Satellite/Teletext News
SATELLITE/TELETEXTSATELLITE /TELETEXT NEWSNEWS GARY ARLEN CONTRIBUTING EDITOR WPIX BECOMES WPIX-TV,WPIX -TV, the popular New York City televisiontelevision Channel 1111., isis becoming the newest satellite superstation, transmitted nationwide vviaia a transponder on Westar 66.. WPIX.WPIX , with its full SUPERSTATION compcomplementlement of New York -area sports events, movies, and other programming,programming, will be beamed by United Video, the the same satellite carrier that made WGN WGN-TV, -TV, Chicago, Chicago , into a superstationsuperstation.. ESPN MAY ESPN, the mostly mostly sports network on Satcom 3R, may begin scrambling itsits satellite transmistransmis- sion by year's end. The company is in the preliminapreliminaryry stages of analyzing analyzing how, or or if, iitt could could SCRAMBLE begin encoding its signals:signals; it would would be the the first ad- ad-supported supported cable /satellitesatellite network to to installinstall such scrambscramblingling to prevent reception by unauthorized earth stations. ESPN claims that that pick-pick ups by home and apartment earth stations diminishes the value of its programming to cable cab le - TV operators who pay for the 24-hour24 -hour channel. HBO is already well well along onoil scrambling tests,tests, and Showtime cabcablele /paypay TV network is considering a scrambling system. SKYSKY-HIGH -HIGH More than 550,000550.000 backyard earth stations will be installed this yearyear., twice the number set up during 1983,1983. according to a forecast by KLM Electronics PresidentPresident Peter Dalton, an official of PREDICTIONS the home earth-stationearth -station association, SPACE. IfIf Dalton'sDalton 's prediction comes true,true. upwards of 875,000875,000 dishes will be in place by the end of 1984, including units at apartmentsapartments., schools.schools, and office buildingsbuildings,, as well as home satellite receiversreceivers.
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