JULIORUMBONEWS.COM 1, 2010 • EDICIÓN 340 • LAWRENCE,FREE! MA • TAKEAÑO 16 .: ONE Rumbo | GRATIS :. 1 8TH ANNUAL LAWRENCE | 16 REGATTA RESULTS Rumbo • EDICIÓN NO. 340 Edición Regional | Regional Edition: (MA) Lawrence, Methuen, Haverhill, Andover, North Andover, Lowell JULIO 1, 2010 The BILINGUAL Newspaper of the Merrimack Valley (NH) Salem, Nashua, Manchester FFuegouego eenn eell 6655 ddee llaa CCallealle ParkPark

Bomberos de Lawrence bombean agua hacia el edifi cio localizado en la esquina de las Calles Park y Saunders el pasado sábado, 26 de junio. El Fire at 65 Park Street edifi cio sufrió considerable daño como resultado de falta de personal y Lawrence fi refi ghters from engine 5 pump water into the building located at the corner of Park and Saunders presión de agua, según declaró el departamento de incendios. Los vecinos streets last Saturday, June 26th. The building suffered serious damage as a result of lack of manpower and piensan de otra forma. water pressure, according to fi refi ghters claim. Neighbors think otherwise.

Nueva Industria viene a Lawrence

I/D –El Alcalde de Lawrence William Lantigua, Jack Anderson, Presidente/ CEO de J.S.B. Industries y Patrick J Blanchette, Director Interino de Desarrollo Económico hicieron un importante anuncio para la Ciudad de Lawrence. En la foto también aparece Joseph J. Bevilacqua, Presidente/CEO Merrimack Valley Chamber of Comerse. New Industry expands into Lawrence

L/R- Lawrence Mayor William Lantigua, Jack Anderson, President/CEO of J.S.B. Industries and Patrick J. Blanchette, Interim Chief Economic Development Director, made a very signifi cant announcement for the City of Lawrence. Also pictured Joseph Bevilacqua, President/CEO Merrimack Valley Chamber of Commerce.

| 06 11 FORMAS DE SER UN MEJOR AMERICANO | 17 English Program En Español Thursdays @ 10am Sábados a las 11am EDITORIAL |02 DIRECTORIO |29 CCROSSROSSOOVERVER To Listen Anytime go to CLASIFICADOS |31 Rumbonews.Com RRumboumbo onon thethe RRadio!adio! 2 .: Rumbo :. AÑO 16 • LAWRENCE, MA • EDICIÓN 340 • JULIO 1, 2010 READ RUMBO ONLINE! RUMBONEWS.COM Fuego en el 65 de la EDITORIAL | EDITORIAL Calle Park ¡Esto es lo que necesitamos ahora! esde que cerraron las últimas fábricas en la ciudad, nuestra fuerza laboral fue dejada en limbo, con muchos viajando largas distancias para encontrar Dtrabajo. La noticia de que J.S.B. Industries, la casa de Muffi n Town, se está expandiendo a Lawrence con la posibilidad de contratar y capacitar a 300 de nuestra fuerza de trabajo desempleada es la mejor noticia que llevamos en esta edición. El anuncio fue hecho durante una conferencia de prensa por Jack Anderson, presidente de la compañía rodeado de su familia, mientras que junto a él estaba el Alcalde de Lawrence, William Lantigua. Anderson admitió que no estaba pensando en Lawrence, cuando su familia empezó a buscar un lugar para ampliar su negocio. Entonces conoció a Lantigua. Lantigua dijo que en su primer día de trabajo como alcalde, él mismo, Patrick Blanchette y Lenny Degnan comenzaron a mirar entre las empresas que por alguna razón u otra, querían salirse de donde estaban o simplemente en la necesidad de expandirse, que es el caso de J.S.B. Industries. Con la crisis de empleo que nuestro pueblo enfrenta, Lantigua dijo que no perdió el tiempo en llamadas telefónicas o correos electrónicos. "Saltamos en un coche y fuimos Testigos no podían comprender porqué ni una sola gota de agua nunca salió de la manguera a hablar con ellos. ¡Y aquí estamos!" del Camión Escalera #4. “No hay presión”, dijo el Bombero González. El Jefe Murphy J.S.B. Industries, con sede en Chelsea, MA, va a ampliarse en el 309 de la Calle dice que se necesitan 600 galones de agua por minuto para operarla y no los tenía. Frank MacCann dijo que la presión se hace con la bomba del camión. “Tal vez el problema fue que Andover en Lawrence y convertirá el edifi cio para funcionar como segundo centro de todos estaban utilizando el agua de la misma fuente”. horneo. "Esto es lo que la ciudad necesita en este momento", declaró el Representante Witnesses could not understand why a drop of water never came out of Ladder 4’s hose. “No pressure”, said the fi remen Gonzalez. Chief Murphy said that it needs 600 gls. of water per Barry Finegold, presente en la conferencia de prensa, "Un inquilino que pague buenos minute to operate it and they didn’t have it. Frank McCann said that the pressured is done by impuestos con la capacidad para contratar y capacitar a 300 de nuestra desempleada the pump. “Perhaps the problem was that they were all taking the water from one source.” fuerza laboral." ¡No podemos estar más de acuerdo!

POR ALBERTO SURÍS This is what we need [email protected] now! n incendio de cinco alarmas que se ince the closing of the few last factories in the city, our labor force was left in extendió rápidamente por el techo limbo, with many traveling miles away to fi nd work. Udel edifi cio situado en la esquina de S The news that J.S.B. Industries, the home of Muffi n Town, is expanding into las calles Park y Saunders el pasado sábado, Fire at 65 Lawrence with the possibility of hiring and training up to 300 of our unemployed work 26 de junio, y dejó a 50 personas sin hogar, force is the best possible news we carry in this edition. fue causado por "el uso descuidado de un Park Street The announcement was made during a press conference by Jack Anderson, soplete de propano de plomería, utilizado president of the company surrounded by his family, while standing next to Lawrence para soldar la válvula de una ducha en Mayor William Lantigua. el baño del apartamento #15, ubicado Anderson admitted that he was not thinking in Lawrence when their family started en el tercer piso", según el informe del BY ALBERTO SURÍS looking for a place to expand their business. Then he met Lantigua. incidente presentado por el Departamento [email protected] Mayor Lantigua said that on his fi rst day of work as mayor, himself, Patrick de Bomberos de Lawrence. Blanchette and Lenny Degnan started looking into companies that for any reason Este fuego ha dejado a algunos wanted to move out from where they are know or just in need to expand, which is the fi ve alarm fi re that quickly residentes del área y a algunos funcionarios case with J.S.B. Industries. spread through the roof of the de la ciudad preocupados por la forma With the job crisis our people are facing, Lantigua said that they didn’t waste any building located at the corner en que los bomberos cumplieron con sus A time in phone calls or e-mails. “We jumped in a car and went to talk to them. And here of Park and Saunders Streets last funciones. Las emociones van de alta en we are!” Saturday, June 26th and left 50 people algunos programas radiales en español con J.S.B. Industries, headquartered in Chelsea, MA, will be expanding into 309 homeless, was caused by “careless use un oyente que dijo, "si yo fuera alcalde Andover Street in Lawrence and will convert the building to operate as their second of a plumbing propane torch, used to Lantigua despediría a todos los bomberos baking facility. weld a shower valve in the bathroom que quedan". “This is what the city needs right now,” stated Representative Barry Finegold, present of apartment #15 located on the third La primera foto tomada por Rumbo del at the press conference, “a good paying tenant with the capability to hire and train up to fl oor,” according to the incident fuego fue a las 7:09 de la tarde, 40 minutos 300 of our unemployed workforce.” report fi led by the Lawrence Fire después de la hora ofi cial de llegada (6:29 We could not agree more! PM) del primer camión de bomberos según Department. ha informado el departamento de bomberos. This fi re has left area residents and La foto fue tomada desde la esquina de some city offi cials concerned about the Park y Bruce y muestra un camión escalera way the fi refi ghters performed their rociando el techo. duties. Emotions are high in some En esa esquina, el fotógrafo de Rumbo Spanish radio talk shows with a caller RRumboumbo fue recibido por Héctor Cid, un residente saying, “if I were Mayor Lantigua, I The BILINGUAL Newspaper of the Merrimack Valley cercano, quien señaló a una boca de will fi re all the remaining fi refi ghters.” Rumbo’s photographer’s fi rst Publicación de SUDA, Inc. CONTRIBUYENTES | CONTRIBUTORS incendio con una fuga de agua, culpando a 315 Mt. Vernon Street Lawrence, MA 01843 los bomberos de ello. "Les llevó 25 minutos picture of the fi re was shot at 7:09PM, Tel: (978) 794-5360 Ellen Bahan después de su llegada para comenzar a echar Fax: (978) 975-7922 Frank Benjamín agua al fuego. Hablaban entre sí mientras PLEASE SEE SURÍS WEBSITE: www.rumbonews.com Alonzo Capellán caminaban para arriba y para abajo", dijo. CONTINUES ON PAGE 12 EMAIL: [email protected] Christine Lewis Este sentimiento fue compartido por varios Paul V. Montesino, PhD Maureen Nimmo residentes que han llamado a Rumbo DIRECTOR Christine Mitchell pidiendo no mencionar sus nombres. Dalia Díaz [email protected] Arturo Ramo García Rumbo presentó las imágenes al Jefe la ubicación de cada boca de incendio Interino de Bomberos Brian Murphy, quien en la ciudad, se refi rió a la ubicación SALES & CIRCULATION DIRECTOR Alberto M. Surís explicó que DPW y el Departamento de exacta de cada uno de los camiones de las [email protected] Agua son los responsables de la fi jación de ciudades vecinas que vinieron en nuestra las bocas contra incendios. El Director de GRAPHIC & WEB DESIGN REGIONAL EDITION Richard A. Aybar Published on the 1st & 15th of Every Month DPW, que se retiró el martes, 29 de junio, [email protected] confi rmó que ya se habían arreglado. (MA) Lawrence, Methuen, Haverhill, Andover, North Andover, Lowell POR FAVOR VEA SURÍS (NH) Salem, Nashua, Manchester El Jefe Murphy, en un mapa que muestra CONTINÚA EN LA PAGINA 12 JULIO 1, 2010 • EDICIÓN 340 • LAWRENCE, MA • AÑO 16 .: Rumbo :. 3 4 .: Rumbo :. AÑO 16 • LAWRENCE, MA • EDICIÓN 340 • JULIO 1, 2010 READ RUMBO ONLINE! RUMBONEWS.COM

POR DALIA DÍAZ READ IT IN ENGLISH ON PAGE 19 ANUNCIO PAGADO [email protected] ¿SABIA USTED QUE SU COMPAÑÍA ASEGURADORA PUEDE QUE NO RENOVE SU PÓLIZA DE SEGURO DE ¡No hay excusa! Cambios en AUTO? En la industria de la televisión, cuando que un maestro defi ciente o un director la ley de reuniones los índices han bajado, la gerencia cambia negligente no van a arruinar una escuela que hora que tenemos un mercado el escenario. Si la situación es muy mala, hasta ahora funcionaba en forma adecuada abiertas “competitivo” cuando se trata de cambian a los personajes principales. al ser trasladado allí? Si un maestro que Aseguros de autos en el estado de La Legislatura aprobó una ley que Massachusetts, las compañías aseguradoras Mientras tanto, el corazón de la operación ha estado aquí durante 20 años no está exige que los municipios publiquen un pueden cobrar tarifas diferentes y pueden se mantiene con los mismos reporteros en haciendo un buen trabajo, tiene que ser aviso de la reunión durante la semana que no renoven su póliza actual. Si usted la calle, escritores y editores. ¿Por qué han que a él o ella no le importa lo sufi ciente y antes de las 3 PM y al menos 48 horas o alguien en su póliza de seguro tiene un record con 4 puntos o más puede que su de mejorar? no debería estar aquí en absoluto. El ciclo antes de una reunión. Las notifi caciones Una situación similar ocurre en las continúa. póliza no sea renovada y se le asignara deben ser puestas en un edifi cio donde una nueva compañía con tarifas más altas. Escuelas Públicas de Lawrence. Wilfredo Ahora quieren que un grupo de se encuentren las ofi cinas del escribano Choferes con más de 6 años de experiencia Laboy abusó y mal obró en este sistema “personas interesadas” formado por padres, de la ciudad o en cualquier otro edifi cio y con un record de manejar excelente escolar por los últimos diez años. El profesores y público en general los asesore. municipal, siempre y cuando la ciudad o recibirán las mejores tarifas. dinero se gastaba de forma inapropiada en Tienen diez años de retraso. pueblo le de publicidad a las reuniones Si es requerido que usted llene un la compra de la imprenta, la impresión de Una gran mayoría de los profesores de a través de un método adicional, como formulario SR-22 o si usted tiene puntos en literatura de campaña, los menús de Sal’s Lawrence son muy competentes y quieren los sitios web, periódicos locales y la su licencia por manejar bajo la infl uencia Pizza, software espía, un chofer, niñeras hacer un buen trabajo por los niños de esta televisión de cable local. del alcohol (DUI por sus siglas en ingles), su compañía aseguradora puede negar y abogados. Ahora los niños, padres y ciudad. ¡Qué les permitan hacerlo! Otro requisito es que todos los maestros tienen la culpa. ¿Qué tan pronto se nos olvida! ¡Qué renovar su póliza además de negarse a ofi ciales electos y nombrados fi rmen que venderle una póliza comprensiva o de ¡A culpar a los niños! ¡A culpar a los rápidos somos para culpar! entienden la Ley de Ética y la Ley de accidentes. padres! ¡A culpar a los maestros! Reunión Abierta. También deben tomar Creo que esta decisión no hace más Si usted o alguien en su póliza miente Lantigua debe ser un curso de ética en línea cada dos años. durante el proceso de aplicación o durante que chivos expiatorios a un personal Diga que es una manía mía, pero me un reclamo, su reclamo puede ser negado. seleccionado, que son, en general, las más inteligente gusta hacer las cosas de la manera Son los buenos chóferes los que las víctimas inocentes. La Escuela Arlington compañías quieren asegurar y ellos no Es posible que haya estado leyendo correcta. Desde hace un par de años, he y la South Lawrence East Middle School renovarán la póliza de chóferes con varios durante los últimos años acerca de mi queja estado teniendo conversaciones con el han sido mal administradas y escasas de accidentes. La compañía puede negarse a cuando los alcaldes anteriores han hecho Escribano de Lawrence William Maloney pagar cualquier reclamo si alguien que no fondos durante muchos años. En lugar de uso de un auto de la ciudad por medio del acerca de la necesidad de colocar la esta listado en su póliza de seguro se ve lidiar con estos problemas, el departamento Departamento de Policía, algo que no está tablilla de anuncios acristalado que está envuelto en una accidente. Listar a todo el escolar ha mirado hacia otro lado y ahora previsto por la Carta Constitucional de la en su ofi cina, afuera en el vestíbulo, que manejara su vehiculo es requerido. Si ha encontrado una manera cómoda de echar alguien ya tiene una póliza, no hay cargos Ciudad. Ese auto se convierte en un benefi cio donde el público pueda revisar sus la culpa de la decadencia de estas escuelas adicionales para añadir a esa persona. del empleado que nos cuesta mucho dinero anuncios después de 4:30 PM. Él estuvo cayendo en estado de bajo rendimiento. en gasolina, seguro y mantenimiento. de acuerdo pero fue necesario aplazar su DESCUENTOS QUE NOSOTROS Cuando las escuelas no están OFRECEMOS: Hasta ahora sentíamos satisfacción traslado hasta la restauración interior del produciendo los resultados adecuados, • Para buenos chóferes al ver que William Lantigua utilizaba su ayuntamiento se completara. es hora de culpar a alguien y lo primero • Si usted maneja muy poco propio vehículo desde que asumió el cargo Bueno, el 1ro de julio está aquí, que • Múltiples autos asegurados es cambiar la vestimenta y las caras. La hasta el pasado martes cuando se presentó es la fecha límite para las ciudades y • Seguros para la casa y el/los autos Superintendente Bergeron debe mirar más el a la conferencia de prensa de J.S.B. pueblos para realizar cambios en la Ley • Buen estudiante sistema y no a la gente en las aulas. Cuando • Descuentos para viajeros (Commuters) Industries en un auto de policía negro con de Reunión Abierta. Tienen que hallar año tras año, el sistema de evaluación • Si tiene sistema de seguridad instalado vidrios polarizados (¿no es eso ilegal?), con formas de hacer más accesibles todos los global de Massachusetts (Massachusetts en su vehiculo el Ofi cial Gary Yancey en el asiento del avisos sobre las reuniones y agendas para Comprehensive Assessment System - Usted no tendrá que pagar nada por chofer. Patrick Blanchette y Maria Cruz los el público en general. Tenemos un sitio MCAS) no mejora, con la esperanza y adelantado si aplica con 30 días de acompañaban. web que es muy mal utilizado y el Canal la oración no funciona - algo debe ser anticipación antes de que su actual póliza Según el Alcalde Lantigua, "Estábamos 22 (Canal de Acceso del Gobierno) se de venza o solo un 10% de deposito si cambiado y no es el maestro, después de en una reunión y saltamos en un coche supone que iba a ser actualizado, pero se usted utiliza una cuenta de cheque para todo, los estudiantes cuentan con maestros juntos, pero no es la norma." ha visto retrasada por los problemas en el pagar vía pagos directos (EFT por sus diferentes cada año sin tener mejoría y Va a ser muy decepcionante que Departamento de Tecnología. siglas e ingles). estamos hablando de solamente nueve de esta administración caiga en las mismas Bueno, usted tiene que seguir COSAS A CONSIDERAR CUANDO ellos en dos escuelas. Si esos maestros malas costumbres del pasado. Sigamos dependiendo de Rumbo para mantenerse COMPRA UN SEGURO DE AUTO: son realmente incompetentes, se irán a otra Los dueños de casa necesitan mayor vigilando. informado sobre lo que pasa en la cobertura escuela a hacer lo que han estado haciendo ciudad. con anterioridad. Los viajeros necesitan una póliza que ¿Qué hace pensar a la Dra. Bergeron incluya un vehiculo de renta en caso de un accidente Todavía no me Los vehículos fi nanciados necesitan seguro conocen ... de accidentes y seguro comprensivo. Esto está dirigido a Matty Brien Para la mejor protección y precios usted puede contactar nuestra ofi cina para hacer quien llamó a Lou Blasi en WCCM esta una cita y conversar sobre sus necesidades semana alabando a Michelle McPhee de seguro. como la única fuente de información sobre la Ciudad de Lawrence. Entonces, mencionó mi nombre, diciendo: "No sé qué pensar de Dalia." Nancy Greenwood Insurance No se confunda Matty. El problema 11 Haverhill Street es que yo compruebo los hechos antes de Methuen, MA 01844 hablar o escribir sobre ellos y usted no nancygreenwoodins.com quiere que destruya su única fuente de diversión. Créanme, es mucho más fácil (978) 683-7676 (800) 498-7675 seguir las insinuaciones y rumores que Fax (978) 794-5409 gastar las horas que dedico a la búsqueda de la verdad. También es bueno para Hablamos Español los índices porque siempre hay público para las personas que ansían escuchar Nancy Greenwood mentiras. Ronald Briggs Dorcas “Dee” Adorno

ANUNCIO PAGADO JULIO 1, 2010 • EDICIÓN 340 • LAWRENCE, MA • AÑO 16 .: Rumbo :. 5

Los Martes McGovern Estación del Tren 211 de Merrimack 4-7:30 pm

Los Miércoles Appleton Way Entre Essex y Common Sts. 9 am a 4 pm

Los Sábados 216 Park St. Esquina de Park y Lawrence Sts. 9 a.m.-1 p.m.

