DENVER LANDMARK PRESERVATION COMMISSION INDIVIDUAL STRUCTURE LANDMARK DESIGNATION APPLICATION This form is for use in nominating individual structures and districts in the City and County of Denver. If any item does not apply to the property being documented, enter "N/A" for "not applicable." Questions about the application or designation process can be directed to Denver Landmark Preservation staff at
[email protected] or (303) 865-2709. Property Address: 123 E. Speer Boulevard, Denver, CO 80203 The following are required for the application to be considered complete: ☒ Property Information ☒ Applicant Information and Signatures ☒ Criteria for Significance ☒ Statement of Significance ☒ Period of Significance ☒ Property Description ☒ Statement of Integrity ☒ Historic Context ☒ Bibliography ☒ Photographs ☒ Boundary Map ☒ Application Fee 1. Property Information Name of Property Historic Name: KLZ Communications Center Other or Current Name: KMGH Channel 7 Building Location Address: 123 E. Speer Boulevard, Denver, CO 80203 Legal Description: Arlington Heights Addition, Block 24, Lots 1-15 inclusive north of the Speer Boulevard right-of-way Number of resources: # Contributing # Non-Contributing 1___________ 0_______________ Primary Structures 0___________ 0_______________ Accessory Structures 1___________ 0______________ Features Contributing and Noncontributing Features or Resources Describe below how contributing and non-contributing features were determined. Resources and features assessed as contributing are those built within the period of significance (1969-73) which retain historic integrity and support the property’s architectural and historical significance. The legal parcel boundary described above includes one contributing building, the 1969 KLZ Communications Center, comprising a five-story octagonal office tower, five-story stair tower, and two-story studio and garage and contributing historic landscape features.