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The Hilltop 2-13-1987 Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1980-90 The iH lltop Digital Archive 2-13-1987 The iH lltop 2-13-1987 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 2-13-1987" (1987). The Hilltop: 1980-90. 168. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1980-90 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Harris retires op contenders debate By Rachel L. Swarns blem, HUSA has a problem," Jean recommend improvements and Hill1op Staff Reporter said. changes in areas such as registration, from V P post} Greenlee, a junior in the College of student employment, and the • Liberal Arts and HUSA director of bookstore, i according to Vincent ''I can truly say !hat I have not had Calling for an end to campus pro· Student Concerns and Grievances, Johns, dean of Student Life and 8)' Naomi Tr&\'trs blems and a revitalization of student Hilltop Staff Rl•por1er ,,·J1at onc \vould call an~t reall)~ bad told an African folktale about a boy Activities. unity, the candidates for Howard 11n1es. I have hundreds of gooa who asks his grandfather why at the Although the committees are open University S1udent Association Vice President of Business a11d 111c1norics . During my )'ears here, end of his stories the po,verful lion to HUSA appointed students, Jean (HUSA) president and vice·prtsident, Fis.::al Affairs Caspa L. Harris, Jr. C\'Cr)'Otte has been ''ery s11pportive. is always conquered by man. said that few students sit on the 1 and Undergraduate Trustee debated boards. ''ill e11d his 25 -\ ear 1cnurc at Ho,,·ard 1-\rt)' success attributable to me \Vas '''When the lion learns how to 1 at two back·tO·back Speakouts held \vrite, then he will "'rite his own en­ ''Many of the problems result U11i,crsity 011 ju11e 30 10 SCf\'C as the 011ly 1nadc possible b) • those \vho in the Tubman Quadrangle Tuesday 11e'' I)' appointed execu1ivc ''ice prcsi­ ,,·orked for 111e . They chi!ser,·e all the dings,' she said . from or student input in the de111 and chief opera1ing officer of credit," said Harris. and in Slowe Hall Wednesday. ''I wonder ho\Y we could become university.wide committees which are"' Connicts between the HUSA can­ 1l1t· Nationaf Association of College Since Harris has '''orked for more effective, ho\v '''e ca n manifest appointed by the HUSA president,'' didates and the General Assembly our talents and potential, and learn he said. ''We've already started a11d Universil)' Bt1si11ess Officers '\-to'''ard. the u11iversity's budge! has Election Committee over procedure (N.c\CUBO). i11crcased from $12.4 million to $300 to write novels and epics at our stay evaluating committee members." Caspa Hanis, vice president af concerning HUSA write-in can· at Howard University," she said . ''I know there are problems, I No replacc111ct11 has bei:tl 11a1ned as 111illion dollars and acquisitions such didates and the Structure of the \'Cl, <.I S \\' HUR Ra<:Ho. the HO\\'ard 11111 Business and Fiscal Affairs Greenlee said that although '''orked as director of Student Con­ of but according to Harris. tl1crc Speakou1s caused nare·ups at both a11d some acres of propert)' have s1udents have an obligat ion to the ce r11 s and Grievances," Greenlee ar~ four possible candida1es are cur­ 200 debates. renll)' '''orking for the uni,•crsit)'. been made . Cheek . You need to kno''' '''hen i1's campus communit y, as blacks they said . time to step aside and let someone The t\VO slates running for HUSA have a responsibility ro the local and ''The time is now for finding some ,. U11i,•crsity President Jan1es E. Cheek According to