
proba de concurs organizata de FR Kempo sub egida International Kempo Federation

Lupta imaginara cu unul sau mai multi adversari , avand miscari si tehnici bine stabilite si standardizate . Prestatia sportivului din punct de vedere al maiestriei tehnice este notata de o comisie de arbitrii .

Echipament - obligatoriu : Kimono Kempo ( pantalon alb , bluza neagra , model japonez ) + centura rosie .

Divizii - Individual - Kata Synchron ( echipe formate din 3 competitori )

Categorii de varsta - Copii : 8-10 ani , 10-12 ani , 12-14 ani - Juniori : 14-16 ani , 16-18 ani - Seniori : 18-36 ani , +36 ani

Categorii de grad - 6 kyu – 5 kyu - 4 kyu – 3 kyu - peste 2 kyu • La campionatul national se va organiza o singura categorie indiferent de grad . • In celelalte competitii se vor organiza functie de gradul competitorilor .

Weapon Kata

proba de concurs organizata de FR Kempo sub egida International Kempo Federation

“Kata cu arme”. Lupta imaginara cu unul sau mai multi adversari avand miscari si tehnici bine stabilite si standardizate , folosind arme traditionale ( nunchaku , tonfa , sai , naginata , katana , …..) .

Prestatia sportivului din punct de vedere al maiestriei tehnice este notata de o comisie de arbitrii .

Echipament - obligatoriu : Kimono Kempo ( pantalon alb , bluza neagra , model japonez ) + centura rosie . * Armele vor fi verificate si aprobate in prealabil de seful comisiei de arbitrii .

Divizii - Weapon Kata Individual - Weapon Kata Synchron ( echipe formate din 3 competitori )

Categorii de varsta - Copii : 8-10 ani , 10-12 ani , 12-14 ani - Juniori : 14-16 ani , 16-18 ani - Seniori : 18-36 ani , +36 ani

Categorii de grad - 6 kyu – 5 kyu - 4 kyu – 3 kyu - peste 2 kyu • La campionatul national se va organiza o singura categorie indiferent de grad . • Celelalte competitii( cupe , intercluburi ..) se vor organiza functie de gradul competitorilor . proba de concurs organizata de FR Kempo sub egida International Kempo Federation

“Autoaparare” . Demonstratie de maiestrie sportiva folosind tehnici de atac si aparare puse intr-un exercitiu coreografic bine stabilit de fiecare echipa in parte . Sportivul care este atacat se va apara doar cu mainile goale el putand finaliza cu arma obtinuta de la adversar prin deposedare .

Echipament - obligatoriu : Kimono Kempo ( pantalon alb , bluza neagra , model japonez ) + centura rosie . * Armele vor fi verificate si aprobate in prealabil de seful comisiei de arbitrii .


SELF-DEFENSE COMBAT (PALAISMATA) - Fete : 1 contra 1 ( componentii echipei sunt din aceeasi categorie de varsta si sex ) - Baieti : 1 contra 1 ( componentii echipei sunt din aceeasi categorie de varsta si sex ) - Mixt : 1 contra 1 ( componentii echipei sunt din aceeasi categorie de varsta dar de sex diferit ) SELF-DEFENSE SPORT (POLYDAMAS) - Open : 1 contra 3 ( componenti echipei sunt din categorii de varsta si sex diferite ) Mod de lucru Exercitiul demonstrativ este format din 4 scenarii de lupta distincte . In primele doua scenarii atacatorul/atacatorii foloseste doar mainile goale , iar in ultimele doua scenarii acestia ataca cu arme traditionale . Scenarii : Un scenariu este format din mai multe atacuri si contraatacuri , urmate de finalizare . Scenariile se executa astfel : primul scenariu se executa cu viteza mica , apoi intreg scenariul se repeta cu viteza reala de lupta , apoi al doilea scenariu se executa intreg cu viteza mica si apoi cu viteza reala s.a.m.d.

Categorii de varsta - Copii : 8-10 ani , 10-12 ani , 12-14 ani - Juniori : 14-16 ani , 16-18 ani - Seniori : 18-36 ani , +36 ani

Categorii de grad - 6 kyu – 5 kyu - 4 kyu – 3 kyu - peste 2 kyu • La campionatul national se va organiza o singura categorie indiferent de grad . • Celelalte competitii( cupe , intercluburi ..) se vor organiza functie de gradul competitorilor .

Weapon Self-defense proba de concurs organizata de FR Kempo sub egida International Kempo Federation

“Autoaparare cu arme ” . Demonstratie de maiestrie sportiva folosind tehnici de atac si aparare cu arme puse intr-un exercitiu coreografic bine stabilit de fiecare echipa in parte . Ambii sportivi folosesc arme traditionale in toate cele 4 scenarii .

Echipament - obligatoriu : Kimono Kempo ( pantalon alb , bluza neagra , model japonez ) + centura rosie . * Armele vor fi verificate si aprobate in prealabil de seful comisiei de arbitrii .

Divizii - Fete : 1 contra 1 ( componentii echipei sunt din aceeasi categorie de varsta si sex ) - Baieti : 1 contra 1 ( componenti echipei sunt din aceeasi categorie de varsta si sex )

Mod de lucru Exercitiul demonstrativ este format din 4 scenarii de lupta distincte . In primele doua scenarii atacatorul/atacatorii foloseste doar mainile goale , iar in ultimele doua scenarii acestia ataca cu arme traditionale . Scenarii : Un scenariu este format din mai multe atacuri si contraatacuri , urmate de finalizare . Scenariile se executa astfel : primul scenariu se executa cu viteza mica , apoi intreg scenariul se repeta cu viteza reala de lupta , apoi al doilea scenariu se executa intreg cu viteza mica si apoi cu viteza reala s.a.m.d.

