Rolvenden MAY Village News ONLINE Newenden Notes ! Parishes of Rolvenden and Newenden Associate Team Priest The Revd Chris Hodgkins 01580 389587
[email protected]Ω mob: 07843220684 Please note Chris' day off is Friday Reader Judy Vinson 01580 241504
[email protected] St Mary the Virgin, Rolvenden Churchwardens Elizabeth Marshall 01580 241529 ea.marshall@btinternet .com Maggie Macaulay 01580 241843
[email protected] Hon. Secretary Ann Paddick 01797 252334 Hon. Treasurer William Barham 01580 240852 Sacristan Elizabeth Marshall 01580 241529 Organist Geoffrey Davison 01580 241685 Bellringers’ Assoc. Captain Linda Smith 01580 241783 St Peter, Newenden Churchwardens Frances Jones 01797 252563
[email protected] Hugh Edmonds 01797 252196
[email protected] Hon. Treasurer Sue Bourne 07879 403424Ω Sacristan Rhoda Smith 01580 292041Ω Magazine Administration Judy Vinson 01580 241504
[email protected] Magazine Subscriptions Elizabeth Marshall 01580 241529 Published by Rolvenden P.C.C. This month’s cover:“Daily exercise” Photographer: Jo Lodge View from the Layne he Easter season is about new life, transformation, forgiveness and moving on. It is a time of services full of joyful celebration liberally laced with my Tfavourite word, Alleluia! Easter starts on the Saturday night, in the dark with making of a fire outside the west door of the church. Then, often with some difficulty on a windy corner, the church’s brand new, never been lit, Paschal Candle is held in the fire. The church is in darkness, the congregation waiting, anticipating, each person holding a small unlit candle. The procession of the Paschal candle, now lit, begins with the priest holding it high and proclaiming, ‘The Light of Christ’.