The 666 Mystery Solved

“Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred, threescore, and six.” Revelation 13:18

Little do many know, the mark which so many continuously strive to look for is in plain sight. The famous Roman numeral date “1776” on the back of the one dollar bill inscribed at the foot of the pyramid holds an important clue to solving this mystery.

The Roman numeral date MDCCLXXVI happens to generate precisely six hundred, threescore, and six.

This comes about through a pattern of three pairs: MDCCLXXVI – DC has a numerical value of 600, LX has a numerical value of 60, and VI has a numerical value of 6. This coincides with the King James Version of the which says, “his number is six hundred threescore and six.” The remaining numerals MDC equal 1110.

Now you would normally read the roman numerals as 1776, which is correct. That is the “obvious” meaning of those letters. However, the hidden numerical value of those letters is what unveils the mystery. The Romans used the following letters for their number system: DCLXVI with D=500, C=100, L=50, X=10, V=5, I = 1. The roman numeral “M” (1000) was not used until much later. The sum of these numerals is of course 666. If we take them as the scripture gives the number, we come up with this in descending order on the left.

The dollar is not the only way the “mark” is built into the monetary system; it is also on every store-bought item. It is the famous “barcode.” The lines on bar codes are distinguished by specific distances. The measurements of these distances are defined by specific numbers which is what codifies the set of lines in a barcode. The disturbing aspect of all of this is the fact that every barcode shares one eerie similarity: pattern-sequence #6 is always at the beginning, middle, and end:

“And your society denied it and it is the truth; say, “I am not over you a solver.” Recitation 6:66

According to the prophecy, this number (666) is not only the number of “the beast,” but also the number of “a man.” Keep in mind that the word for “a man” in the original Greek is “anthropos” also meaning “mankind.” And, no article “a” appears in the Greek text. Further, the word for “his” in “his number is” can be read as “its” implying no gender. So the book of Revelation may say that 666 is the number of “humanity” or “mankind.” Now, recall that the word “government” is Latin for “mind-control.” Government (mind-control) cannot be achieved without winning over the “worship” of those it “governs.” To ‘worship’ something does not mean “to venerate it as a god.” To worship something is simply to aim to be worthy for it. The English word ‘worship’ derives from the Old English weordhscipe meaning ‘worthiness’ or ‘worth-ship.’

“Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast, for it is the number of man.”

Government is established by man:

 It deviates from the worship of the Creator, and directs worship to itself.  It diminishes the equality of the people through subversion and division.  It regulates and prohibits the Creator’s provisions.  It seizes the property of the free.  It enslaves by all means in order to empower itself.

Unquestionably, ‘government’ is the primary manifestation of the “beast.” The word, “beast” is simply a term by which the attributes of greed, savageness and self-righteousness are applied. 6 is the first perfect number in mathematics, and 666 is the most triangular number in mathematics. Thus, the application of this number implies perfection, or ‘godliness.’ In other words, the number 666 is NOT the number of man. Basically, the “666” of Revelation is based on the notion that man believes himself to be “God.” It should thus be noted that 666 is the numerical value of the Greek phrase “I am the god upon earth.” Christian enthusiasts, ignorant of numerology, invariably interpret the number 666 to signify “the devil.” This is a mistaken assumption in many respects and shows a disregard of the book of Revelation’s injunction that the “number of the beast” was counted only “for him that hath understanding”.

The words John used were, Και ο αριθμος αυτου Χξς΄ - “And the number of his name is 666” Those are critical words as they have a Greek-numeric value of 2368.

2368 is the Greek-numeric value of Ιησοθς Χριστος - Jesus Christ.

2+3+6+8 = 19

What does this mean? Remember, the impersonator of “Jesus Christ” in Revelation is Lucifer!

Recitation 17:36 “And do not pursue what not you have thereof any knowledge; it is that the hearing and the vision and the heart – each of these will be questioned about it.”

The Recitation, the Final Testament, teaches us how to properly examine previous scripture. Since the earliest days of the Christian institution, the number 666 has been associated with evil, although no church has ever been able to provide any intelligent reason as to why this is so. According to the church, the number 666 somehow signifies “the antichrist.” Obviously, the church has recognized the importance of this number as they believe it represents a force that will rise against them.

