IACR Fellows Ceremony Crypto 2010

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IACR Fellows Ceremony Crypto 2010 IACR Fellows Ceremony Crypto 2010 www.iacr.org IACR Fellows Program (°2002): recognize outstanding IACR members for technical and professional contributions that: Advance the science, technology, and practice of cryptology and related fields; Promote the free exchange of ideas and information about cryptology and related fields; Develop and maintain the professional skill and integrity of individuals in the cryptologic community; Advance the standing of the cryptologic community in the wider scientific and technical world and promote fruitful relationships between the IACR and other scientific and technical organizations. IACR Fellows Selection Committee (2010) Hugo Krawczyk (IBM Research) Ueli Maurer (IBM Zurich) Tatsuaki Okamoto (NTT research), chair Ron Rivest (MIT) Moti Yung (Google Inc and Columbia University) Current IACR Fellows Tom Berson Ueli Maurer G. Robert Jr. Blakley Kevin McCurley Gilles Brassard Ralph Merkle David Chaum Silvio Micali Don Coppersmith Moni Naor Whitfield Diffie Michael O. Rabin Oded Goldreich Ron Rivest Shafi Goldwasser Martin Hellman Adi Shamir Hideki Imai Gustavus (Gus) Simmons Arjen K. Lenstra Jacques Stern James L. Massey New IACR Fellows in 2010 Andrew Clark Ivan Damgård Yvo Desmedt Jean-Jacques Quisquater Andrew Yao Ivan Damgard IACR Fellow, 2010 For fundamental contributions to cryptography, for sustained educational leadership in cryptography, and for service to the IACR. Jean-Jacques Quisquater IACR Fellow, 2010 For basic contributions to cryptographic hardware and to cryptologic education and for service to the IACR. Nominations for 2011 are encouraged Candidates, nominators, and endorsers must be IACR members. Verify membership by corresponding with iacrmem(AT)iacr.org Submit to rivest(AT)mit.edu Deadline: December 31, 2010 Detailed instructions at http://www.iacr.org/fellows/ Crypto 2010 15-19 August UCSB, Santa Barbara General Chair – Zulfikar Ramzan Program Chair – Tal Rabin CHES 2010 18-20 August UCSB, Santa Barbara, USA General Co-chairs – Cetin Koç and Jean-Jacques Quisquater Program Co-chairs – Stefan Mangard and François-Xavier Standaert.
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