Hood Canal Bridge Ecosystem Impact Assessment Plan: Framework and Phase 1 Details FINAL – September 27, 2016
Hood Canal Bridge Ecosystem Impact Assessment Plan: Framework and Phase 1 Details FINAL – September 27, 2016 Prepared by: Hood Canal Bridge Assessment Team and contributing experts (see reverse) Cite document as: Hood Canal Bridge Assessment Team. 2016. Hood Canal Bridge Ecosystem Impact Assessment Plan: Framework and Phase 1 Details. Long Live the Kings, Seattle, WA. Bridge Assessment Team Megan Moore, NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center* Tarang Khangaonkar, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory* Barry Berejikian, NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center* Hans Daubenberger, Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe* Steve Jeffries, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife* Paul McCollum, Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe Erik Neatherlin, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Scott Pearson, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife* Chris Harvey, NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center* Austen Thomas, Smith-Root* Carl Ward, Washington Department of Transportation John Wynands, Washington Department of Transportation Contributors Kevin Redman, RPS Evans Hamilton Daniel Deng, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Tim Essington, University of Washington Monique Lance, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Marshal Richmond, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Julie Keister, University of Washington Ken Warheit, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Coordinators Michael Schmidt, Long Live the Kings+ Iris Kemp, Long Live the Kings Susan O’Neil, Long Live the Kings Lucas Hall, Long Live the Kings *Principals +Project Manager and Lead. For
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