It is a part of the Christian tradition that the members of the congregation are considered “the flock.” The system is such that the church members are to accept a submissive role as “sheep” toward their clerics, “the shepherds.” Of course, the sheep never question the shepherd. So if the church says that “666 is the sign of satan,” that is all they need to say. According to them, it is “because the Bible says so.”

Now, if something triggers the collective human intellect that has been kept in captivity in the churches and ignites the desire for people to KNOW instead of just BELIEVING ON FAITH, that would spell DISASTER for the church. Such eruption of human intellect is the last thing the church wants to face. For the intelligent people would ask intelligent questions, questions that the church is not prepared to answer.

In order to comprehend the significance of the number 666 correctly, we must rid ourselves of any biased opinions or presuppositions. Firstly, we must interpret the number mathematically and study its components, the three sixes. We know that the number 6 is the first perfect number of mathematics.

6 = 3 + 2 + 1 = 6 = 3 x 2 x 1 = 6

As stated in both the Torah and the Recitation, the Power created the heavens and the earth in 6 days. The biochemistry of organic matter is based on carbon which not only has six electrons but is also the sixth element of the Periodic Table. The Arabic-numeric value of “the Power” is 66 (1 +30 + 30 + 5 = 66). In the Protestant Bible, which excludes the 13 books of Apocrypha, there are is a total of 66 books. There are 39 books in the and 27 books in the New Testament. This does not authenticate all of what is contained in the Bible. It does, however, signify the design of the Almighty, for it is the Creator’s will to get the attention of His servants. It is the Creator’s will that we should look at the number 6 more closely.

666 = 13 + 23 + 33 + 43 + 53 + 63 + 53 + 43 + 33 + 23 + 13

666 is the sum of the squares of the first seven primes:

666 = 22 + 32 + 52 + 72 + 112 + 132 + 172 Mathematically and scientifically, the number 666 is ‘perfect,’ something that is ‘one of a kind,’ something that is ‘divine.’ So is it conceivable that the accursed adversary, the source of all evil and ugliness, is worthy of such an awesome number as 666?

An important question for church officials: Aside from Revelation 13:18, are there any other occurrences of the number 666 in the Bible?

Those who have knowledge of the scripture will answer “Yes.” So then, why aren’t the other occurrences ever mentioned? As far as the number is concerned, there is no difference between 666 and 666.

The number 666 occurs in the Bible four times. The first occurrence is in I King 10:14. The second occurrence is in II Chronicles 9:13, the third is in Ezra 2:13 and of course the last occurrence is in Revelation 13:18.

I King 10:14 “Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore and six (666) talents of gold.”

The above verse refers to the gift that the Queen of Sheba sent to Solomon. She surrenders righteously to Solomon and sends 666 talents of gold, a gift that is pure and good. What could possibly be wrong with this? What evil could come out of it?

II Chronicles 9:13 “Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore and six (666) talents of gold.”

The above verse, word for word, is a repetition of the historical account reflected in I King. In the two above verses, we learn about the Queen of Sheba’s gift to King Solomon. Interestingly, the sum of the two chapter numbers, 10 and 9, is 19. The sum of the two verse numbers, 14 and 13, is 27. The Recitation, the 19th and final scripture, is the Creator’s final message to the world. It is the Creator’s gift to humanity. The Recitation was sent down to Mohammed, the gentile prophet, on the 27th night of the month of Ramadan. Ultimately, the number 666 conveys the notion of a gift. There are only two verses in the Recitation that refer to the Queen of Sheba’s gift to Solomon:

The Recitation 27:35 “And it is that I shall send unto them with a gift, so see with what the messengers return.”

The above verse confirms that the gift Queen of Sheba sent to Solomon was 666 talents of gold. If we add 666 to 2735 we get 3401 or 19 x 179.

The Recitation 27:36 “Then when Solomon came, he said, “Shall you extend me with wealth? But what the Power gives me is better than what He has given you; nay, you with your gift exult.”

It is interesting how Solomon reacts to this gift. He says that what the Power gives him is better than gold. This is because the wealth Solomon so appreciatively adores is spiritual and not material.

Recall that the missing Bismallah of chapter 9 in the Recitation is compensated for 19 chapters later in chapter 27, which has 93 verses. This is the same chapter that mentions the Queen of Sheba’s gift. So we have the numbers 27 and 93. Let’s add these numbers to 666 and see what we get: 27 + 93 + 666 = 786 786 is the Arabic-numeric value of the Bismallah!