Para más información llame a Groundwork Lawrence (978) 974-0770 o visite groundworklawrence.org 6 .: Rumbo :. AÑO 16 • LAWRENCE, MA • EDICIÓN 340 • JULIO 1, 2010 READ RUMBO ONLINE! RUMBONEWS.COM J.S.B. Industries se expande en Lawrence

POR ALBERTO SURÍS [email protected]

.S.B. Industries, creadores de Muffi n Town, Bagels Aesops, Smart Choice, Jtodos artículos de grano entero al horno, y las galletitas de Madeline Gourmet, ha comprado el edifi cio localizado en el 309 de la Calle Andover, en Lawrence, Massachusetts, para convertirlo en su segundo centro de horneo. Las renovaciones están programadas para completarse a fi nales del 2010. Como parte del crecimiento continúo de la compañía, la nueva planta permitirá a J.S.B. Industries aumentar la capacidad y efi ciencia de la empresa en una instalación totalmente moderna, con la más adelantada tecnología en producción. Seguridad de los La familia Anderson con, desde la izquierda: productos y servicios de saneamiento se están incorporando en la renovación de este The Anderson family edifi cio de 82,830 pies cuadrados. with, from left: Además de sus 100,000 metros Representative Barry cuadrados de panadería en Chelsea, la nueva Finegold, Gabriela, Brian, Dianna, Jack, planta será capaz de producir entre 8,000 Mayor William y10,000 cajas de productos de panadería Lantigua, Scott, Amy, por día. J.S.B. hornea y congela una amplia Scott Jr., George and variedad de panecillos, cornbreads (pan de Madeline. maíz), panes, bagels y muffi ns para los minoristas y proveedores de servicio de alimentos ubicados en los Estados Unidos. "Con las perspectivas a largo plazo estamos muy contentos con la ayuda y Alcalde William Lantigua, del Director de y de Art McCabe, Gerente de Desarrollo de de la contratación de 300 empleados, apoyo que hemos recibido de manos del Desarrollo Económico, Patrick Blanchette, la Comunidad para la Ciudad de Lawrence”,


BRIAN DE PEÑA www.jacksonsrestaurantltd.com JULIO 1, 2010 • EDICIÓN 340 • LAWRENCE, MA • AÑO 16 .: Rumbo :. 7

en la ofi cina, mi administración comenzó a trabajar con J.S.B. para crear el tipo de asociación que está representada por el anuncio de hoy. Jack Anderson y su familia J.S.B. representan lo mejor en las prácticas empresariales. Ha sido un honor trabajar Industries con ellos en los últimos 5 meses para crear esta asociación entre J.S.B. y Lawrence. expands Mayor William Lantigua Esta relación servirá de modelo para summarized his relationship futuras asociaciones entre la ciudad y la industria privada para cumplir mi promesa into with J.S.B. Industries, with the de Desarrollo Económico y la creación de following: “In my very fi rst week empleo en la Ciudad”. Lawrence in offi ce my administration "Lawrence tiene benefi cios fi scales started to work with J.S.B. to especiales, tanto del gobierno estatal como with second create the kind of partnership el federal debido a la alta tasa de desempleo, which is represented by the por lo que Lawrence es una de las pocas ‘comunidades de renovación’ en los Estados baking announcement today. Jack Unidos", afi rmó, Patrick Blanchette, Anderson and his family represent Director de Desarrollo Económico del facility the very best in business Alcalde Lantigua. "Debido a la alta tasa de practices. It has been an honor to población inmigrante, Lawrence tiene una fuerza de trabajo multi-étnica maravillosa work with them over the past fi ve .S.B. Industries, the home of Muffi n de nuevos americanos y ahora tiene el months to create this partnership Town, Aesops Bagels, Smart primer alcalde latino en Massachusetts". between J.S.B. and Lawrence. Choice whole grain baked goods, “Esto es lo que la ciudad necesita ahora”, J and Madeline’s Gourmet Cookies, This relationship will serve as a expresó el Representante Barry Finegold, has purchased 309 Andover Street in model for future partnerships “un buen inquilino que pague impuestos Lawrence, Massachusetts, and will between the city and private con la capacidad de contratar y entrenar convert the building to operate as their hasta 300 de nuestros desempleados.” industry to fulfi ll my promise for second baking facility. Renovations "La expansión de J.S.B. en Lawrence economic development and job are scheduled to be completed by the ha sido un evento maravilloso para toda la end of 2010. creation in the city.” ciudad. Igual de importante es que J.S.B. se Scott Anderson, Vice President of Operations, As part of the company’s ha acercado a la comunidad para contratar speaking at the press conference. continued growth, the new plant will y capacitar a gente de la ciudad como enable J.S.B. Industries to increase the socios participantes de la empresa", afi rmó company’s capacity and effi ciency in a Blanchette. totally modern, state-of-the-art facility. afi rmó Jack Anderson, presidente y director ciudad”. J.S.B. Industries seguirá manteniendo The latest technology in production, general de J.S.B. Industries. “Todos, con El Alcalde William Lantigua resume su sede principal en el 130 de la Avenida su actitud positiva y estilo profesional nos su relación con J.S.B. Industries, con el Crescent, en Chelsea, Massachusetts. motivaron a localizarnos en esta histórica texto siguiente: "En mi primera semana Por favor, visite www.muffi ntown.com. PLEASE SEE BAKING CONTINUES ON PAGE 22 ¡AHORA 1 SUBASTA SEMANAL! WWendyendy YY.. EEstrellastrella ESTRELLA LAW OFFICE, PC 300 ESSEX STREET, LOWER LEVEL, LAWRENCE, MA 01840

subasta publica • Bienes Raíces • Bancarrota de autos • Casos Criminales • Problemas de Inquilino/Propietario • Accidentes de Auto ¡VENGA A LA SUBASTA • Ley Familiar Divorcio SEMANAL! Custodia SÁBADOS A LAS 11 AM Manutención

INSPECCIONES 2 HORAS ANTES Una consulta DE LA SUBASTA profesional le hará entender EL ÚNICO LUGAR EN TODA EL ÁREA CON sus opciones SUBASTAS DE AUTOS ABIERTAS AL PÚBLICO legales. Cuente con nuestra ¡COMPRE DONDE LOS VENDEDORES COMPRAN! absoluta atención CIENTOS DE VEHÍCULOS: ¡NO HAY OFERTA MÍNIMA! y accesoria legal PRECIOS MUY REDUCIDOS: LA MAYORÍA DE LOS AUTOS responsable. SE VENDEN POR $500 Ó MENOS. CAPITAL AUTO AUCTION “La Subasta de Autos Ofi cial del Salvation Army” 190 Londonderry Turnpike (28 Bypass) Llame hoy para una consulta Manchester, NH 03104 Salida 1 de la Rt. 101 Este ((978)978) 6683-502583-5025 (603) 622-9058 8 .: Rumbo :. AÑO 16 • LAWRENCE, MA • EDICIÓN 340 • JULIO 1, 2010 READ RUMBO ONLINE! RUMBONEWS.COM Elecciones en Casa Dominicana Casa Dominicana elected new Board of Directors

BY ALBERTO SURÍS [email protected]

he new Board of Directors 2010 – 2011 of Casa Dominicana El Presidente del Concilio de la Ciudad de Lawrence, Frank Morán, toma juramento a la nueva directiva de Casa Dominicana. Ellos son desde Twas formally presented to la izquierda: Persio Acevedo y José Javier, directivos; Scarlet Espinosa, secretaria; Lorenzo Tavera, vicepresidente; Marisol Hilario y Jocelyn the community at a reception held Martínez, directivos; Ana Medina, presidenta y Diego Shephard, tesorero. at 160 Garden Street, home of Casa Dominicana on Saturday, June 26, 2010. Casa Dominicana is a non-profi t POR ALBERTO SURÍS organization founded in June 2002 [email protected] committed to enhancing the quality of life of all residents in the Merrimack Valley by promoting the integration a nueva Junta Directiva de Casa y la participación dentro de la sociedad $45,000 y tenemos que afrontarlo con una and participation in American society. Dominicana 2010-2011 fue americana. nueva visión de esta organización", dijo. The new board has accepted the formalmente presentada a la La nueva directiva ha aceptado los "Estamos trabajando en un plan para salir L challenge to convey and enact this comunidad durante una recepción llevada retos que conllevan llevar a la institución a de esta situación económica y hoy estamos mission and bring the institution to a a cabo el sábado, 26 del pasado mes de una nueva fase usando un plan consistente prometiendo que vamos a trabajar al 150% new phase using a plan consisting of junio. en objetivos a corto y largo plazo. para salir de ella. Es nuestro compromiso long- and short-term goals. Casa Dominicana es una organización "Es bien sabido por todos los con nuestra comunidad”, agregó. “It is well-known by everybody sin ánimo de lucro fundada en junio del problemas que estamos atravesando", 2002, dedicada a mejorar la calidad de dijo Ana Medina, su nueva presidenta, vida de todos los residentes del Valle de leyendo de una declaración preparada con POR FAVOR VEA ELECCIONES PLEASE SEE BOARD Merrimack, promoviendo la integración anterioridad. "Estamos frente a un défi cit de CONTINÚA EN LA PAGINA 28 CONTINUES ON PAGE 26


Personales Automóviles Casas Negocios

* Tarifas bajas para seguro de AUTOS y CASAS Marc Hamel, Yolanda Reyes, Ernie West LÁPIDAS DE AMOR Y RESPETO PARA NUESTROS * Sin depósito con EFT SERES QUERIDOS ¡NUESTRA FAMILIA SIRVIENDO A SU FAMILIA! La tradición de crear un monumento para honrar a un ser querido es tan antigua como la humanidad misma. Es parte de nuestro deseo natural de demostrar nuestro amor y respeto por aquellos que han SE HABLA tocado nuestras vidas. Es una poderosa manera de expresar nuestros ESPAÑOL sentimientos de una manera creativa y duradera. OUR FAMILY SERVING YOUR FAMILY! The tradition of creating a memorial to honor a loved one is as old as humanity itself. It is part of our natural desire to show our love and DEGNAN INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. respect for those who have touched our lives. It is a powerful way to 85 Salem Street., Lawrence MA 01843 express our feelings in a creative and enduring way. TEL. (978) 688-4474 . FAX (978) 327-6558 466 Merrimack St. | Methuen, MA 01844 WWW.DEGNANINSURANCE.COM Tel. 978-686-4312 JULIO 1, 2010 • EDICIÓN 340 • LAWRENCE, MA • AÑO 16 .: Rumbo :. 9

OPEN HOUSE Home Away from Home

BY ALBERTO SURÍS [email protected]

ome Away From Home, held Disfrutando en grande la fi esta, vemos desde la izquierda a Carol Carrión, “Cada día nos traen aquí, a mí y a mi esposo Luis Alfonso y al an open house on Saturday, Betty Whitney y Ángela Thomas. fi nal del día, después de disfrutar un día fantástico, nos llevan HJune 19th. de regreso a casa”, dijo Margarita Valencia. Home Away From Home is an Having a great time at the party, from left, Carol Carrion, Betty Whitney and Angela Thomas. “Everyday, they bring us here, me and my husband Luis Alfonso Adult Day Health Center located in and at the end of the day, after having a great time here, they Lowell, the largest in its class in the drive us back home,” said Margarita Valencia. area. They offer a safe, caring, home- like setting for seniors and disabled adults over 18 with a variety of needs. They also provide transportation, RECEPCIÓN meals, health monitoring, recreational and physical therapy. If you want more information about Hogar Fuera del Hogar this center, call 978-453 (HOME) 4663 or visit them at 150 Industrial Avenue, East Lowell, MA. POR ALBERTO SURÍS [email protected]

ogar Fuera del Hogar tuvo una del Valle de Merrimack. Allí se ofrece un se proporciona transporte, comidas, 4663 ó visítelo en el 150 Industrial Avenue, amena recepción el sábado, 19 de lugar seguro, con un ambiente de cuidado seguimiento de la salud, terapia recreativa East Lowell, MA. Hjunio. como si estuvieran en su casa, para ancianos y física. Hogar Fuera del Hogar es el Centro y adultos discapacitados mayores de 18 años Si usted desea más información acerca Diurno de Salud para Adultos más grande con una variedad de necesidades. También de este centro, llame al 978-453 (HOME) ¡Diga NO a un EMBARGO!

LOS BENEFICIOS SON CLAROS: 1. Usted No Pagará por el Servicio ¿¿PorPor QQuéué HacerHacer laslas Las compañías hipotecarias cubrirán TODOS LOS GASTOS de CCosasosas MMALAL, un SHORT SALE cuando el proceso CCuandouando PuedePuede HacerlasHacerlas se inicia a tiempo y debidamente. ¡No espere más! 2. Salve Su Crédito BBIENIEN? Por lo general, la bancarrota es la única opción luego de perder su casa sin hacer un SHORT SALE. Limpiar este procedimiento de su Llame hoy para trabajar historial de crédito le tomará por con un PROFESIONAL lo menos 7 años. 3. Defi ciencia Saldada Jose Estrella La diferencia entre el monto de su Tel. (978) deuda y el precio del SHORT SALE 361-5994 puede quedar saldada. ¡Usted puede quedar sin deudas! 4. Sea Propietario Nuevamente Volver a ser propietario será posible en varios años. 5. ¡Paz! Termine ya con los dolores de cabeza de una mala inversión. La tranquilidad luego de resolver este problema será mayor si lo hace bien.

Star Real Estate Company | 300 Essex Street, Lawrence MA | Tel. (978) 687-8600 www. starrealestatecompany.com 10 .: Rumbo :. AÑO 16 • LAWRENCE, MA • EDICIÓN 340 • JULIO 1, 2010 READ RUMBO ONLINE! RUMBONEWS.COM Crayone’s Tokyo Takeover ! called "Trust And Believe". During the time of recording the charity single, they both he latest the boys on iTunes/Amazon - Keywords: got put together by local music giant Bylli album BOYS 'R US Boys R Us Crazy 4 U (That will narrow the Crayone to record a cover of the 1984 classic T"PRESTO" Funusual search results down.) "Almost Paradise" (From the "Footloose" by Bylli Crayone Records owner and Soundtrack). Crayone instantly fell in love was released last local music giant with their voices upon rehearsals for the week in Japan. Bylli Crayone SHOW DIVINE charity single and asked if they would be Unlike the US discovered Jonathan Diaz interested in doing something on their own version due out brothers Nathaniel aka SHOW DIVINE as a duo. They said yes. It was a process later this month, the & Ariel Toribio is one of the latest to have them memorize the classic song, Japanese release contains 15 tracks. The both of Lawrence, artists to join the but it went over well. It was produced by US release only has 10. The album includes MA. "They are two very talented Funusual Family Keith Kemper who has also worked with collaborations with some of the popular individuals," says Crayone. "They kind of with his debut the Village People, B2K, Omarion and groups of the 80s including NU SHOOZ remind me of a young Sonchild - Hungry single "Therapy". Amber. The song was also remixed into a and U.T.F.O. for Music and Popularity". Jonathan is a club anthem and is included on the single According to Andrea Kwan of Japanese Funusual Records released their debut talented 21 year old who release. The single is available on CD and Music Marketing, there is a huge demand single "Crazy 4 U" in the UK back in April breathes and lives for music. Almost as a digital release available on iTunes, for dance music in their country. English of this year. The song was released here in every day you can fi nd him in his room Amazon, etc. spoken dance music is the primary style the US last month and is available now on as he writes and records songs making his of music played on Japanese mainstream iTunes, Amazon, etc. The song is a clever talent stronger. Not a day goes by where HOMEWORK radio. Unlike in the US where R&B and take on the early 80's Madonna classic you won’t see him without his headphones HipHop are the radio dominators. "Crazy For You". The kids’ version features and notebooks. His new single "Therapy" SONCHILD is Since 2005, Bylli Crayone has made the same chorus as the original with new is available now as Limited Edition CD probably one of the a name for himself within the dance verses written by Bylli Crayone for the song single and also on iTunes, Amazon.com youngest artists community in the UK and Japan. His music that were recorded in a rap style. Unlike the and wherever digital downloads are sold. to come out of has recently also crossed over to Brazil slow song version of the Madonna original, Listen for yourself at www.MySpace.com/ Lawrence, MA and Indonesia along with fan sites, song the music arrangement for this single was of ShowDivine. and make a lot of rotation and ongoing interview requests. dance music and was produced by Scorpio noise in the music Bylli Crayone will be going on tour in the in London, England. Upon release, the ALMOST PARADISE industry. He near future to promote the new release. For boys’ song went immediately into rotation started when he Destiny info and tour dates for Bylli Crayone visit and quickly climbed the club charts in the was only 11 years old, now 19. He just Williams and the new www.BylliCrayonecom. UK. graduated from High School and his latest Starting at #8 and peaked at #5 holding Lianson Tejeda single is called "HOMEWORK". Check the position for 3 weeks until fi nally falling both of Lawrence, out the radio version and various remixes out of the top 10. Now if only the US would MA were part of available now on iTunes and Amazon.com accept dance music as much as they do LawTown Voice For more information on these artists overseas. Then we would have something and the charity and more, visit the Funusual records website great to talk about. When searching for single for Haiti at www.FunusualRecords.com. CCatchatch AAllll tthehe AAction!ction! EEnn EEspañolspañol EExclusivelyxclusively onon

Proudly Sponsored By: Auto Yard, Inc. Merrimack Valley Federal Credit Union Jeanette Travel Boston Fish Market Primos Liquor Store West Street Automotive CV Joints Villa Jaragua Transportation Light Ship Sports Bar Rockingham Trading Post Pine River Fish Market Todos Appliance Greater Lawrence Family Health Center Call 978.683.7171 to Advertise… JULIO 1, 2010 • EDICIÓN 340 • LAWRENCE, MA • AÑO 16 .: Rumbo :. 11

THE MERRIMACK VALLEY HOUSING PARTNERSHIP IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE A RE OFFERING THE PROJECT GENESIS HOME BUYER TRAINING SEMINARS IN LOWELL IN SPANISH The classes will be held at 10 Kirk St., Lowell. The next series will be held on Saturday mornings, July 24 and July 31, 2010 from 8:00 a.m. to12:30 p.m. Participants must attend all sessions to receive a certifi cate of completion. $60 per household. TOPICS INCLUDE Overview of the Home Buying Process Bank Mortgage Guidelines Legal Aspects Home Inspections Down Payment Assistance Programs Information on Credit Please call the offi ce at 978-459-8490 to register. www.mvhp.org. Thank you.

