Dossier New perspectives in Celtic Studies Abstract: Sixteenth century Gaelic Ireland is not nor- Names and Social mally associated with Celtic Studies. The aim of this paper is to show that not only can it be included, but it can also produce many useful insights for Celtic Contracts: Late Studies. Using as an illustration a minor skirmish whi- ch occurred during the Nine Years War in Ireland, this paper will show how what at first may seem straight- Gaelic Ireland forward questions can be problematised, while also shedding a light on identity in sixteenth-century and Celtic Studies Ireland. Finally, the question of Gaelic contractualism is examined. This concept was quite widespread in Europe during the Renaissance and the later Medieval Eoin O’Neill[*] period, and in the works of sixteenth-century Spanish writers, notably Vitoria and Suárez, it gained a sophis- tication and radicalism not found in Hobbes or Locke. [* ]Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFF) In Gaelic contractualism, the contract was not some- — Niterói (RJ) — Brasil. thing rhetorical, or established in a distant past, rather E-mail:
[email protected] it was dynamic, and allowed for a change of allegiance. Keywords: Gaelic Ireland; Nine Years War; ORCID: Contractualism. Nomes e contratos sociais: a Irlanda gaélica tardia e os estudos célticos Resumo: A Irlanda Gaélica do século XVI não costuma vir associada a Estudos Célticos. Neste artigo, preten- do mostrar que não apenas sua inclusão é possível como oferece uma série de ricas contribuições para a área de Estudos Célticos. Usando como exemplo um conflito ocorrido no âmbito da Guerra dos Nove Anos na Irlanda, mostra-se como o que, a princípio, seriam elementos evi- dentes podem ser mais bem investigados e igualmente jogam luz sobre tópicos importantes sobre identidade na Irlanda do século XVI.