Operation Hammond First Response Inc. HAMMOND headlines quarterly FALL 2020 | Issue # 2 Follow Us @ Questions?
[email protected] Fall 2020 | HAMMOND Headlines Quarterly 2 FALL 2020 | HAMMOND Headlines Quarterly 3 table of staff Fall 2020 CONTENTS Publisher Alexander V. Mecca Writers Alexander V. Mecca •Chairman’s Corner Lisa Miray Hayes TJ Feldman 4 Zö Pezzano Editors Alexander V. Mecca Lisa Miray Hayes •Suicide Prevention Awareness Zö Pezzano 5 Designers Zö Pezzano •Hammond Histories •Coming Attractions Curious about submitting 6 articles, artwork, or photos to Hammond Headlines Quarterly? Please contact:
[email protected] •Level Up! 7 •Help Wanted 8 •Word Scramble 9 Bartlet Street Suit 257 Andover, Ma 01810 (617) 297-8452
[email protected] FALL 2020 | HAMMOND Headlines Quarterly 4 Chairman’s Corner Suicide Awareness Month happened this quarter and I want to take a moment to rec- ognize the impact that this global crisis has had on most of our mental health. Right: photo of Alexander V. Mecca, President and Chairman of Operation Everyone has been locked up inside and Hammond, 2019 with most conventions cancelled, people are finding it more difficult to fill their lives with the experiences that make them hap- with Operation Hammond has personal- py. Because of this, people are feeling more ly given me a source of joy and passion isolated and depression has a higher pos- through this crisis. If you would like to be sibility of creeping in on us. involved, please feel free to apply on our Knowing this, I would like to website. We always need vol- take a moment to encourage unteers to help with things everyone to keep this in mind.