47 ,Aldona 50 52 55 57 Vėlavičius, ,Svarinskas Father Fr, athe Vincentas 9 ,Alfonsas 29 32, V,r elioniškis Fathe Kostas 50 55 ,Tamašauskienė (Mrs.) 19 ,Vičys 56 T, amkevičius Father V, ilutis J. 48 S, igitas 38 39 ,rVilutis Fathe Kęstutis 11 ,Tamonis Mindaugas 49 V, yšniauskas Boleslovas 60 T, erleckas Antanas 64 V,) itkauskaitė (Miss Ona 22 T,) ervydytė (Miss Gita 61 ,Volskis Aloyzas 13 14 15 ,Tičkus Edvardas 61 ,Voveris 24 T, ilvikaitė (Miss) 52 ,Z) alepūgaitė (Miss Alma 50 T,) onaitytė tMiss Sonata 50 ,Ž) ąsytienė (Mrs. Aldona 41 ,rTunaitis Fathe Jonas 38 Z,r debskis Fathe Juozas 16 61 ,Urbonas Juozas 46 ,rŽemaitis Fathe Juozas 17 U,) rbšaitė (Miss Jolanta 62 Ž,) emgulytė (Miss Audra 50 V, 7 Žs, erebecki (Žarebeckis) 38 V, abalas A. 10 ,Žičkus Vaižgantas 62 V, aicekauskaitė (Miss) 55 Ž, ilys Father Vaičiulionis, Fr, athe Lionginas 17 ,Ks azimiera Mindaugas 24 ,Vaičiūnas Vytautas 16 16 64 Ž,) iukienė (Mrs. Sofija 62


,Ablinga 10 C, hicago 59 ,Adakavas 40 41 ,Deltuva 43 A, leksotas 17 D, idvyžiai 12 ,Alkakalnis 7 10 D, ruskininkai 48 A, lytus 24 ,Eigirdžiai 4 ,Anulėnai 4 5 9 F, atima 4 B, erlin 37 G, adunavą 7 B, irštonas 62 , 62

68 Cecfanh hronicl o th Catholi Churc i Lithuani \o. 53 nCerma Democratic , 62 R, epublic 47 ,Pušinė 9 G, ermantas 9 R, ainiai 5 9 ,Girdžiai 60 ,Raseiniai 29 31 32 J, omantai 4 R, okiškis 25 4 1 61 ,Jonava 4 1 42 R, ome 2 15 J, uodkrantė 35 Š, akiai 17 J, uodupėnai 44 ,Samogitia 8 J, urbarkas 60 ,Seda 8 10 ,Kabeliai 46 ,Šeduva 38 K, aišiadorys 1 2 36 ,Šiauliai 4 9 17 K, apčiamiestis 44 S, iberia 1 2 ,Kapsukas 16 23-24 ,Šilalė 17 59 61 K, aunas 1 2 1 1 12 1 3 1 4 , Š, iluva 16 17 ,18 24 37 62 ,Skaudvilė 59 K, ėdainiai 32 33 34 S,ė trėv River 10 ,Kelmė 40 T, auragė 40 4 1 59 ,Klaipėda, 2 9 18 34 35 ,Telšiai 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9, ,Klausučiai 45 46 ,18 19 20 36 55 ,Kungiai 4 T, irkšliai 6 ,Kybartai 12 17 38 39 ,Tūbinė 61 L, azdijai 24 44 48 60 T, verai 50 51 55 56 57 ,Leipalingis 24 47 48 49 ,Tytuvėnai 16 Ln eni (Rayon), 48 ,Valkininkai 38 ,Luokė 6 ,Varėna 46 ,nMaide Hill 4-8 10 V, arniai 4 9 ,Marcinkoniai 46 ,Varsėdžiai 59 60 ,Mažeikiai 6 ,Veisiejai 60 M, oscow 37 41 57 V, embutai 5 ,Nida 35 V, epriai 43 P, abaiskas 43 ,Viduklė 17 29 30 31 32 P, ajevonis 12 V, ilkaviškis 1 2 1 1 12 14 15, P, ajūralis 17 ,16 38 44 45 46 ,Palanga 4 9 ,Vilnius 1 25 35 36 37 38, ,Panoteriai 41-44 ,40 47 48 49 57 59 ,Pasruoje 6 7 8 ,Žalioji 44-46 P, anevėžys 2 1 1 21 23 24 ,Žalpiai 40 ,Pirčiupys 10 ,Zarasai 23 ų,Plinkši Lake 10 ,Žarėnai 18 20 P, lungė 6 50 55 ,ųŽemaiči Kalvarija 4 5 6 7 P, oland 15 ,Žiegždriai 63 P BALTIC SEA l a c e s m e n t i o n e d i n t h e








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