Multi-Use Recreational Trails (MURT), Footpaths, Over/Underpasses, And
Multi-use Recreational Trails (MURT), Footpaths, Over/Underpasses, and Stairs Count Summary 2011 to 2017 2011-2012 Multi-use Recreational Trails, Over/Underpasses, and Stairs Data Summary Count Daily Temporary Location Ward Fall Winter Spring Summer Total Days Average1 Brantford-Hamilton Rail Trail (403 crossing) 1 28 2,023 1,238 3,307 3,682 10,250 366 Chedoke Trail (Dundurn) 1 31 3,588 2,475 4,597 5,525 16,185 522 Chedoke Stairs 1&8 28 8,912 8,154 21,685 21,871 60,622 2,165 Waterfront Trail (Princess Point) 1 28 4,263 4,190 6,753 10,655 25,861 924 Spring Garden Trail (Bridge) 1 28 632 3,011 1,822 1,876 7,341 262 Chedoke Trail Bridge (Sanatorium Falls) 1 7 - - 3,931 - 3,931 562 York Boulevard MURT (near 403/stairs) 1 7 - - 1,514 - 1,514 216 York Boulevard Stairs 1 7 - - - 3,564 3,564 509 Waterfront Trail (Bayfront Park) 2 31 7,018 2,726 9,221 12,771 31,736 1,024 Pipeline Trail (near Ottawa) 4 7 - - 2,472 - 2,472 353 Red Hill Valley Trail (near QEW bridge) 5 14 - - 2,874 2,029 4,903 350 Waterfront Trail (Lakeside Pool) 5 28 6,032 1,116 16,077 10,882 34,107 1,218 Kimberly Drive Stairs (near Kenilworth Access) 5 21 - 7,008 13,231 14,068 34,307 1,634 Escarpment Trail (near Kimberly Stairs) 5 14 - - 4,403 6,241 10,644 760 Waterfront Trail 5 7 - - - 7,850 7,850 1,121 (Burlington Bay Canal Lift Bridge - Hamilton side) Waterfront Trail 5 7 - - - 8,696 8,696 1,242 (Confederation Park, Gray’s Road Access) Chippewa-Escarpment Rail Trail 6 28 397 278 938 886 2,499 89 (Arbour Street Bridge) Red Hill Trail (near Mud Street) 6 28 2,110 1,568 2,910 2,456 9,044 323 Mountain Brow Park West (Jolly Cut) 7 7 - - 1,604 - 1,604 229 LINC Overpass (@Limeridge) 8 14 - - 3,536 3,559 7,095 507 LINC Underpass (@Magnolia) 8 14 - - 2,644 2,139 4,783 342 East Hamilton Trail Loop 9 7 - - - 469 469 67 (Old Mud Street underpass) East Hamilton Trail Loop (Winterberry) 9 7 - - - 698 698 100 Defasco Trail (near First Rd.
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