Address: UNOCA Compound, Jalalabad Road, Kabul, Afghanistan Telephone: +93 (0) 0707 11 66 66 Email:
[email protected] Website: Sunday 14nd July 2013 Re-Advertisement REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) RFP No. UNFPA/KBL/13/009 Transportation services for the Socio-Demographic and Economic Survey in Kabul and Panjshir Provinces UNFPA, United Nations Population Fund, an international development agency, is seeking qualified offers for the above-mentioned services. Your company is kindly invited to submit your best technical and financial offer for the requested Services. Your bid could form the basis for a contract between your firm/institution and the UNFPA. 2. UNFPA posts all bids notices, clarifications and results in 3. To enable you to submit a bid, please read the following attached documents carefully: • Instructions to Bidders Annex I • Terms of Reference (ToR) Annex II • Bid Submission Form Annex III • Bidders Identification Form Annex IV • Format of Bidder’s Previous Experience and Clients Annex V • Technical forms Annex VI • Price Schedule Form Annex VII • UNFPA General Terms and Conditions Annex VIII 4. The technical bid containing the technical information shall be submitted separately from the financial bid. 5. The bid shall reach UNFPA’s reception or for entities with no representation in Afghanistan only, by sending two separate emails (one each for the technical proposal and the financial proposal in PDF format) only to
[email protected] (please add that the physical delivery to UNFPA office is possible as per RFP Clause 13) no later than (21 July 2013, 02:00 pm, Kabul Local Time).