Categorii de varsta - Copii : 8-10 ani , 10-12 ani , 12-14 ani - Juniori : 14-16 ani , 16-18 ani - Seniori : 18-36 ani , +36 ani

Categorii de grad - 6 kyu – 5 kyu - 4 kyu – 3 kyu - peste 2 kyu • La campionatul national se va organiza o singura categorie indiferent de grad . • Celelalte competitii( cupe , intercluburi ..) se vor organiza functie de gradul competitorilor .


proba de concurs organizata de FR Kempo sub egida International Kempo Federation

Lupta reala , sportiva , cu arme traditionale din material usor si protectiv . Loviturile sunt executate cu traiectorie dus-intors “punctate”

Timp de lupta - 1 repriza x 3 minute .

Categorii de varsta - Copii : 8-10 ani , 10-12 ani , 12-14 ani - Juniori : 14-16 ani , 16-18 ani - Seniori : 18-36 ani , +36 ani

Divizii -Fete -Baieti

Echipament Kimono Kempo ( pantaloon alb , bluza neagra ) + centura rosie sau albastra functie de coltul de concurs . Echipament protectie : casca cu grilaj , pieptar , cochilie , tibiere , rosii sau albaste functie de coltul de concurs

Semi - Kempo

proba de concurs organizata de FR Kempo sub egida International Kempo Federation

Sistem de lupta sportiv , cu lovituri “punctate”, cu control, avand o traiectorie a loviturii “dus-intors”. Sistem in care nu puncteaza cel care loveste mai tare ci cel care atinge primul tinta cu viteza de executie si controlul loviturii.

Tehnici permise -Lovituri cu pumnul la cap -Lovituri cu pumnul la trunchi , dar nu mai mult de doua lovituri in aceeasi actiune . -Lovituri cu piciorul la cap , doar circulare -Lovituri cu piciorul la trunchi *-sunt permise maxim 3 lovituri combinate (picior-brat) in aceeasi actiune.

Tehnici interzise - Lovituri fara control sau cu forta. - Lovituri la coapse, gambe, ceafa, coloana, organe vitale, sau atunci cand adversarul se afla la sol. - Serii mai mari de 3 lovituri. - Secerari, proiectari, lupta la sol.

Timp de lupta - 1 repriza x 3 minute * In caz de egalitate se va acorda un extra-round . Cine puncteaza primul in extra-round cu decizia unanima a arbitrilor, castiga .

Puncte -Lovitura cu pumnul la cap sau trunchi : 1 punct -Lovitura cu piciorul la trunchi : 1 punct -Lovitura cu piciorul la cap : 2 puncte -Lovitura cu piciorul prin saritura la trunchi : 2 puncte -Lovitura cu piciorul la cap prin saritura : 3 puncte * In cazul mai multor lovituri in aceeasi actiune se va puncta doar cea mai buna din ele .

Penalitati - In cazul folosirii unor tehnici nepermise se va acorda : avertisment, -1 punct , -3 puncte, descalificare. In functie de gravitatea actiunii arbitrul poate sari etapele intermediare .

Se castiga prin - Abandon - Decizie la puncte la finalul reprizei - In orice moment al luptei cand diferenta dintre combatanti este de 5 puncte .

Categorii de varsta - Copii : 8-10 ani , 10-12 ani , 12-14 ani - Juniori : 14-16 ani , 16-18 ani - Seniori : 18-36 ani , +36 ani

Categorii de greutate -30 kg, -35 kg, -40 kg, -45 kg, -50 kg, -55 kg, -60 kg, -65 kg, -70 kg, -75 kg, -80 kg, -85 kg, -90 kg, -95 kg, +95 kg.

Echipament - Kimono Kempo ( pantalon alb , bluza neagra ) + centura rosie sau albastra. - Manusi de box, rosii sau albastre , in functie de coltul de concurs. - Protectie sex pt barbati si piept pt femei - Proteza dentara - Orice model de protectie pentru tibie fara insertie de plastic . - Casca si pieptar de protectie , rosii sau albastre , pentru sportivii mai mici de 16 ani, sau optional pentru cei cu probleme de sanatate (operatii, proteze dentare, ochelari) .

Full - Kempo

proba de concurs organizata de FR Kempo sub egida International Kempo Federation

Sistem de lupta sportiva , cu lovituri executate cu forta

Tehnici permise -Lovituri cu pumnul la cap -Lovituri cu pumnul la trunchi -Lovituri cu piciorul la cap , doar circulare -Lovituri cu piciorul la trunchi -Lovituri cu piciorul pe coapsa , doar circulare -Lovituri cu genunchiul la trunchi ( frontale si circulare ) si la coapse ( frontale si circulare doar pe exterior) -Secerari , aruncari si proiectari in timp de 10 secunde de priza . -Lupta la sol cu fixari , starngulari , torsiuni , strangulari , fara lovituri , timp de 10 secunde . * In cazul aparitiei unei fixari/strangulari/torsiuni legale arbitrul va numara pana la 10 secunde . ** Ridicarea in picioare a unuia dintre combatanti, din lupta la sol, fara priza pe adversar, duce la intreruperea actiunii si reanceperea luptei din centrul saltelei *** Nu sunt permise strangulari sau actiuni articulare din stand in picioare

Timp de lupta - 1 repriza x 3 minute * In caz de egalitate se va acorda un extra-round de 2 minute. Extra-round-ul va porni de la 0-0 . Dupa extra-round arbitrii nu vor putea da o decizie de egalitate.

