Group of Protesters at Mezhyhiria Draws Harsh, Fearful Reaction From

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Group of Protesters at Mezhyhiria Draws Harsh, Fearful Reaction From INSIDE: l The Regionnaires’ Rada by Alexander Motyl – page 3 l Ukraine’s ambassador to U.S. visits Boston – page 4 l Music by Filts and Skoryk in the D.C. spotlight – page 11 THEPublished U by theKRAINIAN Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal W non-profit associationEEKLY Vol. LXXXI No. 16 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 2013 $1/$2 in Ukraine UCC expresses concern about content Group of protesters at Mezhyhiria draws of Canadian Museum for Human Rights harsh, fearful reaction from Yanukovych Calls upon Canadians to speak out WINNIPEG, Manitoba – The Ukrainian crimes of communism,” Mr. Grod contin- Canadian Congress (UCC) on April 5 urged ued. “Despite several meetings with senior all Canadians to voice their concerns over management of the museum where these the content and layout proposed for the questions have been raised, they have been Canadian Museum for Human Rights unable to articulate how decisions are (CMHR). made on content and layout or who is mak- “On a recent site tour of this taxpayer- ing them. This is unacceptable and we are funded museum, I was shocked to discover calling upon all Canadians to speak out on how shamefully Ukrainian Canadian and the issues of content, layout and transpar- Ukrainian themes are to be presented in ency at the museum.” this national institution. We are deeply “It is appalling that the only reference to troubled that neither Canada’s first nation- Canada’s first national internment opera- al internment operations nor the tions is a nondescript picture, even though Holodomor will have permanent and thousands of Ukrainians and other Eastern prominent exhibits and galleries in the Europeans were interned as ‘enemy aliens’ Museum,” stated UCC National President in 24 Canadian labor camps, tens of thou- Paul Grod. sands more were disenfranchised and “It is outrageous that in the province of Winnipeg was a receiving station for these Manitoba, which has the highest propor- ‘enemy aliens’ during the first world war tional percentage of Ukrainians in Canada, period. Even more outrageous, the subject Vladyslav Musiyenko/UNIAN Special police forces arrest an activist at the “We Won’t be Frightened” protest held the human rights stories that have impact- of the Famine-Genocide of 1932-1933 in ed our community have either been on April 15 at Mezhyhiria, the grandiose residential estate of Ukrainian President Soviet Ukraine, the Holodomor, is relegated Viktor Yanukovych that has come to symbolize the corruption of his rule. ignored or minimalized. We have attempt- to a minor panel in a small obscure gallery ed to work in good faith with the museum near the museum’s public toilets! This is by Zenon Zawada Upon his appointment, Mr. Yanukovych for the past two and a half years, yet they offensive and intolerable,” the UCC presi- Special to The Ukrainian Weekly was given a simple building at Mezhyhiria to remain wedded to the discredited Content dent underscored. reside in, which had previously been desig- Advisory Committee Report, which makes KYIV – Ukrainian President Viktor nated as a residence for foreign guests and for no mention of the Holodomor or the (Continued on page 3) Yanukovych can appear like a real tough guy, official recreational retreats. He became more throwing his political opponents in prison, enchanted with his new home upon discover- but last week all it took was a few dozen ing hunting grounds for wild boars close by. young activists to discover his Achilles’ heel. He wasted no time in staging his takeover Brody-Lew fraternity announces drive Their repeated attempts to hold demon- of Mezhyhiria. Within four months of becom- strations outside the gates of his grandiose ing prime minister, he rented the building to raise funds for history chair at UCU Mezhyhiria residence touched a raw nerve and its surrounding 7.4 acres from the state. with the president, who dispatched busloads It was a 49-year rental agreement. NEW YORK – Brody-Lew, the New Brody-Lew was established in the of special police forces and unidentified Before Mr. Yanukovych had arrived, he York-based fraternity for the protection early 1950s in New York City by veterans goons in black to silence the youngsters. Two lived in a modest home – by Ukrainian oli- of Ukrainian military cemeteries, has of the (Dyvizia Halychyna), later the 1st activists were imprisoned for five and seven garchs’ standards – on the outskirts of announced a drive to raise funds for the Division of the Ukrainian National Army. days, respectively. Donetsk, Vasyl Khara, a former Party of establishment of an endowed chair in Since its founding, Brody-Lew has been Mr. Yanukovych’s disproportionate, fren- Regions insider, told the Ekonomichna history at Lviv’s Ukrainian Catholic fulfilling its mission of honoring veterans zied reaction to the protesters – who car- Pravda news site in an interview published University (UCU). The chair is to focus on by establishing cemeteries and memori- ried nothing more than paper placards and in May 2012. all military units in western Ukraine dur- als for Ukrainian military veterans megaphones – revealed the feelings of enti- Meanwhile, Mezhyhiria was a luxurious ing World War II. throughout the world and especially in tlement he has towards Mezhyhiria, the Soviet residential complex that was inhabit- Fund-raising for the $250,000 needed Europe and Ukraine. 