Antiquates – Fine and Rare Books ! ! List G: Recent Acquisitions Antiquates Ltd, The Conifers, Valley Road, Corfe Castle, Dorset, BH20 5HU. United Kingdom Tel: 07921 151496 Email:
[email protected] Web: 1) [ALPHABETS]. Alphabetum Aethiopicum, Sive Gheez et Amhharicum, Cum Oratione Dominicali, Salutatione Angelica, Symbolo Fidei Praeceptis Decalogi & Initio Evangelii S. Johannis. Romae, [i.e. Rome]. Typis Sac. Congreg. De Prop. Fide, 1789. First Edition. 8vo. 32pp. Uncut in original publisher's blue paper wraps. A fine copy. Published for the use of Roman Catholic missionaries in Ethiopia, this was the first Propaganda Fide Alphabet to include Amharic type. £ 325 2) [ARISTOTLE]. GOLIUS, Theophilus. Epitome Doctrinae Moralis, Ex Decem Libris Ethicorum Aristotelis Ad Nichomachum Collecta, Pro Academia Argentinensi, Per Theophilum Golium. Adjectus Est Ad Calcem Aureus Ejusdem Aristotelis Libellus... Cantabrigiae, [i.e. Cambridge]. Apud Thom. & Joan. Buck, ac Rog. Daniel, Celeberrimae Academiae Typographos, 1634. First Cambridge Edition. 12mo. [10], 275pp, [19]. With terminal blank leaf. Contemporary blind-ruled calf. Lower joint neatly repaired, small chip to head of spine, some damp-staining, else a crisp copy. Small rust-hole to M1, marginal repairs to title. Early ink inscriptions of 'Thos. Cripps, To Witney School' and 'De La Place' to front pastedown/blank fly-leaves, with occasional geometrical design and pen trials. 1 Antiquates – Fine and Rare Books The first English appearance of Theophilus Golius' (1528-1600) Lutheran textbook of Aristotelian moral philosophy. First published posthumously (Strasbourg, 1615) in the city where he had lectured, Golius' abridgement and translation of the ten books of the Nicomachean Ethics replaced John Case's Speculum quaestionum moralium as the standard degree level exposition, in both the British Isles and the American colonies, soon after the appearance of this edition.