Puncte -Lovitura cu pumnul la cap sau trunchi : 1 punct -Lovitura cu piciorul la trunchi : 1 punct -Lovitura cu piciorul la cap : 2 puncte -Lovitura cu piciorul prin saritura la trunchi : 2 puncte -Lovitura cu piciorul la cap prin saritura : 3 puncte -Secerare sau aruncare joasa : 1 punct -Aruncare sau proiectare inalta : 2 puncte -Mentinerea in fixare/strangulare/torsiune minim 10 secunde : 2 puncte ( puncte acordate de arbitrul central) - KD : 2 puncte * 3 KD-uri = KO

Penalitati - In cazul folosirii unor tehnici in mod illegal se va acorda : avertisment, -1 punct , -3 puncte , descalificare

Se castiga prin - Abandon - Decizie - TKO - KO

Categorii de varsta - Copii : 8-10 ani , 10-12 ani , 12-14 ani - Juniori : 14-16 ani , 16-18 ani - Seniori : 18-36 ani , +36 ani

Categorii de greutate -30 kg, -35 kg, -40 kg, -45 kg, -50 kg, -55 kg, -60 kg, -65 kg, -70 kg, -75 kg, -80 kg, -85 kg, -90 kg, -95 kg, +95 kg .

Echipament - Kimono Kempo ( pantalon alb , bluza neagra ) + centura rosie sau albastra functie de coltul de concurs - Manusi de box , rosii sau albastre , functie de coltul de concurs - Protectie sex pt barbati si piept pt femei ( purtate obligatoriu pe sub haine ) - Proteza dentara - Orice model de protectie pentru tibie fara insertie de plastic . - Casca si pieptar de protectie , rosii sau albastre , pentru sportivii mai mici de 16 ani .


proba de concurs organizata de FR Kempo sub egida International Kempo Federation

Sistem de lupta sportiva , cu lovituri executate cu forta

Tehnici permise -Lovituri cu pumnul la trunchi -Lovituri cu piciorul la cap , doar circulare -Lovituri cu piciorul la trunchi -Lovituri cu piciorul pe coapsa , doar circulare -Lovituri cu genunchiul la trunchi ( frontale si circulare ) si la coapse ( frontale si circulare doar pe exterior) -Secerari , aruncari si proiectari in timp de 10 secunde de priza . -Lupta la sol cu fixari , starngulari , torsiuni , strangulari , cu lovituri cu pumnul/cotul/genunchiul la trunchi si coapse , timp de 30 secunde . * Arbitrul central poate opri lupta la sol in orice moment daca acolo nu exista actiune . ** In cadrul luptei la sol loviturile vor fi executate doar daca unul din genunchi se afla pe sol sau pe adversar. *** Ridicarea in picioare a unuia dintre combatanti, din lupta la sol, fara priza pe adversar, duce la intreruperea actiunii si reanceperea luptei din centrul saltelei **** Nu sunt permise strangulari sau actiuni articulare din stand in picioare

Timp de lupta - 1 repriza x 3 minute * In caz de egalitate se va acorda un extra-round de 2 minute. Extra-round-ul va porni de la 0-0 . Dupa extra-round arbitrii nu vor putea da o decizie de egalitate.

Puncte -Lovitura cu piciorul la trunchi : 1 punct -Lovitura cu piciorul la cap : 2 puncte -Lovitura cu piciorul prin saritura la trunchi : 2 puncte -Lovitura cu piciorul la cap prin saritura : 3 puncte -Secerare sau aruncare joasa : 1 punct -Aruncare sau proiectare inalta : 2 puncte - KD : 2 puncte * 3 KD-uri = KO

Penalitati - In cazul folosirii unor tehnici in mod illegal se va acorda : avertisment, -1 punct , -3 puncte , descalificare

Se castiga prin - Abandon - Decizie - TKO - KO

Categorii de varsta - Copii : 8-10 ani , 10-12 ani , 12-14 ani - Juniori : 14-16 ani , 16-18 ani - Seniori : 18-36 ani , +36 ani

Categorii de greutate -30 kg, -35 kg, -40 kg, -45 kg, -50 kg, -55 kg, -60 kg, -65 kg, -70 kg, -75 kg, -80 kg, -85 kg, -90 kg, -95 kg, +95 kg.

Echipament - Kimono Kempo ( pantalon alb , bluza neagra ) + centura rosie sau albastra functie de coltul de concurs - Seniori baieti , mainile goale . - Seniori fete si sportivi sub 18 ani , manusi de , rosii sau albastre , functie de coltul de concurs - Protectie sex pt barbati si piept pt femei ( purtate obligatoriu pe sub haine ) - Proteza dentara - Orice model de protectie pentru tibie fara insertie de plastic . - Casca si pieptar de protectie , rosii sau albastre , pentru sportivii mai mici de 16 ani .

Kempo K1

proba de concurs organizata de FR Kempo sub egida International Kempo Federation

Sistem de lupta sportiva , cu lovituri executate cu forta Tehnici permise -Lovituri cu pumnul la cap -Lovituri cu pumnul la trunchi -Lovituri cu piciorul la cap , doar circulare -Lovituri cu piciorul la trunchi -Lovituri cu piciorul pe coapsa , doar circulare -Lovituri cu genunchiul la trunchi ( frontale si circulare ) si la coapse ( frontale si circulare doar pe exterior) -Secerari tinandu-se priza max. 1 secunda .

Timp de lupta - 1 repriza x 3 minute * In caz de egalitate se va acorda un extra-round de 2 minute. Extra-round-ul va porni de la 0-0 . Dupa extra-round arbitrii nu vor putea da o decizie de egalitate.

Puncte -Lovitura cu pumnul la cap sau trunchi : 1 punct -Lovitura cu piciorul la coapse sau trunchi : 1 punct -Lovitura cu piciorul la cap : 2 puncte -Lovitura cu piciorul prin saritura la trunchi : 2 puncte -Lovitura cu piciorul la cap prin saritura : 3 puncte -Secerare : 1 punct - KD : 2 puncte * 3 KD-uri = KO

Penalitati - In cazul folosirii unor tehnici in mod illegal se va acorda : avertisment, -1 punct , -3 puncte , descalificare

Se castiga prin - Abandon - Decizie - TKO - KO

Categorii de varsta - Copii : 8-10 ani , 10-12 ani , 12-14 ani - Juniori : 14-16 ani , 16-18 ani - Seniori : 18-36 ani , +36 ani

Categorii de greutate -30 kg, -35 kg, -40 kg, -45 kg, -50 kg, -55 kg, -60 kg, -65 kg, -70 kg, -75 kg, -80 kg, -85 kg, -90 kg, -95 kg, +95 kg.