EL MERRIMACK VALLEY HOUSING PARTNERSHIP SE COMPLACE EN ANUNCIAR QUE ESTAMOS OFRECIENDO EN LOWELL EL PROYECTO GÉNESIS, SEMINARIOS PARA PRIMEROS COMPRADORES DE CASA EN ESPAÑOL Las clases se llevarán a cabo en el #10 de la calle Kirk en Lowell. Las próximas clases serán Sábados, Julio 24 y Julio 31, 2010 de 8:00 a.m. a 12:30 pm. Se requiere asistir a las dos clases para recibir el certifi cado del Proyecto Génesis. Costo $60 por familia. TEMAS INCLUYEN Mayor Fiorentini visits El Proceso de Comprar una Casa Guía de Hipoteca del Banco Aspectos Legales Bethany Inspección de La Casa Programas de Asistencia para el Depósito Mayor James Fiorentini met with residents of Bethany Homes at 22 Phoenix Row on Friday, Informacion de Crédito June 25th to discuss city issues. From potholes to the citywide recycling program, the Llame a nuestra ofi cina al 978-459-8490 para registrarse. www.mvhp.org. Gracias. residents kept him busy for an hour. In the photo he appears in the center with Jered Stewart, Assistant to the President of Bethany Homes and a resident.

Topsfi eld Fair — "Read and Win" It is summer reading time again, which means it is time for Topsfi eld Fair's "Read and Win" program. Last summer the Topsfi eld Fair worked with 25 libraries in Essex County, encouraging children to spend their summer READ READ READING! Over 2,500 readers were awarded prizes last summer. This summer the Topsfi eld Fair has expanded their program to Southern New Hampshire and now includes 35 libraries. With "Read and Win," readers from participating communities will have the chance to "Read their Way to the Fair!" Readers who reach their library's goal will receive a prize package which includes: a free admission ticket (for anyone 8 and over), 2 free ride tickets, a voucher for a hot dog and drink (to be used while at the Fair), and a "Read and Win" ribbon. "Read & Win" is an educationally based program sponsored jointly by Topsfi eld Fair, Fiesta Shows, The International Association of Fairs and Expositions and The National Independent Concessionaires Association. Topsfi eld Fair opens October 1st from 3:00PM to 10:00PM, and continues October 2nd to 11th 10:00AM to 1.1:00PM. Discounted advanced sale admission and ride tickets, as well as concert tickets, are on sale now until September 30, 2010 at the Topsfi eld Fair ticket offi ce or on our website, www.topsfi eldfair.org Are You A First-Time Homebuyer?

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Sovereign Bank is a Member FDIC © 2010 Sovereign Bank | Sovereign and its logo and Santander and its logo are registered trademarks of Sovereign Bank and Santander, respectively, or their affiliates or subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. 12 .: Rumbo :. AÑO 16 • LAWRENCE, MA • EDICIÓN 340 • JULIO 1, 2010 READ RUMBO ONLINE! RUMBONEWS.COM

CONTINÚA DE LA PAGINA 8 MMiradairada dede MujerMujer SURÍS: Fuego en el 65 de la Calle Park “Iluminando Mente y Corazón”

Realizado para toda la familia en su conjunto, sin distinción de géneros. Enfocado en la orientación, información, motivación y esparcimiento. Con el compromiso de llevar a cabo un trabajo de calidad para todos nuestros oyentes. Donde en cada entrega aprenderemos un tema diferente y de gran interés para todos con Espectadores se quejaron acerca de la forma de actuar de los bomberos, caminando para especialistas invitados. arriba y para abajo, conversando entre ellos, mientras se quemaba el edifi cio. Onlookers complained about the coming and going and the talking to each other while the fi re Altagracia Mayí was consuming the building.

LUNES A VIERNES DE 1:00 A 2:00 DE LA TARDE ayuda: "A 2,000 metros de distancia del de mano de obra y baja presión de agua de POR IMPACTO 1490AM fuego, trabajando en relevo, Dracut estaba obstaculizar sus esfuerzos para combatir el conectado a una toma de agua en Maple y fuego, reiteró su opinión. "La situación es NÚMEROS EN CABINA (978) 681-1110 & (978) 689-2900 Short; Salem, NH a una boca en Bruce y mala ahora con dos estaciones de bomberos Avon; Middleton, estaba conectada en Park cerradas y con más despidos se volverá GRACIAS A NUESTROS PATROCINADORES: y la calle Bruce, mientras que el aparato crítica", concluyó Murphy. de North Andover fue a la calle Lawrence Leonard Degnan, confi rmó que De Jesús y Asociados George’s Cleaning Services 277 Broadway, Lawrence, MA Tel. 978-702-6078 con la Park a por agua, a 600 metros de siguiendo instrucciones del Alcalde Tel. 978-681-0422 distancia", dijo Murphy y agregó: "Fuimos Lantigua, el cual ha recibido varias quejas Kokusai Kempo Karate Do a una toma situada en la Berkeley con la sobre la actuación de los bomberos durante Flowers by Elena 197 Essex St. Lawrence 95 Broadway, Methuen Tel. 978-686-0607 Montgomery y nos falló." el fuego del sábado, se ha iniciado una Tel. 978-683-4482 En el momento en que esta edición investigación sobre los problemas de la Cash Zone Inc. está circulando, treinta y dos bomberos presión del agua, los registros de asistencia Pediatric Dentistry Specialists 231 Broadway, Lawrence adicionales están siendo despedidos. de los bomberos, junto con las transmisiones 100 Amesbury St., Lawrence Tel. 978-794-1554 Tel. 978-682-3342 Leonard Degnan, Jefe de Gabinete de radio del fi n de semana sobre el fuego. El Pez Dorado Restaurant del Alcalde Lantigua ha dicho que sin Las llamadas telefónicas hechas a Emanuel Boutique 676 Essex St. Lawrence fi nanciación adicional o concesiones de Nelson Cabrera, propietario del edifi cio 243 Broadway, Lawrence Tel. 978-975-1141 unión, el dinero no está disponible para ubicado en 65 Park Street y al Inspector Tel. 978-682-6898 Diaz Healy Funeral Home evitar los despidos. de Ciudad Greg Arvanitis, no fueron Fiesta Party Supply and Bridal Shop 107 South Broadway, Lawrence El Jefe Murphy, que culpa a la falta devueltas. 420 Common St., Lawrence Tel. 978-685-5732 Tel. 978-686-1444 Lawrence Auto Salvage Express Shipping Int. Corp. 54 Medford St., Lawrence 13 Newbury St., Lawrence Tel. 978-681-5747 CONTINUES FROM PAGE 2 Tel. 978-794-8699 y 800-493-3339 SURÍS: Fire at 65 Park Street COLABORADORES: Padre Joel Almonó, Andrés Polanco, Michel Domínguez, Dr.Salvador Peguero, 40 minutes after the offi cial time of arrival Murphy and added, “We went to a Berkeley Raquel Batista, Richard Aybar, Dalia Díaz, Rubén Ventura, Janice Vargas Cotto, (6:29PM) of the fi rst fi re truck arrival as and Montgomery Streets looking for a good Milagros Polanco. reported by the fi re department. The photo hydrant and it failed.” was taken from the corner of Park and Bruce By the time this edition is circulating, streets and shows a ladder truck dousing the thirty-two additional fi refi ghters are being roof. laid off. Leonard Degnan, Mayor Lantigua’s PARA PUBLICIDAD: 978.828.9079 In that corner, Rumbo’s photographer Chief of Staff has said that without was greeted by Hector Cid, a nearby resident additional funding or union concessions, www.1490wcecam.com who pointed out a leaking hydrant, blaming money isn't available to avoid the layoffs. the fi refi ghters. “It took 25 minutes after Chief Murphy who has blamed that their arrival to start pouring water into the lack of manpower and low water pressure fi re. They were talking to each other and hampered their efforts to fi ght the fi re, walking around,” he said. This sentiment reiterated his opinion. “The situation is bad was shared by several residents who called now with two fi re houses closed and with Rumbo asking for anonymity. more lay-offs it will turn critical,” ended Rumbo presented the pictures to Acting Murphy. Bilingual Registered Nurses & Care Managers Fire Chief Brian Murphy who explained, Leonard Degnan, Mayor Lantigua’s that DPW and the Water Department are Chief of Staff confi rmed that following Part-Time, Flexible, No Nights/Weekends the ones responsible for fi xing the hydrants. instructions of the mayor, who has received Caregiver Homes is a community-based care option for nursing home-eligible seniors and Frank McCann, DPW director until June several complaints about the handling of disabled adults. We are growing and have opportunities for Part- Time, fl exible hours to 29th, confi rmed that it had been fi xed. Saturday’s fi re by the Fire Department, provide case management & support to our Spanish- speaking clients throughout the Chief Murphy, on a map that shows he has opened an investigation into water Merrimack Valley. Minimum of two years experience in case management, care planning the location of every hydrant in the city, pressure problems, fi refi ghters attendance and assessment for elders/disabled adults in a health care, long-term care, social service pointed to the exact location each of the records, along with fi re radio transmissions or community setting. Registered Nurses must be fully licensed in Massachusetts and have neighboring city trucks who came in our from the weekend. recent experience in the direct care of the elderly and disabled. Care Managers must have help were placed: “2,000 feet from the fi re, Phone calls made to Nelson Cabrera, a Bachelor’s Degree and license in social work, or an equivalent combination of education working on relay, Dracut was connected to owner of the building located at 65 Park and experience in these or related fi elds. Fluency in Spanish/English required. We off er a a Maple and Short hydrant; Salem, NH to a Street and City Building Inspector Greg competitive salary and excellent benefi ts package. If interested, please email resume and Bruce and Avon Street hydrant; Middleton, Arvanitis, were not returned. cover letter to: to Park and Bruce Street, while the North [email protected]. To learn more, visit us at www.caregiverhomes.com Andover apparatus went to Lawrence and Caregiver Homes is an equal opportunity employer. Park Street, 600 feet away for water,” said JULIO 1, 2010 • EDICIÓN 340 • LAWRENCE, MA • AÑO 16 .: Rumbo :. 13 Ayudando a la familia León a Helping comprar una casa the León Family buy a home

r. and Mrs. Ricardo Leon and their three teenage children Mmoved into their dream home, a 3-bedroom home complete with solar panels on the roof and energy effi cient appliances. Mr. and Mrs. Leon are the proud owners of a Bread & Roses Housing, Inc. home located at 111 Park Street in Lawrence. The Leons were chosen to participate in the Bread & Roses Housing, Inc.'s affordable homeownership program in 2008. Although they were fi nalists for a new home at that time, they were not selected to receive one of the four units built that year and were referred to the Greater Lawrence Community Action Council, Inc. (GLCAC, Inc.) Individual Development Account (IDA) Program where they received additional fi nancial literacy training and opened a savings account that was The Leon Family standing by their front door. María and Ricardo “Yo nunca he tenido una deuda tan grande pero es una buena matched with $2 for every $1 saved. León and their sons Saddan Genao, 15, Angel Dorrejo, 19, and deuda”, dijo María León mostrando su preciosa cocina. Mr. & Mrs. Leon reached their goal George Genao, 13. “I never had such a large debt, but it’s a good debt,” said María of homeownership because they were León showing off her beautiful kitchen. dedicated, hard working and focused. But some of the success has to be shared by two community organizations and a local credit union whose collaboration icardo León, su esposa y sus tres es apoyar las metas de las familias de Spiecker, AVP de Marketing de Merrimack made this dream possible. The Greater hijos adolescentes se mudaron a la llegar a la autosufi ciencia, la educación y Valley Federal Credit Union. Lawrence Community Action Council, Rcasa de sus sueños, una casa de tres el empoderamiento como la base de sus El Programa es administrado por Inc. and the Bread & Roses Housing, dormitorios con paneles solares en el techo éxitos. Pam Marchand, GLCAC, Inc. IDA Inc. worked together to help the y electrodomésticos efi cientes. El Sr. y la “Nos inspira ver el impacto que puede Coordinador. Sra. León son los orgullosos propietarios de tener en nuestra comunidad y en una familia Para más información, favor de llamar una vivienda Bread & Roses, Inc. ubicada que completa el sueño de toda la vida de a Chick LoPiano (978) 681-4900 ó Pam PLEASE SEE HOME en el 111 Park Street en Lawrence. tener casa propia ", dijo Jennifer Grenier- Marchand al (978) 691-5645. CONTINUES ON PAGE 26 La Familia León fue elegida para participar en el programa de vivienda asequible de Bread & Roses Housing, Inc. en 2008. Aunque llegaron a ser fi nalistas de un nuevo hogar en ese momento, no fueron seleccionados para recibir una de las cuatro unidades construidas ese año, y fueron referidos a un programa especial de ahorro (Individual Development Account - IDA) en Greater Lawrence Community Action Council, Inc. (GLCAC, Inc.) en el que recibieron entrenamiento en cuestiones de fi nanzas y abrieron una cuenta de ahorros en la que recibieron con $2 por cada $1 ahorrado. María y Ricardo León llegaron a su meta de tener casa propia, ya que estaban dedicados a ahorrar, trabajando fuertemente y enfocados en lograrlo. Pero ese éxito tiene que ser compartido por dos organizaciones comunitarias y una cooperativa de crédito local cuya colaboración hizo posible este sueño. Greater Lawrence Community Action Council, Inc. y el Bread & Roses Housing, Inc. trabajaron juntos para ayudar a la Familia León a lograr la autosufi ciencia y les enseñan cómo ser económicamente estables, proporcionando valioso entrenamiento fi nanciero y talleres sobre las responsabilidades de ser propietario. GLCAC, Inc. se asoció con Merrimack Valley Federal Credit Union para ofrecer los ahorros a la familia León. GLCAC, Inc. y Bread & Roses Housing, Inc. según su misión indica, 14 .: Rumbo :. AÑO 16 • LAWRENCE, MA • EDICIÓN 340 • JULIO 1, 2010 READ RUMBO ONLINE! RUMBONEWS.COM

