Schulich School of Music of McGill University Concerts and Publicity 555 Sherbrooke Street West, , H3A 1E3 Phone: (514) 398-8101; Fax: (514) 398-5514


MusiMarch 2010, March 1-6 “Gestural Music-Musical Gesture”

For immediate release

Montreal, Montreal, February 15, 2010 – The Schulich School of Music of McGill University announces the program of their 6th MusiMars/MusiMarch festival, which will take place from Monday, March 1st, to Saturday March 6th, 2010. This year’s theme, as announced by festival Artistic Director Denys Bouliane, is “Gestural Music- Musical Gesture.” The festival will explore the relationship between music and gesture. Could music exist without gesture? When does gesture itself become musical: Does musical gesture convey meaning? What remains in our memory from exposure to a musical work- anything more than its contours?

Invited artists include composer George Aperghis (France), composers Philippe Leroux (France), Dieter Schnebel (Germany), Ana Sokolovic and Chris Paul Harman (Montreal), Taiko percussionist Eitetsu Hayashi (Japan), vocalist Christian Kesten (Germany), soprano Suzie LeBlanc (Montreal), soprano Donatienne Michel-Dansac (France), soprano Ingrid Schmithüsen (Germany and Montreal), and mime-dancers Alain Louafi (Switzerland) and Agnieszka Kus (Germany) who will take part in an exceptional North American première of Karlheinz Stockhausen’s work: Inori.

More than one hundred McGill musicians and soloists will perform at MusiMars/MusiMarch 2010, and key collaborators include the Montreal Symphony Orchestra (Kent Nagano, Artistic Director), Atelier de musique contemporaine de l’Université de Montréal, Nouvel Ensemble Moderne (, Artistic Director), Toca Loca (Greg Oh, Artistic Director), Input Devices and Music Interaction Laboratory (Philippe Depalle and Marcelo Wanderley, Directors), Music and Gesture 3 Conference (Marcelo Wanderley, Jon Wild, Sha Xin Wei, Coordinators), live@CIRMMT (Sean Ferguson, Director).

MusiMars/Musimarch 2010 is funded in part by the Goethe Institute, the André Rossinger Lectureship Fund, the Consulate Gerneral of France in Québec, as well as by the CBC and Radio-Canada, who will broadcast festival works at a later date. ***** Complete schedule, programming details, artist and ensemble biographies, as well as thematic and director’s notes can be found on the web at:

Concert tickets for McGill-based events are free for students upon presentation of a student card, and are $10.00 for the general public [available from the Schulich School of Music Box Office (514-398-4747)]. Tickets for the Montréal Symphony Orchestra concert are available at the MSO Box Office (514-842-9951 or 1-800-842-9951).

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Source: Louise Ostiguy, Concerts and Publicity, 514-398-8933 Media: Alain Labonté Communications, 514-523-9922