Echipament - Kimono Kempo ( pantalon alb , bluza neagra ) + centura rosie sau albastra functie de coltul de concurs - Manusi de box , rosii sau albastre , functie de coltul de concurs - Protectie sex pt barbati si piept pt femei ( purtate obligatoriu pe sub haine ) - Proteza dentara - Orice model de protectie pentru tibie fara insertie de plastic . - C asca si pieptar de protectie , rosii sau albastre , pentru sportivii mai mici de 16 ani .


proba de concurs organizata de FR Kempo sub egida International Kempo Federation

Sistem de lupta sportiva fara lovituri

Tehnici permise -Secerari , aruncari si proiectari. -Lupta la sol cu fixari , starngulari , torsiuni.

Tehnici interzise -atacul cu degetele asupra organelor vitale. -este interzis pentru combatanti de a se duce pe spate la sol,voluntar, fara a fi initiata o tehnica de lupta in acest scop (se va considera si penaliza ca joc pasiv ) . -este interzisa orice actiune impotriva coloanei, precum si orice alta tehnica interzisa, prevazuta la probele anterioare.

Timp de lupta - 1 repriza x 3 minute * In caz de egalitate se va acorda un extra-round de 2 minute. Extra-round-ul va porni de la 0-0 . Dupa extra-round arbitrii nu vor putea da o decizie de egalitate, decizia acestora fiind data celui care a fost mai agresiv, mai in atac, mai mult timp deasupra. -Timp de lupta la sol: lupta la sol este lasata sa continue de catre arbitrul central, atata timp cat acesta considera ambii combatanti in actiune.

Puncte -Secerare sau aruncare joasa : 1 punct -Aruncare sau proiectare inalta : 2 puncte -Mentinerea in fixare (Kesagatame, Katagatame, sau tinand intre genunchi adversarul aflat dedesubt), sau strangulare din spate cu adversarul aflat cu fata in sus, tinut intre genunchi, minim 10 secunde : 2 puncte (puncte acordate de arbitrul central).

Penalitati - In cazul folosirii unor tehnici nepermise se va acorda : avertisment, -1 punct , -3 puncte , descalificare.

Se castiga prin - Abandon - Decizie

Categorii de varsta - Copii : 8-10 ani , 10-12 ani , 12-14 ani - Juniori : 14-16 ani , 16-18 ani - Seniori : 18-36 ani , +36 ani

Categorii de greutate -30 kg, -35 kg, -40 kg, -45 kg, -50 kg, -55 kg, -60 kg, -65 kg, -70 kg, -75 kg, -80 kg, -85 kg, -90 kg, -95 kg, +95 kg.

Echipament - Kimono Kempo ( pantalon alb , bluza neagra ) + centura rosie sau albastra functie de coltul de concurs.


proba de concurs organizata de FR Kempo sub egida International Kempo Federation

Techniques permitted : -punches to the body -knees to the body and legs - to the head , body and legs ( above the ) -throws and takedowns

Techniques not-permitted : - to head - Pushing- Back slam throws - Holding the rope while punching or kicking - or punch to unallowable points (back of body, back of head and joints) - Kick or punch after order of stop by middle referee. - Refuse to fight, constant dropping of mouthpiece, or faking an injury - Spinning back fist, knee at head, strike by , punch with palm and back hand - Head Butt; locking opponent or using forbidden submission techniques - and catching opponent feet, all techniques against joint, talking or shouting during the fighting, - Disobeying referee's order, throwing saliva in Tatami, doing bad actions or making hubbub, biting, and unreasonable exit from Tatami, for defense of kick or punch's opponent.

Scores ; -punches to the body : 1 point -knees to the body and legs -kicks to the head , body and legs ( above the knee) : 1 point ( legs and body ) , 2 points ( head ) -throws and takedowns : 1 point ( small ) , 2 points ( large throw )

Fighting time : -3 rounds x 2 minutes

Uniform: - T-Shirt and Short , red/blue depending by the corner , having inscriptioned O-Sport on it.

Protective equipment: - MMA Gloves - mouth - shin Protection - groin protection ( men ) - breast protection (women)

Pankration proba de concurs organizata de FR Kempo sub egida FILA - SportAccord


Duration of the match:

Seniors = 5 minutes / Juniors = 4 minutes / Cadets Veterans = 4 minutes / Schoolboys Novices= 3 minutes

Starting Positions:

Neutral standing position occurs at the beginning of the match and after all interruptions by the referee.

Technical Points:

- Punch to the body 1 point - Inside or outside kick to the thigh 1 point - Knee to the body (ground) 1 point - Kick or Knee to the body (standing) 2 points

- Low amplitude throw or 2 points - Round house kick to the head 3 points - High amplitude throw or takedown 3 points - Knockdown 4 points


The central referee shall stop the match and command the opponent to reach his/her corner. Then check the condition of the knocked down athlete and carefully determine if medical assistance is required or not. If no medical assistance is required, the central referee shall proceed with the 10-second count. In all knockdown cases, a minimum of 8 count is mandatory before restarting the match. If the knocked down athlete is not in condition to resume fighting after the 10-second count, or if the Head medical officer declares him/her as medically unfit to continue, the central referee shall then end the match and declare the opponent winner by default. If an athlete is knocked down twice during the match, the central referee shall stop the match and declare the opponent winner by 2 knockdowns.


