Canadian Folk Music | Musique Folklorique Canadienne
Reviews Recordings David Francey. The First Set: Live from Folk Al- are simple and straightforward, yet not simplistic. His ley. LAKR 1005. Laker Music, 2998 Elphin Maberly tunes are easy and accessible, and yet not common- Rd., RR#1, McDonald's Corners, Ont. K0G 1M0; place. His words are succinct, cutting right to the;; point, almost always leaving the listener wanting Festival Distribution, 1351 Grant St., Vancouver, more, more of the story, more of the melody, more of B.C. V5L 2X7; 1-800-633-8282;; the truth. "You may have gathered [that] I don't exactly write from my happy place," David says in his intro- A live recording presents a number of challenges and duction to one of his songs. It's the only thing that opportunities for a performing artist. For every bene- does not ring completely true on this album. With his fit gained by capturing the spontaneity of the mo- gentle self-deprecating humour, Francey belittles his ment, there is also a risk akin to that faced by a tra- own muse. No, David Francey may not have a "hap- peze artist swinging without a net: away from the py place", but his songs come from somewhere pro- controlled environment of a recording studio, there is found, intimate and authentic. no "second take". David Francey's poetry can present contradictory In some genres, folk and jazz in particular, this and conflicting images between songs. We recognize absence of clinical perfection is appreciated.
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