Har~ris. he accepted president and vice- president include ''ill n1ake a recom1nendatio11 for the the job as Ho,vard's chief internal else do the job," he added. , international communities. solutions, finding a way to ready and 1 Fri1z Jean and Craig Bedford, and position,·bul !he final decision rest s auditor because his job at Peat, ''I think \\'e could ha\ e searched Bedford, a junior in the School of prepare our minds s1ructurally and Georgette Greenlee and Robert Business, stressed working on cam­ physically to mee1 these challenges," \Vith !he board of ITUSICCS. ~-'l aurick, Mitchell & Co. required 1 not 011!) the country O\'er, bllt the \\1illiams. Bobby Butler and Bibiana Harris' ne''' place of emplO)'Cn1en1. 1ra,·eling a11d he '''as in1crested in a pus problems before dealing "'ith in­ she said . '''orld over. and not fot111d a more On)'ek,vere Hall are running as Greenlee said that the student com­ NABUCO. is a higher education 1Zoi11g to la\\' school at night. ternational iss ues , adding that many capable ca11didate (than Harris) to H USA \Vrite·i n candidates. munity needs to define themselves, oriented organization based in Du­ - Harris took the job and bega11 10 studen1s complained tha1 HUSA 1ake O\'er the assignment.'' said Joe The candida1es for Undergraduate assess their potential and then act. pont Circle. Sonie of the assoc:ia · attend la''' school at Amcrica11 neglecls problems close to home. F. Evans. i1nn1ediate past pre!ident Trustee are Malena Calvin and Keith ''\Ve as a people sometimes have ''We need to realize that there are tion's activities include dC\1 lop1ng of NACUBO a11d a nten1bcr of the U11i\·ersit)'. his undergraduate aln1 a Ta)'lor. a tendency to go to other people's students in the School of Architecture business offices for uni,·ersi1ies and r11ater . search co111 1n i11ec that hired Harris. ··As a junior in the School of \v ho could design a shuttle bus shelter ,,·orking to effect education-related - --· ·-· houses and 1ell them what 1hey 011e ~· ear after Harris recei,·ed his ··caspa can hit the ground runn- Liberal Arts, I realize and have been for us," she said, urging students lo legislation i11 cor1grcss . should be doing. I can condo11e la''' degree, he began teachi11g federal i11g .. He l1as 11a1ional vi sibilit)', b111 \'ictimized by ·tihe relentless problems that," said Bedford, president of Phi n1ake use of campus resources. Harris, ''·hose first - \\1orki11g ex· i11 co111e 1ax, business organization 1nore important l1is credentials ex ­ tl1at hinder the student body," said Beta Lambda, Future Business Jean said that HUSA must first pcrience at Ho'''ard '''as as a11 outside a11d legal accot111ting_ col1rses at en1plify '''l1at a 1op business officer Jean. a resident assistant in Sutton Leaders of A111erica, and a campus learn and understand the interests of auditqr -fro1~ne of the natio11's HO\\.'ard Universil)' La\v School <tnd sl1ould have,·· said Fred \1orsanger, Plaza and former preside11t of Alpha pal. tl1e student body in order to develop argest accol1nti11g fir111 - Peal, did so up u111il l:.tst se111en1 s1er . He t· l1airn1a11 of NABUCO's scarcl1 Pl1i 0111ega Fra1ernity, Inc. a unified ca mpus. f\1aurick. f\·liti...·l1celle & Co., l1as "' But I do11'1 co11do ne '''hen '''ego ' also taught cot1rses in rhc School of i...·on1n11ttce . Jea11 cited problems w,it h registra­ tu other people's houses \\•hen our ''Leaders are fundamental to a pre,·iousl)' served as 1he l1nivcrsi1)··s ll11si11ess ar1d Pliblic Ad111ins1ra1ior1 . tio11, the shutt le bus, housing and movemenl . And you,'' Jean said, thief in1cr11a\ audi1or ( 1962-1965) and Harris re c ~i, · cd 111a11)' job offers O\\'n house (Ho'''ard) is dirty '''ith ''I '\'C fear11ed tO reaJl)1 and truly etl ­ fac11lt y, isst1es that his slate intends as 1hc u11i,•crsi1y's firs! 1,,.