When the action has stalled, the referee shall stimulate the athletes with verbal commands (“Action” or “Open” White/Blue) without interrupting the match. If the passivity does not stop, the referee shall indicate the passive pankratiast by raising the fist bearing the corresponding color st and give the appropriate penalty according to following progression: Warning, 1 caution = nd rd 1point, 2 caution = 1 point, 3 caution = disqualification

Illegal Techniques:

All offenses fall under the central referee’s authority who shall give the appropriate penalties st nd rd according to the following progression: 1 caution = 1point, 2 caution = 1 point,3 caution = disqualification

Any illegal action executed to counter a submission will result in immediate disqualification.


1 minute. The highest score obtained at the end of the period wins the match. In case the score is tied again, the last athlete who scored during the overtime wins the match. If no points were scored, the central and side referees designate the winner by raising their wristband or flags at the order of the mat chairman.

Types of Victories: 1. 2 Knockdowns (5-0) 2. Submission (5-0) 3. Forfait / Default (5-0) 4. Disqualification (5-0) 5. Technical Superiority (4-0) or (4-1) 6. Decision (3-0) or (3-1) 7. Overtime (2-0) or (2-1) For Technical Superiority, Decision, and Overtime victories, 1 match classification point will be awarded to the loser if he managed to score 1 or more technical points during the match.

Grappling GI and NO-GI proba de concurs organizata de FR Kempo sub egida FILA - SportAccord bcvbvbnbn


Duration of the match:

Juniors Seniors = 5 minutes / Cadets Schoolboys Novices Veterans = 4 minutes

Starting Positions:

1. Neutral Start/Standing 2. Neutral/Open Guard Restart (go out of bounds or stoppage with leg defences in play) 3. Restart (go out of bounds or stoppage after points for side ) 4. Mount Restart (go out of bounds or stoppage after points for full mount) 5. Back Control Restart (go out of bounds or stoppage after points for ) Technical Points: - Takedown 1 point - Side Mount 2 points - Full Mount 3 points - Back Mount 4 points - Re-establishing Neutral 1 point (closed guard is the only recognized neutral ground position) - Reversal 1 point (reversals from a disadvantaged position or any bottom position without direct establishment of a dominant position)

Control must be established for a count of 3 seconds to score any of the points.

Situations of guard pulling:

1. Jumping or sitting into guard from a standing position with contact and with a deliberate attempt of a submission or takedown will not be penalized by a caution and will not award 1 point to the opponent. 2. Jumping or sitting into guard from a standing position with contact and without a deliberate attempt of a submission or takedown will not be penalized by a caution, but will award 1 point to the opponent. 3. Jumping or sitting into guard from a standing position without contact to avoid standing or ground fight will be penalized by a caution and will award 1 point to the opponent.


When the action has stalled, the referee shall stimulate the athletes with verbal commands (“Action” or “Open” Red/Blue) without interrupting the match. If the passivity does not stop, the referee shall indicate the passive grappler by raising the fist bearing the corresponding color and give the appropriate penalty according to following progression: Warning, 1st caution = 1point, 2 nd caution = 1 point, 3rd caution = disqualification

Illegal Techniques:

All offenses fall under the central referee’s authority who shall give the appropriate penalties according to the following progression: 1st caution = 1point, 2nd caution = 1 point, 3rd caution = disqualification

Any illegal action executed to counter a submission will result in immediate disqualification.


1 minute . The first point scored wins the match. The choice of position (either open guard top or bottom or standing) is given according to the following criteria: 1) most passivity infractions, 2) lowest value of points, 3) coin flip. The grappler who gets to choose the position must score otherwise his opponent receives 1 point and wins the match.

Types of Victories: 1. Submission (5-0) 2. Forfait / Default (5-0) 3. Disqualification (5-0) 4. Technical Superiority (4-0) or (4-1) 5. Decision (3-0) or (3-1) 6. Overtime (2-0) or (2-1)

For Technical Superiority, Decision, and Overtime victories, 1 match classification point will be awarded to the loser if he managed to score 1 or more technical points during the match.

MMA proba de concurs organizata de FR Kempo sub egida: - International Kempo Federation (IKF) - Federation Internationale de Lutte Associes (FILA) - World MMA Association (WMMAA) - World MMA Federation (WMMAF)

MMA (rules for sportsmen aged 16-18 and older)

Competitions in MMA are carried out in accordance with the unified rules of the international federations mentioned above.


Techniques permitted : -punches to the body -knees to the body and legs -kicks to the head, body and legs ( above the knee) -throws and takedowns -groundfighting

Techniques not-permitted : - Punch to head - Pushing- Back slam throws - Holding the rope while punching or kicking - Kick or punch to unallowable points (back of body, back of head and joints) - Kick or punch after order of stop by middle referee. - Refuse to fight, constant dropping of mouthpiece, or faking an injury - Spinning back fist, knee strike at head, strike by elbow, punch with palm and back hand - Head Butt; locking opponent or using forbidden submission techniques - Shooting and catching opponent feet, all techniques against joint, talking or shouting during the fighting, - Disobeying referee's order, throwing saliva in Tatami, doing bad actions or making hubbub, biting, and unreasonable exit from Tatami, for defense of kick or punch's opponent.

Scores ; -punches to the body : 1 point -knees to the body and legs -kicks to the head , body and legs ( above the knee) : 1 point ( legs and body ) , 2 points ( head ) -throws and takedowns : 1 point ( small throw ) , 2 points ( large throw )

Fighting time : -3 rounds x 2 minutes

Uniform: - T-Shirt and Short , red/blue depending by the corner , having inscriptioned Kempo MMA,MMA or O-Sport on it.