The third verse of the Bible that mentions the number 666 reads as follows: Ezra 2:13 “The children of Ad-o-ni-kam, six hundred sixty and six.”

To appreciate the significance of this verse, we need to learn about the context in which it is written: Cyrus, the king of Persia, defeated Neb’u’chad’nez’zar, the king of Babylon. Oppression was defeated and freedom was granted to those who were driven out of their homes. The Israelites were free to go back to Jerusalem. One of the families that went back home was the family of Ad-o-ni-kam. There were 666 members in that family. After all, what gift is better than the gift of freedom?

The number 666 denotes the concept of a gift of goodness and freedom in three verses of the Bible. Then all of a sudden this concept turns one hundred and eighty degrees and becomes the mark of the beast. Does this really make any sense?

Revelation 13:18 “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred, threescore, and six.”

Such a huge contradiction is not befitting the book that is considered by many to be divine. Obviously, 13:18 in the book of Revelation is not the same fabric as the three verses in the Old Testament. If the first three verses belong to the scripture, the last one does not. It should be noted that the ‘John’ who wrote this book is not the disciple who accompanied Jesus, but was some Jewish mystic who was exiled on the island of Patmos, off the coast of present-day Greece. The book is sometimes called “The Book of Revelation of Saint John the Divine.”

The book of “Revelation,” according to its own texts, was given to John from “the prince of the kings on the earth” (1:5). It is presumed that the inspiring ‘prince’ is Jesus. However, it is quite apparent that “the prince of the kings on the earth” is NOT Jesus. Rather, it is the adversary. The adversary (translated from the Hebrew: ha-satan Arabic: al-shaytan) is the manifestation of duality in this world. This evil force is among us and is not some fictional monster. Just as the spirit of righteousness lives in many people, so too does the spirit of adversity live in many people. Nevertheless, all that occurs is in accordance with the divine will. As will be demonstrated here, there are plenty of passages in the scripture in which the Almighty actually warrants the adversary to tempt us.

The accursed adversary uses the beautiful name of “Jesus” as bait to catch the souls of his victims. John claims that he was in the spirit of the Lord’s day and heard behind him a great voice, as of a trumpet, saying that he is the alpha and omega, the first and the last…(1:10-11) He claims that he turned in the direction of the voice and saw one who resembled the “son of man” (1:13). This is how he describes the son of man:

Revelation 1:14-16 “His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; his eyes were as a flame of fire; and his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace, and his voice as the sound of many waters… and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword.”

Does the physical description given above in 1:14-16 match an image close to that of our loving Messiah who actually lived on earth for thirty-three years? The image produced in the book of “Revelation,” a creature with snowy white hair, fiery eyes, burnt feet, roaring voice, and a two-edged sword-like tongue is more like a nightmare. Now, let us examine some important verses in the book of “Revelation” which clearly indicate that this book’s source of origin is anything but divine:

Revelation 9:12 “His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.”

Revelation 9:13 “He is dressed in clothing dipped in blood, and he is called the Word of God.” Revelation 9:14 “From his mouth extends a sharp sword, so that with it he can strike the nations. He will rule them with an iron rod, and he stomps the winepress of the furious wrath of God, the All Powerful.”

It doesn’t take much to figure out that this nonsense does not fit the description of Jesus the Messiah, son of Mary, a messenger who taught his followers to be loving and compassionate.

In the book of the “Revelation” Jesus is referred to as “the prince of the kings on earth.” (Rev. 1:5) However, this description contradicts the real Jesus, who had no earthly ambitions. All the kingdom on earth did not matter to him. What Jesus was seeking was the return to the Kingdom of the Almighty:

Matthew 4:8-10 “Again, the devil took him up into an exceedingly high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; and said unto him, “All these things will I give you, if you fall down and worship me.” Then said Jesus unto him, get away satan. For, it is written – You shall worship the Lord your Power, and Him alone shall you serve.”

In the above verse, it is the adversary (satan) who is telling Jesus that he can give him all the kingdoms and their glories. If the adversary possesses all the kingdoms and glories at his disposal, then that makes him “the prince of the kings on the earth.” It is this “prince” (the adversary) who revealed his ugly face to his servant John. It is this “prince” (the adversary) who is the source of “The Book of Revelation.”