·0111ptroller fro1n \\1all Street fir111s. but decided proble1ns. And ot1r !1ouse is vcr)' dir- poi11ting to 1he lis1ening students, joy bei11g at Ho'''ard," said Harris. to co11centra1e on if elected. .. ''arc fundamental to the movement.'' (1965- 1971). 10 Sia}' in 1l1e \\'ast1ing1on area. Har­ 1y. ··1·ve l1ad 1!1e pleasure of \\'Orki11g ''\Ve understand that HUSA was In creased part1c1pa1ion in He said tha1 students 1nust support He '''as sclc 1,,.· 11.·d a ~ 1.l1c ,·ice pr1.•si­ ri s gre''' up in Nortl1crn Virginia ar1d \\'ith [\VO Oll! ~ ta11ding (HO\\'l.lrd) forn111 la1ed in tl1e best in1eres1 of the 1 1 110''' resides i11 Rc ~ 1011, Va . ''ith his u11i\ ersit;;·\\ ide con1mit'tees is 1l1e kc)' the movement for unity in order for dent of b11 s i111,,.· s ~ a11d fi !-<: al affairs i11 11rt•s ide11t s. (Dr. Jan1es) Nabrit a11d student. They're not t\\'O en1i1ies, .but it ro be s11ccessful. 1971. ,,ife. J>eggy. Harris l1as t\\O cl1ildre11 : to so lving campus proble111 s, J e.:-in a· so11, Caspa Ill . a11d a da11ghter . are S)'nlhesized as one," he said . said. Appointed by universit)' Presi­ ''\Ve do11't have to see things all Gr:1ce Ross. ·• (f the s1uden1 body has a .pro· dent James Check, the co111t11ittccs the same as long as we're looking at 1hc \Yhole," said Williams, director GA concerned of HUSA 's education unil and a junior in the College of Liberal Arts. ' "\V e needn't worry if we're unified in 1hc definition of the Europeans. •• ' . wit~ voter apathy • • Problems between the Election the111 n1ore i111eresting . Con1mittee and the write·in can· ..;• 8)· 1-~ lizabelh S rnith ''\Ve \\'J11t to l1a\'C i11teraction bet - dictates began at the end of the Hilltop Sra ff R..- portcr , • \vecn 1hc candidates, 'vhcrc the)' .
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    Presorted Standard U.S. Postage Paid Austin, Texas Permit No. 01949 TPA TEXAS PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION This paper can be recycled Vol. 43 No. 40 Phone: 512-476-0082 Email: [email protected] February 19, 2016 CELEBRATE BLACK HISTORY MONTH INSIDE AUSTIN SPURS TO HONOR SHERIFF HAMILTON DURING BLACK HISTORY MONTH RAPPIN’ AUSTIN, Texas (Feb. from Southwest Texas Tommy Wyatt 15, 2016) – The Austin State University (now Rep. Cummings Spurs, presented by Texas State University), proposed college SWBC, will honor Travis Hamilton began his career cost estimate act. Early Voting is County Sheriff Greg in 1985 as a corrections See HINOJOSA now underway Hamilton as they cel- officer in the Travis County Page 2 Sheriff’s Office, holding With the early voting ebrate Black History the positions of D.A.R.E. period now underway, it is Month at Cedar Park Cen- Officer, Mounted Patrol time for us to make our ter on Sunday, Feb. 28, and Corrections Officer II. endorsements for the when Austin faces the Hamilton was appointed March 1, 2016 elections. At Oklahoma City Blue at 5 Chief of Enforcement at this time we will be issuing p.m. the Texas Alcoholic Bever- our choices for the Sheriff Greg Charismatic leader age Commission (TABC) in Democratic Party candi- Hamilton is currently the advocated to end 1994 and was selected to dates for county races. highest-ranking law en- domestic hunger. serve on the governor’s One of the more crowded forcement officer in Travis See MICKEY DWI Task Force Advisory races in Travis County is County.
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