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85 Jun2020 Draft 1 The 1805 Dispatches #21.03 June 2021 THE 1805 DISPATCHES Issue 21.03 June 2021 THE REGULAR NEWSLETTER OF THE 1805 CLUB www.1805club.org EDITORIAL THE VIEW FROM THE BRIDGE Observations From The Chairman, John Rodgaard Our AGM this year was of landmark importance for The This Yankee is delighted and provided a roadmap for us to 1805 Club. For the first time, honoured to be elected as the follow in the next decade. after 30 years of its existence, development and growth, our next chairman of The 1805 While honouring its original newly elected Chairman is not Club. At the same time, I purpose (preserving the British but American. Captain John Rodgaard USN realise that I have large sea memorials and graves of those (Retd) has already gained great boots to fill that my predecess- associated with the Georgian experience within the Club as its former North American ors bequeathed to me. But, I era sailing navy), and maintain- Secretary, and his elevation to am happy to report that I have a ing the significance of its name the chairmanship emphasises very experienced Council to and Nelson’s ‘immortal our internationalism. Meanwhile, the invitation is still rely upon. Having such an memory’, the Club will be open both to members and non- experienced team is especially forging ahead to become the members for tales of Naval Ancestors, detailed on p.3 – as is important, because the Club is ‘go to’ association, ack- the deadline for KAcopy. at a inflexion point as it faces nowledged as a global [email protected] the next decade. community opened to naval history enthusiasts; devotees During the course of the next who recognise the role the twelve months, the Club’s Royal Navy and those navies of modus operandi will be the Georgian era played in changing as it makes way to world history, whilst promoting becoming a Charitable their legacy into the modern Incorporated Organisation seafaring age. (CIO) under the regulator oversight of the Charity In the months ahead, I will be Commission for England and providing you with more detail Wales: ‘an independent, non- as to the course the Club is ministerial government taking. I am looking forward to department accountable to our voyage together. Parliament’. Yours aye, In tandem with the transition to a CIO, the Club will be acting Detail from HMS VICTORY AT SEA Alma Claude Burlton Cull (1880-1931) on the recommendations of an Print available from independent consultant who http://www.maritimeprints.com/portfolio/ 1 of 5 The 1805 Dispatches #21.03 June 2021 THE NEW COUNCIL OF THE 1805 CLUB THE DUKE IN CANADA Since the AGM on 8th May the Council of The 1805 Club It was too late to include in our now comprises: Tribute to The Duke of Edinburgh, but Club Member Ron Anderson Capt John Rodgaard USN (Ret) – Chairman sent this moving account: Geraint Day – Vice Chairman “Flags lowered and the biggest Stephen Howarth – Secretary bell in the Peace Tower on Nicholas Ridge – Treasurer Parliament Hill tolled out 99 times. COUNCIL MEMBERS An old friend of Canada has gone. Mark Billings – Canadian Secretary He came here in various capacities Josephine Birtwhistle – Website Coordinator more than 70 times. The last time Kate Jamieson – Member without portfolio was in 2013 to present new colours Gillian Knight – Education Secretary to the Royal Canadian Regiment. Genevieve St George – Member without portfolio (He was Colonel-in-Chief of six Barry Scrutton – Membership Secretary regiments). That presentation Harold E. “Pete” Stark – North American Secretary coincided with the commemoration Mark West – Member without portfolio of the 200th anniversary of the Capt John Wills – Member without portfolio burning of York (Toronto) by the Americans, and Philip watched the A short biography of Council members is available on the largest military parade in Toronto in website of The 1805 Club, togther with their portraits. decades before winding the day up at Fort York. (By the way a souvenir that was taken away is still at Professor Eric Grove – RIP Annapolis - and you can send it We sadly record the death of our friend, the eminent naval back at any time! President historian, Eric Grove in April. An obituary by James Goldrick Roosevelt gave back the mace). for the Australian Naval Institute is available at this link: I personally saw him here a Eric Grove Obit number of times - and when he was on his own he would sometimes stay at the RCMI. He Clive Richard – RIP was like a part of the Canadian We sadly record the death in April of Clive Richards, a long- family and we will miss him. standing member of The 1805 Club and Vice President of the He had a known fondness for this Nelson Society. Clive joined The 1805 as member number 