The Street, Design and Access Statement

December 2016



Proposed Development at: REVISIONS Drawing: VIEW OF THE STREET FRONTAGE Rev A 18.11.16 Plot 3 garden detail revised. THE OLD GARAGE SITE Great Chart Plots No: 1-3 For Scale: NTS Date: November 2016 Jarvis Land LLP Title: Rev: A Milroy House, Sayers Lane, , TN30 6BW DRAWING NO: GC 2015/ 25 Design TeamDesign IN CONSULTATION WITH FOR PREPARED BY Roy Rix PLANNING DEVELOPER HERITAGE+ DESIGN ANDACCESS West Waddy ADP The Malthouse 60 East St Helen Street Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 5EB t: 01235 523139 f: 01235 521662 e: [email protected]

Design & Access Statement

Project description Full Planning Application for residential development comprising erection of 5 two storey dwellings on land at The Old Garage Site, The Street, Great Chart

Prepared and Checked by: Hannah Smart - Urban Design Associate

© West Waddy ADP This document has been prepared in accordance with West Waddy ADP’s quality control procedures and should be treated as a draft unless it has been signed and approved. The document should not be used for any other purpose than that for which it has been prepared without the written authority of West Waddy ADP. If the document is used for another purpose without consent, then no responsibility or liability for the consequences arising for such action will be accepted by West Waddy ADP. Badgers Rise,Close, Aldington The Coach House Mews, ,

BradockeBeechwood, Place, St Michaels The Coach House Mews, Great Maytham Hall, Rolvenden

Beechwood Place, near Caterham JarvisPlace FarmHomes Close, Interior 40 years ago- still the same residents , Ashford - [  ] - Introduction & Team

This application is for the development of 5 residential dwellings, on the former old garage site on The Street in Great Chart, Kent. The site is being promoted by JarvisIntroduction New Homes Ltd (South East). & team 1 The Jarvis family have unrivalled experience in individuallyThis application crafted is for the house development construction. of 15 residential Indeed, dwellings, the on what is familycurrently can a sheep trace grazed its building field in the heritage village of Shadoxhurst,in Kent back Kent. to 1649The application making isit beingone of submitted the oldest by Jarvis known and house-building Jarvis, a local award winning familieshousing developer. in the country.

The Jarvis current family generation have unrivalled is experience the fifth in individuallyconsecutive crafted and house pridesconstruction. itself Indeed, on developing the family can exemplary trace its building homes heritage that in Kent back to 1649 continuemaking it one the of family the oldest heritage. known house-building families in the country. The current generation is the fifth consecutive and prides itself on developing As members of the Guild of Master Craftsmen, exemplary homes that continue the family heritage. Jarvis Homes create prestigious, solid houses using traditionalAs members ofmethods, the Guild ofwhich Master produce Craftsmen, a Jarvis long Homes lasting, create prestigious, sustainablesolid houses using investment. traditional methods, which produces a long lasting, sustainable investment. We carry out on-going research with environmental consultantsWe carry out on-going to ensure research that our with houses environmental are installed consultants with to ensure that our thehouses latest are installeddesigns with for thean latestenergy designs efficient for an energyhouse efficient that is house that is at A conveyancing extract relating to a piece of land in Tenterden by John Jarvis in 1649. atthe the forefront forefront of sustainable of sustainable construction. construction. We also ensure We that also all of our sites work Below Chilmington Green, Village Green, artists impression ensurein harmony that with all the of natural our sites surroundings. work in harmony with the natural surroundings. Jarvis Homes is NHBC registered. Jarvis New Homes Ltd (South East) is NHBC registered.

An artist’s impression of the scheme

Chilmington Green, Ashford FRONT ELEVATION 1 2 3 SIDE ELEVATION 3

- [  ] - Design & Access Statement MATERIALS

PLOTS 1-3 Red multi stock brick. Orange / red tile hanging. Red / brown clay tile roof.

PLOTS 4 -5 Red multi stock brick. Dark stained horizontal cladding. Grey / black slate roof.

Proposed Development at: THE OLD GARAGE SITE Great Chart For Jarvis Land LLP Milroy House, Sayers Lane, Tenterden, Kent TN30 6BW

FRONT ELEVATION 5 4 SIDE ELEVATION 4 Drawing: MATERIALS Plots No: 1-5 Scale: 1:100 REVISIONS 0 10 Date: November 2016 Rev A 14.11 Boarding extended Title: Rev: A DRAWING NO: GC 2015/ 26


Introduction Architectural Strategy 1.1 General 9 3.1 Housing Arrangement and Overview 19 3.2 The approved scheme 20 1 3 3.2 The proposed scheme 22

Context Conclusion 2.1 Wider Context 11 4.1 Conclusion 25 2.2 Local Context 13 2 2.3 Heritage and Conservation 14 4 Introduction 1.1 General 1 The Street, Great Chart Introduction 1 1.1 General West Waddy ADP are delighted to be involved in the development of an exciting new residential scheme at The Street, Great Chart. The project has engaged our Urban Design services and skills in successfully submitting a Full Planning Application.