A nightmarish creature with snowy white hair, fiery eyes, burning feet, roaring voice, and a two-edged sword-like tongue tells John that he is the alpha and the omega. This alpha and omega says that he has the keys of and of death:

Revelation 1:17 “And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead; he laid his right hand upon me saying, fear not; I am the first and the last,

1:18 I am he who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of hell and of death.”

Of course, what else can be expected of the adversary? After all, the adversary has been creating hell on this earth. He has been instrumental in spreading evil and bloodshed throughout the ages. So then, the obvious question is:

Why doesn’t this “alpha and omega” have the keys of paradise and of life?

The alpha and omega of the book of “Revelation” does not have the keys to paradise! Can those who promote the book and make tons of money off of their ridiculous interpretations explain why? It is interesting to note that John’s alpha and omega admits that he was dead and now he is alive!

Revelation 2:8 “And to the angel of the church of Smyrna write: These things said the first and the last, which was dead, and is alive.”

The Almighty, the One and Only Alpha and Omega, never dies! He is the Eternal Source of Life!

John’s alpha and omega, the author of the book of “Revelation,” promises that those who follow him will have the chance to eat of the tree of life:

Revelation 2:7 “He that has an ear, let him hear what the spirit said unto the churches: To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God.”

Our biological parents were duped by the adversary and ate from the same tree that is promised here. The following is what the Recitation says about the incident: The Recitation 7:19 “And O Adam, dwell, you and your mate, in the garden, and you both may eat from where you both wish, but do not approach this tree that you both be among the unjust.”

The Recitation 7:20 “Then the adversary whispered to them both to make apparent to them both what was concealed from them both of their shame, and he said, “Your Master did not forbid you both from this tree except that you both become two emissaries or you two become of the immortals.”

The Recitation 7:21 “And he swore to them both, “It is that I am to you both surely from the sincere advisors.”

The Recitation 7:22 “Then he made them both fall with deception; so when they both tasted the tree, to both of them became apparent their shame and they began to fasten over themselves leaves from the garden; and their Master called them both, “Did I not forbid you both from this tree, and say to you both that the adversary is to you both an enemy manifest?”

John’s alpha and omega is a confused ‘god.’ The adversary claims that he is the alpha and omega, the first and the last, but at the same time he says that he is not God:

Revelation 3:12 “The one who conquers I will make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he will never depart from it. I will write on him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God: New Jerusalem that comes down out of heaven from my God: and my new name.”

The adversary has no power except to make devilish suggestions. His human victims must open up the door to his suggestions and, therefore, let him in:

Revelation 3:20 “Behold I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hears my voice and opens the door, I will come into him and sup with him and he with me.”

The Creator’s forces do not need our permission to come in. They only follow the commands of their Master. If we be good enough, they will come in with us. It is interesting to note that the Creator has actually given the adversary the ability to entice people with his voice. This is what the Recitation says:

Recitation 17:61 “And when We said to the emissaries, “Submit to Adam.” So they submitted, except ; he said, “Shall I submit to whom you created from clay?”

7:62 He said, “Do You see this whom You have honored above me? If You postpone me until a day of the resurrection, surely I will destroy his descendants, except a few.”

17:63 He said, “Go, you and who follows you among them; so it is that Jahannam is your recompense, an ample recompense.

17:64 And incite who you can among them with your voice and assault upon them with your cavalry and infantry and be a sharer with the wealth and the children and promise them.” And the adversary does not promise them except delusion.

17:65 It is that My servants, there is not for you over them an authority; and enough is with your Master as a solver.

The adversary teaches his appointees to be cruel and merciless whereas, the Creator, our Merciful Master, teaches His servants to be kind and compassionate.

Revelation 2:26 “And to the one who conquers and continues in my deeds until the end, I will give him authority over the nations. 2:27 He will rule them with an iron rod, and like clay jars will he break them to pieces,”

The adversary, the author of the book of “Revelation,” exposes his true nature. He is a thief, and the final prize for him is the soul that he steals from his human victims.

Revelation 3:3 “Therefore remember what you received and heard, and obey it, and repent. If you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will never know at what hour I will come against you.”

The author of the book of “Revelation” has no moral etiquette:

Revelation 3:16 “So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I am going to spit you out of my mouth.”

The author of the book of “Revelation” does not have mercy to extend to anyone, even upon those whom he loves. It is the adversary’s system to instill terror in his victims.

Revelation 3:19 “All those I love, I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent.”

The author of the book of Revelation is mean and ugly by nature. It is his ultimate desire to see death, destruction, and horrendous crimes committed on earth.