© 1996 MI PUNTO DE VISTA DECIDIÉNDOSE POR POR PAUL V. MONTESINO, PhD, MBA | [email protected] ADOPCIÓN “REVISITANDO LA PESADILLA DE MIL DÓLARES... ¡Hola! Mi OTRA DOLOROSA VEZ nombre es El Dr. Montesino, totalmente responsable por este articulo, es el Editor de LatinoWorldOnline.com y conferenciante de Information Isacc Processing Management Department en Bentley University, Waltham, MA. READ IT IN ENGLISH ON PAGE 20 “Quiero ser un abogado cuando sea grande y quiero una familia que tenga hijos de mi edad” or varios años ya, en mi esfuerzo irritaba nuestras sensibles pieles cuando para todos nosotros en este barco." por proveer un lugar donde pueda nadábamos cerca de la orilla, Es con ese fondo que repito, con apoyar un área de nuestras vidas Nunca olvidaré mientras viva esa pequeñas modifi caciones al fi nal, mi P Y HRISTINE ITCHELL que es incapaz de hablar por sí misma sensación de suciedad pegajosa que artículo previo sobre "La Pesadilla de Mil B C M pero que necesita amparo, los asuntos tenía que ser removida con limpiadores Dólares... Una vez penosa mas." Espero 1-800-882-1176 ambientales se han convertido en una parte abrasivos apestosos. Es entonces que con que les guste. muy importante de mi labor de escritor y lástima, compasión y preocupación veo a saac, mi fi losofía personal. Con ese propósito en los pelícanos, las gaviotas y otras criaturas La historia... legalmente mente obtuve los derechos exclusivos de devotas del mar que están tratando de Hacía frío y estaba oscuro. Las luces Ilibre para usar el dominio de Internet conocido con el escapar esos segmentos de tarra que se les de los postes reducidas, casi muertas; adopción, es nombre de www.earthsurviving.org (www. pega a las plumas y picos y que intentan caminar en las aceras vacías llenas de un jovencito de tierra sobreviviente.org en español) que se sobrevivir los derrames corrientes de baches y huecos era difícil. El hombre, dieciséis años convirtió y todavía se publica en un sitio de petróleo en el Golfo de Méjico sin apenas con sombrero negro que casi le cubría las muy amistoso. Web y donde he divulgado varios artículos saber lo que les hirió o sin poder articular orejas, un cigarrillo encendido en su mano Se describe a ambientales a través del tiempo. Algunos de lo que sienten. Yo lo sé, he estado allí temblorosa, una vieja capa de lluvia que era sí mismo como esos artículos han aparecido en otros sitios fi gurativamente si no literalmente, pero posiblemente dos números de tamaño más gracioso y el de Web también. ellos no lo tienen que hacer. No han sido largo para él, siguió caminando. payaso de la clase. Le gusta la música, Cuando yo no tenía más de diez años entrenados por la evolución para sobrevivir “Bueno, ¿lo quieres?” preguntó ella sin los juegos de video y jugar baloncesto. de edad, mi familia acostumbraba pasar los ese ataque. Eso no es lo que se quiere decir mucho interés aparente. Actualmente asiste a un programa de veranos en una playa localizada al oeste de con "la reproducción o la sobrevivencia de “¿Lo tienes?” dijo él. escuela diurno donde se desempeña La Habana, Cuba, y conocida por el nombre las especies." “Claro que sí,” contestó ella sonriendo en un nivel intelectual apropiado y, musical de Baracoa, que no se confunda o En mi sitio de Web tengo dibujos y coquetamente. en general, se desempeña bien en relacione por mis lectores con otra ciudad cartones de osos polares, ballenas y peces “¿Puedo verlo?” el ambiente escolar cuando no hay de nombre indígena idéntico en la provincia que los visitantes han encontrado graciosos “¿Dudas de mi palabra?” Contestó ella mucha infl uencia negativa de sus más oriental de Cuba y, sí, llamada Oriente. bajo los cuales he colocado comentarios un poco molesta. compañeros. Yo he escrito anteriormente artículos sobre relacionados con sus esperanzas de vivir “No, no, yo no dudo de tu palabra, pero Por sus problemas de mis experiencias infantiles en Baracoa y mis libre del tipo de desastre del que hemos tengo que verlo primero. Es demasiado comportamiento, sociales y lectores parecen haberlas disfrutado porque sido testigos en el Golfo de Méjico. caro y yo no tengo usualmente esa cantidad emocionales sigue un programa del se han sentido parte de la vida simple de Desafortunadamente esos cartones ya no tan elevada de dinero conmigo para estas Plan Educacional Individualizado y va esas historias. son graciosos. Pero es muy fácil reaccionar cosas.” a terapia semanalmente. Hay numerosas memorias que vienen a con ira contra el infame gigante petrolero Ella dudó y lo miró con sospecha. A Isaac le iría bien con cualquier mi mente relacionadas con esos años libres British Petróleo (BP.) Mi sitio de Web no “Sígueme,” contestó. Entonces ambos tipo de familia activa que tenga de preocupaciones de mi niñez en Baracoa, tiene como objeto atacar a BP o a ninguna comenzaron a caminar hacia la acera experiencia con comportamiento pero una en particular se ha quedado otra compañía; no entonces, no ahora; mi opuesta. de adolescentes y no les intimide. grabada fi rmemente en mi mente y viene objetivo es el verdadero culpable en esta “Ten mucho cuidado,” advirtió ella Isaac también tiene una conexión muy apropiada para esta época. Fuimos crisis: usted y yo, en otras palabras, todos en voz baja. “Tú nunca sabes cuando un positiva con un recurso visitante testigos en el horizonte lejano de frecuentes nosotros. policía te va a ver. Si uno nos para, tú y yo y le gustaría mantener contacto. imágenes de barcos que iban a la derecha Somos nosotros los que hemos jugado no nos conocemos. Tú estabas solamente ***** ** o la izquierda, muchos de ellos tanques de en esta lotería ambiental y hemos perdido preguntando por direcciones, ¿Está bien?” petróleo que cargaban el precioso oro negro porque somos incapaces, incompetentes o “Perfectamente,” dijo él inhalando otra l Estado de Massachusetts que en esos días todavía era abundante impacientes para encontrar alternativas de humareda irritable en sus pulmones. Departamento de Niños y y, antes que los productores de petróleo recursos energéticos que nos permitan vivir Ambos caminaron entonces con más EFamiliares (Massachusetts se convirtieran en oligopolio, era muy y compartir en el espacio cada vez más prisa hacia una casa sin luces situada en Department of Children & Families barato. Pero hubo algo poco agradable que pequeño de este planeta. Y no es solamente medio de la cuadra que estaba rodeada por - DCF) y Massachusetts Adoption experimenté más cerca y frecuentemente: sobre la raza humana de la que hablamos. una cerca alta vieja de madera y algunos Resource Exchange (MARE) les bolas de tarro de petróleo dejados caer en el Nos referimos también al resto del reino invita a aprender cómo convertirse mar por los barcos tanqueros y que las olas animal que es parte de la cadena biológica. en: Familia-Tutelares o Pre-Adoptivos llevaban a la costa, tarro que se nos pegaba Como los pájaros en mi sitio de Web dirían: POR FAVOR VEA (Foster Care or Pre-Adoptive). fuertemente a nuestras extremidades e "¡Je, no empujen! Hay espacio sufi ciente MONTESINO CONTINÚA EN LA PAGINA 26 Fecha: Domingo 18 de Julio 2010. Estaremos de: 1– 4 p.m., Lugar: Kool Smiles, 1096 Revere Beach Parkway, Chelsea, MA 02150. Existe la necesidad de familias Se Ofreceran e individuos hispanos de 21+ para la Free Testing for Knowing is Healthy Pruebas Gratis de: ubicación de menores quienes entran Chlamydia Vacunación Contra al cuidado o custodia del estado. Gonorrhea Esperamos que usted aprecie nuestra Hepatitis AyB necesidad de asegurarnos que los Syphilis • Hepatitis C Saber es Saludable hispanos menores del estado reciban el cuidado que necesitan y merecen. Este evento es gratis. Se ofrecerá refrigerios y cuidado de niños menores Fre mientras que los padres participan en e S las charlas. ervi Se Ofreceran HIV Testingces Por favor llame a Ida Gordon al Hepatitis A & B for Pruebas Gratis de: 617-989-9212 o Benedicta Gomes al Vaccinations CSS Community Based Programs Clamidia • Gonorrea 617-989-9211 or benedicta.gomes@ state.ma.us. Prevention & Education Dept. Sifilis • HepatitisVIH C 11 Lawrence Street - 3rd Fl. - Lawrence 978-685-7663 • www.glfhc.org JULIO 1, 2010 • EDICIÓN 340 • LAWRENCE, MA • AÑO 16 .: Rumbo :. 15 Días difíciles para Lawrence Tough

POR DALIA DÍAZ days for [email protected] Lawrence os tiempos difíciles están en nuestro en sus primas. "Habrá una reducción de de Metros y ahora sus empleados son camino y no solamente para la policía costos", dijo Bonet. "Estamos trabajando quienes lo están entrenando. Ly los bomberos. Los residentes con el Comité de Empleados de Personal, Los trabajadores me explicaron BY DALIA DÍAZ de Lawrence se han estado sintiendo el así como con muchas organizaciones y determinadas condiciones arbitrarias [email protected] pellizco en la cartera y sólo va a empeorar. pronto comenzaré a comunicárselo a todos bajo las cuales están trabajando y fue tan No hay otra manera. los empleados y jubilados a través de un incomprensible que es fácil estar de acuerdo Algo que agrava la situación es la falta número de canales." con ellos. ard times are coming our way de comprensión que se produce. Tomándose Una preocupación particular es la Alguien me dijo que no podía pagar and not just for police and el tiempo para entender las decisiones que eliminación de la posición del operador. su hipoteca este mes, ya que le habían Hfi refi ghters. The residents of se hacen, puede que no la excuse, pero al "¿A dónde van a parar las llamadas si el descontado $700 de su cheque el 18 de junio Lawrence have been feeling the pinch menos, lo hará más fácil de aceptar. despachador se ha ido?" Ellos creen que con el fi n de cumplir con su obligación de in the wallet and it’s only going to get En una reunión con unos trabajadores hay una cláusula de reconocimiento en el tomar parte en el furlough. Trabajó las dos worse. There’s no other way. del garaje del Departamento de Obras contrato para esa posición y que la posición semanas antes y no recibió su salario. "¡Eso Something that exacerbates the Públicas (DPW) en la Calle Auburn quedó no puede ser eliminada. es ilegal! ¡Hay leyes que nos protegen!" situation is the lack of understanding muy claro cuán enojados están. "Hemos "No hay protección de la posición si Está en lo cierto. El año no ha terminado that occurs. Taking the time to hecho todo lo que nos han pedido que existen cuestiones presupuestarias. Cada y tienen hasta el 30 de junio para cumplir understand decisions that are made, hagamos", dijo alguien. "¡Están despidiendo Acuerdos de Negociación Colectiva tiene ese compromiso. may not be excused but at least, easier a un empleado después de 35 años!" una lista de posiciones que se aceptan Bonet explicó que él ha estado en to accept. Tantas cosas se dijeron que lo único como su posición sindical. No indica que comunicación constante con los dirigentes At a meeting with a few laborers que quedaba por hacer era visitar y hablar una posición no se pueda eliminar del sindicales asegurándose que transmiten a sus at the DPW Yard on Auburn St. it was con Frank Bonet, el Director de Personal presupuesto. "El plan para recibir órdenes miembros cómo han de tomar esos días libres made clear how angry they are. “We de la Ciudad de Lawrence, con el fi n de de trabajo y órdenes de los residentes es (furlough). Además, también ha enviado have done everything we’ve been encontrar respuestas. que serán recibidas en la administración algunos correos electrónicos a todos los asked to do,” someone said. “They are El primer tema discutido con el señor central del Departamento de Obras Públicas empleados de la ciudad explicándoles cómo laying off a 35-year employee!” Bonet fue el aumento repentino de la póliza y desde allí transmitirán las órdenes a los funciona. Los Acuerdos de Negociación So many things were said that the only de seguro de salud, cuando en agosto, según gerentes. Colectiva tienen lenguaje que explican que thing left to do was visit and speak to los empleados de DPW, la ciudad cambiará Justifi cando sus quejas es la reciente cada miembro tome sus permisos de salida Frank Bonet, Personnel Director for de nuevo para el seguro de GIC, que vendrá contratación de los trabajadores de antes de 30 de junio del 2010. El Sr. Bonet the City of Lawrence, in order to fi nd con otro aumento en las primas. campaña del Alcalde William Lantigua, en afi rmó que no es asunto de ellos tomando answers. El Sr. Bonet explicó que el aumento un momento en que otros trabajadores están esos días libres, sino que la administración The fi rst issue discussed with que vieron en esta nómina se debe a un siendo eliminados. Justo en el garaje de la anterior fue negligente tomando en cuenta Mr. Bonet was the sudden increase in aumento de las compañías de seguros. El ciudad, "el albañíl que trabajaba a tiempo el sistema de nóminas de pago y al entrar the health insurance policy when in aumento de este año fue de un promedio de parcial a $15 por hora, se le dio un puesto en una nómina quincenal se encontró con August, according to DPW employees, 21%. Si la ciudad no hubiese aumentado a tiempo completo con un aumento de problemas relacionados con el pago de este the city will be going into the new las primas tendría que encontrar 8 millones $10,000. ¿Cuántas obras de cemento crees Año Fiscal 2010. GIC insurance, which will come with de dólares adicionales para mantener el plan que puede hacer en el invierno?" "No puedo permitir que nuestra cuenta another raise in premiums. actual o por lo menos otros 3 millones para Lo mismo para el nuevo supervisor en de nóminas incluya los días de furlough Mr. Bonet explained that the mantenerlo en marcha hasta que la ciudad el Acueducto. Varios empleados de mucho increase they saw in this payroll is entre en el programa de GIC. El programa tiempo habían solicitado ser considerados GIC no se implementará hasta noviembre para ese ascenso, pero un seguidor de POR FAVOR VEA DÍAZ PLEASE SEE DÍAZ momento en el que verán una reducción Lantigua fue contratado como Jefe Lector CONTINÚA EN LA PAGINA 30 CONTINUES ON PAGE 30 16 .: Rumbo :. AÑO 16 • LAWRENCE, MA • EDICIÓN 340 • JULIO 1, 2010 READ RUMBO ONLINE! RUMBONEWS.COM 8th Annual Lawrence Regatta Results NECC Receives National Recognition for its Financial Reporting

orthern Essex Community College has been awarded a Certifi cate Nof Achievement for Excellence REGATTA WINNERS in Financial Reporting for the fi scal year Gold medalists in the Mixed 8+, ending June 30, 2009. NECC is the only Home team Greater Lawrence Massachusetts community college with Community Rowing: -From Left this distinction and only one of less than 50 to right: Coach Tim Desrosiers, Veronika Platzer, Jean Guyer, community colleges nationwide. Chris Swanton, Sheila Stevenson, The Certifi cate of Achievement is Lisa Doucette, Karen Felton, High awarded by the Government Finance Bishop, Peter Kaplan. Offi cers Association of the United States and Boat Canada (GFOA) for the college's FY2009 overhead-- comprehensive annual fi nancial report home team (CAFR). The Certifi cate of Achievement is gets ready the highest form of recognition in the areas to launch. of governmental accounting and fi nancial reporting, and its attainment represents a ver 100 boats from across the region youth competed in the event, and even with Jenna Bueno (Methuen) and signifi cant accomplishment. converged on the Abe Bashara against one another in the fi nal event of the Allison Lawman (Derry, NH); Olivia The CAFR has been judged by an Boathouse on Saturday for the 8th day--the mixed 8, which combines men and Eisenbach (Andover) and Molly Canyes impartial panel to meet the high standards O of the program, including demonstrating annual Lawrence Celebration Regatta--a women of any age in an 8-oared shell. (Haverhill) and Heather Pekarovich 1K rowing race that kicks of the summer Host team Greater Lawrence Rowing (Andover). Lawman and Bueno are just a constructive "spirit of full disclosure" to sprint season for many teams. Adults and took gold medals in the Girls 4+ event, back from the national youth rowing clearly communicate its fi nancial story. competition in Cincinnati, and were "The college does an excellent job with glad to be able to come back and win its fi nancial reporting and it is rewarding to for the home crowd. "Cincinnati was know that our work is being recognized a big step forward for our team--just to outside of the college at the national be invited puts you in the top 25 crews level. This recognition is a tribute to the in the country," said Lawman, who will staff in administration and fi nance, and be a senior at Pinkerton Academy next the leadership of the college," said Peter year. "But its great to win here at home." Dulchinos, chair of the trustees' fi nancial Lawman and company edged out Lake committee. Quinsiggamond (Worcester) and Essex For additional information contact Rowing (Methuen)for the victory. Sue Wolfe, NECC vice president of Also winning gold for the home team administration and fi nance, at 978-556- were Mens 4X from Greater Lawrence 3921 or [email protected] Rowing with Hugh Bishop, (Andover), Peter Kaplan, and Frank Maldari, from North Andover, and Lisa Doucette (Andover) and the Mixed 8+, which was led by Veronika Platzer--new varsity MTEL Prep coach for the UMASS Lowell crew-- Doucett, Bishop, Maldari, Kaplan, and Course Sheila Stevenson (Andover) and Chris Swanton and Jean Guyer, both of North Andover. Begins Full results are attached. Huge thank you to American Training who provided August 4 van shuttle service and Patriot Ambulance EMTs onsite for the event. The regatta is one of a two-day series which concludes orthern Essex Community College's on the Merrimack River tomorrow at the Corporate & Community Education Lowell Boathouse. NCenter in North Andover is offering Greater Lawrence Rowing (GLR) a prep course for individuals who plan to is a community rowing team that is be teachers and are scheduled to take the open to anyone in the Merrimack Valley, Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure regardless of experience. Adult and (MTEL) in September 2010. youth learn-to-row, recreational, and Offered on Wednesday evenings, competitive rowing programs begin July beginning August 4, this four-week, non- 5, 2010 for anyone interested. GLR is one credit course is designed to prepare those of many programs offered at the Greater who plan to take the September 2010, Lawrence Community Boating Program, Communication and Literacy Skills Test located at 1 Eaton St. in Lawrence. (CLST). The CLST is the fi rst test required Summer Sailing began June 28, and there towards licensure as a teacher or educational is still space available. Contact 978-681- 8675 for more information, or visit www. boatingprogram.com. PLEASE SEE MTEL CONTINUES ON PAGE 27 JULIO 1, 2010 • EDICIÓN 340 • LAWRENCE, MA • AÑO 16 .: Rumbo :. 17 11 formas de ser un mejor americano 11 Ways to

Este Cuatro de Julio, descubra sus Be a Better derechos y responsabilidades American l 4 de julio sin duda es la más con responsabilidad. lo que podamos para apoyar a los demás. patriótica de nuestras fi estas Manténgase informado. Lea Vuelva a leer nuestros documentos Enacionales. Banderas americanas, periódicos, revistas, blogs. Hable con sus fundacionales. Los principios enunciados This Fourth of July, Discover Your desfi les en la calle principal y los fuegos amigos, compañeros de trabajo, vecinos. en la Declaración de la Independencia, la Rights and Responsibilities artifi ciales estallando nos proporcionan un Vaya a la Internet y lea los proyectos de Constitución y la Carta de Derechos son espíritu de orgullo y celebración. También ley ante el Congreso actual. Un ciudadano esenciales e intemporales. Los fundadores es el momento para refl exionar sobre estadounidense educado es un ciudadano de este país tuvieron la visión del futuro uly 4th certainly is the most nuestros derechos y responsabilidades habilitado. que estamos viviendo hoy, y podemos patriotic of our national holidays. como ciudadanos americanos. Siempre hay Ejerza su derecho a la libertad de recurrir a estos documentos cada vez que JAmerican Flags, parades on Main espacio para que nuestra voz sea escuchada expresión. Cuando articuladamente e nuestras instituciones democráticas y sus Street, and bursting fi reworks provide y quizás ahora más que nunca tenemos que inteligentemente expresamos nuestras expectativas son desafi ados y necesitan ser us with a spirit of pride and celebration. unir nuestras manos tomando la iniciativa. opiniones, ya sean populares o no, estamos reforzados. It is also a time to refl ect on our rights Hatherleigh Press ha publicado realmente cumpliendo con las esperanzas Mire al pasado en busca de una and responsibilities as American recientemente el Manual para los y los sueños de los Padres Fundadores de perspectiva. La historia de nuestra Citizens. There is always room for Estadounidenses (The Handbook for la nación. La libertad de expresión es un nación está llena de momentos en que la our voice to be heard and perhaps now Americans - Hatherleigh, 2010) para ofrecer derecho extraordinario. fortaleza y la resistencia han trascendido las more than ever we need to join hands a cada ciudadano con una importante Apoyo a empresas estadounidenses. difi cultades y la adversidad. Mire a la vida in taking the lead. referencia para la comprensión de su país y Cuando compramos productos con la de nuestros grandes líderes, presidentes, y Hatherleigh Press has recently sus derechos a participar en la conformación etiqueta "Hecho en EE.UU.", estamos los ciudadanos en busca de inspiración. released The Handbook for Americans de su futuro. apoyando a nuestra economía y crear Enseñe a la siguiente generación. Al (Hatherleigh, 2010) to provide every El Manual para los Estadounidenses empleos para nuestros conciudadanos. igual que cualquier otra cosa, el patriotismo citizen with an important reference pide a los ciudadanos de Estados Unidos Apoyo a los estadounidenses en ilustrado viene de la educación, no la for understanding their country and a participar plenamente y sin demora y necesidad. El desastre del petróleo del ignorancia. Enseñe a los niños sobre los their rights to participate in shaping its ofrece once maneras simples que usted Golfo. Las inundaciones repentinas. derechos y responsabilidades especiales future. puede desempeñar un papel activo en la Nuestros vecinos nos necesitan. Ayude a que compartimos como americanos, y The Handbook for Americans construcción de lo que el presidente Franklin sus compatriotas estadounidenses. Done su cómo pueden ejercer esos derechos. Sea el calls for United States’ citizens to Delano Roosevelt llamó "una mayor, más tiempo, servicios o dinero a aquellos menos ejemplo siendo un buen ciudadano. participate fully and without delay estable y más tolerante Estados Unidos". afortunados que usted. Disfrute y proteja los recursos and offers eleven simple ways you can Vote. Al participar en las elecciones Utilice su tiempo sabiamente y con naturales de Estados Unidos. Conserve. play an active role in building what a nivel local, estatal y nacional, hacemos sentido. Ofrézcase como voluntario para que nuestras opiniones sean escuchadas. organizaciones benéfi cas locales. Ayude en Comprenda los problemas. Aprenda lo más la escuela local o residencia de ancianos. POR FAVOR VEA AMERICANO PLEASE SEE AMERICAN que pueda acerca de los candidatos. Vote Organice una limpieza del barrio. Hagamos CONTINÚA EN LA PAGINA 30 CONTINUES ON PAGE 30