The masterplan and architectural proposals within this document set out the vision and framework for the Great Chart development.

The main objectives of the development are to ensure that the proposal:

• provides high quality sustainable housing for the area; • creates a strong sense of place and a locally distinctive character; • forms a natural infill to the street scene, improving the existing appearance of this derelict site by providing fantastic vernacular high quality homes.;

The site is located on a redundant garage site currently unoccupied and over grown, the site has been this way for some time and the streetscene and surrounding conservation area would hugely benefit from redevelopment of this brownfield land. NN Key 0m 25 50 75 100 Site Boundary

Design & Access Statement - Introduction 9 Context 2.1 Wider Context 2.2 Local Context 2 The Street, Great Chart Context 2 2.1 Wider Context Great Chart is located in the centre of Kent, just a 15 minute drive from Ashford via the A20 and just over 30 Maidstone minutes to Maidstone. The M20 provides direct links to Folkestone and towards .

A20 The nearest mainline railway station to Great Chart is Station with access to London Charing Cross and Dover. Ashford International Station is nearby and Wye is served directly by the High Speed line from London Great Chart 4 Miles 8 Miles St Pancras with links to Folkestone and Guildford. 15 mins 30 mins

The old and attractive village of Great Chart has A229 a long history and is referred to in many ancient Ashford documents.

The village street is a conservation area and most M20 of the properties are Listed Buildings. The Parish of Great Chart was enlarged in 1987 to include the large St. Michaels Folkestone comprehensive development of Singleton and the Tenterden parish is now divided into two Wards – Great Chart with Singleton North and Singleton South.

A2070 A259

Key Littlestone-On-Sea Ram Lane, Minor roads A259 Dual carriageway Rye Motorways N Railway line - London/Guildford to Folkestone Charing Station

Design & Access Statement - Context 11 The Street, Great Chart 2 Context

Woodchurch Road looking West Four existing oak trees to site boundary

Woodchurch Road looking East Woodchurch Road looking East

12 The Street, Great Chart Context 2 2.2 Local Context The application site, edged red on the plan to the right hand side, lies close to the cross roads to the south of the The Street, Great Chart.

The site was formerly the site of a garage which has since been demolished and the site is now vacant, albeit that it predominately comprises concrete hardstanding and is over grown.

The site lies within the designated Conservation Area and currently detracts from the character of the area and the residential amenity of adjoining dwellings, many of which are listed buildings.

NN Key Ownership boundary 0m 25 50 75 100 Site boundary

Design & Access Statement - Context 13 The Street, Great Chart 2 Context 2.3 Heritage and conservation The settlement of Great Chart dates back to Saxon times, within the Parish there are 92 Listed Buildings, many of which are located on ‘The Street’, the main road which runs through the village. The Great chart is largely an agricultural village, with the Site surrounding farms producing cereal crops for cattel and sheep. In the 19th centuary, there was a large growing trend for the production of hops and land being used for orchards, as is true for a large number of kent villages.

This historic land use owes itself to the building vernacular today of a number of oast houses in the Parish. The parish was also noted for its abundance of the production of Oak for use in timber construction.

Stone is a popular local vernaular building material from the various surrounding quarries and bricks and Conservation area, Great Chart tiles were produced at brickyards located at and Spicers Hill.

The Great Chart Village Design Statement states that “there is little scope to damage the feel of The Street - it being such a hotchpotch already (which adds to its charm) - provided that any new buildings are not permitted to dominate the existing ones by virtue of their height, size or materials construction.”

14 The Street, Great Chart Context 2 Another clear charcter of The Street, aside from the range of materials, the varing eaves and roof lines and the combined vernacular styles of architecture, is the parking arrangements.

There is very little off street or on plot parking which causes pressure on the street itself. This has resulted in a very well defined street edge withinout the usual gaps between dwellings to accomodate driveways.

In terms of the proposal, the benefit of providing parking to the rear of the plot is that it means that the street is stll well defined and continues this frontage.


Listed Building Site boundary Conservation area, Great Chart

Design & Access Statement - Context 15 The Street, Great Chart 2 Context The village design statement also illustrates the previous use of the site as a garage and states that;

“within The Street, indeed within the village as a whole, buildings constructed over a period of nearly 700 years coexist in a harmonious format, without any clashes of style and with post 19th century buildings made from newer materials generally being shielded from view by trees.