Revelation 8:5 “Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar, and threw it on the earth, and there were crashes of thunder, roaring, flashes of lightning, and an earthquake.

8:6 Now the seven angels holding the seven trumpets prepares to blow them.

8:7 The first angel blew his trumpet, and there was hail and fire mixed with blood, and it was thrown at the earth so that a third of the earth was burned up, a third of the trees were burned up, and all the green grass was burned up.

8:8 Then the second angel blew his trumpet, and something like a great mountain of fire was thrown into the sea. A third of the sea became blood,

8:9 And a third of the creatures living in the sea died, and a third of the ships were completely destroyed.

8:10 Then the third angel blew his trumpet, and a huge star burning like a torch fell from the sky; it landed on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water.

8:11 And the name of the star is called Wormwood. So a third of the stars became wormwood, and many people died from these waters because they had turned bitter…”

What comes from the adversary is nothing but a bunch of nonsense. Why is it that there is not a single command like “the Creator’s Commandments” in the book of “Revelation.”

Revelation 1:3 “Blessed is he that reads, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.”

What is there to keep? Please read the book of “Revelation.” For only by reading, those who are sincere at heart will know the true identity of the author of this book, the accursed adversary.

Ridiculous beasts and creatures crawl all over the book of “Revelation.” Why is it that the author of this book cannot see or even imagine anything beautiful? Revelation 4:5 “From the throne came out flashes of lightning and roaring and crashes of thunder. Seven flaming torches, which are the seven spirits of God, were burning in front of the throne.

4:6 And in front of the throne was something like a sea of glass, like crystal. In the middle of the throne and around the throne were four living creatures full of eyes in front and in back.

4:7 The first living creature was like a lion, the second creature like an ox, the third creature had a face like a man’s, and the fourth creature looked like an eagle flying.”

13:2 “And the beast which I saw was like a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him power, and his seat, and great authority.”

So, why is the book of “Revelation” the 66th book of the Bible while its author says that the number 666 is the mark of the beast? The spirit of adversity is not at all that stupid, he is aware of the significance of the number 6. He knows that 66 is the numeric value of “the Power” in Arabic, the language of the Final Testament. He knows that the One and Only Power created the heavens and the earth in 6 days. Therefore, by means of the number 6, namely 66 and 666, the adversary has tried to achieve two of his devilish objectives:

1. Since he wants to be like the Most High, he has thus set out to demonize the most perfect number of mathematics (666) in his “Revelation” merely to obscure and complicate the Creator’s mathematical miracles.

2. Since he knows that the Recitation is a mathematical miracle of 19 and 666, he has given the number an evil connotation in order to cast fear and disregard into the people and keep them away from the Recitation, the scripture that threatens his power the most.

Ultimately, a message should be meaningful so that its intended audience can understand it and thus benefit from it. When it is said that the source of a message is Divine, it is expected that the message be most clear and most meaningful. The book of “Revelation” is a collection of about fifteen pages of nonsensical rubbish that serve no purpose but to create confusion and controversy. Attributing divinity to the source of this book is a gross injustice against the Almighty Creator, and it is blasphemy. The only purpose that the book has served so far is to allow some charlatans to capitalize on the ignorance of many and get rich off of their ridiculous interpretations.

Revelation 9:12 “His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.”

Why was he carrying a name that no one could read but he himself? Why should anyone carry a name-tag when others cannot read it? Obviously this is another scheme of the adversary to conceal his true identity! The wrathful curse of the Almighty is upon Iblis/Lucifer.

In conjunction with the 666, 10:14, 9:13, 2:13 are numbers that are associated with the divine inspiration. However, 13:18 are numbers associated with the satanic inspiration. By adding the chapter and verse numbers of the divine inspirations to the number 666 we get 727:

10+ 14 + 9 + 13 + 2 + 13 = 61 + 666 = 727

It is a marvel of the Almighty that verse 7:27 warns us again about the adversary and his deceit:

The Recitation 7:27 “O sons of Adam, do not let the adversary tempt you as he drove out your two progenitors from the garden stripping from them both their clothing to show them both their shame; it is that he sees you, he and his locals, from where you do not see them, that We have made the adversaries friends of those who do not acknowledge.”

