
Fantasy Genre Study

Lucas The genre I have chosen is fantasy.

● The details of this genre is bright colours or certain colours to set the mood. ● An interesting style for buildings and nature. ● Usually some kind of magical thing or supernatural thing. ● Mythical creatures. ● Usually a mood at most points. ● Characters have a very certain kind of personality that makes the special and different from everyone else. ● The plot usually has something with saving the world or finding something or dealing with a problem. What makes fantasy unique.

● There are lots of different camera angles more than other genres. ● Lots of different kinds of lighting with lense flares and a colour to set an atmosphere. ● Dialogue can be a bit different like if they talk in a certain different way. ● Usually lots and lots of colours way more vibrant than other genres. ● The style of buildings is sometimes very different from real life and there sometimes is much more nature. ● Has lots of special effects that are sometimes crazy. ● Sometimes makes the viewer think what if life was like this.

The two films I chose to watch was both movies and they were, : Ordinal Scale and : The Movie. Sword Art Online: Ordinal Scale

● Plot - A new gaming device comes out called the Augma and it is like the VR but it is an AR so people are awake and going places to use it, and so it is a gaming device but the top game on it Ordinal Scale is not what it seems because it has a bad side to it for that can threaten lives and make SAO survivors forget everything about SAO. ● Release - February 18, 2017 ● Director - Tomohiko Itō ● Characters - as Kirito, as , as , as , Kōichi Yamadera as Akihiko Kayaba, Takeshi Kaga as Dr. Shigemura, as Agil, Sayaka Kanda as Yuna, as Lisbeth, as Silica, as Klein, Kanae Itō as Yui. Blue Exorcist: the Movie

● Plot - It is a few until the festival that happens every 11 years, they are reinforcing the barrier that keeps demons out, the main character encounters a demon disguised as a child and starts getting attached to it but it accidently causes bad things that change everything. ● Release - December 28, 2012 ● Director - Atsushi Takahashi ● Characters - as Rin, as Yukio, as Shiemi, Kōji Yusa as shima, as Kamiki, Kazuya Nakai as Suguro, Yūki Kaji as Konekomaru, Rina Sato as Kirigakure, as Usamaro, Hidenobu Kiuchi as Cheng-Long, as Arthur, Fujiwara as Shiro, Ayahi Takagaki as Kuro, as Mephisto. How the films demonstrate different genres

In SAO Ordinal Scale they show romance with the two main characters Kirito and Asuna being partners and talking and hanging out a lot.

In Blue Exorcist the movie they show funny things by doing random funny things that are weird and make people laugh. Similarities and differences with my two movies

The similarities - There are magical things, weird creachers, lots of fighting, Ordinal scale has similar architecture to Blue exorcists both have gothic style buildings, both are anime, both use lots of different weapons.

The differences - SAO is in the real world and it goes into a game and things are different, in Blue exorcist the real world is magical, SAO they wear battle gear, Blue exorcist they wear school and exorcist uniforms, SAO is more into the future and Blue exorcist is closer to modern time/ the present. Which movie I like better and why

Between both Sword Art Online Ordinal Scale and The blue exorcist movie it is a bit of a hard choice because I love them both and I’ve known the for a long time and Blue exorcist is one of my first animes and I really love the story of both of them but I do love anime with funny stuff in them and lots of fun jokes and stuff like that so I’ll have to go for The Blue Exorcist Movie for that reason that and I like it maybe a bit more and I also like animes that have something to do with school and Blue exorcist does so I like that too about it. What makes Fantasy popular

What makes fantasy so popular from the other genres is that it has a sort of very different feel to it because it always has cool made up things like awesome creatures and magical kind of stuff so that makes lots of people interested in it because it is so out of this world.