This indicated that there is a need for some flexibility in the approach to building design in the village and suggests that the key issue should be that any new construction should blend in with its environment and not necessarily be designed to a rigid format.

This is particularly relevant in The Street where one of the biggest potential construction sites (the site subject of this application), is the location of a garage/ shop which closed down in 2002.

Given the proximity of the village to Ashford, the site is unlikely to attract an economic commercial venture as the village is now almost entirely residential.”

The proposed design is compatible with the existing buildings, and neither dominates, intrudes or contrasts with the present harmonious variety that is found along The Street.

Housing fronting ‘The Street’

16 The Street, Great Chart Context 2

Housing fronting ‘The Street’

Housing fronting ‘The Street’ Housing fronting ‘The Street’

Design & Access Statement - Context 17 Architectural

Strategy3.1 Masterplan Overview 3.2 The approved scheme 3.3 The proposed scheme 3 The Street, Great Chart Architectural Strategy 3.1 Housing Arrangement and Overview 3 Planning permission was granted in 2007 (07/00181/ AS) for the demolish of the existing buildings, erection of a terrace comprising one, four bedroom dwelling and two, three bedroom dwellings, a two storey suite of offices and ancillary parking and turning facilities. The time period of the permission was extended in 2011 (11/00675/AS), and remains unimplemented.

All proposed dwellings are generously sized with high quality landscaping and garage parking within their own plot. Planting helps generate privacy whilst providing a high quality standard of living.

Materials and details are carefully considered to develop a style which is sympathetic to the local Limit to rear vernacular whilst creating attractive high quality building line of dwellings for people to live in. listed buildings - changes to rear of site The drawing to the right hand side shows the area of have no impact on the site where the design has not materially changed listed buildings from existing permission. No change The only change to the scheme is the rear barn which has been rotated through 90 degrees to give a better relationship of this building to not only the rest of the Line of change site but also the surrounding listed buildings. Change The use of this barn has also been changed to to smaller residential accommodation from an employment use. barn Key

Listed Building Site boundary

Design & Access Statement - Architectural Strategy 19 The Street, Great Chart Architectural Strategy 33.2 The approved scheme

• Elevation to ‘the cottage’ could be improved .

20 The Street, Great Chart Architectural Strategy 3.2 The approved scheme 3 - office accomodation • The approved scheme is turned at 90 degrees to the dwellings and runs along one side of the site. • The proposed barn sits close to the boundary of the Old Granary but is deemed not to have an impact on heritage.

Design & Access Statement - Architectural Strategy 21 The Street, Great Chart Architectural Strategy 33.3 The proposed scheme

• Elevation to ‘the cottage’ is improved, massing is simpli- fied and window positions improved. • Scheme is largely identical to the approved scheme and has an better relationship to the Obscured surrounding listed buildings. glazing


Plot 1 Plot 1 N Living / Dining Living / Dining REVISIONS N Plot 3 Plot 2 Plot 3 Plot 2 Rev A 18.11.16 Glazing note added


1 1 1 1

3 Living / Dining 3 0 0 2 2 Obscured 2 2 3 glazing 3 5 Kitchen Kitchen 5 4 4 10 10 5 Plot 5 5 Plot 5

4 4 Proposed Development at: 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 THE OLD GARAGE SITE Great Chart For Plot 4 Kitchen Plot 4

REVISIONS REVISIONS Rev A 18.11.16 Front garden plot 3 revised Jarvis Land LLP Rev A 18.11.16 Front garden plot 3 revised REAR ELEVATION 3 2 1 SIDE ELEVATION Milroy House,1 Sayers Lane, Tenterden, Kent TN30 6BW


Proposed Development at: Scale: 1:100 Proposed Development at: THE OLD GARAGE SITE Great0 Chart Study 10 Study THE OLD GARAGE SITE Great Chart 22 For Date: November 2016 For Bed 2 REVISIONSTitle: Milroy House,Jarvis Sayers Lane, Land Tenterden, Kent TN30 6BW Milroy House,Jarvis Sayers Lane, Land Tenterden, Kent TN30 6BW Rev: A Drawing: Obscured DRAWING NO: Drawing: Plots No: GC 2015/ 21 Plots No: glazing Scale: Rev A 18.11.16 Glazing note added Scale: Date: Date: Title: Title: SITE LAYOUT PLAN SITE LAYOUT PLAN DRAWING NO: Bed 3 Bed 2 DRAWING NO: 1-5 1-5 1:200 and 1:1250 LLP 1:200 and 1:1250 LLP November 2016 November 2016 Bed 1 Bed 1 GC 2015/ 20 Bed 2 GC 2015/ 20 Obscured glazing