14 country, and one of his favourite on 19th February 1991. Passionately interested in Nelson, he stories was about a dinner he was was also a self-made multimillionaire and a very generous attending in the far north where man. A longer tribute will follow in the next KA. formalities are not taken seriously. Meanwhile, here is one from his county’s newspaper: As the server was taking his dinner https://www.herefordtimes.com/news/19243608.herefordshire- plate away she said, "Keep your philanthropist-clive-richards-dies-aged-83/ fork, Duke – pie's next". Genevieve St George has reported that the Palm Tribute to The Duke of Edinburgh Sunday Service at the ORNC Chapel included prayers and Remembrance Lilies for Peter Members of The 1805 Club will all Warwick and Anna Tribe, for which The 1805 have seen the digital tribute to HRH Club made a contribution. The Duke of Edinburgh, in which those members who were priv- She reported that it was ‘a lovely service’ [with] ileged to have met him related their ‘organ music and the Choristers high above in stories. The Gallery was very special. Anna would have loved it.’ A one-off printed edition of fifty copies was made, to present as gifts to the Royal Family and other SHIP’S WORD WHEEL special recipients, and as mementos Take a ten minute break and find as many words as possible, to all the contributors. using the letters in the wheel. Each must use the hub letter and at least 3 others, used only once. No plurals (if only Thanks to all who contributed for made with by adding an ‘s’ or ‘es’), no foreign words not in your stories, as the tribute has been common usage in English, nor proper nouns. There is at least generally well received. one nine-letter word to be found. Answers on page 4 Couldn’t have done it without ye! 2 of 5 The 1805 Dispatches #21.03 June 2021 Nelson and Murray in Chichester, UK Nelson at Sea 250 Vice-Admiral Sir George Murray (1759-1819) served in the Royal Navy during the American War of Independence and the French A presentation by the Naval Historical Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars and had an enduring friendship Society was introduced thus: with Nelson, who personally requested that he be appointed as his “A retrospective of Lord Nelson's early Captain of the Fleet in 1803. He was in that post for the chase of years as noted British naval historian Villeneuve across to the West Indies and back and, in fact, though Stephen Howarth [Club Secretary and promoted to rear-admiral on 23 April 1804, declined to hoist his flag, preferring to remain with Nelson. When Nelson sailed to join former Chairman], who co-authored the fleet blockading Cadíz, Murray stayed in England to deal with NELSON: THE IMMORTAL MEMORY family business following the death of his father-in-law, but Nelson with his father, provides a chrono- decided not to appoint a logical overview of the young sailor's replacement – which career and insights into those who Nicholas Tracy, in his Who's who in Nelson's Navy: 200 influenced his development as one of Naval Heroes (2006) said was Britain's greatest admirals. Stephen because, “none but Murray Howarth then is joined by famed would do”. fellow historian Andrew Lambert, who Murray became mayor of offered his own insights, as well as Chichester in 1815, and it has been decided that a statue by Fleet Commander Vice Admiral Jerry Vincent Gray of Murray with Kyd CBE, RN, who offered insights on Nelson will be initially how the Nelson mystique has carried erected outside the Council down through generations. House. The sculpture has Additionally, Admiral James Foggo III, been completed, but fundraising continues to USN, remarked upon the exemplary enable the statue to be cast in leadership that Admiral Nelson bronze and placed on a stone epitomized.” plinth, and a permanent site You can still catch it at: is sought. Nelson at Sea 250 Future Book Reviews Medal Sale – Sir Wm Hoste We expect to publish, in the next edition of the Kedge Anchor, reviews of Iain Mackie, a Club member in Napoleon’s Admirals, by Richard Humble, published by Casemate Cornwall, has contacted us Publishers and Marine Chronometers by Commander Rupert T Gould, about Sir William Hoste’s published by the Antique Collectors’ Club (for which ACC are offering a medals and wine coolers, limited-time 30% discount to Club Members, after the review is published) which the family have decided to sell.Speaking for Sir William’s five times great Never forget that there is a whole granddaughter, he said: treasure trove of “After considerable thought interesting stuff on our facebook page we have now made the https://www.facebook.com/The1805Club/ difficult decision to part with these historic medals.
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