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he Lowell Sun sponsored an All Star 3-sport great at the local school and is now another win 13-7. The Buckley squad game that was second to none in retired with his wife Nancy after a great won in 1954 by a score of 25-6; 1955 he Samaritans of Merrimack Valley, Tthe State. One team from the upper teaching and coaching career. produced another Lowell win another a program of Family Service, Inc., is valley area would compete against a team Mike Riccio another Hall of Famer is shutout 12-zip. Tcelebrating its 30th Anniversary by from the lower valley. All participants were listed as a trainer, although I can't fi gure It was the upriver team again posting assembling a quilt that will commemorate high school players that had graduated in out why. It might've been "Buck's way of a win the score this time in 1956 the the work of the Samaritans. Anyone June of that year. All proceeds would go sneaking in an extra coach to one up his score 20-6. In 1957 Lowell again posted interested in making a quilt square to to the Lowell Sun charities and the game rival coach the equally great Hall of Fame a win by the score of 20-14. The Greater remember or honor an individual or express would be played at that city’s Cawley coach from Lowell Ray Riddick. Lowell Lawrence guys came back to romp over a sentiment of your choice may contact Stadium. also had a star studded coaching staff; along Lowell by a score of 52-0. A big score Family Service, Inc. The quilt will be This game was unique as the players with the legend Riddick were a couple of for the locals and some feel it vindicated displayed at a breakfast honoring current from both sides would spend a 9-day legends in their own right. Bernie Megin of a 55-0 whipping the Lowell High under and past volunteers which include over training camp at U Mass to get ready for this Concord was the leader of the great Concord Riddick gave to the Lawrence High 700 people. The breakfast will be held on contest. A picture of the stars that played for team that for years held the consecutive win team. October, 14, 2010 at Andover Country Club the Lawrence side will remind the readers record throughout the State. I think a recent This game would also feature the All where the volunteers will be awarded with of the football players of those days. The Acton Boxborough team fi nally broke that Starettes, a group of 100 girls who also the Family Service Community Service Greater Lawrence teams included LHS, long standing record. attended practice sessions to present a half Award. Haverhill High, Central Catholic, North Charlie Hazel was one of Tewksbury's time extravaganza for the expected huge Kay Berthold Frishman, Executive Andover, Reading and Methuen High. greatest players and later coaches ever and fan turnout. They have been trained by Director of Family Service Inc., states that For Lowell it was Lowell High, Concord, is still revered all Redmen coaches like Bob Wilfrid Boulger. Miss Barbara Quinney “No one knows how many lives have been Dracut, Keith Academy, Middlesex School, Aylward, Mickey Sullivan now at Lowell will lead this group and each will receive saved by having a caring person answer a Tewksbury, Wilmington, Burlington and Catholic and former hoop coach and high a Lowell Sun Medallion as a reward for call from someone who may be suffering Billerica Memorial. school principal Tony Romano. Tony is their long hours of practice to participate from despair and loneliness. We certainly The coaching staff of the Lawrence now a head hoop offi cial for the MIAA, his in the game. do know that the work of the Samaritans entry was the now famous Ed Buckley as son is one of the area's top offi cial proving The pre game ceremonies will is vitally important to providing public the head coach. His assistant coaches were the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. In feature a punting for distance contest awareness about suicide prevention.” local legend Ralph Wolfendale who had the fi rst game of this series it was Lowell featuring for Greater Lowell: Marshall To obtain a quilt square or to get more the high school named after him and his winning in 1949; in 1950 it was another information, please call Rosey at Family son Ralph Jr. the starter at qb for this the Lowell win 31 14; in 1951 Lawrence broke Service, Inc. at telephone # 978-327-6608 eleventh game of this series. Also Steve into the win column 31-0; 1952 had Lowell PLEASE SEE MR. B or email Rgonzalez@familyserviceinc. Perocchi a LHS Hall of Famer and a former scoring a 6-0 shutout win; and in 1953 CONTINUES ON PAGE 28 com.

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SSpringpring Venta de Vehículos Usados 1 de la Calle Groton en Sur de Lawrence DDetailingetailing Mecánica General Tel. 978.688.6904 Limpieza & Detalle SSpecialpecial Desabolladura & Pintura JULIO 1, 2010 • EDICIÓN 340 • LAWRENCE, MA • AÑO 16 .: Rumbo :. 19

On July 8th, 2010 The City of Lawrence BY DALIA DÍAZ LÉALO EN ESPAÑOL EN LA PÁGINA 4 will host the Army Concert Band at the Lawrence Campagnone Common from [email protected] 7:00 pm to 8:15 pm. This concert is free of charge and open to the public. This family friendly event is coordinated by the Lawrence Department of Recreation and the Lawrence Department of Veterans' Services. We encourage residents to attend and take part of this wonderful event. It is appalling! In the television industry, when the really incompetent, they are going to some the City Charter. That car becomes an ratings are down, the station management other school to do what they have been employee benefi t costing us lots of money changes the background on the set. If it’s doing previously. in gas, insurance and maintenance. Lawrence bad enough, they change the anchors. What makes Dr. Bergeron think that a Up to now it was satisfying seeing Meanwhile, the heart of the operation failing teacher or neglectful principal are that William Lantigua was using his own Community might stay the same with the same street not going to ruin a school that until now car since taking offi ce, until last Tuesday, reporters, writers and editors. Why would was performing adequately by being moved when he showed up at the offi cial press Boating the ratings improve? there? If a teacher who has been here for 20 announcement of J.S.B. Industries in a A similar situation is happening in years is not doing a good job, it must be that black police car with tinted windows (isn’t Program the Lawrence Public Schools. Wilfredo he or she doesn’t care enough and should that illegal?), with Offi cer Gary Yancey in Laboy mismanaged this school system not be here at all. The cycle continues. the driver’s seat. Patrick Blanchette and for the last ten years. Money was Now they want a “stakeholder” group María Cruz accompanied them. oin members of the Arc of Greater inappropriately spent for the printing formed by parents, teachers and the general According to Mayor Lantigua, “We Lawrence for fun summer in the press, campaign literature, menus for Sal's public. They are ten years late. were at a meeting and jumped in a car Merrimack River. For six weeks, J Pizza, spy software, a driver, baby sitters A very large majority of Lawrence together, but that is not the norm.” every Tuesday and Thursday from and lawyers. Now the kids, parents, and teachers are very competent and want to do It will be very disappointing if this 4:00pm-6:00pm starting on July 6th, 2010, teachers are to blame. a great job for the children of this city. Let administration falls for the same bad habits participants of this great program will Blame the kids! Blame the parents! them do it! of the past. Let’s keep watching. come to the Greater Lawrence Community Blame the teachers! How quickly we forget! How quick Boating House and learn the basic of I believe that this decision serves we are to blame! water safety, the fundamental of kayaking, only to scapegoat selected staff, who Changes to the state canoeing and sailing. are, by and large, innocent victims. All participants must be 12 years Open Meeting Law The Arlington School and the South Lantigua should of age and up and must show proof of The Legislature adopted a law Lawrence East Middle School have been swimming ability and/or complete a swim know better requiring municipalities to post a meeting mismanaged and underfunded for years. test on site with our staff. Life jackets must You may have been reading for the notice during the week before 3 PM and at Rather than deal with these issues, the be worn at all times and are provided to all past few years about my complaint when least 48 hours before a meeting. Notices school department has looked the other participants. previous mayors have availed themselves way and now has found a convenient way of a city car from the Police Department, to lay blame for the school's sliding into Session I July 6-July 15 - Kayaking something not being provided for by PLEASE SEE underperforming status. DÍAZ Session II July 20-July 29 - Canoeing CONTINUES ON PAGE 24 When the schools are not performing, Session III Aug. 3-Aug. 12 - Sailing it’s time to blame somebody and the fi rst thing is dress it up and change the The cost is $50 per participant. For faces. Superintendent Bergeron should more information: Kendrys Vasquez, (978) be looking at the system more than the 975-8587 ext 1208 or write to kvasquez@ people in the classrooms. When year after classinc.org year the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) doesn’t improve, hoping and praying will not work – something must be changed Programa and it’s not the teacher; after all, the students have different teachers every Comunitario year without marked improvement and we are only talking about nine of them in de Botes de two schools. Those teachers, if they are Lawrence

nase a los miembros del Arc de Greater Lawrence para un verano Údivertido en el Río Merrimack. Durante seis semanas, todos los martes y jueves de 4:00 pm-6:00pm a partir del 6 de julio 2010, los participantes de este gran programa podrán venir a la Casa Bote de Lawrence y aprender los fundamentos básicos de seguridad en el agua, la operación de un kayak, canoas y barcos de vela. Todos los participantes deben tener más de 12 años de edad y deben mostrar una prueba de habilidad para nadar o completar la prueba de natación con nuestro personal. Los chalecos salvavidas deben ser usados en todo momento y se proporcionan a todos los participantes.

Sesión I 6 julio-15 julio – Kayak Sesión II 07 20 hasta 07 29 – Canoa Sesión III 03 de agosto-agosto 12 – Navegación

El costo es de $ 50 por participado. Para más información, favor de llamar a Kendrys Vásquez al (978) 975-8587 ext 1208 ó escríbale a [email protected] 20 .: Rumbo :. AÑO 16 • LAWRENCE, MA • EDICIÓN 340 • JULIO 1, 2010 READ RUMBO ONLINE! RUMBONEWS.COM


ONE MORE PAINFUL TIME “I want to be lawyer when I grow up and I want a family El Dr. Montesino, totalmente responsable por este articulo, es el Editor de LatinoWorldOnline.com y conferenciante de Information Processing Management Department en Bentley University, Waltham, MA. that has kids my age” LÉALO EN ESPAÑOL EN LA PÁGINA 14 BY CHRISTINE MITCHELL 1-800-882-1176 or several years now, in my efforts to simple life of the story. survive the current oil spill in the Gulf of provide a place where I can support There are many memories that come to Mexico without knowing what hit them or sacc is a legally an area of our lives that does not speak my mind regarding those care free childhood articulating what they feel. I know, I have F free and very for itself but needs advocacy, environmental years in Baracoa, but one is particularly been there, fi guratively if not literally, but engaging issues have become an important part of my intense in my mind and very appropriate they don't have to, they have not been trained I sixteen year old writing life and personal philosophy. With these days. We used to witness in the distant by evolution to survive that onslaught. That Hispanic boy. He that purpose in mind I obtained in 2001, horizon the shapes of ships going right and is not what "reproduction or survival of the describes himself yes, nine years ago, the exclusive rights left day in and day out, many of them oil fi ttest" is supposed to mean. as funny and the to use the Internet domain name known as tankers that carried the precious black gold In my Web site I have drawings and class clown. He www.earthsurviving.org that became and which, in those years, was still plentiful cartoons of Polar Bears, whales and fi sh loves music, video still is a live Web site and where I have and, before the oil producers became an that people found funny under which I games and playing published several environmental articles oligopoly, very cheap. And there was also have placed comments regarding their basketball. He presently attends a throughout the years, the one included here something unpleasant we experienced hopes to live free from the type of disaster day school program where he is further below being one of them. Some of much closer often: oil tar globs dropped by we are still witnessing in the Gulf of performing in the average intellectual those articles have appeared elsewhere as the tankers in the water and reaching shore, Mexico. Unfortunately those cartoons are range and, overall, performs well in well. globs that would stick unyieldingly to our funny no more. But it will be very easy this school setting when there is little When I was a youngster of no more feet and hands and irritated our sensitive to react with anger to the now infamous peer negativity. than ten years of age, my family used to young skins as we swam near the shore. oil giant British Petroleum (BP.) My web Because of social, emotional and spend the summers in a beach located west I will never forget that sticky sensation site was not targeting BP or any other oil behavioral issues he does have an of Havana, Cuba, and known by the musical that had to be removed with smelly company, not then, not now; my target is Individualized Educational Plan and name of Baracoa, not to be confused or unpleasant abrasive cleaners as long as the real culprit in this crisis: you and me, attends weekly therapy. related with an identical Indian name of a I live. So it is with pity, compassion and in other words all of us. It is we who have Isacc would do well in any active city located at the other most Eastern Cuban concern that I watch pelicans, seagulls taken these environmental gambles and family setting that is experienced province of Oriente. I have written articles and other sea friendly creatures trying to lost because we are unable, incapable, with adolescent behavior and is not before about my childhood experiences extricate themselves from the black bits and unwilling, or impatient to fi nd alternative intimated by it. Isacc also has a positive in Baracoa and my readers seem to have pieces of tar that adhere to their feathers energy resources that will allow us to live connection with a visiting resource enjoyed them because they felt part of the and beaks as they desperately attempt to and share the space in this ever shrinking which he would like to maintain planet, and it is not only the human species contact. Isacc’s very special wish is we are talking about, but also the rest of the to have a normal family that would do animal kingdom that is part of the biological things with him. chain as well. As the birds in my Web site

would say: "Hey, don't push. There is plenty ****** of room for everybody on this boat." It is with that background in mind that Information Event I redo, with slight modifi cations at the end, SUNDAY, July 18 my previous article about The Thousand 1pm to 4pm Dollar Nightmare. I hope you enjoy it still. he Massachusetts Department The story..... of Children and Families (DCF) It was dark and cold. The lights on the Tand the Massachusetts Adoption closest lampposts were dim, almost dead; Resource Exchange (MARE) invite walking on the empty sidewalks full of individuals ages 21+ interested in cracks was hard, almost impossible. learning more about foster care and The man, black hat on down to his ear adoption to attend an informational lobes, a lit cigarette in his shaking hand, an event at Kool Smiles, 1096 Revere old trench coat that was probably a couple Beach Parkway, Chelsea, MA 02150. of sizes too large for him, kept walking. This event is free and focuses on He then saw her. His heart beat faster. The recruiting families for children and moment he had been waiting for had fi nally teens of Hispanic heritage. arrived. He sighed. She, on the other side, A panel of Hispanic youth will did not. talk about their experience in foster “Well, do you want it?” she asked care, and a Hispanic foster/adoptive almost without care and concern. mom will speak. Attendees will learn “Do you have it?” he said. about the foster care and adoption “I certainly do”, she answered, smiling process, as well as the support services coyly. available. Refreshments and childcare “Can I see it?” will be provided. Additional waiting “Do you doubt my word?” She children will NOT be at this event. To responded a bit annoyed. RSVP, please contact Ida Gordon at “No, no, I don’t doubt your word, but 617-989-9212 or Benedicta Gomes at I have to see it fi rst. It is too expensive and 617-989-9211 or benedicta.gomes@ I usually don’t have that kind of money for state.ma.us. this sort of thing.” She hesitated and looked at him with suspicion. “Follow me,” she answered. Then they both walked to the opposite sidewalk. “Be careful,” she warned in a low

PLEASE SEE MONTESINO CONTINUES ON PAGE 26 JULIO 1, 2010 • EDICIÓN 340 • LAWRENCE, MA • AÑO 16 .: Rumbo :. 21 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR RUMBO Begley Campaign Kick 315 Mt. Vernon Street, Lawrence MA 01843 ¡Begley Email: [email protected] Off Party! Letters must be less than 300 words in anuncia su length. Please send a telephone number or email address by which we may confi rm the sender. candidatura!

