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-- - - SPORTS MENU TIPS Raise Your VOICE EAST 51 DEily NEWS DeLaHoya Fight Vote Make Cherry ISSUED TUESDAY AND FRIDAY Postponed Rolls A Tradition SERVING LARCHMERE - WOODLAND, SHAKER SQUARE, BUCKEYE, WOODLAND, Tuesday, May 5, 1998 MT. PLEASANT, LEE & AVALON, HARVARD • LEE, MILES· UNION, UNIVERSITY See page 7 SeePage 8 CIRCLE AREA, WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS, VILLAGE OF FREE - HIGHLAND HILLS AND EAST CLEVELAND READ ON· WRITE ON Thesday, February 24, 1998- Friday, February 27, 1998 Candidates form field for 11th Vol. 19, 'No. 3 "COVERING 'THE NEWS TODAY FOR A BETTER TOMORROW" Congressional District• • election• Participants in the Job Fair at Ha111ard ConmwnitY Sen·ices Rev. Mc:\lickle Johnson Center are Dorthea Santiago and Brenda HenrY, sho\\'11 at booth By CLAUDE STARKS Tubbs - Jones said she publican primary election. of the Urban League of Greater Clel'l'iand. ( ESDN Photo /1r "consulted" with family, friends Saffold owns Saffold Co Local politicians have and colleagues, before making Construction Company and pre filed petitions for the May 5th her decision. viously has run for state sena primary election for the lltlh Tubbs- Jones said she tor. Businesses networks with residents at job fair Congressional District office be will not resign, nor will she take a Saffold said he will seek ByCOLERll)GEJONES ing vacated by Congressman leave of absence from her job as training needs, and become gain College, Dawson Personnel Ser a similar event to be held at the "job creation and development" I:.ouis Stokes. County Prosecutor, abstaining fully employed." vices, Hard Hatted Women, Host HCSC on Friday, February 20. The Havard Commu Stokes said he will not from her policy for her employ for the citizens of the II th Con The event also in Marriott Services, Pre-Paid Legal Lotti Whittaker, com nity Services Center (HCSC) was seek re-election when his term ees. gressional District ifheis elected cluded interview tecl).niques and Services Inc., and Reserve Net munity organizer for Healthy host to a Job Fair recently held expires on January 3, 1999. State Senator Jeffery Cuyahoga County, Demo resume writing. work. Family/Healthy Start at HCSC at the agency's McCullough Hall, Stokes is retiring after Johnson.has filed petitions for cratic Party Chairman Jimmy "Everyone attending Other booths at the fair will serve as host at the second 18240 Harvard Ave. had an opportunity to learn of 30 years of service representing the Democratic primary. Dimora said the winn~r of the were Towards Employment Inc., Job Fair. Elaine Gohlstine is additional resources to help in the citizens of the 11th district. J oh;nson is a former Democratic primary will be the Army Recruiters. U.S. Mortgage Hayes said "we try to HCSC executive director. finding jobs," Hayes said. "Be Stokes IS the dean of Cleveland City Councilman from likely winner of the general elec Reduction, Inc., United Way, work on employment goals and Job seekers attending sides unemployed persons find the Ohio delegation to the United Glenville and has run for Cuya Geric Home Health Care, United action plans with individual par tion in November, because the fair discussed employment ing jobs at the Fair, those em States House of Representa hoga County Commissioner. Labor Agency, Job Start, City . ents.·· 60 percent of the registered vot opportunities at booths set up ployed at minimum wages lo tives. Johnson said his years Year, Urban League of Greater ers in the district are Democrats. in the hall, and learned about cated better positions." He emphasized the ob Rev. Marvin McMickle, on the Cleveland City Council Dim ora said the winner skills needed and the application Cleveland, Myer's College and jective of enabling young fathers former president of the Cleve and in Columbus as a state sena Hayes explained that of the election in November will process. Healthy Family/Healthy Start to become heads of household. land chapter of the NAACP, tor being part of the le_gislative the Job Fair "brought businesses Ronald E. Hayes, Fa and training institutes together Project. For inforn1ation on the Shaker Height~ School Board process, gives him an "advan probably retain the office until ther/Partner Program consultant, Because of receiving upcoming Job Fair and other ser president and paswr of Antioch tage'' over the other candidates retirement or resignation because to outreach in the community." said "the Job Fair was an effort many inquires following the Job vices of the Harvard Community Baptist Church, has filed peti seeking the 11th Congressional of the large number of registered Booths at the fair in Fair, the sponsors are planning Services Center, call991-8585. tions for the Democratic primary. District office. Democrats. to help families identify skills and cluded Cuyahoga Community McMickle said his sta Johnson is the chair Dimora said Johnson's tus as an "outsider" to the