346-acre estate where he lives, works and ed by Soviet Communist Party General to endow the chair began with an inaugu- Most recent Brody-Lew projects are: plays, observers said. Secretary Leonid Brezhnev and Communist ral $25,000 donation made by Brody-Lew. Dyvizia veterans memorials on the Zhbyr “For Yanukovych, the whole world ends at Party of Ukraine First Secretary Volodymyr This effort is the initiative of the chil- hillside near the village of Yaseniva, at the the gates of Mezhyhiria,” said Sergiy Taran, dren and grandchildren of Ukrainian mil- Lychakiv cemetery in Lviv, management the director of the International Institute of Shcherbytsky. itary veterans who believe that more of the Sich Riflemen graves at Lyson and Democracy in Kyiv. “The president has sever- These Communist leaders could never scholarship in this field of study is essen- the Divisia “Halychyna” Veterans’ al phobias. The first is the maidan, the sec- have imagined that portions of the estate, sit- tial. According to Brody-Lew President Memorial Cemetery near the village of ond is Tymoshenko, and the third is uated on the right bank of the Dnipro River Taras Ferencevych, it is needed “to pro- Liads’ke-Chervone, Zolochiv region. Mezhyhiria. Those are his weak spots, hitting about 15 miles north of central Kyiv, would vide a counter-balance to over 50 years Brody-Lew is soliciting donations upon which draws an inadequate reaction.” be sold and rented out to private firms. of intentional and unintentional misin- from Ukrainian community members, Indeed, Mr. Yanukovych’s first two pho- Yet, in September 2007, Mr. Yanukovych formation campaigns about the military organizations and businesses. Checks bias are directly related to the third. spent the last days of his second tenure as events in Western Ukraine during World should be made out to Brody-Lew and It was the Orange Revolution of 2004 on prime minister issuing Cabinet resolutions War II.” sent to: Brody-Lew Inc. Brotherhood, P.O. Independence Square – the maidan – and that gradually transferred the ownership of Brody Lew chose to partner with UCU Box 261, Cooper Station, New York, NY the prime ministership of Yulia Tymoshenko Mezhyhiria’s numerous buildings from the because of the great strides the universi- 10276. that played direct roles in stopping Mr. state to a private Donetsk-based company, ty has made in establishing itself as an Yanukovych from returning to live in which in turn sold the properties to another independent and highly respected insti- EDITOR’S NOTE: For more on the Mezhyhiria, for which he developed an infat- company, Tantalit, before declaring bank- tution of higher education. Galicia Division, see article on page 9. uation when he first became prime minister in November 2002. (Continued on page 10) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 2013 No. 16 ANALYSIS Putin, Miller unveil pipeline project Kozhara condemns attacks in Boston those killed, and ask you to convey words of support and wishes for a speedy recov- KYIV – Ukrainian Foreign Affairs ery to all those injured,” the head of state to bypass Ukraine via Poland Minister Leonid Kozhara, speaking as said in a condolence message. (Ukrinform) chairperson-in-office of the Organization bcm per year. by Vladimir Socor for Security and Cooperation in Europe Rybak: Rada work back to normal Eurasia Daily Monitor (OSCE), condemned the explosions during for its originally proposed capacity of 63 the Boston Marathon, in which three peo- KYIV – The work of the Ukrainian On April 3 in Moscow, President bcm• Designingper year, with the four South parallel Stream lines pipeline on the ple were killed and 144 more were injured. Parliament, which was complicated due to Vladimir Putin and Gazprom CEO Alexei seabed of the Black Sea en route to Europe. At the 21st OSCE Economic and blocking, has now returned to normal, Miller announced a colossal series of gas This seems to imply reinstating South Environmental Forum, which was held in Verkhovna Rada Chairman Volodymyr projects. These involve an expansion of Stream’s southwestern branch toward Italy, Kyiv, on April 16-17, he said: “The sports Rybak said at a meeting with co-rappor- existing big projects or a reactivation of which Moscow had dropped in 2011 from event, which is designed to serve the world teurs of the Parliamentary Assembly of the earlier, unimplemented proposals. the initial project, instead prioritizing the and unite people, has become the site of a Council of Europe (PACE), Marietta de Ukraine’s start of gas imports from Europe, northwestern branch to Central Europe.
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