Rev: Rev: A Proposed Development at: A Bed 1 THE OLD GARAGE SITE Great Chart For Jarvis Land LLP Milroy House, Sayers Lane, Tenterden, Kent TN30 6BW

FIRST FLOOR PLAN 1 2 3 Drawing: PLANS AND ELEVATIONS SHEET 2 Plots No: 1-3 1:100 0 10 Scale: Date: November 2016 Title: Rev:A DRAWING NO: GC 2015/ 22 The Street, Great Chart Architectural Strategy 3.3 The proposed scheme 3 - residential accomodation FRONT ELEVATION 1 2 3 SIDE ELEVATION 3 • The proposed scheme turns MATERIALS the barn through 90 degrees PLOTS 1-3 providing a lesser impact on Red multi stock brick. the site and a better frontage Orange / red tile hanging. to the rear of the dwellings. Red / brown clay tile roof. PLOTS 4 -5 • By turning the barn 90 de- Red multi stock brick. grees, the building is further Dark stained horizontal cladding. away from the listed bildings Grey / black slate roof.

and does not impact their Proposed Development at: setting THE OLD GARAGE SITE Great Chart For Jarvis Land LLP Milroy House, Sayers Lane, Tenterden, Kent TN30 6BW

FRONT ELEVATION 5 4 SIDE ELEVATION 4 Drawing: MATERIALS Plots No: 1-5 Scale: 1:100 REVISIONS 0 10 Date: November 2016 Rev A 14.11 Boarding extended Title: Rev: A DRAWING NO: GC 2015/ 26 Plot 1 N Plot 3 Plot 2


1 1

3 0 2 2

3 5

4 10 5 Plot 5


0 10 20 30



Rev A 18.11.16 Front garden plot 3 revised


Obscured and Rev A 14.11.16 Boarding extended. fixed glazing Proposed Development at: Rev B 18.11.16 Windows added to rear and side. THE OLD GARAGE SITE Great Chart For Design & Access Statement - Architectural Strategy 23

Bed 1 Bed 1 Milroy House,Jarvis Sayers Lane, Land Tenterden, Kent TN30 6BW Drawing: Bed 2 Plots No: Bed 2 Scale: Date: Proposed Development at: Title: SITE LAYOUT PLAN DRAWING NO: THE OLD GARAGE SITE Great Chart 1-5 For 1:200 and 1:1250 LLP November 2016

GC 2015/ 20 Jarvis Land LLP FIRST FLOOR PLAN 5 4 Milroy House, Sayers Lane, Tenterden, Kent TN30 6BW


Rev: A Plots No: 4-5 0 10 Scale: 1:100 Date: November 2016 Title: Rev: B DRAWING NO: GC 2015/ 24

Conclusion 4.1 Conclusion 4 The Street, Great Chart Conclusion 4 4.1 Conclusion

Great Chart is a sustainable rural settlement identified in the Tenterden and Rural Sites DPD as able to accommodate minor development and infilling. This presumption is carried forward in the emerging Local Plan to 2030.

The proposed development comprises ‘sustainable development’ high quality design and materials and accords with all relevant technical criteria.

The proposed development will enhance the character of the Conservation Area and the setting of adjoining Listed Buildings. The changes that have been made through this new proposal will further improve the design.

The proposed development will not detract from or adversely affect the residential amenity of surrounding properties.

The site has been robustly marketed with the benefit of the extant consent without success, and in clearly unviable by virtue of the employment element.

The proposal has been designed to reflect the existing architectural character of the area whilst providing a contemporary and high quality development.

This is a fantastic opportunity to support high quality family housing, in a sustainable location for the future of Great Chart. FRONT ELEVATION 1 2 3 SIDE ELEVATION 3

MATERIALS Design & Access Statement - Conclusion 25 PLOTS 1-3 Red multi stock brick. Orange / red tile hanging. Red / brown clay tile roof.

PLOTS 4 -5 Red multi stock brick. Dark stained horizontal cladding. Grey / black slate roof.

Proposed Development at: THE OLD GARAGE SITE Great Chart For Jarvis Land LLP Milroy House, Sayers Lane, Tenterden, Kent TN30 6BW

FRONT ELEVATION 5 4 SIDE ELEVATION 4 Drawing: MATERIALS Plots No: 1-5 Scale: 1:100 REVISIONS 0 10 Date: November 2016 Rev A 14.11 Boarding extended Title: Rev: A DRAWING NO: GC 2015/ 26