Protective equipment: - MMA Gloves - headgear - mouth guard - shin Protection - groin protection ( men ) - breast protection (women)

MMA Light

Techniques permitted : -punches to the body and to the head -knees to the head , body and legs -kicks to the head , body and legs ( above the knee) -throws and takedowns

Techniques not-permitted : - Pushing - Back slam throws - Holding the rope while punching or kicking - Kick or punch to unallowable points (back of body, back of head and joints) - Kick or punch after order of stop by middle referee. - Refuse to fight, constant dropping of mouthpiece, or faking an injury - Spinning back fist, strike by elbow, punch with palm and back hand - Head Butt; locking opponent or using forbidden submission techniques - Shooting and catching opponent feet, all techniques against joint, talking or shouting during the fighting, - Disobeying referee's order, throwing saliva in Tatami, doing bad actions or making hubbub, biting, and unreasonable exit from Tatami, for defense of kick or punch's opponent.

Scores ; -punches to the body and head : 1 point -knees to the head , body and legs : 1 point -kicks to the head , body and legs ( above the knee) : 1 point ( legs and body ) , 2 points ( head ) -throws and takedowns : 1 point ( small throw ) , 2 points ( large throw )

Fighting time : - 3 rounds x 2 minutes Uniform: - T-Shirt and Short , red/blue depending by the corner , having inscriptioned Kempo MMA,MMA or O-Sport on it.

Protective equipment: - Kempo Gloves - headgear - mouth guard - shin Protection - groin protection ( men ) - breast protection (women)

MMA Full

Techniques permitted : -punches to the head and to the body -knees to the head , body and legs -kicks to the head , body and legs ( above the knee) -throws and takedowns -groundfighting with imobilizations .

Techniques not-permitted : - Chokes , , - Pushing - Back slam throws - Holding the rope while punching or kicking - Kick or punch to unallowable points (back of body, back of head and joints) - Kick or punch after order of stop by middle referee. - Refuse to fight, constant dropping of mouthpiece, or faking an injury - Spinning back fist, strike by elbow, punch with palm and back hand - Head Butt; locking opponent or using forbidden submission techniques - Shooting and catching opponent feet, all techniques against joint, talking or shouting during the fighting, - Disobeying referee's order, throwing saliva in Tatami, doing bad actions or making hubbub, biting, and unreasonable exit from Tatami, for defense of kick or punch's opponent.

Scores ; -punches to the body and head : 1 point -knees to the head , body and legs : 1 point -kicks to the head , body and legs ( above the knee) : 1 point ( legs and body ) , 2 points ( head ) -throws and takedowns : 1 point ( small throw ) , 2 points ( large throw ) -imobilization 10 sec : 2 points . For holding the imobilization 10 sec. more , 2 more points will come .

Fighting time : -3 rounds x 2 minutes

Uniform: - T-Shirt and Short , red/blue depending by the corner , having inscriptioned Kempo MMA,MMA or O-Sport on it.

Protective equipment: - Kempo Gloves - headgear - mouth guard - shin Protection - groin protection ( men ) - breast protection (women) MMA Elite

Techniques permitted : -punches to the head and to the body -knees to the head , body and legs -kicks to the head , body and legs ( above the knee) -throws and takedowns -groundfighting with imobilizations, chokes , arlocks , leglocks . - punches in groundfighting to the head and body -knees in groundfighting to the legs and body

Techniques not-permitted : - Chokes , armlock , leglocks - Pushing - Back slam throws - Holding the rope while punching or kicking - Kick or punch to unallowable points (back of body, back of head and joints) - Kick or punch after order of stop by middle referee. - Refuse to fight, constant dropping of mouthpiece, or faking an injury - Spinning back fist, strike by elbow, punch with palm and back hand - Head Butt; locking opponent or using forbidden submission techniques - Shooting and catching opponent feet, all techniques against joint, talking or shouting during the fighting, - Disobeying referee's order, throwing saliva in Tatami, doing bad actions or making hubbub, biting, and unreasonable exit from Tatami, for defense of kick or punch's opponent.

Scores ; -punches to the body and head : 1 point -knees to the head , body and legs : 1 point -kicks to the head , body and legs ( above the knee) : 1 point ( legs and body ) , 2 points ( head ) -throws and takedowns : 1 point ( small throw ) , 2 points ( large throw ) -imobilization 10 sec : 2 points . For holding the imobilization 10 sec. more , 2 more points will come .

Fighting time : - 3 rounds x 2 minutes

Uniform: - T-Shirt and Short , red/blue depending by the corner , having inscriptioned Kempo MMA,MMA or O-Sport on it.

Protective equipment: - Kempo Gloves - headgear - mouth guard - shin Protection - groin protection ( men ) - breast protection (women)

Note: In some events the rules may be named also as O-Sport MMA (Ahmatan,Amaday ,Agmatano,Aksaya)

MMA-Light proba de concurs organizata de FR Kempo sub egida: - International Kempo Federation (IKF) - Federation Internationale de Lutte Associes (FILA) - World MMA Association (WMMAA) - World MMA Federation (WMMAF)

MMA Light (rules for sportsmen aged 16-18 and older) Techniques permitted : -punches to the body and to the head -knees to the head , body and legs -kicks to the head , body and legs ( above the knee) -throws and takedowns

Techniques not-permitted : - Pushing - Back slam throws - Holding the rope while punching or kicking - Kick or punch to unallowable points (back of body, back of head and joints) - Kick or punch after order of stop by middle referee. - Refuse to fight, constant dropping of mouthpiece, or faking an injury - Spinning back fist, strike by elbow, punch with palm and back hand - Head Butt; locking opponent or using forbidden submission techniques - Shooting and catching opponent feet, all techniques against joint, talking or shouting during the fighting, - Disobeying referee's order, throwing saliva in Tatami, doing bad actions or making hubbub, biting, and unreasonable exit from Tatami, for defense of kick or punch's opponent.

Scores ; -punches to the body and head : 1 point -knees to the head , body and legs : 1 point -kicks to the head , body and legs ( above the knee) : 1 point ( legs and body ) , 2 points ( head ) -throws and takedowns : 1 point ( small throw ) , 2 points ( large throw )

Fighting time : - 3 rounds x 2 minutes

Uniform: - T-Shirt and Short , red/blue depending by the corner , having inscriptioned Kempo MMA,MMA or O-Sport on it.