Enjoying Rumbo POR ALBERTO SURÍS [email protected] I really enjoyed your story about Lawrence’s Dog Offi cer(s). I especially l Republicano Kevin Begley, enjoyed reading how your crackerjack residente de North Andover investigative team uncovered the Eestá postulado para derrocar al unintended Facebook confession. The Representante Demócrata David M. story was just another reason why I Torrisi. always enjoy reading Rumbo. Torrisi ha estado representando al Distrito 14 de Essex, desde que fue James O’Donoghue electo en noviembre de 1999. Lawrence "A los 58 años de edad, sin experiencia política y demasiado viejo para estar planeando una larga carrera en la política, yo no estaría haciendo lo que estoy haciendo si hubiera un VOLUNTEER WITH sentido fi scal común conservador que HOMELESS CHILDREN! me representara a mí, a mi familia y a mis amigos. ¡Pero no lo hay! ", dijo Horizons for Homeless Children is El Candidato a Representante Estatal por el Distrito 14 de Essex, Kevin Begley y su esposa Begley. looking for volunteers to play with Celeste en la fi esta del anuncio de su candidatura. El candidato Begley habló some great kids for 2 hours a week. Candidate for State Representative 14th Essex District Kevin Begley and wife Celeste at the brevemente en el evento del anuncio Your time can make a world of campaign kick off party. de su campaña celebrado el viernes, 25 difference for the children living in de junio 2010, en el Lawrence British homeless shelters in Massachusetts. Many located in the Merrimack Valley Club y acreditó a su esposa Celeste, including Haverhill, Lawrence, Lowell BY ALBERTO SURÍS Ronnie Martín y Richard Fielding and Tewksbury. [email protected] como organizadores del evento. A commitment of six months and Begley dijo a más de 150 de sus attendance at a training session are seguidores que él había decidido required. Upcoming trainings include epublican Kevin Begley, a resident experience and too old to be planning a postularse a causa de que, de 160 Boston, July 24 and 25 and Peabody, of North Andover is running to long career in politics, I would not be doing representantes del estado, 144 July 30 and 31. For more information Runseat Democrat Representative so if there were a common sense fi scal pertenecen al mismo partido político, y about the program, visit our website: David M. Torrisi. conservative representing me, my family, porque de 40 senadores del estado, 35 horizonsforhomelesschildren.org, Torrisi has been representing Essex or call or write Sheila Carman at 978-557-2182 - scarman@ District 14th, since fi rst elected in horizonsforhomelesschildren.org. November, 1999. PLEASE SEE SURÍS POR FAVOR VEA SURÍS “At 58 years old, with no political CONTINUES ON PAGE 24 CONTINÚA EN LA PAGINA 24 22 .: Rumbo :. AÑO 16 • LAWRENCE, MA • EDICIÓN 340 • JULIO 1, 2010 READ RUMBO ONLINE! RUMBONEWS.COM

Haverhill’s July 4 celebration promises to be the biggest and best ever Congresswoman fi reworks, 9 PM on July 3 Tsongas Receives Award Management Audit of Fire for Support Department of Homeless Children and

ayor James J. Fiorentini today said the road towards straightening out the police department under Mayor Pelosi. Families he ask the city council to support police department with a management A professional management audit will Man outside management audit audit, called the Cloran Report. Those help us to identify if we have the correct of the Fire Department and to bring in an same reform steps can work in the Fire number of management personnel. It will outside consultant with national experience. Department." also help us to look at the best practices Horizons for Homeless Children’s 14th Fiorentini said that a management audit Fiorentini said that the management nationwide. It will help determine the Annual Recognition and Awards Dinner would look at best national practices in audit was a long term means of proper number of fi re stations and where Acknowledges Those who Make a running fi re departments, and would be reorganizing the department, but that they should be located. Diff erence in the Lives of Homeless similar to the management audit which he short term measurers were also required A management audit and is a long- Children; Congresswoman Niki Tsongas conducted of the highway department and and would be taken. term solutions, but they are not substitutes Presented with Public Leadership Award. similar to the management audit done in the “We need to conduct a professional for short-term action. We have already police department about fi fteen years ago. management audit of the Fire Department, instituted new practices to make certain "A decade ago, the problems were similar to the audit which I instituted of these abuses can not happen again, and orizons for not in the Fire Department, they were in the highway department and similar more action will be taken shortly as soon Homeless the police department. The city started on to the management audit done in the as it is cleared by our attorneys." HChildren, a Massachusetts non-profi t organization dedicated to meeting the needs of CONTINUES FROM PAGE 7 homeless children and their families, held its 14th Annual Recognition BAKING: J.S.B. Industries expands into Lawrence with second baking facility and Awards Dinner recently at The Colonnade product safety and sanitation are being “With the long-term outlook of hiring to locate in this historically signifi cant Hotel in Boston. The event acknowledged incorporated into the renovation of this upwards to 300 employees, we are very city.” the hundreds of Playspace Activity Leaders 82,830 sq. ft. building. pleased with the help and support we have Mayor William Lantigua (PALs), volunteers who spend time with In addition to their 100,000 sq. ft. received from Mayor William Lantigua, summarized his relationship with homeless children each week, as well as the bakery in Chelsea, the new facility will be Chief Economic Development Director J.S.B. Industries, with the following: numerous companies, partnering agencies, able to produce between 8,000 and10,000 Patrick Blanchette, and Art McCabe, “In my very fi rst week in offi ce advocates and staff that support Horizons for cases of baked goods per day. J.S.B. bakes Community Development Manager for the my administration started to work Homeless Children in their efforts to improve and freezes a wide variety of muffi ns, City of Lawrence,” stated Jack Anderson, with J.S.B. to create the kind of the quality of life for homeless children and cornbreads, loaves, bagels and muffi n tops president and CEO of J.S.B. Industries. partnership which is represented by the their families. for retailers and food service providers “Everyone’s professional style and positive announcement today. Jack Anderson At the Recognition Dinner, Congresswoman located across the United States. attitude strongly encouraged our company and his family represent the very best Niki Tsongas was presented with the in business practices. It has been an 2010 Public Leadership Award for her honor to work with them over the past support of homeless children and families. fi ve months to create this partnership Congresswoman Tsongas is currently serving between J.S.B. and Lawrence. This her second term representing the Fifth relationship will serve as a model Congressional District of Massachusetts as a for future partnerships between the member of the U.S. House of Representatives. city and private industry to fulfi ll my She has been a strong advocate for homeless promise for economic development children and families, and has played a and job creation in the city.” leadership role in securing federal funding to “Lawrence has special tax support the work and mission of Horizons for benefi ts from both the state and federal Homeless Children. She has also advocated government because of the high level of for using federal funds to help homeless unemployment, making Lawrence one families and individuals in Massachusetts of only a few ‘renewal communities’ secure housing, and to target homelessness in the USA”, said Patrick Blanchette, prevention in the Commonwealth. Mayor Lantigua’s Chief Economic “At the Recognition and Awards Dinner Development Director. “Because of each year, we take an opportunity to let the high rate of immigrant population, our volunteers, partners, advocates and Lawrence has a wonderful multi- collaborators know how critical their support ethnic workforce of new Americans is to the children and families we serve,” said and now has the fi rst Latino mayor in Sue Heilman, Chief Executive Offi cer, HHC. Massachusetts.” “Congresswoman Tsongas continues to help “This is what the city needs right us make a difference in the lives of homeless now,” stated Representative Barry children and their families and because of the Finegold, “a good paying tenant with dedication of advocates like her, we can work the capability to hire and train up to towards breaking the cycle of homelessness.” 300 of our unemployed workforce.” The event included a keynote address by “J.S.B.’s moving into Lawrence has Congresswoman Tsongas and in attendance at been a wonderful event for the entire the event were over 300 people who traveled to city. Equally as important, J.S.B. has Boston from all over Massachusetts to celebrate been especially good at reaching out the accomplishments of the organization over to the community to hire and train the last year and receive recognition for their city people as an involved corporate diligence and commitment to Horizons for partner,” said Blanchette. Homeless Children. J.S.B. Industries will continue to maintain corporate headquarters at 130 Crescent Avenue, Chelsea, Massachusetts. Please visit www. muffi ntown.com. JULIO 1, 2010 • EDICIÓN 340 • LAWRENCE, MA • AÑO 16 .: Rumbo :. 23

Exchange Club of Haverhill Announces HAVERHILL Robert Graham Exchangite MAYOR ANNOUNCES of the Year 2010 STREET

he members of the Exchange Club PAVING LIST of Haverhill eagerly anticipate the Tcrowning of their Exchangite of the ayor James J. Fiorentini Year each June, and this year the award was and Public Works Director deservingly bestowed upon Robert Graham MMichael Stankovich today during their June 24th luncheon meeting. announced a partial list of streets to be The Exchangite of the Year is a repaved in 2010. These local streets, closely held secret within the club, with located throughout the City, are being previous recipients of the award making redone with State Chapter 90 roadway the decision. The committee comprised of improvement funds. Maggie Rosinski, Exchangite of the Year “This paving list is the result 2009 (from Haverhill), David Goodwin, of research that has been conducted Exchangite of the Year 2008 (from Plaistow, on roadway conditions through the NH) and Karen Currier, Exchangite of the computerized Pavement Management Year 2007 (from Haverhill), encourages Study as well as personal observation, suggestions from club members and with which we address the worst streets presents the recipient with a beautiful fi rst in order to stretch our resources.” plaque at a luncheon in their honor. The “This is not a complete list,” said recipient is not announced until the day of the Mayor. “Some inner city streets the presentation. can be undertaken with Community “Bob has been an active member of the Development Block Grant (CDBG) Exchange club for many years now,” said funds, while other roadways are the Rosinski who presented Graham the award. responsibility of the State, such as “Whenever there is a sign up sheet going Route 125 and the Groveland Bridge. around the club, you can bet Bob’s name is “If other streets can be added, they will on it! He works hard to make the club and Exchangite of the Year recipient Bob Graham (center) with Maggie Rosinski, (left) be repaved,” declared the Mayor. this community a better place.” Exchangite of the Year 2009, and Karen Currier, Exchange Club President and Exchangite The streets to be repaved of the Year 2008 (right). Following his retirement after serving this calendar year are as follows (in as CEO of a major corporation, Graham alphabetic order): went right into helping out the community. o Alpha Street He serves as Treasurer for Habitat for am grateful to Rick Barry for bringing me organization. They have been recognized o Bateman Street Humanity and until just recently served into this club. I enjoy all of the programs for achievement in their Junior Police, o Birch Avenue on the Board of the Exchange Club. He we do, and the difference we make. This is Fire Prevention, Read Across America o Corliss Hill Road (sections) has chaired several projects for the club, an honor.” and Trees for Tots programs. They also o Cross Road (sections) including the ACE and Youth of the Year Graham has been a member of the provide two generous scholarships to o Dwight Street programs – which holds a special place in Exchange Club of Haverhill since 2002. He youth in the community, Youth of the Year, o Essex Avenue his heart since he was actually the recipient resides in Methuen with his wife, Donna. and the ACE Award, an award designed o Farmington Avenue of the Youth of the Year award as a young The Exchange Club of Haverhill is a to recognize the efforts of a student who o Gile Street (sections) man. member club of the National Exchange has overcome adversity during their high o Hannah Dustin Street “I am truly humbled by this award Club organization, and focuses its efforts on school career. The club meets on Thursdays o Irving Avenue ,” said a tearful Graham, whose family the prevention of child abuse and neglect. at noon at Olivia’s in Haverhill. For more o Juneau Avenue attended the awards luncheon. “There are The club is comprised of volunteers from information visit them on the web at www. o Lakeland Street so many wonderful members in this club. I the community, and is truly a ‘hands on’ haverhillexchangeclub.com. o Leonard Avenue o Mill Street (Arlington Street to Kenoza Avenue) o Monument Street (Hilldale Avenue to North Broadway) o Mountain Avenue Jessica o Newton Road (sections) o Pine Street (Riverside) Novak as o South Elm Street (South Main Street to South Prospect Street) o State Street Haverhill’s o Thornton Avenue o Valley view Avenue o Vreeland Avenue June Artist o Water Street (section) of the o Welcome Street In addition, sidewalk and pedestrian improvements are scheduled Month for Bethany Avenue near Central Plaza with Chapter 90 funds as well. The City receives about $1.1 million for local highway projects from Artist's Work on Display at the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Mayor's Offi ce obtained by the City’s legislative delegation. ayor James J. Fiorentini named Mayor James J. Fiorentini and Jessica Novak, June Artist of the Month Jessica Novak as the Mayor's MJune Artist of the Month. Jessica's photography will be displayed in the Mayor's offi ce, Room 100, Haverhill enjoys all types of subjects, from wedding, pleased and proud to display in my offi ce created by Mayor Fiorentini to foster and City Hall all this month. portraiture and landscape to still life and for the month of June. Her landscapes and profi le Haverhill's thriving art community. Haverhill resident Jessica Novak is abstract. She works exclusively in digital nature photos are beautiful and a pleasure Haverhill artists interested in being a photography student at Chester College photography. to view. I invite all residents of Haverhill considered for Artist of the Month can who is entering her senior year. Her work Mayor Fiorentini stated: "Jessica is one to stop in and see her excellent photos." submit copies of their work and artist's on display is nature and landscapes but she of Haverhill's fi ne artists whose work I am The Haverhill Artist of Month was statement to the Mayor's Offi ce. 24 .: Rumbo :. AÑO 16 • LAWRENCE, MA • EDICIÓN 340 • JULIO 1, 2010 READ RUMBO ONLINE! RUMBONEWS.COM

CONTINUES FROM PAGE 21 CONTINUES FROM PAGE 19 SURÍS: Begley Campaign Kick Off Party! DÍAZ: From My Corner

must be posted in a building where the city clerk’s offi ces are located or at any other municipal building, as long as the city or town publicizes meetings through an additional method, such as websites, local newspapers and local cable television. Another requirement is that all elected and appointed offi cials sign off that they understand the Ethics Law and Open Meeting Law. They must also take an online ethics course every two years. Call it a pet peeve of mine but I like things done the right way. For a couple of years now, I’ve been having conversations with Lawrence City Clerk William Maloney about the need to place the glass-enclosed bulletin board in his offi ce, outside in the lobby where the public could review its postings after 4:30 PM. He was agreeable I/D - Ed F. King conversando con Kevin Begley, Candidato a Representante Estatal por el Kevin Begley, Candidato a Representante but it was necessary to postpone its move Districto 14th de Essex y el miembro del Comité Republicano Estatal, John N. Racho. Estatal por el Districto 14 de Essex until the interior restoration of City Hall dirigiéndose a la multitud congregada en el L/R -Ed F. King makes a point when taking to Kevin Begley, Candidate for State Representative was complete. Lawrence British Club. 14th Essex District and Republican State Committee member John N. Racho. Well, July 1st is here, which is the Kevin Begley, Candidate for State deadline for cities and towns to implement Representative 14th Essex District changes to the Open Meeting Law. They addressing the crowd gathered at the must come up with ways to make more Lawrence British Club. and my friends. But there is not!” said his colleagues voted to send $35 million to accessible all notices about meetings and Begley. Lawrence without demanding the strictest agendas to the general public. We have Candidate Begley spoke briefl y at his oversight. a website that is terribly underused and campaign kick off party held Friday, June I am running because, even with their Channel 22 (the Government Access 25, 2010, at the Lawrence British Club and super majority in the House (143-16), these Channel) was supposed to have been credited his wife Celeste, Ronnie Martin fi scal geniuses found it necessary to hold a upgraded but it has been held back with the and Richard Fielding as organizers of the special election to fi ll the seat formerly held simply require a person to produce a problems in the IT Department. event. by Lawrence Mayor William Lantigua. valid identifi cation proving their legal Well, you have to continue depending Begley told the 150 plus supporters This ‘special election’ to put a man in offi ce citizenship in order to receive taxpayer- on Rumbo to keep you informed on city that he has decided to run because of 160 for only six months cost the city and state funded state public benefi ts. issues. state representatives, 144 belong to the $120,000. The Massachusetts Legislature is same political party; because of the 40 state They chose to spend the $120,000 to out of control. The fi rst thing that has senators, 35 are of that same party. And, for seat another Democrat for six months rather to change is this one party system of Getting to know the most part, they all vote in lock step with than pay two additional fi remen for twelve government. me… the most liberal governor we've had since months. When my wife Celeste and I decided Mike Dukakis. Finally, after my decision to run to enter this race, we did it knowing No, that’s not a sing-along. This is directed “I am running because one party was made, the incumbent and his fellow the odds are against a Republican in to Matty Brien who called Lou Blasi government doesn't represent you and me. Democrats voted against the Massachusetts Massachusetts. But our campaign can on WCCM this week praising Michelle Our voice is not heard! Security and Immigration Compliance Act. be a success. We, all of us together, can McPhee as being the only source of I am running because, in the middle Their "no” vote (not one Republican voted make a difference in how things are run information about the City of Lawrence. of this fi scal crisis, our representative and no), effectively killed a bill that would in Boston,” ended Begley. Then, he mentioned my name by saying, “I don’t know what to think of Dalia.” Don’t be confused Matty. The problem is that I check facts before I talk or write CONTINÚA DE LA PAGINA 21 about them and you don’t want me destroy your only source of fun. Believe me, it’s a lot easier to go with innuendos and rumors SURÍS: ¡Begley anuncia su candidatura! than spending the hours I dedicate to fi nding the truth. It’s also good for ratings because son de ese mismo partido. Y en su mayor la más estricta supervisión. meses en lugar de pagar dos bomberos there’s always an audience for people parte, todos votan en el mismo bloque con Me postulo porque, aún con su mayoría adicionales durante doce meses. craving for lies. el Gobernador más liberal que hemos tenido absoluta en la Cámara (143-16), estos genios Finalmente, después de haber desde Mike Dukakis. fi scales consideraron necesario celebrar decidido postularme, el titular y sus "Me estoy postulando porque un una elección especial para cubrir el puesto compañeros demócratas votaron contra gobierno de un solo partido no nos anteriormente ocupado por el Alcalde de el Cumplimiento de la Ley de Seguridad VOLUNTEER representa ni a ustedes ni a mí. ¡Nuestra voz Lawrence William Lantigua. Esta ‘elección e Inmigración de Massachusetts. Su WITH HOMELESS no es escuchada! especial’ para poner un hombre en el cargo voto de ‘no’ (ningún republicano votó Me postulo porque, en medio de durante sólo seis meses costó a la ciudad y no), efectivamente mató un proyecto de CHILDREN! esta crisis fi scal, nuestro representante y al estado $120,000. ley que simplemente exigiría que una sus colegas votaron a favor de enviar 35 Decidieron gastar $120,000 para poner persona produjera una identifi cación Se necesitan voluntarios para jugar con millones de dólares a Lawrence sin exigir a otro demócrata en su puesto durante seis válida que pruebe su ciudadanía legal niños que viven en refugios a fi n de recibir benefi cios públicos del Horizons for Homeless Children busca estado pagados por los contribuyentes. personas serias, bilingües en Ingles y La Legislatura de Massachusetts Español para jugar con niños que viven en refugios para familias sin hogar. Se está fuera de control. Lo primero que requiere un compromiso de 2 horas a la Celebrate Recycling Success tiene que cambiar es este sistema de semana (un turno semanal) por 6 meses. partido único de gobierno. Cuando mi Para más información o para inscribirse Join the Party on July 14, 6 pm, at "Lounge 59" esposa Celeste y yo decidimos entrar a en línea, favor de visitar el sitio www. esta carrera, lo hicimos sabiendo que las horizonsforhomelesschildren.org o llamar Please join Team Haverhill in celebrating a long-awaited milestone in the history of our al 978.557.2182. Es una experiencia city. On Wednesday evening, July 14th, at 6 pm, we'll honor all the community partners probabilidades en Massachusetts están en muy agradable que benefi cia a los niños who helped accomplish this important change--and have some well-deserved fun with contra de un republicano. Pero nuestra y también a todas las personas que se colleagues and friends! The location is Lounge 59 located at 59 Washington St. in campaña puede ser un éxito. Nosotros, envuelven en el programa. Gracias! downtown Haverhill. The owners of Lounge 59 have graciously offered to provide us with todos nosotros juntos, podemos hacer una Próximos entrenamientos: appetizers, and there will be a cash bar available to those in attendance. RSVP to team. diferencia en cómo las cosas se ejecutan Norteaste Región, Lunes 28 de junio y [email protected]. en Boston", fi nalizó Begley. martes, 29 de junio, 6:00pm -9:00pm, dos noches en Lawrence, MA. JULIO 1, 2010 • EDICIÓN 340 • LAWRENCE, MA • AÑO 16 .: Rumbo :. 25 AAudienciaudiencia recordrecord enen ChristiansChristians GGotot TalentTalent

