IMPACT STATEMENT Svay Chrum District, 2011-2014 Svay Rieng Province, Cambodia. Report Message from the Country Director of ChildFund Cambodia To all parti cipants of the 2014 Att ributi on and Impact Workshop, Svay Chrum District, Svay Rieng Province 16 June 2014 Dear Friends, First, on behalf of ChildFund Cambodia, I would like express my sincere thanks to all community leaders and members, youth and representati ves of civil society, and local government partners at sub-nati onal level who parti cipated in ChildFund Cambodia’s 2014 Att ributi on and Impact Workshops. Your parti cipati on in our workshops is an important part of the partnership and collaborati on that enables ChildFund Cambodia to plan and monitor its work across all sectors. The statement of impact is about a long-term change in Svay Chrum District, Svay Rieng Province, and ChildFund Cambodia’s contributi on to it. You have identi fi ed the impact of ChildFund Cambodia’s work © 2014 across the program areas during the last three-year cycle of engagement. ChildFund Cambodia ChildFund Cambodia recognizes the importance of the Impact and Att ributi on Statement. We will use this Phnom Penh office to enable ChildFund Cambodia to enhance our future acti viti es in Svay Chrum District in order to bett er serve communiti es and to respond to the real needs and issues of children, and young people. #14, Street 240, Sangkat Chaktomuk, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia P. O. Box 93, Phnom Penh ChildFund Cambodia commits to conti nue its work in Svay Chrum District, Svay Rieng Province as well as T: +855 (0) 23 997 113 F: +855 (0) 23 224 158 other target areas in Svay Rieng and Krati e province for the benefi ts of children and young people in the E:
[email protected] communiti es along with its vision and mission.