Now let’s see what happens when we add 666 to the satanic revelation 13:18:

1318 + 666 = 1984

Here is another marvel: After verse 19:83 in the Recitation which reads: “Do you not see that it is We who have sent the adversaries upon the disregarders inciting them incitement?” The next verse is 19:84 which says the following: “So do not make haste upon them; only do We count for them a number.”

Chapter 19 of the Recitation contains exactly 98 verses.

1998 = 666 + 666 + 666

= 666 x 3

As with the number 19, the number 666 is just as central to the Creator’s mathematical design.

The following verse plays a key role in this numerical discovery: “I convey to you the messages of my Master and advise you, and I know from the Power what you do not know.” The Recitation 7:62

The sum of all the verse numbers in which the word “the Power” (al-Elah) occurs, from the beginning of the Recitation to the above verse (7:62) is 66619!

“And if they see a sign, they avoid and say, “Sorcery continuing.” The Recitation 54:2

The Arabic-numeric value of verse 7:62 is 3211.

The Arabic-numeric value of verse 54:2 is 2545.

The difference between these two values bears a startling perfection: 3211 – 2545 = 666

By permuting the three digits in 114, we obtain two other numbers 141 and 411. If we add the three numbers together, we get: 114 + 141 + 411 = 666

The number 666 is the numerical identity of the Recitation. In the scripture, the number 666 denotes ‘wealth’ and we all know that there are only two kinds of wealth: material and spiritual. Thus, the adversary has made it his ‘mark’ on every store-bought material item and has even encrypted it in the very fiat currency with which the material is purchased. The adversary associates 666 with spiritual enslavement whereas, the Creator associates 666 with spiritual freedom. The Arabic-numeric value of “the Power” in Arabic is 66. The Recitation comes from the Power (66), who created the heavens and the earth in 6 days. Thus, 666 is the mathematical representation of the scriptural completion, the Final Testament, for 666 is the most complete number of mathematics. If we add 666 to the sum of its digits (18), we obtain: 666 + 18 = 684

19 x 36

684 is the Arabic-numeric value of al-Quran (the Recitation) al-Kareem (the Noble)

(Al-Quran = 1+30+100+200+1+1+50 = 383 Al-Kareem = 1+30+20+200+10+40 = 301)

383 + 301 = 684

The permutations of this number are: 648, 864, 846, 486 and 468. So we have the following:

648 + 864 + 846 + 486 + 468 = 3996 3996 = 6 x 666

Not making a distinction between the Almighty’s messengers and surrendering to HIM ALONE are the keys to universal unity:

The Recitation 2:136 Say, “We have acknowledged about the Power and what was inspired to us and what was inspired to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes, and what was given to Moses and Jesus, and what was given to the prophets from their Master; we do not distinguish between one of them, and we are to Him surrendering.”

The message in 2:136 is repeated three more times in the Recitation. The other verses that reflect on this message are 2:285, 3:84, and 4:152. By adding the chapter and verse numbers, we obtain:

2 + 136 + 285 + 3 + 84 + 4 + 152 = 666

There are 29 chapters in the Recitation that are prefixed with the Koranic initials. These initials constitute a great portion of the mathematical miracle of the scripture. Therefore:

29 + 666 = 695

695 is the Arabic-numeric value of verse 97:1, which says:

“It is that We revealed this in the night of the value.”

If we change 97:1 into the number 971 and add it to 695 we get 1,666!

Deuteronomy 18:18-19 reads:

“I will raise them up a prophet from among their brethren, like you (Moses), and I will put My words (the Recitation) in his (Mohammed’s) mouth; and he will speak to them all that I will command him.

And it shall come to pass that whosoever will not listen to My words that he shall speak in My name I will require it of him.”

In the Recitation there are six verses in which the word “tablet” and its other grammatical forms occur: (7:145, 150, 154, 54:13, 74:29, 85:22). Five of the verses refer to the scriptures of Moses (7:145, 150, 154) and the Final Testament (74:29, 85:22): 7:145 And We prescribed for him (Moses) in the tablets of every thing with instruction and an elucidation of every thing: “So take them with determination and order your society to take best of it. I will show you the home of the rebels.”

7:150 And when Moses returned to his society, angry and grieved, he said, “Wretched is what you have done in my place from after me. Were you impatient about the matter of your Master?” And he threw the tablets and seized his brother by the head dragging him to himself; he said, “O son of my mother, indeed the society oppressed me and almost slayed me, so do not let rejoice over me the enemies and do not put me with the unjust society.”