politi man of the Black Political Cau attendance record would not be Warrensville Heights Mayor Ramond J. cal process will give credence to cus for the Ohio Delegation. a factor during the Democratic his campaign. D a I e primary campaign due to his Stephanie Tubbs Blanchard, Arthur large margins of victory when Jones. Cuyahoga County Pros Boyd Jr., William DeMora, and Grabow indicted; he will resign March 31 he ecutor. recently said she has filed Myron Graceare the other who ran for Cleveland City Council go to prison. petttionsfor the office being va have filed petitions for the Demo By CLAUDE STARKS County Grand Jury for using city lions. and State Senator and because cated by Stokes in a news con cratic primary election. computers to acquire information The indictments Councilwom.an Dolly ference at the Marriott Society One candidate who has the II th Congressional District Warrensville Heights on poltical opponents and city agamst Grabow were announced D ·Amico said she wi II resign and Center filed peitions for the Republican encompasses the district Mayor Ramond J. Grabow re employees. in 1996 by the Cuyahoga move to Florida to pursue busi Tubbs - Jones is a primary is Robert Saffold. Johnson represents in the state cently plead guilty to two counts Warrensville Heights County Grand Jury. ness interests. former Munctpal Court Judge Mark Carter, James senate. of theft in office and will resign Police Chief John Kalvsky, Ser Grabow, Kalavsky and D'Amico was not in- and ran for the Ohio State Su Hereford and Jerome Brentar Dimora said that Rev_ March31. vice Director John Sara, and Sara will probably not go to dieted. Grabow's resignation former Service Director William prison due to the nonviolent na preme Court have filed petitions for the Re- McMickJe's controversial term as Warrensville Heights allows prosecutors to drop 13 Rozhon were each named in a 15 ture of the crimes. a member of the board of the Gate City Council will fill the two coun felony counts against him. count indictment. In addition, cil positions by accepting appli Whalen won't seek reelection way Economic Development Grabow will be unable Kalavsky resigned af the three individuals have no cations from Warrensville By CLAUDE STARKS Committee, which lead to cost to ter agreeing with Cuyahoga previous criminal history and the Heights city residents. overruns, lawsuits and liens run for political office effective County prosecutors to testify remaining Vermel Whalen recently against the board, and which pre March 31. against Grabow. charges against them are misde The Warrensville said she will not seek reelection cipitated in loans and grants The Ohio State Su- Kalavsky's resignation meanors. Heights city charter mandates to the Ohio House of Represen from the city. county and state, pre me and agreement to testify against Several Warrensvi lie the council president becomes tatives from the 12th District. should not cost him votes dur Court will decide if Grabow re Grabow allows proesecutors to Heights city leaders expressed mayor when the mayor vacates Whalen was virtually ing the primary. tains remove the felony indictments shock and dismay after being the office due to illness, death. assured of retaming her office, his law license. charges against him. notified of the indictments or other circumstances. a posiuon she has held for 14 Dtmora said Grabow has been Grabow's sister Pauline against Grabow. Sara and Pegues, will serve as years. the location of Antioch Baptist mayor of Warrensville Heights Lowe, the mayor's secretary and Kalavsky. mayoruntiltheNovember 3,1999 Whalen satd "T have al Church and Shaker Heights in for more Clerk of Co unci I, resigned after Warrensville Heights election. ways belived there's a time to the II th Congressional District than 30 years. being notified of her pending in Councilman Nathaniel Bolden Pegues has not de- enter and a time to exit.'' Whalen is an "advantage'' for McMickle. Grabow was one of five dictment. said the city needed, "time to cided Whalen represents the As past come candidates for the office. Warrensville Heights employees Lowe's resignation heal.'' if he will place his name on the 12th House Di~tnct, which in Stacey Collier, Ken pre idem of the Cleveland chap indicted by the Cuyahoga eliminates the possibility she will Bolden said Grabow ballot for mayor in 1999. cludes southeast Cleveland, ferguson. Carlton J.Moreland. ter of the NAACP, was not an ally and both men Warrensville Heights City Coun Maple Hetghts and Garfield Henry Warren Jr., Andre P. McMickle wtll be able to use his disagreed on many issues affect cilwoman Dolly D'Amico said Heights. Warrensville ·Heights Council White, John E. Barnes Jr. and name recognition with the regis ing the city. she will re tgn in two weeks. The population of the Veronica L. McGhee are candi tered voters within the II th Con Bolden said Grabow dtstrict Whalen represents is ap President Pegues to be mayor dates for the office.