Greetings & Congratulations to / Grüße & Glückwünsche an a-ha!!! Grüße an a-ha / Greetings to a-ha 22.Aug.2002 Birgit alias Beatchy 16:20 Hallo, hier kannst Du Deine ganz persönlichen Grüße an a-ha schreiben! Die Grüße an die gesamte Band werden auch an Morten übergeben! Tschüss Birgit alias Beatchy
[email protected] Hello, here you can write your personal greetings to a-ha. The greetings for the whole band will be handed to Morten as well. Bye Birgit alias Beatchy
[email protected] HomePage RE: Grüße an a-ha / Greetings to a-ha 22.Aug.2002 Russ Gudz ;
[email protected] 16:21 Hey Guys! I just wanted to tell you how much I really appreciate your music. Love the New CD..I wish that you'd consider doing a U.S. tour. Get that record company of yours to start doing some promos in the U.S. and we'll all be happy. I'm doing the best that i can to promote The band on my own here in Atlanta,Ga,U.S.A. But I can't do it alone. I write stories about the band and they can be viewed at in the funny stuff section. The Cold as Stone website.. Happy birthday!!... Fan for life,Russ HomePage : The Cold as Stone website RE: Grüße an a-ha / Greetings to a-ha 22.Aug.2002 Blue ;
[email protected] 16:56 Keep on doing your great job - your music was, is and will always be very special.