7:154 And when the anger calmed from Moses, he took the tablets. And in their inscription is guidance and mercy for those who revere their Master.

74:29 Tabulations for the mortal;

85:22 In a tablet guarded.

By adding the above numbers without repetition, we get the following:

7 + 145 + 150 + 154 + 74 + 29 + 85 + 22 = 666

The Recitation’s message to Christianity’s adherents:

4:171 “O company of the scripture, do not exceed in your law and do not say upon the Power except the truth; only was the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, a messenger of the Power and His speech, which He threw unto Mary, and a spirit from Him; so acknowledge about the Power and His messengers and do not say, “Three.” Ceasing is a superiority for you; only is the Power a single power; exalted is He that there should be for Him a child; for Him is what is in the heavens and what is in the earth; and enough is with the Power as a solver.”

4:172 “Not denying is the Messiah that he is a servant to the Power and not the emissaries the neared; and who disdains from His servitude and is arrogant, so He will collect them unto Him as a whole.”

4:173 “So as for those who acknowledged and worked the corrections, so He gives them their reward and increases them from His grace; and as for those who denied and were arrogant, so He punishes them a punishment painful, and not do they find for them from beside the Power a guardian and not a helper.”

Verse 4:173 is the 666th verse of the Recitation! (7+286+200+173 = 666)

The Recitation 6:66 “And your society denied it and it is the truth; say, “I am not over you a solver.”

The Power answers His servants:

The Recitation 2:186 “And when My servants ask you about Me, so it is that I am near; I answer an invite of the inviter when he invites Me; so they shall respond to Me and they shall acknowledge about Me for they may be led aright.”

There are only five verses in the Recitation in which the grammatical variations of the Arabic words for “respond” and “servant” occur together. These verses are 2:186, 7:194, 11:61, 21:84, and 40:60. By adding these chapter and verse numbers together we get the following:

2 + 186 + 7 + 194 + 11 + 61 + 21 + 84 + 40 + 60 = 666 The Recitation was sent down in the Arabic language. The word “the Arabs” occurs in the Recitation ten times: 9:90, 97, 98, 99, 101, 120, 33:20, 48:11, 16, and 49:14. The Arabic Recitation is the 666 encryption. By adding the ten verse numbers together we get:

90 + 97 + 98 + 99 + 101 + 120 + 20 + 11 + 16 + 14 = 666

If we place 666 before all the chapter/verse numbers in which the word “the Arabs” occurs to form a giant number, we get:

666,9:90,97,98,99,101,120,33:20,48:11,16,49:14 This number would be a multiple of 19 (19 x 3510478841574216422800253219206)


Number of digits: 32 Sum of digits: 139

If we simply add 32 to 139 we get:

32 + 139 = 171 (19 x 9)

By adding the chapter numbers in which the word “the Arabs” occurs, we get: 9 + 33 + 48 + 49 = 139

The first chapter of the Recitation is comprised of 139 Arabic letters!

The Arabic phrase “not a doubt in it” occurs in the Recitation precisely 14 times (7x2) “Seven Pairs.”

Chapter Number Verse Number

2 ------2 3 ------9 & 25 4 ------87 6 ------12 10 ------37 17 ------99 18 ------21 22 ------7 32 ------2 40 ------59 42 ------7 45 ------26 & 32

Total: 241 425

241 + 425 = 666

Of the fourteen verses in the Recitation in which the phrase “not a doubt in it” occurs, six verse numbers are prime numbers. These verses are 2, 37, 7, 2, 59, and 7. By adding these six numbers, we get: 2 + 37 + 7 + 2 + 59 + 7 = 114 Of the fourteen verses in the Recitation in which the phrase “not a doubt in it” occurs, three refer to the Recitation. These verses are 2:2, 10:37, and 32:2. The Arabic-numeric values of these verses are 2220, 5646, and 1811 respectively. By adding these six numbers, we get:

2,2 + 2220 + 10,37 + 5646 + 32,2 + 1811 = 11058 11058 = 114 x 97

The Recitation that has 114 chapters was sent down in “Lay’lat al-Qadr” (a night of the value), which is mentioned in the first verse of chapter 97!