Protective equipment: - Kempo Gloves - headgear - mouth guard - shin Protection - groin protection ( men ) - breast protection (women)

MMA-Full proba de concurs organizata de FR Kempo sub egida: - International Kempo Federation (IKF) - Federation Internationale de Lutte Associes (FILA) - World MMA Association (WMMAA) - World MMA Federation (WMMAF)

MMA Full (rules for sportsmen aged 16-18 and older)

Techniques permitted : -punches to the head and to the body -knees to the head , body and legs -kicks to the head , body and legs ( above the knee) -throws and takedowns -groundfighting with imobilizations . Techniques not-permitted : - Chokes , armlock , leglocks - Pushing - Back slam throws - Holding the rope while punching or kicking - Kick or punch to unallowable points (back of body, back of head and joints) - Kick or punch after order of stop by middle referee. - Refuse to fight, constant dropping of mouthpiece, or faking an injury - Spinning back fist, strike by elbow, punch with palm and back hand - Head Butt; locking opponent or using forbidden submission techniques - Shooting and catching opponent feet, all techniques against joint, talking or shouting during the fighting, - Disobeying referee's order, throwing saliva in Tatami, doing bad actions or making hubbub, biting, and unreasonable exit from Tatami, for defense of kick or punch's opponent.

Scores ; -punches to the body and head : 1 point -knees to the head , body and legs : 1 point -kicks to the head , body and legs ( above the knee) : 1 point ( legs and body ) , 2 points ( head ) -throws and takedowns : 1 point ( small throw ) , 2 points ( large throw ) -imobilization 10 sec : 2 points . For holding the imobilization 10 sec. more , 2 more points will come .

Fighting time : -3 rounds x 2 minutes

Uniform: - T-Shirt and Short , red/blue depending by the corner , having inscriptioned Kempo MMA,MMA or O-Sport on it.

Protective equipment: - Kempo Gloves - headgear - mouth guard - shin Protection - groin protection ( men ) - breast protection (women)

MMA-Elite proba de concurs organizata de FR Kempo sub egida: - International Kempo Federation (IKF) - Federation Internationale de Lutte Associes (FILA) - World MMA Association (WMMAA) - World MMA Federation (WMMAF)

MMA Elite (rules for sportsmen aged 16-18 and older)

Techniques permitted : -punches to the head and to the body -knees to the head , body and legs -kicks to the head , body and legs ( above the knee) -throws and takedowns -groundfighting with imobilizations, chokes , arlocks , leglocks . - punches in groundfighting to the head and body -knees in groundfighting to the legs and body

Techniques not-permitted : - Chokes , armlock , leglocks - Pushing - Back slam throws - Holding the rope while punching or kicking - Kick or punch to unallowable points (back of body, back of head and joints) - Kick or punch after order of stop by middle referee. - Refuse to fight, constant dropping of mouthpiece, or faking an injury - Spinning back fist, strike by elbow, punch with palm and back hand - Head Butt; locking opponent or using forbidden submission techniques - Shooting and catching opponent feet, all techniques against joint, talking or shouting during the fighting, - Disobeying referee's order, throwing saliva in Tatami, doing bad actions or making hubbub, biting, and unreasonable exit from Tatami, for defense of kick or punch's opponent.

Scores ; -punches to the body and head : 1 point -knees to the head , body and legs : 1 point -kicks to the head , body and legs ( above the knee) : 1 point ( legs and body ) , 2 points ( head ) -throws and takedowns : 1 point ( small throw ) , 2 points ( large throw ) -imobilization 10 sec : 2 points . For holding the imobilization 10 sec. more , 2 more points will come .

Fighting time : - 3 rounds x 2 minutes

Uniform: - T-Shirt and Short , red/blue depending by the corner , having inscriptioned Kempo MMA,MMA or O-Sport on it.

Protective equipment: - Kempo Gloves - headgear - mouth guard - shin Protection - groin protection ( men ) - breast protection (women)

Note: In some events the rules may be named also as O-Sport MMA (Ahmatan,Amaday ,Agmatano,Aksaya)

O-SPORT Kempo proba de concurs organizata de FR Kempo sub egida WOF

Section 7- Fighting Styles:


1-Style definition:

This style in compound of standard and allowable strikes, kick to all allowable points of body and all stand throwing techniques that is holding in 2 round at the 2 minutes . Athlete must use safety equipment like:

1. Gloves (class B) (as mentioned in article 14)

2. Gum Shield

3. Shin Protection

4. Groin Guard (Men) 5. Breast Guard (Women)

Article 36-Fouls kicks and techniques in Ahmatan style

 Punch to head and neck  Pushing  Holding the rope while punching or kicking  Kick or punch to unallowable points (back of body, back of head and joints)  Kick or punch after order of stop by middle referee.  Refuse to fight, constant dropping of mouthpiece, or faking an injury  Spinning back fist, knee strike at head, strike by elbow, punch with palm and back hand  Head Butt; locking opponent or using forbidden submission techniques  Shooting and catching opponent feet, all techniques against joint, talking or shouting during the fighting,  Disobeying referee's order, throwing saliva in Ring, doing bad actions or making hubbub, biting, and unreasonable exit from Ring, for defense of kick or punch's opponent.

