Town-Meetings, in the Early Day, in Their Pure Democracy and Perfect Freedom, Lodi
HISTORY OF SENECA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 33 Messrs. and Knox. Seventeen wit Prisoner's counsel, Hulbert, Mott, Stryker, sibility. Elections were honestly conducted. Men voted for what they regarded nesses were and the case submitted to the following-named as the best man. examined, finally Tickets lay upon the table, and every one took his choice. : John Abial John Tyler Elections were on jurors Norris, Aury Marsh, Cook, White, Smith, Israel held three successive days, and each day at a different point in Benjamin Robert Garvin Peter B. Haines, Cuddeback, Livingston, Stevenson, the town. If a man in Junius did not get to the polls at Hooper's, to-day, to and Jacob Sell. The gallows was erected on the Whitmer, George Bachman, morrow, he could go to Nate Matthews's ; failing to go there, he still had a chance "Island," when the doomed man met his fate a of troops surrounded at and body Jacob Stahl's, by Cayuga Bridge. When Junius was formed, in 1802, a meet were" upon water and buildings far around crowded the scaffold ; boats the by ing was held, and Lewis Birdsall was chosen Supervisor, and Gideon Bowditch, curious spectators, whose memories will never efface the scene. Conforming to a Town Clerk. Other officers, later distinguished in County history, were three igno- belief that such exhibitions demoralize, the criminals of modern days perish Assessors, Asa Moore, Hugh W. Dobbin, and Elisha Pratt; three Commis seclusion of the in presence of officials and time sioners of miniously in the jail-yard, only, Highways, Jesse Southwick, Jabez Disbrow, and Nathaniel J.
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