The “not a doubt in it” Table

No. Sum of Chapter Verse Cumulative Number of Chapter Number Number Number of Words Cumbers Letters

1 2 2 2 26 7

2 5 3 9 73 13

3 5 - 25 125 15

4 9 4 87 185 17

5 15 6 12 282 25

6 25 10 37 364 22

7 42 17 99 453 23

8 60 18 21 593 32

9 82 22 7 637 12

10 114 32 2 666 8

11 154 40 59 710 11

12 196 42 7 801 22

13 241 45 26 870 18

14 241 - 32 948 22

Total 241 425 247

Lastly, the Cube (Kaaba) in Mecca is 666 nautical miles from the Dome of the Rock (The Old Temple of Solomon) in Jerusalem!

(665.65 rounds off to 666) The “Beast” of Revelation 13:18

Although the book of Revelation is not of divine inspiration, it does describe the adversary’s plan to corrupt and destroy the earth. The “beast” mentioned in 13:18 is manifested through the Luciferian technology of artificial intelligence. The World Wide Web is perhaps a perfect example. The Hebrew equivalent of the English “W” is the letter “vav” or “waw.” The numerical value of vav is 6. So the English “www” transliterated into Hebrew (“vav vav vav”) numerically is “6-6-6.” The World Wide Web, although a library of information, is also the epicenter of corruption and deception. It is also linked to the overall function of the monetary system. Today, computer automated systems are used to facilitate the accounts of monetary transactions. These machines literally talk, or “speak” to us such as computers, the ‘self-checkouts’ in grocery stores, as well as voice automated phone calls. Thus,

“he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.”

Government strives to regulate and control necessities so that they can only be provided through the utilization of the ‘monetary system’ it provides. In our world today, famine, poverty, and death are the inevitable results of the refusal to worship the image of the beast (serving the monetary system). Hence,

“as many as would not worship the image of the beast would be killed.”

Jesus affirms this reality in Matthew 6:24 where he says:

“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve Power and mammon (material aspiration).” The “Image” of the beast is anything that represents it. Furthermore, it does not say that the process of being “killed” will be immediate. Refusing to worship the “image of the beast” (refusing to serve the monetary system) would simply augment the process by which you are being killed. Refusing to worship the image of the beast would simply increase ones exposure to the toxicities and pollutions of famine, poverty, and biochemical corruption. Due to the world’s economic circumstances, you will die without the utilization of money whether it be your money, or someone else’s who endorses you or shares with you. Adequate provision no longer comes from the earth without the ‘monetized’ employment of its growth and harvest.

Ultimately, the “image” of the beast is symbolic of its influence, as it is the physical representation of the beast. The “image” can be found in the various signs associated with government organizations and company logos. The image is anything that tangibly signifies the beast or its mark. Indeed, the “image” of the beast is EVERYWHERE. For example, the geometry of a hexagram is revered by occult initiates as a Hermetic symbol, signifying “as above so below.” Also called the “Star of David,” the hexagram has six points, six triangles, and six sides. This symbol has been adopted by the Rothschild dynasty to represent its royal blood and descent from David. The Rothschild dynasty was behind the institution of the Federal Reserve whose certificates bear the “mark of the beast” in many ways.

After all, David is descended from the author of the book of Revelation, Lucifer (Iblis).

The logo for the Trilateral Commission contains a 666. Each arrow when separated from the logo is a 6, making 666. David Rockefeller created this organization, based in the United States, to soften America to the New World Order. Commission members include senators, congressmen and presidents.

And, what better way to feed the worshippers of the ‘beast’ than with a “Monster” energy drink? Being perhaps one of the most blatant ‘images’ of the beast, Monster energy drinks are being sold to thousands of young children, teens and adults every day.

Google is of course the most obvious New World Order instrument and features in its logo, like that of the Trilateral Commission’s, a swirl of three sixes:

Eminem (a.k.a. “Slim Shady”) is considered to be one of the most influential rap artists in history. As one of the greatest promoters of vice and sin, Eminem has been instrumental in spreading vulgar music trends across nations all over the world. As a puppet of the Illuminati-controlled entertainment industry, he performs as he is commanded, as seen in his photo shoot below where three 6’s are displayed behind him. Another example can be found in one of his songs called “My Darling,” in which he says “One-two-three, chk-chk one-two-three, chk-chk one-two-three” (added up is 6-6-6), and he says this at 1:23 into the song. It is thus unlikely that he wrote this part of the song, if any of it. Notice the three sixes in the photo below:

Another form of the “Image” is the famous 666 Hand Signal