The Phoenician Language
CHAPTER ONE THE PHOENICIAN LANGUAGE Phoenicia (Foinikia), the Greek name of Canaan (KNàN, Hebrew KÿnaÁàan), was the region in antiquity that encompassed southern Syria, Lebanon and Israel (west of the Jordan), extending roughly from Arad in the North to the Negev and Sinai in the South. In the Late Bronze and Iron Ages, the region was home to numerous peoples of com- mon origin, sharing a common culture and possessing a common language, which they called SõPT KNàN (“the language of Canaan” [Isaiah 19:18]), or Canaanite. At an early period, the peoples of Canaan had differentiated into distinct regional subgroups, part of which development was the emergence of regional dialects, some of which in turn became national languages. Phoenician was one such regional Canaanite dialect: in the strictest meaning, Phoenician was the language spoken along the coast of Lebanon roughly from Si- don in the North to Acco in the South. The indigenous name of this subregion of Canaan was Pu„t (PT ), and the name of the Canaanite subgroup inhabiting it, the Po„nnþm (Phoenicians), the gentilic deriv- ing from the place-name. Po„nnþm was also the name of the Canaan- ite dialect of the region. It is this toponym and gentilic that are the origin of Greek Foinike" and Latin Poenus and punicus, the terms by which Greeks and Romans first came to know and call the Phoenicians; and is the term by which they are still called. The main cities of Put were Tyre and Sidon, and so the term Phoenicians (Po„nnþm) came early to be synonymous with Tyrians and Sidonians and Phoenician (Po„nnþm) synonymous with Tyro-Sidonian Canaanite.
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