Article 37- Ahmatan style Scores  · Punch to body 1 score

 · Kick to shin 1 score

 · Kick to body 1 score

 · Kick to head 2 scores

 · Knee to body 1 score

 Ground & Grappling techniques that cause to floor with:

With hip 1 Score With shoulder 2 Scores


1-Style definition:

This style is compounds of standard strikes and allowable punch, kick, knee, spinning back fist and the entire of stand grappling and 10 second grappling at floor. This style is holding in 2 rounds at the 2 minutes. Athlete must use safety equipment like:

1. Head Protection

2. Gloves (class A) (as mentioned in article 14)

4. Gum Shield

5. Shin/instep Protection

6. Malleolus Protection

7. Groin Guard (Men) 8. Breast Guard (Women)

Article 39-Fouls kicks and Technique in Aksaya style

 Kick or punch to unallowable points (back of body, back of head and joints).  Kick or punch after order of stop by the main referee.  Elbow strikes  Back slam throws  Foot throwing in unallowable form,  Punching with flat and back hand,  Head butting  Locking of opponent or using forbidden submission techniques  Shooting and catching opponent's feet for performance techniques  kicking to grounded opponent  pushing and putting instep  Refuse to fight, constant dropping of mouthpiece, or faking an injury  All of the techniques against joint  Talking or shouting during the fighting  Disobeying referee's order  Throwing saliva in Tatami or ring  Doing bad actions or making hubbub  Biting  Holding ring rope for kicking or punching opponent.  Locking the neck, suffocating, and breaking.

Article 39- Aksaya style Scores  · Spinning back fist 2 Scores

 · Punch to body 1 Score

 · Punch to head 1 Score

 · Kick to body 1 Score

 · Kick to head 2 Scores

 Knee kicks to leg and body 1 Score

 Knee kick to head 2 Scores

 · Drawing 1 Score

 Throw techniques that cause to floor with:

With hip 1 Score

With shoulder 2 Scores

Catch the opponent immobile for 5 minutes 1Score

Article 41- AMADAY STYLE (BEACH O-SPORT) 1-Style definition:

This style is compound of Wrist up, performance of art techniques and individual techniques, running and and fighting in sea beach.

Article 42- Safety Equipment & tools of athletes

Fighters show up only with standard short in first round of competition area but all athletes should appear by safety equipments such as soft and lining protectors in second round.

1. Individually fitted breast-protector for junior female athletes 2. Individually fitted groin-protector for males and females in any age class and in all weight divisions 3. Foot protectors 4. Shin protectors


1. Individually fitted head-protector (), which must also cover the top of the head 2. Individually fitted tooth-protector (gum shield) 3. Hand-bandages

A suitable and soft hand bandage has 2/50 m length and 5cm

Width, and or Del pyo bandage which aren't longer than 2/50 m.

Article 43- Call and start competition:

1. 2 fighters names must be call with load and clear voice forward wrist up location 2. Fighters must be called 3 times at least with 30 seconds interval between each call to call. If after last calling they are not being presented they will lose competition and will be announced failure. 3. After calling, fighters should stay in red or blue part same color their shorts and wait to be checked by referee. 4. Fighter’s hand and wrist must be free of any fat and oily substances and water or sweat. 5. Any previous injury must be checked before competition by competition doctor 6. After the process of being checked by the referee and ready announcement of judge the start command is given by the referee.

First rounds:

Two fighters will be ready for fighting in wrist up area. Round will be started by referee’s order and after 45 second wrest up will be stopped by referee’s order then instantly shadow and final hit to target will be performed then 100 meters running from right to left in beach and 40 meters swimming from right to left. After 40 meters swimming they will arrive to fighting area. They have 1.5 seconds for resting at this time they should wear fighting equipment such as gloves, head protector, shine protector and O-Sport short and ready for second round fighting in Zamin.

Second round:

Athletes are ready with full equipment in red and blue bond and their equipment have been checked before champion by referee.

Fighting will be started for 3 minutes with referee’s order The fighting style is Aksaya but fighter is not allowed to use a kick in the head.

Added round:

If both are equal in 2 rounds, the 3rd round will be done 3rd round, breaking hard object with one hit, is as follow:

- Breaking boards with a thickness of 5 cm in the height of each athlete with a flying kick. In the case equal breaking boards, breaking boards will continue with different kick until a winner is determined.

- if Athletes break hard objects three times in the third round, and both scores are equal. Scores will be considered according the number of errors and techniques and winner will be appointed.

Article 44- Beach O-Sport referee:

Competition location :

Beach O-Sport competitions are held in three different parts but near each other as described follow:

Location of first run performance:

Surface has 120 meters length and 20 meters width and 8 meters of its width place in water and 12 meters place in land. Competition land must be smooth, safe and non slip.

Location of second run performance:


- Zamin is a beach sand square by dimension of 12×12 and the athletes combat in 8 ×8 its dimension plus 2 additional meters in surroundings which is considered for safety.


The ground of competition:

The ground of competition shall be flat and non slippery to prevent any accidental incident The space of each participant will specify in center of Zamin 1 m that clear by blue or red lines. The distance of Referee is 1 m from center of Zamin.

The judges shall sit on the chairs in 3 sides of Ring or Zamin .

Out of Zamin and in front of Referee there is a table by 3 chairs for supervisor, timekeeper and assistant, the supervisor shall be in the middle.

Two chairs is place in the left and right side of Referee for the coaches of fighters.

The number of needed judges :

3 judges, one center referee and one head referee time holder and operator Referee’s rules: Techniques pts Wrist up 1 or 2 Techniques 1 or 2 Hit the target 1 or2 In the first round: Scores are given according kind of the hit, Focus, power, speed of bumps In the second round: Scores are given according to Aksaya style scores (article 38 to 40)

Article 45- objection

When the loser athlete was chosen according to Dismissal, out class, disqualification or fail, some objections may be submitted.

Article 46- To handle complaints

1. The written protest together with 100 dollars must be submitted to Jury or the Disciplinary Committee by athlete supervisor or coach.

2. The protest considering by permission of referee committee president or his representative is as follow b) After review if vote of referees regarding to competition changes then paid currency (100 dollars) will be refunded. c) After review if referees vote regarding to competition does not change, not only paid currency (100 dollars) will not be refunded but also the members of the objector will not be allowed to protest about other competition on that day.

Note: these judges can not have the same nationality with objector or his/her opponent