Chlorosulphuric Acid As Anon-Aqueous Solvent
NOTES 2. PAUUK, F., PAUUK, J. & ERDY, L., Talanta, 13 (1966), from high purity selenium and tellurium metalsc• 1405; Analytica chem. Acta, 34 (1966), 419. Selenium mono chloride was prepared and purified 3. FLANIGEN, E. M., KHATAMI, H. & SZYMANSKI, H. A., Molecular sieve zeolites, Advan. Chern. Ser. 101 by the reported method6• Phosphorus tribromide (American Chemical Society, Washington), 1971, 201. and pentabromide were prepared as reporteds. Phos• 4. CLARK, R. J. H. & WILLIAMS, C. S.,lnorg. Chem.,4 phorus pentachloride was sublimed in pure chlorine (1965), 350. gas and kept in vacuo over P206• Phosphorus tri• 5. KHAmY, E. M., MAHGOUB, A. E. & KENAWI, I. M., Egypt J. Chem., 17 (1976), 811. chloride was distilled on a water-bath and the fraction 6. KANIPPAYOOR, RAVEENDRAN, K. & BANERJEE, SATI ofb.p. 75-76°, was used. Arsenic trichloride was PRAsAD, Cent. Glass ceram. Res. lnst. Bull., (in press). distilled under dry nitrogen atmosphere and the 7. BANERJEE, SATI PRAsAD, J. Indian chem. Soc., 55 (1978), 99. fraction b.p. 223-224° 740 mm was used. Antimony 8. SRIVASTAVA, MALTI & BANERJEE, SATI PRAsAD, J. Inst. trichloride was purified by fractional distillation Chemists (India), 50 (1978), 264. and the fraction of b.p. 223° was used. 9. AsrAKHov, V. A., MEERSON, L. A. & KLYUSHKOVA, The method of conductance measurements and Vestsi Akad. Nauk BSSR, Ser. Khim, 3 (1978), 118; Chem. Abstr., 89 (1978), 65907. the determination of y, the number of SOaO- ions produced per mole of the solute have been described earlier7• UV and visible spectra of the solutions were recorded on a Beckman spectrophotometer using quartz cells.
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