eborah González siempre guardó De izquierda a derecha en su corazón el anhelo de algún Carmen D. Mejía Santana, día poder grabar su música, pero ganadora del 2do lugar, D Deborah González, ganadora nunca supo cuándo sería ni cómo. Ahora del 1er lugar y Massiel esos sueños serán una realidad luego que Taveras, ganadora del 3er obtuviera el primer lugar en el Primer lugar, en el Primer Festival Festival Regional de la Voz Christians Got Regional de la Voz Christians Talent, la noche del sábado, 19 de junio. Got Talent efectuado la La joven cantante, miembro de la noche del sábado, 19 de junio en el 9 de la Iglesia Hispana Asambleas de Dios, Vine Hampshire St. de Lawrence. St, Lawrence, participó junto a otros 24 Se estima que entre 800 y competidores y dos cantantes invitados en el 1000 personas asistieron al evento fi nal del concurso regional de canto, evento. organizado por PSR Multimedia, en el cual hubo representación de diferentes ciudades de Massachusetts y New Hampshire, incluyendo Lawrence, Boston, Lowell, Lynn, Worcester, Framingham, Webster, cerca de la frontera de Massachusetts con Connecticut y Nashua, New Hampshire. “ChristiansGotTalent signifi có para mí la oportunidad de poder alcanzar almas para Cristo. La oportunidad de poder tocar y sanar almas perdidas y heridas y dar alimento a los corazones hambrientos por la de los años, desde el primer momento creí por bendecirme con el mismo y me siento necesitamos el respaldo del público” Palabra,” manifestó Deborah González en que podía ganar, a la hora de seleccionarla realmente feliz y agradecida.” “El trabajo fue duro y extenuante declaraciones ofrecidas luego del evento. como ganadora, su trabajo durante toda la Carmen Mejía, ganadora del 2do pero ahora es que falta, tenemos que hacer Luego de escuchar sus canciones para noche decidió por sí mismo.” lugar, dejó este mensaje muy importante al la producción musical, el video musical exaltar a Dios ante una audiencia de entre Carmen Mejía, ganadora del segundo público. “Cuando Dios llega, llega justo a y el sencillo y ya estamos trabajando en 800 a mil personas, el panel de jueces lugar, manifestó que “la experiencia con tiempo, no se atrasa ni se adelanta. Nunca te el Festival de Boston, para el cual ya conformado por el profesor Bernardo Christian Got Talent fue hermosa, grandiosa. des por vencido que contigo va el Gigante, comenzamos los trabajos de las audiciones,” Hernández, del Colegio de Música Berklee No tengo palabras para expresar la alegría el Todopoderoso, el que levantará tu cabeza puntualizó el inquieto locutor y periodista quien fungió como presidente del jurado que sentí y que todavía siento” y luego en todo momento, lo más importante es Pedro Sabino, cuya hoja de vida incluye y el versátil músico Juan Maldonado, con mucha sinceridad comentó, “aprendí serle fi el,” puntualizó la joven cantante 22 años de trabajo en radio, TV y prensa también egresado de Berklee y propietario bastante con los consejos que nos dieron declarando una bendición de parte de Dios escrita, en las funciones de reportero en de la escuela JM Studio Productions, y el los Jueces en los ensayos. Mi hija se reía para todos. Massachusetts de CNN en Español Radio, cantante internacional Tito Morales, pastor cuando yo le decía que tenía tres favoritos, Para que el público que no asistió pueda locutor en off y reportero del noticiario de de la Iglesia Summer Church en Lynn, porque los considero que tienen muy buen también ser bendecido PSR Multimedia TV Rahintel en las Noticias en República eligieron los 5 fi nalistas de la noche. potencial. Lo disfruté; la presencia de Dios contrató otra compañía productora de videos, Dominicana, Jefe de Redacción en el Los jueces pidieron a los fi nalistas estuvo latente en cada momento, y para mí para grabar el evento en High Defi nition lanzamiento y circulación por tres meses Deborah González, Carmen Mejía, Massiel eso fue lo más Importante.” y producir un DVD que será puesto en el del diario Siglo 21, y locutor de noticias y Taveras, Francisco Pérez y Keila Torres que De su lado Massiel Taveras, una joven mercado. “El costo fi nal de este evento es productor, respectivamente de Radiolandia cantaran el coro de la canción a capela y que de 16 años, hija del pastor Luciano Taveras, de unos 15 mil dólares y queremos que el 1330 AM y Noticiero Panamericano en luego cantaran su segunda canción, para manifestó que “ChristiansGotTalent fue público pueda ser bendecido con este DVD, Impacto 1490 AM. luego deliberar y elegir a los ganadores de una experiencia increíble y que fue un gran porque el ambiente que se vivió la noche del El público puede ver los videos de los los tres premios del evento. honor ser parte del mismo. Fue una noche 19 de junio fue sencillamente desbordante,” ensayos-entrenamientos en el canal de PSR Deborah González, ganadora del de alabanza y adoración a nuestro Padre y manifestó el comunicador Pedro Sabino, Multimedia YouTube http://www.youtube. primer lugar, recibirá como premio de PSR fue verdaderamente una bendición. productor y conductor del evento y CEO com/psrmultimedia para más información Multimedia la producción del álbum musical Sobre el premio que ganó, Massiel de PSR Multimedia. Agregó que la venta pueden visitar la página de Internet www. completo; Carmen D, Mejía Santana de comentó, “Aunque yo sé que todos fuimos del DVD nos ayudará a recuperar parte de ChristiansGotTalent.com o enviar un la Iglesia Cristiana Metodista de la Calle ganadores, honestamente yo no esperaba los altos costos del evento poder seguir mensaje electrónico a info@psrmultimedia. Avon en Lawrence, ganadora del 2do lugar ganar este premio, agradezco al Señor adelante con este tipo de trabajo, por tanto com. recibirá la grabación de una canción y producción de un video musical y Massiel Taveras de la 1era. Iglesia Metodista Libre de Lawrence, ganadora del tercer lugar, será premiada con la producción de una canción. Las canciones serán producidas por PSR Multimedia y MyRevolution Studio de St. Croix. También tuvieron una excelente participación en el festival los cantantes Efraín Sierra, Bethzaida Pérez, Fioriluz Pichardo, Osbin Ramírez, Brandon Rivera, Carlita Martínez, José Cabrera, Olga Frías, Germán Duran, Samuel Hilario, Wanda Valencia, Jhensee Gómez, Merari González, Héctor Peguero, Joezer Rivas, Víctor Fajardo III, Ana Castillo, Francisco Pérez, Keila Torres, Vanessa Hernández, Elizabeth Báez y como invitados Franklin Matos y Wesley Hernández. El pastor y cantante internacional Tito Morales, miembro del panel de jueces, resaltó el éxito del evento destacando que “nunca había visto a nadie reunir tanta gente en esta área en un evento de esta naturaleza,” y agregó que “la ganadora tiene cualidades bien marcadas de que es una cantante que ha practicado bastante a través 26 .: Rumbo :. AÑO 16 • LAWRENCE, MA • EDICIÓN 340 • JULIO 1, 2010 READ RUMBO ONLINE! RUMBONEWS.COM

CONTINUES FROM PAGE 20 CONTINÚA DE LA PAGINA 14 MONTESINO: My Point of View MONTESINO: Mi Punto de Vista voice. “You never know when a cop is the recent oil spill, are evidence that support elected governmental institutions but going to see you and catch you. If one stops our point of view. When we fi rst published meddling on other folks’ affairs or Middle us, you and I don’t know each other. You this article in February of 2006 many folks Eastern governments manipulating the arbustos. Ella abrió la puerta de la cerca are just asking for directions, OK?” thought it was fi ction. Now the fi ction is masses to arise and react against a small y le hizo señas con una mano para que la “Good enough.” He took another puff becoming more real and it is you and I who newspaper nobody ever knew before for siguiera, no sin antes haberse asegurado que of smoke and pummeled his lungs again. could become fi ctional. publishing a senseless cartoon, oil is the nadie los había visto. Él la siguió excitado. They walked, more briskly now, Go to any supermarket or mall parking new power broker. “¿Es bueno?” preguntó el hombre con towards a rundown house without lights lot these days-we said then-and you fi nd And the high energy prices become ansiedad. that was in the middle of the block and was yourself surrounded by SUVs that not only part of almost anything we consume, “Lo sufi cientemente bueno… ¿Que tú surrounded by a tall old wooden fence and block your view when you try to squeeze things that we use or services we receive. te crees?” some shrubbery. She opened the fence gate out of your parking space, but waste more Some airlines are now replacing First “¿Regular?” and signaled him to come in, not without gasoline than is needed to get from here to and Business class sections by charging “Sí; y muy caro.” fi rst making sure no one saw them. He there, or return. But, of course, not always for thirteen inches extra between some “¿Cuán caro?” followed eagerly. it is a SUV that does it. In other cases it seats in coach or for the luggage we need “Mil dólares.” “How good is it?” he asked with is a truck driven by someone who probably to carry. Would fl ying naked be cheaper “¿Cómo? ¿Mil dólares por un galón de anxiety. could walk as well instead. But that is in the future? And whether it is the price gasolina regular? ¿Tú estás loca?” “Good enough… what do you think? It what we saw then. Recently Ford Motor of bread or milk and anything else we eat “Sí, mil dólares; y ese reloj de pulsera is regular quality.” Company announced a drastic reduction in or drink, the reality is that all of those Rolex que tienes en la muñeca. El dinero “Regular?” SUV and truck production to accommodate products require the use of transportation tiene que ser dividido con mi distribuidor “Yes; and expensive.” for the sudden loss in consumer interest for to be delivered to your friendly store and de gasolina; el reloj es para mi novio.” “How expensive?” those gas behemoths and it has retired some yes, transportation needs fuel as well. “A thousand dollars.” of their gas guzzling brand names (Mercury Is it possible-I said then-that I will Ahora bien, si usted piensa que el “ What? A thousand dollars for a gallon recently). SUVs and recreational trucks are have to revisit this nightmarish story diálogo que aparece arriba - no era lo of regular gas? Are you crazy?” going in the direction of “Ford Model’s T,” in another two years to refl ect on still que usted creía, ¿no es verdad? – que es “Yes, a thousand dollars; and that becoming dinosaurs. another doubling of energy prices? Well, fi cción, piense de nuevo. Los eventos de Rolex watch in your wrist also. The money But the evidence goes beyond car what I did not anticipate was that this los que hemos sido testigos durante los has to be split with my gas dealer, but the sizes on the parking lots or the crowded time the nightmare is not price related. últimos meses, la crisis de la industria watch is for my boyfriend….” highways. Look at the daily news all over You read the papers, the Internet, or automovilística, el reciente derrame de the world and our own nation and you watch television and all you see is more petróleo en el Golfo, son pruebas evidentes Now, if you think the above dialogue - will see how oil is seeping into every part and more news about an oil well spill that que soportan nuestro punto de vista. it was not about what you expected, was it? of our lives in one way or the other. It is no one can control. If it were gasoline, Cuando nosotros publicamos este artículo - is fi ction, think again. All you have to do is happening slowly, but surely. Governments we could fi ll 30,000 automobile tanks en febrero del 2006 mucha gente se creyó take a look at what is going on in the world that control the oil spigot are behind every single day. Now, that is what some que era fi cción. Ahora la fi cción se hace today and realize that the possibility that we accusations and demonstrations about our call progress. más realidad y somos usted y yo lo quienes are going to go through real pain just to buy way of life or our political or economic If you want to visit our environmental nos hacemos fi cticios. a gallon of gasoline to get a few more miles system on a daily basis. Whether it is Iran Web site you can access http://www. ¿Es acaso posible - dije entonces - que from our ineffi cient family car is not only with its threat of nuclear expansion and earthsurviving.org. The animals painted tengamos que volver a visitar esta pesadilla possible but highly probable as well. The its outrageous interpretation of history; there will appreciate it. histórica dentro de dos años para refl exionar events we have been witnessing for the past Venezuela selling cheaper oil to poor inner And that is my point of view today. sobre otro aumento doble en el precio de few months, the crisis of the auto industry, city Americans directly and skipping our la energía? Bueno, lo que no anticipé fue que esta vez la pesadilla no está relacionada con el precio. Usted lee los periódicos, el Internet, o ve la tele, y todo lo que ve son CONTINUES FROM PAGE 13 más noticias trágicas sobre un derrame de aceite que nadie puede controlar. Si fuera gasolina, podríamos llenar 30,000 tanques HOME: Helping the León Family buy a home de autos en un solo día. Ahora bien, ¿es eso lo que se llama progreso? Leons achieve self-suffi ciency and teach Roses Housing, Inc. agree that their joint Marketing at Merrimack Valley Federal En unos días vamos a celebrar con them how to become economically stable mission statement of supporting families' Credit Union. orgullo nuestro día de Independencia, el by providing valuable, ongoing fi nancial goals of self-suffi ciency, education and The Program is administered by Cuatro de Julio. Y, desde luego, debemos training and homeownership workshops. empowerment is the cornerstone of their Ms. Pam Marchand, GLCAC, Inc. IDA celebrarlo con pasión. Pero para ser GLCAC, Inc. partnered with the successes. Coordinator. verdaderamente independientes tenemos Merrimack Valley Federal Credit Union to “It’s inspiring to see the impact we For further information, please call que tomar las armas en una nueva guerra provide the matched savings for the Leon can have on our community and a family’s Chick LoPiano at (978) 681-4900 or Pam en la que nadie parece querer envolverse: family. lifelong dream of home ownership,” Marchand at (978) 691-5645. la guerra de independencia contra nuestra The GLCAC, Inc. and Bread & said Jennifer Grenier-Spiecker, AVP of subordinación al petróleo exterior. Existe ahí para ser peleada. Existe ahí para ser ganada. Lo único que tenemos que hacer es tratar más duro. CONTINUES FROM PAGE 8 Si usted quiere visitar nuestro sitio de Web ambiental puede hacerlo en http:// BOARD: Casa Dominicana elected new Board of Directors www.earthsurvvinving.org (http://www. tierrasobreviviente.org también lo lleva allí). Los animales dibujados lo apreciarán. the problems we are going through,” said she added. on a voluntary basis. This is the case of Feliz Cuatro de Julio. Medina the new board president reading Diego Shephard, the new organization’s its new President, Ana Medina who has Y ese es mi punto de vista hoy. from a prepared statement. “We are facing treasurer announced that English as second taught citizenship classes successively a $45,000 defi cit and we have to face it with language and computers classes will resume from 6:00 to 8:00 PM every Monday. a new vision for this organization,” she in September. Medina estimates that Casa said. “We are working on a plan to come The hiring of an executive director Dominicana must raise between out of this economic situation and today we and a secretary are among the long-term $175,000 and $225,000 annually to cover promised that we will work 150% to get out goals for the new board. Some teachers the salaries of the executive director, the of it. It’s our pledge to our community,” may receive a salary, while some may work secretary, the teachers, rent, utilities and offi ce expenses. Besides membership and grant writing, both being considered as part of long-term goals, Medina plans to raise funds a dollar at a time. “You will see these in stores, restaurants, churches, everywhere,” said Medina holding a collection can in her hand. JULIO 1, 2010 • EDICIÓN 340 • LAWRENCE, MA • AÑO 16 .: Rumbo :. 27 NECC and Exchange Club grants scholarships White Fund and awards Present he Exchange Club of Lawrence Film About awarded scholarships in memory of Tformer member Joseph L’Italien to Baseball local students. These awards together with the recent HART scholarships, our Youth Great of the Year, and A.C.E. awards amount to $18,000 given to deserving young people of the City of Lawrence. Hart Scholarships for graduating one-hour documentary that Seniors going on to college, were presented explores the life of baseball's on May 18: A fi rst Latino superstar Roberto LHS - Samuel Paulina (to UPENN); Clemente, who was also a committed Erik Aponte (to UMASS Amherst); Ramon humanitarian, will be shown at the Estevez (to UMASS-Lowell) Showcase Cinema, Lawrence, on Notre Dame HS - Marilyn Almonte Thursday, June 24, at 7 p.m. and (Mass College of Pharmacy); Angeliny Thursday, July 15, at 10 a.m. These Ortega (St. Michael's College) showings, which are free and open to the CCHS - Christian Hbaiter (Mass public, are presented by Northern Essex College of Pharmacy); Julie Ratte (UNH), Scholarships presented on May 18 were from the left, Salina Pascual, Natasha Santana, Community College and sponsored by Patrick Bradley (Merrimack College); Shanelle Bonilla, Scholarship Chairman Paul Macdonald, Marylisa Gonzalez, Chanelle Garcia the White Fund. Chery G. Victoria (Merrimack College); and Tyler Andrade. Titled "Roberto Clemente", this Michael Alvarez (Endicott College); documentary delves into who Clemente Shantay Casanova (Suffolk University) was as a person as well as how issues VOKE- Rose Marie Scott (Endicott of race, immigration, and culture have College). shaped the United States in the second half of the 20th century. Written, directed, ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS STUDENTS and produced by independent fi lmmaker GRADUATING TO PRESTIGIOUS HIGH Bernardo Ruiz and narrated by Jimmy SCHOOLS OF THE AREA WERE ALSO Smits, "Roberto Clemente" features RECIPIENTS OF SCHOLARSHIPS: interviews with Pulitzer Prize-winning Central Catholic (From) authors David Maraniss ("Clemente") Tyler Andrade (St. Patrick School), Salina and George F. Will ("Men at Work: The Pascual (Oliver School), Natasha Santana Craft of Baseball"), Clemente's wife Vera, Frost School. Baseball Hall of Famer Orlando Cepeda, Notre Dame HS, Lawrence (From) and former teammates, to present an Shanelle Bonilla {Frost School), Marylisa intimate and revealing portrait of a man Gonzalez (St. Mary School). whose passion and grace made him a Phillips Academy (From) legend. Bernadette Norman (Community Day Charter On December 31, 1972, Roberto School). Clemente, a thirty-seven-year-old baseball Pingree School (From) player for the Pittsburgh Pirates, boarded At the June 22nd luncheon two students from the Community Day Charter School received Kevin Cueto (Community Day Charter School). their scholarships. From the left, they are Bill Norman, Patricia Norman, parents of Bernadette a DC-7 aircraft loaded with relief supplies Presentation of Mary Academy (From) Norman and Kevin Cueto with his mother Theresa Cueto. for survivors of a catastrophic earthquake Chanelle Garcia (St. Mary School). in Managua, Nicaragua. Concerned over reports that the Nicaraguan dictatorship Then on the June 22nd award was misusing shipments of aid, presentation, they also presented the Clemente, a native of Puerto Rico, hoped winners of the “Proudly We Hail” award his involvement would persuade the to a Lawrence business and a resident who government to distribute relief packages fl y the American fl ag with the honor and to the more than 300,000 people affected respect she deserves. by the disaster. Shortly after takeoff, the The “Proudly We Hail” business overloaded aircraft disappeared over the honoree was Helfrich Bros. Boiler Works, Atlantic Ocean. Roberto Clemente's body Inc., 39 Merrimack Street, Lawrence. was never recovered. Accepting the award were Bill McKay and The fi lm originally aired on PBS's Barry Drego. The resident award was given American Experience, and won a 2008 to Alberto Surís and Dalia Díaz. NCLR ALMA Award.

