Anatomies of Spanish Settlers in Malta between 1580 and 1648: Their Family Stories Simon Mercieca
[email protected] Abstract: This paper will attempt to reconstruct the different identity kits of Spanish settlers in Malta between 1580 and 1648. The analysis shall use the Status Liberi documentation which is a series of Ecclesiastical Acts recording the assessment of foreigners by an ecclesiastical judge of those outsiders who wished to get married in Malta. This procedure was undertaken to verify whether the candidate was single or not, the former being and remains a sine qua non for marriage. The surviving documents recount the lives of these settlers before taking up permanent residence in Malta and highlight the reason behind their decision to settle down in Malta. The most fascinating aspect of these documents is that these stories are recounted by the protagonists themselves. They give insight to issues of identity and shared memory among the Spanish settlers. In the majority, they were simple folk without any pretensions or extraordinary expectations. Were it not for such a prerequisite their life histories would have been lost forever. Keywords: Malta, Spaniards, Status Liberi, marriage, seafaring, identity The Research Methodology n the following analysis I will attempt the reconstruction of what one might term to have been a ‘Spanish’ identity in Malta at a time Iwhen Europe was passing through widespread political turmoil as a result of the Wars of Religion. My historical-critical interpretation of this past migratory experience will be based on the patchy survival of court Symposia Melitensia Number 11 (2015) SYMPOSIA MELITENSIA NUMBER 11 (2015) records.