CONTINUES FROM PAGE 16 MTEL: MTEL Prep Course Begins August 4 administrator and for students transferring Center at 978-556-3700. The Proudly We Hail business honoree was Helfrich Bros. Boiler Works, Inc. Accepting the award were Bill McKay and Barry Drego. Accepting the award for the resident honoree was to four-year colleges to become teachers in NECC's Corporate & Community Dalia Díaz. With them in the photo the outgoing president of the Exchange Club, Christine the state of Massachusetts. Education Center located at 1600 Osgood Santacroce and Francisco Ureña, director of veterans services in Lawrence. This course provides an overview of Street, North Andover (on Route 125) in the test, an intensive review of the skills the former Lucent training facility, offers assessed by the test, the opportunity to take noncredit personal enrichment courses, sample tests, and strategies for test-taking. as well as, professional certifi cates and The cost is $195, which includes materials. computer training for individuals and For additional information or to companies that are looking for cutting register contact Erin O'Brien in Northern edge skills, by providing the training that Essex's Center for Careers in Teaching at is most needed in today's workforce. For 978-738-7436 or [email protected]. more information call 978-659-1200 or You can also register by contacting NECC's visit us online at www.necc.mass.edu/ Corporate and Community Education noncredit. 28 .: Rumbo :. AÑO 16 • LAWRENCE, MA • EDICIÓN 340 • JULIO 1, 2010 READ RUMBO ONLINE! RUMBONEWS.COM

Help a shelter ADOPT A PET MSPCA-METHUEN & RUMBO COOPERATIVE pet declare their EDUCATION COLUMN independence Ernie Male, Orange and White: Ernie is a fi ve year old, darling kitty. He came from a home with too many cats and is eager to fi nd his forever family. Ernie likes other cats and he Lowell Human Society “Wants will be evacuating all of the dogs from the is used to living with them. He also likes children, but he’s You” to adopt and help a shelter building. It was a diffi cult decision to not really not a fan of dogs. Ernie is calm and relaxed, but animal declare their independence. evacuate the cats, but we are doing our best loves attention and affection. Ernie would do well in just T about any home- a real adaptable kitty! The Fourth of July holiday is right around to keep their stress at a minimum.” the corner and what better time to open your The shelter is also attempting to limit the CJ heart to a homeless pet. volume of animals coming into the shelter Unfortunately adoptions have been over the next week. They are asking that Male, Russian Blue Mix: CJ is a big, handsome, snuggly ball of fur who likes nothing more than cuddling and slow at the shelter and there are currently people wait until after July 5th if they need warming laps! He’s a huge fan of being brushed and wait over 200 animals waiting to fi nd new homes. to surrender their animal. They will not turn until you feel his soft bunny-like fur...you’ll want to pet When you make the choice to adopt, you away an animal in need, but would prefer him for hours! This 10 year old is so friendly and outgoing, not only help an animal in need, but a furry that people wait if possible. They would it’s hard to believe someone could give him up, but his friend can help ease away tension and soothe also like to increase adoptions over the next previous owners couldn’t take him when they moved. our souls. Studies have shown that a pet can week and fi nd safe and happy homes for as reduces anxiety by lowering blood pressure many of the animals as possible before the and releasing "feel good" endorphins. Now fi reworks display. Trudy is the perfect time to consider adopting a For more information on adoptions, Female, Russian Blue Mix: Trudy spent all of her nine new friend. While animals are available please call the Lowell Humane Society years with one owner who recently had to go to a nursing home. She is super sweet and has hopeful, trusting year-round, June is often the busiest time, at 978-452-7781 or visit us Tuesday, eyes. Trudy is affectionate and loves to sit on laps. She is with overwhelming numbers of cats and Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday from hoping for a quiet home without children or dogs where kittens in need of loving homes. 12pm -4pm through and Thursdays 11:30am her mellow personality can be appreciated. She’d make a The Lowell Humane Society is to 6 pm.. Visit www.lowellhumanesociety. fantastic companion to an older single or couple looking to also concerned for the animals with the org for additional information and animals brighten up their home. upcoming City of Lowell fi reworks display available for adoption. that will take place Monday July 5th just The Lowell Humane Society is a Moo feet away from the shelter. “This is a really private, nonprofi t 501(c)(3) organization Pot Bellied Pig, Male: Moo is a 2 year old, neutered pig. stressful time of the year for the animals and receives no government funding at all. He was a little frightened and defensive when he fi rst in our care, says Executive Director Jill We rely on the generosity of people who came to Nevins, but he is slowly warming up to us. He’ll do anything for a piggy treat! He enjoys running around O’Connell. “This year we will be caring care deeply about helping animals. the barn and playing outside in the grass. He would best for the cats in house during the display, but be suited for a forever home that has some pot belly experience with no young children. If you are interested in adopting, please give us a call at 978-687-7453 Ext. 6113 (dial 8 before the extension) or e-mail us at [email protected]. CONTINUES FROM PAGE 18 Gwen Californian, English Spot [Mix] Young bunnies are fun, MR. B: The Inter-City All Star Game energetic and most of all, so very cute! Gwen is an adorable white bunny who recently arrived at the shelter with many of her siblings because her owner could no Field of Middlesex School vs. Bob Mason Chief Warrant Offi cer Everret D. Ruppert longer them. With handling and lots of attention and of Central Catholic, Bob will start as perform as well. A color guard consisting playtime, she will grow up to be a sociable, sweet (and the fullback at game time, and is now a of Master Sgt. William Donahue of the large!) bunny. retired teacher from the Greater Lawrence Army, Raymond D. Brodley Sr. Navy Vocational School and lives in Andover and Reserve, Master Sgt. Francis Fleming Air Barnacle Boy and Mer as a teacher coach he helped many high Force, Staff Sgt. Ed Langston, Marines. Guinea Pigs: These two Piggies are inseparable. When school athletes obtain college scholarships. This game no longer exists and was separated for grooming, they whistle and “wheek” loudly Passing for distance had for Lowell: Bill always held by the area's teams and coaches for each other. Both of these fuzzy pigs are two and a Lavery of Billerica vs. Ralph Wolfendale Jr. and created excitement and pride to all who half years old. Barnacle Boy is a Tricolor (mostly black) for the blue and white, he was one of the participated. The scores of these contests and Mermaid Man a Cinnamon-Tan Short Hair. Both are extremely friendly and love being held by people and even premier qbs of the State and had a cannon although allowing bragging rights to the carried around. The two boys are best for people who had for an arm. His son Ralph 3rd followed his victors was secondary to the cause it was guinea pigs before. Dad as a Lancer qb and a great track man run for and the Lowell Sun and its staff and and is now a teacher coach in the area. In the sponsors were the true winners. The the kicking for distance it was Methuen's players were acutely aware of its purpose SAVE LIVES: get your pet spayed or neutered Reduced SNAP fees are made possible through generous donations of time and resources by participating veterinarians who believe in the Bill Hajjar vs. Lowell’s Art Andricopolous. and were proud to do their bit. importance of spaying and neutering as part of a complete pet health care program. Bobby Schena of the well-known Schena The main Lawrence sponsors were as family from Haverhil will compete against follows, Scotts Jewelers, Coca Cola, and George O'Meara of Lowell in the 50 yard Mc Quades. dash. The l 8th U.S. Army band from Fort I hope this column brings some positive Libros Parlantes Devens will perform under the direction of memories to the readers. Llame gratis al

CONTINÚA DE LA PAGINA 8 caso de la presidenta de Casa Dominicana, 1-888-NLS-READ Ana Medina, quien ha impartido clases de 1-888-657-7323 ciudadanía ininterrumpidamente de 6:00 a ELECCIONES: Elecciones 8:00 PM todos los lunes. www.loc.gov/nls en Casa Dominicana Medina estima que Casa Dominicana debe contar entre $175,000 y $225,000 anuales para cubrir la renta, Diego Shephard, tesorero de la nueva los sueldos del director ejecutivo, el organización anunció que las clases de inglés secretario/a, los profesores, agua, luz y como segundo idioma y de computadoras teléfono además de los gastos de ofi cina. se reanudarán en septiembre. Además de membresía y solicitudes de La contratación de un director ejecutivo dádivas, ambos siendo considerados entre y un secretario están entre los objetivos a los planes a largo plazo, Medina planea largo plazo para la nueva junta directiva. recaudar fondos de un dólar a la vez. "Usted Algunos de los maestros puede que reciban verá estos en las tiendas, restaurantes, salario, mientras que algunos pueden iglesias, en todas partes", dijo Medina PUBLIC SERVICE MESSAGE trabajar en forma voluntaria. Este es el mostrando una alcancía en la mano. JULIO 1, 2010 • EDICIÓN 340 • LAWRENCE, MA • AÑO 16 .: Rumbo :. 29

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CONTINUES FROM PAGE 21 CONTINÚA DE LA PAGINA 17 AMERICAN: 11 Ways to Be a Better American AMERICANO: 11 formas de ser un mejor President Franklin Delano Roosevelt called oil disaster. Flash fl oods. Our neighbors Teach the next generation. Like “a greater, a more stable and a more tolerant need us. Help your fellow Americans. anything else, enlightened patriotism comes americano America.” Donate your time, services or money to from education, not ignorance. Teach Vote. By participating in elections those less fortunate than you. the children about the special rights and Recicle. Ayude a limpiar un río o plantar at the local, state and national level, we Use your time meaningfully and responsibilities we share as Americans, and un árbol. Nuestra democracia merece un make our opinions heard. Understand the wisely. Volunteer for local charities. Help how they can exercise those rights. Set the hogar tan hermoso como sus ideales. issues. Learn as much as you can about the out at the local school or nursing home. example by being a good citizen. Por encima de todo: Confíe en que candidates. Vote responsibly. Organize a neighborhood clean-up. Let’s Enjoy and protect America’s natural todo saldrá bien. Tenga fe en los Estados Stay informed. Read newspapers, all do what we can to support each other. resources. Conserve. Recycle. Help clean Unidos. Creo que juntos podemos forjar magazines, blogs. Talk to your friends, Reread our founding documents. up a river or plant a tree. Our democracy un futuro mejor y mejores formas de hacer co-workers, neighbors. Go online and read The principles laid out in the Declaration deserves a home as beautiful as its ideals. las cosas. Créalo, entonces hágalo. current Bills before Congress. An educated of Independence, Constitution, and the Bill Above all else: Bet on Good. Believe El éxito defi nitivo de nuestra American is an empowered citizen. of Rights are timeless and essential. This in America. Believe that together we can democracia se basa en los ciudadanos Exercise your right to free speech. country’s founders envisioned a future we forge a better future and better ways of individuales que componen esta When we articulately and intelligently are living out today—and we can turn to doing things. Believe it, then do it. gran nación. El Manual para los state our opinions, popular or not, we truly these documents whenever our democratic The ultimate success of our democracy Estadounidenses (The Handbook for live up to the hopes and dreams of the institutions and expectations are challenged rests upon the individual citizens who make Americans) le recuerda que es fácil Founding Fathers. Freedom of speech is an and need to be reinvigorated. up this great Nation. The Handbook for celebrar América en cualquier forma extraordinary right. Look to the past for perspective. Americans reminds you that it is easy to get que se ajuste a su estilo de vida. Así que Support American businesses. When Our Nation’s history is rich with moments started and celebrate America in however este Cuatro de Julio, salga a compartir su we buy products labeled “Made in USA”, when strength and resilience transcended way fi ts your lifestyle. So this Fourth of orgullo de ser americano. we are supporting our economy and creating hardship and adversity. Look to the lives July, get out and share your pride for the jobs for our fellow citizens. of our great leaders, Presidents, and citizens United States. Support Americans in need. The Gulf for inspiration. CONTINÚA DE LA PAGINA 15

CONTINUES FROM PAGE 15 DÍAZ: Días difíciles para DÍAZ: Tough days for Lawrence Lawrence

que pertenecen al presupuesto del due to an increase from the insurance clause in the contract for that position and winter?” FY11", declaró el Sr. Bonet. "Pienso companies. This year that increases was an that the position cannot be eliminated. The same for the new supervisor in que algunos empleados están esperando average of 21%. If the City did not increase “There is no protection of position if the Water Department. Several long-term hasta el fi nal para no tomar los días que the premiums would have to fi nd 8 million budgetary issues exist. Each Collective employees applied for that promotion but les corresponde libres y luego esperar a additional dollars to maintain the current Bargaining Agreements has a list of a Lantigua supporter was hired as Head desafi ar a la administración en el nuevo plan or at least an additional 3 million to positions that are accepted as their union Meter Reader and now those employees are FY11. Tenían todo un año para tomarse keep it going until the city enters into GIC. position. It doesn’t indicate that any one training him. 12 días y esperaron hasta el último The GIC program will not be implemented position cannot be eliminate from the The laborers explained to me certain día - una semana después de la hora de until November at which time they will budget.” The plan for receiving work order arbitrary conditions under which they are presentar las hojas de nómina de pago." see a reduction in their premiums. “There and resident calls would be to receive them working and it was so incomprehensible Esta administración está bajo mucha will be a cost avoidance,” said Bonet. at the central DPW administration and relay that it became easy agreeing with them. presión por enderezar las fi nanzas en esta “We are working with the Personnel the order to the managers. Someone told me that he could not ciudad y es los empleados municipales Employee Committee as well as with Justifying their complaints is the pay his mortgage this month because $700 y el público en general quienes estarán many organizations and will soon begin recent hiring of Mayor William Lantigua’s was deducted from his June 18th check in al cargo del manejo de la sobrecarga de communicating to all employees and supporters at a time when workers are order to fulfi ll his furlough obligation. He trabajo y gastos. retirees through a number of channels.” getting eliminated. Right at the City Yard, worked the full two prior weeks and he did A particular concern is the elimination “the masonry guy, who was working part- not get paid. “That’s illegal! There are of the dispatcher’s position. “Where will time at $15 an hour, was given a full-time laws protecting us!” the calls be going if the dispatcher is gone?” position with a $10,000 raise. How much He is right. The year is not over and They believe that there’s a recognition cement work do you think he can do in the they have until June 30th to comply. Bonet explained that he has been in constant communication with union LEA EDICIONES PREVIAS DE RUMBO EN NUESTRO WEBSITE leaders and making sure that they relay to their members about taking the furloughs. Additionally, he has also sent a few emails PERIODICORUMBO.COM to all city employees about taking furloughs. Collective Bargaining Agreements have language in them that states that each member take their furloughs before June Lawrence 30, 2010. Mr. Bonet stated that it’s not an issue of them taking but that the previous Farmers Market is administration failed to take into account the payroll system and by going into a bi- expanding weekly payroll ran into issues associated Farmers Market is expanding this year. with payment of this FY10. We’ll have the Wednesday’s market from “I cannot have our payroll system 9:00 AM to 4:00PM at Appleton Way as account for the furloughs into an FY11 usual, but we will also be piloting a market budget,” stated Mr. Bonet. “I feel that at the corner of Park and Lawrence Streets on Saturdays from 9:00 to 1:00 and one some employees are waiting until the very at the McGovern Train Station on Tuesdays end to not take the furloughs and then wait from 4:00 to 7:30 PM. to challenge the administration into the new FY11. They had an entire year to take 12 days and they waited until the last day – one El Mercado de Agricultores en week past the time to submit payroll time sheets.” Lawrence se expande This administration is under a lot of El Mercado de Agricultores se está expandiendo este año. Vamos a tener, como de pressure to straighten out the fi nances in costumbre, el mercado de los miércoles en Appleton Way de 9:00 AM a 4:00 PM, pero this city and it is the city employees and también estaremos poniendo a prueba un mercado en la esquina de las calles Park y Lawrence los sábados de 9:00 AM a 1:00 PM y una en la estación de trenes McGovern, the general public who will be handling the los martes de 4:00 PM a 7:30 PM. extra work and expense. JULIO 1, 2010 • EDICIÓN 340 • LAWRENCE, MA • AÑO 16 .: Rumbo :. 31 CLASIFICADOS | CLASSIFIEDS

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